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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1935)
BUILD Your Own COMMUNITY By Patronizing Your Naboirhood Stores imperial cafe 106 So. 14 th St. Closed or* Sundays Home Cooked Meals—Reason able Prices Open frc.m 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. CHOP SUEY American and Chinese Dishes King Yuen Cafe 2010'/2 N. 24th St. Jackson 8576 Opei from 2 p. m. until 3 a. m. For Dependable Service White Eagle Oil Station 24th & Willis E. Carter. Mgr. Courtesy Our Motto. JOHNSON DRUG CO. We Fill Relief Prescriptions WE. 0998 .. 1904 N- 24th St. BEER ON TAP AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 N. 2.4th, Street. RED HOTS AND SHORT ORDERS TRY OUR DOUBLE DECK CLUB SANDWICH Call OMAHA POULTRY MARKET 1114 N. 24th St., We 1100 FRESH EGGS, FRESH DRESSED POULTRY While You Wait. Do You Want Naturally Wavy Hair? Try Our CROQUINGNOLE MARCEL WAVE Affords Numerous Changes of Coiffure. CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE BEAUTY SALON 2422 N. 22—WE. 0846 RAPE’S BUFFET Carl Rabes, Prop. Refreshments and Lunch 2425 N. 24th Street, 24th and Lake Phone JA. 9195 Omaha Bffli * I k« JBI k 1111. nB * A JB k. L*. i 11 -s OMAHA AUTO PARTS CORP. Omaha, Nebraska 2206 Cuming St. JA. 0019 S. J. Sindelar A. R. Thacker, Pres. Treas. VONER and HOUSTON GROCERY 2114 N. 24th St. JA-3543. Every Day is Bargain Day Here Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery — —. — „ HARRIS & SON Grocery Now Located at 1410 N. 24 Street We wish to thank our patrons for their patronage and hope to continue to serve you. Phone—JA. 4118 NORTH SIDE TRANSFER Long Distance Hauling Moving and Storage Phone WE 5656 2414 Grant St. c. H. HALL EXPRESS PHONE JA 8585 RES WE-1056 WE MOVE WITH CARE Office: 1405 N 24th St. Omaha, WHITES SERVICE STATION Standard Oil Products We repair tires WHITE & NEWTON 24th and Grace St. JA. 8954 All Work Guaranteed IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies’ and Childrens’ Work A Specialty. 2422 Lake Street. JESSIE’S ORIENTAL TAVERN. The Place Where Good Fellows Meet—Hear MISS BERNICE BIVENS AND HER POPULAR SONGS 2525 Hrskine St. WE-5758 Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirted Northside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating Better Understanding Between Merchantsand Consumers an dfor the Purpose of Bringing Dircetly to You the Latest Price Quotations TOGA OFF: 7 LBS, OF B6LY FAT HEEDED DOCTOR’S ADVICfc Mrs. Robert Hickey, Roseville, Calif., writes: ‘‘My doctor prescribed Krmchen Salts for me—he said they wouldn’t hurt me in the least. I’ve lost 17 lbs. in 6 weeks. Kruschen is worth its weight in gold.” Mrs. Hickey paid no attention to gossipers who sa.d there was no safe way to r- duce. She widely fol ded her doctor’s a< vice. Why don’t 'OUT ^et a jar of Kruschen to-day (lasts weeks and costs but a trifle). ■ mply take half teaspoonful in cup f hot water every morning. All '’■'VST exists. MILTON WILSON Now at Firestone Service Stores 20th and Harney invites you to come in and ask about the SIMPLE _ BUDGET PAYMENT PLANS. Aires j buy wow; ooH'r wait § FOB PAYDAY : AS LOW AS * mm •j#l WEEK iia. 2111 2Uth & Harney HERMAN'S MARKET 24th Lake Sts. WE 5444 The Best Quality Food at the Very Lowest Prices WE DELIVER Former Secretary Accepts New Position Mr- J. Harvey Kerns, former secretary of the Mid-Center Com munity Urban League ,who has oeen temporarily employed at the Urban League Headquarter in New York City, has accepted a position as regional adult director j of education for four states at a: salary of $350 per month and ex- j penses. Headquarters at Livings ton College at Salisbury, N. C. He will have full charge of direct ing all teachers in the following 1 states, in adult education: North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virgin ia and South Carolina. Mr. Kerns is a graduate of Liv ingston College. He is holding a government position made pos sible by the Roosevelt Adminis tration determination to see that every citizen has a chance to re- j ceive an education, let he l*e old | or young, and to give the Negro teachers a job that old man de- i pression has cut off in these four i states. Omahans wish, him success in his | new undertaking. Mothers—Let your boys be G'ude newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. A Baby For You? If you are denied the blessing of a baby all your own and yearn fo r a baby’s arms and a baby’s smile do not give up hope. Just write in con fidence to Mrs. Mildred Owens, Dept. K, 512 Honan Bldg., Kansas City, Mo„ and she will tell you about a simple home method that helped her after being denied 15 yrs. Many others say this has helped bless their Lves. Write now and try for this wonderful happiness. CHAMPION CIGAR STORE DIRECT WIRE ON ALL SPORT EVENTS JA. 4777 Ladies Welcome 2047 No. 24 THULL’S ANNEX 24th and Sewaxd FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE—Free Special Delivery Service BUD McMANlGAL, Prop. JAckson 8054 AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO. | Twentieth & Cumings St. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS PHONE ATlantic 4927 All Work Guaranteed “We hare served your friends”—Ask tJiem TICHMAN !ROS ■ The North-Side’s Largest “Food Market.” , Lowest Prices on Quality Foods vy\ WE-0402 24th and LAKE CRISP FRESH VEGETABLES DAILY WE NOW FILL GOVERNMENT RELIEF ORDERS LET US HELP YOU SELECT FOODS FOR YOUR PICNICS, LUNCHES, AND DINNERS Get Your Relief Orders Filled at a Store That Carries the Largest Line of Fruits and Babv Beef at Popular *■ , Prices. --— Grant Street Pharmacy PHONE WEbster 6100 Registered Pharmacist Prompt Delivery PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED MIDAS ICE CREAM Flavor—Quality Always P. J. Robinson, Mgr. 24th and Grant Streets Omaha, Nebr. ^—----/ Douglas Memorial Home May Benefit | By Bill in Congress National Teachers Association and National Association Col ored Women, Ask That Ana costia Site Be Included in Places Benefitted by Bill S. 2073. Washington, D. C., Aug. 28.— Mr. Grant Lucas, president of the Columbian Educational Associa tion of this city, and princpial of Wormley School, returned Monday from Tallahassee, Fla., where he submitted to the Reso lutions Commitee of the Annual Convention of the National As sociation of Teachers in Colored Schools, a resolution requesting that the Frederick Douglass Memorial in Washington be in cluded among the 400 or more places to benefit by a bill now pending before Congress- The bill is for “The Preservation of Historic American Sights, Build ings, Objects and Antiquities of National Significance.” The bill already has passed the United States Senate. (S. 2073.) The Douglass home for years has been supported and main tained by the National Associa tion of Colored Women’s Clubs as a historical and patriotic shrine. This organization adopt ed a similar petition at its annual convention held l^t month in Cleveland, Ohio. j • Why A Newspaper Is Like A She Because they are thinner than they use to be. Because they have forms. Because they spread the news. Because they are bold-face type. Because they have a great deal of influence. Because they always have the last word. Because they are not afraid to speak ; their minds. Because back numbers are not in demand. Straighten Your Hair At Home Our newest product turns the most stubborn kinky hair into soft lustrous straight hair. Applied at home in a few seconds. Costs but a few cents. Write for free offers CHEMCO PRO DUCTS, 115 Harborview Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. Poisoned Kidneys Stop Getting Up Nights To harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys and correct Irri tation of bladder so that you can stop “getting up nights” get a 35 cent package of Gold Medal Haarlem 1 Oil Capsules and take as directed Other symptoms of kidney and blad der weaknesses are scant, burning or cramps—puffy eyes. TIRED, WORN OUT, NO AMBITION HOW many women are just dragging them selves around, all tired out with peri odic weakness and pain? They should Know that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tab lets relieve peri odic pains and dis comfort. Small size only 2 5 cents. «Mrs. Dor sic Williams of Danville, Illinois, says, “I had no ambition and was terribly nervous. Your Tab lets helped my periods and built me up." Try them next month. Compliments of MONTGOMERY CROCERY We carry a full line of groceries and Fresh Vegetables. Give us a Trial. 2531 Lake St. We. 0226 LOOK! WITH EACH GIL CHANGE WE GIVE A COMPLETE GREASE JOB No Extra Charge 24 HOUR TOW IN AND REPAIR SERVICE Walker Garage No. 5 I 24 and Lake Sts. Tel J&-708P SPORT NEWS By Gecrg-e E. Horsley, Ex-Pug* It was a home-run last Tuesday for the Colored prize fighters of North Twenty-fourth Street, at the Omaha Arena at 22nd and Hickory. Smiling Spight, wop by the K. O. route. Ow ing to the fact that it was his first knock-out, he was as happy as a hun gry dog in a meat market. Folks said if Spight keeps that smile and con tinues to throw punches like he did Tuesday night, it won’t take long for him to get to the top, where Joe Louis is going, George Kennard the North 24th Bull Dog, wron a decision over Jimmie Alger of Grand Rapids. It did not take the Bull Dog long to knock the play out of the Playboy. It has been said that a fighter doesn’t get far when he leads his right, but George led with his right, and went to a clean cut de cision. The main event brings Hank Kava naugh, of Los Angeles, and Tiger Payne, of Omaha, the man who de nies that Joe Louis had him in a bad way and says that he, Mr. Jack Payne, can get in gvJod condition and take on all of the present heavy weights of today. But from the way he fought in the fourth round last ! Tuesday night, all he would have to do is to have two or three High brown’s to come around and talk to him, then he could show you some fighting that you have never s*5en before. For an example, last Tues day evening, Mr. Hank Kavanaugh, r. tall rangie fighter continued to ! stab a long left hand to the Tiger’s face, but ft did not seem to rile up ) the one time 'Jungle Tiger. And for three rounds the Tiger could not break through the up and coming coming young fighter’s long left. On some occasions the Tiger would get through the Left jab, but that 1 straight right of Mr. Kavanaugh which he kept cocked at all times, I would fire through like a shot from p. gun and hold the Tiger at a safe distance then at the end of the third round, three of Omaha’s gorgeous beauty’s came to the Tiger’s corner and was telling him what to do and to show you the Tiger took heed to what the gorgeous ones were telling him, the second in the Tiger’s cor ner, the famous Left-hook Artist, none other than Cyclone St. Clair had to throw one of those hooks to get the Tiger’s attention. Then that . Hair raising fourth round came and ' the Tiger went to throwng punches 1 from the Jungle, and to tell the truth those Jungle punches were taking ef fect. After they came out of a clinch Mr. Kavanaugh’s eye was cut and the Tiger went right on to win by de cision if you love real fighting watch the Omaha Arena Fight Program each week, they have an amateur program, j each week, that is unequaled to any ' fight that they have in Omaha. They introduced Jack Davis, from Wiscon sin, Bear Cat Wright, Omaha, Tony Fuancie, of Texas to challenge the jvinner. A large crowd attended. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. Can You Imagine? Noble Johnson playing a she role? .An Arkansas Sheriff killing one of his Deputy Marshal’s for beat ing a Negro.Page Ripley that one is too strong for me . . ^ . A fun ny joke I heard in Marianna, Florida, right after the Claude Neal lynching was.“You people say that the colored people don’t pull together, but dam if they didn’t pull together and “pull” out of town”.Willie Bryant having mangerial trouble A guy getting pinched one thousand times ..... yes I said ten hundred times.That’s the mjisfortune of a fellow' in Georgia.It’s a good thing they don't pay dividends because if they did this “bird” would be chair man of the stockholders ..... Italian Soldiers living in Ethiopia w'here the temperature is one hundred and twenty degrees sweltering. Yes, Can You Imagine? Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m., call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. AMATEURS HERE ’S YOUR CHANCE (Continled from Page 1) choir directors, and business organi zations to enroll as many persons as possible in this talent quest, “Major Bowes has given hundreds of young folks a chance at fame and fortune. It’s up to all of us to see that all of our folks are at least given a chance to spin the wheel of fortune.” In addition to the Major Bowes’ award, Omaha Post will pay cash prizes totalling over $400. Any amateur over 12 years of age may enter. Entry blanks for Omaha and Douglas County are available at the office of the Omaha Guide or from any Omaha rad'o station, the American Legion office, City Hall, Omaha. Preliminary auditions will be held in the air-cooled Hotel Paxton Ball room nightly starting September 5. N'ghtly winners will compete for the grand prize and cash awards at the Omaha City Auditorium, September 15, Saturday night. A gala* dance will be conducted in connection with the finals, with a nationally known orchestra furnishing the mjusic. Duos, tr'os, quartets, bands or oth er groups may compete, but only for the cash awards. Judges in the preliminary contests 1 will be expert talent selected from Omaha radio stations, Director of the contest will be Bill Wiseman, Omaha radio editor. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. For Quick Results in getting the things you want. Regain Love, bring happiness to br-oken homes. Remove evil from your surroundings, have Money, Jobs, Success and Happiness, Guaranteed to help you or your mon ey back. Thousands are amazed over quick results . Send now only $1.00 for the great book of Power. Daggett Plb. Co., Dept. 20, 3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111. r/ —— 1 T ■ ■ , u .... ... i. ,i ... ... .. — Minimum bundle 48c Edholm & Sherman LAUNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St We 6055 " ■■ . - - .-------- --- “Keep- Cool” Wash Suits Properly Laundered SEER-SUCKER . 50c LINEN AND PALM BEACH.75c 10% Discount Cash and Carry EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 North 24th Street WEbster 1029 Lincoln Man, 15 Years On Burlington, Dies OBITUARY By “Book” Lawton Lewis Wilson Holmes, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Har rison Holmes of Clay Center, Kansas, was born October 11, 18 81, near Sedalia, Pettis County, Mo. He, with his family, came to Clay Center, Kansas, March 13, 1884, and there grew to man-hood He departed this life, and dear ones, Thursday, August 22, 1935, at his home, 2300 Orchard Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, at the age of 54 years, nine months and eleven days. He leaves to remember him, for his living here in this life—and for his going there in death, a wife, Mrs. Mary Holmes, of the home address, Lincoln, Nebraska; one daughter, Mrs. Frankly n Brown, Washington, D. C.; one sister ,Mrs. Anna Lawton, four brothers, Mathew, George, Lester, and Harry Holmes, all of Clay Center; and a host of near rela tives and dear friends who sin cerely regret his passing. Lew, as he was familiarly call ed by the hundreds of his friends, passed from this life as he had of ten expressed a desire to go— quickly and bravely—in the out of-doors of nature; amid the green of summer, the blooming of flow ers—the solitude of his own i thoughts. Lew Holmes, like a desert-no ! niad, was a wanderer. His desert was the great plains of America —his caravan, “ the iron wheel ed” horses of the railroad which I he rode for fifteen years over nearly the whole artery of the Burlington System. We who regret his going, search our hearts and our minds for something appropriate to say: And though we may shed a tear, yet we ask: “What fancy have we? What strange vanity to hope that his spirit tarrieth here—For God changest his countenance, and sendest him away. We come to honor him, and we knoweth it not; and we are brought love, but he perceiveth it not- The living know that they shall die, but the dead knoweth not anything, nei ther have they a part forever in anything that is done under the Sun.” Death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory? We approach thee in the shadows of gloom—in tense solitude of thy victories. But, he heard thy voice as rippling waters coming to en gulf his soul ,and with his spirit of stern resolve closed his eyes. Mrs. Squires I Joins Husband -' ! Mrs. Squires, executive secre tary of the Urban League, return ed to Omaha Friday, August 23, from {Cleveland ,Ohiof with, his wife and two children. At present the family is making their home with Mrs. Dorsey, 3717 Darker. | FREE COURSE IN HAIR CULTURE Including Diploma, by Mail. Write CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 5315 Chicago, HI. send »• ro*I Regular 50c Golden Hr own Algerian Maju I,lick Hag, also samples Hall Dressing. Ointment Face Powder and Beauty Book all FKEE' Just send 10c coin or stamps to cover shipping costs. No obligation. At tractive Agents offer la also included Write N P Golden Brown ( hem. Co. Memphis Tenn Dept- NP-60