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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1935)
MISS LILA PRYOR JUST COULDN’T TAKE IT Lawn Social Brings Tears To Young Lady _ o. Miss Lila Pryor looked up and saw Mr. Kdward Wiggins turn tht turner, arm in arm with an other girl and she just couldn’t take it. The rest ef the evening was spent in hot resentment tears. Miss Pryor was very business like about this matter. She first took it up with her father and moth er. and they from all outward ap pearances, thought that Lila had been mistreated. Then the little miss that was walking arm-in-arra with Mr. Wiggins, who possessed those uncontrollable Grace Moore eyes, which were casted upward into the downward cast face of Mr Wiggins, when they were taking that little stroll, was call ed into question about the ro mance w'alk, she seemingly could not see where she had committed anything wrong. Some said that she informed them that it was her duty toduty as one of the hostess es for the evening to see that ev eryone had an enjoyable evening. About this time the little miss and her mtoher met face to face about this matter. Her mother seemingly took part With Miss Pryor and her parents. The little lady just turned and went about her evening affairs and said noth ing. Lila was yet weeping. Some of the other gills s: id that Lila Mas just a little, someMhat timid. Some seem to thihk that what she s hould have dime, Mas to gTab a couple of veung men. Math a satisfied double smile, by the arm. and went for a stroll her self. They thought thsi Mould kind of even up matters. Young sters ar% very changeable and some jump from one girl to the other trying to make up their mind. Girls shouldn’t worry, be cause they Mill come agaim if they are worth their M’hile. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. Frame Up Case Brought To Supreme Court Jackson, Miss., July 31, CXA— Ed BroM-n, Yank Ellington hnd Henry Shields, form hands M’ho Mere tortured and beaten to “con fess” the murder of a white ten ant farmer, will have their case brought to the U. S. Supreme Court, it Mas announced this Meek Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.. call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. What A Subscriber Thinks of The Omaha Guide July 18, 1935 The Omaha Guide Publishing Co., 2418 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebraska. Attention Mr. Galloway: It gives me pleasure to compliment the change for betterment in the kind of news items you are publishing. Our Negro periodicals are so much needed for the proper instruction and elevation of our people. We would know very little about the advance ment and the trials of our race if it wasn’t for our Negro papers. I think we are getting a little more consid-' eration from periodicals other than our own, but we are still sadly left out of the head-lines for the good things we are doing and scarcely any thing said about the injustices against our people. So let the good, clean news be published, not gossip. Sincerely, Mrs. Russel Taylor. Kansas City Visitors Mr. Pike Johnson, sponsored a lawn party for his out of town {guests, Miss Mae Jones .Mrs. 01 {lie Hadrick. Mr. Andrew Peter son. Mr. Jasper Franklin and Mr. Ralph McCantz of Kansas City. All of this happened at the resi dence, 604 No. 22nd St. Will be seeing you. Bye, Bye, Kansas City. WHAT KIND OF A GUN DOES HEDNEY ROSS OWN •Jesse Pluc-k Simmons thinks that bullets curve so nicely. About 11 P. M.. things began to happen on Grant Street .the noted auto mobile wrecking corner. One shot was fired and the group scattered and then reassembled again. The officer could not find out who fired the gun. An Omaha Guide Reporter, appeared on the scene and heard the following remark ed by Paul Haze. Mr. Haze was talking to Misses Ethel Cole, Dorothy Bell and three other girls Paul Haze said that his brother, Iman Haze, 2909 Xo. 25th Street, seemingly went cra py about his girls and refuses to give them up and he followed a car. driven by Mrs. Eloma Robin with his ex-wife, Marie Haze, in it to 2221 Xo. 25th Street and in sisted that she remain outside. When his ex-wife attempted to ascend the steps of the porch, he heard someone open the door at 2221 and a revolver was noticed and a shot fired- i Pluck thought he was shot, when he turned the corner and fell. The car beaming this person, drove away. Someone notified the police de partment and when the cruiser icar arrived, nobody seemed to I know anything. The o fficers were unable to find out just what had happened. A large crowd had been attracted to the Beene of the shooting, and you could not get through Grant street. It is alleged that Mr. H. Ross, 2221 No. 21, when asked for a statement by the Omaha Guide reporter, said that he knew nnth ing about what had happened. He is reporte dto have been in the house, and that Mrs. Iman Haze lives at his home, Mr. Ross stat ed everyone has a right to protect their home when people try to force themselves into your home when tlmy are not wanted. Seek Reason Why 64-Year-Old Man’s Body Turns White Columbia, S. C., July 31, ANP — Physicians and dermatologists here are endeavoring to discover thereason why Willianm Pickens White, who after being dark for 63 years, has now turned white, although otherwise the man is normal. White told the medical men here Tuesday, July 23. that about 17 years ago a white spot came on his forehead and a barber gave his some salve to put on it. The salve did 1dm no good and the spot grew larger and was fol lowed by another spot. In a short time his whole body turned white. a ' l T. advertisers, far too few, but among them many of the wisest and shrewd JL est, realize the tremendous and steadily mounting purchasing power of the American Negro. Others erroneously visualize him as a negligible, illiterate, unimportant consumer. It’s time for truths and facts about this great but inadequately exploited market which can be reached only SSSBBS3B through the NEGRO PRESS. NEGRO PURCHASING POITER . (V. S. Dept, of Commerce ittimatet for 1934 NEGRO PURCHASING POWER TOTAL V-. S. Exports .... . . . tl.M1.000.000.00 NEGRO PURCHASING P01TER German WORLD Imports . .t1.736.000. COO. 00 NEGRO PURCHASING POWER _ ...... S2. French WORLD Imports . . . . .S1.499.000fi00.00 NEGRO PURCHASING POWER ■ - • - . . . S2.000,000,000.00 U. S. Export, to C. A.. Argentine, Brazil. Chiu, Mexico. The Indie,, A miAtia Uflc xrtn am NEGRO PURCHASING POWER . Japanese WORLD Imports . . .2653000,00040 TREMENDOUS PURUFF POWER this or any other country. And these news papers are National in Character, not the organs of political groups, not confined to petty local issues but devoted to the interests and news of the Negro Race. To an almost un believable extent the Negro saves and rereads his newspaper and passes it on to other readers. As an Advertising medium it approaches a magazine in productiveness—brings in in quiries, influences or creates sales, weeks and months after its date of issue. A Fev Prominent Advertisers in the Negro Press Ford . Chevrolet . Wrigley . A & P . National Tea . N. Y. Central . Armour . Bayer’s Aspirin . Borden's Milk & Ice Cream . Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup: Pepsin . Ceresota Flour . Vaseline . Conoco . Cudahy . Schenley Distillers . Castoria . Standard Oil . Bond Bread . Golden Peacock . Lifebuoy . Creoraulsion . Nadinola . Lux . Penetr* . Phillips’ Milk of Magneuia . Lydia Pinkham Fenn. 8. R. , K C Baking Powder . Morton Salt' \ . Pillsbury Flour . Rinse . Rumford . S. S. S. .1 f St. Joseph's Aspirin . Vick’s Vapo-Rub . Sears. Roebuck . Richfield Gas . Graham . Gulf Refin-. ing . Moroline . Florsheim Shoe . Hupmobile .{ Ward's Bread. “A TVO BILLION DOLLAR NEGRO MAR. KET"—says the United Suites Department of Commerce. (Photostatic copy of this govern ment report available upon request.) But just how big is $2,000,000,000.00? In money value it is equivalent to 95.5% of the combined total United States Exports to all countries in the world. It is larger by one-third of a billion than the entire imports of Germany, exceeds the total imports of France by one-half billion, tops the combined U. S. Exports to Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Central America, the Vest Indies and Bermuda by nearly one and one-quarter billions and leaves the individual world imports of such countries, as Japan. Hol land. Belgium, Italy, Canada and British India trailing anywhere from a billion and a quarter to a billion and one-half behind! Vhat is the character of this Market? It is a compact, segregated, easily reached, exceedingly roeepuve RACIAL GROUP, unified, homogene ous; bound by the common bond of Color and Racial interests. Tbs typical Negro is Ameri can to the core and brought up in American and one-half million of its sons and daughters gainfully employed right now. Does the Negro Spend and What d*«s he Suyf A Negro’s pay-day releases a hood of dollart immediately. He pays cash. In proportion U his earnings he buys goods of better trnalST than the white man. Yet the Negro alsc ja»w Over 7.5% of his income is devoted to it* saranee and similar cashable inwum m slave less than 70 vears ago he is now et shut citizen, owning .00,000 farms selling Q66. I0C 000.00 worth ot n-ops, and sdlinf JIOLjDOGl. 000.00 worth at loods at retail to Je^*c y Negroes. Hi* story it one of advancement we in the United State* can understand or b» lieve possible. That doe* the Negro read? He i* 100% Negrt in mentality and feeling. White media are not for him and are often belligerently against him Their influence upon him is almost negligible ha. he does read and believe and act upon th< moments of the newspapers owned, written and Jhhed by and for hi* Race. Consistently he pcys more for hit newspaper than fces th« wkisa man—from 5e to 10c ^er copy, an evi hence o? true reader interest not duplicated ir The Negri Masks* Be Through One Organization ^ For the post 16 years, the W. B. ZIFF CO. has enjoyed international recognition for its services in connection with the Negro Field Thus, one transaction, one contact, one responsibility serves to facilitate the placing and handling of your advertising campaign in the Negro Press Today, a powerful, influential V Negro newspaper with A.B.C. circulation (strongly recommended by the Ziff Co. and advertisers alike'—is A I7 your servlc In Try one of a number of key metropolitan centers. Of the 300 publications in this field (V a / there ere many whicn fuBy live up to your most exacting requirements whether they be A B C. circulation ' ... 100% coverall . . . low milline rates . . . merchandising cooperation, or . . . dealer influence. Through the ZIFF organixation any interested advertiser can quickly summon a wealth of material on proper media, market conditions, racial characteristics, etc. A letter or phone call will bring you a I thorough, exact statement as to the possibilities of YOUR PARTICULAR PRODUCT in the Negro Field. \ A No obligation, of course. Just address the W. B. Ziff Co. f [ ' r A ft »«@£?iiw t2« A h * ff ^ I B HE. ^ j^.gro,ns*: iL«gga^m# fii .^i^jLMmyJjMflg^B^gigg^agiMaM^^^^g^j^p^i o 65-Year-Old Man to Be Tried; Murder Charge Ottawa, Kas. — Sixty-five-year old Bud Bradshaw was bound over to the Franklin county dis trict court for trial on a murder charge here Friday morning after a preliminary hearing before Homer Kint, a justice of the peace. Bradshaw will be tried in the September term of court on a charge of slaying Andy Garret, 36. on July 14, in a cafe at First and Main streets. Bond was raised from $10,000 to $20,000. Glen Jarrett, white, night cook at the eafe and Tony Grenier, his cousin, were witnesses for the state. After the testimony, the justice ruled that the “crime of murder had been committed and that it was wilful, deliberate and premeditatedv as he bound the defendant over. N. A. A. C. P. Will Take Up Jake Bird’s Fight The Board of Directors of N. A. A. C. P., the local branch instructed the Legal Redress Committee to start at once to collect data in the Jake Bird case o present to Jowa State Prison Pardoning Board at ts next meeting in an effort to have Jake Bird pardoned, for a crime that he was convicted of, on circumstan tial evidence in the SStribbling Car ter Lake affair. It is thought uni versal that Jake Bird is innocent of this crime. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m. call Webster 1750. No reduction in •ubscriptions unless request is com plied with. VXrHEN Amy looked in the mirror, ” she couldn't hold back the tears. What good was a beautiful skin, a stunning figure or a clever personality when her hair made her look old and faded. She knew why —knew that her dull, iron-burnt, off color, gray streaked hair made her look 15 years older, too old to Join in the fun of the younger set. Luckily she confided in a friend, who advised trying Godefroy's LARIEUSE French Hair Coloring. She lost no time. She tried it that very night. Imagine her delight Just 15 minutes later when her hair became soft, silky, lustrous, and ebony black. It didn't /Too Darkl p Pimply S VS Kin JWk fLiqhterT^ Clearei; f fantifJl Skin/ Special whitemna Soapirec Senate Restores Cut in Span. War Pensions Washington, Aug. 1.—The Senate Wednesday passed a bill restoring to Spanish - American war veterans pension reductions made by the 1933 economy act. The vote was 74 to 1. Notice, Subscribers: If yon don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m. call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Mitchell Green, who made many friends by her home cooking and courteous service will have a grand opening, Thursday, July 25. GREEN HOME COOKING CAFE 2024 N. 24t;h Street. Listen! Let us send you our fine book with prepared Church, Sunday School and Club addresses and forceful prayers for &11 occasions. Price $1, C. O. D-, or send stamps, check, money order, i-eg-istered letter or currency to Public Speakers Society, Box 1114, Oakland. Calif. f-' 'I made my skin shades Jighter! And now you, too, can have the joy of a I lighter, clearer skin—free from freckles, j pimples, blackheads large pores, blotches. | Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis ! solves dark pigment—for Nadinola is i double-acting. That’s why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST Get a jar of Nadinola today at any toilet counter or by mail AT OUR postpaid, 50c. If not delighted, RISK y°ur money cheerfully re funded. Nadinola, Paris, Tenn. GNadiiu)ki&%Cm fears jbeicI heartache -y'Jf ^ ... until GODEFROY’S -LARIELSE gj (lARRY-USE) -»’■ ■*f- Restored to Her Hair Its & Original Beauty—Made r it Soft, Silky, Lustrous, Coal Black! look dyed; it wasn't smelly or sticky. The years seemed to have disappeared like magic and she looked her adorable self again. She literally made herself over in a day. You can make your hair beaudfuL,too —as easily and quickly as Amy did. Just apply Godefroy'e LARIEUSE. It will not rub off or wash out and will last indefinitely. In jet black, black, dark, medium brown, light brown, and blonde. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy or your money will be promptly returned. Get a bottle—TODAY. If your dealer doesn't have send $1.25 direct to... GODEFROY MFG. CO. 3506 OLIVE STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. Whiten SkinThis gjU^Fast EasyWaij To quickly whiten, lighten and clear skin of pimples, freckles and other or dinary summer time blemishes, just do this one simple easy thing. Get 25c Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment at any good drug store. Tonight syread a little of this delightful pure creamy ointment over your skin. See for your self the wonderful results it gives, in sist on the genuine. Ask only for Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment A free trial of DR. FRED Palmer’s p roducts awaits you. Just send your name, address and 3c for postage charges today to Dr. FRED Palmer’s Lab oratories, Dept. 890, Atlanta, Georgia. A valuable and useful WEEK-END KIT will be sent to you without further charge. •AGENTS I WANTED TO SELL Cannolene Cannolene Hair Grower Bleach Cream ' (Dou±l. ” ..nut n I .11.11. 1 Sta.cglhi And Our 18 Other Cannolene Beauty Creations Beginning our New Advertising Campaign we will give a Free Start to intelligent, energetic men or women who are ambitious to make money and build up a business of their own selling beauty products of the better kind. Ours is strictly a quality line that appeals to the best people everywhere. You make more money with a quality line and you win valuable prizes. Write at once to Carmen Cosmetics Co., Dept. 20-A, Atlanta, Ga. N-N-F. Ex. S.