The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 18, 1935, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Lack of Money Has
Affected Fight For
Anti-Lynching Bill
New York, May 16.—Lack of
sufficient financial support from
those who wrul 1 profit most from
the passage cf th" Costigan-Wag
ner anti-’ynching bill was chiefly
responsible for .he temporary
shelving c(f the - controversial
measure, according to a statement
issued today from the office of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
According to this statement,
many Northern senators would
have spoken in favor of ;he Costi
gan-AYagner bill had they been
supplied with adequate detailed
information and arguments, legal
and otherwise, on lynching.
Speaking for ihe Association,
which is actively backing the bill,
Mal er M’hite, its Secretary, de
clared: “Memoranda was pre
pared exposing the fallacy of the
arguments about rape; on the
states which have in their Jaws
provisions for financial damages
against counties which permit
lynchings: de ailed analyses of
the lynchmgs in thirteen southern
states showing the trivialitv of;
the causes of many lynchings:
memoranda on how lynching is
used as a means of terrorism"ion
through which economic, political,
educational f’nd other discrimi
nation is perpetuated and increas
No Monev for Research Work |
“But not enough of these'
analyses were done,’’ he eon- i
tinued “not sufficiently distribut-!
ed in the Senate and among news
paper men. because the prepara
tion of such memoranda requires
much research work bv experts
in the gathering, correlation, di
gesting and presenting of this
material. Stenographic services,
printing, postage, mimeograph
ing, multigraphing, traveling ex
penses and personal interviews
with senators to supply them
with facts to answer the wild
sta'ements of the Ellison Smiths
and other filibusterers, all these
cost money. The Association had
no money for this work.
“After each day’s vote steno
graphic service should have been
available immediately to send
telegrams to key persons in states
from which came senators who
had been absent from the floor or
who had voted for adjournment.
It is only in this fashion that the
political threat of revolt by Negro
voters against senators who did
not persis ently and faithfully
fight the filibuster to the limit
could be properly exerted. Just
as lobbies for selfish purposes are
used effectively in Washington so
must lobbie be sited for humani
tarian purposes, as in the fight
against lynching.
Praises Support of Newspapers.
“Of great importance,’’ he con
tiued, “and indicative of the
growth of consciousness, has been
ihe unparalleled support of the
bill by the Negro press without
exception. Our newspapers have
devoted many columns of space
and have uniformly taken an in
telligent, broad gauge view of the
significance of the fight.’’
Mr. White deplored' the fact
that most of the volunteer lobby
ing for the anti-lynching bill was
Love demands a
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Whiten skin with
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Have you been disappointed in ordinary
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larged pores and blemishes. Just spread a
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Hundreds of thousands of women have
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Get Results—or Money Back
Get a jar of Nadinola Bleaching Cream
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NADINOLA, Box N-18, Paris, Term.
done by white people, only a few
colored people, even in Washing
ton, being interes.ed enough to
help. “This is said not in criti-;
cism,’’ he averred, “but as one
of the weaknesses whieh must be
corrected. A few Negroes ren
dered ac ive, devoted and valu-i
able service, without which the1
fight for the bill wou’J hav * been
more greatly handicapped than it
was. But there shou'd imv^ been
scores of volunteers.’’
“The Associa ion,” he said,”
desired to establish an adequately
staffed office in Washington with
sufficient budget to carry on an
efective fight for the passage of |
the bill, but could only do so
when colored people themselves
supplied sufficient funds.”
Harlem Urban League
Official “Eats Words”
at Hearing
New York—CNA—James H.
Hubert, executive secretary of
the Harlem branch of the Urban
League was forced to “eat his
words” at a public hearing of
Mayor LaGuardia’s committee for
investigating the causes of the
March 19 out-break in Harlem.
Thea hearing was held April 13
at 147 151st Street in Harlem.
Mr. Hubert was asked by A.
W. Berry, acting national secre
tary of .he League of Struggle
for Negro Rights, “Do you en
dorse the Workers’ Bill; HR 2827
for Unemployment and Social In
surance?” Mr. Hubert replied,
“I do not endorse the bill because
of certain objectionable provi
sions in it.”
Cannot Answer
Mr. Hubert was then asked by
Fannie Horowitz, labor attorney,
what provision in the bill he ob
jected to. There was a long
silence during which the entire
audience of 700 Negro and white
persons waited for Mr. Hubert’s
reply. Finally Mr. Hubert de
clared that if he had a copy of the
Workers’ Bill he would point out
the “objectionable” provisions.
Immediately several persons leap
ed to the floor with copies of the
bill. Mr. Hubert read the bill,
and there was another long
Shouts from the audience
sounded, “What’s the matter
with bili?” Mr. Hubert then
stated that he bill was “very
fine,” that he endorsed it and
everybody should endorse it.
Called “Uncle Tom.”
Mr. Hubert was also asked why
he made a statement in the New
York Journal, Hearst owned; that
the March 19 outbreak was caus
ed by “red street corner-agitat
ors.” Bui he denied that he had
ever made such statements.
Negroes m the audience called
Mr. Hubert “Uncle Tom,” charg
ing that neither he nor the Urban
League were doing anything to
get jobs, or relieve the misery and
starvation suffered by Negroes in
Others who testified were:
Frank Crosswaith, Socialist party
leader, Norman Thomas, white,
prominent Socialist; Paul Blan
shard, white, representative of
Mayor La Guardia’s administra
tion; Bertram Taylor member of
Union Mechanics Association.
All of the evidence brought out
before the committee revealed
rank job discrimination against
Negro workers, both women and
Topeka Publisher Sued
for Ten Thousand
Elisha Sco't, NegTO Attorney,
Represents Plaintiff.
Topeka, Ivans., May 2—Charles
II. Trapp, editor of Pink Rag, a
small periodical published here,
was made the defendant in a ten
thousand dollar libel ease this
week in District court. The case
promises to be sensational due to
the prominence of the principals,
the basis upon which the plain
tiff went into court, and the
galaxy of legal talent engaged for
the anticiated court fight. The
plaintiff is Clara Juanita Arren
do. Both the plaintiff and defend
ands are white. The defendant,
Trapp, has secured some of the
ablest white barristers of this
section to represent him in the
case, while the plaintiff has se
cured the services of a Negro, at
torney Elish Scott, one of the
most widely known and acknow
ledged one among the ablest law
yers of the middlewest. The
plaintiffs action was brought on
a circular passed out an an alleg
ed speech which Trapp made at a
meeting of the Good Government
The Team That Played Babe Ruth in the
Denied All Rights in
. Rape Frame-up
New Orleans, La., —CNA—The
right to legal counsel, the right io
a hearing, the elementary rights
of an arrested citizen, has been
denied to Edward Sanford by the
police officials here. Sanford, al
leged to have attacked a white
woman on the morning of April
2, has been held incommunicado
ever since.
When, an International Labor
Defense attorney retained by San-:
ford’s family attempted to visit
him, the attorney was told to “get
the hell away” by the prison of
ficials. Mrs. Sanford also was de
nied permission to see her hus
“Raped” Woman Unknown
Authorities claim they have se
cured a “confession.” It has been
reported that the “confession”
was obtained through the most
brutal torture of Sanford. The
“ raped ”whLe woman has not
been named.
Although in jail over three
weeks, Sanford is still denied ar-'
raignment on a preliminary hear
ing, indicating the officials have j
no evidence. The local Interna
tional Labor Defense has issued
leaflets calling for mass protest
against the illegal detention and
brutal treatment of Sanford.
“Colored People,
Criminals” Classified
As Undesirables
New York, N. Y. May 16.—A
better homes exhibit in West
chester county under the general
sponsorship of the Federal Hous
ing Administrtaion has classified
a “undesirable” in a neighborh
“colored persons and persons
with a criminal record,” accord
ing to a news story appearing in
the Daily News May 7.
It all came out when the West
chester Better Homes Exposition
opened a model $12,000 house to
the public. Ticke.s were sold giv
ing each purchaser a chance to
win the home as a prize. In small
print on the ticket, however, the
committee reserved he right to
pay the winner $5,000 cash in
stead of the house if he ■were
deemed to be undesirable. A re
porter for the Daily News was
unable to get the men in highest
authority to define “undesirab
les,” but finally a spokesman said
colored people and criminals
would be so considered.
The N. A. A. C. P. has protest
ed to the New York office of ihe
FHA and has asked Attorney
General John J. Bennett to act to
halt the lottery.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Scores Filibuster
New York, May 10.—Miss Ed
na St. \ incent Millay, noted poet
and Pulitzer prize winner, ele
graphed President Roosevelt last
week expressing her desire to see
the Costigan-Wagner anti-lvnch
i ing bill become law and scoring
the Senate filibuster against it as
an “Aliee-in-Wonderland proced
j ure. ’ The telegram addressed to
i the White House read:
‘‘Is filibus ering a necessary
evil ? Has this country, which has
amended is constitution, and re
pealed its amendements, and is
consistently in a fluid state con
forming to the changing times,
no power whatever to rebuke and
to silence these frivolous men?
Must forever the time of high ex
ecutives and money of tax payers
be wasted, in order that a person
with nothing to say should be
permitted to say it indefinitely,
wi h the sole and admitted pur
pose of preventing from speaking
a serious representative of the
people with a problem to present?
‘‘I am and have always been a
stout believer in states’ rights. It
is with dismay always that I see
the rights of states, as the rights
of individual,s infringed upon.
Circumstances will arise, never
theless, in which the individual,
and most properly, is restrained
by his neighbors from acts of
violence. And similarly, circum
stances may arise in which the
state, and most properly, is re
strained by the concerted pres
sure of its neighboring states,
from acts of violence.
“I am in favor of the Costigan
Wagner Anti-lynching Bill. I am
emotionally and intellectually in
favor of it. I wish to see it go
“If however, it is defeated, I
should like it to be defeated by
sound argument and in dignified
assembly, and not by this out
moded, shameful, ludicrous, Alice
in Wonderland procedure.
“I am, Mr. President, with deep
respect. Yours Truly.”
“Edna St. Vincent Millay.”
Negroes Denied the Use
Of Swimming Pools
South Bend, Indiana—(CNA)—Ne
gro girls are not allowed to swim in
the High School pool here and no Ne
groes are permitted the use of the
public natatorium.
The South Bend officials also dis
criminate against the Negro popula
tion by refusing them the use of the
public gymnasium and denying them
the right to work in all but two fac
A local Scottsboro Committee is
broadening its work to include the
fight against all race discrimination
and segregation in South Bend.
Supreme Court Rulings
in the Lone Star State
Compares Rule In ScottsT>oro Case
With Texas
B • Kelly Miller
The Supreme Court of the United
States has handed down two vital de
cisions concerning the fulfillment of
the purpose and intent of the 15th
amendment (first, the nullification of
the Granrfather Clause, and second,
the recent decision on the Texas
Democratic Primaries) the first of,
these decisions was affirmative and i
the second negative in tenor. The
purpose of the 14th and 15th amend
ments was clearly to place the Negro
on a gooting of pclitcal equality with
the white race. This purpose has
been fully accomplished in States
which are disposed to have it so, and
has been frustrated in those States
of contrary mind. If the 15th amend
ment is observed in Massachusetts and
Kentucky and circumvented in Miss- j
issippi and Texas, it is because local i
sentiment favors it in the one case and
frowns upon it in the other- Federal
authority, whether political or judicial
has not been fully effective in enforc
ing the Civil War amendments against
local sentiment.
Both of these decisions, by the Su
preme Court, however, have had
theoretical rather than practical ef-1
feet- The nullification of the Grand
father Clauses, by unanimous decision
of the Supreme Court and through the
mouthpiece of Chief Justice White,
previously the Democratic Senator
from Louisiana, was justly claimed by
iNegro opinion throughout the country,
as r political deliverance of the race.
And yet this decision has had no prac
tical effect- The Grandfather Clauses,
when in full force and effect, did not
affect a sufficient number of white
voters in a single State to materially
change its political complexion. By
declaring this law unconstitutional,
not a single Negro gained the right to
vote. The only beneficial effect to the
Negro was that it keeps open the door
of hope against political discrimina
tion h’ Federal sanction. Political
conditions remained the same in the
South after th.s decision as they cverc j
The recent Texas Primary decision,
the lawyers tell me, was strictly in
accordance with the letter of the law,
although it undoubtedly contravenes
its spirit. A political party is de
clared to be a private organization
with the right to define and restrict
its own membership to race, sex or
creed, it has the perfect Constitutional
right to do so. If this policy were
widely followed in the different States
it would lead to such confusion as
would make orderly government im
possible- So much for the letter ver
sus the spirit of the Constitution.
But, as a matter of fact, no Negro
in Texas is deprived of his right to
vote nor to participate in the nomina
tion of any candidate of his choice, on
ly he cannot do so under style, title
and designation of the Democratic
party. He may join any part/ which
will admit h.m to membership or he
may form a paity of his own and set
its own conditions of membership.
Practically the Negroes in Texas,
ana tor that matter in the South gen
erally , are treated in the same way
by the Democratic and Republican
parties. The Democrats exclude them
from the primaries, through which the
candidates for office are nominated,
and the Republicans, by hook or crook,
exclude them from the nominating
conventions. There is no difference
of advantage between the attitude of
the Democrats and white Republicans
in the State of Texas, in so far as the
Negro is concerned.
The effect of this decision will be to
bring the Negro to his political senses.
As a sharply marked and easily differ
entiated minority, he is at the mercy
of majority opinion in the State and
community in which he resides- If the
dominant will of the white people in
Texas denies him full and equal par
ticipation in political procedure, his
fate will be determined by that judg
ment. iff, on the other hand, local
sentiment in Illinois grants him abso
lute political equality, it will be so for
the State of Ilinois. The enforcement
of the 15th amendment and the cur
tailment provision of the 14th amend
ment by national authority, is not a
part of the political mind of any serf- j
ous statesman. I believe that even
Congressman Tinkham of Massachu
setts and ex-Congressman DePriest of
Illinois have given up such hope.
All of this leads to the thought that
the Negro’s political salvation, such
as he may reasonably hope for, must
be secured by local propitiation and
not by national compulsion. If the
Negroes in Texas ever expect to gain
I the privilege of voting in Democratic
i primaries, it must be done through the
voters of Texas and not through legis
lation at Washington.
4t is interesting to note that this
Texas decision was by unanimous con
currence of the Justices of the Su
preme Court, the majority of whom
are Republicans. This decision was
delivered through the mouthpiece of
Justice Roberts, a staunch Pennsyl
vania Republican, who was nominated
to take the place of (Judge J. J Par
ker, a lily-white of North Carolna.
There was neither sectionalism nor
partisanship in this decision. It
merely brings the Negro to a realiz
ing sense of the pol.tical si.uatlon
which confronts him, North and South,
East and West. The Negroes united
and protested against the nomination
of Judge Parker to the Supreme Bench
with a salutary unanimity for fear
that his confirmation might seriously
blast their political future- But alas,
and alas, the staunch Northern Repub
lican who supplanted him became the
mouthpiece of a decision which blights
his political hope.
The Republican partisans of the
Perry Howard stripe, of whom there
are a few left will seek to dramatize
this action to frighten the Northern
Negroes away from the Democratic
party. But this is but a part of the
same old bugaboo which this
brand of leadership has been frighten
ing the Negro ever since Emancipa
tion. The fact is, the two parties re
main just as they did before as to
their attitude toward the Negro
Where the number of Negroes is rela
tively small, they are accorded equal
political rights and privileges by the i
Democrats and Republicans alike. On
the other hand, where the number of
Negroes is large enough to threaten
the white political dominance, they are
limited and restricted in their politi
cal rights and privileges. Unfortu
nately, the one set of conditions pre
vails in the South and the other in the
North, but it runs deeper than political
division between parties, which is not
deep at all
In this struggle for full political
equality, North and South and East
and West, the Negro must realize it is
a condition and not a theory, which
confronts him.
Junior C of C to Sponsor
“Omaha Play Day”
At Krug Park
Seeking to earn money both for
charitable and c vie activities that it
undertakes during the year and to
build up a fund for sending delegates
to the U. S. Junior Chamber conven
tion. the Omaha Junior Chamber of
Commerce has arranged to operate
Krug Park on its opening day and to
present an unusual entertainment bar
This event, “Omaha Play Day”, was
inaugurated with great success last
year, and is scheduled for Saturday,
May 25th, 1935
Cb’ldren under 12 years of age will
be admitted to the park and given the
privilege cf all rides for only 25 cents.
Adults will nay 50 cents each for ad
m ssion, use of rides and dancing, ac
cording to President John J. Gillin of
the Junior Chamber.
“Practically the en'ire receipts
above bare operating expenses will go
into the twm Jun.or Chamber funds.
Good earrings will mean that we can
coninue with such activities as the
4-H Bab;- Beef sale which was begun
last ear, our traditional summer pic
nic for orphans, the county manager
tv-G :nn campaign, etc ”, President
Gillin declared.
The park will open at 1 p. m. on
Saturday and will remain open until I
midnight. Anyone wishing to do so
can come in at the start and stay un
til the end for the one price. Tickets
an be obtained from any member of
the Junior Chamber or at Krug Park
on “Omaha Play Day”.
Electric Industry
Threatened By The
Wheeler-Rayburn Bill
The electric industry, in normal
times one of the largest spenders in
the industrial field, is being intimidat
ed and held back from further expan- j
sion by the administration’s threat of :
unfair legislation, Roy Page, vice
president and general manager of the
Nebraska Power Co-, declared in a
radio address Monday night. He
spoke on the regular weekly program
of the power company.
Page, in his analysis of what he
termed the “unfair legislation” as em
bodied in the Wheeler-Rayburn bill,
now pending in Congress, used his own
company as an example of how the
entire electric industry is threatened.
“In Omaha and Council Bluffs alone,”
he said, “before the depression, we
used to spend a million dollars a year
for additions to our system to provide
for the increased needs of our custo
mers .
“Last year we spent only a little
over $200,000. If things were normal
and business was not faced with
doubts and uncertainties brought
about by legislation of this type, there
is no doubt in my mind but that we
would again be back to spending what
upon receipt of 10c in coin or stamps to cover
shipping costs. Also most attractive agents
proposition on one of the best known end
fastest selling race lines. Write
Memphis I inn..
Dept. NP-53
wo d d ir. normal times
“It has been claimed that the pas
sage of these proposed laws would aid
recover \ Nothing could be fartther
from the truth- Instead, the feeling
e.' uncertainty that this legislation
creates is holding back an industry in normal times is one of the
largest spenders of money for con
struction . ”
Page pointed out that many state
commissions charged with the respon
sibility of regulating utility opera
f or.s within their own borders had
->rotested the passage of the proposed
legislation because it would be a fla
grant invasion of states rights.
In this connection, he said:
“The Nebraska Power Co., and the
Citizens Power & Light Co., serve
Omaha and Council Bluffs and the
nearby communities. Their problems
are local. Their dealings are with
their customers and they should be
regulated by those who know local
conditions and needs.
“If regulation is transferred to
Washington the only results can be a
loss of efficiency and impairment of
Race Problem in
Politics Still Acute
Dallas, Tex., May 14.—The United
States Supreme Court, in upholding
the Texas Democratic primary bar
against Negroes, “settled the question
legally, but the problem of orienting
the Negro into the political system
cf the South still remains,” Dale Mil
ler, associate editor of “The Texas 1
Weekly,” white Dallas magazine, de
clared in an editorial published April
“The Negro problem in Texas has
"ot been escaped by the finality of
the Supreme Court opinion which sus
tained the action of the Democratic
party in barring Negroes from partic
ipation in its primaries,” the maga
zine editorial said, “but by the ‘Negro
problem’ is not meant the proverbial
‘race problem,’ with its legendary con
notation of two races living estranged
in a maladjusted society. Texas has
no race problem, of course; whites and
blacks move in their respective
spheres as orderly as stars in their
orbits, and irregularities which occur
are neither more numerous nor fla
grant than those which occur in so-1
defies otherwise constituted. But
the problem which has not been es
caped is the responsibility of Texas
and the South to acclimate the Negro
in their political system,” the editorial
Concluding, Mr. Miller writes:
“Political discrimination against the
Negro should be based purely on the
grounds of illiteracy, rather than col-i
or. Ill.teracy can be overcome in time, ■
color cannot, and a Negro population
educated in the responsibilities of citi
zenship would redound ultimately to
the betterment of the State and the
Houston ‘Playboy’
In $15,000. Law Suit
Del\ alt Sued By Girl In Breach Of
Premise Suit
Houston, Tex., May 14—0. P. De
Walt Jr., Houston playboy and son
of the late 0. P. DeWalt, Houston
theater magnate, was named in a i
$15,000 breach of promise suit filed
here last week by Miss Leilia Guidry,
of Iota, La-, who said he “backed
down” on a marriage promise.
The young woman, an attractive 19
year-old girl of French features filed
the suit through her father, Edward
Guidry. She declared in her petition
that young DeWalt “is a man of
wealth and has money and pro pert •
worth about $30,000.” She claims that
hei parents are poor people and his
breach of promise “robbed her of all
the comforts and conveniences that
his wealth and position would have af
forded her.”
Miss Guidry asserts that she met De
Walt in 1932 and that in 1933 he pro
posed marriage and she consented. As
late as May, 1934, no definite plans
for the ceremony had been made, she
stated, and she left for a brief so
journ in Detroit, Mich.
Miss Guidry claims that she secured
gainful employment while in Detroit,
but that DeWalt wrote her to come
back to set the date of the marriage.
She gave up her job and came back
to Houston. They set Christmas for
■ ... ——'U..-1 . )
the date of the marriage- 1934. She
sa d that afterwards DeWalt came to
her home in Iota, La., where they
mutually agreed upon January, 1935.
Since Miss Guidry is a Catholic, it was
necessary to see her priest and get a
special dispensation.
Miss Guidry maintains that DeWalt
had promised to come to Iota and get
the dispensation before. They failed
to marry Christmas, January 30, 1935.
This he failed to do, but did come a
few days later and went with her to
see the priest and arranged the mat
ter. The date of the ceremony this
time was set for February 13, 1935.
'.Definite plans were made and her
relatives and friends were invited to
witness the nuptials, according to
Miss Guidry, but DeWalt did not ap
pear the day the marriage was sched
uled to take place.
| Because Iota, La-, is a small town,
Miss Guidry said that she was hu
miliated and “caused great mental and
physical pain and distress” by subse
quent gossip.
Furnished Room for gentleman.
2215 N. 27th Avenue.
Furnished room for rent. WE. 4862_
Furnished Apt. 3 rooms. Gas and
electricity. Call AT. 1300.
2 room Kitchenette Apt. for rent, light
water and heat for the room fur
nished. Mrs. Johnson, 2914 No.
25th Street.
Furnished Apartments, Reasonable.
WEbster 2243.
LOVE’S Kitchenette apartment for
rent at 2518 Patrick Ave., 1702 N.
26 St., and 2613 Grant St. We. 555?
FOR RENT—Unfurnished room and
kitchenette, light, gas, heat, furnish
ed, 2909 No. 26th Street.
FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms
Call WEbster 4042.
Two room apt. and use of kitchen
We. 4162.
One 3 room apt. for rent. WE. 4044
or 1417 N. 24th Street.
Wig Making, Braids, etc., AT- 7356.
W. L. Parsley, Propr.
Phone Web. 0567 2851 Grant
Omaha, Nebr.
A. E. and J. E. Bennett, 2215 Cum
mings St- Phone Ja- 0696
ICE NONE BETTER; 2407 Lake St- ,
Frank Stuto, Shoe Repairing while
you wa t. 2420Cuming Street.
For Backache, Kidney
and Bladder Trouble
Here’s one good way to flush harm
ful waste from kidneys and stop blad
der irritation that often causes scanty,
burning and smarting passage. Ask
your druggist for a 35-cent box of
Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules—a
splendid safe and harmless diuretic
and stimulant for weak kidneys and
irritated bladder. Besides getting up
trouble and backaches, puffy eyes, leg
cramps, and moist palms, but be sure
to get GOLD MEDAL—it’s the gen
uine medicine for weak kidney—right
from Haarlem in Holland
WHEN every
thing you at
i tempt is a burden
" —when you are
fi nervous and irri
\ table—at your
4 wit’s end—try
F this medicine. It
may be iust what
you need for extra
energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus ot
Trenton, New Jersey, says, "After
doing just a little work I had to lie
down. My mother-in-law recom
mended the Vegetable Compound.
I can see a wonderful change now."
Damp Wash
3-c Per Pound
Minimum bundle 48c
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St. We 6055