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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1935)
Omahan Welcomes Dr. Aaron McMillians Return m 5c Per Copy .VW.W.V.V.V.WW VOLUME IX OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY JULY 20, 1935 NUMBER EIGHTEEN N A- A- C- P- HOLDS BUSY SESSION XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Thwart Attempted Lynching in Miss. ®-—-—-— _ LYNCHING ATTEMPT IS NIPPED IN BUD I Thwart Attempted Lynching in Miss. .Jackson Miss., July 17, ANP— Prompt action on the part of Sheriff Ennis Crawford and his deputies, thwarted an attempt of a mob of whites to lynch Alex Ruckhalter, charged with at tempting to rape a 12 year old white girl in Mt. Olive Tuesday night. The attack is alleged to have taken place a fortnight ago and Buckhaltor was arrested a few days later charged with the crime. His arrest was kept a secret but Tuesday the news leaked out and a mob formed and prepared to go to the jail. Hearing of the pro poed mob violence, the sheriff and two of his deputies placed the prisoner in an automobile and rushed him to the jail here for safekeeping. “Y” Workers Return From Camp Gray Mss Estelle Robertson, presi dent of Quaeh Club and Miss Ella ! Mae Mills, membej* of, Trojin | C1 u b. representatives of the ! North Side Branch of the Y. W. C. A., returned from the Leader ' ship Conference, held in Sauga tuch, Michigan, July 2-12, Sunday night. July 14. Both have expressed them selves as having enjoyed them selves to the utmost, swimming in Lake Michigan, crossing the Kalamazoo Rver in a ferry, at tending classes on Leadership and how to work with groups, three times a day, eating all they could get, and loads of other things. They spend several days in Chicago, visiting od friends, re 1 tuning to the ole town on JulJ 14. MR. ROLAND HOLMES and CARRIE KEY Mr. Roland Holmes and Miss Carrie Key, who was married at the Bethel Baptist Church, in South Omaha last Sunday. Carrie Key, Ronald 5 Holmes Wed Sunday Take Nuptian Vows at Bethel Baptist Church In South Omaha. (Bethel Baptist Church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Carrie Key, daughter of Mrs. Carrie Key, to Ronald Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Banks, Sunday evening, with Rev. F. S. Goodlet officiating. The bride who was given in mar , riage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Mel-1 win Curren wore a gown of white silk taffeta with shot puff sleeves, with a f short jacket trimmed with fur. The tulle veil was attached to a wreath of orange blossoms. She wore crepe sandals of white and white gloves. She carried sweet pe; , rtvite roses, and a shower of baby breath. Miss Sarah Key, her sister, maid otf-honor, wore pink organdie and car ried American beauty roses and baby breath. The bridesmaids were Miss Bertha Anders, wearing white organdie, at tendant, Charles Austin. Mrs. Ella Anderson, wearing green organdie, attendant, her husband, John Ander son- Miss Julia Key, wearing white organdie, attendant, Tommy West. Miss Fannie Morgan, wearing pink I organdie, attendant, J. W. Curtis. Miss Carrie McGinty, wearing yellow taffeta, attendant, Carl Williams, and Miss Sarah Murdock, wearing pink neit over pink taffeta, her attendant, Herbert Toole. The attendants wore white flannel pants, dark coats, and white shoes. The ushers were Patsy Austin, Ad die Lambert and Peggy Mitchel. George Parker was Hhe best man. The flower girls were Mae Partridge and Gloria Morrow, who wore peach and blue. Mary Curren carried the veil. The reception was held at the home of Mrs. Pearl Walker. There were 50 guests attending. The couple will be at home at 2417 Frank’ n Street. ML • A. Foxall played the wedding ma r-he i and accompanied Mrs. Robin son, and Sylvester Strod, who sang, l.eported by Mrs. Dorothy Brown Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.. call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. VIVIAN GREGORY It was moved by Mr. Arthur B. McCaw, seconded by Attorney Ray L. Williams that the Legal Redress committee be commended for the efficient and expedient handling of the case of State vs Horace W. Jones. The motion car ried. It was moved by Mr. John B. Horton Jr., that Mrs. lone Hang er be given recognition for the part played in the case of State vs. Horace W. Jones. The mo tion was lost for want of a second. On the matter of Jake Bird: It was moved by Mrs. Victoria Turner, second by I>r. Wesley Jones that the report on Jake Bird be adopted and opened to discussion. The motion carried It was moved by Arthur B. Me Caw, seconded by Mr. John B. Horton, Jr., that the Association enter upon the case of Jake Bird with his liberation, as their goal and that the matter be referred to the Legal Redress committee for action. The motion carried. Little Vivian Gregory, who had her fun all to her self, ;n her own way for four hours. Two Year Old Child Strays 25 .Blocks Vivian Gregory, little two-year old daughter of Mrs. Gregory, of 2314 N. 25th St., decided to go for a stroll all alone, on Monday, July 15, 1935. She walked 25 blocks, through three of Omaha’s most dangerous highways; Lake st., 24th st., and 19th street Boule vard. She left home about 12:30 Monday noon- and after a great deal of excitement and a search of the neighborhood by the family and friends for a radius of about 10 blocks, all hope was given up and the police department wras notified at'4 p- m. A policeman noticed a little girl happily walk" ng down the street, full of gaiety and fun, at 17th and Spencer, she was asked by an Omaha Guide Reporter, why she went for a walk, she smiled and said, “just for fun.” Dr, Aaron McMillian, at his desk in his executive office in Salangue Anaola, West Africa. The following is a copy of a letter received from Dr. McMillian enrowte to America from Lisbon, Portugal by his bosom frend, George W. Hibler. See Page 5 for more detail pictures page of Dr< McMHilian’s stay iki Africa. » Attorney Charles F. Davis, as chairman of the finance commit tee submitted a written report covering an audit of the books of the Branch, and its financial standing. Tt was moved by Mrs. Victoria Turner, seconded by Mr. John Adams Jr., that the report be adopted with instructions that vouchers for all amounts dis bursed be signed and filed for record. Motion carried. The chairman directed the committee to make a supplement report showing receipts and disburse ments of Pickens meeting of Mar 17, 1935, not shown in the report of July 16, 1935. Board Meeting of Omaha N. A. A. C. P. * The Regular Board Meeting of July 2. The Executive Board of the National Association for Ad vancement of Colored People con ' vened in regular session, July 2. j 1935, at the Urban League Com munity Center. Dr. Wesley Jones presiding, called the meeting to order at 9 p. m. The following board members were present. Dr. Wesley Jones, C C. Galloway. Ray L. Williams, Arthur B. Mc Caw, John B. Horton, Jr. and Charles F. Davis. The minutes of the Branch’s | regular Board meeting of June 18, 1935, were read and adopted with necessary corrections. way, and at this point Mr. Gallo way assumed the chair and pre sided over the meeting. It was moved by Mr. Mc(Jaw, seconded by Mr. Williams that nomina tions b closed. The motion car red. A rising vote was taken and Mr. John B. Horton was elected to fill the vacancy on the board created by the election of Mr. Uavis as secretary. Mr. R. R. Boone tendered his written resignation to the presi dent, addressed to the board, wtuen was delivered by Hr- Jones to the secretary. The resigna tion oi Mr. lioone was read to tne board by the secretary. A motion was made by Mr. Horton, sec onded b yMr. Williams, that res ignation ox Mr. Boone be ac cepted. The motion carried. The chairman declared nomina* tions were in order to elect board members to lid a vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Boone. A motion was made by Mr. K. L. Williams, seconded by I>r. Wesley Jones, that Mr- M. C amJes be elected by acclamation. New Service Added by The Omaha Guide WATCH NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE FOR THE NEWEST NOTES ON SCIENCE The Omaha Guide has been fortu nate enough to secure the services of Science News Service. In this service you will be told all about the new inventions and many household questions will be asked. Watch for this in our next issue of July 27, Left Monday Morning By Plane Mrs. Mable Brooks, of 918 N. 19th Street, left by plane, Monday, at 3:00 A. M„ ^July 15th for Chicago. She will visit with her mother, Mrs. Ella Mikes, who resides at 4744 St. Lawrence Avenue. She will visit with her about 10 days, and will re turn by plane. Woman Bound Over The Trial of Mrs. Gladys Herman. 2013 Izard Street, wife of Eugene Brown, who she shot and fatally in jured last week was bound over to District Court Her trial will come up in the September Court At pres ent she is in the County Jail, unable to make bond. Ur. Wesley Jones, president, re quester leave to submit written financial reports covering his ex penditures as a delegate to the National Convention held in St. Louis, June 25-30. Leave was given and the report was rend ered. It was moved by Mr. Arthur B. McCaw, seconded by Mr. John j Horton Jr., the president’s report covering financial ependitures as delegate to the National conven tion, be adopted. The motion carried. Dr. Jones returned five dollars to the Association saved from the Convention fee. It was moved by Attorney Ray L. Williams, seconded by Mrs Victoria Turner, that secretary be directed to issue a receipt to Dr. (Continued on Page 4) 1 " -- Dr. Wesley Jones, president, called for an election of a secre tary to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. John B. Horton. Jr. Mr- Arthur B. Mc Caw placed in nomination, At torneys Chrales F. Davis for sec retary; Attorney Ray L. Williams placed in nomination Mr. M. C. James. It was moved, seconded and carried, that nominations close. A rising vote on the nom inees was taken, Charles F. Davis receiving three votes and Mr. M. C. James, two votes, one member voting. Attorney Charles F. Davis was declared elected branch secretary and entered upon the duties of the ofifce The presiding officer called for an election of a board member to fill the vacancy created by the election of Mr. Charles F. Davis to the office of secretary. Mr. Davis placed in nomination Mr. John B. Horion Jr. for the vac ancy; Attorney Ray L. Williams placed in nomination Mr. M. C. James. In order to enter the discussion on candidates, the presiding of ficer, Dr. Wesley Jones, relinq uished the chair to the, branch Vice President, Mr. C- C. Gallo On call by the chair for unread iness, Mr. McCaw stated objec tions to such a manner of election a being suppression of the rights of other members to an open and free choice. Mr. R. L. Wil liams maker of the motion, with the consent of Dr. Jones, the sec ond, withdrew the motion to elect Mr. M. C. ames, a member of the board by acclamation. Mr. Williams then nominated Mr M. C, James to fill the vacancy ex isting on the board; Mr. John B. Hor ton noninated Mrs. Mabel Fields. Mr. Arthur McCaw nominated Mr. John ny Owen; Mr- C. F. Davis moved that nominations be closed. Mr. Arthur McCaw made the second. The motion carried. Di cussion of candidates followed. Mr. McCaw wOthdrw from nomination the name of Mr. Johnny Owen, Mr. John B. Horton withdrew the name iof Mrs. Mabel Fields. I (Continued on Page 4) Two-Year Old Child Walks 25 Blocks Without Accident . . . . — __ ■ ■ W JULY 16TH IS SET FOR BOARD MEETING . —— ■ 1£\ * •" Minutes of Regular Hoard Meeting, Omaha N. A. A. C. P. July 16, ’35 The Executive Board of the Omaha Branch of the National Association for Advancement of Colored People convened in reg ular session, July 16, 1935, at the Urban League Community Center. Mr. C. C. Galloway, presiding, called the meeting to order at 8:45 p. m. The following board members were present: Dr. Wesley Jones, C. C. Galloway, Charles F. Dtavia, Mrs. Victoria Turner, Arthur B .VlcCaw, Hay Williams, John Adams Jr., John B. Horton Jr., and Y. W. Logan. The minutes of the Branch’s regular board meeting of July 2, 1936, were read and adopted' with te correction, that Dr. Jones was ordered by the chair to make written report of activities as delegates to the annual conven tion. A written report of the activi ties of the Legal Redress commit" tee was submitted and read by the chairman, Attorney John Adams, Jr. A motion was made by Mr. John K. Horton, Jr., seconded by Mrs. Victoria Turner, that the re port be adopted and acted upon. The motion carried It was moved by Attorney John Adams, seconded by Ur. Wesley Jones, that the report on the George Crumbley case be adopted as read. The motion car ried. A motion was made by Mr. Ar thur B. McCaw, seconded by Mrs. Victoria Turner that the re port on the Daisy Anderson mat ter be adopted as read. The mo tion carried. > It was moved by Attorney Ray L. Wililams, seconded by Mr. John B. Horton, Jr., that the report on the Daniel Young mat ter be adopted as read. The mo tion carried. A motion, was made by Attor ney John Adams, seconded by At* tomey Ray L- Williams, that the report relative to the Fantastic Cafe be adopted as read. The motion carried. It was moved by Mr. John B. Horton Jr., seconded by Attorney Ray L. Williams, that the report in the case of State vs. Horace W. Jones, age 70, alleged to have committed rape upon a female colored child, age 12, be adopted as read. The motion carried. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Our Dear Subscribers: The Omaha Guide, your paper, is publshed every Thursday, and carries the date of that Saturday- It is placed in the mail Thurs day p. m. If your mail man doesn’t deliver your paper on Friday, or not later than 2 p. m, Saturday of each week, please call Webster 1750 at our expense and our office boy will serve you at once. We want you to have your tfaper for Friday and Saturday’s sales and for Sunday reading. Remember, please, we are just as anxious for you to have your paper on time as you are to get it. We will deem it a special favor if you will lend us your coopera tion in this matter. Don’t miss an issue. Call Webster 1750 and get your paper., The Omaha Guide Publishing Company will not make any reduc tions on uncollected subscriptions unless the above request is com plied with to the letter.