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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1935)
Newest Notes On. . Science A hand camera equipped with a flash lam,P has been developed for police use. Brazil supplies about 70 per cent of the coffee used in the United States. Queen bees have been shipped alive more than 10.000 miles from Indiana to New Zealand. A new high speed passenger bus In Germany is driven by two 140 horse power motors, one at each end. Made of non-rusting materials, a dial thermometer that floats 1ms been invented for use in bath tube. A 1000-ton floating dry dock has been placed in service at an English seaport for repairing seaplanes. Ten week courses in angling from a 'scientific standpoint have been es tablished by a Kansas City school. A small air compressor to increase the volume of sound from a radio loud speaker has been invented in Germany. Fire and weather proof window' awnings have been invented that are raised and lowered by levers from inside a house. An aeronautical wind tunnel in England is being used by navy offi cers In studying the design of sub marine torpedoes. To save weight a camp axe and huntng knife for spo:-tsmen have been invented that use the same inter changeable handle. The government of Afghanistan will conduct a two-year study of pub lic util ties with a view to bringing them up to date. A new device uses an electric eye to measure the potency of ultraviolet rays used to increase the vitamin content of milk. A native state in India is experi menting with road servicing with an adhesive molasses, used alone and mired with slacked lime. A special film has been invented to enable amateurs to take motion pictures in the natural colors of the objects photographed. The Cuban government has removed its prohibition against use of coin operated vending machines but re quires licenses for their operation. Drinking straw's that irr\part flavor to plain w'ater or help to blend the flavors of prepared beverages hav» been invented by a Florida man. In streamline their steam locomo tves to reduce wind resistance Ger- ; man railway engineers enclose even ! the driving wheels with metal sheets. A device has been invented that controls the temperature inside rail road cars, motor trucks or refriger ators cooled with solidified carbon dioride. Direct passengen airplane service has been established in China be tween Canton and Peiping, German planes covering the 2200 kilometers in two days. An electric motor driven ice cream freezer has been invented that can be placed in the ice cube compartment of an electric refrigerator to do its work. Cars running over a cablew'ay and driven by airplane propellers are used to carry men and supplies to a lighthouse on a rock half a mile off the French coast. So closely does an artificial worm for fishermen to use as lx*it resem ble the genuine that if rolled between the hands and placed on a smooth surface it crawls. The Enion of South Africa will be gin the largest program of pubic works on record in the near future, two or three years. Garage doors can be opened or closed without a driver leaving his seat in an automobile by a magnetic switch that has been invented to be buried in a driveway. Japanese industrialists are plan ning to improve the quality and quantity of North China cotton with the intention of using it more gener ally in Japanese mills. A bicycle invented by a Los Ange les" man is given additional power by a hand crank operated sprocket in front of the handle bars chain geared to the front wheel. Conveyor belts are used to load phosphates from bins on land into ships anchored a quarter of a mile off shore at Nauru and Ocean islands in the South Pacific. To give mirrors permanence a pro cess has been invented for electri - cally welding a sheet of pure copper oyer their silver backings to prevent i entrance of moisture. Illuminated by concealed tubular lights, etched glass stair rails have been installed in the new building of the Royal Institute of Britsh Archi tects in London. " ■' ■ The two millionth United States patent recently was issued to the Philadelphia inventor of improve ments in the application of pneumatic tires to railroad trains. To enable one man to move a load ed freight car a German has invent ed a machine operated by a six horsepower gasoline motor that pro pels a wheel running on one raiL When tne driver steps on the brake of an automobile equipped with a new combination tail light and stop light the lower portion of the lamp swings from side to side. An Englishman has built a model tug boat only three feet long that is driven by a steam engine powerful enough for the craft to tow a 26-foot punt carrying two men. Operated by a tiny electric motor in its handle, a tool for engravng on metals and other hard substances has been invented that is held and guided like a lead pencil. ■ An American banana company op erating in Costa Rica, has turned over more than 10,000 hectares of land to the government for the development of agricultural colonies. _ A new attachment for coffee perco lator protects the glass top from ex cess heat and spreads the rising water SCIENCE NOTES THREE— . downward eveenly over the coffee to speed up the percolation. Wings fastened to has shoulders and a triangular piece of canvas worn between his legs art used by a Rus sian parachute jumper to guide and extend his falls through the air. Mounted on an arm that can be clamped to any convenient object, an electric lamp has been desgned to aid persons in cutting toe nails and otherwise caring for their feet. Sixteen pneumatic tired wheels driv en by a gasoline engine operates a new type rail car at speeds up to 70 miles an hourthat has been built in France for an Englsh railway. For use with new three way sound transmission, a loud speaker has been j constructed that can produce sound equivalent to 10,000,000 persons talk ing or 1000 musicians playing. Russian farmers speed the growth of cotton plants by sprinkknk coal dust on the fields, the darkened sur face absorbing heat from the sun in daytime and reradiating it at night. For protection of the eyes of workers with shiny materials a non glare electric lamp has been invented having the power of direct illumina tion and the diffused effect of indi rect. German aviation interests are plan ning to reduce the armail time be tween Berlin and Rio de (Janero from five to three days by using new airplanes capable of non-stop flights. A new guage for typewriters can be used to record the number of lines written or the number that can be written from where a typist is work j ing to the bottom of a sheet of po i per. A national water concervancy | commission has been created by the j Chinese government to unify and con jtrol all such works, prevent river j floods and provide irrigation on a I large scale. -- I Driven by a 150-horsepower Diesel 1 engine, the world’s le"gest lifeboat, capable of carrying 100 persons, has been put in service by the United States Coast Guard at Sandy Hook. N. J. A German scientist has found that bees cannot detect sweetness of sugar solutions of less than two per cent concentration while human be ings notice that of solutions one fifth as strong. .. ..xperiments in Arkansas have : shown that the ballon tires of an automobile of the right guage will cling to railroad rails and run on tracks as long as no attempt s made j to steer the car. - . i At Melbourne, Australia, a war me morial has been erected the back of which is reached by the sun only once a year, on the exact anniversary and hour of the signing of the World War | armistice. Although the death rate has de clined 20 per cent in a few years more children less than five years old are killed by accidents in the United States than children who have begun going to school. Three-dimension motion pictures have been developed in France, two pictures taken from slightly dicerent angles being superimposed on screens and viewed through spectacles having ; one bluish and one yellowsh lena. — A rad.o corporation with headquar ters in New York is planning to spend $1,000,000 on a transmitting station, receiving sets and program service to broadcast television pict ures over a 25-mile area withn 12 or 15 months. I Police Arrest Writers Investigating South ern Conditions Birmingham, Ala. — (CNA) — With undisguised effrontery, the police arrested and held for sev eral hours three members of a delegation of writers organized by the National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners to fight for the repeal of anti-Negro and anti-labor legislation in the South. Chief of Police Luther Hollums warned the delegation that if it did not leave town immediately he would not be responsible for its future safety. Prominent Delegates Those arrested were Bruce Crawford, formerly editor of Crawford’s Weekly, at Norton, Virginia; Shirley Hopkins, of Truro, Massachusetts, author of a book of poems; and A1 Hirsch, writer and secretay of the N. C. D- P. P. Miss Hopkins and Craw ford were fingerprinted, and Hirsch was cuffed by a policeman for refusing to answer questions. The Downs “seditious litera ture” ordinance of Birmingham and the Georgia slave “insurrec tion” law under which Angelo Herndon was convicted are the two immediate pieces of legisla tion against which the delegation hopes to arouse wide-spread pub lic opinion fo relimination from the statute books. Frame Militants Both law"s have been used by officials acting in concert with wealthy white landlords and in dustrialists to frame militant Ne gro and wiiite laborers who sought to organize against the wage and relief cutting offen sives. Hollums tc(ld the delegation that he would not guarantee them protection against the “gangs” in Birmingham. By “gangs” is meant the White Le gion and other fascist groups. “We can’t control these gangs”, he said. The implication w*as plain that the police would leave an attack on the delegation to the extra-legal fascist groups. Despite these intimidations, the delegation has announced that it will continue its fight with re newed activity. Harlem Stores Boycott Italian Goods NEW YORK—(CNA)—Over three hundred stores in Harlem have pledged the Provisional Committee for the Defense of Ethiopia not to purchase or sell products made in Italy. Many of these stores are owned by people of Italian origin. ; Man Held On Murder Charge Columbie, S. C., Aug. 14, (ANP)— James Brown was held to the Grand Jury charged with first degree mur der by the coroner’s jury investi gating the killing of J. C. Jones, here Tusday morning. The fatal shooing occurred Monday night and testimony at the inquest revealed that Brown had quarrelled with Jones because the latter refused to discontinue cursing him and. the shooting follow'ed when Jones follow ed Brown out in the yard n the rear of the adjoining houses occupied by the two men. --- .. Man Seriously Wound ed Resisting Police Raleigh, N. C., Aug 14, (ANP)— Wanted for participating in a hold-up. Phllp King, was shot and seriously wounded wrhen he attempted to es cape from police here Tuesday night. The man was shot in the neck and ! jaw, hospital attaches reported im-1 mediately following the shooting. Describes Joe Louis As a Factor For Social Good Chicago, Aug. 14, (ANP)—Is Joe Louis, the sensational heavy weight prize fighter conscious of the duai role he must play in life, one a role as a pugilist which he eagerly sought ; the other, a rofe as ambassador for the uplift of his people? The burden of holding up the good name of his raee is a greater load to be foisted onto the shoulders of a 21-year-old bo^ than an entire flock of present day heavyweights would be. Joe has captured the imagination of the American public. Through him, white Americans see a type of Negro they did not suspect ex isted. We know that there are many like him- But Joe has got the chance to show. Will he take the responsibility to heart? Is it too much to ex pect of a boy of his years? Not only millions of Negroes are wondering if the CHARACTER of Joe Louis, nowr that his fists have drawn attention to him, will continue to hold his race up, but also millions of whites. Their hearts have been drawn to this unassuming colored boy. Thus he has all classes in America looking to him. He is a model for white boys as well as colored boy—as long as he does not for sake the “character” created for him in the public imaginatin. The following e d itorial from the Chicago Herald-Examiner calls pointed attention to the po sition Joe Louis occupies as a young citizen of the United State: “THE CASE OF JOE LOUIS” s “In the history of the world fewr boys of 21 have had the op portunity to express themselves as social factors that today lies in the lap of young Joe Louis. “A year ago today he was an autombileo mechanic in Detroit Today, throughout the civlized '.vorld, he is discussed as a pos sible world-champion boxer. “Whether or not he ever at tains that goal, he has impressed himself upon the imagination of millions as an example of clean living and UNEMOTIONAL be havior. “Neither Haile Selassie, nor any of the black ancient rulers of the Rome that now menace him, ever had such a following of loy al friends and wTell-wishers as the bronze Apollo. Twelvs million Americans of his racial descent idolize him. Otlfer millions, in eluding Cabots and Lowells .admire his tech nique and are willing to wager that in a tour of Europe he can detroy the ambitions of any hairy giant that ths old countries can produce. “From the depth of South Af rican diamond mines to the re motest igloo of the Arctic circle— thanks to radio—the name of Louis was on the lips of every he man yesterday. “The world’s spotlight is on him—not so much because he de feated a hard-fighting and good losing Chicagoan in Le vinsky— but because he appears to be a man of destiny in a game that at best is sordid business, “Prize fighting is brutal ,as any participant or devotee will admit. Whether it is'degrading is another question. If it is such, then a poll of ringsiders at any good match might destroy the public’s faith in its leaders—po litical, industrial and profession al. “But back to Joe Louis. If he can hold the poise, restraint and decency of personal conduct thaf he has shown thus far in his brief career he may do as much for his race as the great Booker T. Wash ington accomplished. ‘' While he is the idol he will be imitated- If he slips frflun the pic ture of a Bible-reading, fiddle playing mother’s boy he will be followed. “Joe Louis has the respect of millions of men and women to day. May he hold it.” Along with the w’hite editor of the Herald-Examiner, Joe’s bre thern in blood are also praying', “May he hold it.” Boston Protests At tacks on Ethiopia Boston, Mass., (CNA)—A Ne gro and white delegation repre senting the Provisional Cominit ;te for Equal Opportunities regis tered a vigorous protest with the Italian Consulate here today against the w’ar upon Ethiopia. The ice Consul received the pro test from the chairman but re fused to receive or hear the dele gation, stating “the Consulate has nothing to do with the war I and is here for other business.” The chairman of the delegation Richard B. Moore, Boston organ izer of the International Labor Defense, protested against “the unprecedented violation of estab lished diplomatic procedure and Courtesy by refusing to receive and hear a delegation desiring to transmit a protest to your gov ernment,” Dr. S .G. Pavlo, S' Calderaro, Dr. M. Cravath Simp son, and Mrs. Mary Moore were, the other members of the delega-! tion. The statement left for trans mission to the Italian government “p-rotests vehemently against the invasion and slaughter of the I Ethiopian people, ’ ’ condemns j ‘ ‘ the vicious propaganda which is being employed to justify this! war of conquest by slandering the Ethiopian people, who achieved a high state of civiliza tion in the earliest historic period as ‘savages,’ “and demands” the withdrawl of all troops and the recognition and observance of in ternational treaties solemnly guaranteeing the independence of Ethiopia and outlawing wars of aggression. ’ ’ Woman Shot; Pulls Ball Out Of Skull “. Scotland Neck, N. C., Aug. 14, (ANP)—Fellow-revellers at a party expected to see Ethel Lawrence fall over lifeless when G. B. Richardson in a fit of sjiger pulled his pistol and fired point-blank in her face, but instead they saw her stagger, clasp her hand to her forehead and a ninute later cast the bullet on the | floor. The bullet had embodied it self in the skull of the woman just above the eye and did not penetrate the brain, hence she was able to pluck it cut without assistance. Medical aid was given at a doctor’s | office and the woman’s condition has been reported as satisfactory. Rchardson escaped following the shooting. Visits Friend In Jail; And Stays Raleigh, N. C., Aug. 14, (ANP)— Finding a razor in the package she was carrying to a friend in jail led to the incarceration of Eliza Harris, here Tuesday afternoon. The woman was one of the afternoon visitors at the jail and as she was entering the cell row to see Harvey Stephenson, who was charged with being drunk and disorderly a razor fell out of the package she was carrying and clat tered upon the floor. She told the jailer that she knew that Harvey needed a shave and that a white woman had sent him the razor and some pickles, but this explanation was not sufficient to keep her from becoming an inmate until the case was investigated. ' Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m., call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com , plied with. I Mika Today Tour Lucky Day. Just send your nan* and address sad get marvelous magic Lucky Lose and Mousy “golden-charm'’ pocket piece, and big new azaats proposition Writs Keystone Lab., Dept. 5-R-8 Memphis, Tenn. Named To Workers Education Conference Lincoln, Nebr., Aug. 14, (ANP)— Four of the ten, appointees from the state of Nebraska to the six week Workers Education Conference spon sored for the Federal Emergency Education division, are colored. One appointed from Lincoln is Burt F. Newton of the Lincoln Urban League staff. Mr. Newton is a grad uate of the University of Nebraska school of business administration and former employe of the Liberty Life .Insurance company. The other : is Charles G. Blooah, who formerly was employed as instructor at Fisk and Tennessee A & I universities.. The conference to be held at Kan sas Agricultural college at Manhattan, j Kansas, began August 9. At the ter mination of the conference the dele gates will return to lead forum dis cussions and instruct conoemtng prob lems that of the workers. | WHITEN SKIN while you sleep Now—almost over night—you can make your skin many shades lighter—free from freckles, pim ples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime spread Nadmola Bleaching Cream on face, neck and arms. While you sleep it gently dissolves dark pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double acting. It gives results you have never found in any ordinary bleach. ▼pv Get Nadmola today at any toi 1 *1 let counter or by mail postpaid, AT OUR 50c. If not delighted, money DICK cheerfully refunded. NADI NOLA. Box N-17, Paris. Tenn. oNodinoiaStm^yOmw Legal Notices PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the Estate of Lucy Jones, Deceased. Notice is hereby given:—That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, be fore me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 3rd day of October, 1935, and on the 3rd day of December, 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 3rd day of September, 1935. Began 8-10-35 Bryce Crawford. Ends 8-29-35 County Judge Attorney Ray L. Williams, Room 200, Tuchman Bldg., 24th and Lake Street. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT— In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Hattie Austin Ford, Deceased: All persons nterested in said mat- j ter are hereby notified that on the 27th day of July, 1935, Maude Thomas filed a petition in said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 24th day of August, 1935, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 24th day of August 1935 at 9 o’clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to ths Court may seem proper, to the end that all mat ters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. Begins 8-3-35 Bryce Crawford, Expires 8-17-35 County Judge. Help Kidneys • If poorly functioning Kidneys and Bladder make you Buffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness, Rheumatic • Pains, Stiffness, Burning. Smarting. Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed Doctor s Prescription Cystex(SisB-tex) as_a_ —Must fix you up or money Ify&MOX back. Only 76^ at druggists. m □ Mm We have discovered the way pUP to dream anything you wish -’ and have it come true. If you wish to have success with your dreams answer this ad at once. If »ot, don’t write. Free details. Daggett Pub. Co. 1 3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, I1L Flesh Kidneys ef £cids and Poisons Stop Getting Up Nights When kidneyg are clogged they be come weak—the bladder la Irritated— often passage is scanty and smarts burns—sleep Is restless and nightly visitg to the bathroom are frequent The right harmless and inexpensive way to stop this trouble and restore healthy action to kjdneys and bladder is to get from any druggist a 35-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed—you won’t be disappointed —but be gure and get GOLD M~RDAT. Haarlem Oil Capsules—the original «rirt genuine—right from Haarlem in Hol land—a grand kidney stimulant and diurectic. Remember also that other symptoms of kidney and bladder trou ble are backache, leg cramps, puffy eyes, moist palms and nervouanesa Dept. NP-58 Memphis, Term. GOLD MEDAL HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES Fine for Weak Kidneys and Bladder Irritation STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS One 35 cent box of these famous capsules will put healthy activity inte your kidneys and bladder—flush out harmful waste poisons and acid and prove to you that at last you have a grand diuretic and stimulant that will swiftly cause these troubles to cease. But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules—safe and harm less—the original and genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. Millions have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it—some symptoms be sides visits t bathroom at night are backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and scanty passage that ofttimes smarts and bums. nTnrrra M That's what grateful thousands of users all over ^ the world say about Black and White Ointment and Skin Soap. Use this famous combination treatment to fade out dark patches and mole dis colorations; to smooth out bumps and drive away blemishes; to dry up itchy, eczemic irritations! The 50c pack age of Black and White Ointment contains more than 3 times as * much as 25c size. Large bar Black and White Skin Soap only 25c. Here’s Your Big Chance to Make Quick Money-Be Agent for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing, Bleach Cream, 300 Products. It’s Easy! Do you need Money? Do you wish for the pood thinps that Money would buy to make you happy? Then become a SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Money Making AGENT. Men and Women wanted everywhere asAGENTS for SWEET GEORGIA BROWN Hair Dressing Pomade, Hair Strength, Skin Brightener, Bleach Cream, Face Powder, Perfumes, 300 Products. You don’t need any experience. Work in Spare Time or Full Time. We show you how to make up to $40.00 a week or up to $€.00 in a single day. FREE SAMPLES Send No Money! Just fill in coupon and mail it today for FREE SAMPLES of Hair Dressing, Face Powder and Special Offer to AGENTS. Don’t wait. Mail the COUPON NOW! Valmor Products Co. 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