The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 10, 1935, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Thz Omaha Guide
Published every Saturday at 2418-2j Grant St..
Omaha, Neb.
Phone WEbster 1750
Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927
at the Post Office at Omaha. Xeb., under the Act
of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Terms of Subscription $2.00 per year
Race prejudice must go- The Fatherhood of
God and the Brotherhood of Man must pre
vail. These are the only principles which will
stand the acid test of good citizenship in time
of peace, war and death.
Omaha. Nebraska, Saturday, AUGUST 10, 1935
July 17, 1935
Special to The Omaha Guide by Kelly Miller
In my last release I spoke of the solution of the
race problem by si'ence as contrasted to the solution
by conscientious effort and agitation. Since recon
struction times both of these types of effort have
been in operation. Negro leaders through individual
effort and organized endeavor have sought to direct
the life of the race, but in spite of it all the present
trend is retrograde and no satisfactory outcome is
in sight. This is the conclusion arrived at by Dr.
DuBois, who for forty years has been the foremost
exponent for the doctrine of rectification of racial
affairs by protes and agitation. The National As
sociation for the Advancement of Colored People
for the last quarter of a century has typified the
spirit of agitation and protest and has directed the
organized effort of the race in this behalf. This
militant organization has undoubtedly accomplished
sundry incidental results of considerable racial val
ue and advantage; but comprehensively it has not
been able to remove a single obstacle against which
it directed its energies or yet to point, out a plain
path of procedure for the future. Its energies have
been directed against jim crow cars, disfranchise
ment, separate schools, segregation ,lynching, and
various forms of industrial and economic discrimi
nation. And yet not a single jim crow car has been
taken from the tracks, disfranchisement, to all in
tent and purpose, is as rampant as ever, segregation
is all but complete, lynching proceeds according to
its own savage will, separate schools are extending
Northward and Westward, legal and civil discrimi
nation have become the established vogue of Feder
a' and state government, organizaitons and indivi
duals. Inother words, the race problem in all its es
sential features remains unbudged. I do not mean to
say that conditions might not have been worse had
not the NAACP and like organized and industrial
effort exerted themselves during the past fifty
years. They have at least kept alive the spirit of pro
In the mean time the racial life has been impel
led. in the main, by unwilled forces. The influx of
Negro population into the North was unwilled and
unpurposed by any individual or organization, it
was the inevitable result of uncontrolled conditions.
The shifting of political power from South to North
came as the incidental result of the shift of popula
tion. A million Negroes were thrust into Northern
industry as an incidental outcome of the World
War. and they were thrust out again as soon as the
war was over. The development of machinery has
produced an impasse in the industrial world. As a
result millions of workmen are thrown out of employ
ment. incidentally the negro becomes the chief vic
tim of this displacement. The Negro’s place in the
life of the nation is conditioned upon the relative
scarcity of unskilled labor. Where this type of labor
is abundant, the Negro is cheap, where it is scarce
he is dear. The Negro is cheap today in both the
North and the South because there is no scarcity of
the type of labor which he is qualified to perform.
The invention of the cotton gin made the Negro in
dispensable in the cotton growing industry of the
South, but the loom excluded him from the textile
industry. The invention of a successful cotton pick
er would exclude him from the cotton growing in
dustry and make him as industrially unneesesary in
the South as he is in the North. All of this is the re
sult of unwilled factors over which the Negro has
no control.
Race prejudice is the outstanding factor in the
race problem in America, and indeed, in the world.
"V\ c have not yet found any agency that can effec
ti\cl\ grapple with this evil passion or seriously
modu.' its malignant manifestations, try ever so
hard. Thus the Negro stands in the face of destiny
like an infant crying in the night, and cry he must
The theologians used to discuss the relative part
played by predestination and free wlil in human
destiny. Although we have changed the terminology
we are still confronted by these two factors of which
social evolution is the joint outcome. We hear much
in this day and time about social planning which
must depend upon social foreknowledge and the
power to control foreseen faetors
No one is able to forsee or foretell the destiny of
the Negro in the Western world, and therefore all
racial planning must be haphazard and uncertain.
| if we cannot see the distant scene, we can at
least guide and guard the immediate step. After all,
human concern is with duty, not with destiny. Each
K indi\ idual should perform the duty which is voueh
to him without reference to its affect upon ul
■ timate destiny. The prophet sits on the wall and sees
warns ve multiude of the coming danger, but alas,
! ■ been woefully lacking in prophets. The
indivii; a Is have had to feel after the right way. if
luiji.y u.ey may find it. There is a certain school of
philosophy which preaches that if the individual
looks after himself, the race will look after itself.
This rs hut a half-truth, but an important one.
When Denmark Yeasev and Nat Turner stirred
up slave insurrections. Frederick Douglas fulminat
ed against the iniquity of slavery. Booktr T. Wash
ington launched his industrial propaganda, W. E. B
D. Bois wrote “The Souls of Black Folk” Kelly Mil
ler, sailed the Negro Sanhedrian. Marcus Garvoy
promoted his African empire—Those all by con
scious effort, were essaying a solution of the race
problem. But when Phillis Wheatley and Paul Lawr
renee Dubar courted the Muse, Benjamin Bannoker
and Ferdinand Wood invented mechanical contriv
ances. Henry Tanner painted pictures, Ira Aldridge
Gilpin and Paul Robeson displayed histronic talent,
Roland Hays and Ethel Waters excelled in song,
Jesse Owens outruns the world, Joe Louis heads for
kingship of the prize ring—those were but perform
ing the immediate tasks which lay before them with
out eoseious purpose of settling the race problem.
These two types of effort indicate the relative ef
fectiveness of willed and unwilled effort. The re
former and the performer must both play their part.
Both are efficient, neither is sufficient.
Kelly Miller
For more than a hunderd years, an insurance
executive recently pointe dout, the institution of life
insurance has been collecting facts about the af
fairs of men—their needs, hopes, dreams and em
bitions, and the ersponsibilities they have to cope
The result of that century of effort is that life
’nsuraaee is better able to deal with man’s financial
problem tha nanv other agency ever devised. It is
the only agency that creates weath for the individu
al. then undertakes its distribution and, finally,
guarantees, the income derived.
A life insurance company, in brief, when it ac
cepts a premium, accepts the entire responsibiity for
the investment and care of the '‘wealth’’ deposited
with it. The owner of the money is automatically
relieved of the worries attendant upon investments
by an individual—worries that are especially great
when the amount of money involved is relatively
small, and the investor is without the special knowl
edge and dispassionate, realistic advice that mak£
for investment safety. The life insurance company
puts that money to work, so that it may produce a
return—and, instead of putting it all in one place,
it distributes it widely, in government bonds, indus
trial securities, farm and urban mortgages and so
on. And, lastly, it maintains a vast cash reserve
to insure that it will be able to meet obligations
promptly and in full.
It is only in recent years that the average per
son has had an insight into the investment phase of
life insurance. That phase is as important as the
protection phase.
An example of the vital services that good co
operative institutions provide for theirmembers—
services that are not obtainable elsewhere—was pro
vided during the recent eleventh annual session of
the American Institute of Cooperation.
Executives of eooperatiive dairy associations,
coupled with research experts, made the most
searching probe in 10 years concerning the national
and international outlok for marketing America’s
dairy products
The probe and the ensuing appraisal included
factors of production; the trend of consumption;
the effect of imports on both dairy products and
competitive oils and fats; the extent to which two
years of operation under federal and state control
has changed market conditions; the possible influ
ence of reciprocal trade agreements upon dairy pro
ducts. and similar questions which effect the future
welfare of the dairy farmer.
It is impossible to exaggerate the worth of such
a probe. Leaders of dairy cooperatives throughout
the country wil be much better prepared to cope
with the marketing and price problems they foce,
and to inform their members as to the best course
of future action. They will be able to scientifically
develop plans, and to proceed with greater confi
dence and certainty.
According to Earl W. Benjamin, General Man
ager of the Pacific Egg Producers, there are five
requisites to success in forming and conducting an
agricultural cooperative:
First, qualified executives must be employed to
handle the cooperative’s affairs.
Second, the co-op must be soundly and ade
quately financed.
Third, it should stand on its ovwi legs, meet
competition through advancing the efficiency of op
eration, and should so far as it is possible avoid de
pending on governmental subsidies.
Fourth, it should limit its activities strictly to
the business purposes of the cooperative.
Fifth, it should keep all members thoroughly
informed as to what is going on.
As Mr Benjamin says, cooperatives lacking any
of these requisites are doomed to trouble sooner or
Happenings That Affect the Dinner
Pails, Dividend Creeks and Tax
Blls of Every Individual. Na
tional and International Problems
I nes parable from Local Welfare.
The march of New Deal legisla
tion through the courts continues.
Within the past three weeks, three
major Administration measures have
been subjected to judicial scrutiny
—and two of the three have been
found wanting. Last words, of
course, will be said by the Supreme
Court when it meets for its next
term, but present decisions provide
a lead on what the highest court of
all is likely to decide.
First case concerned the Agricul
tural Adjustment Administraton.
This bureau pays farmers for re
| stricting their crops, raises the
money throuih processinb and floor
raxes. Plantiff in the case was a
milling company, which had refused
to pay $82,000 demanded by the col
lector #f internal revenue. In the
district court, the government was
upheld, and the company was ord
ered to come through with the
$82,000. It appealed to the district
court in Boston, which reversed the
lower court, by a 2-to-l decision, and
held that Congress did not possess
me power to aeiegue uixn^ autnor
ity to the Secretary of Agriculture.
If this decision is given validty by
the Supreme Court, the Government
may have to refund processing taxes
already collected, and pay future
benefits out of regular funds.
Second case concerned the policy
of the Public Works Administration
in condemning land to use for low
cost federal housing projects. Tihs
is very close to the heart of Secre
tary fc-kes, wha has planned s.
5250,000,000 slum clearance and
low-cost housing program. Suit was
brought by a property owner who
did not wish to sell at the Govern
ment’s price, wshed to bargain for
greater compensation. The Cincin
nati circuit court upheld for the
plaintiff, said that the Government
has not the power to condemn land
for this purpose.
Third case involved, one of the
most debated of Administration
activities—the Tennessee Valley Au
thority. A few months ago a suit
was brought to restrain the Author
ity from selling electric power in
competition with private producers
and to invalidate contracts made be
tween the Authority and various
towns in the Tennessee area. Fed
eral District Judge Grubb held for
the plaintiff, decided the contracts
were illegal. The Government ap
pealed to the Appellate court in New
Orleans, and the judges overruled
Judge Grubb, decided that the Gov
; emment can sell power in competi
tion with private parties.
Thus the New Deal came to the
bar three times—won once, and lost
tiwcfc. This is similar to past experi
ence. and illustrates a fact recog
nized by Administration friends and
opponents alike—that much of the
legislation proposed and pushed by
the President cannot be held valid
without Constitutional change. And
that promises to be the prime plank
in next year’s general elect on.
Every business publication and
: commentator seems agreed on this:
| The business outlook continues to
improve, with advances especially
noteworthy in the durable goods in
rustries. These heavy industries are
in a better position now than at any
rime since depression set in. In the
words of one magazine, “It’s a dur
able goods summer.”
Here is some specific information:
COPPER—Recent« demand excep
tionally heavy. Tonnage sold in first
half of July was equal to the quota
for two months under the NRA
code. Frice advances forecast by
MACHINE TOOL—T r e. m endous
gain registered in dollar volume.
Index recently touched 91 per cent
of the 1926 avearage—best level
since 1929.
MOTORS—Reports continue to be
good. Passenger car sales for the
frst half of the year ran about 45
per cent ahead of the same period
in 1934. In June. Ford sold most
ears for that month since 1930,
Chevrolet surpassed all June records
since 1929.
ELECTRIC POWER — R e^c e n t
month showed highest consumption
since the latter part of 1931.
STEEL—At 40 per cent of capac
ity. a substantial advance over a
few months ago.
RETAIL TRADE—Held steady in
to the summer, avoding the usual
seasonal drop.
These serve to illustrate the trend.
Queston now is, can advance he con
tinued ?
European observers who can
spare time from the Italian-Ethiop
ian trouble, are casting synical
glances on Germany these days.
Another Hitler “purge” is under
way-bloodless as yet. though many
fear blood-letting will soon start.
Objects of persecution are. of
course, the Jews. And along with
them are the Catholics, clergymen of
all denominations, and members of
| the Stahleim—the German equiva
lent of the American Legion. Reas
on for the attack on the veterans
is that they contain “re&ctianaries”
—in other words, men who are op
posed to the Hitler dictatorship.
Stricter censorship prevails in
Germany. Individual liberties are
furt her proscribed. Concentration
camps are jammed. Hitler’s sword
agan hangs above those Germans
who think him less than divine.
Elks of The World In
The ‘Convention of
The Century’
Washinglon—C'NS—The * ‘ Con
vention of the Century’’ is the
way in which the coining Thirty
six annual grand lodge conven
, tions of the Improved Benevolent
and Protective Order of the Elks
of the World, here in the Capital
of the Nation, August 25-31, is
heralded throughout the country.
A delegation of “high Elks”
headed by Grand Exalted Ruler,
J. Finley Wlison called at the
White House, Wednesday, -July
: 31, to invite President Roosevelt
i to review the grand parade Aug
ust 27 and attend the oratorical
contest. The Chief Executive of
the Nation informed the commit
tee that if possible he would ac
cept the invitation. He expressed
interest in the health, educational
and civil liberties programs of the
] order and gave the delegation one
| of the heartiest greetings ever ex
tended to any group in a visit to
I the White House.
Mr. Wilson handed the Presi
dent an engraved nivitation to re
view the parade; and Mr. Roose
velt responded pleasantly and
grasped the hand of “the Grand”
with a hearty hand shake, as the
| cameras of the photographers reg
istered the eventful meeting.
All the principal national news
picture bureaus had representa
tives present taking pictures and
the next morning the metropoli
tan dailies throughout the coun
try carried pictures taken during
the visit of the delegates.
The President “was shot” in a
dozen os more different poses
with members of the committee
group. The delegation in addition
to J. Finley Wilson, grand exalted
ruler, and l)r. Charles B. Fischer,
general ehairmantof the conven
mittee, were Attorney Roy S.
Bond, grand royal knight; Wil
liam C. Hueston, commissioner of
education: John H. Rhines, com
missioner of athletics; Dr. Wil
liam J. Thompkins, commissioner
of health; Captain Arthur New
man, grand marshall of the pa
i rade; and Robert H. Ogle, grand
Secretary of the convention com
The convention proper will be
held August 25-31; and by act of
j Congress a sufficient sum of mon
ey has been appropriated for
street decorations, maintenance
of public order and the protection
of life and property during the
convention. Congress also au
thorized the use of public parks,
; reservations in the District of Co
lumbia, and the use of the neces
sary tents, cots, hospital applianc
es, etc., to provide for the com
fort and convenience of all who
visit Washington during this per
Grand Exalted Ruler Wilson
has just issued his annual procla
mation to the officers and mem
I bers of the grand and subordinate
j lodges and. the grand and sub
ordinate temples of the order, in
which he set forth that:
“When, with prophetic vision,
our beloved Order dug into its
treasury to aid general welfare,
there were narrow-minded critics
who complained, but we have liv
ed to eee the Nation dig into its
treasury to the tune of billions
to avert distress and bring recov
ery. Elkdom is proud of its fore
sight and its program, aided by
your loyal support through the
last decade.
“We Ishall consider the econom
ic welfare of our group. We shall
: formulate plans looking toward
hte manufacture of our uniforms
and regalia amounting to a mil
lion dollars a year. Your proposed
Fidelity Fund to secure the trust
worthy performance of all obli
gations by those wrho handle
funds of the Order is to be mov
ed forward to function. The beet
brains and loftiest aims growing
out of the principles of the Order
of Improved Benevolent Protec
tive Elks of the World will be
commanded to move ever for
The Education and Economic
From August 22 to 24, an edu
cation Economic Congress, under
the auspices of the Elk’s Depart
ment of Education will assemble
in Washington, for the purpose
of devising ways and means to se
cure the equitable administration
of the laws governing public edu
cation in the States of the Union;
as well as to attempt to work out
a formula by the use of whicr to
break down the wall which ex
cludes Negroes from the credit
Delegates to this Congress are
being named by Governors and
Mayors throughout the country.
The membership of the Congress
is not confined to the membership
of the Elk’s fraternity. All who
are interested may select dele
gates; and certify their names to
the Director of the Congress, W.
C. Hueston, 1915 Fourteenth St.,
‘orthwest, "Washington, D. C.
Health Awakening
Health Director William J.
Thompkins, Recorder of Deeds of
the District of Columbia, the
Capital City has a new, progres
sive Health Officer, and improved
health condtiions are now outlin-1
ed. Throughout the nation, health
has taken on a new meaning in
conformity with the movement
started by this order ten years
Junior Elks to be Prominent
General W. T. Meade Grant,
grand director of the junior herd,
has completed arrangmeents for
our boys and girls to enjoy the
experience of their lives. A full
day wlil be given to their section
of the program. As the Boy
—Scouts of America are to be in
Washington at the same time, the
opportunity for making manhood
will be supreme. Future members
of Congress may be created by
this vsiit Of the Junior Elks to
the Capital City.
Director John T. Rhines is put
ting the Athletic Department on
the map. He will put on a pro
gram during the Convention
w hich will cause his most san
guine admirers to sit up and take
notice when the heroes of the cin
despath and bathing beauties
take charge on August 27. All
athletes should communicate with
Director John T. Rhines, 301 Eye
Street, S. W., Washington, D. C.,
for information and assignments.
Jesse Owen, holder of three world
records, and recently appointed
State Director of Athletics for
Elks in Ohio, wrili positively ap
Convention Program
“The National Oratorical Con
test wall be held at the Metropoli
tan A. M. E. Church ; the sessions
of the Convention of the Grand
Lodge will occupy the New Ma
sonic Temple; the meeting of the
Alumni fo the Elk’s Educational
Section will be held at the Metro
politan Baptist Church. Dr Chas.
E. Wesley will preach the Bacca
laureate Sermon at the Metropoli
tna A. Al. L. Church and Grand
Chaplain W. G. Avant will pre
side. The pilgrimage to the shrine
of the late Grand Legal Adviser,
Col. Henry Lincoln Johnson, will
move Sunday. August 25, with a
sermon by the Grand Chaplain at
“The address of welcome will
be delivered by the Honorable
Melvin C. Hazen, President of the
Board of Commissioners; Tuesday
afternoon, 1 o’clock p. m.; tHe
Grand Parade will move down his
toric Constitution Avenue, head
ed by the machine gun battalion
of the Old Tenth Cavalry, w'hich
will hail from Arizona, August
“The championship baseball
game and the band contest will
be held at the Griffith Stadium
following the pardae. cash prizes
wil be awarded the first and sec-j
ond mands for the best mus:e and
the longest distance travel'ed.1
Prizes wil lalso be awarded the i
Marching Clubs with the largest
enrollment and traveling the long
est distance.
“All units preparing to parti
cipate in the Grand Parade
should communicate at once, with
the Commander - in - Chief, the
Grand Exalted Ruler. To post
pone this actoin until the places
are assigned in the parade may
cause embarrasment, and to wait
until the arrival in "Washington
will be too late.
‘ Wednesday will see the Grand
Lodge in session, with the Grand
Promenade at night at the Mason
ic Temple.
You Must Not Miss This Con
“Every American citizen should
visit and see the city of the whole
people. It will thrill you with
pride and stir you to new enthu
siasm for American ideals. Our
racial history is written largely
hero, from the Statute of Freedom
which tops the Capitol’s dome,
set in place b yNegro workmen
to Howard University with its
new million-dollar building, the
“Capstone of Negro Education
You may stand where Lincoln
stood at Fort Stevens with a Ne
gro woman praying by his side
for God’s protection from the bul
lets flying around hmi during the
Civil "War; you may ride down
the w'ide avenues surveyed by
Benjamin Banneker, worknig un
der L ’Enfant; you may gaze upon
the bronze replicas of those Civil
"War heroes—Grant, Sherman,
Logan, Sheridan, Garfield, Scott
and Thomas—never to be forgot
ten; you may visit the plants of
the greatest business in the world,
the departmetns of the United
Sttaes Government and its gigan
tic extensions under the growth
of the Nation. These and a hun
dred other experiences await you
at the “CONVENTION of the
CENTURY’’, to be held here for
the frist tmie in 25 yeans.”
Court Rules on Howard
University Status
Washington—CNS—For the
first time in the history of How
ard University, the Court of Ap
peals today established the status
of that institution as a private en
terprise rather than a public un
dertaking within the meaning of
the Heard Act.
A group of sub-contractors had
instituted proceedings to recover
under a bond which the genreal
contractor on a construction pro
ject at the uni verst iy had pur
Attorney Geoorge P. Lemin op
posed the payment under the
bond, claiming that although the
contract had been signed by the
Department of Interior and the
bond w-as required under the con
tract, the university was operated
under a private charter and is not
“public buildings or public
works’’, within the meaning of
the Heard Act
Under the ruling of the Appel
late Court sub-contractors with
unpaid claims must file liens just
as would be required in the case
of private corporations.
Hero’s Widow Plans
To Conserve Fund
Raised For Family
Washington, Aug.—ANP—Mrs.
Sterling Calhoun, w hose husband
drowmed in the Anacostia river,
near hen- on July 12, in the ef
fort to save two white children
from drowning, will spend the
thousand or more dollars raised
for her and her family as sparing
ly as possible, according to a
statement made by her this week,
when she was handed $215 raised
by Joe Turner, local fight pro
Citizens of both races have ral
lied to the cause of raising fileds
to aid the family of the man wrho
lived a pauper for the last three.
years but who died a hero. Bene
fits have been staged by theaters,
fight promoters, churches and
civic organizat'ons and at each
the public turned out in large
numbers, boosting the fund to a
little more than $1,000.
When interviewed in her
humble but spotless and neatly
kept little home a tl7 L street,
southwest, Mrs. CaLhoun, with her
two little children present, said:
“When Sterling went to his
death, it seemed that life was not
worth living any more, but the
way people have come to our res
cue. has given me new courage
and I am going to spend this
money just as slow as I can, pay
ing my rent, buying the necessary
clothing for my children and my
self arid of course for food.”