I’REVEALING' - i/Dur PAfI, PRESENT oruX EUIDRE •• & ABSBf WALLACE It V- D. G.—What is the best thing for me to do concerning the property that I now own? Ans.—'List this property with a local REAL ESTATE AGENT for sale. This house and lot is not the type of place that you are interested in living in and > he quicker you sell it the less expense you will have to assume to keep it repaired and you won’t be able to get a better price in the next few years than you can right now. N. H. M-, Jr—I am just a far mer’s son and I wrant to know if I will realize my ambition? Ans.—It would be unwise for you to dispose of your farm and go west. Due to the recent dust storms in the middle west it is not likely that you could make a success of Farming this spring To locate further south would prove profitable for you. L. B.—I haven’t seen the boy I took to be my boy friend in several weeks. Please tell me what is the trouble ? Ans.—Your boy friend had to leave town on PERSONAL BUSINESS and has not had ime to communicate with you. You w 11 see him within the next ten days and he will give you the low down concerning his disappear ance. F. G-—Will my brother-in-law ever right me for what I have done for him? Ans.—He will—but it will be sev eral more years before he will be able to compensate you for caring for his THREE MOTHERLESS CHILDREN Since his wife died he has not held a permanent job for any length of time and has not been able to save any money but }je does intend to do the right thing at a later date O. C.—Should I take my mother’s advice ? ,Ans.—Don’t fail to—mother knows best. In advising you to attend a boarding school she is absolutely right- Although it will be difficult to finance this course, it will turn out very profitable for you and your mother in the end. C. E- M—I met a man and fell in love with h m. He has been separat ed from his wife and now she wants him back. What shall I do? Ans.—The thing for you to do is not to put too much confidence in this man. He has been separated from his wife for NINE YEARS in case you don’t know it, and for this reason has every expectation to remain sepa rated . In my opinion he doesn’c mean as much to you as you would like to believe. Prepare yourself for a dis appointment. F- E- C.—Will the reputation I have won on my present job lead me to stead/ employment? Ans.—I see no reason for you to be worried about your present line of work. It looks to me like the next l few years will be decidedly prosperous ones for you. Don’t make the mis take of not saving some of your earn ings for a rainy day. L- M. L.—Tell me who took m'y money and who took my pin and will I ever get them back? Ans.—It is my opinion that both the pin and the money were taken by the same person. I would say this person to be a boy and if yove're All Happy Now— IS a victim of liquor. Lays Li tile!.: ary Lee be- it should be just the causeMothcrfoundbow thing you want. All to cont rol Tupa's Whls> . key Drinking (and wo yOU,have to do ts •<> want every woman to send your name and know iioutit). address and v.c- will send absolutely FREE, in plain wrapper, a trial package of GOLDEN TREATMENT. You will be thankful as long as you live that you did it. Address Dr. J. W. Haines Co, i 319 Glenn Building. Cincinnati, Ohio. Another RECORD-BREAKER f) Hair Grower! SPEED... that's what you want when you start to GROW HAIR . . . that's what you get with this remarkable, doubly-ac tive, scientific Black and White Hair Grower! Not only does it grow hair FAST but grows it in ABUNDANCE ... lots of hair, more than you ever dreamed of, and it’s soft and silken, too. That’s be cause this extremely rap* id grower has special in gredients in it that nour* ish the scalp glands and help Nature GROW . LONG HAIR QUICK! Large can only 25c. DRESS . . your hair in any atyle with Black and White Hair Dreiaing. White, 50c; Amber, 25c, PROTECT.., hair from burning and •torching. Use Black and White Glouine. 25c a can. ! LAY DOWN , your hair and keep it down with Black and White Pomade. Beat you ever uaed. 25c for large can. TUNE IN "PLEASURE 1SLAHD" WEDNESDAY NIGHT. NBC NETWORK Damp Wash 3*0 Per Pound Minimum bundle 48c EMm & Sherman LAUNDERER and dry cleaners 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 k . —