The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 13, 1935, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    SOCIAL O • .f.V/ CLUBS
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Ladies’ Friendship Club
Tho Ladies’ Friendship Club met at
the home of Mrs. Louise Hill, 3119
Burdette St. Business was tran
sacted and bridge played. Mrs., Cath
erine Woods won first prize, and
Mrs. Erith Hope, second. A delight
ful luncheon war served. Mrs. Jan
nie Howell is much improved. » •
Ida Fountain, president; Minnie
Burns, reporter.
Mrs. Sarah Houston, member of
St'. John Church, is very ill and
wishes all members and pastors to
visit her at 1834 N. 23rd. St.
Mr. Amos Ross, trainer for R. A.
Coward Stable, and wife and daugh
ter. were the house guest of Mr
and Mrs. John Murray, of 2911 N.
27th St., during the last week of the
Ak-Sar-Ben race meet. They expect
to return in the near future to make
their home in our beautiful city.
Miss Opal Murray and brother, Eu
gene, of 2911 N. 27th St, gave a
party fo rthe trainers and grooms
from the : tables of the Ak-Sar-Ben
running races. The party was in hon
or of Thomas McCryndle and Car
roll Thomas.
Three tiny candles were blown,
•seven lovely kiddies were shown
what a delightful hostess, Luree La
Marr could be when she celebrated
her third birthday, July 2, on the
lawn at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Bennie LaMarr, 2417 N. 22nd
street. Luree received many beauti
ful and useful gifts. Old fashioned
games and kodaking were the amuse
ments for the afternoon. An ap
petizing luncheon was served. The
guests present were Delores West
brooks, Gloria and Barbara Rhoular,
Charlotte Ellis and brother, Junior
Thomas and LeRue Gater, Jr.
Mrs. M. L, Rhone, head resident
of Woodson Center, and family re
turned from a short vacation in New
York, Philadelphia, Boston and other
cities in the East after attending the
Social Workers Conference in Mon
treal, Canada.
Miss Azza Lee Harris is spend
ing the summer in New York and
Philadelphia before entering the
Lincoln Hospital in New York for
nurse training in Sept.
Dr. and Mrs. S4 B. Northcross and
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Henderson at
tended the track meet in Lincoln,
j?uly 4.
Mr. Charles Jarrett, Mrs. L. E- j
Phillips and Mr. Arthur ones of Kan
sas City were holiday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry jJames. Many court
esies were shown the visitors.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.,
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
Three Youths Are
Electrocuted for
Robbery Murder
Chester, 111., July 10—Three youths
died in the electric chair at the south
ern Illinois penitentiary early today
for the murder of a 66-year-old street
car motorman.
John Krul, 21, was *the first to go to
t.he chair, being pronounced dead at
12:14 a. m., three minutes after the
first shock of electric current was
sent through his body. Five minutes
later, the youngest of the trio, Ed
ward Balling, 19, was sent to his
death. Van Buren Dedmon, 25, was
the last executed.
They had been convicted of slay
ing William C *\Ioss when he resisted
their attempts to rob him the night of
February 22.
Two Murderers Held
Atlanta, Ga-, 'July 11, (ANP)—
When the police drag net was pulled
in Tuesday night the catch included
two alleged murderer.:, Isaac Brown,
wanted for the killing of Robert
Cotten, Saturday night, and Leon
Hall, charged with the murder of
Forrest Butcher, who was stabbed to
death Friday night.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.,
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
Mothers—Let your boys be Guide
newsboys. Send them to the Omaha
Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street.
Ladies’ Household Club
The Ladies’ Household Club met at
1 o’clock Monday, July 8. We had as
our guest. Mrs. Dill Covington of
Kansas City, Mo.
Mrs. R. Thomas, president; E. Fos
ter, reporter.
On Saturday evening, June 29,
Mrs. Alice Wise, Mr. H. W. Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kero, en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lee at
Mrs. Wise’s residence, 2208 N. 27th
stree. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were recent
ly married in Kansas City, Mo., and
Mr. Lee’s mother is visiting them.
Twenty guests were present and
1 .spent a very enjoyable evening.
Friends all wish for the bride and
groom success and a happy life.
Angelo Herndon to
Speak Here July 15th
Complete in all its horrible de
tails ,a twelve-foot replica of the
cage used by chain-gang prison
ers will arrive here on Monday,
July 15th. The cage, built on a
truck, is being taken on a coast
to-eoast tour by Angelo Herndon,
22 year-old Negro whose sentence
of 18 to 20 years on the Georgia
chain-gang the United States
Supreme Court recently upheld.
Herndon, for whom a stay of
eecution has been secured until
the fall, when the attorneys of
the International Labor Defense
will press for a re-hearing, before
the highest court, will speak in
Omaha, Monday night at 8
o’clock.’ A permit is being re
quested from the City Commis
sioners for the use of Grant
Street, just west of 24th, for the
meeting, between 7:30 and 10:00
o’clock, p. m. If request is refused,
will hold meeting at 24th, and
Blondo Streets.
The chain-gang display will be
shown at the meeting. In case of
rain the meeting will be held at
the Workers Center, 2404 Parker
Street, at 8 o’clock Monday even
The chain-gang cage, which is
12 feet long, seven feet wide and
seven feet high, is two-thirds the
actual size of the cages in which
Georgia prisoners spend their
nights. It was built under the
supervsiion of John L. Spivak,
whose exposure of Georgia chain
gangs rocked the country a few
years ago.
The cage resembles a huge cir
cus wagon. It is enclosed by
latticed iron bars. There are
three-decker tiers of bunks cov
ered with thin mattresses of bur
lap stuffed with straw.
To illustrate the horrors of the
chain-gang volunteers will don
the striped uniforms of convicts
and take the part of prisoners. |
In addition to the cage, there
will be on display models of the
instruments of torture commonly
used on the Georgia chain-gang
There will be “stocks,’’ in which
the prisoner lies three inches
from the ground, his whole weight
suspended from his wrists and
Herndon, who faces these tor
tures if he goes fO the chain-gang,
was convicted in Atlanta in 1933,
of “inciting to insurrection.’’ The
statute on which he was indicted
is based on a law of pre-Civil War
days, designed to crush slave up
risings. The state asked the death
penalty but the jury recommend
ed 18 to 20 years on the chain
Ht<rndon’s attorneys, employed
by the International Labor Defen
se, then appealed to the United
States Supreme Court, which re
fused by a six to threee decision
to reverse sentence, on the basis
of a technicality. A stay of exe
cution was obtained, and a re
hearing will be pressed. Mean
while Herndon is out on bond of
$15,000 cash raised by popular
subscription. A drive is now be
ing made to gain two million sig
natures to a petition to Governor
Eugene Talmadge of Georgia,
asking Herndon’s freedom and
asking also the repeal of the
‘slave insurrection’’ law.
Russian Woman, 67,
Does Parachute Jump
Moscow, July 10,—A 67-year-old
woman, Pulkheria Kosharova, jumped
with a parachute today from a 90-foot
tower and landed safely.
Mothers—Let your boys be Guide
newsboys. Send them to the Omaha
Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street.
Seventy Year Old
Man Arrested
Continued From Page 1
course, but that it was a pain
ful situation to be confronted
with. Mrs. Glover said that when
her son was told what happen
ed he shook like a leaf and want
ed to go and talk the matter over
with Mr. Jones. Mrs. Glover
sa;d that she told him that the
X. A. A. C. P. was seeing that the
r;ght thing was done and that it
was best for him not to interfere.
Mrs. Sabert Hanger who lives
across the street from the Jones
residence nc/ticed the unusual
familiarity and attention Mr
Jones was paying to Ruth Glover
some time Mrs. Hanger went
to the Glover home and talked the
matter over with the parents and
she was told at that tune what
had already happened. Mrs. Hang
er reported the matter to Mr.
Arthur W. McCoy who is a
member of the Board of Directors
of the local branch X. A. A. C. P.
[and requested him to take the
! matter up at the executive board
'meeting which was to convene
that same evening, Tuesday. Mr.
McCoy lives two doors North of
the Jones residence.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m..
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
One Killed In ’
Row Over Hog
Freeport, 111., ;July 10—A feud be
twen two aged farmers over straying
hogs resulted today in the death of
one and the critical wounding of his
adversary after a pistol duel at ap
proximately 10 yards.
Frank Williams, 68, was dead and
his neighbor, John Linton, 70, was in
a Freeport hospital, where physicians
said his life was ebbing.
They occupied adjoining farms near
Shannon—with their farm homes on
ly a few rods apart—and it was over
a low fence separating their property
that the duel was fought, authorities
said •
Neighbors said “bad blood” devel
oped between the men almost two
years ago when Williams had Linton
arrested after the latter’s hogs wand
ered onto his land.
Armless Autoist,
After a Long Trip
Says Car Stolen
Minneapolis, Minn., July 10—Har
old A. Carlson, Buffalo, N. Y-, who
is armless, today reported to police
l»is specially equipped car in which he
had driven here from Buffalo was
stolen while he reported at the offices
of an artificial limb company which
employs him as a salesman.
The car also contained a spare set
of artificial arms which enable Carl
son to shave, feed himself, drive his
car and play golf* The car also con
tained some sample artificial legs
when it was stolen.
The Pastor's Wives Council is
having its annual 'breakfast at
Elmwood Park, Wednesdav, Julv
The K. Club regrets the leav
nig of its treasurer, Burnell John
son and its president, Willie Mc
Fred Brooks, reporter.
Mrs. M. Radley, mother of Mrs.
Jessie Turner, of 2928 Blondo,
who has been visiting in Chicago
for two weeks is returning to
Omaha July 20.
Mrs. ITatt'e Holmes of Yazoo,
Mississippi, who is enroute to Los
Angeles, California, is spending
the week-end with Mrs. Jessie
Mrs. Elaine McGee, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. Z E McGee, fell i
down, her cellar steps and suf
fered a wrenched back and in
ternal injuries. However, the
twins are getting along nicely.
Mrs. Helen Banks, sister of
! Miss Gertrude Lucas and Miss
Roberta Bailey are visiting here
from Los Angeles.
During these hot days, Park
Commissioner Frost is permitting
the usage of the fire hydrant at
27th and Blondo to cool the
temperatures of the kiddies, and
to provide relief from ole Sol
The Zion Sunday school is plan
ning an outing at Elmwood Park
July 16. The plan to make it a
gala day.
Mrs. A. L. Palms, of Dallas,
Texas arrived Monday and is
planning to stay until September,
1st. She finds Omaha a very en
joyable city.
Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Preston of
2206 N. 28th Avenue, accompanied by
Messrs. Harry Douglas and Eugene
Gant returned to the city Monday,
July 7, from an extensive motor trip
to Cheyenne, Wyoming; Denver,
Colorado; Colorado Springs and In
dependence, Kansas. While in Chey
enne, they were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson Lewis. In Denver they
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Price and Mr. and Mrs- Bill Round
tree; and at Independence, they vis
ited Mr. Henry LaMar, uncle of Mrs
Preston. The trip which lasted two
weeks was enjoyably spent.
Mrs. Alma Robinson of 2411 Lake
Street is yet confined to bed with an
attack of appendicitis and is still un
der the care of the doctor.
Mr. Tom Wheeler who had his arm
broken in three places in an automo
bile accident is improving.
Mrs. Arthur McCoy who has been
confined to bed is up again.
Mr. Joe Thomas better known as
“Ukelele Joe” left Friday for San'
Diego, California
Characters Portrayed in
■ mm ...
Mrs. Susannah Whaatlay
T2FA • I
Phillis Wheatley i
V at 18
.Miss Mary Wheatley
St. Louis character actress, in her sufcimler concert tour is not only
providing entertainment for thousands of persons, but is also teaching Negro
history through her art. The above characterizations are taken from her
dramatization of the life of Phillis Wheatley, the American slave girl, who
was the first woman to write poetry in America.
(ANP Photo)
The meeting was opened Monday,
July 8, with the discussion of a
moonlight picnic by the president. The
host served a delightful luncheon at
the meeting.
At Mrs- Cora Jackson’s, 18291/& N.
22nd Street, a group of ladies organ
ized a club which is to be called the
Jitney Club, July 9. A delightful
luncheon was served. The next meet
ing will be held at the secretary’s,
Mrs Alice Moore, 2130 N. 27th
Street, July 18.
Mrs. Maud Brooks, President
Mrs. Dorothy Brown, Reporter
Mrs- Catherine Hunt of 2428 Er
skine Street wishes to thank the
many friends of the family for their
expressions of sympathy in words
and flowers shown at the death of
her sister, Mrs. Julia Browning, who
passed away at 12:45 a. m., July 3.
Mrs. Catherine Hunt
and Family.
See Special League
, Meet On Ethiopia
(Continued from Page One)
have developed when Prof. Gaston
Jeze, legal adviser to the Ethiopian
government, asserted that Ualual,
scene of the first major frontier inci
dent, was in Ethiopian territory.
The Italian representatives entered
a strong protest against such testi
mony, asserting that the commission
was empowered to consider only the
causes of incidents.
They insisted they would hear no
more evidence from Prof. Jeze- When
the Ethiopian adviser persisted in
giving his views, the session ended.
A proposal to call in a neutral fifth
member to resolve the deadlock had
been discussed, but the Italian repre
sentatives would not agree to such a
The conciliation commission, under
' the instruction of the League of Na- |
tioas council, held preliminary meet
ings at Milan, Italy, in (June and re- ■
convened in this suburb of The Hague
June 25.
Predict Italy to Quit League If
Session Called.
Geneva, July 10.—'Italian circles
predicted today that Italy will resign
from the League of Nations if a spe
cial session of that body is called on
the Italo-Ethiopian conflict. A spe
cial session appears likely because of |
the breakdown in the conciliation |
commission proceedings.
A resolution adopted by the league
council May 25 provided a special ses
sion of the council should be called
July 25 if the Italo-Ethiopian arbitra
tors failed to reach an agreement and
failed to appoint a fifth arbitrator to
act as umpire.
Jt also provided for a council ses
sion August 25, at all events, if the
dispute had not been settled by that
Today the Italo-Ethiopian concil
iation commission, meeting at Sche- j
veningen, Netherlands, decided to sus
pend its sessions indefinitely.
The dispute between Italy and the
African empire already has gravely
affected the work of economic and fi
nancial experts who are meeting here
privately to study the feasibility of
imposing economic and financial pen- j
alties on nations endangering peace
through the repudiations of interna
tional treaties.
Italy Believes Its Path Is Clear.
Rome, |July 11,—Italy believed to
night a path from Rome to Addis
Ababa was clear/
Official circles said there was
scarcely a possibility of English in
tervention; there is no doubt of
France’s friendly neutrality, and the S
United States has just declared its |
Germany is now friendly, they
said, and Russia will be friendly be
cause of France. The only foreign
nation England may possibly per
suade to her point of view was be
lieved here to be Japaji, which has
growing commercial interests in
Ethiopia, but Japan apparently has
her hands full with the Chinese and
Manchoukuon situations.
There' remained only the League
of Nations, of which Benito Musso
lini has no fear. Before that assemb
ly Italy does not intend to remain
on the defensive, but will take the of
fensive with charges that Ethiopia
violated the conditions under which
she was permitted to enter, and
should be reduced to the rank of a
If the league should attempt to con
demn Italy, official circles disclosed, j
II Duce would not have the slightest;
hesitation about leaving Geneva.
Meanwhile Italy continued military
preparations against Abyssinia to- j
day by calling to the colors all sub
officers and soldiers classified as
specialists or technicians and belong
ing to the classes of 1909 and 1910.
Mothers—Let your boys be Guide |
| newsboys. Send them to the Omaha
! Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street.!
Uniformed Poiceman
Can Not Be ‘Playboys’
Dancing, smoking and drinking
(even beer) will be taboo from now
cn for all members of the Omaha po
lice department while they are in uni
j form, Chief Robert P. Samardick an
nounced Monday night
A number of complaints have been
received recently that certain mem
bers of the force have thus disported
themselves while off duty in uniform,
' the chief stated in his order to all
commanding officers.
He called attention to rules in the
police manual which go so far as to
say that members of the force, while
in uniform, may not enter any place
(except in the immediate perform -
mance of duty) where liquor is sold
or furnished.
He concludes with the ultimatum:
“In connection herewith I wish you
to inform the members of the depart
ment under your command that no
uniformed member of the department
will be permitted to smoke, either
coming to or going from duty, while
in uniform, neither will drinking of
any kind of intoxicating liquor, in
cluding beer, or dancing while in uni
form, off or on duty, be tolerated ”
Les Pierettes
- - - -
Geneva Garland entertained the
club, jJuly 13th, at 2112 N. 28th St.
Amy Ousley and Nellie Myers won
prizes. The whist party held June
22 at St. Benedict was successful.
Mrs. Olga Warren won first ladies’
prize, Wardell Turner, first men’s
prize. ‘ Mrs. Dorothy Pollard and
Mr. Coleman won booby.
Elenora Robinson, president; Amy
Ousley, assistant sec’y^
Mr. Cunnigan of 521 N. 33rd. St.,
returned jJuly 4 from a months motor
trip to the Coast. Included in hie j
stops were Los Angeles, Oakland. ;
San Francisco, San Diego and old
— —
“Gee-Gee” Goes
For Chamois
New York City, July 8.—ASN
—“Gee-Gee” James who portrays
the role of “Migonette” on the
Gibson Family Radio Musical is
the latest to succumb to the
charms of tailored suits. Her most
recent acquisition is fashioned
from slate blue Gabardine and
features an active back in the
coat. The blouse is white, hand
tucked and hand drawn handker*
chief linen. With the suit she
wears a small hat created in slate
blue. Shoes, hat and gloves are
Mothers—Let your beys be Guide
newsboys. Send them to the Omaha
Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street.
*—-*—*—*-* ..
Le^al Notices
"*■•*"* •'
Attorney Ray L. Williams, 200 Tuch
man Bldg., 24th and Lake Street.
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska:
In the Matter of the Estate of
Lucy Jones, Deceased
All persons interested in said estate
are hereby notified that a petition has
been filed in said Court alleging that
said deceased died leaving no last
will and praying for administration
upon his estate, and that a hearing
will be had on said petition before
sa:d court on the 3rd day of August,
1935, and that if they fail to appear
at said Court on the said 3rd day of
August, 1935, at 9 o’clock A. M to
contest said petition, the Court may
grant the same and grant adminis
tration of said estate to Joseph D.
Lewis or some other suitable person
and proceed to a settlement thereof.
Beg ns 7-l-,-35 Bryce Crawford,
Ending 7-27-35 County Judge.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paner by Saturday, 2 p. m..
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
' Depend upon the “old reliable'*
combination treatment that has
brought relief to thousands of suf
ferers . . . Black and White Oint
ment and Skin Soap. These two
products are world-famous for the
way they clear up bumps, eczemic
irritations and other skin trouble.
Go to your druggist today and ask
for Black and White Ointment
and Skin Soap and be sure that
you get them. There’s nothing
“just as good.” •
The 50c pack'
age of Black and
White Ointment
contain* three
times as much
as the 25c size.
Large bar of
Black and White
Skin Soap, 25c.
Begin this treat'
ment without
further delay.
F>HONE FvE. 7312
Well .. . NOW, you can . . . and you can do it
safely and economically tcith this marvelous
scientific “double strength” bleaching cream.
^ V°u ^sve been trying “one thing and then another” without
accomplishing your purpose, then we say to you: “Go to your drug
gist and get a jar of Black and White Bleaching Cream without
We wouldn’t tell you to do this unless we knew what this mar
velous, double strength Black and White Bleaching Cream would
do to make your skin light, bright and attractive. Fact is, thousands
of satisfied users offer the most convincing proof imaginable and
have written to tell us that Black and White is in a class by itself.
Furthermore, it will clear your skin of bumps and blemishes almost
so quickly that you’ll hardly believe it possible.
Black and White, you know, is made “double strength.” That
l means that it has sufficient power to penetrate to the skin’s fourth
Jayer where coloring is regulated. That’s why it brings
Results. That’s why you must be sure that you get
Black and White Bleaching Cream and accept
no substitute. The 50c size of Black and White
Bleaching Cream contains more than twice as
much as the 25c size and is sold at all drug
counters. Small trial size package, 10c.
For best results always
use Black and White
Skin Soap (25c) before
you apply this wonder*
ful Black and White
Bleaching Cream.