SOCIAL ^ — CLUBS AFFAIRS ''0-0-01-e-T-y> ORGANIZATIONS F^GE~FOUR OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY JULY 6, 1935 - - LADIES’ FRIENDSHIP CLUB: ? ________ Mrs. Ida Fountane entertained the Ladies’ Friendship Club at her home, 211.5 Clarke Street, on June 27th. Two tables of bridge were played with Mrs. Thresa Anderson winning first prize and Mrs. Florence Morris, booby. A delicious repast was served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Louise Hill. Mrs. Ida Fountaine president Mrs. M. Burns, reporter. ENTERTAINS AT BREAKFAST1 Mrs. Frank Cole, 2010 N. 26th Street, entertained at a 10 o’clock breakfast Thursday morning, June 27th, at her home. Those present were Mrs. Laura Johnson, of Chicago, Mrs. S. M. C. Baker, Mrs. Robert Harris, Mrs. M. S. Burch, Mrs. Jesse Jones and Mrs. M. B. Evans. The house was decorated with beautiful cut flowers from the lovely flower garden of Mr. and Mrs. Cole. Each one declared the morning delightfully spent and Mrs. Cole an ideal hostess. “Y” SWIMMING CLASSES Beginners and Advanced classes in swimming will open Wednesday, July 11th at the Christ Child Center. Be ginners classes 6 to 7 p. m; advanced classes 7 to 8 p . m Physical exam inations required for entrance. Reg istrations closed Wednesday, July 18. There are no charges- Phone WE 1539 to register and for further infor mation. MRS. COLE ENTERTAINS AT BREAKFAST Mrs. Frank Cole, 2010 N. 26th street, entertained at a 10 o’clotfc breakfast Thursday morning, June 27th, at her home. Those present were Mrs. Laura Johnson, of Chicago, Mrs. S. M. C. Baker, Mrs. Robert Harris, Mrs. M. S. Burch, Mrs. yJesse Jones and Mrs. M. B- Evans. The house was decorated with beautiful cut flowers from the love ly flower garden of Mr. and Mrs. Cole. Each one declared the morn ing delightfully spent and Mrs. Cole an ideal hostess. BRIDGE at MRS. FOUNTAINES Mrs. Jda Fountaine entertained the Ladies’ Friendship Club at her home, 2115 Clark street, on June 27th. Two tables of bridge were played with Mrs. Thresa Anderson winning first prize and Mrs.^ Florence Morrria, booby. Mrs. Ida Fountaine, president. Mrs. M. Burns, reporter. THE JUNIOR BEAU BRUMMELL The /Junior Beau Brummel Club went on an overnight Hike, to Mor mont Hollow, at Camp Gifford, where a lean-to was built and meals pre pared. An enjoyable time was had by all. Those attending the hike were Herman Stevens, Milton Moore, Russell Lewis, James McAllister, Ike Carey, Eugene Rice, Theosar Stone, Joe Ellington. Others not belonging to the Club who attended were Robert White and Vernon Brown. The Ladies Household Club met at one o’clock with the President, Mrs. R. Thomas One new member was admitted to the membership roll, in the person of Mrs. W. C. Morris. Mrs. R. Thomas, President Mrs E. Foster, Reporter Phytians Meet Birmingham, Ala.. July 3.—AX P—The forty-eighth session of the grand lodge of the Knights of Phytias of Alabama opened here Tuesday morning with the larg est number present in the history of the order, 42 counties being represented. The sessions were devoid of dis sension, harmony constantly pre vailing as the reports of the year were rendered which showed that during the past year more than $150,000 had been paid to bene ficiaries and that the membership, through reinstatements and new members had increased substan tially. Oscar W. Adams is the Grand Chancellor. Council Bluffs, la., News By Eddiestean Seals Miss Maderia Shelton and Miss j Geraldine Herndon have just returned from a three day stay in Des Moines where they attended the National As sociation for Colored girls. Miss Herndon was elected first vice-presi dent of the association and Miss Shelton was elected assistant secre *®ry. Mr. Sanford Harvey has returned from Keokuk, Iowa, where he rep resented Council Bluffs in the Metho dist Sunday School convention. The Hollis Art Club gave a recep tion Thursday night, June 27, at the home of Mrs- Emma Turner in honor of our former king and queen, Miss Corinthia Harvey and Mr- Austin, and the reigning king and queen, Miss Janice Russell and Mr. Wm Givens. Twenty guests were present. The Federation of Negro Women's Clubs of Nebraska, which was held in South Omaha last week, was at tended by Mrs. Geo. Slater, Jr., and Mrs. Minnie Herndon. Mrs. Slater g“ave a splendid address on “The ac complishments of Negro Women.” Mrs. Herndon brought greetings from the Iowa Federation which she recently attended in Waterloo, Iowa Mr. Theodore Hughes and Mr. Robert Pinson of Des Moines, were the guests of Mr. Harold Reynolds last week. Mrs. Gertrude Galloway who has been in the hospital for about eight weeks with an infected foot, has re-j turned to the home of her sister, Mrs. Ocie Cooper, 1813-8th avenue. Wej are very glad that she has improved and we all wish her a speedy recov ery. — The Ministerial Alliance of Omaha gave a picnic Tuesday at Elmwood Park in honor of Rev. Geo. Slater, Jr., pastor of the Bethel A. M. E. church, and Rev. Calhoun of Omaha, who were the only Negro graduates this year of the Omaha Presbyterian Theological Seminary A district meeting of the Church of God in Christ was held July 1 to 7. Many out-of-town guests attended. Mrs. Juanita Bibbs of Topeka, Kansas, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Gamble. Mrs. Cave is convalescent at her ^ home. Mrs- Madison and Mrs. Mabel Fletcher are on the sick list. Please give your news to Miss Eddiestean Seals, 2508 8th avenue by Monday of each week. — F. B Washington Appointed to 2 Posts By the Associated Negro Press Atlanta, Ga., July 4.—Forrester B. Washington,, director of the Atlanta school of Social Work was notified this week of two ap pointments which are considered of much significance and import. The first was to the board of di rectors of the Child Welfare League of America Inc., with headquarters in New York City and the second to serve as co-di rector of the 1935 session of the Institute of Race Relations which will be held at Swarthmore Col lege, July 1. Florida Appropriates $644,000 For College Tallahassee, Fla., July 6, (ANP) —Florida A & M. college received of ficial notice today that the state legislature recently adjourned, had appropriated a total of $644,000,000 for operating and building costs dur-! ing the biennium of 1935-37. President J. R< E. Lee, in making public the appropriation, stated that $334,000 of the amount was desig nated for operating expense, with the remaining $300,000 to be used in the erection of two new dormitories, one for boys and one for girls. CARD OF THANKS To my many friends who were so loyal to me in my recent bereavement in the loss of my wife, Alberta Yokem Johnson, I wish to express my appreciation for their many acts of kindness. I shall always remember you in my prayers. William Edwin Johnson, husband, 2875 Maple Street. Special to The Omaha Guide Omaha, Nebraska. Gentlemen: Below please find a list of my party sailing June 29th, for our tour of Europe, Asia and Africa. You will note there are 26 of us. I am very proud of my accom plishment in getting such a large group together. I am sure I am the only Negro doing this sort of work, surely the only one to suc cessfully do so for such a long period. I feel that next year will find my number greatly increased, as my tours present a splendid opportunity for our group to en joy the advantages and thrills of foreign travel. I shall have a picture of my party taken on the boat and send it to you from Paris. Dean E. P. Davis, Howard Uni versity. Mrs. Laura Knight, principal, Cincinnati, Ohio. Teachers: Chicago, Illinois, Miss Thelma Payne, Mrs. Mary Williamson, Mrs. Louisa Turpeau. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Miss Lucille Nelson. Wilmington, Delaware, Miss Arleon Bowser, Miss Caroline Williams. Washington, I>. C., Miss Car lotta Peters, Miss Alice Wood son. New York City, New York, Mrs. Louise Johnson and son, Mrs. Laura Thomasson, Mr. Ann Greene, Mr. Harcourt Tvnes. St. Louis, Missouri, Miss Blan che Lyles. Columbus, Georgia, Miss Ethel Spencer. Lynchburg, Virginia, Miss Ora! Williams. Jacksonville, Florida, Mr. S. D. McGill and nephew. Middleburg, Virginia, Miss De lia Morler. Cincinnati, Ohio, Mrs. Laura Turner and son, and Mr. Claude Holman, Washington, D. C., Mr. C'has. Dunston, Danville, Virginia, and Mrs. Adolph Hodge. Very truly yours, Adolph Hodge. - - Rushed *0 the Bedside of Her Sick Daughter _ I l Mrs. Annie Crenshaw, of Fort Worth, Texas, was called to the bed side of her daughter, Mrs. Alma Robinson who lives at 2411 Lake St. She is the wife of Mr. Pellam Robin son, Proprietor of the Grant Street Pharmacy. She arrived at 2 P M., July 1. Mirs. Robinson, has been threatened with a severe case of ap pendicitis, for about 5 days. She is under the care of Dr. J. H. Hutten. Mrs. Crewshaw, has been on the go for the last 10 days- She was called to the bedside of a sick nephew, ac companid by her sister, the nephew's mother. The nephew passed away and was buried in Denver, last Thurs day. Enroute to Mar. hall, Texas, her former home for a visit with her mother for a few days, she was hailed by a telegram informing her of the serious illness of her daugh ter, Mrs Alma Robinson. She left Marshall, Texas, Sunday night for Omaha. She will remain in Omaha indefinitely. Buffet Supper Miss Lorene Lewis, daughter of Mrs. J. D. Lewis was a charming hostess tc a lovely Buffet Supper Tuesday night, June 4, given in honor of her sister, Miss Charlene Lewis, who hrs been away attending school. A delightful evening was spent in' playing interesting games, and prizes were gven. The young men’s prizes were won by Mr. (Jasper Dixion, 1st prize; Mr Tom Jones, 2nd. The young ladies prizes were won by Miss Juanita Cole, 1st and Mrs. Olive Davis, 2nd. Guests present were: Madeline Brown, Dorothy Scott, Julia Williams, Lorraine Fletcher, Cathe rine Williams, Lucille P. Patterson, Ethel Cole, Juanita Cole, Paul Turner, He dry Leave 11s, jJulian McPherson, William Thomas, Gerald Phillips,1 Tom Jones, Cornelius Young, Orville Jones, Lloyd Gee, Claude McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, William Conwell, Henry Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Dixion, Mrs. Lillie Dor sey and Mr and Mrs. Fred Dixion. Miss Charlene Lewis was honored with the guest prize. Churchmen Meet Jacksonville, Fla., July 6, (By ANP)—Ministers and laymen mem bers of the Floriada Ministers and Deacons Association, gathered here this week in attendance upon the an nual meeting of the Association. The meetings were held at Mt. Aarat Baptist church, of which Rev. G. J. j Graham is pastor. Personals Mrs. Louise Martin, nee Caldwell, was a visitor in the city a few days on her way to Sedalia, St. Louis, Chicago and Highland Plains, Mich. Where Mr. and Mrs- Martin will spend their three months Honeymoon. Mrs. Martin before her marriage was a teacher in the Public Schools of Boonville, Mo. Mr. Martin is Senior Baker at the Kemper Military Academy, Boonville, Mo They will be at home Sept. 8 at Boonville W!hile here they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Mortimer on Ohio Street and were entertained at a bridge party by Mrs. /J. C Carey, where she was greeted by a number of Omaha’s elite. Mrs. Elnora Campbell, 978 N., 27th Ave., has been confined to her bed for several days, but is feeling much bet ter at this writing. A group of boys have organized a club which will be known as “The Royal Juniors”. The officers are as follows: Bobby Whiteside, President; H McCowan, Treasurer; James La zine, Secretary. The privates are W. Holloway, B. Lawson, N. Gray, L. Gray, J. Williams, W Williams, B. Maroney, C. Makins. They will hold their flirt meeting at Billy Law sons house. The club is to give par ties, hikes, dances and entertain ments The club meetings will be held at differnt members homes. It has a constitution of its own and has its own laws. Miss Helen B. Wheeler, of Phila delphia, Penn., is visiting her moth er, Mrs. Ella Wheeler, 867 N. 27th Street for three months. Mrs. Ella Wheeler, also has as a guest her son Mr Ben Whelr who is visiting over the Fourth and will return to CCC Camp. Mrs. Lamar Peters and infant, Joanne, of Texarkana, Texas, are vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert u ohm on. They were accompan .ed by the Misses Katherine and Johnnie Fay Peters, sister-in-law of Mrs. Peter„ and nieces of Mrs John Archie, of 506 So. 21st Ave. Mrs. Lamar Peters was formerly Miss Maxie Mae John-on. Mrs. C. B. Parks, 2302 N. 25th Street, left Omaha last week for a two weeks’ sojourn in Tulsa, I Oklahoma. She will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Phil lips, of Tulsa and will stop off, with her daughter, Buelah Brown, in Kansas Ci y Missouri. Mrs. C. B. Parks, 2302 N. 25 street, I left Omaha last week for a two week s sojourn in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She will be the gue ,t of her daugh ter, Mrs. A. L. Phillips, of Tulsa, and will stop off with her daughter, Mrs. Beulah Brown, in Kansas City, Mis souri. — ——— ^ isitors: Mr. J. J). Lewis, Oma ha. Nebraska; Mrs. Smith, Kansas City, Missouri; who is Mrs. Bry ants trained nurse; Attorney Ralph Adams, recent graduate of the law department of the Uni versity of Nebraska; .Miss Bes sie Wye;t, Bright, Missouri. Mrs. Inez Hudgins and Mrs. Teresa James, sister and two of Omaha’s very popular young matrons, left Sunday night, June 30th, for an extended visit in Bir mingham, Alabama. Accompany ing ihem are the three young children of Mrs. Hudgins. They will be missed by their Omaha friends who wish them a very pleasant stay. Mrs. Mattie Taylor and Son Win Suit Chicago, July 3.—AXP—Judge Eugene McGarry ruled here Mon day that the Riverview Park management must pay Mrs. Mat tie L. Taylor and her son, the sum of $50 and all costs because they were refused service at the Bow ery restaurant, one of the con cessions owned and operated by the amusement eorporatoin. The discriminatory action oc cured last Labor Day and the case has hung fire since that time. At torney Irvin C. Mollison. counsel for the local branch of the N. A. C. P., represented Mrs. Taylor, and her son and the judgement was satisfied in open court. EDITOR OF CALL VISITS GUIDE OFFICE C. A. Franklin, editor-in-chief of the Kansas City Call, visited the Omaha Guide office Wednesday after noon while enroute to Lincoln to wit ness the National A. A. U. Track and Field events in which Metcalfe and Owens, famed colored athletes, will compete. A. PHILLIP RANDOLPH “Nation-Within Nation is Fantastical” Says A. Philip Randolph St. Louis, July 6,—Urging the col ored workers to ally themselves with the organized trade union movement, A, Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, speaking Tue: day night at the N. A. A. C- P. 26th Annual Conference here, ridiculed the segrgationists’ “nation-within-a-nation” p h ilosophy as “superficial, fantastical and un feasablei” He declared that the na tion within the nation would suffer th same troubles as are now being suffered by the states in the nation. He especially warned the conference against the programs of Father Coughlin and Senator Huey P, Long which he said were not feasible, and held that colored workers could not afford to stay out of the organized labor movement kecaure some pre judice was manifest. Politically he urged the colored people to support th building of an independent work ing class party to fight for the rights and security of all labor, black and white. “Association Will Change Program'* Spingarn Promised J. E. Spingarn, president of the association, received an ovation when ho was introduced at the opening ses sion Tuesday night following the ad iress of Mr. Randolph- In his open ing remarks he recalled that he had ::poken in St. Louis twenty-one years ago at a luncheon at the City Club and when he began, in his frank fashion, to speak in behalf of the Negro his audience deliberately left the room until at the nd of his speech only about one-fourth remained He reviewed briefly the history of the association and its victories. He pointed out that times were changed and the association would change its program to conform to the new condition confronting the masses of black and white people alike. He | raid he believed the adjustment neces sary could be mad under our present constitutional democracy. He pledg ed that the association would not re lax its efforts in fighting for full equality for colored Americans be cause white America could not be free until black America was free. Southern White Man Cheered For Attack on Peonage System On Wednesday night, Howard Kes ter, a young Southern white man of Nashville, Tenn., who has been inves tigating conditions of black and white sharecroppers in eastern Arkansas, received the greatest amount of ap plause of any speaker up to that time when he assailed the southern agricultural system as ill-disguised slavery. His dramatic address con tained many of his personal obser vations on the Arkansas plantations, and he gave a praphic picture of the plight of the white and black share croppers. He called for aggressive The Automatic Ironing Set iron and Table both for $g95 KTSSSr/UHSHH! Think of getting this wonderful modern Hotpoint Automatic Iron and Lifetime Table for this price. This table sets up as you set it down ... no tugging and pulling. Hangs on a hook out of the way when not in use. It’s AUTO MATIC . . . steady and strong. The iron has a dozen different heats . m . makes ironing easy. $1 Down ... $1 a month See Your Dealer or Nebraska Power Co. Courtesy - Service - Low Rates . * action by all organizations interested in the building of a more just and se cure society. Fear Louis Victory Will Enrage Mussolini i Bosotn, Mass., July 3.—ANP— Fear that Joe Louis's victory over Primo Camera will incur the wrath of Premier [Mussolini and bring about further reprisal against Ethiopia, was expressed here Wednesday by Prof. Ray ford W. Logan of Atlanta Uni versity, in an address before the fourth annual New England In stitute of International Relations at Wellesley college. Decrying Mussolini's policy with regard to Ethiopia, the Sou thern professor added: ‘‘I am afraid that the defeat of Primo Camera by Joe Louis will be in terpreted as an additional insult to the Italian flag which will permit Mussolini to assert again the necessity for Italy to annihi late Abyssinia.” Negroes and Whites Profit Through Negroes Bequest Lexington, Ky., July 3.—ANP —A trust fund of $50,000 for the advancement of the education of Negro arid white youth was pro vided for in the will of Robert Henry Hughes, who died here last week. The will was admitted to pro bate Wednesday and included many philanthropic bequests, in cluding one of $10,000 to the Old Ladies’ Home and a similar amount to Lincoln Institute, while his home was left to the St. Peters Catholic church of which he was a member. Lanes Visiting in City Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lane of Kansas Ciiy, Mo., are vacationing here with Mr. Lane's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane, of 2831 De catur Street. .Mr. Lane who is a former Omahan is on the staff of the Plain Dealer at Kansas City, Kans. Before returning to Kansas City, the Lanes will ac company Mrs. Amanda Carey, an aunt, who is also visiting here back to her home in Chicago. Don’t run around looking like a “picked chicken” , . . don’t let coarse, stringy, scant hair rob you of the fem inine loveliness that rightfully belongs to YOU . . . HERE’S THE MODERN /£ SCIENTIFIC ! HAIR GROWER L . . that you have dreamed about No fooling around . . . no delays ... no coaxing your hair out by magic . . . here’s the REAL THING . . . famous Black and White Hair Grower ... the grower that gets right down to the hair roots . . . nour ishes them . . . and gets old Mother Nature When You Can Have HAIR LIKE THIS! worKing overtime to make hair grow and grow and grow. Black and White is the real speed" hair grower that brings you long hair . . . silken hair ... hair you 11 thrill over . . . quickly, safely surely! Large can, 25c. DRESS . . . your hair with Black and White Hair Dressing just like foremost stage and screen stars do. Fragrantly perfumed. White 50c; Amber 25c. PROTECT . . . your hair from burning and scorching. Give it lustrous sheen and brilliance. Use Black and White Glossine. 25c a can. LAY DOWN . . . your hair even if it's as stubborn as a Missouri nule . . . keep it down, too. sleek and smart with Black and White Glossine, large can 25c. I,__