ST. JOHN A M. E. CHURCH “The Friendly Church” Rev. L. P. Bryant, pastor. Notwithstanding the extremely hot weather all services at St. John were well attended Sunday, July 7th. The Sunday school ses sion opened at 9:30 a. m., with assistant superintendent A. R. (ioodlett in charge, and over 165 pupils ;n attendance. Morning services began at 10:45 and Reverend L. 1*. Bryant in his inimitable way delivered the semion “The Kindness of the Lord.” Pointing out, “God is kind to us as an individual; kind to us as a race and kind to us as a na tion- His kindness never charges and we can trust Him to the end.” Uniting with the church were Mrs. Nina Lewis, popular church and choir worker from Waterloo, Iowa: Mrs. Hattie Moore, faith ful church attendee and helper and Miss Ruth Williams, pupil of Senior Glass Number 2 in the Sun day school, taught by Mrs. T. H. Goodwin. In spite of the warm weather a large number of the choir were out. In fact, it was good to see several altos and sopranos who have been absent for several weeks on hand to help in the services. Incidentally. St. John choir on Sunday night, July 28th, are pre senting Mrs. Venus Starms, charm ing and colorful singer, in recital assisted b ythe choir. Plan now to attend this musical treat. The prayers of the entire con gregation are extended for Pre siding Elder W. B. Brooks of the Omaha district, who was stricken with paralysis a few days ago St. John church are entertain ing the Woman’s Mite Missionary Society’s Annual Conference, July 31st. August 1st, and 2nd. Bishop and Mrs. John A. Gregg will be in attendance. We are glad to again have the presence of Mrs- E. S. Bryant, w ife of our pastor and who has been gravely ill. but, at this time able to be back with us. Mrs. Bryant has always been a faith ful and tireless worker, always eager to help and serve all. Al though having been extremely ill, she comes before us with a great er determination to serve. There is something beautifully effective in her expression of thanks to her hundreds of friends for their prayers, cards, flowers, messages of inquiry ,etr. One can plainly see the tenaci ous faith that she has shining out of her eyes as she graciously of fers her thanks. Rev. Bryant and Mrs. Bryant extend to all a joy ous thanks for the wonderful serv ice and heJp given during her ill ness. Visitors at St. John were, Mrs. Blythe Davis, R. N., Los Angeles, California; Mrs- J. S. Harvey, Los Angeles, California; Mrs. L. E. Moore, Kansas City, Missouri; Miss Kathryn Dickson, Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. Alice George, Pensecola, Florida; Mrs. Lillian White, Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. Clarence Lee, Omaha; Prof J. D. Jones, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; James P. Greer, AVaterloo, Iowa; Miss Lucia Perez, Fort Scott, Kan sas and Mrs. Lamarr Peters, Tex arkana, Texas. Mrs. Peters will be remembered as the former Miss Maxie Mae Johnson, one* of the secretaries of our Sunday school. You are always welcome to the services of St. John Church. Read about your church news in The Omaha Guide CLAIRE M. E. CHURCH Rev. W. C. Conwell, pastor. Since the return of Rev. W- C. Conwell, the work of the church was resumed by him in his mas terly way. Members and friends were glad of his return. Rev. Conwell is still holding first place in church work of the city. The first quarterly conference year was held June 30 to July 1.. with Rev. James, district superintend ent presiding. Miss Vera Chanler who has been attending Fisk university at Nashville, Tenn., is home for her summer vacation. AVe admire the fine spirit of this young lady. Miss Chanler we are proud, of you. The music was furnished by the senior choir. Air. Charles Cleveland, director and Miss Mary Helen AVilk'es, pianist. The young peoples choir (under the direction of Air- A\ m. Conwell is doing nicely. Mrs. B. A. Smith, reporter. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. MORNING STAR BAPTIST Rev. F. B. Banks, pastor Sunday school opened at 9 a. m- with the superintendent, Mrs. A. J. Johnson, in charge. The young people rendered their as signments which had been given them well. Mr. Sutton and Miss Sullivan were visitors. At 11 a. m. a spiritual feast was held. Ju nior B. Y. P. U. met at 6 p- m. with the president. Ruby Turner, in charge. The finance banner was awarded to the men. Doug las Wilson was awarded the. cham pionship. Mrs. Coverton of Kansas City spoke at 8 p. m. After devotionals, the Lord’s supper was administered. Deacon Q. W. Wilson, “Dad” was the j honored guest at his 79th. birth day party, July 4. The Twilight Social by the Juniors was a suc cess. Audrey M. Williamson, the 14 year-old son of Mrs- Flossie I Williamson, wsa honored guest at his birthday party Sunday. The j Willing Worker met at the home of Mrs. J. Bryant. Mrs. Williams, president. Mrs. G. W. Stromile, reporter. METROPOLITAN SPIRITUAL CHURCH The Willing Workers club of the church met at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Mayberry ou Wed nesday, July 3, with the .presi dent presiding. Owing to the i heavy rain, only a few were pres I ent. Rev. Johnson spent the i week-end visiting his wife, Mrs. R. W. Johnson, who is in Kan sas City. We welcomed him back to the service Sunday morning. He reported Mrs. Johnson well and she will return within a few days The Willing Workers will be waiting for her as she is one of us. Mrs. Nellie Jacks and Mrs. Elizabeth ' Spriggios were hostesses at the luncheon. At the next meeting Mrs. Mattie Thomas and Mrs. Mary Parks will be hos tesses. Mrs. Gertrude Mayberry, presi dent. Mrs. Willa Varner, reporter. OMAHA COMMUNITY BIBLE FORUM We were very fortunate that the Fourth of July came on our regular time of meeting and as a tribute to the occasion, we select ed- for a lesson the 5th chapter of Judges, the celebration of the Victors over their oppressors. Thus we celebrated the Declara tion of American Independence with songs and praise. We trust that the citizens will honor and pay the proper homage to God and their country for their deliv ence from a most powerful nation who burdened them with taxation without representation and we do realize that it was the justice of God that awakened and avenged their oppressors. Elder W. I. Irving, teacher. Mrs. G. W. Gorum, reporter. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. Swastika Golf Club News By William Davis Kansas City and Des Moines in Golf Tournament with Swastika. An Invitational Golf Tournament will be held at the Elmwood Golf Course in Omaha on Sunday, July 21st. Some of the most outstanding golfers of the association will par ticipate in this Medal Play meet. Among the Kansas City players ex pected are Dr. “Spider” Rummjngs, George McClain. Drs. Tillman, Mont gomery, D. M. Miller, and the spec tacular Sam Shepard. From Des Moines are expected such stars as “Freck” Howard, Drs. Dean and Mitchell, Att’y “Charlie” Howard and other equally as dangerous players. Omaha, the host is depending on such former trophy winners as “Gab by” Watson, of the long drive fame’ and “Billy” Davis, the midiron ace, “Penny” Murray, Boyd Galloway, Wm. Taylor and the ever steady Jess Hutton. The boys are expecting friends from Omaha, Des Moines, Kansas City and other nearby towns to make this a gala day. The club gave the first in a series of Stags on last Saturday night. It proved so successful that another will be given in the near future. Watch for the date. We hope that all of the admirers of golf and the friends of the Swa tika Club will be on hand- Don’t for get the date of the tournament, Sun day, July 21st. WEEKLY SHORT SERMON By Dt, A. G. Bearer (For the Literary Service Bureau) Ephraim—Fruitfulness Text: And the name of the sec ond called he Ephraim; for God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction—Gen. 41:32. In the Bible are to be found many places in which Ephraim is men tioned- According to the text, the name indicates fruitfulness. In this sense, every man is an Ephraim; his life is fruitful, if he will make it sp, or it is barren because of failure to cultivate the good and the mistake of allowing the evil to grow and fruitify. DEPLORABLE . A PO STACIES It is evident that Ephraim was not always true to his name and that there were many divergencies. This is more true of his descendants which are designated by the name Ephraim and Ephraimites, “Ephraim is a silly dove,” “Eph raim is a heifer,” “Ephraim is joined to idols,” are some of the expressions: which signify apostacy on the part of the de. cendants of Ephraim. In 1hese instances the fruit was not of the desired kind. So, every individ ual and his descendants may make life fruitful and contributory or det rimental to others. But there is No Divine Abandon ment, It is patent from the record of Ephraim that Jehovah did not abandon; that He pitied and forgave, even the idolatry of this people, though He condemned it severely. In this very text we find the expression “For since I spake against him, I do earnestly remember him still; I will surely have mercy upon him.” So, every individual should strive to make his life fruitful in human helpfulness, and failing, at times, he should renew his efforts and redeem his life. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.. call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. Walton Appointed Minister to Liberia New York, July 11, (ANP)—Since the announcement of the appoint ment of Lester Walton as minister to Liberia by President Roosevelt July 1, congratulations have poured in upon the new emissary from all sides* Excepts from some of the messages follow: DR. R. R. MOTON: president em eritus of Tuskegee institute: “I wish to congratulate you, Liberia and the United States on your appointment. Of all the men I know J think you are the best one for the Liberian position.” C. C, SPAULDING: president North Carolina Mutual Life Insur ance Company: “Please accept my hearty congratulations. I believe you are undoubtedly the best man for this position. I am sure you carry with you the confidence and esteem of your many friends.” HENRY LITCHFIELD WEST: president American Colonization So ciety: “My sincere and hearty con gratulations. I predict for you a most successful career/’ GEORGE FOSTER PEABODY: “I rejoice that the state department has followed the wise counsel of your friends and others have given re specting your many qualifications for representing this country at this critical period. J wish you good health and all success in carying on the good work. S. W. GREEN: supreme chancel lor of the Knights of Pythias: “Hear tiest congratulations. I am sure you will bring honor and credit to the position. You deserve every honor the present federal administration can give.” A. R. HOSEY: budget director Tuskegee institute: “Hearty con gratulations. You have made a def inite contribution toward the progress of the Negro in America. Your prev ious contacts with Liberian affairs give added equipment for meeting responsibilities of your great office. I predict for you a record proud in the annals of Negro history. __. Says Scouts Will be Jim Crowed ajt National Meet Boston, Mass., *July 11, (ANP)— In a letter addre~esd to Boy Scouts of the Negro race, throughout New England, Sutherland Parker, Scout master of Troop 6, pointed out that Negro Scouts will be victims of “Jim Crow” when the annual Scout Jam boree is held in Washington, D. C., August 21-30. “While the white Scouts” said Mr, Sutherland, “will enjoy them selves on the Capitol lawn, the Negro Scouts will be on the outer part of the city.” Because of this segrega tion the Scoutmaster averred: “Neith er Mr. Randall, Scoutmaster Troop 8, myself or any other of the colored Scoutmasters of New England will be sending any boys from the New England states.” Y. W. C. A. Leaders Stand for Unity on Interracial Front Xenia, Ohio, July 11, (ANP) — Harity and conviction in respect to interracial work marked the position taken by leaders of the Young Women’s Christian Association at the recent branch conference held at Wil berforce University. Delegates and participants in the conference were white and colored staff branch officers from northern, eastern and southern states. Among those attending the confer ence the issue was joined as to whether the conception of the na tional office in respect to its inter racial work should include a fixed bi racial program and setup or whether it should be such as to include the gradual and progresive intergration |bf the so-called Negro movement with the general program and policy of the general organization. Both Negro and white delegates at the conference repuriated the sug gestion that the work of the colored branches should be planned on any peculiar basis, thought to apply es | peeially to them. It was conceded that the colored leaders and mem bers should have the same objectives as their white sisters, shoulder sim ilar responsibilities, derive their sup port in like manner to that of the white branches and that there should be mutual co-operation to achieve the common purposes. “The issue was met early at the conference,” stated Miss Marian Cuthbert, one of the staff officers in the leadership division of the nation al office, “Inasmuch as the colored women leaders have expressed the de sire for the conference and formed the majority of those attending, the question arose as to whether white leaders would be welcome and wanted on the same basis as the colored workers. This point was decided af firmatively. Later, the group made it clear that it opposed any differ ences or distinctions between the work and setup of white and colored branches where such existed.” Colored leaders were elated at the position taken. For them it marked a new advanced step taken by the Association, which, in the last two years, has intensified its interest in Negro branches and Negro leader ship. Much of the credit for this in tensification, according to Miss Bet ty Neely, chief of the leadership di vision, is due to Miss Frances Wil liams who has been active in the pub lic affairs committee of the national office. It was Miss Williams who gave point and direction to the Associa tion's effective support of the Costi gan-Wagner Anti-lynching Bill. She also charted its co-operation with the Joint Committee for National Recovery, the group organized by John P. Davis to battle inequities suf fered by the Negro under the NRA codes. For : everal months Miss Wil liams, on behalf of the Association, co-operated with the Joint Committee as an active worker in the WSshing ton headquarters. The conference members were es pecially impressed by the lectures of Miss Ethel Cutler and Miss Williams. Miss Cutler, a very scholarly woman, gave practical- talks on religion and the modem woman and Miss Wil liams. outlined clearly the historical, sociological and phychological prob lems of race. (Others who contributed to the con ference program were Mrs- Cordelia Winn, the conference executive; Miss Eva D. Bowles and Miss Jessie Vogt, on problems of administration; Mrs.! Mary Blackburn and Miss Lillian Espy, on recreation; Miss Mamie E. | Davis, on work with older girls; M:ss Betty Neely, on group work techniques; the Misses Cutler, Taylor and Cuthbert, on foreign projects, and Mrs. E. P. Roberts, on the dy namics of leadership. Eighty-two delegates were regis tered from the following states; New York, Kansas, Indiana, Texas, Alabama, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Georgia, West Virginia, Tennessee, New Jer sey, Missouri, Illinois, Colorado and Florida. Members of the conference voted to meet at Colorado Springs in 1936- j Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m., call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. “Judge Ye Not” By R. A. Adams (For the Literary Service Bureau) Since one can never know A fellow creature’s woe, Behooveth then, that we Should sympathetic be, And prove ourselves indeed, Friends unto all who need. Since one can never ken, Heart of his fellowmen, And rince he is akin To all who yield to sin, [Justly he never can Condemn his fellowman. Then, it behooveth all To pity those who fall, Or may, in weakness stray And leave the righteous way— Then, ever also we, Shall merit sympathy. 3,000 Prayers Answered Harlem Shouts for Joy Life Insurance Week Fighting Against Odds By DAVID KANE New York City, /July 11,—THE WINNER! Joe Louis by a technical knockout. That is what the announc er said here last Tuesday night as 70,000 rabid fight fans stood and cheered for the Brown Bomber of De troit who had completely outfought i one Primo Camera. There were not disorderlies as Mr. Pegler would have had us believe. It was, purely and | simple, an intelligent gathering of sport fans assembled from all parts of the U. S. A., to see the best man win. That “Best Man” proved to be Joe Louis and following the fight at the Yankee Stadium, 30,000 Afro Americans paraded up and down Seventh Avenue, blocking traffic for at least 10 city blocks, pandemonium reigned supreme, the Lord God had seen fit to answer 300,000 prayers. It was the triumph of the Harlem ites. Had Camera been the winner, it would have been the same demon: tra tion over on the East Side in “Little Italy.” People danced on the streets until the wee hours of the morning. One thousand policemen were on duty, just in case, but they were not needed. With exception to an oc casional boisterous urchin or helpless man beloboured with too much of the rare vintage, all was safe on the Har lem fronts They were only shouting for joy—nothing more—Joe Louis had won. Perhaps no actor of Negro blood has achieved as much distinction, and has won for himself as much popu larity, especially with London audi ences, as Paul Robeson. We have long heralded him as an important cog in the development of art among our people. Years ago when I first heard him sing “Water Boy” there was something so indelibly stamped on my mind about this actor, singer and scholar, that I have always wanted to see him reach the heights of stardom such as no Thespian has ever done. By all means go to see “Sanders of The River” staring Mr. Robeson. It is the tale of a strange roipance and never will you forget the glorius voice of Robeson as he leads his frenzied warriors into battle. Interesting news here for Negro insurance companies. Seaborn T. Whatley, vice president of Aetna Life Insurance company, Hartford, will in 1936, head a committee to promote “Life Insurance Week” as a means of creating further interest among the larger insurance companies. The campaign is carried out in coopera tion with the National Association of Life Underwriters. Newspapers will be the chief medium and the plans call for an expenditure of $200,000 in advertising alone. Forty thousand inches of publicity will be used also, in this masive campaign to encour age WHITE PEOPLE to buy insur ance from WHITE COMPANIES. Negro insurance companies may well take a tip from this and prepare a campaign to encourage Negro pros pects to buy their insurance from NEGRO COMPANIES. We are told that in Philadelphia there is a move on foot to boycott the Italian owned taverns in Negro districts, which was started by Earl Johnson, colored, and a tavern owner He has encouraged other race mem bers to do likewise, that is, to set up emporiums for the dispensing of liquor, open nite clubs, or in other words, since we must have these establishments for amusements, let Negroes own them in Negro districts. Keeping money in the family is a great thing whether it applies to the tavern owner or the baker, Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.. call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. Artie Belle McGinty On Visit South New York City, July 8.—Artie Rejlld McGinty, well-known Ra dio personality of this city, and former co-star on the “Old Gold Hour.” with Fred Waring, left New York City last Friday en route to Atlanta, Georgia, where she is to spend her vacation in her home town, the firs*t in 18 vears M iss McGinty will be the house guest of her aunt. Mrs. Annie Schockley, well-known high school teacher. There is a possibility that the celebrated radio come dienne will make a few personal appearances while in the South land before returning to Manhat tan where she is to resume her broadcasting for WOR. Notice, Subscribers: If you don’t get your paper by Saturday, 2 p. m.» call Webster 1750. No reduction in subscriptions unless request is com plied with. Proverbs and Parables By A. B. Mann (For the Literary Service Bureau) Be Wise Today. Beautiful and appealing is the po etic expression, “Be wise today, ‘tis madness to defer.” It is in line with “Take time by the forelock,” mean ing, utilize present opportunities. The fact is, if we be wise at all, it must be today, since we live but a day at a time. We cannot be wise yesterday, for it is gone. We cannot fte wise tomorrow, for it has not come. Today wre lay the foundation on which tomorrow’s superstructure : is to be erected. Today we weave the fabric upon which tomorrow’s successes must depend. Today we largely determine what tomorrow’s accomplishments shall be. So, wis dom dictates that we use properly to day, whatever may be in our posses i ion—that in all our conduct and for our good and that of others, we be wise, today. Again is quoted. “Trust no future, howe’er pleasant, | Let the dead past bury its dead; Act; act in the living present, i Heart within and God o’erhead ” i ! Harris-Maultsby Wedding- Solemnized Tuskegee institute, Ala., July 18, (ANP)—The wedding of Miss Ger trude Harris and L. C. Maultsby was solemnized Monday evening by Rev. G. W. Kelly at the home of Mr. A. B Terrell in Greenwood in the presence of a large number of relatives, friends and schoolmates of the pop ular young couple. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Jose phine Harris, has been engaged as a teacher since her graduation from Tuskegee Institute. The groom, al so a graduate of Tuskegee Institute, Class of 1932, conducts a large and successful tailoring establishment in Florenceville, Fla., for which point the groom and his bride left, by mo tor, immediately after the ceremony. Love demands a light clear skin Whiten skin with double-acting bleach Have you been disappointed in ordinary bleaching creams? Then a big surprise | awaits you—for famous Nadinola Bleach ing Cream has doUble-aclion—yet is wor derfully gentle to sensitive skin. In an amazingly short time you will see your skin grow shades lighter—free from freck les, pimples, blackheads, blotches, en larged pores and blemishes. Just spread a lit*le Nadinola on your face, neck and arms at bedtime—no massaging, no rub bing. Then while you sleep, this magic formula actually dissolves dark pigment. Hundreds of thousands of women have found this to be true. Get Results —or Money Back Get a jar of Nadinola Bleaching Cream at any toilet counter or by mail postpaid, 50c. If you are not delighted your money i will be cheerfully refunded. Don’t ruin youi1 skin with cheap bleaching creams, ointments or lotions—insist on Nadinola —tested and trusted for over a generation. NADINOLA, Box N-18, Paris, Tenn. j oNbutilMAa^leachingCream Fine For Kidney An Bladder Weakness STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS Keep your kidneys free from waste matter, poisons and acid, and put healthy activity into kidneys and blad der and you’ll live a healthier, happier and longer life. One most efficient and harmless way to do this is to get from your druggist a 35-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take them as direct ed—the swift results will surprise you. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kirney trouble are back, ache, moist palmls\, leg crampj. and puffp eyes. If you want real results, be sure to get GOLD MEDAL—the original »nd genuine—a grand kidney stimulant and diuretic—right from Haarlem n Holland. Give your kid neys a good cleaning once in a' while. Help Kidneys • If poorly functioning Kidneys and Bladder make you suffer from Getting Up Nighty. Nervousness, Rheumatic • Pains. Stiffness. Burning, Smarting. Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed Doctor's Prescription Cystex(Siss-tex) —Must fix you up or money IryStGX back. Only 76/ at druggist*, -— FREE-FREE A Beautiful free gift to any reader of this paper. Just send us your name and address to day. HARRY ANDREWS 49 East Broadway, | New York, N. Y. Dhm„. FbymJ W H.Jtb Umm>o. N« Imty SUU DtFtrtmtM ./ FmbU l.„n» At Bat When parents want something really serious and important to ponder, think of a boy’s baseball game. There’s no subject more profound. The truth of that you will have to dis cover for yourself by analysis. I can’t do it in the space at my disposal. Nor can you prove it, if you’re an adult, by playing the game. Adults play for fun. They re-create. Boys work at it. To them baseball is serious. There s all the difference in the world. . Look into the face and the eyes of a boy standing at home plate when the bases are filled and a hit means winning the game. Try to imagine what’s going on inside. What a situation! Pitcher against batter. Skill against skill. Wits against wits. No fooling there. But a real case of “delivering the goods.” He’s got to ''come through." It’s no time to say “Gee, fellers, I gotta go home, my mother wants me.” No quitting under fire. No alibis. No falter ing. Just nerve, concentration, giv ing every bit of one’s self. Such are the times when character is born and tried. If he tries, that is all the boys ask. He may not hit the ball, but if he did his best, he passed the test. He’s got the “stuff.” He’s good material for shaping into a man. Are bare feet dangerous? Dr. Ireland will discuss some facts and fallacies about tl»em in his next article. Wrettlrliri Too much sunshine literally hakes the skin, makes it darker, dry and leathery. Lines and wrinkles ap pear, pores become coarse. Don’t let this happen to you. Nightly ap plications of soothing, skin nourish ing, creamy Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Ointment not only combats these conditions bu im parts smooth softness to the com plexion as it soothes and beautifies the skin to entracing new lightness. -_A DOCTOR’S ADVICE Dr. C. W. Alexander, M. D. phy sician, surgeon and deputy coro ner of Wyandotte County, Kan sas City, Kansas says this about Dr. FRED Palmer’s Ointment. “Every application of Dr. FRED Plamers Skin Whitener Ointment rewards the skin with increasing softness and smoothness. Skin becomes clearer and fairer, the pores less, open, lines and blemi shes less visible. ’’ Never be without Dr. FRED Palm er’s Skin Whitener Ointment this summer and for greater skin clean liness and beauty, use Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener Soap regu arly, too. Get both at your drug gist—never more than 25c each. VALUABLE KIT GIVEN WEEK-END FREE This beautiful Kit contains generous portions of Dr. FRED Palmers Skin Whitener Ointment, Skin /Whitener Soap and Skin Whitener Face Powder, 2 shades. Send 3c for postage to Dr. FRED Palmer Lab oratories, Dept. 114, Atlanta, Ga. Be Young Again l LOST MANHOOD AND LOW VI TALITY RESTORED LIKE MAGIC. Say Men and Wom«i users of ANGELA MATE* When weak, tired or depressed try ANGELA MATE*, the delicious, nour ishing drink that is giving to thous ands of nervous, run down people, new vitality and energy and the thrill of LIFE, LOVE, SEX again. GUARANTEED TO SATISFY OR MONEY REFUNDED Recommended by World Famous Doctors. FREE SEX BOOKS Worth $1.00 Given with each order. Send No Money. Write At Once For Facts. NORTH AMERICAN MATE’ CO., 408 Manhattan Ave. New York City Have money and love magic. Send your name ind address and receive the mystic free. Just write Keystone Lab* F ' Memphis, Teno. Dept. l-R-7.