Dr. Thompkins Says Take C. C. Examinations ~ ' . w^W.v.w.v.v..A ■ ~d 5c w« oo our pa>t , /JUSTICESEQUALITY HEW TO THE LINE\ Per Copy V.V.W.W.V.V.V.V. " V > W.VAV.VAV.V.W VOLUME IX OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY JULY 13, 1935 NUMBER EIGHTEEN MAN FIVE African Children ____• BEAT HER EVERY DAY, SHOOTS HIM FIVE TIMES As a tragical climax to a series of quarrels, and disputes, Gladys Herm an, common law wife of Eugene Brown, shot and fatally wounded him with a barrage of five shots, Monday evening, July 8, at their home, 2013 Izard street. Br> wn, who was a FERA worker, was 27 and Gladys Herman, with whom he had lived for the past two years, was 23. According to a state ment from the family of Miss Her man. it seems that she had been sub jected to- violent quarrels, and unkind treatment by Brown who, being a few years her senior, forced her to accept, It was also brought out by the fam ily that on Monday evening when Brown again wept into one of his in sane rages, threatening the life of Gladys, she was forced to fire at him in order to protect her owTn life. The preliminary- hearing which was to be held Thursday morning was postponed until Friday morning at which time Miss Herman entered a plea of self-defense. Miss Gladys Herman is the daugh ter of Mr. H. L. Herman who now resides in Oklahoma. When Mr. Her man was a resident of Omaha, he lived at 2526 Wirt Street and at one time he was a candidate for the Board of Education Former College Prof. Rallies to Herndon New York, July 11, (CNA)—“If Herndon belongs on a chain gang, then that’s "where I belong too.” With these words, Corliss Lamont, white, author, writer, and former Columb.a University Professor, called upon all white and Negro intellectu als and workers “and every American who believes in the traditional Ameri can liberties of free speech and free opinion” to rally to Herndon’s sup port “If the Supreme Court finally up holds his sentence, every one of us who are fighting to establish a decent and just society deserve the chain gang.” •r Cite Recent Scottsboro Ruling Nine Times Within 3 Months New York, July 11, (CNA)—The recent “Scottsboro ruling” of the U. S, Supreme Court which prohibits the exclusion of Negroes from jury duty, has been cited nine times by de fendants, a survey shows. That the ruling has placed a new weapon in the hands of Negro work - er.:, fighting for their rights, is shown conclusively by its increasing use. From April 1 to June 30, 1935, the Scottsboro ruling has been cited in three cases fn Alabama, four in New Jersey, one in Missouri and one in Virginia. The survey was conducted by the International Labor Defense through whose efforts world-wide opinion was secured to influence the U. S. Su preme Court to render the favorable Scottsboro ruling. Kay Hudson Wins Award During the flood of June 25th, Kay Hudson of Engine Company Xo. 4, 16 and Izard, was awarded the first prize of $25 by The Oma ha Bee-Xews for sending in a worthwhile newstip. His story os “newstip’’ was ad judged the best, it having as its highlight the rescue of an aged woman. Granny Weatherford. 104 years of age. from her home at 103 Izard street during the high water peril. Mr. Hudson who resides with his famil at 933 X. 27th Street has been connected with the Oma ha Fire Department for the past : four years and is held in high esteem by h:s co-workers. Mothers—Let your boys be Guide newsboys. Send them to the Omaha i Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant Street. WHAT A SUBSCRIBER THINKS OF THE OMAHA GUIDE OMAHA, NEBRASKA, JULY 9th, 1935. Mr. C. C. Calloway, Dear Editor: THROUGH Mr. Sutton, your cireulaiton manager, I subscribed for The Guide a month, but we found the paper so interesting that we extended it for a year. You are giving Omahans a worthwhile paper that we can send or show to out of town friends and feel proud of it. We always find the interesting affairs for Sunday and the week through The Guide. I hope that Omaha will enlarge the society page by giving you their articles instead of out of town papers that cut them 2 or 3 lines, or often ignore them. A few words for Mr. Sutton, who comes to your door with a pleasing personality and earnestness for The Guide. I hope that he will not be denied an interview by anyone. We can help him to build a good race paper by subscribing for The Guide, weekly, monthly or for a year. Sincerely, MRS. J- E. BROWN, 2883 Miami i_ Lack of Interest In Examinations My Dear Sir: For various reasons there has been a tendency on the part of Negroes not to take Civil Service examina tions which means we will eventually be extinct from the departments of the Government. Very often a Negro here and there passes an examination and is appointed. I am enclosing some application blanks and it might be that you know I of such persons who can qualify for ! the examination. I would suggest that in addition to passing out these application blanks you write the Civil Service Commission in Wash ington and request that your name be placed on the mailing list so that you will receive announcements of all future examinations. This will J enable you to render an invaluable service to our group, your various friends and students throughout the country. Today ther are many positions in Washington that could be filled by Negroes if they had Civil Service status, and while many things are said against the Civil Service in re gard to Negroes in certain depart ments of the Government, yet Ne groes are being appointed every day. I have positive proof that all depart ment heads are not partial.) I am sending this as a little ser vice. >1 think that you should use your good offices in seeing that these va rious examination blanks are distri buted in every channel. This is for our group. It is up to you to carry it on. I hope that you will accept it in the spirit in which it is given. There are scores of examnations for various types of positions scheduled from time ot time. Keep on the look i out- Here and there you will find one that “hits the spot. Encouroge youth to take them, lest we find our selves completely “out of the picture.” Sincerely, W. M. Tompkins Recorder of Deeds, D. C. _ I Alabama Man to Be Electrocuted For Alleged Killing Birmingham, Ala., July 11, (CNA) —For an alleged killing 12 years ago that resulted from a quarrel over a dime, Charles Thomas was last week sentenced to death in the elec tric chair. According to the state's testimony, David Vandiver, the victim, sought admission to Thomas’ house where a dance was being held. The quarrel arose over the price of the admission, said by the state to have been a dime. Thomas, who denied the killing, of fered .evidence that he was in North Carolina at the time. Mother Hushes Crying Baby, but it Cost Her $125 Joliet, Ill.,iJuly 11—It cost Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hexdall of Morris $125 today to make their baby quit cry ing. The couple was walking along a street when the infant, which the mother -was holding in her arms, be gan to cry. To distract its attention the mother gave it her handkerchief, forgeting for the moment that tied up in one corner was a diamond ring valued at $125. When Mrs. Hexdall remembered the ring it wTas too late Baby had managed to open the knot, and the ring was gone. Donald Heywood Has New Dance Act New York City, July 8.—Don ald Heywood’s newest offering to the amusement world is in the shape of a dance creation which he fittingly calls “Coffee and Cream.” “Coffee” is the dance execu tions of Capitola Taylor the Bronze Beauty of the Bottom Lands, while “Cream” is the terpsichorean efforts of Helen Sweet. They are now being pre sented nightly at Small’s Para dise by Edwin Smalls. ffl Sentenced to Death on “Rape” Lie •Jefferson, Ga., July 11, (CNA)— “Lynch law” struck another blow against the workers of the South last week. A death sentence was meted out to J. B- Allen, charged with the usual lie of “attacking a white woman,” just 26 minutes after the jury re ceived the case. The entire proceed ing took but an hour and 40 minuts. While national guardsmen pa trolled the streets outside the court house, Allen was sentenced to die in the electric chair, July 19 THE WAY OUT LOREN MILLER NO SECRET I AM violating no confidence with the observation that the Negro people have been pretty sadly exploited during their residence in the United States. Nor is it a secret that times have been going from bad to worse since the general breakdown began in 1929. Ever since I can remember and that’s quite a stretch of years; there has been a pretty widely held theory that something ought to be done about this sad state of affairs. The general notion seems to be that action has failed to materialize because we aren’t “organized.’’ A little reflection is fatal to that theory. I’m willing to hazard the guess that Negroes are about the best organized people on earth. The Negro who doesn’t belong to at least a half dozen assorted clubs, fraternities, social conclaves and churches is a rare creat ure indeed- The fly in the ointment is that most of the or ganizations are working at cross purposes. Real Problem The real problem before us is to get unity so that these various organizations can ehart a common course. If that is done I’m quite sure that we can do something by way of solv ing some of the problems that beset us. Before such a course can be mapped out it Is necessary to determine just what the main trouble is. There are differences on that score but pretty general agree ment can be obtained around a program looking forward to the alleviation of the economic disadvantages from which we suffer. Out of this economic maladjustment grows that wide variety of civil and political ills about which complaint is so general. Genuine Representation The proposal to call a Negro National Congress is a step in the right direction, as the boys who write editorials are fond of saying. As I understand it the Congress will be called early next year and will include representatives of all kinds of Negro organizations as well as enlisting the aid of groups of whites who are willing to pitch into the battle. Surely such a gathering could determine just what is to be done and set defi nite tasks for groups commensurate with their strength. It is obvious that if the Congress is to be the success it deserves to be it must be genuinely representative. We have had enough of self styled and self-picked leadership. Every church, club and organization where a half dozen Negroes are banded together ought to pool resources and plan to send a delegate to speak his piece. United Action The very process of preparing to choose delegates will set the tone of the gathering. By the time the necessary 10.000 points of order and demands for information are sifted out, the program and platform of the Congress will have been pretty well determined and the sentiment of the people will have become plain. As I see it. this Congress will not serve to break up exist ing organizations or supersede them in any manner. Rather it will gather all of us together and help us unite on a minimum program which will leave every group free to pursue its own program, while it centers all efforts on the things on which we can agree. And that s what we have been saying we want y _ SEE SPECIAL LEAGUE MEET ON ETHIOPIA - I London, July 10—An extraordi nary meeting of the League of Na tions council and assembly was fore cast today in an official communique. The communique was issued fol lowing conferences by jJoseph A. C Avenol, secretary-general of the league, with Sir Samuel Hoare, for eign secretary of Great Britain, and Captain Anthony Eden, minister for j League of Nations affairs It said Avenol called Sir Samuel and Captain Eden and “discussed var ious questions which will be dealt with by the council and assembly of : the League of Nations in the near j future.” Ethiopia is expected to be the main topic of discussion. see itemands Clarified. Since the next regular session of the league is scheduled for Septem ! her, “near future” was taken to mean | an extraordinary meeting was likely. A clarification of whether Ethiopia i expects to seek arms in Great Britain is expected with the arrival of the new Ethiopian minister, announced by the legation as W. C. Martin. Martin already is here but, pending the presentation of his credentials at the foreign office, he has withheld I all comment. Asserts Responsibility Collective Newspapers displayed prominent ly today the foreign secretary’s state ment to the house of commons yester day that the responsibility for pre venting Italo-Ethiopian conflict is a collective, and not an individual one. Sir Samuel was expected to make a definite statement on the govern ment’s position Thursday The foreign secretary, answering opposition members of the house yes terday, conceded that Ethiopia’s mem bership in the league was conditioned on a promise to try to suppress slav ! ery. Think Way Still Open He admitted it was “difficult to ex-1 press an opinion” concerning the effi cacy of the measures taken. Nor could he say under what conditions | Italy would be prepared to settle the, j controversy. His attitude was interpreted wide-' ly as meaning Great Britain had al most yielded hope that France help shoulder responsibility for the League ' of Nations action in Ethiopia. Other quarters asserted, however,1 that England had not accepted war as inevitable and that the way still was open in Paris and Rome to seek • a compromise. Sir Eric Drummond, ambassador to Italy, it was learned, had been conferring with Fulvio Su vich, italian undersecretary for for eign affairs Conciliation Group Suspends Hearing Scheveningen, The Netherlands,) i)--—_—4 July 10.—The conciliation commis sion seeking to avert war between Italy and Ethiopia, decided today to suspend its hearings indefinitely. The members arranged to depart immed iately, having already communicated their opinions to the agents of the governments they represented. The two Italian delegates were re ported to have refused to hear a wit ness for Ethiopia after a meeting, held late yesterday in an attempt to reconcile differences among the mem bers, broke up in failure. An angry scene was reported to (Continued on Page 4) Seventy Year Old Man Arrested Mr. Horace W. Jones of 19U6 X. 28th, Street was arrested at 2:30 o’clock Saturday morning, June 29. Mr. Jones is now out on a thousand dollar appearance bond. His case was called Mon day, July 1, at 10:45 a- m. His attorney asked for a continuance of the case which was granted by Presiding Judge Palmer until Tuesday morning, July 16 at 9 o’clock. City detectives were four days making the arrests. Every time they would call at Mr. Jones’ resi dence, those who answered the door stated that he was out, al though he could be seen in the backyard by neighbors at the time. The warrant was sworn out bv Mr. Glover who lives at 2102 X. 29th Street. It is alleged that Mr. Jones raped Mr. Glover’s daughter, Ruth Glover, in the little hen house in the rear of the Jones’ home. Dr. Wesley Jones, president of the local branch N. A .A- C. P. made the examina tion. Dr. Jones stated to Attor ney Davis, a member of the legal redress committee of the X. A. A. C. P. there was no question as to the child having been raped. Ruth Glover stated to her moth er in the presence of an Omaha Guide reporter that when she was at a neighbor’s house up in a tree gathering cherries on the Saturday after the arrest, Mr. Jones came over ami asked her whp she did not tell officers that it was his son and not him. Mr- Glover, father of the child, says he hopes that he will not meet Mr. Jones face to face. He stated to the reporter that he wras trying to let the law take its (Continued on Page 4) NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Our Dear Subscribers: The Omaha Guide, your paper, is publshed every Thursday, and carries the date of that Saturday- It is placed in the mail Thurs day p. m. If your mail man doesn’t deliver your paper on Friday, or not later than 2 p. rm Saturday of each week, please call Webster 1750 at our expense and our office boy will serve you at once. We want you to have your jjaper for Friday and Saturday’s sales and for Sunday reading. Remember, please, wft are just as anxious for you to have your paper on time as you are to get it. We will deem it a special favor if you will lend us your coopera tion in this matter. Don’t miss an issue. Call Webster 1750 and get your paper.. The Omaha Guide Publishing Company will not make any reduc tions on uncollected subscriptions unless the above request is com plied with to the letter. 70-Year Old Man Arrested For Rape of 12 Yr. Old Girl