The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 11, 1935, Image 1
SWAW’AWWWdW. VAWUWVWWAVW 5c Per Copy VOLUME IX OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, May 11th, 1935 NUMBER NINE I.B.P.O.E. To Hold Annual OratoricaD Contest BURKE JOINS FIGHT FOR ANTI-LYNCH BILL % % y % y % ..— % y> y ;.;r % % % U. S. Supreme Court Flays Negro Jury Exclusion -- T , , T ! oTJ ! JuLonor I BH *. ■» I . ■13 Mother”! • . • . By R A Adams | ] (For The Literary Service Bureau) She may be old and wrinkled, now, "With time’s deep furrows on her brow, The color faded from her cheek She may be tremulous, and weak. But, since she loves you, as no otheer, Be kind and gentle with your mother, j Altho unlettered she may be, Not inured to society, And may unswervingly refuse To coincide with modem views, And chides for one thing and another, Remember still, she is your mother. Remember what she is to you, How kind, unselfish, loyal, true. She has been unto you, alway, And. since the debt you cannot pay, To her who loves as can no other, Give honor due to your old mother! South Repudiated The Filibuster Hears Reports on Industrial and Agricultural Conditions and Approves Farm Ownership Bill Special tc The Omaha Guide Atlanta, Ga.. May 9.—The Com mission on Inter-racial Coopera tion, in seventeenth annual ses sion here yesterday, went on rec ord as favoring the enactment of federal anti-lvnching legislation, «nd considered at length the status of Negro in industry and agriculture. The anti-lyning statement was brought in by a committee headed by Forrester B. Washington, director of the At lanta School of Social Work, and was adopted without a dissent ing vote. Dr. Geo. S. Mitchell, of Colum bia University, reported the re sults of a national survey of the economic status of Negroes em (Continued on Page 3) Social Workers to Meet in Canada, June 9-15 Special to The Omaha Guide. Columbus. Ohio—Several men and women who are leaders both j in national Negro affairs and the field of social work will partici pate in the Sixty second Annual meetng of the National Confer-! ence of Social Work, June 9-15, in Montreal, Canada, it was revealed in the program just released here by Katherine F. Lenroot, Presi dent of the National Conference. Miss Lenroot is chief of the Children’s Bureau in the Depart ment of Labor at Washington. At least 6.000 persons from every part of the United States and Canada are expected to at tend the Montreal meeting, ac cording to Miss Lenroot. Three hundred speakers are scheduled to discuss social work problems and devise ways to meet current issues. Prominent in this list is George E. Haynes, secretary of the Race Relations Department of the Fed (Continued on Page 2) --- DEMOCRATIC SENATOR OPPOSES ADJOURNMENT Edward R. Burke . . . “as kindly as the twinkle In his eyes.” The Honorable Senator Edward E. Burke stood by his convictions on barbarism to the last vote in the United States Senate Cham ber. Alhough he is forced to work, bargain and trade with the south ern senators on many matters of importance, he stood by his con victions on what he thought was right. Senator Burke is to be congratulated on taking the stand he did to help stamp out the un American, shameful act of lynch ing and burning of human beings. For sis days the southern sena tors filibustered and took many votes in private committee meet ings. and many arguments and trades were offered across the lunch tables and on the floor of the United States Senate Cham ber, but every time the vote was counted, the Honorable Senator Edward R. Burke was found firm ly supporting the N. A. A. C. P. Anti-'vnch bill, introduced by the Honorable Senator Costigan, of Colorado and the Honorable Senator Wagner, of New York. Not only is Colored America proud of Nebraska’s Jnior Senator, but also 40,000,000 Chris tian American eitizens. who sign ed petitions to make this bill a law, take their hats off to the Honorable Senator Edward R. Burke, of Nebraska. Assured Answer Sent To Local Branch N. A. A. C. P. Telegram The Omaha Branch N. A. A. C. P. leading the fight locally for the pas sage of the Wagner-Costigan Anti Lynch Bill, had telegrams supporting the bill on the desk of both Nebraska Senators Monday, April 29th, the day the southern senators’ filibuster was scheduled to begin in the United States Senate Senator Edward R. Burke, Demo crat, Nebraska, responded to the Branch’s telegram, both by action and letter, voting to bring the measure to the floor of the Senate for action and against the southern filibuster to scuttle the bill by adjournment. The Omaha Branch N. A. A. C. P. telegraphed Senator Burke as follows: — WESTERN UNION — Omaha, Nebraska, April 28, 1935 Senator Edward R Burke, Senate Bldg. Washington, D. C. Request your support Wagner Costigan Anti-Lynch Bill. The Omaha Court House Lynching remains a blot on fair name of Nebraska. Justice dictates necessity of ending National disgrace. We citizens of Nebraska are confident you will align with jus tice, fair play, orderly government, the right to a day in Court, the sanc tity of human life and against lynch ing and mockery of the Halls of Jus tice- Inability of stalls to cope with lynching evil indicates imperative need of Federal legislation. Oath to sup port constitution guaranteeing the right to life, liberty, pursuit of hu man happiness and trial by Jury calls for affirmative action- We trust you will assert the true intent of the con stitution and its safeguards by voting and working for the passage of the Wagner-Cost igan Anti-Lynch Bill - Omaha Branch N. A. A. C. P. By Wesley Jones, President Charles F. Davis, Legal Redress Senator Burke Addresses following reply: UNITED STATES SENATE Committee On the Judiciary April 29, 1935 Mr. Wesley Jones, Omaha Branch National Association Advancement of Colored People, Omaha, Nebraska. Re: Wagner-Costigan Anti-Lynching Bill. My dear Mr. Jones:— The telegram signed by yourself and Charles F. Davis is at hand in which you express your strong support of the Wagner-Costigan Anti-Lynching Bill. The evil which this bill aims to cure is one of the most serious that con fronts the country. I am willing to give my support to any measure that aims to rid the country of such a ter rible condition. For that reason, I have been supporting Senator Costi gan fully in his efforts to bring the matter to a vote and secure its pas sage. Very truly yours, (Signed) Edward R. Burke, Edward R Burke, U- S. S. Inter-racial Commission Endorses Federal Law Washington, D. C., May 9.— The bombshell in the Senate measure was the last minute en dorsement of a federal anti lynehing bill by the powerful southern Commission on Inter-ra eial Cooperation of Atlanta, which heretofore had stood steadfastly against federal legislation. The commission met April 25th and adopted a resolution favoring a federal law which Dr. Will Alex ander its director, promptly sent to every southern senator and to the press, as well as to Senator Costigan. The resolution declared in part: “Disappointed by this record of impotence on the part of state and loeal officials, the commission has reluctantly been forced to the conclusion that little is to be ex pected from this source at least in the immediate future, and that an appeal to the federal courts in such cases is justified and de manded by the conditions. “The commission favors, there fore, the enactment of federal legislation to this end, in the hope N A A C P STARTS DRIVE TO FORCE EARLY VOTE ; --( George S. Schuyler Congratulates Manager and Newspaper George S* Schuyler, noted journalist, explorer, organizer and author, who helped to organize the Omaha Citizens’ Cooperative League in 1931, and who has been instrumental in the exposure of the southern chain gang system, sent a letter of congratulations to C. C. Galloway for the improved editions of the Omaha Guide and for the appointment to the California Pa cific International Exposition. I - Washington. May 9—“The anti-lynching bill is by no means beaten for the rest of the session.” declared Senator Edward P. Cos tigan; Democrat, Colo., upon emerging from a conference of opponents of the measure plan ning future strategy. He declared that the displace ment of his motion to consider the bill “was a parliamentary victory rather than a test of the bill it self.” Senator Costigan is co-au thor with Robert F. Wagner; Democrat. New York, of the bill. Walter White, secretary of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People which is actively sponsoring the anti-lynching bill, announced to day a new nationwide drive to force immediate action on the (Continued on Page 2) that federal agents and courts would be in a be.ter position to act fearlessly and effectively in the prosecution of participants in the crime of lynching.” Elks’ Orator ical Contest Entries from Omaha and Lincoln High Schools __ Iroquois Lodge No. 92 I. B. P. 0. Elks of the M orld will hold their an nual elimination oratorical contest, June 4. The winner will go to the Reg.onal contest June 9, which will be held in Kansas City, Mo-, as a feature of the Mid-West Association of Elks Lodges of this district which com prises the States of Missouri, Kansas, | Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska and Okla homa. The winner of the Regional : contest -will compete at the finals the latter part of August at the meeting1 of the Elks Grand Lodge meet at | Washington, D. C. The winner of the first prize will be awarded a scholarship of $150.00 and the other 5 contestants will be award ed $100.00. The scholarship runs j for 4 years, only contingent on the ability of the student to make the credits required of them by the Uni (Continued on Page 8) Man Was Murdered “Just For Nothing^’ Letahatehie, Ala.—CNA—Tom Scott was eold-bloodedly murder ed here by Arnold Dean, white, just for nothing,” stated a sharecropper here last week. Scott and Dean got into a dis pute on Sunday. Dean’s son went away, secured a fake warrant and returned to arrest Scott. He threw Scott into a car, car ried him a third of a mile from here and shot him dead. New Beauty Shop to Open Soon Miss Mabel Thomas, 2706 Erskine Street, daughter of Rev. J. F. Thomas, who has been an operator in Willa’s Beauty Shoppe for the past several years, will open her own shop in the very near future. Miss Thomas’ shop will be located just south of the Ritz Theater. OKLAHOMA NEGROES DEMAND JURY SERVICE Nebraskans to Have Special Reception Rooms at the Fair Special to The Omaha Guide. San Diego, Calif.. May 9.—Ne braskans California and America’s Exposition in San Diego this summer will find special reception rooms for them in picturesque Balboa Park, where the World’s Fair will open May 29. In reception rooms in the mag nificent House of Hospitality, fronting the flower-bordered Plaza del Facifico, the Federa tion of States Socities, composed of former citizens of other states, maintains headquarters. Here visitors from Nebraska will be greeted by former Nebraskans, who will offer their services as guides, informants and who will aid visitors in locating friends from home who now reside in California. In addition to these activities, the California Pacific Interna tonal Exposition, through Gov ernor Frank F. Merriman, is ex tending the typical western brand of hospitality to the chief execu tives of other states. When the California Pacific In ternational Exposition opens on May 29. it will be the first world’s fair on the Pacific Coast in twen ty years. Staged in Balboa Park, whose 1,400 acres of beautiful landscaping make it the largest public park in the west and one of the loveliest in the world, America’s Exposition wTill be dedicated to the four centuries that have seen its advance from the day Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo discovered San Diego in 1542 to its present eminence in the sister hood of states. This past that is so filled with drama, the present that is so brilliant and even a glimpse of the future which promises a new era of development in the west will be depicted by the Exposi tion. The great projects now un der way in the western states have been the focus of all eyes. Boulder Dam, the Grand Coulee development, the San Francisco Trans-bay Bridges, the All-Ameri can Canal and a host of other en gineering movements that predict a glowing future for the far west. Art and science, commerce and industry will be merged in Ameri ca ’s Exposition. Housed in beau tiful exhibit palaces of Spanish Renaissance architecture, great industrial firms of the nation, cultural and educational institu tions and others will display ex hibits. Along the midway the finest amusements in the country will be found with a complete Midget City populated by nearly a hund red of the little people. Other shows will include the Snake Farm, Gold Gulch, a full sized mining camp of the ’49 era in which the life of those days will be completely mirrored, Ripley’s “Believe It or Not” attraction, Gay’s famous Lion Farm and many others. Truly there will be gala days in San Diego this'summer. At4orney General Denies Jury Exclusion of Negroes. Washington, May 9.—Argument on the unconstitutional exclusion of qualified Negroes from jury was heard in the United States Sitpreme Court Monday and Tues day, April 29 and 30, in the ease of Jess Hollins vs. State of Okla homa. Hollins had been convicted and senteneed to electrocution in Okmulgee county, Oklahoma, for the alleged rape of a white girl. In the United States Supreme Court the N. A. A. C. P.’s brief showed that no Negro had ever served on a jury in Okmulgee county since Oklahoma became a State in 1907, in spite of the fact that Negroes constituted seventeen per cent of the total population of the county and were fully quali fied in every respect for jury i service. Neither the jury commis sioners nor the sheriff had ever j called a Negro for jury duty. At the trial the shex-iff had tes tified they did not summon Ne groes for jury duty although he admitted there was a large num ber of Negro voters in the county and he personally knew some of them to be good eitizens. One of the Deputy Sheriffs testified at (Continued on Page 3) Police Shoots Man; Then Laughs at Him Orange, N. J.—CNA—Shooting Silas Coleman three times in the back and once in the leg, last Alonday, was a matter of fun to the police authorities here. Coleman was accused of theft and run down by police. Last year Coleman had a bullet re moved from his lung and 27 stitches put in his head. He is a very sick man ,but all he can get out of the local police auth orities and the local press is a horse laught, for being “indest rutible,, and “tough.” Inter-racial Group Favors Federal Anti-Lynch Law Washington, May 9.—It is the consensus of opinion here that the seven-day struggle for the pas sage of the Costigan-Wagner anti lynching bill raised the fight for a federal law to a new high. Although Senator Ellison D.; Cotton, Ed Smith of South Caro lina showed great joy when the Senate finally voted adjournment, the more intelligent Southern solons did not entirely share his jubilation. The reason for their worry was the fact that the sup posedly Solid South had been split wide open by the fight. Powerful southern newspapers like the Macon Ga., Telegraph; the Richmond Ta. Times-Dispatch, The Greensboro N. C. Daily News, and the New Orleans Item, had denounced and repudiated the filibuster in vigorous terms. Hun dreds of telegrams and letters from powerful Southern groups and individuals, both white and colored, favoring passage of the bill had deluged its senatorial supporters. Senator Costigan read pages of such messages into the Congressional Record. It is con sidered highly significant, on the other hand, that not one telegram, (Continued on Page 7) ttend Some Church On Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12th.