The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 31, 1935, Page FOUR, Image 4

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... .. . i ■ ...-.....-... ..
Met at 1 o’clock at the —resi
dent of the president, Mrs. R.
Thomas, 3115 Burdette street,
after business a delicious lunch
eon was served. We were glad
to see Mrs. Crowder after her ab
scence for two weeks.
The club will give a picnic La
bor Diay at Elmwood park.
Mrs. R Thomas, President.
Mrs. E. Foster, Reporter.
Greeted Miss Vera Fitts from
the hospital with a welcome home
party at her residence, 2313
Madison. The club met at the
home of Mrs. Tony Shoals on
Thursday. A lovely lunch was
Mrs. C. A Hawkins, Reporter.
Met Thursday at the home of
Mrs. Sadie Shaw. The next meet
ing will be at the home of Miss
Christine Studaver. Mrs. Tersa
Anderson won first prize at
nridge and Mrs. Beaulah Watts,
Mrs. Florence Morris, President.
The K’s gave a party Thurs
day night in honor of Richard
Greer, who will leave for Iowa,
September 19 Mary Wiggins,
one of the popular sub-debs, was
making goo-goo eyes at one of the
Vernell Johnson, Reporter,.
Willie McBride, President.
Savoy Club
Savoy Club held its weekly
meeting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Stuart, August 23. The eve
ning was spent playing bridge
and whist. Mrs. Corine Lowerv of
Chicago was the guest of honor.
Mr. Norval Lee Evans was also
a guest
Russell Cook, President
Gertrude Johnson, Reporter
By Bud Towson
If reckless driver does not discon
tinue running into a certain business
man’s cabe, it will make an old man
of him soon. , -'4$W\
If a certain theatre, porter out
north would put a little more time on
his paid task, he would not know
what is going on out ride*
A popular hair dresser on 28th
Street, north of Lake seems not to be
able to pick the winners lately.
m .
, If a certain game that has 78
numbers in it does not open soon a
certain business man between 24th
and 25th, on Lake, will grow to be
as big as jumbo.
When a certain local baseball club
wins a ball game in, around, above or
below Omaha the drinks wQl be with
coming from Lefty.
A prominent barber and co -pro
prietor will find out eventually that
a pair of kings is not the best you
can make out of 53 cards.
There was for a while a gasoline
service station just south of Lake on
24th, that was operating on a paying
basis, until the manager thought that
he could increase the revenue by
kneeling down on his knees, but not
in Christian prayers.
A prominent musician that stam
mers quite a bit has an orchestra
that the community call “The Sack
House Band”. Make appointments
early, as there are plenty of groups
A well known private dining car
waiter that works with father, pays
garage bill at 27th Ave. and Grant,
but blocks traffic all night up around
Watch next-week’s issue as you
wil] have to call Noj 4 to put it out,
if you can get them awake.
Mrs. Prestide
Mr. and Mrs. Prestide, 1850 N. 25
Street, entertained their daughter,
Mrs. Gertrude Henderson and son,
from Chicago, with a dinner party.
The table was set for six. The guests
present were, Mr. and Mrs. J. L
Betts, Mrs. Gertrude Henderson and
son. and Mrs. Hattie Dole.
Hampton’s New Choir
Director is
Gerald B. Wilson
Hampton Institute, Va1? Aug. 17—
I Announcement has just been made
; from the office of resident Arthur
Howe that Mr. Gerald B. Wilson, in
structor in Piano in the College and
Trade school, will have charge of
the Hampton Institute Choir during
the coming school year, 1935-36.
The appointment to quote the an
nouncement, 's “for one year.”
Mr. Wilson is a graduate of the
Hampton Institute Academy, and a
former student in the college. He had
his preparation in music in the New
York Institute of Musical Art; and
has continued his studies in the Ju‘l
tiard Summer School.
He came into service at Hampton
Institute in September, 1929, con
tinuing until now. -A stlmulatng
teacher, his most outstanding con
tribution to the work at the school
has been the organization and de
velopment of tlhe j “Triade School
Singers”, a chorus of such merit that
it was but recently chosen to pre
sent a mixed program of the “Spir
ituals” and classics fromi some of
the old masters at the White House
for Mrs. Franklin D. | Roosevelt.
Their concerts have become a strong
feature of the musical offerings at
A New Discovery; Recommended By World Famous Doctors
and gave me the youthful vital
ity of a person of twenty years
says Lieut. Clifford of New
York. MATE is giving to
thousands of run-down, nerv
ous and weak elderly men and
women new energy and vital
ity and the thrill of youth and
love again.
ONE DOLLAR for one month’s supply.
Money returned if not satisfied
FREE!—Books on Sex Secrets worth $1.00 given absolutely free
with each order received wdthin ten days. Write at once for
your package of ANGELA MATE and Lieut. Clifford’s Story.
A ddrcss
408 Manhattan Ave., NEW YORK CITY
S-C-F. Ex. S.
_.*■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■saaaaaaaaaiaBB
Society Personals
Mrs. Bertha Gibbons was very
attentive to her little pal, All's.
Irene Johnson, during her illness
and death on August 17. Mrs.
Gibson arranged the funeral very
Mrs. Georgia Peoples was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs- Charlie
Trimble and their son, Junior,
Tuesday night when Clair Chapel
gave their weiner roast. She re
ported: to Mrs. Trimble that she
really enjoyed herself.
A bridge party was given on
Saturday ,August 18, at the resi
dence of Miss Westbrook for the
Paramount Eight Club. Mrs.
Beatrice Ellington looked very
charming in flowered crepe. Mrs.
Lena Wilson in white and Mrs.
Alma Session in black organza,
! these three composed the receiv
ing line. There were 20 guests
present. The decorations were
carried out in the club colors, tea
rose and green. Supper was
served the Russian style. First
prize at bridge was awarded to
Miss Session, second to Miss Met
ra Williams.
i _
Mrs- Lee Walker and her
daughter, Ada Lee, 1627 No. 22
street ,left Saturday, August
24th, for a three-week visit with
'Mrs. Walker’s mother in St,
Louis .They will also visit other
parts of the south. Miss Ada Lee
I Walker is a recent graduate of
Technical High school ,and a very
popular young debutante.
; _
Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell,
2508 Parker, returned Friday,
August 22, from a motor trip to
Des Moines, Iowa, visiting rela
tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs 1
Mitchell and daughter, Mrs. Lu
cille Thompson, will leave for
Chicago, September 1, to v;sit
relatives and friends. From there
they will go to New York to at
tend the National Baptist Con
vention. Mrs. Mitchell and her
daughter are active members of
the Zion Baptist church. Mr.
Mitchell is a deacon of the Pleas
ant Green Baptist church. Mrs.
Mitchell and daughter on their
return home will make prepara
tions for attending the World’s
Fair in October, at San Diego,
Stolen Truck Leads
To Serious Charges
Wilson, N. C., Aug. 28, (ANP) j
—Theft of an ERA truck and a
subsequent accident led to the ar
rest of Campbell Wilson on.
charges of man-slaughter, steal
ing an automobile and reckless
The man-slaughter charge was
lodged against him when he was
identified as the driver of the
truck that struck and fatally in- j
jured a white woman on the1
highway two hours before his ar-^
rest. Wilson, when taken into
custody, admitted that he stole
the truck for a joy ride and that
he had run down a white woman,
but declared that he did not know
the woman had been killed, when
he left the scene of the accident.
Negro Medical
Officer Receives C. C.
C. Appointment
(Washington, D. C., Aug. 28,
(ANP)—A n n. o u n c O ment was
made here Thursday of the ap
pointment of Dr. Maurice E.
Johnson, First Lieutenant, of the
F. S. Reserve Officers Corps, who
was called to active duty with the
Civilian Conservation Corps, has
been asigned to CCC Co., No.
1334, at Camp NF No. 11, at
Goshen, Virginia* [
Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper,
of Council Bluffs, accompanied
by Mrs. Jeanette Farmers, and
Miss Edisten Seals, departed,
August 19, for a motor trip to
New York City. Enroute they
stopped over in Chicago for a
short visit with Reverend A.
Wayman Ward, a cousin. From
there they proceeded to Detroit.
'At this writing they are in Can
ada. From reports received they
are enjoying themselves im
Miss Ada Catching, of Cincin
nati, Ohio, is in the city visiting
iier sister, Mrs Kitty Mosely.
She will leave Thursday. Ern
route she will stop in Denver to
visit Delia Fields, another sister.
Mrs. Fields will accompany her
Dack as far as Omaha.
Mrs. N. A. Perkins is glad to
| announce that she is up and well
again. She wishes to thank the
many friends and neighbors for
their kindness shown during her
recent illness. She was under the
care of Dr. D W. Gooden.
Mrs. Ella Hatcher and daugh
ter, Erma Lee, of Parson, Kan
sas, who was m the city visiting
her sister, Mrs. Lillian Ransom,
2015 No. 24th street, returned
home after spending a pleasant
vacation in our fair city- She
was the honored guest at several'
luncheons given by friends of
Mrs. Ransom. She leaves with
best wishes and pleasant memor
ies of her many friends made
while here.
Mrs. Marie Wilfong. of Chi
cago, was cal’ed to the city be
cause of the illness of her father,
Mr. Paul Dorteh, 1142 No 20. Mr.
Dortch, who has been suffering
fo rthe past month, is somewhat
better. Mrs. Wilfong returned
home August 24th.
Mrs. G. Partridge and Mrs. R
Long, motored to Kansas City in
the company of Mrs. WillH -s
M iss Ilill and Miss Allison, at
tended the annual meeting of the
Seven Day Adventist church,
held at the Western university.
The meeting was largely attended
nv delegates from the western
district Mrs. G. Partridge re
turned home ni u c h inspired and
e]ated over the progress noted.
Other delegates expressed the
same admiration.
Mrs. L. D. Kemp and a daugh
ter,' Jessie May, of Tuscolosa,
Alabama, the sister of Mrs. G.
Partridge, and friends, Mrs. M. I
A. Carpenter and daughter.
Eunice, of Tuscalosa, Alabama,
and Mrs- Brown’s mother, of!
Columbus, Mississippi, are the
house guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.
Partridge, 2816 Miami.
Mrs. Streeter Williams, ofj
Lincoln, Nebraska, died at the
residence of her niece, Sunday,
August 25. The funeral will be 1
in Lincoln, Wednesday, August
Mr. Tom Day, who formerly
roomed with Mrs. Candy Ervin, j
940 No. 27th street, was taken to
a local hospital, Saturday, Au
gust 17- He has been suffering
with heart trouble for some time, j
Mrs. Minnie Burns entertained
her two nieces with a birthday
dinner in honor of the youngest
of the Misse§ Jones ,Miss Bonnie ;
Mae, at her home, 2920 Grant.
Pictures were taken by their aunt
at the end of a lovely afternoon. I
Mrs. Mary Henderson, 1802
No. 22 street .arrived Wednesday,
August 21, from a 60-day vaca
tion at Lake Okaboji, in Iowa. '
Mrs. Henderson reports having
spent a very pleasant stay, fish
ing ,boat riding and enjoying the r
enjoyments of Arnold park.
Mrs. Belle Guyton, 2518 Blon
do, left Sunday morning, Augus
25th, to spend se.veral days ii
Chicago with her two sisters, Mrs
Bertha Smith and Mrs Westoi
Lloyd. Mrs. Guyton will g<
from Chicago to Gary, Indiana
to visit friends before returning
Mrs. Nannie Wright, who h a:
been the house guest of he:
daughter, the past six weeks, lef
for Detroit, Michigan, to visi
another daughter ,before return
ing to her home in Alabama. Mrs
Wright reported she enjoyed «
lovely visit in our city and hope;
to visit again real soon .
Mr. Paul Saunders and Mr
Clemmist Williams, formerly oJ
Omaha, now of Chicago, haw
taken an apartment together.
From letters received, Clemm
ist is working at the Palmei
House and in his less busy mom
ents he is weaving in and aboul
the high spots of Chicago- Just
two little boys from the country
trying to make good in the big
Mrs. Sadie Fulwood wishes to
thank her many friends and ac
quaintances who assisted her in
making her mother's visit a real
Miss Vonceil Anderson^ daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ander
son, 2914 Lake, is planning to
enter Bishop College this fall.
Miss Thelma Juliette Lee,
prominent young socialite, is
home on her vacation. Miss Lee
is a student at the General Hos
pital, No. 2, in Kansas City- She
will return to her studies around
the 2nd of September.
Mrs. Ruth Williams enter
tained' with a lovely luncheon in
her cozy home, August 19, in hon
or of Mrs. Nannie Wright. All
reported having spent a delight
ful time.
Miss Dorothea Jane Bell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
B'ell, left with her father, on an
extended motor trip trough the
east. They will visit in New
York, St. Paul, Washington,
D. C and Pennsylvania. Mr. Bell
is the proprietor of the Midway
Mrs. Catherine Woods, who
has been ill in the hospital, has
been removed to her home, 1911
No. 28 street and is convalescing.
She wishes to thank her club
members and friends for their
hospitality and flowers.
Mr. Edward King of Kansas
City, Kansas, was the guest of
Miss Helen Smith, of 1806 No. 22
street. Mr- King returned to
Kansas City on August 26 and is
expecting to visit Omaha again
during the Christmas season.
Miss Trilleta Stone ,of 2815
Burdette ,is vacationing in Kan
sas City, Missouri. From letters
received she is enjoying herself
Mrs. Ethel Harris, a mission
ary of the Church of the Living
God ,is vacationing in the east.
She spent several days in Salt
Lake, and is now on her way to
San Francisco, California. Her
stay there will be indefinite.
Mrs. C. A. Webb gave a dinner
Sunday evening, honoring Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Anderson, Mrs.
Beulah Smith and Mr- Wilbur
^Johnson, who were visiting over
the week-end.
Attorney W .B. Bryant had a
very pleasant trip and visit in
Rock Island ,Illinois and Daven
port, Iowa looking after some
very important business. He re
turned after an eight-day stay to
his office, 1602 1-2 No. 24.
Wedding Bells Will Ring Soon
Mrs. Martha Smith, who entertained a few of her immediate
friends, introduced her guest from Cleveland ,Ohio, who was in the
city for a short, stay.
Expects To Be "W *ided Scon
Mrs. Martha Smith, 2211 Ohio street, who has been* employed at
the Burlington station for a number of years, gave a little surprise
party Monday afternoon to her immediate friends, having as her
guest, many of the employees of the Burlington Station, to meet her
expected husband, from Cleveland, Ohio. It is expected that wedding
bells will ring sometime soon.
Surprise Birth
day Party
Mrs. Bruce Napier, 1624 N. 20th
Street, entertained her sister, Mrs
! Marfe Engham, 2832 Franklin, with a
I surprise birthdav party at Elmwood
i Park. Mrs. Engham was taken com
pletely by surprise; Mr. Napier went
for Mrs. Engham for the supposed
purpose of taking her out to Elm
wood to get some water. On their ar
rival, Mrs. Engham saw her two
children and her family and one
guest, Mr. Will Arnold around an
elaborately set table, with a huge
birthday cake in the center. The
table was the envy of all the passers
by, loaded with all kinds of dainties
imaginable. After the dinner, Mrs.
Engham was presented with many
elaborate gifts, given to her by her
family and friends. Among them was
a wrist watch.
Six drinks and a fellow gets be
low “see level.”
FOR RENT—2 room kitchenette.
Reasonable Price. Call We. 2365.
___ (7-5-2)
FOR RENT—2 room furnished apart
ment with use of kitchen. We. 4162.
Furnished Rooms for rent. We. 2303.
Furnished Apartments, Reasonable.
WEbster 2243.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Reas
onable rent Quiet home. Near ca*.
WE. 2134.
For Rent furnished! rooms second
floor, south exposure in a quiet
neighborhood near car line. Work
ing woman preferred. HA. 1662.
Modern furnished rooms for rent
2511 Corby, WE, 0360.
FOR RENT—Three room, furnished
apartment with private bath. In
good neighborhood. Call HA 0773.
All modern 6 room house at 1610 N.
27th St. Must be sold at once.
WE. 6270.
' . . ... ..... j
FOR RENT—Front apartment and
Garage, nice home, 2226 Ohio.
f—--- --
Furnished rooms for rent.* We. 2582. j
Modem rooms, veery neat. 2520
Patrick Avenue.
Large airy front room neatly furn.
conveniently located. No cooking.
2230 Willis Ave., Tel. At. 1995. j
W. L. Parsley, Propr.
Phone Web. 0567 2851 Grant
Omaha. Nebr.
APARTMENT for rent. Couple or 2
or three men. 2230 Ohio St.
Mr. Eugene Skinner, outstand
ing athlete, returned to school at
'Iowa IT, Monday morning, Au
gust 26th.
24th and Blondo
Pies Made With Fresh Fruit
Chef Cook, Mrs. Raybons
A good Shanmoo keeps the hair
straight and the scalp in good
We Shampoo and Press
Your Hair for .75e
Hair Grower 25c and 50c
1717 No. 25th St. Webster 2243
lor Rent—Furnished
rooms. 2420 North 24th
Street._ tf
^ ILL TRADE 1930 Sedan for Prop,
erty or down payment on property.
2007 Clark St.
Furnished room for rent, HA. 6009
Furnished rooms reasonable for re
liable people. 1810 No. 25th 3t.
For Rent—2523*4 N, 24th, 3 room
apartment, $12.50. Key at 2517 N.
24th, St. WE. 1600.
For Rent, furnished room, WE. 3454U
LOST! Collar From Lady’s Spring
Coat. Tan, Fur Trimmed. Finder
Please Call JA 7867 Reward
Furnished rooms for rent, 2865 Ohio
Street WE. 6421.
One 3 room apt. for rent. WE. 4044
or 1417 N. 24th Street.
ICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St.
Frank Stuto, Shoe Repairing whale
>ou wa;t, 2420*2 Cuming Street.
A. E. and J. E. Bennett, 2215 Cum
mings St- Phone Ja. 0696.
Reservations for tourists, guests.
Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St.
Cuming Hotel.
AGENTS—Sell Emperor Haile Se
lassie Picture, (Sample 25c). Negro
Dolls, Flappers, African League, 254
W. 135th St, New York.