Omaha Branch N* A* A. C, P. Holds Board Meeting / wvwwywjMu* ^ys ^ j, 0a H*"iTrrinrHifuinjijuiJU 1 Per Copy VOLUME IX OMAHA. NEBRASKA. SATURDAY JULY' 6. 1935 NUMBER SEVENTEEN N. T. XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Pullman Porters' Oganization Wins A Decision Vote of 5,951 to 1,422 Gives Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Victory Over Company Union The outcome of a ten years’ con troversy between the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and the Pull man Porters’ and Maids’ Protective Association was a -victory for the former in the national election which was held fro m May 27 to June 22. The Brotherhood’s victory of 5.931 votes may be properly termed a land slide when compared with the votes received by their opponents of 1.422 The Brotherhood carried all districts except Memphis, Louisville and At lanta The next step will be the signing of an agreement governing wages and working conditions between the Brotherhood and the Pullman Com pany. A. Phillip Randolph is the national president of the Brotherhood organ ization. Giant Italian Given A Terrific Beating By Michigan Destroyer By WILLIAM E. CLARK Displaying a punching power un surpassed by any fighter of modern times. Joe Louis, the Brown Bomber of Detroit, battered his huge oppon ent. Primo Camera, into a helpless, cringing mass of flesh and scored a knockout victory in the sixth round at the Yankee Stadium on Tuesday night in the greatest non-titular fight New York has ever seen. More than 60.000 people paid over a half million dollars to see the form er amateur heavyweight champion in his first major fight since he turned professional just a year ago. He will get almost a hundred thous and dollar' for his eighteen minutes work and the New York American Milk Fund, under whose auspices the fight was staged will get one fourth of the gross receipts. Louis entered the ring a 7-5 favor ite and despite his lack of profes sional experience and the heavy ad vantage his opponent had in wight and size, proved that the odds were not misplaced. The big advantage in weight and experience that the Italian had over Louis proved no handicap for the col ored boxer. He more than justified the cognomen given him by his board of strategy—“The Brown Bomber”— and proved himself the greatest Negro heavyweight since Jack John son. former world’s champion who motored in from Chicago to be at the ring.ide for this fight. The big question before the fight was whether (Joe Louis could “take it” and this question remains unan swered, for the big Italian, former heavyweight champion, was on the defensive from the first round and the results were never in doubt. Joe clearly demonstrated his su periority from the very beginning of th bout, his hard punching putting the big Italian in distress from the opening bell. His looping rights and smashng lefts made De Preem ex tremely cautious, and he tried to go on the defensive and box., Joe pushed the fight to the Italian, however, and continually staggered him with smashing punches. Camera didn’t land a telling blow on Louis until the fourth spasm but was immediately met with a barrage of heavy punching from the Detroit devastator. Louis drew first blood in the fifth round when he started the claret from De Preem’s nose. The end in the sixth came quickly. The dramatic ending to the classic Louis-Camera battle came in the sixth round when Louis dropped the big man with a terrific right. Primo rose without taking a count but Joe took advantage of the situation by rushing in and landing two more rights to the body and face. De Preem went down again for the count. Camera’s connection with the “un derworld” through his managers and the arrest of nine gangsters with a complete arsinel near the Louis camp by G-men on Sunday caused many rumors to float through Harlem all day Monday and Tuesday—rumors that Louis had been or would be kid napped, that his managers had “sold ' out." etc. But none of these ma terialized and Police Commissioner \ alentine di-patched 1.000 uniformed police to the stadium to prevent any outbreaks among the spectators. The fight, besides being the largest since the Dempsey-Tunney contest in Chi cago in 1928, was also the most ord erly conducted and will do much to revive interest in boxing that has been lacking since the days of Tex Rickard. Of Living Negroes Florida College Tallahassee, Fla., July 6, (By ANP)—With 1,015 teachers from all sections of the Southland, the summer session of the Floriad A. and M. College got under way here this week. This marks the fifth consecutive session that the enroll ment has topped the thousand mark. PARENTS Encourage your boy to sell The Omaha Guide, (His Race Paper.) Send him to The Guide Office, 2418-20 Grant St., for full information. Newsboys’ Department N. A. A. C. P. Holds Board Meeting The X. A. A. C. F. met in its board meeting at Mid-city Com munity Center with the president, Dr. Wesley Jones, presiding. Dr. Jones made a verbal report of his attendance at the 26th, Annual j Conference of the X". A. A. C. P. which met in St. Louis. June 23 30. Mr. John Benjamin Horton re signed as secretary of the local branch and was elected a member of the executive board. Attorney C’has F. Davis was elected secre tary to succeed Mr. Horton, on recommendation of the president. Attorney Ray Williams made a motion that the rule be suspended and that Mr. Tobev James be eleceted a member of the execu tive board. The motion was unanimously carried and Mr. James was elected. Attorney Arthur McCaw made a verbal report of a serious inci dent wheih happened in his neigh borhood, when a twelve year-old girl was criminally assaulted by a 70 year-old man. The matter was referred to the legal redress, committee with instructions to the chairman to proceed immedi ately with an investigation and to call a special meeting as soon as reports were complete. During the sesion the committee received a telephone call tating that Mrs. Glover, of 29th. and Yates Streets, mother of the girl, would call at past, and give a statement of the Dr. Jones office Wednesday, facts. Working When Others Think He is Playing Bill Robinson, Negro screen fa vorite, never converses with barbers when getting a shave or massage be cause he's too busy tapping out new numbers for his dance repertoire. And discussions on political ques tions with tonsorial artists never bother him. for he is liable to drown out the conversations by tapping his nimble toes on the footrest of the barber chair. Today at Paramount during the filming of a barber shop scene in a specialty number for “The Big Broadcast of 1935,'' the noted tap dancer demonstrated his marked abil- I ity by tapping out a new dance crea tion to the tune of “Miss Brown to You,” while the barber was giving him a massage. His number not only silenced the barber but put him in the humor of rubbing Robinson’s face in rhythm with the tapping steps. Just as President Lincoln led the Negro out of Slavery, Bill Robinson is looked to by his race to lead them out of the depression by the movie route, if his future efforts to place colored children in film work are as successful as in the past “Every day,” Robinson said, “my fan mail includes any number of requests from colored people all over the country, asking my aid to get their children into the screen busi ness. In many attempts I have been successful in placing talented boys and girls in the good graces of studio casting directors.” In the picture, Robinson is feat ured with Bing Crosby, Wendy Bar rie, Jack Oakie, Lvda Roberti, George Burns and Grade Allen, Ethel Mor man. the Vienna Boys Choir, Ray Noble’s Band and many other art ists. Reorganization of The School of Music; Dr. White Resigns Hampton Institute Va., July 3 —With the opening of the school year in September. 1935, plans for the reorganization of the Music i school at Hampton Institute will i be put into effect. The changes voted by the Board of Trustees at the last an nual meeting, April 25, 1935, con template giving up the School of Music as one of the schools of the college. The major offerings in voice, piano, organ, and instru mentation, as well as certain classes in harmony and creative music will ultimately be done away with. Instead of the previous pro gram. Hampton Institute will con fine the offerings in music to meet the demands for training to teach in the field of public school music. This will mean a continua tion of courses in music appre ciation and teacher-training, as well as instruction in the leader ship of choral and assembly sing ing. Provisions will be made on the campus for individual instruction in music for all students, but this will be by special arrange ment and at cost. The Choir, Glee Clubs, Trade school lingers, and Quartettes will be continued as in the past, and an even greater emphasis placed upon their importance. The courses to be continued in music will be grouped as general courses and will be open to stu dents of all schools and depart ments. but especially planned to serve the School of Education. Realizing these changes will mean readjustments for some of the staff and students now enroll ed. the new program will be in augurated over the period of a year. No new student will be en rolled in the School of Music in September, 1935. Provision is be ing made for students now enroll ed to continue their present pro grams for the session of 1935-36. After 1935-36 the new program will constitute the only music of ferings of the Institute. In view of these changes. Dr. Clarence Cameron White is re signing to devote the coming year to certain creative work he has given part-time to during his three years as Director of the Music school. This work has grown out of valuable studies he has been conducting in the His tory of Xegro Music. His original composition work in this field is alreday known. From these stu dies he contemplates the editing of a history and testbook of Xegro Music. The curtailment of clas ses next year make it possible for him to concentrate in this im portant field. Convict Escapes From Dark Cell Raleigh. N. C.. (July 6, (By the As sociated Negro Press)—“The dark’' the horror of all prisoners on the county road gang, proved the way to freedom to David Dew here Tuesday. Dew had been consigned to the “dark cell” for punishment and while there in improvised a screw-driver from the handle of a water pail. Then re moving the door from its hinges he mad his escape. Scolarships For 17 Needy Students Washington, D. C., July 6.—Seven ty-two (72) tuition scholarships for needy students of exceptional schol astic standing have been set aside by Howard University for the school year. 1935-36. About twenty per cent of these are awarded to high school graduates who wish to attend Howard University next year. These scholarships cover tuition fees amounting to one hundred and fifty ($150) dollars for the school year. They are awarded on the basis of relative need and scholastic standing. In addition to tuition scholarships. Howard University provides employ ment on the campus to cover tuition or board, for about one hundred and twenty-five (125) needy students with good scholastic record. Awards are made on the basis of competitive ranking of all applicants by the Scholarship Committee. The committee will act on all ap plications August 1st and will inform applicants directly of the outcome. 1 Applications should be filed with the committee at the earliest date pos sible, in any case before July 15th. Students interested should write to Professor Max Meenes, chairman of the Committee on Scholarships and Student Aid, Frederick Douglass Memorial Hall, Room 229, Howard University, Washington, D. C. Rev. John S. Williams Celebrates Anniversary Rev. John S. Williams Celebrates Presbyterians. Methodists, Bap tists, Holiness, Epicopalians and others will honor the Rev. John S. Williams, pastor at the Hill side Presbyterian church, 30th and Ohio. Sunday, July 7, at his sixth anniversary as pastor. At 11 a. in .,the Rev. Harmelink of the First Presbyterian Church will preach, and the choir .assisted, by members of the Sunday Music al club and the Y. W. C. A. Glee club, will furnish the music. At 3:30 p. m. the anniversary , musical will be held under the direction of Mr. H. L. Preston. St. John. Zion, Bethel and Mt. Mori ah choirs will furnish the music. At 8:30 p. m. the Episcopal choir under the direction of Mrs. Jew ell, will sing. During Rev. Williams’ pastor ate in Omaha, his Christian In- j tegrity .together with his many musical contributions have won for him many friends in both races. Places Negroes Name in Jury Box ■ Williams ton, N. C., July 6, (ANP) ! For the first time in more than a generation the names of Negro citi zens were placed in the jury box mak ing them suject to duty on the petit and grand juries in the Superior Court of Martin County. This action was taken on account of the now famous Scottsboro decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. I The commissioners limited their selection to men and the total num ber of veniremen is being held to the lowest point in several years. Mrs. Dorothy Reeves left Monday for Los Angeles, California, where j she will visit her sisters, Misses Hel en and Velour Gamble. She will also visit friends in Long Beach Mrs. Reeves will return in about three weeks. I BIG BUSINESS SCORED FOR DISCRIMINATION —.—.. .. — Mayor Welcomes Many Visitors and Notables to St. Louis St. Louis, July 6,—At the closing mass meeting of the 26th annual conference of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People in the beautiful municipal auditorium here today, Walter White, the association’s secretary, electri fied the 2,600 persons present by warning that “unless justice is given the Negro, he may be driven by des peration to the us of force. But we pray God that this may never hap pen as we know all weapons are in the hands of those who deny us a chance.” This solemnly dramatic statement coming at the conclusion of a brilliant address in which the speaker reviewed the work of the year, gave details of the spectacular anti-lynching bill fight and asked support for the militant program of the N. A. A. C. P., was followed by a prolonged ovation. Mr. White was preceded on the platform by Hon. Josephine Roche, assistant secretary of the Treasury' and noted Colorado liberal, who ex pressed sympathy with the plight of the Negro and called upon all citi zens to support the national pro gram for a better social order. She declared that the goal of all Ameri cans must be social and economic justice and pledged her aid in better ing the condition of the Negro race. Prolonged appaluse greeted her re marks. New Plan and Program Adopted The delegates who came from 26 states and the District of Columbia, adopted the much-discussed new' plan and program of the association which is a radical departure from the previous policy. Attorney Irvin C Mollison, president of the Illinois branches, Attorney A. T. Walden of Atlanta, Ga,, and Roscoe Dunjee, editor of the Black Dispatch, presi dent of the Oklahoma branches and recipient of this year’s N. A . A. C. P. Merit Medal, were elected Saturday as members of the nominating com mittee for the association’s board of directors in accordance with the new plan and program. Baltimore, Md„ was selected as the city for the 27th annual conference of the N. A. A. C. P. next year, after a hot fight with Columbus, Ohio and Omaha, Nebraska. The St. Louis conference, which closed today, was one of the most successful ever held by the N. A. A. C. Pj The local daily and weekly newspapers gave gener ous space to its deliberations. One Thousand Dollar Prize For Stories 1,015 Teachers at Atlanta. Ga-, July 6—The Rosen wald offer of one thousand dollars for “work stories of living Negroes” is exciting wide interest and has al ready brought in a large number of tories, according to the Commission Interracial Cooperation, which is conducting the contest. The closing date for entry of stories will be Octo ber first, by which time it is expected that hundreds of interesting life his tories will be awaiting the attention of the judges. The stories already submitted come from all parts of the country and cover a wide range of activity. Some tell of success, some of struggle and failure; others of heroic effort still in progress. A boy just entering col lege recounts his long struggle through elementary and high school; ar. undertaker tells how he beat the depression; a farmr recounts his suc cessful efforts to buy land; a preach er tells of his work and his ideals. There are stories of a successful real estate operator, a cook and laundress who is also a community leader, a teacher working for a grad uate degir e, a woman undertaker, an aviator, a blind man who fells trees, cuts cordwood, and bottoms chairs, and so on through a most interest ing cross section of economic struggle. The Commission points out that there is still ample time to prepare and submit stories and will send full information to anyone writing to its headquarters, 703 Standard Building. Atlanta. Hazardous Place For A Robbery Atlanta. Ga.. July 4.—AXP— Robbers, highwayman, bandits, or whatever you want to call them, threw caution to the wind here last Wednesday afternoon and held up Loanine Freeman, white, and robbed him of $163 in the shadow of the Federal prison on McDonough Boulevard. Free man told the police that the rob bers were three colored men arm ed with knives. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness during our recent sorrow of the death of our sister, Mrs. Hazel Bean, es pecilaly Cherokee Temple, No. 223 also Paramount Eight Club. Mrs. Metra Williams, Mrs. Mary Pryor, of Pratt, Kansas. CLUBS BE RITZY—Be Up-to-Date. Let the public know what you are doing. Publish your clubs news in The Omaha Guide each week. Call at our office, 2418-20 Grant St, for full particulars. Dr. Wesley Jones Tells of N. A. A, C. P. Conference