The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 13, 1935, Page THREE, Image 3

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S. T. R.—I have been very upset
ever matters and would like to know
if my husband will ever quit his
ways ?
Ans: Your husband’s ways were
brought on through your careless
ness and it seems that he is so used
to seeing you throw away money on
foolishnes that he doesn’t care wheth
er or not he saves anything. Why
don’t you co-operate with your hus
band and try to make your allow
ance go farther? I feel sure if you
do this, hell take more interest in
SAYING and making A HOME.
S. M. D.—I would like to know
where my lost brother is?
Ans: It appears that your broth
er was caught for a very serious
offense and is now serving a term in
the state prison in the city where
you last heard from him—You can
get in touch with him by writing to
him at this prison.
H. D.—I wonder if there is any
thing in life for me and I would like
for you to tell me so?
Ans: What you get out of life in
the future will be up to you. For
get about letting your husband go
his way and you go yours. Forgive
each other for your past mistakes
and stick together for you know that
you both were meant for each other—
You can get a lot of happiness out
of your marriage if you put your
heart into it.
C. M. S—Did my sweetheart and
I part for good last week?
Ans: It appears that when you
flared up last week about your
sweetheart being untrue to you, that
caused you to part, and it will be for
good. He has been going with an
other girl for about two months and
is apparetnly very fond of her—The
way you acted last week was just
a good chance for him to break away
from you.
M, S-—I want you to tell me when
I will be called to work?
Ans: The results you will get
from the applications you put in for
work will prove very sati factory,
for it appears that you will be called
to work before the end of MAY—
This position appears to be as a
NURSE in a large institution in your
N. N.—Will the man I care for
ever mean anything in my life?
Ans: Even though you have been
knowing this doctor for TEN
YEARS, you should know that if you
meant anything to him personaly he
surely would have let you known
about it before now—You might as
well quit waiting for him, for the
only way he will ever mean anything
to you will be PROFESSIONALLY.
J. L<—My brother went away and
I want to know who he took with
Ans: It appears that yonr broth
er was called out of town on a job
as a PAINTER and he took HIS
M'lFE with him. It will be several
weeks before they will return, for it
appears that they are making plans
to make their future home in the city
they are in now.
B. L.—Please tell me where my
pocket book went to?
Ans: The girl that admitted tak
ing your money appears to be the one
that took your pocket book also, but
she is ashamed to tell you about it.
She was nice enough to give you back
your money when you asked her for
it, and if you ask her for the pocket
book too, shell return it without any
J. "K.—My husband is away from
home and I want to know if he is do
ing the right thing?
Ans: Your husband has been
working hard during the few weeks
he has been away, but he hasn’t been
doing exactly the right thing. For
detailed information see note at
tached to this column and write to
W. M-—Will I ever accomplish
anything in life?
Ans: You are very fortunate to
be able to get as much education as
you have. After you finish your
college degree at ALLEN UNIVERS
ITY, it appears ihat you will do
many worth while and profitable
things—Your education will enable
you to accomplish your aim in the
NOTE—Your question printed free
in this column. For private reply send
25c and (self addressed stamped en
velope for my New Astrological Read
ing and receive by return mail my
advice on three questions free. Sign
your full name, birthdate and correct
address- Address Abbe’ Wallace.,
P O. Box—11, Atlanta. Georgia.
Gives $20,000 to
Rosenwald Fund
Chicago. 111.. July 11, (ANP)—
Twenty-thousand dollars over and
above the regular appropriation for
improvement of schools for both
white and colored in the South will
be -pent by the Julius Rosenwald
Fund as a result of an unusual be
quest received from the estate of
Theodore Max Troy of Jacksonville,
Mr. Troy, who died May 1, 1934,
unmarried and survived by any near
kin. made the Fund one of the resid
uary legatee* of his estate, but ex
pressed no directions or sugge. tions
as to the use of the gift.
Edwin R. Embree. president of the
Julius P.oemvald Fund, announced
that, it is almost unheard of for a
foundation established by a single in
dividual- to receive gifts or bequests
fffom others. It is the more remark
able in this" case, since Mr. Troy nev
er communicated with anyone in the
"We asume this gift was made be
cause Mr. Troy knew and approved
of our southern school work,” Mr
Embree said. “In recognition of his
uausual expression of confidence we
will-expand and enrich the program
whifh we believe attracted his inter
Birmingham Home
Bessemer. Ala.. July II, (ANP>—
A second bombing following in the
wake of the return of workers at
Ha rbison-Walker Refactories Com
pany, occurred here Tuesday night
when the home of Tom Williams, one
of the workers, was dynamited by un
known parties. The Williams home
was almoit demolished by the ex
plosion but no one was injured.
A third dynamiting was frustrated
Monday night when James Stallings,
another employee of the Harbison
Walker Company, discovered the
bomb on his porch and hurled it out
in the yard where it exploded. James
and Charles Acker were arrested,
charged with this attempted bombing.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m..
call it ebster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
Women Smokers
Are Condemned
Champaign. 111., July 11, (ANP)—
Members of the Women’s Auxiliary
t>f the General Baptist Convention of
Illinois at the recent meeting here,
went on record to condemn the grow
ing indulgence of youth, women in
particular, in the use of narcotics,
cigarettes and intoxicating liquors
Women who make a public practice
of smoking in restaurants, barber
shops and -public carriers, were es
pecially criticised for destroying the
public respect due to womanhood.
The Auxiliary petitioned public of
ficials to condemn the evils.
Northern Baptists
Close Meeting
Colorado Springs, Cel., July 11,
(ANP)—Twenty-two hundred Bap
t.sts, representing both racial groups
and 32 states gathered here last
'week in attendance upon the annual
meeting of the Northern Baptist
Convention, at which reports rend
ered showed the growth of the de
nomination and the efforts being put
for.h to promote education.
Funeral Directors
Elect Pratt President
Oklahoma City, Okla., July 18.
(ANP)—Although the sessions of
the 10th annual convention of the
Independent National Funeral Dir
ectors’ Association, held in this city
last week, were marked by the most
spectacular and bitter fight within
the official family in the history of
the organization, the 196 delegates
from 28 different states, carved
their way out of confusion and chart
ed a path for co-operative effort j
which they believe will lead to the
furthest advance ever made by a
group of Negro business men in this
Lawton L. Pratt of Jasksonville.
Fla., was elected president, succeed
ing Benjamm J. McFall, Detroit.
As expected, the two biggest jobs
before the delegates involved the
set.lement of the quarrel within the
official family and the adoption of
a program, based upon the studied
needs of the industry and the lessons
learned in experience with the NBA
code authority.
The official family quarrels re
volved around the heads of three men
Charles Crook, Chicago, chairman of
the executive committee; Benjamin
J. McFall, Detroit, president, and R.
R. Reed, Chicago, executive secre
The policy' of the Association
places most of the responsibility for
the work of the organization on the
shoulders of the executive secretary.
Reed founded the organization 10
years ago, but has steadfastly' re
frained from accepting titular lead
ership. There have been three presi
dents: G. William Saffell, Shelby
ville, Ky., from 1926 to 1932; T. M.
Fletcher, Akron, Ohio, from 1932 to
1934, and Benjamin McFall The
first two presidents recognized the
obligation of the Association to Reed
as its founder and organizing genius.
McFall is reported to have found it
difficult to recognize Reed’s peculiar
relationship to the organization and
to have set about with Crook, chair
man of the executive committee, to
seize the active leadership.
In so doing, they ran counter to
the executive secretary and the or
ganization was split into two camps.
Reed’s strength had been built up
through yrears of active contact with
the leaders of the industry and by
personal sacrifice to insure the suc
cess of the organization. McFall
and Crook lacked these advantages
demonstrated sacrifice and usefulness
to the organization.
Early this year. McFall and Crook
are reported to have attempted to
call a special meeting of funeral
directors in Atlanta, Ga- Reed op
posed the action, circularized the
directors invited and found that they
supported his position. As a result
the meeting was not held and Reed
w'as victor in the first tilt with the
president and the executive commit
tee chairman.
The issue came to a head when of
ficers were to be elected at the con
vention here. No president prior to
McFall had served less than two
years. IVfcFall had been in office only
10 months when the convention was
held last week. He was a candidate
to succeed himself. The minority
report of the nominating committee
offered the name of Lawton Pratt,
sponsored by the anti-McFall sup
porters of Reed.
After considerable sniping on the
part of McFall adherents, led by John
Vlackwell of Chicago, who was
blasted by G- William Saffel, former
president, L. H. Latson. Taylor. Tex
as. in an eloquent and dramatic ap
peal. moved the adoption and ac
ceptance of the minority report. The
temper of the delegates was so
clearly visible that McFall. sensing
defeat, declined to be a candidate for
re-election, and the presidency went
to Pratt uncontested.
Reed was thus left m the saddle.
in the discussion centering around
the organization program, it was dis
closed that Reed’s leadership is not
that of a dictator, but a trust placed
in him by the directors themselves
because of his past performance. He
is not only responsible for the exis
tence of the organization, but he al
so, in the reorganization of American
)ndustrv under the NRA codes, suc
ceeded in winning a place for Negro
undertakers as an integral part of
the code setup. Negro undertakers
were the only group of racial busi
ness men to win this official recogni
Under the old codes. Negro under
takers. through their Associations,
lined up with the white organiza
tions in the industry, and became a
functioning pan of the code author
ity. T. M. Fletcher was elected as
one of the 15 members of the board
of directors of the code authority
and Reed was chosen as assistant ex
ecutive secretary. Offices were set
up in Chicago by Reed with a paid
staff to function for the Independent
National Funeral Director's Associa
tion to obtain the benefits of code
The benefits of this regulation
were so great that now, despite the
outlawing of the NBA codes through
Supreme Coutt mandate, the vast
majority of undertakers, white and
colored, desire to effect a system of
voluntary regulation containing
many features of the code authority
and some improvements.
Delegates at the convention here
went on record as desiring to co-op
erate with white leaders in the in
dustry for the working out and set
ting up of this voluntary code A
committee to represent the Independ
ent National Funeral Directors’ As
sociation in the formulation of the
voluntary code was appointed, con
sisting of the following men: G
William Saffell. Shelbyville, Ky.;
John T. Hall, Gullport, Miss.; Mm. H.
Johnson, Lancaster, Ky* William J.
Morsell, Chicago. 111.; T. M. Fletcher,
Akron, Ohio; St. Julian Renfroe,
Cincinnati, Ohio; R. R. Reed. Chi
cago, 111., and Lawton L. Pratt,
Jacksonville Fla.
A conference on these matters is
being held with the code authority
leaders in Cincinnati this week.
Among the highlights of the con
vention in this city was the series
of early morning scientif.c lectures
gven by Isaac Levy Murray of Jersey
City, N. J., in the demonstration
chamber of the Oklahoma Casket
company. In these classes actual
cadavers were used in the demonstra
tions which were so perfected that
those who attended the classes were
qualified under the Oklahoma slate
rule which requ.res that licensed em
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Flaming youth—A stubborn Adol
lescent—A Worried Father—Father
Right—Smoking, Coarse Slang and
Late Hours All Wrong—Be Tactful.
Father—Rashness Means Ruin.
(For advice, write to Maxie Miller,
care of Literary Service Bureau, 516
Minnesota Ave. Kansas City Kans.
For personal reply send self-ad
dressed, stamped envelope).
Maxie Miller: J am a father. May
be you’ll say I am of the old school.
But I think I am right. I object to
my daughter’s conduct She uses the
coursest kind of slang, smokes in
public and stays out late at night.
She is ony 16 years old and she
laughs and tells me I am behind the
time. What do you think about it?
Are you a modem? If you are I’ll
get little comfort from you.- But I
am risking it/—Worried Father.
W orried Father: Here’s a surprise
for you. I agree with you. I am
modem in some things, but I consider
it unique and injurious to smoke. J
condemn “coarse slang” as out of
good taste; and I condemn late hours
if you mean aftfer midnight. But you
are dealing with the most difficult
creature in the world—an adolescent
girl; so be tactful in your methods.
Let us hope that this girl will come
to her senses.—Maxie Miller.
balmers^ attend one such class each
The convention in 1936 will be held
in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Other officers elected beside Mr.
Pratt were: Mrs. W. H. McGavock,
Nashville, Term., first vice president:
J- T. Hall. Gulfport, Miss., second
vice president. Wm. J. Morsell. Chi
cago, third vice president; R. C.
Scott, Richmond. Va., fourth vice
president; Mrs. L. A. Davison, At
lanta, Ga.. recording secretary;
James H. Irvin, Philadelphia, treas
urer. John T. Stewart, Washinj'on,
D. C.. prelate; TV. Percy Sims. Chi
cago. auditor; J. Ernest Wilkins;
Chicago, attorney: Wallace Turner,
Chicago, sergeant-at-arms, and L. H.
Delph.a, Biloxi Miss., assistant
New members of the executive
committee are A. L. Welch, Birming
ham, Ala.; Mrs. F. Bernard Stone.
Tampa, Fla.; C. E. Jones, Covington,
Kj>; William H. Johnson. Lancaster,
Ky.; E. W. Hall, Hattiesburg, Miss.;
Thomas W. Frazier, Washington.
D. C„; Julius A. K. Ficklin. Kansas
City, Mo.; TT alter C- Beckett, Phila
delphia; TT. T. Brown. Jr., Chicago,
replacing Charles Crook; Henry W.
Payne, New York. Mrs. N.. Hyder
Darson, Oklahoma City; Fred A. An
derson, Detroit; L. H. Latson, Taylor,
Texas; SL Julian Renfro, Cincinnati;
A. R. Wheeler, Knoxville; J. W. Rel
erford, Stuttgart, Ark., and C. L.
Coffey, Shreveport, La.
New Methods
of Meeting Our
Crime Problems
Abstract of address by Carl E. Mil
liken, Secretary, Motion Picture Pro
ducers and Distributors of America.
Inc., at annual meeting of Interna
tional Association of Chiefs of Police.
Atlantic City, July 11,—A new
public attitude that should do much
to aid the anti-crime crusade which
the nation is conducting and uphold
the interests of law enforcement, is
reflected in the new emphasis which
the press and the screen are placing
upon current crime problems, accord
ing to Carl E. Milliken, former gov
ernor of Maine and secretary of the
Motion Picture Producers and Dis
tributors of America. Inc.
Public interest in shifting from the
gun-toting desperado to the police
and trained investigators who are
cracking down one by one the aggre
gations of criminals operating in va
rious parts of the country, he de
clared in an address here today at
the annual meeting of the Interna
tional Association of Chiefs of Po
“The press and screen of the na
tion have made good,” he said, “in
their promise to cooperate to the ut
most in focusing public attention up
on the problems of crime detection
and law enforcement. The appre
hension of the criminal has come to
have news value equal to the com
mission of the crime. And the pub
lic which admires true courage, has
come to sense the vast difference be
tween this quality, and the acts of
desperation and false courage of the
machine-gun gangster.
“We have parsed a period,” he
pointed out, “when the criminal
seemingly held the stage, when was committed with apparent
impunity to the offender—an im
punity often due to lack of public co
operation with those charged with
the enforcement of law and order.
Today the news of a crime whets
public expectations, of the apprehen
sion of the criminal or criminal.. and
the public heroes are those who
untangle the tortuous skeins woven
by the alleged master minds of crime
and who destroy or deliver these:
criminals to justice, at the risk of
their own lives.
“By bringing the achievements of
the police and the federal crime de
tection agencies into sharp relief, the
press and screen reflect and foster a
renewed interest on the part of the
public and especially the youth of the
country in the heroes of the law. ’
This should mean much to the main
tenance of our national morale in
dealing with the crime problem,”
“The country has become con
scious.” Mr. Milliken asserted, “of the
wide sweep taken by the anti-crime
crusade and the continuing education
necessary to meet the issue. Due
recognition at last has been given to
the fact that the causes of crime are
many and complex.” he said, “crimin
als may be street-made, school-made,
prison-made, or even home-made, i
Poverty and the consequences of I
poverty, poor home environment, j
disruption of family life, inadequate
spiritual training, undirected street
play, doting mothers, excessive use
of alcoholic beverages, drugs, all
these and many others are admitted
to be important components of the
crime problem. The mobilization of
all existing community agencies to
wards effective crime prevention
promises much in the interest of law'
enforcement in the United States.”
Horses and Heredity
By R. A. Adams
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
I was reading a press dispatch. It
was a report of the victory of a race
horse named Omaha. He had won
the famous Kentucky Derby, and more
recently another celebrated race. The
report read that Omaha had won
both of these races, “as did his fath
er. Gallant Fox,” and that he had
beaten the time of his father.
In this report, between the lines,
there was confirmation of the science
of heredity, and of the old saying,
“If the mare paces the colt will
pace.” It confirms also, the other
axiom emphasizing heredity, i. e.,
“The blood will tell.”
People are not so slow to believe
and, in a measure, understand the
workings of heredity in horses, in
cattle, in chickens, in all of the low
er animals, yet many are skeptical in
regard to heredity in the higher ord
er of animals—men. Because of lack
of knowledge in this respect, and
sometimes because of unmitigated
! recklessness, persons are united in
marriage with those of vicious an
cestry and of bad character, and thus
they curse their own posterity. Yes,
heredity is a fact; its workings are
inexorable, and this is true in re
gard to men as to horses. To im
prove the human race in various
ways, heredity must be recognized
and considered. That is dealing with
causes, and is the only means of cor
recting effects.
London Women
Support Scottsboro
Boys Financially
London, England. July 11, (CNA)
—From the Lewisham Branch of the
Women's Guild of Cooperators, the
Scottsboro Defeme Committee here
has received a sum of money to be
used in defense of the nine Scotts
boro boys. To raise this money, the
women organized a draw.
The Rochdale Branch of the Guild
passed a resolution at its last meet
ing, calling for the freedom of the
nine youths.
Police Attack Anti-Jim
Crow Picket Line
Chicago, 111., [July 11, (CNA)—
Weilding clubs and blackjacks, the
police rushed a picket line in front
of jim crow Greenland Cafe, 51st and
Cotton Grove, arresting four laborers
and seriously injuring a bystander.
For over an hour, the pickets had
marched in front of the restaurant
with placards demanding an end to
discrimination against Negroes while
police wagons stood by menacingly.
When the constantly growing
crowd expressed its sympathy with
the pickets, the police squad charged,
bowling over both spectators and
pickets. The police squad was com
posed of Negro and white members, j
The picketing action was initiated
by the Young Communist League
when Archie Angelopus. white, pro
prietor of the Greenland Cafe, re
fused to serve Clement Hester.
Lawton L. Pratt, Jacksonvill,
Fla., elected president of the In
dependent National Funeral Di
rectors’ Association at the 10th
annual convention held recently
in Oklahoma City, Okla- He suc
ceded Benj. J. McFall of Detroit,
and is the fourth president in the
organization’s history.
(ANT Photo) '
t ..... 1 1
Scottsboro Hearings
Scheduled This Week
New York, July 11, (CNA)—Hear
ings in the juvenile court for Roy
Wright and Eugene Williams, young
est of the Scottsboro bo$rs, will be
held in a few days in Decatur, Ala
bama. the International Labor De
fense announced,
Simultaneusly, in the same city,
bail hearings will take place before
Judge “Speed” Callahan for Olen
Montgomery and Willie Robeson, two
of the Scottsboro boys who have
never had retrials.
Both hearings will be in the na
ture of trials- Witnesses will be
brought in and evidence presented.
The legal defense will be conducted
by Osmund K. Fraenkel and C. B.
Powell, attorneys retained by the In
ternational Labor Defense.
Funds to defray the huge cost of
the legal expenses and the mass
campaign to safeguard the Scotts
boro boys are needed, the I. L- D.
stated. It requested that contribu
tions be sent immediately to the
I. D. L. at 80 East 11 street, New
York City.
Randolph's Union
Wins Porters Fight
Washington, July 11, (ANP)—
After 10 years of struggle, the Broth
erhood of Sleeping Car Porters
became a fact last Monday when the
National mediation board announced
that the A. F, of L-, a_iliated union
organized by A. Philip Randolph, had
won the fight for recognition by a
vote of 5,931 as against 1.422 for the
company union, known as the Pull
man Porters and Maids Protective
Dining Car Waiters
Push Fight
Chicago, July 12, (ANP)—H. A.
Johnson (white). Secretary of the
National Railroad Adjustment Board
here, notified C. G. Sibley, Assist
ant General Manager Atlantic Coast
Line Railroad, last week to file on
or prior to July 26th. 15 copies of his
reply to the ex parte submission
made to the Board by Rienzi B. Le
mus, grand president Brotherhood of
Dining Car Employes, against that]
Railroad, which Mr. Lemus avers has
repeatedly breached the contract of
t he organization governing wages
and 240-hour work month of its din
ing car cooks and waiters.
The contract is 10 years old, still
in effect, despite which the Atlantic
Coast Line management has insisted
upon arbtrarilv modifying its terms
at will. The National Railroad Ad
justment Board is the agency set up
by Congress in the amendments of
June, 1934, to the Railway Labor
Act to finally determine any dispute
involving contract breaches on the
part of the management or rail em
ployee unions upon either joint or ex
parte submission. The Atlantic Coast
Line declined to join the brotherhood
in submitting their dispute, so the or
ganization made the submission;
hence, Mr. Johnson’s call on the Rail
way company for its response.
Straighten Your Hat At
Our newest product turns the
most stubborn kinky hair into soft
lustrous straight hair. Applied
at home in a few seconds. Costs
but a few cents. Write for free
315 Harborview Ave., Bridgeport,
By Videtta Ish
By Videtta "ish
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
To Alta Vesta fro Her Father-No. 13
Dear Alta Vesta: Again I must
compliment my little girl on her
thoughtfulness. You state the case
well. Children of bad parents are to
be pitied, and it is wrong to blame
them for what their parents have
done. But while that is true, and we
should sympathize with them that
doesn’t mean we should associate
with them.
You see, my child, we sympathize
with sick people but we don't go
stay in the sick room and risk our
own health. We sympathize with
people in prison, but we do not go in
to itay with them. And we are not
required to associate with bad people.
If they are bad, and we remain at a
distance and be good there is hope
to help them to be good. But if we
associate too closely with them we
are apt to become bad. Then we could
not help them and could not save our
Now, Alta Vesta, I think you un
derstand my view! I want you to be
sympatheti and try' to help others, but
not to risk your own bets interests
in that way. I am still convinced
that it would be unwise to go with
these girls. With love,
Your Father.
Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t
get your paper by Saturday. 2 p. m..
call Webster 1750. No reduction in
subscriptions unless request is com
plied with.
Mothers—Let your boys be Guide
newsboys. Se»d them to the Omaha
Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street.
N. P. I.
i We have discovered the way
I to dream anything you wish
... and have it come true. If you
wish to have success with your dreams
answer this ad at once. If not, don’t
write. Free details. Daggett Pub. Co.
3430 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111.
Fine for Weak Kidneys and Bladder
One 35 cent box of these famous
capsules will put healthy activity into
your kidneys and bladder—flush out
harmful waste poisons and acid and
prove to you that at last you have a
grand diuretic and stimulant that will
swiftly cause these troubles to cease.
But be sure and get GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules—safe and harm
less—the original and genuine—right
from Haarlem in Holland. Millions
have kidney and bladder trouble and
never suspect it—some symptoms be
tides visits t bathroom at night are
backache, moist palms, puffy eyes and
scanty passage that ofttimes smarts
and burns.
Legal Notices
In the County Court of Douglas
County, Nebraska.
In the matter of the Estate of
Board Battles, Deceased:
All persons interested in said mat
ter are hereby notified that on the
26th day of June, 1935, Joseph D.
Lewi, filed a petition in said County
Court, praying that his final adminis
tration account filed herein be settled
and allowed, and that he be discharg
ed from his trust as ad mini, tra tor
and that a hearing will be had on
said petition before said Court on the
20th day of July, 1935, and that if
you fail to appear before said Court
on the said 20th day of July, 1935 at
9 o’clock A. M-, and contest said pe
tition, the Court may grant the pray
er of said petition, enter a decree of
heirship, and make such other and
futrther orders, allowances and de
crees, as to this Court may seem pro
per to, the end that all matters per
taining to said estate may bo finally
settled and determined.
Begin? 6-29-35 Bryce Crawford
Ends 7-13-35 County Judge
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