The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 20, 1935, Page SIX, Image 6

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Fourth Episcopal district, Memphis,
; Term.; Rev. J. R. Stark.% editor of
the Western Index, Dallas, Texas and
C. E. Chapman, presiding elder of the
Kansas district, Kan;«as City, Mrs.
Bishcp Martin and these two visiting
ministers addressed the conference
The various pastors and missionary
workers made encocraging financial
and numerical reports as well as the
spiritual conditions of the various
churches, missionary societies, Sun
day schools and Epworth leagues in
the Chicago district. Among the
leaders of the Missionary Ladies are
Mesdames Jennde Carter, Lena Jones
Rice, Erma Crup-Franklin and Lula
Among the leading pastors are
Drs. W. Langdon Liddell, John W.
Jacobs, J. W. Nicholson, J. C. Allen,
T. C. Lightfoot, E R. Coleman, J.
W. Barnett and WT. M. Crain- The
sessions were largely attended and
among the best in the history of the
Chicago district
1 guarantee to help yon
life No case beyond hope. Stop
fng ! Write roe today Information
m. wr.LLLAMS, 901 Bergen
Dept. O. G.
Chain Gang To
Be Revived
Austin, Tex., July 17, (CNA)—The
chain gang, in all its brutality, is to
be revived in the capital of Texas.
Hundreds of Negro and whte workers
accused of “vagTancy” wll be dragged
from their shacks to build roads in
the hot sun. According to county
officials the chain gang is being re
established to “preyent people going
to jail to be fed.” One wonders if
the chain gang prisoners are to be
worked without food.
During the recent flood, county
prisoners were used to clear away
accumulated debris. This gave County
Judge George S. ^Mathews an idea.
Why not use “vagrants” to build the
roads, especially since Travis County
is due to receive a large share of the
Federal highway grant to Texas. Nat
urally, free labor means more cash
in official pockets. Judge Mathews
served 18 years as county sheriff;
during that time he had charge of the
county chain gang.
The chain gang measure is spon
sored by Commissioner John E. Shel
ton, a large landowner *who will
benefit from chain gang labor. His
brother, Emmett Shelton, was a
member of the former county relief,
board, forced to resign through mais
dissatisfaction of the workers. An-1
other brother, Harold Shelton, at-1
tempted several years ago to organize
the unemployed of Austin into a
Fascist group.
If the landowners and politicians
of Travis County succeed in establish
ing a chain gang it will set a prece
dent for the whole state. More
over, this will depress wages and em
ployment to even greater depths.
Workers’ organizations are uiy*>d to
send protests to County Judge
George S. Mathews, Court House,
Austin, Texas, demanding that this
measure be dropped.
Victim of March Police
Terror Dies
New York, |July 17, (CNA)—An
other victim of police brutality dur
ing the March 19 outbreak is dead.
He was Thomas Wilstrom, a mu
scian, of 16 East 127th street- He
died in Bellevue this week of injuries
suffered at the hands of the police.
At the height of the outbreak, Wil
strom yas clubbed so brutally that
he suffered a fractured skull. He
was taken to Bellevue by friends—
friends that he was never able to
thank, for he never fully regained
According to the medical report,
Wilstrom hovered between life and
death, in a semi-coma, from March
19 until June 24.
Chicagoans Hold
Chicago, July 17, (ANT)—'The
Chicago District Conference and Wo
man’s Missionary Convention brought
a large group of church workers rep
resenting the C. M. E. church at Mt.
Carmel church, here last week and
several visitors from other confer
ences in different sections of the
The district sessions were held
Wednesday and Thursday with Rev.
M. A. Crowder, presiding elder, in
charge. The Women’s Missionary
Convention held its sessions Friday
and Mrs, Alma Austin, district presi
dent, was in charge. A Layman’s
mass meeting was scheduled for Sat
urday at 1 p. m. with Henry J. Car
ru'hers, prominent layman of St.
' Paul church, Chicgo, presiding.
* Among the visitors were Bishop
JAf. Martin, presiding bishop of the
How to Get Rid of
Look Years Younger
When you can change your gray.
Aided, or streaked hair to its natural
youthful soft color in less than half
an hour—
And do it at home without fear of
harm to the hair—why go on looking
years older than you should look.
Rap—I—Dol is the real, original
hair colorer—18 shades to choose from
it is so supremely good that the best
beauty shops in all the large cities in
the world feature it. Rap—I—Dol
will not wash off or fade nor affect
marcell or permanent waves.
Go to any Beaton Drug Store today
and choose the shade you need—you’ll
be a happy woman if you do—for a
tong time to tome.
Moone’s Emerald Oil Guaranteed to
Stop All Pain and Soreness and
Banish Offensive Odors
In just one minute after an appli
cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the
surprise of your life. Your tired,
tender, smarting, burning feet will
literally jump for joy.
No fuss, no trouble; you just ap
ply a few drops of the oil over the
surface of the foot night and morn
ing, or when occasion requires. Just
a little and rub it in. It’s simply
wonderful the way it ends all foot
misery, while for feet that sweat
and give off an offensive odor,
there’s nothing better in the
Moone’s Emerald Oil is
guaranteed to end your foot
.raH troubles or money back.
Anti-Negro Drive
Opened By
American Fascists
New York, July 17, (By Loren Mil
ler for ANP)—Apparently determ
ined to bolr ter up its cause by appeal
to existing racial prejudice, a group
of American Fascists, with head
quarters in New Yark, has coupled
its anti-Semitic campaign with a vi
rcious attack on Negroes and an open
call to whites to "claim America for
the white man.”
The organ of this group, the Amer
ican Bulletin, is openly sympathetic
with Hitler and its masthead carries
the Nazi swastika. Jts slogan is
“America for the Americans” and it
boasts that it presents “the white
man’s viewpoint.”
The June 24 isue of the paper
minces no words in an attack on Ne
groes and Jews. “We see absolute
ly no reason why the white man’s
labors should be utilized continually
for the plrpose of sustaining Jews
and Negroes,” one of the editorials
reads. “There can be no equality
where different races—live side by
side,” reads another paragraph.
Acute observers here see in this
campaign the opening guns in a drive
that may reach wide proportions un
less vigorous steps are taken to
check it. They point out that al
though attacks on Jews are popular
attacks on Negroes in America will
reach an even wider audience.
» __
I BOY-iw'
1 Am,-"ik
Before you start on an er
rand. think of your tele
phone. Let it save your
steps and energy. Use it
for getting things done . . .
and for chats with friends.
The more you call them,
the more they will call you.
America’s long record of violence
where Negroes are concerned and
the ease with which politicians have
in the past ridden to power by race
baiting indicate that American Fas
cists may find the issue the very one
they are looking for in an effort to
get a mass base.
Another danger sign ite the fact
that ther is already an extensive
anti-Negro li erature which the Fas
cists are utilizing. The newspaper
in question recommends “for a better
i understanding of today’s political
! problems” the works of Lothrop
Stoddard and Madison Grant, books
i which set out to prove that Negroes
areinferior and that America is a
white man’s country.
In an effort to check this new
campaign the Anti-Nazi Federation,
66 West 12th street, New York, is
making an effort to acquaint Ne
groes with the facts and is laying
plans to build up organizational
means to combat it.
“Fascism uses the so-called facial
issue to gain mass support although
in essence it is a movement to prop
up the existing order and maintain
present inequalities of wealth,” June
Croll, secretary of the Federa ion,
points out.
most able assistants, in addition to
the veteran field members, William
Pickens and Mrs. Daisy Lampkins, is
Roy Wilkins, the former Kansas
City newspaper man, who is now as
sistant executive secretary' and act
ing editor of The Crisis. Mr. Wil
kins is an indefatigable worker whose
energy and wisdom are important as
sets in any undertaking of the As
sociation. Upon his shoulders will
ret the responsibility of keeping Ne
gro America informed, through the
pages of The Crisis, of the Associa
tion’s advances all along t. e front of
the wide battleground which it has
selected for the ensuing year.
. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m., |
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
Admin. Asked Oppose
Italian Aggression
New York, July 17.—President
Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cor
dell Hull were asked today by the
Na'ional Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People to
voice publicly their disapproval of
the Italian government’s action in
Ethiopia and thus place the United
States government squarely on record
against this territorial encroach
Telegrams to that effect were sent
to both officials in accordance with
resolutions voted last Friday at the
26 h Annual Conference of the N. A
A. C. P. in Stv Louis. Officers of the
Association cite the State Depart
ment’s action on Japanese aggression
in Manchuria as a precedent for op
posing similar encroachment by Italy
in Ethiopia.
Apartment Tenants
Threaten Rent Stike
Chcago, 111., July 17, (CNA)—
“ThiL is business, not philanthropy,”
was the surprising answer given to a
group of tenants of the Rosenwald
Model Apar ments in the South Side
of Chicago, when they protested the
withdrawal of free gac. privileges en
joyed in the house until recently.
This statement was made by Al
fred K. Stern, white, son-in-law- of
the founder of the Rosenw-ald apart
ments and Roosevelt appointee of the
Housing Commission.
Unless they are granted the return
of the gas privileges, tenants of the
apartmen house built by “charity”
threaten to go out on a rent strike.
O'-er 300 are organized, with Marcus
H. Ray as president.
Figures on the finances of the ven
ture, once hailed as a boon to the
housing problems of the Negro, show
hat over one million dollars of the
tenants’ hard earned funds have been
used to pay off mor gages on the
houses and thus have slipped into the
coffers of the Rosenwald family,
snce 1930,
Mothers—Let your boys be Guide
newsboys. Send them to the Omaha
Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m..
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
ubscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
- I
Haile Selassie’s Nephew
Bites Off Tip of
Girl’s Nose
Paris, Franre, July 17. (ANP)—
.Araya Haile Selas. ie, nephew of
Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, faces a
ierm of year in jail after having
been convicted in a French court of
biting off the tip of the nose of Miss
Yamile Gaiati, a young Egyptian
demoi -elle who is reported to have
spumed his attentions.
Selassie was convicted and sent
enced, but appealed the sentence.
According to the story told in the
court at Chambery where many
American doughboys took their fur
loughs dhring the World war, dis
closed that Selassie, while studying
at Geneva, Switzerland, fell in love
with tho beautifll Egyptian girl.
But, for some indiscretion, Selassie
was expelled from Switzerland.
He sought to persuade the languor
ous Yamille to elope with him to
The extent to which this particular
group of Fascists has been able to
get a following is difficult to esti
mate. The paper has been pub
lished for the past three months and
it has missed no opportunity to car
ry on its propaganda since tha, time.
Negroes are attacked constantly
tide by side with Jews. Every de
mand of Negroes for better condi
tions is twisted to make it appear
that Negroes are seeking better con
ditions at the expen.« of the whites,
An odd feature of other Fascist
groups has been the consistent effort
to set Jews and Negroes to hatting
each other.
“Notji.fig could be more dangerous
than for these two minority groups
to fall into the error of fighting each
other,” Miss Croll believes- “Both
are des lined to be victimi: of Fascist
attacks and inter-group warfare will
play into the hands of those who hope
to oppress both Negroes and Jows.
In the leadership of the Associa
tion and in the consummation of the
new program, one of Mr. White’s
DO YOU KNOW WHY-- - We're III Id Ike Same Boat?
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International Cartoon Co., H. y.
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Protect your complexion by
spreading over Black and White
Peroxide Cream before you go
out. Prevents hot summer sun
from darkening and coarsening
your skin, keeps it fair and
smooth. Also ideal powder base
and contains just enough perox
ide to gradually lighten and refine
your skin. Large jar only 25c;
trial size 10c.
CLEAR UP BUMPS by cleansing
your skin daily with Black and
White Cleansing Cream. Goes
deep into pores to remove dirt
and impurities. Large can, 25c.
Trial size 10c.
ishing it regularly with Black
and White Cold Cream. Re
stores precious oils to skin, pre
vents or removes wrinkles.
Large jar 25c; trial size, 10c.
1 _
^ -.--—T-“-'f.
Ah'. The wanderer returns'. Milady Sepia's bov-frlend invites her to the fraternity dance. Of course
the new girl is there. How she tan get around1. Doubts again .assail Milady when her* big moment'
dances continuously with her rivaL. .She must admit they do a mean rhumba together. Tbut when the
lights are low and the music slow, throbbing Ly romantic, he seeks out her, Mi lady Sepia. I
France, but she refused and declared
that the cake between them was all
Selas. ie left Switzerland. From
France he sent her many letters and
telegrams, finally a message to the
effect that he had fallen ill and would
die unless she came to him.,
The tender-hearted maiden relented
and made haste to the side of her
Ethiopian lover.
At their mee'Jing, Selassie is report
ed to have begged and pleaded with
the girl to marry him, but she was
obdurate. He thereupon implored her
to simply let him kiss her good-bye. j
Yamille raised her lips to his. Se
lai sie embraced her. Suddenly the
girl shrieked with pain and broke
away, Selassie had with one quick
snap bitten the tip of her nose off ,
and blood : treamed from it
For this action he was arrested.
Yamille later went to a plastic sur
geon and had her nose repaired, but
only a year in jail for Selas. ie will
repair the injury to her feelings.
ivnue you
Now—almost over
night—you can make
your skin many
shades lighter—free
from freckles, pim
ples, blackheads,
large pores, blotches.
tomgnt at Deatime spreaa INad:iola
B'eaching Cream on face, neck and arms.
While you sleep it gently dissolves dark
pigment. Remember—Nadinola is double
acting. It gives results you have never
found in any ordinary bleach.
TRY <-'et a iar Nadinola today at
# I' ’ any toilet counter or by mail
AT OUR postpaid, 50c. If not delighted,
pietr your money cheerfully re
funded. Nadinola, Paris, Tenn.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.,
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com- j
plied with.
Mothers—Let your boys be Guide
newsboys. Send them to the Omaha
Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street.
For Backache, Kidney
and Bladder Trouble
Here’s one good way to flush harm
ful waste from kidneys and stop blad
der irritation that often causes scanty,;
burning and smarting passage. Ask
your druggist for a 35-cent box of
Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules—a
splendid safe and harmless diuretic
and stimulant for weak kidneys and
irritated bladder. Besides getting up
trouble and backaches, puffy eyes, leg
cramps, and moist palms, but be sure
to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s the gen
uine medicine for weak kidney—right
from Haarlem in Holland.
WHEN every
thing you at
tempt is a burden
—when you are
nervous and irri
table—at your
wit’s end—try
this medicine. It
may be just what
you need for extra
energy. Mrs. t_naries jl. Laamus ot
Trenton, Nev Jersey, says, "After
doing just a little work I had to lie
down. My mother-in-law recom
mended the Vegetable Compound.
I can see a wonderful change now.’’
Oran tar flris paftr By FISlHN
Raising the Family- It lookad as though Pa was prepairing against the prohibition movement) PlSher
7 two vou Seer ---^ £>
V 'f~ r-sszyib.