The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 31, 1935, Image 1

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Dr. Abner Wounds Prove Fatal; Woman Held By Police
Miss Madeline Brown, daughter
of Mr* and Mrs. Hugh Brown,
whose marriage to Mr. Walter
Harrold. will take place the sec
ond of September, is one of Oma
ha’s prettiest girls Miss Blown is
a licensed beautician and one of
our most charming young hostes
The reception will take place at
i the home of the groom, 2510
! Charles. Many showers and
parties are being held in their
Dr. Carver To Serve
Government With
out Compensation
Tuskegee Institute, Ala., Aug.
28, (ANP)—Dr. George W. Carv
er, director of agricultural re
search and consulting chemist at
Tuskegee Institute, has been ap
pointed collaborator in the De
partment of Agriculture in the
L’ureau of Plant Industry. The
appointment was effective from
August 1, and it is understood
that Dr- Carver will serve with
out compensation.
Two Days—115 Need
less Deaths
Newspaper headlines show that
little if any progress has been
made in cutting down America’s
horrible automobile toll—a toll
that took 35.000 lives last year.
Over the single week-end of
August third and fourth, 115 peo
ple were killed in automobile
crashes. Thousands were injured
seriously. Property damage ran
to a vast total. And that week
end was simply an average one—
the same thing happens week
after week .
The nation must take a more
aggressive stand than it ever has
in pursuing and prosecuting
reckless and incompetent drivers,
if innocent lives are to be saved.
If the chance-taking motorist
risked no neck but his own, it
would be possible to overlook
him—but, under present condi
tions, he menaces us all
Tk drunken driver becomes
more and more prevalent—and it
is an unhappy fact that few
states have shown any real suc
cess in punishing him. The speed
demon still rules a thousand
highways. And the drivers who
cut corners, weave in and out of
traffic, drive on the wrong side of
the road and pass on hills and
curves, continue to take their toll
of life, health and property.
Efforts to educate motorists
must be vigorously pursued—
they have unquestionably pro
duced results, and have kept the
annual death list from becoming
even greater than it is. And these
efforts must be backed up with
Four Hearts Made
Will See Mother After 25 Years
of Absence.
i On Friday morning, Mrs. Ad
die P. Childs, of 1105' S. 13th
street left for points in Missis
sippi and Tennessee, aeeompanied
by her daughter, Miss Bessie Mae
Childs and a friend of the family.
Miss Edith Smith, and her son,
Mr. Leroy Childs. Mrs. Childs has
lived in Omaha for nearly 20
years, coming here from Tennes
see where she resided for a while
This is her first vacation for near
ly 25 years from the worries of
her home and the care of a faith
ful husband and the rearing of
three children, who are now old
enough to root for themselves
Mrs. Childs’ mother hasn’t seen
her for 25 years. She has never
been to Omaha. Neither Leroy,
nor Bessie have seen their grand
i Mrs. Childs and party will be
away for 15 or 20 days, making
a few stops in Tennessee emoute.
home. Mr. Leroy Childs is on his
vacation from the Improvement
Department of the City of Omaha,
by appointment of Commissioner
Harry Trnstin, where he is fore
man of a crew of men. Leroy
also attends the University
School of Law, and expects to
practice his legal profession in
Omaha, where he expects to fin
Dr. and Mrs.
Jones Entertain
On Thursday, August 29, Dr.
and Mrs. Jones entertained their
house guest, Miss Edna May Sim
mon of Duluth ,Minnesota, with a
dancing party at the Fontenelle
Pavilion, about 100 guests being
present. Miss Simmon will be in
Omaha about two weeks.
modem, adequate traffic codes
that are enforced to the limit. In
the average state, traffic law en
forcement is weak and inade
quate—it spurs, rather than hind
ers, the dangerous driver.
Every motorist should regard
the war on the reckless and in
competent driver as a publie
duty, in which all should partici
pate so far as they can.
Elks Condemn A, F. L, at Session
Mrs. Crowder, 2631 Parker, escaped
injuries, when the car in which she
was riding run over an embankment
20 mjles from Davenport, Iowa. Rev.
Price, received 4 broken ribs and a
broken arm in the crash, Mrs. Oliver’s
nose was broken, they are both in a
local hospital. Mother Edwards,
1844 N. 22, was also injured, and is
in bed at home as a result of the
accident. Mr. Prestidge, was badly
j bruised, and is also convalescing at
Mrs. Addie Seals
Mrs. Addie Seals of 2808 Bin
ney, entertained with a breakfast
for her sister and sister in law,
Mrs. Olive Willis, of Kansas City,
and Mrs. Beulah Oliver and her
daughter, Miss Evelyn King, of
Los Angeles, California. Little
Miss King is one of California’s
most popular sub-debs and is the
sister of William King of this
eitv. The guests were feted at
many parties while in our city.
Cab CaDoway
Robbed of $1,600
In Cash
Proving that bands and their
I 1
leaders are easy picking for
thieves, the fourth orchestral
group in five months was robbed
Tuesday night, when Cab Callo
way fell a victim to this practice.
Cab, playing a dance engagement
in Toungstor, Ohio, left $1,600 in
the back seat of his car while at
work and when he returned the
car was broken open and all the
cash was gone. Other bands to be
robbed were Noble Sissle, Don Al
bert and Earl Hines. Cab suffered
the greatest loss of anv of the
quartet however
Amateurs Here’s
Your Chance
An oppportunity for young s'ng
ers and entertainers of Omaha and
Douglas County to vie for a chance
at Major Edward Bowes Original
Amateur hour over a nation-wide
radio network is offered today by
i Omaha Post No. 1 of the American
Omaha Post, the world’s greatest,
will conduct a Midwest Radio Ama
teur Contest, and award a trip to
New York to compete for Major
Bowes’ program, and a professorial
career, to some midwestern person
with talent
“David City, Nebr., produced its
Ruth Etting, Wahoo brought forth
its Dr. Howard Hanson, George Civ
et, Fred Astaire, and score* of oth
ers went up in the world from Ne
braska points, and there is no
-eason why the Omaha contest
shouldn’t produce a brand new crop
of great radio and professional
stars”, said J. C. Travis, Omaha Post
Commander. “We want every person
in the middle west who has talent
: to get his chance in this contest.”
Commander Travis called on news
papers, civic groups, music teachers,
(Continued on Page 8)
Woman Is Held
In Shooting Of
Dr. Abner
Dt. Edward Abner, 60, of
2330 Downing street, a retir
ed physician and past su
preme commander of the
American Woodmen, was shot
and seriously wounded Satur
day night in a struggle with
Mrs. Eleanor Smith, of 2525
Downing street.
Mrs. Smith, who is held by po
lice for investigation, told detec
tives that Dr. Abner, whom she
had known for 18 years, seized
the gun from her when she at
tempted to shoot herself. In the
struggle, the gun discharged twice
one bullet striking Dr. Abner in
the abdomen and the other hit
ting Mrs. Smith in one hand.
Dr. Abner was taken to the
Denver General hospital. Physi
cians held little hope for his re
* I
Dr. Abner, who formerly resid
ed in Austin, Texas, and is one
of the founders of the American
Woodmen, and is given credit
for the sound financial condition
of the American Woodmen, which
Extra— SCOOP —Extra
Pool Hall Shooting;
Man In Hospital
It is alleged that Ernest Billing
ly got into an argument over a
bet and shot Charles Jones in the
leg about 11.45 p. m., Thursday
at the Tuxedo Pool Hall at 24th
and Grant St.
Charles Jones was taken to the
.Lord Lister Hospital for treat
Columbus, O., Distin
guished Guest At
The Omaha Guide
l Miss M. King, 1406 Hildroth,
Mr. Edward Norris, a Columbus
| City detective, and Mr. Eugene
i Maley, a civil service engineer,
were guest callers at The Omaha
Guide office, Thursday, enroute j
east from a tour of the west. They
| left Columbus. 0., August 18, by
motor, and made visits in St. Lou
is, Kansas City, Denver, and Colo- j
rado Springs, Colo., Cheyenne,!
Wyo., and Lincoln, Xebr. Mr. Ed
ward Norris, 149 N. 17th street,
Columbus, 0., is an outstanding
l detective of that city, and has
been a member of the police de
partment for 18 years.
He was cited for bravery April
12. 1935, and promoted to a de- j
tective for his shrewd judgment
in capturing two bandits on No
vember 28. 1934, in a storeroom
14x40, where 25 shots were fired.
has enough cash on deposit in
oanks and financial institutions,
including a large holding of gov
ernment bonds, to pay the death
j claims and running expenses of1
the organization, so Dr. Abner
stated to the editor of the Omaha
Guide a few months ago. Dr. Ab
ner was retired a few years ago
with $350 per month pension for
Special to The Omaha Guide by
our Denver Representative.
Dr. E. \Y. D. Abner died in a
Denver hospital Tuesday night of
bullet wounds of the stomach. An
operation on Dr. Abner after he
was woundod 'revealed that he
had suffered ten intestinal per
Mrs. Smith would make no
statement to reporters, but it was
autlioritively learned that Dr. Ab- |
ner had been keeping company
j with Mrs. Smith since his recent
divorce and the trouble resulted |
over Dr. Abner’s refusal to carry
out his promise to marry Mrs.
Funeral arrangements are be
ing held up pending the arrival
of a nephew, E. G. Abner from
One bandit was killed and the
other one captured. Mr. Norris’
partner, was shot seven times. He
has fully recovered and is back
on the job.
There were seven people in the
store and even though there were
twenty-five shots fired, none of
the customers were hurt
Mr. Norris and his partner were
presented with a gold medal for
bravery at the city hall in the
Council Chamber, and promoted
to the detective rank.
Mr- Maley is employed by the
city water works as a civil engin
eer ,where he has rendered valu
able services for 14 years.
Miss King expressed her de
ight at seeing the plains of Kan
sas, and the beautiful Rocky
Mountains of Colorado, and the
wheat fields of Nebraska. This
is her first trip west and she is
very much pleased at the open
spaces across the browm plains of
Kansas, and the the green fields
of Nebraska. She said that she
had sc fell in love with the west
that she regretted very much to
return home so early.
The visitors went through The
Omaha Guide and expressed their
appreciation, of such a large news
paper in Omaha. Enroute they
w'ill spend a few days in Chicago,
HI., with friends. Mr. E. Maley
said they enjoyed very much the
breakfast at the Bell Mid-way
Cafe, better than any meal they
have had on this trip, and was
sorry that they could not spend
2 or 3 days more in Omaha.
' ... ' 1 j
Zulus Want To
Keep Race Pure
Rap Missionaries
Ladysmith, Natal, South -Af
rica, Aug. 28, (ANP)—Zulu’
chieftains held a conference here^
recently and made a demand for
legislation to maintain the purity
of their race from mixtures or in
termarriage between Asiatics and
The Zulu chieftains also
begged the government to pro
tect them ‘‘from the darkness
cast upon the natives by the num
erous religious sects which flour
ish so prolifically in Zululand.”
They stated that in Zululand
alone about 50 sects—most of
them from the United States—
were propounding their various
and varying paths of life.
The chiefs grew quite wTarm
over this matter and agreed upon
a resolution calling upon the
Union government to put a stop
‘ to all undesirable creeds and
superstitions, and permit only
recognized churches of South
Africa to give scriptural instruc
tion to Bantus.”
The editor of “Die Yader-|
land,” published in Prestoria,
was much taken in by the Zulu
opposition to intermarriage. He
“Thanks to the late Tielman
Roos, wre have progresed far
enough to prohibit marriages be
tween white and black and to
make extra-martial relations a
penal offense. Yet, on this'ques
tion, our knowledge and senti
ments are still so crude that we
have not placed the slightest ob
stacle in the way betwen Asi
atics and Zulus, or even China- j
men and Europeans. In the same!
manner, -we sit watching the
problem of mental deficiency
which threatens our community
and do nothing about it. We are
painfully aware and anxious
about our breding stock, but our
people are permitted to drift to
perdition as they will. We hope
the complaint of the Zulu chiefs
will not fall on deaf ears.”
The editor then preceded to
show howr the Zulus have deter
iorated through admixture with
the despised Makalanga and
Shangaans thereby inferentially
drawing a picture between Zulu
miscegenation and that of the
South African Dutch.
Visits Omaha Guide
Mrs. S. '€. Baker, 2894 Ohio
street, visited the Omaha Guide,
Monday evening, Auiust 26. She
was accompanied by Miss Alice
Green, 2863 Ohio. They greatly
admired the equipment of both
the office and mechanical depart
ment, saying they held the high
est regard for the standards and
idealg The Guide 3tood for.
'Elks Condemn
Labor Unions For
Jim Crow
The condemning of labor organ
izations throughout the country
which bar men and women from
membership because of their col
or and the setting into machinery
legislative effort to deny exist
ence to such organizations and
the creating of permanent organ
ization to correct educational and
economic discriminations against
our people in the South, were high
spots of the annual convention of
the Improved Benevolent and
; Protective Order of Elks of the
World in session here this week.
! The confab closes on Saturday.
Records of public men as to
their acts and attitudes of lynch
jing, discrimination, segregation,
and other activities based on color
or race, were made the subject of
study for the purpose of organiza
tion of effective political opposi
Officers of the convention are
directed to demoralize the Presi
dent and Congress as to failure
of the social security bill to cover
in its provisions the domestic
worker ,the casual laborer and the
agricultural wrnrker. A national
bureau of economics to give at
tention to the problems of our
people, similar to the studies made
for educational purposes by the
United States Office of Educa
tion, was proposed. The confer
ence was made an annual part of
the program by the grand lodge
of Elks.
Bedecked in gay attire, this ci
ty is offering a warm welcome to
Eiks and women of the grand
temple. The convention is not as
largely attended as it has been in
previous years. Some sav it is the
depression while others contend
that it is because there is no elec
tion of the grand exalted ruler.
Two years ago in Indianapolis,
the Elks’ amended their constitu
tion to provide for the election of
a grand exalted ruler every two
years. At the convention in Atlan
tic City last year a controversy
arose as to whether the election
of J. Finley Wilson, grand exalt
ed ruler, of Indianapolis was for
one or two years .
It was ruled that the law pro
viding for a two-year term for the
grand exalted ruler became ef
fective after adjournment of the
Indianapolis grand lodge, and
that Mr Wilson’s term had ex
After the ruling was made, the
rules were suspended and Wilson
was re-elected for a term of two
years, makin gthis a off year for
the election of the grand exalted
In the fight for offices, it ap
peal's that the James E. Kelly,
j grand secretary and Judge Wil
liam C. Hueston, commissioner of
education are to face some stiff
115 Needless Deaths on August 3 and 4: 35.000 Killed in ’34
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