The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 01, 1935, Image 1
LINEt ^ C°Py V.,.V.VAVA‘<W^/A £ % ” ^^*JP ^ *V«VW.SSMAAJVAPUW VOLUME IX ^ OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, ‘ JUNE 1st, 1935 NUMBER TWELVE —■ ■■ _-- ---- Walter Rhodes Wins In The Missouri Valley Track Meet I I jr\ jr% jr\ S\ jr\ y\ jr\ jr\ jr\ s\ /i /I /» /i /> /» Jf\ Jt\ Jesse Owens Breaks Three World’s Records RULES 35TH WESTERN CONFERENCE MEET _ Smashed Broad Jump, Yard Dash and Low Hurdles Records Jesse Owens, Ohio state miracle gave one of the most spectacular performances ever to be staged on track and field, when he smashed three worlds’ records, and equaled a fourth, to rule com pletely the 35th annual Western conference meet. Owens climaxed his great afternoon’s performance with a leap of 26 feet 8 1-2 in i ches. in the broad jump. Noth ing short of a miradous feat. After the jump, he raced to world's record smashing triumph, in the 220 yard dash and the 220 yard low hurdles, running along comparatively speaking, alone after the first few strides. Owens came through with flying colors, chalking up more points for Ohio state, and more laurels behind his name. The whole world is anticipating a thrilling and spectacular event wen Owens and Metcalf, Mar quet.e dusky sensation, tie up on July 4th at Lincoln, May the best man win. Its Maker and His Mother Owens spent Sunday in Cleve- is. telling her of his triumphs, jind with his mother. Here he - Hall Appointed In Census Bureau For the first time in the history of' the Bureau of the Census of the Unit ed States Department of Commerce a Negro civil service “Career man” has been promoted to a position of re sponsibility, one that carries with it full authority to disseminate all avail able satistical data relating to the Ne gro population, and to sign official j correspondence. Charles E. Hall a native and a citi zen of Illinois has been an employee of the Bureau for thirty-five years and it was in recognition of his long and efficient service that the Secretary of Commerce, Daniel C- Roper, and the Director of the Census. William L. Austin, recently appointed Mr. Hall whom they have personally known for many years to the newly j created position, “Specialist in Negro | Statistics”. Particularly gratifying I is this appointment to the members ’ of the Advisory Committee on Negro Affairs whose endorsement, activity and interest in this promotion was a worthwhile asset to Mr. Hall who has cheerfully cooperated with the Com mittee and also with the New Deal Emergency acts. During recent months Mr. Hall has been compiling for the Bureau, a re port on the progress of the Negro race in continental United States from the r~._ statistics of the general censuses of 1920 and 1930 and from subsequent annual reports. The copy for this report “Negroes in the United States: 1920-1932” is now in the Government Printing Office and the volume will be available for distribution sometime soon. It covers twenty chapters and is supplementary to the volume “Ne gro Population in the United States, 1790 to 1915”, issued by the Bureau of the Census in 1918. These two volumes cover a period of 142 years and contain all of the most important statistical date relating to the Negro race since the first Unied States Cen sus taken 1790. They are of great value to educators, public officials, and those who are interested in the study of racial groups of our country ■ The earlier issue, however, has been completely exhausted and there are no copies for free distribution or for sale. DePriest’s Son Divorced Chicago, May 30 (ANP)—Oscar Stanton Depriest and his wife are di vorced. The youthful Mrs. Depriest won a decree at Urbana, O., last week on a charge of extreme cruelty. The couple have a young son, Oscar. They were married at Urbana, 0-, June. 1927. For a time both Mr- and Mrs. Depriest were students at Howard University, living in Washington with the ex-congressman and his wife, whc are parents of young Depriest. • ————————————————————————— Nashville Students Form Safety Council _ By Herman J. D. Carter Nashville, Tenn., May 30.—AN F—Continuance through the sum mer of safety activities of Nash ville Negro school pupils was as sured by the formation Friday of a city federation of Junior Safety Councils. Frank W. Ziegler, chamber of Commerce Safety director, ad dressed the organization meeting and offered suggestions for car rying on safety work. The following officers were elected for one year: O. T. Green. - Washington Junior high school, president, George Couer Carter School. vice-president; Ruby Yates. Washington Junior High, | Secretary: James White, Carter School, treasurer. Mrs. E. C. Woodson, coach of the junior council at Lawrence j school, called the organization meeting and she with Professor F. B. Shockley. H. L. Martin and j W. T. Frierson, will serve on a j council advisory committee of teachers. Main’ Conley, Napier school, was appointed member ship chairman and Christine Ad kinson of Washington Junior, was named publicity ehairman. Instructor Receives Teaching Certificate Miss Lena Paul, well-known dressmaker and former business woman, received a teaching certi ficate with the right to teach in the Omaha Public School Voca tional Department. The certifi cate is granted by the Examining Committee of the Board of Edu cation and came as a surprise to Miss Paul. Miss Paul began teaching sew ing classes in 1933 and has de veloped a large schedule of class es throughout the city. Sixty-nine enrolled in classes at the North Side Y. W. C. A. In addition, she has carried on classes at the St. Benedict's Church and at the Urban League Community Center. The certificate is signed by the Examining committee: Belle Ryan, E. Masters, J. R. Hawke, Leon 0. Smith, chairman. Oma ha is proud of this achievement. Joint Committee to Probe Case of Beating of Colored Farmer Washington, D. C. May 30— AXP—John P. Davis, executive secretary of the Joint Committee on National Recovery, following his recent trip into the South : land, has announced that he will push to conclusion an effort to bring action from the Department of Agriculture in the case of John Vance of Panola county. Mississi pi, a colored farmer, who was beaten and kicked by a govern ment agent. Vance was the owner of a 40 acre farm, subject to a mortgage relief through United States au , thorities. he found that the real ' reason was hat his mortgage hold er wanted to foreclose on the valuable property. He secured for his son a tract of land for sharecropping, promising to pay a bale of cotton as rental. The land produced only 424 pounds of cotton and Vance offered to make up the 76 pounds difference des pite the fact that his son was the renter. The landlord insisted that Vance pay the cost of the tags on the eotton. When Vance refused, the land owner had ;he parity ' checks held up for the land rent ed by him and for the acreage re-! duced on Vance’s own property. | Vance wrote to Washington. Of ficials sent a copy of his letter to ! the County Farm Extension agent. When Vance went to the latter's office, he was beaten over the head and face and kicked in the groin, it was alleged, by the Gov ernment Agent, when he sought to inquire about his checks. --- Oklahoma Legion Sponsors Contest Boley, Okia., May 30 (By R. C. Patton for ANP)—On May 3 the first Annual State-wide Oratorical Con- ; test in Oklahoma Negro High Schools will be held. This year’s subject will be “James Madison and the Constitu tion”. Next year some subject deal ing with Negro history may be used. This year’s contest will be partici pated in by some of the best high j schools of the state of Oklahoma- ! Entrants coming from Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Okmulgee, Boley, Wewoka; ifcAlester, Holdenville, Chandler, Muskogee, Taft D B. & 0., Ft. , Gibson and others. The contest is made possible through the Oklahoma Department of the American Legion of which Lanson D. Mitchell of Holdenville is State Americanism Chairman. The spon sor and host to the 1935 event will be the famous Boley Post of which Henry O- Mariott is the Commander. Three medals will be awarded the three highest contestants. High Masons to Hold Meeting Philadelphia, Pa., May 30 (ANP)— The Fifty-fourth Annual and 18th j Triennial meeting of the United Su preme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Prince Hall Affiliation) Northern Jurisdic tion will be in session in the Cathedral! on Fitzwater and Mole Streets here May 12th and 13th, 1935. An attend ance of thirty-third degree Masons | from all parts of the Jurisdiction is expected. The officers are to be elected for the triennial and other important business transacted for the organiza tion. The session has been cut from three days to two days. On Sunday, May 12th the Annual Memorial Exercises for Scottish Rite Masons who have died during the past [ year will be held in the Senate Cham 1 ber of the Cathedral ____ Fraternity Members in Regional Confab — Indianapolis, May 30, (ANP)—Kap pa Alpha Psi fraternity members re siding in the North Central Province went to Urbana, Illinois, May 11 and 12th for their annual Provincial Con ; clave with Beta chapter, University of Illinois as the host. Julius L- Mor gan. Provincial Polemarch presided over the conference. Chapters represented were: Alpha, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.; Beta, University of Illinois, Urbana. Ill-; Theta, Northwestern University, Evansrton, 111.; Iota, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111.; Chicago Alum ni chapter, Nu, Butler University, In dianapolis, Ind.; Alpha Zeta, Indiana State Teachers college, Terre Haute, Ind.; Indianapolis Alumni chapter; Alpha Rho, Lewis Institute, Chicago, 111., and St- Louis Alumni. Elected President Dillard University WX-tV-W*" - S. RANDOLPH EDMONDS, Dillard University Professor of Dramatics S. Randolph Edmonds has been appointed Professor of Dramatics for the new Dillard University which will open in New Orleans in September. Mr. Edmonds is regarded as the founder of the little theatre move ment in Negro colleges, having founded the Negro Intercollegiate Dramatic Association several years ago while he was Professor of English at Morgan college. He is the author of several plays of Negro life. North Carolina Physician Passes Durham, N. C.May 30 (ANP)— Dr. Charles H. Shepard, one of North Carolina’s most noted physicians and surgeons, died here May 16, from cere bral hemorrhage. Dr. Shepard who was a brother of Dr. James E Shep ard, president of North Carolina Col lege for Negroes, had served as super intendent of Lincoln Hospital here from 1923 until January 1st of this year It was under his leadership that- Lincoln Hospital was expanded until it was one of the most important medical institutions for Negroes in the entire south. The Duke Foundation, which controls the vast sum left for philanthropy by the tobacco magnate's supported the hospital in large meas ure. Recently a white advisory staff has been added. Dr. Shepard was active in civic and religious enterprises in Durham. At his death he was a member and trus tee of White Rock Baptist Church and a member of the board of trustees of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. He was born Nov. 18, 1878 and had been practicing nearly 35 years- He leaves a widow, Mrs. Mary Adams Shepard, a daughter, Miss Dorothy M. Shepard a mother, five sisters and a brother, Dr. James E. Shepard. The funeral was conducted from the church of which he was a devoted member, by Rev. Miles Mark Fisher his pas tor, assisted by the various ministers of the city Green Reelected by Louisiana Pythians New Orleans, La . May 30 (ANP)— S. W. Green, re-elected Grand Chan cellor of the Grand Lodge K. of P. of Louisiana is pushing a drive for new and re-instated members. The Grand Lodge in its recent session adopted a resolution beneficial to the endow ment department as suggested by the attorneys G- Seth Guion and Loys Charbonett, representing the Order EXPLOSION IN HOME DISASTROUS TO TWO : National Baptist to Hold Sunday School Congress in June Dayton, Ohio, May 30 (By J. A. | Green for ANP)—The citizens of Day ton, Ohio, are lining up as a unit be hind Rev. E. C. Estelle, Pastor of Tabernacle Baptist church, in making preparations for the entertainment of the thousands of representatives of the Baptist church in June. The oc casion will be the meeting of the Na | tional Baptist Sunday School Congress which will convene in Dayton, June 18 to 23 inclusive. The General Com mittee, consisting of pastors and rep resentatives of all of the Baptist churches in the Miami Valley, is work ing day and night to see to it that the Congress delegates will get a troe sample of Dayton hospitality. Rev. J. C. Crable, pastor of Mt. Pisgah Baptist church is training a chorus of 500 voices for the congress sessions. The several social welfare organiza tions are cooperating with the gener al committee It is expected that at least 2000 delegates will attend the Congress. Fifteenth Annual Session of Insurance Men Concluded Durham. N. C., May 30.—-ANP —The fifteenth annual session of the National Negro Insurance As sociation was brought to a suc cessful conclusion here May 24 with a large attendance of dele gates from all parts of the coun try. The sessions were held from May 22 to 24 in the Royal Knights of King David building at 809 Fayetteville Street. The North Carolina Mutual Lite Insurance Company was host. Such problems as promotion of Uniform Agency contracts among member companies of the associa tion; promotion of a National Ne gro Insurance Week, practical selling methods; effective ways of conserving our business and other topics were discussed ably by the delegates. With the outgoing president, George W. Cox, presiding, the ses sion got under way Wednesday and the annual report of the treasurer, John A. Blume, and that of the secretary, W. Ellis Stewart were received. President Cox delivered his annual address which was one of the highlights of the affair. A public meeting was held Wednesday night at White Rock Baptist church. Durham, is always highly hos pitable, left no stone unturned to make the visiting delegates stay sociallv pleasant. i ST. PHILLIP’S CORONATION BALL A HUGE SUCCESS More than 600 guests attended St. Philip’s annual Coronation. IMr. G. W. Watson, who well de served the honor, was crowned Iking. Miss Edrose Willis, who is loved by every Omahan, was crowned queen. The committee in charge of this ! affair should be congratulated for their success. I*' -' Popular Young Baseball Star Fatally Burned Bums Fatal to Johnnie Lowe St. John’s A. M. E. church was filled to its capacity, when the funeral of Johp A. Lowe, was held on Monday May 27th. Johnnie Lowe, 24 was fatally burned Fri day May 24th, when some varnish j remover exp'oded in the kitchen JOHN A. LOWE of Mrs. Smith’s home, 2211 Ohio Street, last Friday. Miss Clara Jones was also severely burned. After his clothing became ignited. Johnnie ran out into the yard screaming, and attracted the attention of two neighbors, E. B. Cook and Mrs. M. F. Jackson, who rolled him in a rug to ex tinguish the flames. Johnnie was taken to tbe Lord Lister‘Hospital in a very critical condition, and died a few. hours later. Johnnie was a baseball pitcher for the U. P. and Cudahy Rex ball team. Johnnie was bom in Omaha, on October 30th 1910. He leaves a mother, father. Mr. and Mrs. J. White and many friends. The body was taken to the J. D. Lewis mortuary and interment was in Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Miss Clara Jones suffered bums about the back and is re ported in a serious condition. Fatality Caused by Matches Setting her own clothing afire while playing with matches, Betty Jean Smith, 4 was fatally burn ed about 6:30 p. m. Friday. Her grand-father, J. M. Frith, 1923 Paul Street, stripped the flaming garments from the child, and she was rushed to the Lord Lister hospital, where she died Monday morning. She was badly burned about the chest and stom ach, and had inhaled the flames. The body was taken to Myers’ Funeral Home and the funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the chapeL * Burial was in Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Atlantic City, N. J. May 30.— Bearing credentials from Mayor Harry Baeharch of Atlantic City, Clifford J. Newsome attended the executive committee of the Na tional Negro Business League which met last week in Durham, N. C. Dr- Chas. H. Shepard North Carolina Physician Expires 1