The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 04, 1935, Image 1

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    Wage Fight To Win Reversal In Case Of Angelo Herndon
" —---- ■ — —. .
Per Copy
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
France Commended For Justice To Negro Race
I 9
7 *
iBeresford Gale Dead?
• i
? in London; Striking l
• |
• Figure Decade Ago \
I 1
London, Eng., May 2—(ANP For
eign Correspondence) -— Beresford
Gale is dead The dashing broker who
climbed the ladder of life to fame and
fortune during the boom days, when
he was a stockbroker in Philadelphia,
passed away in London last week- He
had been in London four years, com
ing here as Grand Traveling Represen
tative of the Improved Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks.
Mr. Gale was a native of Jamaica,
but he spent most of his life in the
United States and had become an
American citizen through naturaliza
tion. Tall, slender, well groomed, a
natural leader and a super salesman,
Gale, naturally gravitated toward the
top of any enterprise in which he was
engaged. While yet a youngster he
came to England in 1901 as a member
of the Williams and Walker troupe,
which played “In Dahomey” at the
Shaftesbury Theatre for eleven
In Philadelphia he developed a busi
ness as a stock broker. Opening mag
nificent offices on Broad street his
name became synonomous with grand
deals, high finance and luxury. He
was reputed to have been the first Ne
gro 1b America to own a Rolls Royce
In 1930 he came to England as a
representative of the Elk Grand Lodge
He quickly became a factor in the
life of the colored colony here He es
tablished an active lodge of the order
here in London and arranged for an
annual service at Westminister Abbey
where sermons were preached by
Canon F. L. Donaldson
Just before his death he took a
rather important part in the film
“Sanders of the River”, starring Paul
Memorial services were held at the
Church of St. Giles-In-The-Fields,
Bloomsbury. Mrs. Beresford Gale
survives ■
New York Republican
Club Backs Costigan
Wagner Bill
New York, May 2.—The Repub
lican Club of the 22nd Assembly
District of this city has passed a
resolution denouncing mob viol
ence and urging passage of the
Costigan-Wagner federal anti
lynehing bill. Copies of the reso
Island held its contest, March
Roosevelt, Senator Joseph T. Rob
inson and Senators Royal S. Cope
land, Robert Wagner and Edward
P. Costigan.
Yellow Cab and Jitney
Collide; Man Injured
Mr. J. F. Smith, 2711 Blondo
Street, was seriously injured when a
yellow cab and a jitney collided at
17th and Dodge Streets last Tuesday
Mr- Smith suffered two fractured
ribs- He is at home under the care
of Dr. Impy.
Norris Votes For Adjournment on
Costigan-Wagner Bill
Washington, D. C. May 2.—It
Senate majority leader Joseph T.
Robinson thought he would catch
proponents of the Costigan-W ag
ner ami-lynching bill napping
last Friday afternoon, he was sad
ly mistaken.
Long before the Senate assemb
led, Walter White. N. A. A. C. P
Secretary, who is down here di
recting ihe fight for the bill,
hear about the Dixie manoeuyer
to move to adjourn. Such action
ins.ead of taking a recess as
usual would automatically have
displaced the anti-lynching biii
on the calendar as pending busi
ness and relegated it to the hot
tom of the calendar where it;
would have remained until all;
other “important” bills were dis
posed of. Plans were promptly;
made to circumvent this strategy.;
At 1 p. m. Mr. M hite sent a
long telegram to President Roose
velt telling him of the “gravity
of the situation” and that “it is
rumored that Senate plans to ad
journ instead of recess today.”
Declaring that “fifty-nine senat
ors have indicated their inten
tion to vote for the bill” and
chine the 53.000.000 persons sup
porting the bill who would be;
“bitterly disappointed if there is
any indication of surrender,” the
telegram urged that “only a word
from you to the Senate or to the
country at large will break the
filibuster and insure vote on the
Mr. White received no reply
from the President and all ef
| forts to reach him for a confer
• ence were unavailing.
Thrilled bv Adjournment Clash
No sooner had Senator Robin
son made the expected move for
adjournment, than Senator Cos
tigan and Senator McNary .the
Minority Leader, leaped to their
feet demanding a record vote. An
electric thrill went through the
galleries as the senators were
called back to the floor from the
ante-rooms. The motion was lost
but the vote was very close, 34 to
33, marking a victory for propon
ents of the anti-lynching bill..
Chagrined by his defeat. Senator
Robinson then moved to recess to
noon Saturday. This was a move
to “punish” the Senators by tak
ing away their week-end, in the
hope of tiring them out.
White Cracks Whip
Promptly after the recess sup
porters of the bill held a confer
ence on ways and means of bring
ing pressure to bear on Senators
like Couzens of Michigan and
Murphy, of Iowa tcLti^ell down
by voting with the South for ad
journment. ' s
Those who voted for adjourn
ment and scuttling of the bill
were: Adams, Colorado; Bailey,
North Carolina; Bankhead. Ala
bama ; Bilbo. Mississippi; Black,
Alabama: Brown. New Hamp
shire ; Bulow, South Dakota; Byr
nes, South Carolina; Caraway,
Arkansas: Connally, Texas; Die
terich, Illinois; Duffy, Wisconsin;
Fletcher. Florida; Gerry, Rhode
(Continued on Page 6)
) -i.
Miss Alma Goodlett, 2860 Lake
Street, was overcome by pas Tuesday
morning at her home She was dis
covered by Mr Jim Greer. The po
lice were summoned and she was
treated and left at home
It seems that she had turned the gas
on but had neglected to l.pht it. Her
condition was not serious.
Exposition Tickets go on
San Diego, Calif., May 2—Tickets
for the California Pacific International
Exposition, which opens May 29, were
on sale today in hotels, travel bureaus,
industrial plants, department stores
and other accredited agencies through
out the United States
There will be three types of tickets,
a non-transferable season ticket, a
special non-transferable 20-admission
ticket, and combination souvenir books
containing five admissions, which lat
ter will be transferable The first
named ticket will be sold for $10, the
second for $5, the third for $2.50.
General admission will be fifty cents
for adults, and twenty-five cents for
children up to twelve years.
Meanwhile, the gigantic task of
building America’s Exposition for
1935 is moving ahead with leaps and
Thousands of workmen labor day
and night to assure the millions ex
pected to attend that the Exposition
will be ready and waiting to exhibit
the wonders of mankind’s progress
over the past 400 years on opening
day May 29
Construction is moving rapidly
ahead in the newly developed Pali
sades section of Balboa Park, site of
the Exposition, with buildings more
than 80 percent complete.
The SI,500,000 Amusement Zone is
taking shape, with eight structures
already erected and work under way
on many others. The Spanish Village
is complete.
The Republic of Mexico will partici
pate officially in America’s Exposi
tion, it was announced this week
The famous Monte Alban jewels,
priceless Mayan relics, will be brought
to the Exposition in an entire car of
the Mexican presidential train, under
guard of a company of Mexican sol
diers .
Negotiations are under way to
bring to the Exposition the famous
“Tipica Orquestra” one of the world’s
best known musical organizations, and
the equally famous “Charros” horse
Lectures Draw Crowds
The series of lectures, conducted by
Rev. Miller at 24 th and Grant
Streets, have met with great success.
Sunday night Rev. Miller says that
approximately 350 persons attended
Each following night his audiences
have been large and appreciative.
Suspension of Officials
Who Executed Man
“By Mistake”
Los Angeles. Calif.,—CNA—
For a “routine error” which re
sulted in the hanging of a Negro
prisoner, Deputy County Clerk
Arthur Moore, was suspended for
thirty days.
An appeal filed by the attorney
for Rush Griffin, 20-year-old
victim, would have stayed the ex
ecution had not Moore delayed
the forwarding of the proper le
gal papers.
The suspension came onlv after
- —. c
Deals Impartially
With All Citizens
French Negroes Consider France
Principal Emancipator of
The Race
Chicago, May 2 (ANP)—By strange
coincidence last week, while southern
members of the United States Senate,
arose almost en masse to fight the
Costlgan-Wagner anti-lynching bill, a
letter from Gratien Candace, a mem
ber of the French parliament from
Guadeloupe, reached a friend in this
The words of Deputy Candace from
across the sea were such as to stir
with deep emotion the Negroes of the
United States, victims of wage dif
ferentials under the NBA, victims of
the inequities of the Agricultural Ad
justment Act, victims of lynching,
victims of economic and cultural dis
While twelve million American Ne
groes were forced to listen to the
voice of racial prejudice raised in the
highest legislative chamber of their
country, this grand black man from
across the sea sent them a message
painting the glories of French justice
toward her black citizens
France Believes in Justice
“France follows a policy of good
ness, generosity and justice toward
Negroes,” wrote Deputy Candace.
“She establishes no difference between
blacks and whites, and the sentiments
of the France of the Third Republic
are the same as those of the France
of the Revolution which broke the
chains of slavery and made blacks citi
zens of France: also, they are those
of the France of the Second Republic
which proclaimed that no French ter
ritory could henceforth harbor slaves,
and which made blacks and citizens
of mixed blood the same as citizens of
the white race
“This explains why all French Ne
(Continued on Page 2)
the authorities were swampedT
with numerous protests by milit
ant Negro and white groups.
Los Angeles N. A. A. C.
P. Probing Illegal
Los Angeles. Calif., May 2.—
California officials who illegally
executed Rush Griffin, Negro
youth, after an automatic stay of
execution following of an appeal
by his attorneys, have not heard
the last of the case. Thomas L.
Griffith, jr., president of the local
branch of the National Associa
tion for the Advancement of Col
ored People, has announced that
his organization is moving for the
dismissal of the deputy county
clerk whose “error” resulted in
Griffin’s death and is demand
ing an investigation of the work
of the deputy public defender for
evidence of his negligence. The
N. A. A. C. P. interested itself in
the ease immediately after Grif
fin ’s execution.
Raleigh N. A. A. C. P.
Probing Camp Horror
In North Carolina
Raleigh, X. C. May 2—Attorney
Curtiss Todd, secretary of the lo
cal branch of the National As
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, and other officers
of the organization have been
active in the investigation of the
treatment of convicts in the pris
on camps of North Carolina fol
lowing revelations of horrible
brutality visited upon Negro con
Praises French Nation
Gratien Candace, a member of<
the FVench Chamber of Deputies,
who, in a message to American
Negroes, praises the fairness of
France toward her black eitizensj
-and tells of the opportunities
which black Frenchmen have had
to distinguish thems-elves. France
believes in the brotherhood of all
human beings, states Mr. Candace.
Several criminally responsible
camp officials have been bound
over for trial. Attorney Todd de
clared this week that ‘‘We will
follow this case through with the
purpose of seeing that justice is
done in the matter.”
Lightner Nominated for
Spingarn Medal
Xew York, May 2.—Lawrence
H. Lightner, Supreme Command
er of the American Woodmen
with headquarters in Denver,.
Colo., has been nominated for the
Spingarn Medal according to an
announcement recently made here.
The committee which will make
the award now has the matter un
der consideration.
The basis for the nomination as
set forth by the sponsors of the
the Lightner nomination is his un
paralled achievement in building
the Amercan Woodmen Order in
to the largest Fraternal Insurance
Organization among Negroes. For
almost a quarter of a century
Lightner was the Supreme Clerk
of the American Woodmen, and
through these years it was large
ly his guiding which directed the
Order to its present enviable po
Continued on Page 8
tore Than 4.000 See 1,000 Students
Depict Transformation
(By the Continental Press)
Convention Hall Press Box, Kansas
City, Mo., April27—A crowd various
ly estimated at from 4,000 to 4.500
witnessed a gorgeous pageant at Con
vention Hall Friday night when 1,000
students of Lincoln High School de
picted vividly the transformation of
the Negro from his Jungle African
life to his present state o£ Civilization
in America.
Portrayed to the great audience
were “the gloomy Kraals of Africa”
of some three or more centuries ago.
Women in crude African clothing
squatted here and there around the
Jungle caippnres. Witch doctors, the
chiefs of the villages strided and
stalked here and there hideously paint
ed and screamed out their weird in
cantations . Supporting this weird
and emotion provoking scene were the
wailing jungle chants, sad in the ex
treme, and the intermingled rhythms
of the tom-toms which provided a fit
ting setting and background.
Then there were the Jungle chants
of the Negro in Africa, which were
augmented by the mournful, moving
spirituals bom of the Negro’s misery,
bondage and oppression. Here was
the music of the people’s very life and
existence Here were broken hearts
(Continued on Page 4)
?***""" * * * ••■••••••• 1 * • » ■ • •.
{U. S. Supremej
{Court Weighs!
i Herndon j
4 *
Washington D. C..—CNA—Tne
basic constitutional rights of
workers were brilliantly defend
ed by Whi.nel North Seymour,
white, in his appeal for the revers
al of the chain-gang sentence of
Angelo Herndon. The case was
before the Supreme Court last
week. Seymour was retained by
the international Labor Defense.
The right of free speech, the
right of Negro and white to or
ganize and meet, the right of the
unemployed and starving to de
mand relief were the issues in
volved in the Herndon case. The
appeal also attacks the infamous
Georgia “insurrection law-."
Herndon was arrested in At
lanta, Georgia, in 1932 for organ
izing a demonstration of jobless
workers wrhieh resulted in addi
tional unemployment relief. He
was sentenced to 18-20 years on
the chain-gang on trumped-up
charges of “inciting to insurrec
Anna Damon, acting national
secretary of the I. L. D., announc
ed last Friday that “the same
mass protest of Negro and white
workers which forced the revers
al of the lynch verdicts against
Haywood Patterson and Clarence
Norris must force the U. S. Su
preme Court to reverse the Hern
don 18-20 year sentence of death
on the Georgia chain-gang.
City Wide Fight Agaisnt
Discrimination Results
in Appointment of
Negro Doctors
New York, N. Y.—CXA—Five
Negro physicians were appointed
to the staff of the new General
Hospital in Queens borough by
I Dr. S. S. Goldwater, white, hos
pital commissioner. The appoint
ments are a direct result of the
city-wide mass campaign of the
Queens Committee on Equal Op
portunities, a federation of vari
ous Negro and white religious,
social and political groups.
In announcing the appoint
ments. Dr. Goldwater unwittingly
substantiated the allegations of
the committee on the Jim Crow
actions of the city administration.
He stated that the “Department
of Hospitals in making such ap
pointments is taking a departure,
such appointments in the past be
ing limited only to the Harlem
One of the most influential
factors affecting the city’s deci
sion. the comimttee declared, was
the recent spontaneous outbreak
of mass resentment in Harlem
against the starvation conditions
imposed on the Negro people by
the La Guardia administration.
Actions to compell an early op
ening of the hospital and a con
tinuation of the fight against
Jim Crow in Queens are the next
steps, stated 1Mrs. Geraldine
Chaney ,a spokesman for the com