Tenth Lynching of Year Revives Demand For Passage of Costigan Wagner Bill Roosevelt Asked by N. A. A C. P. To Urge Congress to Pass An ti-Lynching Bill Before Ad journment ; Senator Bailey of North Carolina Challenged to Prove that State can Prevent Lynchings without Federal Aid New York, July 31—The lynch ing of Govan Ward at Louisburg, North Carolina, yesterday caused the sending of the following tele- j gram to President Roosevelt and Senator Joshiah W. Bailey, of North Carolina, today bv the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People. The J telegram to l*resident Roosevelt read: * “The tenth lynching of 1935 oc curred at Louisburg, oNrth Caro lina. yesterday when a man. al leged to be insane, was put to death in the State of Senator Jo siah W. Bailey, one of the most vociferous leadtrs of the filibust er against the Costigan-Wagner anti-lynching bill. This is the fifth lynching since the filibusters suc ceeded in sidetracking the anti lynehing bill. Should Congress ad journ without acting against lynching it is probable and al most certain that human beings now alive will fall victims to mobs. Situation necessitates vour urging upon Congress that it act without -delay to pass the Costi gan-Wagner bill. Our country cannot with good grace denounce barbarism in Nazi Germany as long as these mob outrages dis grace America.’’ The telegram to Senator Bail ey. one of the leaders in the fili buster which sidetracked the Costigan-Wagner bill in April, though 59 Senators were pledged to vote for the bill, read: “On April 26 you vigorously at taeked the Costigan-Wagner an ti-lynching bill and asserted that ‘we need no incentive to do our duty in preventing lynching or punishing lynchers. Yesterday a mob in your own State, at Louis burg. presented you and the State of North Carolina with a chal lenge to prove the truth of your statement of April 26. Thought ful Americans, including many white citizens of North Carolina, do not believe that lynching can i be stopped except by Federal ac tion. The eyes of the world will !»*• upon you and your State to see if you spoke truthfully when you filibustered against the Costigan Wagner bill/’ MAYOR SHAW TO WELCOME DELTA SIGMA THETAS AT CONVENTION MEET Los Angeles. Calif.. Aug 8, (By Fay Jaekson for ANP)—Delegates to the uaf.onal convention of Delta ?igma Theta sorority will receive an official w-eicome from the city of Los Angeles by Mayor Frank L. Shaw when the first public meeting is held in Bovard auditorium (U.S.C.) Sunday. August 11. at 3 p. m.. Miss Pauline Slater, convention chairman announced to day. Greetings from the community will be extended by Mrs. Mattie Nelson, executive secretary of the Y. W. C. A. Greetings from the sorority will be delivered by Ruty Spikes-Webster and Miss Slater. The main address On the convention theme; “Sororities in a Changing'' Environment”, will be given by the brilliant president. Jeanette Triplett Jones, of Chicago. Jessie; Fauset. noted novelist, is al so scheduled to be one of the main speakers. A musical tribute to all fraterni ties and sororities will be played by Paulyn Garner, represent'ng Lambda chapter, of Chicago, Following the program in Bovard. Angelenos are invited to assemble in the Elks auditorium for a grand re ception where national officers and delegates will be formerly presented during a social hour. FORUM There will be a special Forum held at the i. W. C. A., Sunday. August 11, 4:00 P. M*. 1035, sponsored by Dr. Wesley Jones. The principal speaker will be Mr. Carlton B. Good lett. former president of the Student Council of Howard University, Wash ington. D. C. The subject will be “The Negro Youth Faces America.” There are sure to be some interest ing facts brought out concerning the Negro Youth’s education- The pub lic is cordially invited. _JOE LOUIS_ ho in a few months time has emerged from the ranks of the unknown to the “sensation of the decade'—. scored a technical knockout over King Levinsky, the Windy City’s famuos fish peddler, in two minutes and twenty-one seconds. Mankiller From Detroit Makes Quick Work of Chicago Fish King In less khan three minutes Joe Louis. The Man Killer, from Detroit, placed King Levinsky in a sitting position on the bottom of the ring ropes from which the Kingfish re fused to rise wthout the protecting arms of the referee. This brings Louis’ sensational record to 20 knockouts in 24 professional starts. This fight was quoted by sport writ ers as be.ng a test of whether Louis could take it as well as dish it out. Sends Resolution To President On August 3rd the Committee Investigating Discriminaiton of workers on the Rulo project sent a resolution to President Roose velt and hte War Dept, asking that Negroes and Foreign-born shall be paid the same w^ages as whites and that all workers re gardless of race, creed, color or nationultiy shall have the right to organize into organizations of their own choice without interfer ence from any officers of the ar my or any other organizations that are not controlled by rank and file workers. Negro Preacher Pleas es White Hearer Columbia, S. C„ Aug. 7, (ANP)— W. P. Hourneal. white, konwn in this section as the “Dutch Weather Prophet” was profuse in his praise of a sermon preached here Sunday night by Rev. J. C. White, guest pas tor at the Zion Baptist church. Wrifc.ng in the SOUTH CARO LINA STATE. Mr. Housneal. who according to his own declaration, had ben drawn to the service at the Negro church by his anxiety to hear the man whose writings he had read when he was editor of a white Bap tist publication, declared: “Dr. White presented three prop ositions for the guidance, especially of his own race, to whom his sermon was addressed. He told them to adopt the program which Moses had given the children of Israel:!., So cial security, 3, adherence te su preme fath in the Christian religion. It was this faith and the adherence tc surreme faith n the Christian religion. It was this faith and the adherence to the religion, that God gave abundant success and prosper ity to people of Israel that distin guished the regn of David as com pared to the reign of Saul in his lat- j ter years. “The sermon was replete in class ical quotations to illustrate the theme of the speaker in referimg to state national and international or isis of ancient and modern times. Selections from poems of Longfel low and James Russell Lowell were used with accurate precision as illus strations. Especially dramatic was the preacher's reference to the crisis the Allies in Europe when they arrayed against Napoleon Bona parte as he returned from Elba and precipitated the Battle of Waterloo One seldom hears a more accurate or more thrilling description of that decisive battle of modem times.” Dr. White was for a number of years pastor of the Zion Baptist church ahd is now pastor of First Baptist church of Winston Salem, N. C., which claims to be the largest church of the denomination in the state of North Carolina. Washington Dentists Going to Louisville Next WTeek Washington—CNS—Among the local dentists who will go to Lou isville next week to attend the twenty-second Annual Meeting of of the National Dental Associa tion are: Dr. W. D. Wiseman, Dr. W. 0. Claytor, Dr. W T. Grady, Dr. Adolphus Walton, Dr. Russell Dixon, dean of the Howard Dent al School; Dr. Jackson L. Davis, Dr. John A- Turner, and Dr. E. F. Hards, datatfist for the W. S. Merrill Company, Drug and Chemical Manufacturers of Cin cinnati, Ohio; and Dr. Roscoe C. Brown. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Semd them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. Asiatics Aroused By Mussolini’s Color Issue Seek Ways to Aid Ethiopia. — London, England, Aug, 7, (By Rudolph Dunbar for ANP)—Per haps the worst error yet in Premier Mussolini’s egregious policy of ag gression toward Ethiopia occurred last week when he blatantly raised the color issue and issued a rallying cry for Italy to defend the white races of the world against the yel low, bdack and brown. This was not wily bad diplomacy but rotten from a historical paint of view as well. Here in Europe, the Italians are regarded as having more African blood than any other European nation, not excluding Spain. A black man was at one time mayor of the city of Florence during the reign of the Metdicis. The immediate reaction to Mus solini’s call to the colors on the bas is of racial color, was a ringing challenge from Mahatma Gandhi to his millions of followers for'-siipport of the Ethiopian cause. Of equal importance ts the re ported attitude of the ruler of Yemen (Arabia) across the Rec: sea from Ethiopia. Italy had sought to import laborers from Yemen into Ethiopia to aid its preparations for war. Zaidi Inam Yahya refused to give Italy permission to reed nit these la borers and also,announced his sym pathy for Ethiopia. Although the Yemenites are Mohammedans and theEthiopians are Christians, the two people are forgetting their re ligious differences and uniting un der the bond of color. Sr ejects oi inam Yahya are seek ing to enlst in the Ethiopian army. The population numbers 3,500,000. They propose to reach Ethiopia through the port of Zeila in British Somalland. There is nothing to pre vent them from go.ng to Ethiopia before war is declared. It is believed that in ethe wake of the Yemenites over Asiatic nations, as far west as India, will send re cruits and supplies to help Haile Selassie. NATIONAL DENTAL ASS N. MEETING EN ST. LOUIS (Continued from Page 1) “Surgical Clinics at the City Hospital Clinic—“Fracture” picture demonstration, Dr. D. H. Turpin. Meharry Dental Faculty. Clinic—“Exodentia”, slides & demonstration, Dr. E. E. Humas, Universtiy of Louis ville Dental Faculty “Relation of Oral Faci of In fection to Systemic Diseases” Dr. R. F. Sanford, Depart ment of Dental Pathology. Meharry Dental Faculty. Thursday Morning: “Exodontia”, pictures, Dr. Winters. * Clinic—‘“Pressing and Curing Luxene”, Dr. Harry C. Hard wick, Philadelphia. Pa. Afternoon: “Dental Economics”, pictures. Dr. T. M. Crutcher. Louis ville. Ky. “Cast Partials”, clinic and pa per, Dr. Sylvester B Smith, Philadelphia. Fa. Friday Morning: Clinic—“Revised Technique in the preparation of a Tooth for the Porcelain Jacket and Thimble Crown”, Drfc. Duel and Brock, Louisville. Ky. RESERVATION may be made by writing Dr. W. H. Craighead, 601 West Walnut St., Louisville, Ky., or Dr. J. W. Johnson. 930 West Walnut Street. The officers of the Louisville Association are the following Dental Surgeons: C. L Thmoas, president; R. E. Smith, vice president ; J. W. Johnson, secre tary ; Zelrna Bothic. assistant sec retary ; J. A. Emerson, treasurer; J. A. Gay, field secretary; P. 0. Sweeney, clinics; T. R. Spillman, chaplain. The national officers are the following Dental Surgeons: C- W. Dorsey, president; W. B. Reed, president-elect; J. A. Jackson, secretary-treasurer; W. T. Grin nages, Ch. Executive Committee; E. W. Taggert. vice-president; C. L. Thomas, assistant secretary: M. D. Wiseman, Ch. Publicity: J W. Johnson. Ch. Program Com mittee ; P. O. Sweeney, Ch. Clinic Committee. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get vonr paper by Satnrday, 2 p. m.. call Webster 1750. No reduction in ‘-ubscriptions unless request is com plied with. Gets 30,000 Letters j Daily; “Huey’s” An swer to Mob Protest New York, Aug 2—A form let ter alleging that he had received 31.217 letters “in one single day” and that he is now working “more than 20 clerks from early morning until way late in the night”, is all that Huey Long an swers to a letter from the N. A. A. C. P. regarding the brutal heating of Adam Avie at Villa Platte. La., on July 2nd. On July 18 the N A. A. C. P. forwarded to Senator Long the names and addresses of seven members of the mob of twenty five who took Avie from the Villa Platte jail and beat him with brass-studded straps until the mob thought him dead. The N. A. A. 0. P. reminded Senator Lung that he had boasted upon many occasions fo Louisiana’s ability to prevent lynehings and punish lynchers, and of his assertions federal legislation against lynch in gis unnecessary. To this specific information on the part played by each of the seven ringleaders of the mob, Senator Long can only reply, the N. A. A. C. P. points out, in a meaningless form letter, with which was sent a number of re prints of Senator Long’s speech es explaining his “Share the Wealth” plan. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-30 Grant Street. MOB STORMS JAIL AND LYNCHES GIRL’S ATTACKER Pittsboro, Miss.. Aug. 5, — Bodie Bates. Negro accused of attempting to attack a 22-year-old white woman of Pittsboro Saturday night, was lynched by a mob which stormed the Calhoun county jail Sunday night, it was reported here Manday. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Mitchell Green, who made many friends by her home cooking and courteous service will have a grand opening. Thursday, July 25. GREEN HOME COOKING CAFE 2024 N. 24th Street. r Listen! Let us send you our fine book with prepared Church. Sunday School and Club addresses and forceful prayers for all occasions. Price $1, C. 0. D-, or sand stamps, check, money order, registered letter or currency to Public Speakers Societv, Box 1114. Oakland. Calif. r-^ I 'I made my skin shades lighter! And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, clearer skin—free from freckles, pimples, blackheads large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis solves dark pigment—for Nadinola is doubU-ecltnt. That’s why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST ^et a jar °1 Nadinola today at any toilet counter or by mail AT OUR postpaid, 50c. If not de'ighted, RISK your money cheerfully re ^ funded. Nadinola. Paris, Tenn. cNbrifaNAafflauJ^Ckin lean and Heartache ... until GODEFROY’S ^LARIEIISE (larry-use) Restored to Her Harr Its % Original Beauty—Made it Soft, Silky, Lustrous, Coal Black! yUtULT* Amy looked in the mirror, T she couldn't hold back the tears. What 4ood was a beautiful skin, a stunning figure or a clever personality when her hair made her look old and faded. She knew why —knew that her dull, iron-burnt, off color, gray streaked hair made her look 15 years older, too old to join in the f un of the younger set. Luckily she confided in a friend, who advised trying Godcfroy's LAR1EUSE French Hair Coloring. She Ir..-t no time She tried it that very night. Imagine her delight just 15 minutes later when her hair became soft, silky, lustrous, and ebony black, ft didn't lock dyed; it wasn’t smelly or sticky. TI*e year* seemed to have disappeared like ma*ic arid s're looked her adorable •elf attain. She literally made herself over in a day You can make your hair beautiful,too —as easily and quickly as Amy did. Just apply God froy’s LARIEUSE. It will not rub off or wash out and will last indefinitely. In jet black, black, dark, medium brown,lifcbt crown,and blonde. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy or yo. r money will be promptly returned. Get a bottle—TODAY. If your deafer doesn't have GOD*r™%Jli£4&te' send $1.25 direct to... GODEFROY MFC. CC. SSCS OUVE STR££T ST. LOUIS, MO. w srwi «>9flS?%T^SS Too Dark, Pimply .SKin j ^LighterfV1 I Clea rer, Beautiful Skin Special Whitening Soap Free To quickly whiten, lighten and clear skin of pimples, freckles and other or dinary summer time blemishes, just do this one simple easy thing. Get 25c Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment at any g>od drug store. Tonight syrcad a little of this delightful pure creamy ointment over your skin. See for your self the wonderful results it gives. In sist on the genuine. Ask only for Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment A free trial of DR. FRED Palmer’s products awaits you. Just send your name, address and 3c for postage charges today to Dr. FRED Palmer's Lab oratories, Dept. 890, Atlanta, Georgia, A valuable and useful WEEK-END KIT will be sent to you without further charge. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Carmolen* Cannclene Hair Grower Bleach Cream (Double Strength* (Double Strong j) And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Crealions Beginning our New Advertising Campaign v« wffl give • Free Start to intelligent energetic men or women who are ambitious to make money and build up a business ol their own selling beauty products ot the better kind. Ours is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. Ton make more money with a quality hue and yon win valuable prizes. Write at once to Cannon Cosmetics Co., Deni. 20-A, Allan'.-, C!a. N-N-F. Ex. S.