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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1935)
EDITORIALS The Omaha Guide Published every Saturday at 2418-20 Grant St., Omaha, Neb. Phone WEbster 1750 Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927 at the Post Office at Omaha, Neb., under the Act ! of Congress of March 3, 1879. Terms of Subscription $2.00 per year Race prejudice must go- The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Mar. must pre vail. These are the only principles which will stand the acid test of good citizenship m time of peace, war and death. Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, AUGUST 31, 1935 THE ONE SOLUTION By E. Hofer A ecording to an article in The Index, federal ex ^ ■- penditures during the past four fiscal years have totaled $25.000,000,000—a sum which repre sents more than 80 percent of the wartime expendi tures of 1918 and 1919. and which is about equal to the total of all federal expenditures from 1789 to 1914. Tine inevitable result of that spending has been increasing federal deficits, followed by an astound ing expansion of the federal debt. The deficits started in 1931, with a littie les.-> than one billion dollars, and rose steadily until 1935, when that year’s deficit fiscal year ended June 30) reached $3,500,000,000. And the gross federal debt, since 1930, has increased $12,000,000.000—more than 75 percent . As the Index says, a basic question raised by this program “is the extent to which present spending can be continued without threatening the financial stability of the government,” There is no relief in sight—the 1936 deficit will be as great or greater than any of its predecessors. More spending on a vast scale Is contemplated. And for every dollar the Treasury is taking in, in spite of abnormally high taxes, two are going out Some friends of emergency spending say that the whole problem can be simply and easily solved by inflation—in other words, by turning the printing presses loose to issue currency without backing. The w'htfle history of government finance points to the tragedy of that. Inflation cannot be controlled— once it takes the wheel, it runs away with the driver and collapse of the nation s credit follows. The only sound solution is to change our policy before it is too late—to trim our financial sail to meet the wind. Only by balancing outgo with income can the government maintain its solvency and in tegrity. $2.75 A MONTH FOE POWER A dvocates of destructive legislation toward the * *■ electric industry usually attempt to justify their position on the ground that electric rates are exorbitantly high, that they represent a real burden to the consumer, that the most severe and punitive measures are necessary if the public is to be protect ed. The fallacy of that is shown by the statisics; Last year, gross electric light and power operat ing revenue totaled $1,847,000,000. $1,169,000,000 of that was paid by industrial pow er users. The remainder. $678,000,000, was paid by 20,500, 000 household users, and their monthly bill, on the average, was $2.75—less than ten cents a day. It is safe to say that the average user spent much more for tobacco than he did for power, much more for amusement, for magazines, and beverages and sweets. And he spent infinitely more for taxes. The disposition of the $1,847,000,000 received by the power industry is also of interest Wages took $317,000,000. Taxes took $240,000,000 — close to' half the industry’s total revenue from householders. Fuel, replacements, maintenance, etc., took $450, OOu.OOO. The balance of $670,000,000 was spent for debt service and dividends—and it amounted to a 5% percent annual return on the industry’s in vestment of $12,200,000,000. Few industries of comparable size earn a more modest profit than does power. No industry serves the public better or more efficiently. And it is an irrefutable fact that the cost of power is an infinit esimal item in both household and commercial budg ets. T^he farm cooperative movement continues to go forward, as recent statistics from Pennsylvania demonstrate. In that state, farmers who buy and sell through co-ops aid a total bus mess of almost $35,000,000 in 1934, as compared with $27,000,000 in 1933. Both volume and sales were substantially larger. Milk marketing associations handled five per cent more milk, and the value was 40 per cent high er. Egg marketing groups sold 50 percent more eggs and livestock associations increased their vol ume by 60 per cent. Finally, the total membership of Pennsylvania farmers in cooperative associations in 1934 amount xl to 67,953—an average of 16 per cent over tilt, *.rev year similar records have been made in other states, on greater or smaller scales. Each year shows ad vances in the size of cooperative groups—as well as improvement in the work done by the associations on behalf of their members. Cooperation is one thing that has actually flourished during depres sion. SHOULD WE WEAKEN THE CONSTITUTION? Suggestions to change the Constitution, in order to give the Federal Government powers the Su , preme C-ourt has decided it does not now possess, should be critically weighed by the American people. Whether we realize it or not. it is the Constitu tion which protects the ownership and the sanctity of the home. It is the Constitution which safe guards the independence and rights of the worker. It is the Constitution which maintains the sanctity of contract. And, finally, it is the Constitution which guarantees and supports the rights, the liber ties and the privileges for which the forefathers of the nation foujrht when they changed America from a foreign-dommated colony to a free nation, dedi cated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Those who would change the Constitution would do so on the supposition that it out of date—that it is no longer capable of meeting the problems, the conditions, the issues of the times. If that is true, human liberty is out of date. Individual free dom is out of date. Democratic government—which has as its jruiding principle that the people are the masters, not the servants of government—is out of date. Private initiative and individual ambition are out of date. Even** time we tamper with the Constitution we weaken it Under the existing Constitution, a deli cate balance of power is maintained betw'een the central government and the 48 state governments. The Federal Government is enabled to do that • which individual states could not efficiently do— while the states are left free to make laws, rulings, regulations and policies that are in aeeord with .the beliefs and needs of their people. If we broaden the powers of the Federal Govern ment we shall simply be giving bureaucracy a greater free and unchecked field for action—at the expense of t h e states, of industry, of ■workers, of every citizen. $25,000,000 A DAY FOR SECURITY T'he Life Insurance Sales Research Bureau reports that during the first six months of the year sales of ordinary life insurance in the United States equaled the relatively high mark set during the same period of 1934. During every working day the American people purchased more than $25,000,000 of new insurance protection, in addition to the enormous sums being invested in annuities. Social security obtained throusrh life insurance is of permanent, real worth—ft is obtained through tic efforts, the thrift, the foresight and often the sacrifices of individuals. They are working out their own economic salvation—they are not depend ing on government or any other outside source to provide it for them. Every working day $25,000,000 of protection is being contracted for the dependents of wage earn ers—and to safeguard the future of the wage earn- ] er himself. That is worth thinking about. BACKBONE OF TRANSPORT ¥n spite of all claims to the contrary, the railroads remain the backbone of the nation’s transpor tation system. Other carriers may supplement the rails, and per form a valuable service. But it is a limited service. I Trucks can handle but a fraction of the nation’s freight, and almost none of its heavy, transconti nental freight—wheat, machinery', ertc. Buses can provide inexpensive and excellent short-haul passenger service—but the vast bulk of travelers still go by rail when embarking on a 1 lengthy journey There are definite limits to the airplane—its high cost, its relatively sparse coverage of the nation, its.-inability to handle freight. The waterways are limited by gwgrapby and by seasons. In addition, they have proven to be con stant money losers, and can only be kept in opera tion by vast governmental subsidies. The railroads touch every portion of the country. They provide service to remote areas, tiny hamlets, little known farming and mining districts. They run on regular schedules. They provide maximum service at a minimum cost. The railroads did much to bring civilization to the wilderness in the be ginning of this nation’s expansion—they do much to keep civilized places from degenerating back to , wilderness now. In addition, the railroads ane one of our greatest taxpayers, employers, purchasers of supplies. They offer a gigantic market in normal times for lumber, steel, copper, coal. They are the bulwark of all in dustry.—and an. essential public servant . ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Happenings That Affect the Dinner Pails. Dividend Creeks and Tax B'lls of Every Individual. Na tional and ’international Problems Inseparable from Local Welfare. _oOo— Statistics indicate that both the current business situation and the business outlook are improving. Many important industries are doing better now than since 1930 —some are actually running ahead of their 1929 experience. A much asked question is: “To what extent are government policies responsible for the im provement A few think they should be given credit for stimu lating business. But most busi ness men seem to feel that we are making recovery in spite of. not because of. political activities. They think that if Congress took a swing to the right, the course of recovery would be immeasur ably accelerated. That is a mat ter of opinion—and. in the light of recent Presidential statements, there seems little chance that the Administration will go conserva tive. Here are some business briefs of inf crest: RETAIL TRADE : AY ell above last year, with chain systems hav ing a particularly favorable ex perience (Sales for J. C. Penney dry-goods chain recently broke all records for first-half-vcar sales.) National Retail Dry Goods Association forecasts that the fall season will bring a 10 to 15 per cent additional increase. CONSTRUCTION: Sub stan tially above last year. Resi dential awards in a recent month were 143 per cent over the same month in 1934. General Motors has. announced that it will spend $50,000,000 for new plant capac ity—this represents the largest sum any corporation has decided to spend for building in a long time. For the first seven months of this year, industrial contracts totaled $99,000,000—within a few millions of the total for the en tire year of 1934. FARM EQUIPMENT: Belief is that 1935 will be the best vear for this industry since 1930 Farmers are buying again be cause their existing equipment is inefficient or worn-out, and they want to replace it. Most farm equipment manufacturers have taben heavy operating losses in recent years—now they are again in the market. AGRICULTURE: It is fore last that total farm income for 1935 will be more than $1,000. 000,000 over 1934 — which ex ceeded 1932 by $1,000,000,000. Some crops will b% short—but better prices will make up for that. At Chicago, incoming hog shipments recently touched an all time low. while prices reached highest level since 1929. ELECTRICAL PCOVER : Dow Jones News Service, expert fact finding and forecasting organiza tion. says there is considerable in dication that power production in the third quarter will establish a new record for any comparable period in the industry’s history. However, this experience may not be duplicated in earnings—rate cuts in many localities have re sulted in the industry selling more, but netting less. The fear of new tax and punitive legisla tion discourages normal progress in the electric industry. AIRCRAFT: Big manufactur ers are doing better. The Army and Navy are both carrying on aggressive air-defense programs and manufacturers naturally benefit. STEEL: Operations are stable with price firm. Machine and machine-tool makers are es pecially heavy buyers of the basic metal LUMBER: Production h a s spurted. This is partly due to the temporary settlement of la bor troubles—and partly due to the fact that lumbermen are pro ducing heavily no win anticipa tion of additional Pacific Coast labor difficulties this fall. ELECTRICAL MAUFACTUR ERS: Seventy-eight makers of storage batteries, household pew er devices, industrial equipment, etc., reported 10.5 per cent more business in the second quarter of 1935 than in the first. Demand is still gaining in most parts of the country. While the foregoing are facts, they should not be taken to mean that all is clear sailing for in dustry. Much remains to be done, and constant fear of government al interference, at expense of re covery, is prevalent. The new tax bill, for example, seems des tined to be a seriously dampening influence on industry. On the other hand, adjournment of Con gress, which may be effected by the time this is read, will be a relief to business. V V/ V A few months ago it looked as if there MIGHT be an Italian Ethiopian war. Now it lo#ks as if there MUST be. Pressure and argument by the other great powers has not changed Musso lini's determination a whit—and Ethiopia answers that she will fight for her independence until her last man has met death on the battlefield Italy wants Ethiopia for one simple reason—n atural re sources. Today, Italy is depend ent on foreign supplies of raw cotton, oil, coal, iron, copper. Lack of these national essentials —which Ethiopia is supposed to possess—is harnpei ing Italy badly. It's the old case of a big nation going after a small one when the later has something it. can use. Reduce It Further During the past few years there has been a slow, but steady, decrease in the nations fire loss. The decrease is extending into 1935, according to figures issued j by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. During the first six months of this year, loss to taled $136,460,000, as compared with $158,064,000 during the same period in 1934. The trend is encouraging— about a decade ago the annual fire loss ran in excess of $500, 000,000 a year. However, it is still much too high. At least 80 per cent of fires are unnecessary —at least 80 per cent of them could be prevented by thought, care, perhaps the expenditure of a little money. Every citizen shoul dvoluntar ily enlist in he fire-fighting army in an effort to further reduce this useless waste. He should period ically inspect his property, and correct any hazards that exist from basement to attic. Piles of papers, improperly stored, in flammables, old or amateur elec tric wiring, defective furnaces, pipes and flues—these are among the great causes of fire in dwell ings- And a prolific outside source of fire that is especially dangerous during summer months, is dry, uncut grass. Any local fire marshal or fire department is glad to give a citi zen assistance in the matter of discovering and eliminating fire hazards. Insurance companies are equally cooperative. Ignorance of hazards, like ignorance of the law, is no excuse—the knowledge that will prevent fire can be eas ily obtained , In the long run, fire loss de termines the cost of insurance, and if we lower losses it will be reflected in our premium rate as soon as it is proved that the waste is going to stay down. Fire loss increases taxes and is a bur den to every member of the com munity. Fire prevention should be regarded as both a privilege and a duty—that saves lives and money and preserves irrepdace-' able resources. England Will Lose India If Italy Con quers Ethiopia Nigeria, West Africa. July 27 (ANP) England cannot afford tc permit the rape of Ethiopia unless she desires to lose her Indian em pire. writes Duse Mohamed Ali, editor, in the current issue of the Comet, weekly magazine publish ed here. Mr. Ali, an Egyptian historian. ENGINEER Titus Alexander, one of Los Angeles’ best known citizens and who occupies an unique position in the civic, official and business life of that city. Mr. Alexander, a native of Arkansas, educated at Oberlin and the University of Michigan, where he took en gineering. is associated in a re sponsible capacity with the busi ness division of the Los Angeles Bureau of Power and Light, the largest municipally owned and operand plain. n the United States. A life long Democrat and mem ber of the state Democratic com mittee, Mr. Alexander has served as president of the Los Angeles Democratic club of which he is the only colored member. He has received the annual Fellowship award for outstanding service to his city and group and wears a! gold badge, symbol of his election as an honorary captain of the Los Angeles fire department. (ANP) I spent many years in Europe and America. Critical of European di plomacy in respeet to Mussolini’s Ethiopian venture. Mr. Ali writes further1 “Sir John Simon’s (Sir John Simon was British foreign secre tary) lack of diplomatic courage in 1931 has greatly assisted in in ternational, immoralities. Should * I war start in Africa, Europe may say goodbye to the League, be cause the big European powers will no longer consider them selves bound by covenants w’hich no one respects,” " Churchmen Call Atten tion to Horrors of Mus solini’s Designs On Ethiopia New York City, Aug. 28.—In a ringing challenge that must be taken up by every thinking hum an being who is appalled by the horrors of the imminent war, I. Alieyne, chairman of the Action Committee of the Provisional Committee for the Defense of Ethiopia, yesterday called upon even* black man and woman, “who smarts from the blow*s of oppression the w*orld over.” to join the August 3rd march against war, scheduled to take place in the Harlem section of New York City. “ A victory for Musolini would wipe out centuries of progress and would lay the foundation for a system of slavery more brutal than any that existed hereto fore,” Mr. Alieyne declared. “Defeat of the war plans of the Italian govrnment, now* bent up on applying internationally the imperialist maxim of Nordic su periority, would be a gain for the Black people of the wror!d over It w'ould also add in furthering world peace and progress,” he continued. In calling upon members and friends of the Provional Commit tee, to march on August 3rd, Mr. Alleyne pointed out the necessity of acting “with all groups fight ing for the defense of Ethiopia in the present crisis against Musso lini’s plans for invasion.” “Make this a monster demon stration of the indignation of the people of Harlem against the rob ber war and their will to fight for rthe independence of Ethiopia.” Alleyne urged all members and friends of the Provisional Com mittee. Captain Alitori .former Italian army man who was cited several times for heroism under first and wounded in the last World War, haiLed the Provisoinal Commit tee’s statement as a milestone of working class unity of Negro and White. Recognizing that many of his former countrymen now face death and destruction in Africa due to the vicious war plans of II Ihiee, he cited the fact that re cently, when the class 1911 was sent to Naples, prior to their em barkation to Africa, they refused to leave the country. The eara biniori, Kings Guard attempt ed to force the soldiers to board the shop. A conflict took place resulting in three deaths to the forces of the king. Many others were wounded. The Italian people do not want war.’ Altiori asserted. “They hate war, and it is up to Italians throughout the entire world to reveal to mankind that li Luce does not speak for the Italian people. Rather he is the spokesman of a small band of in dustrialists and financiers who seek to plunge Italian youth to its death in Africa.” Calling upon every worker, student and profesional to come out on August 3rd. Altiori stress ed the achievement of unity as a result of the honest sincerity of the American League Against War and Fascism in building a strong united front Hold State-Wide Sunday School C. E. Leagrue Tampa, Fla., (AXP The An nual Institute of Sunday School and Allen Christian Endeavor Leagues elosed a five-day session here at St Paul A. M E. Church, Friday. Bishop J. S. Flipper is the presiding Bishop, L. M. Moore State Supt, of Sunday Schools, while C. S. Williams is State President of Leagues A regular class school was held each day at the Harlem School, where teach ers of credit were used. Rev. R. L, Pope is the pastor of St Paul. Senate Passes Bill For $35,000 For Safety of Masons and Elks Washington ,1). C. Aug. 28.— The Senate last Monday, passed the joint resolution authorizing an appropriation of $35,000 for the maintenance of publie order and the protection of life and property during the conventions of the Imperial Council Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and the Im proved Benevolent and Protec tive Order of Elks of the World. The resolution is now awaiting signature of President Roosevelt. The bill as originally intro duced by Senator William H. King -of Utah, chairman of the committee on the District of Columbia, made the “ppropria tiort available only during the pe riod cf the Elks convention. It was amended so as to make the fund available during the Shrin ers’ convention as well. The fund will be used to pro vide additional police facilities, including personnel, from August 16 to August 31. The resolutions provides also, $4,000 for facilities for comfort [Stations, including the employ ment of personal services in con nection with them. The $39,000 fund, when avail able, will be disbursed through the regular disbursing officers of the District of Columbia and can not be used for any purposes oth er than those stated in the resolu tion. Similar appropriations in the amount of $54,000. were made for the white Shriners who met here in June. Six drinks and a fellow pete be i iow “see level.” _ Statistics prove that Americans are drinking less whiskey than they did prior to 1917. True. They have less money to pay for it at double the price was prior to 1917.