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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1935)
Newest O Notes On. . Science j Bath tub and washstand have been combined in a new space saving de vice for small rooms. t —————— There are nyore than 50,500 licens! ed radio receiving sets in use in the Irish Free State Accurate (tests Have shown that the average automobile wheel is off balance five and a half ounces. In the handle of an English in ventor’s fountain pen is a receptacle that holds a reel of postage stnmps. Hose for shower baths or other appliances can be attached to a faucet of any shape or size with a new coupling. A German inventord has equipped a kitchen cabinet with revolving shelves to facilitate removing stored utensils. a About 19,000,000 homes in the United States are equipped with radio, almost one third having more than one set. The Netherlands government has established a monopoly control over exports of fruits, garden produce and potatoes. The work of ten gardening tools can be done with a single imple ment invented by a resident of Fort Worth, Texas. British airplanes being built for service betw'een London and Paris will each carry 39 passengers in three cabins. . . 4 Daily changes in the magnetic field of the earth are shown or a globe at the Carnegie Institution at Washingtan,- D. C. Uruguary has limited imports of automobiles this year to 65 per cent of the number of cars of each make imported last year. A glass door knob has been invent ed that is illuminated from within by a battery operated electric lamp when it is turned. An English canjera that can be carried in a vest pocket takes eight pictures the size of a postage stamp on a roll of film. Automobiles} are run -on a turn table that saves time by moving them to the various dispensing equipment in a newr service station. • Fighting airplanes adapted for the French army include trap doors through which gunners can drop with parachutes from the gun tur rets. Nine different types of irons can be attached to a single golf elub shaft invented by a Chicago jeweler to save carrying so many clubs. Cuban producers and exporters of avocades have adapted higher stand ards for quality and packing for fruit shipped to the United States. Resembling a large pair of shears a hardwood implement has been in vented for lifting clothing out of hot water or feeding it to wringers. A farm on which beavers will be raised for their fur has been estab lished in Germany, stocked with an imals from the Hudson Bay country. Inexpensive equipment has been invented to enable three dimensional photomicrographs co be made with an ordinary camera and microscope. Electric lights worn on their backs have been suppplied to German sold iers to prevent them being run down by following motorists at night* Intended for outdoor work, a new paint remover is made in paste form while another, a liquid, will remove paint from metal as well as wood. Costa Rica has shipped more than 55,000 bags of coffee to the United i States this year, approximately 45- - 000 more than on the 1933-34 crop. Operated from any light socket, a grease gun for automobiles has been invented that uses electricity in stead of compressed air to do its work. An Englishman has invented a piano that produces the notes of a composition in different colors on a white disk, each note having its color. The inventor of a new plastic material for repairing the inside of heaters and staves asserts that is withstands a temperature of 3000 degrees. Transportation of mail by rockets th$t carry from 200 to 300 letters appiece has been begun between two points in Austria on regular sched ules. A five horsepower motor weighing five pounds has been developed for flying airplanes or keeping gliders aloft without aid of air currents An exerciser to develop hand mus cles invented in England consists of a strip of spring metal bent into loops and having leather grips at the ends. Photographic equipment has been developed by an airplanes building company to accurately determine the landing speed and gliding angles of its planes. The central German government will assume control of all minmg rights and administration of mining, heretofore a perogative of the in dividual states. Nails with barbed points have been invented that hold tighter in wood the longer they remain because of the changes in the moisture content of the wood. After studying the flight of insects an Austrian scient.sf is building an airplane that he expects to propel with pulsating wings instead of a propeller. Mounted on two pneumatic tired wheels, a gasoline powered air com pressor has been designed that can be towed like a trailer behind a passenger automobile. The Esthoman government is en forcing the use of the official geo graphic names for its cities by re jecting frdm the mails all matter bearing other names. Folding celluloid arms that op erate pointers on a scale make lp a new' instrument for measuring roof and other building angles from photo graphs or drawings. A London railway has constructed e. turntable that is revolved by a single wheel compressed air tractor operated by air from the brake lines of locomotives. World absorption of crude rubber in the first four months this year de creased to 322,000 long tones, com pared with last year’s figure of 337,000 long tom;. France is obliged to import about 90 per cent of the raw wool it man ufactures into textiles, most of it. coming directly from Southern Hem isphere countries. ' i: __________ More than 7.000,000 copies of patents granted by the -United States and about 978,000 photostats of foreign patents are sold by the Pat ent office annually. Interlocking metal bars attached to one another with hooks have been invented in the Netherlands to save time in erecting and dismantling temporary buildings. A post hole digger has been in vented that produces a cone shaped hole larger at the bottom than top to hold more concrete when that material is used about posts. English surveyors are drawing maps and plans that they desire to keep indefinitely on sheets of alum inum, which neither shrink nor ex pand as do drawings on paper. For profcecton of pedestrans on country r-^ads at night a handled m.rror has been invented to be car ried to reflect light from automo bile headlights to warn drivers. Germans have discovered a pro ] cess for removing the carbon mon oxide from heating and illuminating gas and the homes in one town are , being supplied with non-poisonous gas. Extension hinges have been in vented to project casement windows clear of their frames so that both sides of the glass can be cleaned by a person standing inside a house. A Swiss engineer has invented min iature submarines to be carried on decks of submarine boats to enable crews of the latter to escape when the larger craft meet with disaster. An enamel applicator resembling a blackboard eraser has been invent ed for reenewing the surfaces of window screens without filling the openings and without spattering the enamel. I Fireproof and waterproof clothing buoyant enough to keep a person afloat in water has been invented in France to save aviators from being burned to death or drowned in event of a crash. A New York inventor has designed a passengex- ship that would launch its lifeboats in event of emergency over inclined runways after the boats had been filled inside the hull of the ship. Germans have designed a motor bus with accommodations for 23 per sons that can travel at a rate of 75 miles an hour, being equipped with two tail fins to reduce air vibrations at high speed. All the camping equipment needed by automobile tourists can be carried on top of a car in a California in ventor’s folding frame-work, which is covered with canvas that can be used as a tent. Rudders have been mounted at both bow and stern ocf a motor ship carrying passengers and maJ be tween Dover, Englaad, and Osmond, Belgium, to enable the craft to turn around in twice its own length. Americans use twice as much petroleum for various purposes as water for drinking. Some Sumatran coffee beans are aged from eight to ten years before being roasted and sold A process has been developed for ^ivi«g Ithe outside of corn cob pipes the appearance of bri ars. Russian scientists have extract ed radium from water taken from a well on a Caspian sea island. An Iowa florist has succeeded in producing roses for exhibition purposes with stems 50 feet long. X-ray photographs made by a new German process show a sub ject ’s profile as well as his bone structure. An Oklahoma man has invented a eoin-in-a-slot meter to regulate the length of time automobiles are parked. Of English invention is a safe ty razor having a ribbon blade 58 inehes long carried on reels on each side of the handle. Tests by a Colgate univers ity scientist have shown that eat ing a heavy lunch slows down a man’s thinking processes. To aid .. in enlarging , photo graphs a German has invented a form of periscope with which ne ** * gatives and prints can be accur ately examined. Masks to prevent amateur box ers' faces being disfigured by blows have been invented by a New York college physical educa tion director. Electric scent meters have been invented in England to enable hunters to ascertain the best weather conditions for hunting with hounds. AVith a new device installed on an automobile dashboard a light flashes when the air pressure in a tire falls enough to cause defla tion. The Cuban government has abolished its tax on the use of radio sets, which varied from $3 to $10 a year according to the ■number of tubes. The handle end of the bowl of a new teaspoon is covered so that it can be filled with medicine and carried to a patient without spill ing A Norwegian scientist has in vented a method for locating schools of fish by sounds sent from ships’ hulls that are echoed by their backs. Both sugar and cream are con tained in a new utensil having a single handle, it being possible to pour out cream without spill ing any sugar. Fish have been discovered in Mexico with four eves, one pair being used above the surface of the water and the other below at the same time. An elaborate device has been . invented to record on a map the i exact minute by minute location | of any airplane in flight to or ■ from an airport. -An English woman has invent ed a method with which a person can produce fine etchings by us ing transparent celluloid instead of copper plates. Safety is a leading feature of a new electric pump for house hold water systems that has but one moving part and that is com pletely enclosed. Southern California Indians make paints that remain bright for many years by mixing oil from the seeds of the wild cucumber with the pigments. A new electric fur glazer can be operated by direct or alternat ing current and by removing its wire brush can be used to press small garments. Clock dial signs with adjustable hands have been installed akmg some English highways to warn motorists of the time to light their headlights. Coal for household heaters is being marketed in paper covered sticks, which can be fed to a heat er with a mechanical stoker that holds 36 sticks. Germans have constructed a motion picture theater that is hauled about the country like a motor truck trailer, the screen be ing on the rear doors. A hay loading machine invent ed by three California men can be mounted on a tractor for moving it about rapidly and operated by; the tractor’s motor . An English city is experiment ing with reflectors, alternately red and white, inserted in street curbs to help guide motorists on dark or foggy nights T-shaped rubber grips have neen invented to be placed inside the waistbands of trousers to hold shirts down smoothly and also help to support the trousers. Nozzles ejecting a flaming mix ture of oil and compressed air propel a rocket-type aircraft in ve-uted in France for which record breaking speeds are predicted. An Oklahoma musician has' in vented an attachment for a piano that when the instrument is play cello and viola at the same time. Seaplanes have been adopted for the British Royal Air Force having angular instead of straight or curved wings, slanting down ward from each motor to the cab ins. Its inventor asserts that his de vice for spraying the outside of an automobile windshield with water from a tank on top of the car cools the air inside the vehicle. German astronomers will equip a steamship with the world’s largest floating observatory to ; study stars from heretofore inac cessible regions of the Pacific oc ean. Two thousand rooms in a New York hotel are served with radio broadcasts by asingle all wave receiving station, six programs being available at all times in each room. Radio control has been develop ed by the British Royal Air Force with which a pilotless airplane can be made to take off, fly any desired course and alight on land or water. For propelling small boats a ! Pennsylvania man has invented a two bladed motor operated wind mill, the blades of which can be adjusted to take advantage of ; changes in. the wind. A Glasgow University scientist has found that infra-red rays bring out the fine details of the inner structures of prehistoric leaves found in coal so they can be photographed. An inventor has given a golf Dali a surface covered with wavy grooves instead of squares assert ing that they streamline the ball so that it is less likely to be hook ed or sliced. To show membership in organi zations or Advertising metal j plates bearing emblems or inscrip-1 tions ntted with reflector jewels have been invented for the rear of automobiles to be illuminated at night by following cars' head lights. Periscopes have been installed in the ears of an English electric railway to enable members of the train crews to see the entire train watch the track ahead and ob serve signals. In the longest distance tele phone call ever made the human voice traveled around the world from New York to a room adjac ent to the one from which it was sent in a quarter of a second - i 1 Efficiency of the machinery of tow boats on German rivers has been increased from 30 to 50 per cent by closing their propellers in rings that give the propeller blades better hold on the water. The inventor ©f a life boat driv en through the water by hand operated levers connected to a propeller asserts that it can be launched more readily and moved closer to where needed than a boat using oars. A French scientist has found that he can stimulate the growth of fruit tree seedlings by sending electric currents upward through their systems and branches and re tarding growth by reversing the currents. An automaic pistol has been in- j vented that can be concealed in the palm of a hand, firing its bul lets from a barrel extending be tween two fingers, which are en circled by metal loops like those of brass knuekles. -— — i Portugal has restricted the use of the names “sparkling wine” and “natural sparkling wine” to 1 wines the carbonization of which i is due to the fermentation of na tural grape sugar or small pro portions of sugar added. Essentially a "weighted pendu lum that swiiigs back aiid firth as the speed increases or decreas es, an- automatic device to record the ground speed and distance traveled by an airplane has been invented by a Texas man. There were 1.282,8531 gross tons of merchant shipping under construction in the world at the end of June, compared with. 1. 269,534 tons March 31, Great Britain and Ireland leading with 43.7 percent of the total. — After five vears of research Se- | attle scientists have produced a lamp in which high voltage elee trie current is sent through ear bon dioxide gas that produces i light within tw'o percent of per fect imitation of daylight. Boy Scouts Forty-nine Ixjy scouts from i troop 79, 7 from troop 23. and 5 from troop 83 spent ten days at Camp Gifford. Lawson rated first ins the swimming'meet, with Rag lin second, and Wilson, third. Forj track in the lightweight class.! Robert Dacus rated first, in the I Heavyweight division, George | Sled won first. Albert Johnson was 'awarded j the Black Diamond, the highest award attainable by a scout for outstanding achievements. Many parents and friends vis ited the camp on Sunday, among them were Dr and Mrs. Herbert Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden,! and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and family. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2p. a. call eberter 1750. No reduction in To Stage Western Golf Tournament Chicago, Aug. 31—(By ANT)— Arrangements have been complet ed for the first annual western amateur golf tournament to be held September 1 and 2 at Sunset i Hills. The event is expected to attract players from several mid ed are: dames Pavthrees. Walter western states. Among the entries already list Spann, Isaac Ellis, Thomas Ed dings, Harold Hunter, Emmett Tucker ,John Gray, Matthew Biv-j vins, Dr. A. D. Beasley, Bennie Hughes and Ed Jenkins. Mrs. Alice Abrams Returns Home Mrs. Alice Abrams of Oklaho- , ma City has returned home after a gay whirl of parties and picnics. She was entertained by her sister in law at a cocktail party on Aug ust 10, there were 40 guests pres- j ent. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cole and Mrs. Ida Davis gave a picnic in their honor on August 11 at Elm wood park. Mrs. Edna Hunter entertained for a party of 8 at the Mason and Knox cafe in her honor. Mrs C. Nails at 2225 No. 25th entertained at a dinner par ty of six for Mrs. Abram. Mrs. Terry Cole took Mrs. Abrams on a sight seeing trip through the city and ended with a theater party at the Orpheum. Enroute Legal Notices | PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the Estate of Lucy Jones, Deceased. Notice is hereby given:—That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, be fore me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 3rd day of October, 1935, and on the 3rd day of December, 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of -s presenting their, claims f-or examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors j to present. their claims, from the 3rd .day .of September, 1-935. - .. Began 8-10-35 : Bryce Crawford, Ends 8-29-35 County Judge Attorney Ray L. Williams. Room 200, Tuchman Bldg.. 24th and Lake Street. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT— In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Hattie Austin Ford, Deceased: AH persons nterested in said mat ter are hereby notified that on the 27th day of July, 1935, Maude Thomas | filed a petition in said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 24th day of August, 1935, and that if you fail to appear before said , Court on the said 24th day of August 1935 at 9 o’eloek A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and farther orders, allowances and decrees, as to ths Court may seem proper, to tae end that all mat ters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Begins 8-3-35 Bryce Crawford, Expires 8-17-35 County Judge. Help Kidneys 1 ^ If poorly functioning Kidneys and 9 Bladder make you suffer from Getting Dp Nights. Nervousness. Rheumatic • Pains, Stiffness, Burning. Smarting. Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed Doctor s Prescription Cystex(Siss-tex) —Must fix you up or money & I' SfCA tack. O&iy ~*t at druggists. We have discovered the way to dream anything you wish and have it come true. If you wish to have success with your dreams answer this ad at once. If not, don’t | write. Free details. Daggett Pub. Co. 3430 Rhodes Are., Chicago, III. ^**"mmmmmmm home Mrs. Abrams will stop at Kansas City, Mo., and Tulsa, Ok lahoma. She was the house guest of Mrs. M illie W ashington .and Mrs. C II. Abrains of 2404 N 25. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. Memphis, Tetin. Make Today Tour Lucky Day Just send your name^and address aad get marvelous magic Lucky Love and Mousy “golden-charm" pocket piece, and big new aunts' oroDoaitlon Write Keystone Lab., Dept. 5-R-b Memphis, Tens. GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES Fine for Weak Kidneys and Bladder Irritation STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One *35 cent box of these famous capsules will put healthy Activity into your kidneys* and bladder—flush but harmful waste poisons- and 'Acxi *ahd prove to you that at last you have a grand diuretic^and stimuftiib'fhat' will swiftly cause these trouble#' tbr ‘reise. But be sure and get GOLD MEBA'L Haarlem Oil Capsules—safe and harm le3S^-the Original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be ildes visits t bathroom at night are backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and scanty passage that ofttimes smarts and bums. n That's what H grateful thousands of users all over the world say about Black and White Ointment and Skin Soap. Use this famous combination treatment to fade out dark patches and mole dts- v colorations; to smooth out bumps and drive away blemishes; to dry up itchy,ecxemic irritations! age of Black and White Ointment contains more than 3 times as much as 25c size. Large bar Black and White Skin Soap only 25c. Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEC..11A BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. Ifs Easyi Do you need Money? Do you wish for the good things that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere as AGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to StC.OO a week or up to $6.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don't wait. Mail the COUPON NOW! Valmor Products Co. Dg7* 5249 Cottage Grove Ave.,Chicago, IH. ■HinliraliHallilM! i i I VALMOR PRODUCTS CO. Dept. 617 I I 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, III. I I I want to make Quick Money. Please send me I • free Samples and Special Offer to Agents right aw ay. 1 I Name_ _I J , I » Address___| ! - -_State ...