Convict Cage on Coast to Coast Tour New York, fJulv 11,—With every horrible detail complete, a 12-foot long replica of the cage in which chain-gang prisoners are forced to live, left here last week on the first lap of a coast-to-coast tour under the auspices of the International Labor Defend. The cage is mounted on a -truck. Angelo Herndon, 22-year-old Negro leader of the Atlanta unem ployed, sentenced to serve 18 to 20 years on the Georgia chain-gang, -will also travel on a speaking tour, and will appear in each city. At the same time the I. L. D. announced that a number of influential national organizations have agreed to sponsor the drive to gather two million sig natures to a petition to Governor Eugene Talmadge of Georgia, asking the freedom of Herndon and asking also that the ancient “slave insurrec tion” law under which he was in dicted, be wiped off the statute books. included among the organizations sponsoring the petition for Herndon’s freedom, are the League for Indus trial Democracy, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union, with headquarters 5n Memphis, the Share Croppers Union, the National Unemployment Council, the American League Again.t War and Fascism, the Na tional Student League, the Interna tional Labor Defense, and the Com munist Party. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters has agreed to obtain 100,000 signers. Hundreds of other organizations, including unions, churches, lo d g e s, and fraternal groups, are expected to take part in the petition campaign. To Display Convict Cage. The truck bearing the convict cage -will stop in evry large city for a mass meeting. It will carry Donald Burke, up to recently. District Organ izer of the I. L. D. in Massachusetts, and Mrs, Alice Burke. In each city the convict cage will be on display to the public. Herndon will open his speaking tour in Detroit He will travel there from St Louis, where he will address the 26th annual conference of the Na CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE 7 Rooms modern Home Cheap. Near 24th, and Lake Sts. Invest ors Investigate. WE-1149. FOR RENT—2 room kitchenette. Reasonable Price. Call We. 2365. _ (7-5-2) I FOR SALE—6 room house. All mod em. Must be sold at once to pay taxes. .1610 N. 27th Street. _(7-5-2) FOR RENT—2 room furnished apart ment with use of kitchen. We. 4162. (7-5-2) FOR RENT -- __ Furnished Rooms for rent. We. 2303. ; Furnished Apartments, Reasonable. WEbster 2243. Furnished room for working man or woman. 2122 N. 26 St. WE. 1458. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Reas onable rent. Quiet home. Near car WE. 2134. Wanted To Rent—A south room on second floor, Call WE. 1750. LOVE’S Kitchenette apartment for rent at 2518 Patrick Ave., 1702 N. 26 St., and 2613 Grant St. We. 5553 FOR RENT—Three room, furnished apartment with private bath. In good neighborhood. Call HA 0.773. Beautiful all modem 8 room house, beautiful yard, double garage. ; screened porch, reasonable price. | To appreciate this house you must see it. No phone calls- 2212 Bur dette Street S. Krantz, 4-—-—-- | Furnished rooms for rent, We. 25S£ Attorney Ray L. Williams, 200; Tuchman Bldg., 24th and Lake Sts Notice by Publication on Petition for Settlement of Final Administra tion Account— APARTMENT for rent. Couple or 2i or three men. 2230 Ohio St. W ILL TRADE 1930 Sedan for Prop erty or down payment on property. 2007 Clark St. IjOST! Collar From Lady’s Spring Coat. Tan, Fur Trimmed. Finder 1 Please Call JA 7867 Reward One 3 room apt. for rent. WE. 4044 or 1417 N. 24th Street. SHOE REPAIR SH0PS YOUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONE BETTER: 2407 lake St Frank Stuto, Shoe Repairing while you wait, 2420Cuming Street. MISCELLANEOUS THE ONE HORSE STORE W. L. Parsley, Propr. Phone Web. 0567 2851 Grant Omaha, Nebr. BETTER RADIO SERVICE A. H. and J. E. Bonnett, 2215 Cum mings St. Phone Ja. 0696 Reservations for tourists, guests. Rates by day. 1916 Cuming St. Cuming Hotel. tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People, which re ceived him warmly. The chain-gang cage was built by volunteer workers, under the direc tion of John L. Spivak, whose book “Georgia Nigger,” exposing the hor rors of the chain-gang, rocked the country a few years ago. It is 12 feet long, 7 feet wide and 7 feet high—two thirds actual size. Iron bars enciose it. There are four three-decker tiers of bunks, which are covered by thin mattresses of burlap. The cage is equipped with the striped uniforms worn by chain gang prisoners, and in each city volunteers will be put on these uni forms and act the part of the con victs. Equipped With Spotlight. The cage is equipped with a power ful spotlight and a loud-speaker. Along its sides are photographic re : productions of original documents from prison files showing how the murder of convicts is whitewashed by prison officials, and photographs showing the torture of prisoners. The documents and pictures were obtained by Spivak in gathering the material for hjs book. The in; truments of tor ture in use on chain-gangs will be on display near the cage. These will in clude the chains which are riveted about the prisoners’ feet, the sweat box, which has been described as “an upright coffin,” and the “stocks,” in which the prisoner hangs with his weight suspended from his WTists. Convicted on Slave Law. Angelo Herndon was arrested in Atlanta in 1933, a few days after he had led a thousand hungry Negro and white men and women to the county authorities to ask relief. He was in dicted under a law based on a statute of pre-Civil War days, which the slave-owners designed to crush up risings against their masters. The state asked that Herndon be sentenced to die in the electric chair, but the jury recommended “mercy” and Herndon was condemned to spend 1 8to 20 years on the chain gang. The L L. D. then appealed the | sentence to the U. S. Supreme Court. This court, on May 20, refused on the basis of a technicality to reverse sentence or to consider the issues in volved. A stay of executon was ob tained and in the fall a petition will be made for re-hearing. Herndon has been out of jail since the sum mer of 1934, on bail of $15,000 raided by popular subscription by the I, L. D. opbaizsaocj Chain-Gang Horrors Confirmed. Meanwhile new events are con firming the horrors of the Georgia chain-gang. Simon Minor, Negro who escaped from a chain-gang in Rich mond County, Georgia, 14 years ago, and who was arrested recently in Hempstead, Long Island, has knelt on the stone floor of his cell in police headquarters and prayed to die rath er than be sent back. “When you work on a chain-gang in Georgia you work in hell,” he told newspapermen. Nevertheless, Governor Lehman or dered his extradition. Herndon, accompanied by the chain-gang truck, -will visit the fol lowing cities on his tour: July 4-7, Detroit; July 9, Gary, Ind.; July 10, Chicago, ill.; uly 11, Milwaukee, Wis.; uly 12, Minneapolis, Minn.; July 13 St. Paul, Minn.; July 15, Omaha, Nebraska; July 19-25, Cali fornia cities. |Iuly 29, Denver, Colo. Aug. 1, Kansas City, Mo.; Aug. 2, Kan?: as City, Kansas; Aug. 3, St. Louis, Mo-; Aug. 5, Indianapolis, Ind.; Aug. 6, Cincinnati, Ohio. Aug. 7, Dayton, Ohio; Aug. 8, Columbus, Ohio; Aug. 9, Toledo, Ohio; Aug. 10, Detroit, Mich.; Aug. 12, Cleveland, Ohio; Aug. 13, Youngstown, Ohio; Aug. 14, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Aug. 15, Reading, Pa. Jones Announces Free Pamphlets on Negro Affairs; Etc, Washington. July 11, (ANP)—The Negro Affairs Division of the Bur eau of Foreign and Domestic Com merce, Department of Commerce, has just made public “The Negro in Business-1935” (Bibliography). This pamplet contains lists of books, pamphlets and magazine ar ticles dealing with various phases ®f Negro business and the Negro mar ket. While the 1935 bibliography lists about twice as many books and articles as the 1934 edition it is not claimed to be exhaustive. However, a serious effort was made to list all available data bearing on the sub ject. To persons who desire ” to enter business, to those who wish to in crease their sales, and to students and individuals wishing to explore the business field, this biblography will prove to be of value, Al.o from the Negro Affairs Di vision are: (1) A list of “Negro Newspapers and Periodicals in the United States” (Revised July 1, 1935), containing informative data on newspapers, magazines, press services, and school bulletins, etc. (2) “Convention Dates” of Negro or ganizations-1935, giving the time and place of conventions to be held and the name and address of officials in charge of correspondence. (3) A list of Negro aviators, kept up to date with the aid of the Bureau of Ai? Commerce. These lists will be distributed free, on request to Eugene Kinckle Jones, Adviser on Negro Affairs, Depart ment of Commerce. Pete Peaches and Duke Ap-ain Honored Famous Dancers to Instruct World’s Greatest Dance Mast ers at Congress in New York. By David Kane New York City, July 8—Once again a group of our stage person alities have been honored on Broadway. This time it is the dancing act of Pete—Peaches and Duke, present stars of “Con Inie's Hot Chocolates of 1935,” and often referred to as the world’s greatest precision danc I ers. The honor conferred upon i them here this week by Miss Lu cie Stoddard white, Internation ally famed instructor of terpsi chorean art, is an appointment to the faculty staff of the Internati onal Dance congress which is to be held at the Paramount Hotel, Broadway and 4Gth Street, for one week beginning July 7. To Introduce New Dance .. This is considered as quite an honor for anyone on Broadway, so far as the theatrical colony is concerned, and when the honored person, or persons, belong to the Negro race the prestige soars; doubly high. Only on two other j occasions has this happened ac-'j i cording to Miss Stoddart’s state-: ment, the persons being Bill Robi son and Carlos. The Get-to-Gether on July 7, will mark the fifth year of the International Dance Congress, an idea conceived by Miss Lucille Stoddard as a means of assembl- i ing the leading dance masters of the world for the purpose of ac j quiring new dance material. The striking slogan of the meet is: | “The dance material you need tomorrow you must get today/’ During the Congress Pete— Peaches and Duke will exhibit some of the steps used in the present routine of their act. They will also present for the first time an original set of terpsieho rean antics which they have tab bed “Harlemogracv.” The big events will last from July 7 until July 13 inclusive, j and for this occasion managing director Stoddard has selected twenty other outstanding stylist i in dancing, which includes Sal 1 vatore. Fe Alf, Constantin Kobe ! left', Johephine Rovle, Alan De Svlvia, Kotchetovskv and Ludwig Lefebrem. More than seven hun dred dance instructors are ex pected to attend the Congress this year. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday. 2 p. m., call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. New Scottsboro Court Actions Expected July 10th, 1935. New 1 ork, July 11,—Hearings for the two youngest Scottsboro boys, Roy Wright and Eugene Williams, will be heard in Juvenile Court in Decatur, Alabama, before Judge B. L. Malone, probably during the week of July 10th. At the same time, petitions for bail for Olen Montgomery and Willie Roberson, two other Scottsboro boys, will be heard in Decatur before Judge W-. W. Callahan. Attorneys for the International Labor Defense will represent all four of the boys. Implicate Convict In Murder Case Richmond, Va., (July 11, (ANP_ Earl Connor Williams, alleged con fessed slayer of Fannie Kurz, named Clifton “Lightning” Wright, who is serving a term in prison for robbery, as his accomplice in the murder of the young white woman, here Tues day. Pennsylvania Women Hold Convention Meet Cheyney. Pa., July 11, (ANP)—I The annual convention of the Penn sylvania Sfcate Federation of Negro Women’s Clubs was held at the Chey ney (Pa.) State Teachers college on July 7, 8, 9 and 10. Delegates from all sections of Pennsylvania were in attendance. Shot Through Neck, Youth May Recover Stella, Neb., July 10—Roy Ealon, 13 was given a chance for recovery to day despite the fact that a .22 caliber rifle bullet passed through his neck late yesterday The lad was acci dently shot by his brother Albert, 15. Doctors said he will recover if infec tion can be prevented. _ Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m., call ebster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. CANADIAN PH. D. CLARENCE TYLER MASON I The award of the Ph. D. degree in Chemistry to Clarence Tyler Mason by McGill University on May 30, marked the grauation of a brilliant young scientist whose ability has already been marked by election to Sigma Xi, National Honorary Scientific Society, and duties on the faculty of McGill. Dr. Mason has published sever al scientific articles in Canadian learned journals. He has been appointed Assistant Professor of Chemistry' at Dillard Univer. ity, which opens at New Orelans in September. (ANP Photo) Mrs. Bethune is Not “Choosy” About Where She Sits in Church St. Louis, Mo., July 11, (ANP)— While in the city last week attending the 26th annual conference of the N. A. A. C. P., at which time the Spingarn Medal Award was present ed to her by William Pickens, field secretary, Mrs. Mary McLeod Beth une, founder and president of Beth une-Cooknqan college, talked inform ally of the technique she employs in dealing with some forms of dis crimination in the South. The best sample covered the following inci dent: Mrs. Bethune was attending a great religious conference in At lanta, Ga. On Sunday, there had been communion services in which white and black joined. On the fol lowing day, Mrs. Bethune entered the great church and took the seat which seemed most to her liking. She had not been sitting there long be fore one of the white ushers ap proached and apologetically informed her: “We have reserved seats over there for you/’ He pointed to a sec tion on the side where Negroes were being segregated. Mrs. Bethune beamed a smile on the usher and answered: “Thank you so much, but this is all right. I don’t care for reserved seats!” There was nothing the befuddled usher could do about it. A Loose Bone Bothering Max New York, July 10—Max Baer mpst submit to an operation on a ‘floating’ bone in his right hand before he’ll be in oondition to fight again, according to Dr. W. V. Healey, bone specialist. Baer is reluctant to have the oper ation performed. — Trial of Preacher for Murder Is Set -■ Houston, Tex., July 10—Trial of Rev. Edgar Eskrjfige, Baptist preach er charged with murder of Ed J. O’Reilly, police chief at Orange, to day was tentatively set for Novem ber 18. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.. call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. -— - » Louis-Carnera Fight Drew Sport Fans From All Over The U. S. By Allan McMillan. New York City, July 8.—ASX —There were three definite things established here last Tues day night following the Joe Louis Primo Camera fisticuffs at the | ^ ankee Stadium- In two instanc es records were broken and in a third a new precedent was es tablished when sport fans from all corners of the United States came to witness the battle of the year. First, the gross receipts were $328,655.44 and this set a new high for a non-titular boxing match, and inoidently this is re corded as the eighteenth largest gross gate in the history of box ing. Secondly. the Louis-Carnera match broke a record for news paper coverage, both by the white and Negro press, when more than seven hundred newspaper men and women covered what j proved to be the most exciting heavyweight fight in many years. Fight Fans G-alore. fn the matter of fight fans who came here from nearly every state in the union. I doubt if there has ever been an equal to this demon stration of support. I am sure that it has never been surpassed. 1 mingled with the visiting fans for three days before the bout and I am positive that a new prece dent has been set up. Some came by train and air plane, others by motor ears and bus. I personally talked to peo ple who had come from Califor nia, Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia and from Mississippi. The young fellow from Leland, Mississippi, was a former Fisk University stu dent, Wash Burns, whom I knew as a boy. He is a successful plant er and cotton buyer now and leads a calm home life, being mar ried to the former Charlie Mae Dixon, a graduate of Knoxville College. Knoxville, Tennesse. He told me that he “just had to see the fight if he lost his plantation,” but I know he didn’t mean it that way. It was the spirit of enthusiasm and race pride that urged him and thous ands of others from Chilicothe. | Kinder Lou and many other hid den hamlets we never hear men tioned in the big citv. Plenty Money Spent. Then, there were Louis B. An derson. Richard Cunningham and Edw- M. Sneed, the political big wigs from Chicago; also Attorney Edith Sampson. Among the many sportsmen were Ed. Jones, Woogie Harris, Gus Greenlee, Fred Irwin, Ernie Henderson, George Jones, Ila Kelly and Her man Smith from Los Angeles, The theatrical profession brought their luminaries, includ ing Adelaide Hall, Alma Smith. Josephine Hall. Bud Harris. Kert Howell, and Tommy Brookins, who came in from London. Tavern keepers reported that they enjoyed a thirty percent in crease in business for the week. Other businesses profiting by the tremendous transit were haber dashers. restaurants and nite clubs. Lane and Nichols, the Sev enth Avenue hatters, made the report that their store sold out a complete supply of straw hats, and Small’s Paradise, the Cotton Club, 1-0-1 club, Brittwood and club T'bangi all did sky-rocketing grasses. An oddity of the entire week was there was very little betting in Ha*4em- There was no Camera money. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.> call Webster 1750. No reduction in rubscriptions unless request is com plied with. HOTTEST WEATHER Use fragrant, soft, super fine Black and White Com plexion Powder. Does not cake or streak. Clings j smoothly and evenly for hours, keeps complexion fresh and attractive. Choose your tint from white, flesh, pink, brunette, high brown and nut brown. The out standing face powder value money can buy. Price 25 c. WHY LOUIS WON’T BE CHAMP Prejudice Against Negroes Bars Advance By REID J. MURDOCK This publication learned from a highly authoritative source today that Joe Louis, the black “Jack Dempsey,” has been “ruled out” after a secret New York conclave, and will be denied the chance to win the world’s heavyweight championship. Louis already has been advised that he cannot have a crack at ames J. Braddock this year. While the latter will defend his newly won hon ors in the Summer of 1936, the chal lenger will not be Louis but either Max Schmeling or Max Baer. Brad dock may fight the negro after he loses the title. Your correspondent has been in formed there are two paramount reasons WHY LOUIS WJLL NOT BE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. First of all he is colored, and while race prejudice is dying a slow death, the Louis cause will not be championed by the powers-that-be in New York boxing. More important is the fact that! John Roxborough and Julian Black, who are Negroes, manage Louis and refuse to cut in fixers and politicians. The New York crowd might stand for a Negro heavyweight champion— but they won’t stand idle and allow the colored managers to take the other part of the cut without split ting it. Roxborough and Black are associ ated with the lucrative policy “rack et” in this section. They are far more clever than the vast majority of Ne groes who have been identified with 1 boxing and thus far have stood pat in keeping the gravy for Louis, themselves and ack Blackburne, the trainer, who deserves 95 per cent of the credit for the fighter’s amazing rise. New York politicians will not or der a Louis-Braddock match unless they receive a good sized cut. The people who really control the heavy weight division now want a piece of Louis- It’s lain as the nose on one’s face—the boys can’t get together. Rev. Fred A. Hughes of San Fran cisco, California, visited for a few days with his cousin, Mrs. Arthur Rafferty, of 2901 Erskine and aunt, Mrs. I. A. Hughes. He returned home Thursday evening. Mrs. O. S. Redden of N. 27th street, and daughter .left Tuesday July 9, for Topeka, Kansas, where they will be the house guests of Mrs. Molly Reden of 1815 Jefferson street. They will be gone for about a 30 day: ’ stay. Mr. 0. S. Redden left Thursday evening July 11, to join his family in a visit with his mother, Mrs, Polly Redden. Miss Oralee Britt, president of the Senior Girl:,’ Reserve of the Y. W. C. A., left Tuesday evening for a brief visit at the Y. W. C. A. Girls’ Reserve Camp at Wisconsin. Miss Britt will visit a few friends in the East before returning home. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m., call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. THULL’S ANNEX 24th and Seward FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE—Free Special Delivery Service BUD McMANlGAL, Prop. JAckson 8054 AMERICAN MEMORIAL CO. Twentieth & Cumings St. MONUMENTS AND MARKERS PHONE ATlantic 4927 All Work Guaranteed “We have served your friends”—Ask them — . — - = Damp Wash 3*c Per Pound Minimum bundle 48c Edhoim & Sherman LAUNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 q= a — ■—.. YESTERDAY • • • Ignored • • • 11 Al til LARIEUSE (LARRY-USE) Made My Dreams oj Love and Romance Come True! TODAY ...Adored Arc you as lonely as I used to be? Sitting at home night after night? Wondering why men don't take you out? Then let me put you wise. If your hair has become red, faded, gray, streaky or off color—let Godefroy’s Larieuse (Larry Use) French Hair Coloring bring you happiness, as it did to me. Why, before I used Larieuse, ugly hair had robbed me of dates, parties and excite ment. I, too, was just another girl that men passed by. Results Are Quick Now, my hair is soft, gleaming and natural. It does not look dyed; it isn’t sticky or smelly. And Larieuse is so easy to use. No more trouble than an ordi nary shampoo. All the girls envy me now. Men tell me that I look stun ning— and want to know where I’ve been all their lives. I never knew that I could be so happy. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Sounds like a miracle, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Nearly all of the stage and screen stars, so ciety and business people use and recommend Larieuse. In jet black, black, dark, medium and light brown, and blonde. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Your dealer has GODEFROY'S LARIEUSE (LARRY-USE) French HAIR Coloring If he does not have it, send $1.25 to GODEFROY MFG. CO. • 3506 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.