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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1935)
PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH 22nd and Paul Sts. Rev. P. J. Price, pastor. AYith Palms and Lillies for dec ora ion, Sunday was a gala day for the children. On their arrival at 9 -.30 a. m. Sunday school hour, they found a large table decorat ed with green grass and white trimmings, laden wLh beautifully dyed eggs, bunny carts and bask ets. There was a large attendance of smiling pupils, eager to hear the story of Jesus and to ge. their Easter gifts. The committee spared no pains in selecting the r. ..... .-. ... gif s to make them happy. The iesson was reviewed by the dif ferent departments. Adult department, Mr. Milton the charae ers in the lesson; Ju nior Boys, WaLer Winston, sub ject and Golden Text: Seniors. Miss Rogers. Historical and Geo graphical survey; Beginners, Mrs. Warric, Black Board Talk;; Synopsis, Mr Green. Miss Hallie Johnson had charge of the review Twelve new scholars were.enrol led. The distribution of eggs mark ed .he closing of the Sunday school. At 11:00 a. m. the pastor, Rev. P. J. Price, delivered a very in teresting sermon on the Resurrec tion of Christ. His subject was, “He is Risen.” The text was found in the 16th chapter of St. Marks. A large number of visit ors were present. Visitors are al ways welcome and are invited to make i their church home while in the city. The 3:00 o’clock program was reck a ions, drills, duets and dia-; logues. The closing was a dialogue ric, assisted by the Superintend en , Mrs. Irene Faulkner Oliver, i The program consisted of songs, recktaions, drills, duets and dia logues. The closi gwas a dialogue nlaved bv Mr. Wm. Taylor. Miss Helen Hytehe and Little Gale VTarric, “He Hides Vkhin the Lillies.” The evening service began at 8:00 p .m. This was a musical nrogram by the Senior Choir and Junior Chorous. The closing of this program was a patomine,; "The Old Rugged Cross” by 6 girls. Two were added to the church. Revival meeting will begin Monday evening. Sick member! of the church are imprqving. Mr. King, ihe husband of th< church clerk, passed away Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Grace Jackson, of Chan ute, Kans., daughter of Mrs. Vi ola Wilhite, was among the visit ors at the evening service. The Automobile contest, which was sponsored by the superin tendent of the Sunday school, Mrsi Irene Faulkner Oliver, was a decided success. The winners were Master James Sullivan and Katherine W'heat. The contest closed March 27th, 1935. A contest is now on between the boys and girls which will close on the 4.h Sunday in June. CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH 26th and Burdette Rev. S. J. McIntyre, pastor. Easter Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day, and a busy day at Christ Temple. Sunday school opened at 9:30 with a good at tendance and lots of happy boys ATTEND SOME CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY If you get any service out of this | | Before you buy your household . . .. I ■ W needs consult the pages of the Oma I m I III ■■ ha Guide first.....That will make your ,W°1 ** waut * 8erve- Ul UllllU «“*** a bigger and better paper.. Notice—Because I have been unable to reach the pastors of some churches I am asking that any church omitted, will please get in touch with me, or send in a written statement, regarding your church activities^ and I will gladlv enter the same in this column Any error or ommision in the present arrangement, if brought to my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor. We live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body It must be fed and where is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your choice of the following Churches and atte nd some church every Sunday. St Phillipe Episcopal Church—21s1 and Paul St. Father B. E. Holly Priest. Sermon and Holy Communion Firsi and Third Sunday at 11 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion second and third Sunday at 7:30 p. tr.. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Oil lard Crawford. Supt Regular morning services every San Auxiliaries— Vespers meet second Tuesday in each month. W. M. Haynes. Senior u'nrd en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden. Women’s Auxiliary—Mrs. John AJ bert Williams—President. Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets every Thursday afternooi. Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustus Hicks —President. Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets Every Tuesday night. Choir Guild—Mrs. Msrgaret Wil liams—President. Mrs- Valaria McCaw—Secretary. Meets every Thursday night. Dorcas Society—Mrs. H Wiggins— President Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary. Meets every Friday afternoon. m Pleasant Green. 22nd and Paul Sts Rev. P J Price. Pastor Mrs. Lottie Keys, Reporter; Mrs. King. Clerk Servces—Sunday School-9:30 a m ; Supt Mr Vealand __Morning Ser vices, 11 a- m every Sunday morning B Y P U , 6 p- m . President Mrs Eddie Collit—Evening services every Sunday night Weekly Meetings Mission, Thursday night.__Prayer meeting. Wednesday night, led by one of the Deacons—Autumn Leaf Club, Monday night. President Mrs. Estelle Waters- — Pick-Up Club, Tuesday night. President Mrs. Mamie McIn tosh. Choir rehearsals. Friday night, President, Mrs. Ida McGuire. Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev. F. P. Jones, Pastor Services, Sunday school, 9:30 a- m. Mrs. A. B. Speese superintendent. Sermon 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr- M- Niles, President. Mission society Meeting, every 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct ed by Mrs. F. P. Jones. Zion, 2215 Grant St-, Rev- C. C Harper, Pastor Services—Sunday school, 9:30 a- m Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent Sarmon, 11:00 a. m- and 8:00 p- m Prayer meeting, B. Y- P- U- 6:00 p. m. Mr- Murray Landrum, Presi dent Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev. N. C. Cannon, Pastor; Rev. P. M Harris, Assistant, Pastor Services— Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C. H- Garner, superintendent. Sermon, 11:00 and 8:00 o’clock Prayer meeting wed- evening B. Y. P. U. 7:00 p- m- Mr. J. Henderson, President. Missies Art Club, Thursday afternoon conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche. CATHOLIC. St. Benedict The Moore. 2423 Grant St. Father J. C. Daly S. J., Pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m., Sister Mary Daniel. Superintendent. Low Mass. 9:00 A. M. High mass, and Benediction. 10:15. Altar society Tuesdr.- afternoon. 2:00 p. m. Mrs. M. Sterling. President. Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p. m. Mrs- Ona Glass. President Week Day Mass every morning, 8:30 Christ Temple Chnrch. 26th and Bur dette Sts-—Ke- 1726. S. J. McIntyre. D. D.. Pastor. Sunday S rvic*—Sunday school, >:3© a. m.; Preaching, 11 a. m.; Young People’s meeting, 6 p. m.; Evening service, 7 :S© p. m Week Day Services—Bible class, Tuesday p. m.; Choir rehearsal, Wed nesday, p. m.; Prayer meeting, Friday p. m.; Board meeting monthly. Vis itors Are Always Wrelcome. METHODIST St. Johns. 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev. L. P. Bryant, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:00 a. m. Mr. W. E- Webb, supt-, A. C. E. League. 6:00 p. m. Mr. Rucker. Sermon, 10:45 a. m- and 7:45 p- m Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Bryant. Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts. •lev. O. A. Calhoun, Pastor Services, S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr. Charles Stallworth, Superntendent. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the Pastor. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening Mission Society, Wednesday after noon. Forward Step Club, Tuesday evening, by Rev. O. A. Calhoun Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon; Choir Rehersa, Friday evening. — Allen Chappel— 25th and R St* (South Omaha) Rev. W. S. Metcalf, Pastor. Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. John Fellows Supt. Sermon. 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening, 7:30. Metropolitan Spiritual Church, Lake St-, near 24th. Rev. R. W. Johnson. Pastor. Services, S. S. 1:00 p. m., Mrs. Ransome, Supt. Church services, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson. Church Services Tuesday and Thurs day, evening at 8^00 o’clock. Rev. Johnson. Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p. m conducted by Mrs. Payton. Penny Club, Wednesday 8:00 p. m. by Mrs. Grffin. Choir rehersal. Friday evening. Salem, 22nd and Seward Sts., Rev. E. H. Hilson, Pastor. Services—Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Mr- F- L. Wesley Superintendent Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6: p. m. W. M- Cooper President, i Prayer Meeting. ADVENTIST. United Sabath Day Adventist, 2320 N. 28th Ave. Rev. M. M. Boodle. Pastor. Sabath day services (Satur day). Sabath school 9:30 A- M. Mrs. L. Smith. Supt Sermon, 11:00 o’clock Tr. and St. Mission meeting, 3:00 •> m., conducted by Mrs. A. B Wrignt, and Mrs. Edith Boodle- Sunday, Sermon and Song Service, 7:30 P. M. Senenth-Day Adventist Church, 28th and Lake Sts. Brother George Anderson, Church Elder, Acting Pastor. Srn Down Vespers, Friday Evening. Saturday Services, Sabbath-school 9:45 A- M-, Mrs. Ethel Anderson. Su perintendent- Sermon. 11:00 o’clock. Missionary Volunteer Society, 4:00 P M-, conducted by Mrs. Anna Part ridge. Prayer meeting. Wed. evening 8:00 P- M. Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts. Rev- Conwell, Pastor. Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. R. R Boone Superintendent. Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Lucille Gray, President Choir Practice, Friday at 8:00 p. m. Board Meeting. Monday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8:00. Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St. Rev. J. W. Williams, Pastor. Services— S. S. 9:45 a. m, Mrs. Maggie Smith, Supt. Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. A. C- E. League, 6:30, Mrs. Etta Mae Woods, President. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening, 7:30. Hillside Presbyterian Church 30th and Ohio Sts. John S. Williams, Minister, HA. 7024 Sunday School, 9:45. Mr. Alex Halton, S. S. Supt. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Prayer Service, Wednesday 8 p. m. Choir Rehearsal, Thursday 8 p. m. Circle No. 1, Mrs. Zeda Eddens, President. Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Helen White, President. Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J. A- Dotson, Pastor. Services— Sunday school, 9:30 A. M., Superin tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon. B Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr. J. W Baker, President. Tuesday evening. 8:00 o'clock, Gen eral Group Meeting. Men’s Laymen, Mr. George Lewis, President. Heart to Heart Clnb, Mrs. Fannie Porter President. Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Fannie Porter, President. Ever Loyal Cltfb Miss Nicholson, President. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. a. 9enior Red Circle, Thursday, 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Fletcher, President. Junior Red Circle Wed. 4:30 p. m., Miss Mildren Dotson, President. Missionary meeting, Wed. 2:00 p. m. : and girls, full of enthusiasm, over what the day was to bring forth. We had a most interesting and timely message, brought to us by our Pastor, Rev. McIntyre, from St. John’s the 19th chapter; 5th verse. The subject was, “Behold I the Man,’’ the choir assisted by j Mrs. McIntyre, the director, ren dered many beutiful songs. At the evening hour, the ehild | ren had a splendid program, after which Easter eggs were distribut ed. Group No. b has had a penny rally on lor the last month, which enued Easter Sunday night. They ♦.ere to give a prize to the boy and girl bringing in the most pennies. Little Master S. J. Mc Intyre, jr., brought in 32 cards which was a tie with Miss Louise Panky; so they both w^ere pre sented with a nice box of chocol ate candy. Many visitors were present, and I am sure they enjoyed the pro gram. \\ e had tbe p.* isure of Having in our midst, in me morn- \ ing service, Rev. 0. J. Burkhardt, ioiiner pastor of Christ Temple Cnurch. V\ e are always glad to i have him with us. Visitors are aiwrnys welcome at Chris.. Temple Church. Enda Panky, reporter. ST. JOHN’S A. M. E. CHJitCH “The Friendly Churcn. ’’ Rev. L. B. Bryant, pastor. Easter was a very beautiful day and a great success in every way. The Sunday school had its Easter program during .he regular Sun day school time. The attendance was very good and tbe collection fine. Hou nice it would be if the attendance every Sunday was as good as it was last Sunday. The children s program, under the direction of Mrs. E. Turner, was very good. In fact some feel it was the best they have had in a long time. Rev. Bryant preached a won derful Easter sermon for the morning service. The guest soloist was Mrs. Getrude Rafferty. We were very pleased to see the young people of the church, under ihe direction of Mr. H. L. Preston and Mrs. L. P. Bryant, giving their service in the junior choir. They did very nicely and showed just what they could do if given a chance. There were several to be baptis ed, both infants, and adolescents, j In the afternoon the pastor and choir went to Zion Baptist church to help out in their afternoon service. At 7:30 the Senior Choir pre ! sented a Cantata, ’’The Holy ! City” and portions of “Life Ever lasting.’ The program was very much enjoyed by ihose who were present. There were many visitors, pres ent, far too many to try to name,! but we are always glad to see| .hem and invite them to make St. John’s their church home while in the city. The St. John’s Booster Club is giving a play, “The Bungalow of Breams,” on Friday April 26th, which promises to be very inter This play will be at the Church at 8:00 p. m. The Church and choir have mis sed Mrs. Willie Green .who has been ill. We wish for her a speedy recovery. We were very j glad to see Mrs. Winter at church j Sunday. Mrs. White has been ill for some time. We are always giad to see any members back after their illness. Read your Church and social news in The Omaha Guide. SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH 22nd and. Seward Streets Rev. W. C. Fort, pastor. The happy Easter spirit pre vailed throughout the entire serv ices Sunday at Salem. The Sun day school began the day with high spirits and a good attend | auce. Assistant Superintendent, : Mrs. L. Harris presided. Two new members were added to our enrollment, namely, Barbara Har rison and Samuel Harrison, and ten visitors were present. After | Sunday school, gay colored eggs were given to all the children. At 11 a. m. our pastor, Rev. Fort, delivered a very inspiring sermon to his audience. His text was, “The Fact of the Resurrec tion,” found in I Corinthians, 15:20. Rev. Fort delivered his message in such a plain way that it was understood by all. A large audience was present, and alsc several visitors. The True Light Gospel Singers rendered two se lections for us. Everyone enjoy ed them. The B. Y. P. U. opened at its regular time, 5:30, with tin president in charge. The routine was beautifully conducted, and a wonderful program was given. At 8 p. m. our chorister, Mr. E. L. Young, with the help of the choir, rendered a very wonderful musical program. Mrs. Pettis was Mistress of Ceremonies. Special part were taktn by the following1 Mrs. Holloway, solo; Mrs. M. Fort and Mrs. L. Harris, duet; Mr. ; F. L. Wesley, bass solo; Mrs. Y M. Thomas and Mrs. E. Porter ! duet. Two numbers were sung by ' a ladies chorus. A nice audience witnessed and enjoyed the pro gram. Visitors are always welcome. A eordial invitation is extended t( you and your friends. Come t< Salem wdien you wish to enjoj good service. Again, you ar< welcome. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. B. Banks, pastor The Sunday school opened at 9 a. m. with the superintendent, Mrs. A. J. Johnson, in charge. A very lively school was held. The contest between Master Andrew Johnson and Miss Selma Pruitt was closed Sunday, Andrew John son raising the highest amount. He will be rewarded with a wrist watch. The total amount was $24.75. The hear,s of the beginners wrere made happy, when Mrs. A. M. Johnson their teacher, pre seifleu each of them with a lovely basket of candy eggs. At 11 a. m. brief service was conducted. Then ihe pastor was in charge of the pulpit. He chose for his subject, “The Evidence of His Resurrection.” The choir was in full bloom. Songs ,especially for the occasion were sung. At b p. m. the B. Y. P. U. was opened with president, Raymond oonnson, in charge. At 8:15 the Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. presented their Easter program, which wras a huge suc cess. Mrs. G. W. Stromile, Mrs. Lee McGee, Mrs. AY. C. Morris were directors of the program. The Heart to Heart Club met Tuesday night at the home of Airs. Lee AIcGee. A delicious luncheon was served. Airs. A’. B. Lewis is the president. 'ine AVilling Workers Club met at the home of Airs. Frederick on Thursday night. Airs. Alary Wil liams is president. The Alission met at 2 p. m. Thursday. A splendid lesson was taught by the pastor, “Putting First Things First.” Airs. AY. Al. Tucker, president. Airs. G. W. Stromile, reporter. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio Streets. Rev. F. P. Jones, pastor. Sunday closed one of the great est Easter services for years. A week’s prayer was held leading to Easter morning sun rise thanks giving praise service at 7 a. m. A fellowship breakfast was serv ed to more than 153 persons at 9:30. Sunday school Easter pro gram was enjoyed by many who came for this special effort, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. were largely attended and many pledged them selves for greater usefulness in the service of the Lord. Monday night opened with the Evangelist in charge. All present enjoyed his first night and pledg ed to be on hand to the end. This revival is promised to benefit our city. All churches were well represented by members and friends who came and joined in this great battle. If you follow the crowd, you will be lead to the place where your sould will be quickened and your consciousness will be arous ed to the need of your being about your master’s business. Come, hear the man with the mes sage for the present day’s ills Dr. Bratton spares no pain in of fering the remedy ihta will work a perfect cure. Our prayer is that some one will accept it. You will have to eome early. Devo tional 7:30 p. m. Preaching 8 p m. Anti-Kidnaping Law is Vetoed by Governor Augusta, Ga.—(CNA)—An anti- kid napping bill was vetoed last week by Governor Eugene Talmadge. The bill provided the death penalty for kid napping The move of the governor is inter preted in many quarters as an implied approval of lynching, since most of the recent lynchings could also be classed as kidnappings. The sponsors of the bill, however for wealthy whites. --- -T Y NEWS i _ I , " " T T - —.' ' ' " THE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE GETS UNDERWAY Members of the Committee of Man agement and the Membership Com j mittee enjoyed a lovely tea on Wednes day afternoon • A most encouraging ■ meeting was held in conjunction with the tea. A discussion of Y. WT. C. A. policies and practices and the distribu tion of the membership cards com pleted the final arrangements. Plans for a covered dish party to be held on Wednesday afternoon of this week were also completed. Mrs. Vera Gra ham, an active worker in the drive will speak. Remember, the goal is $60 00 (sixty dollars) in memberships. We hope every woman will feel it her responsibility and pr vilege to pay her membership fee. Call Captain Z. E. Snowden or Captain C. B Wilkes for any information. Miss Mildred Gierhardt reviewed the book, “Green Light” by Lloyd Doug las at the regular meeting of the Bocklover’s Club on Thursday evening. Th- mee'ing was held at the Mid-City | Ccmrrunit; Center. Y W MAKES SUMMER PLANS Cnc of the interesting summer class es has begun at the Y W. C. A. ; tb’pugb the cooperation of Dr. A. L. Hawkins and Miss Helen Frichtel, Health Education Director, Central *Y\ A diet and reducing class was begun last Wednesday morning at 11:00 o’clock. There was a fine attendance. Miss Frichtel is giving a course of re ducing exercises which guarantee re sults. Dr. A. L- Hawkins, one of our foremost progressive physicians of the city, is working with each individ ual in conjunction with the instructor. If you have not registered and are in terested, you may do so by phoning the Y. W. C. A., WEbster 1539. BENEFIT SHOW RITZ THEATRE In an effort to raise funds to send delegates to the summer conferences of the Y W>. C. A., a benefit show will be held at the Ritz Theatre on Saturday morning. May 11 at 10:00 o’clock. The committee in charge is: Mrs. H. L Anderson, Chairman; Mrs. Percy Baugh and Mrs Jamie Norman. “Lone Cowboy” starring Jackie Coop er 'will be featured. Mrs. Percy Baugh, is arrangng a children’s pro gram which will precede the show. Some of Omaha’s most talented youngsters will appear on that pro gram- Tickets are on sale at the Y. W C. A. Plans are on foot for the third an nual “Stay At Home Camp” to be held under the direction of the Girls’ Work Department of the North Side Y- W. C. A. The Stay at Home Camp was begun in 1932 to meet the needs of summer recreation. Since that time, similar activities have been promoted in other organizations of the city, and the North Side Y. W. C- A. again takes the precedent in promoting such projects. Crafts, Creative writing, music, dramatics, swimming, and oth er features will be included in the pro gram. The camp will be open from nine until twelve o’clock daily on Mon d£ty, Tuesday, and Wednesday morn ings. Plan now to send your girls. There is no fee — YWCA ANNOUNCES SUMMER CAMP AND CONFERENCES Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio, has been selected for the annual institute for the Negro Branches of the Y W. C. A The dates are June 19 to 26th. The North Side Y. W C. A is desirous of sending to that conference leaders and workers in the local Branch. Dates for Camp Brew ster are: for high school girls camp June 5 to 11th and Grade School Camp June 11 to 15th Phone WE-1593 for further information. I j-— Help Kidneys. Don’t Take Drastic Drags Tour Kidneys contain 9 million tiny tubes or filter* which may be endangered by neglect or drastic, irritating drugs. B© careful. If functional Kidney or Bladder disorders make you suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousness. Loss of Pep, Leg Pains. Rheumatic Pains. Dizziness, Cir cles Under Eyes. Neuralgia, Acidity, Burning. Smarting or Itching, you don't need to take chances. All druggist* now . have the most modern advanced treat ment for these trouble©—a Doctor’s pre* cription called Cystex (Stss-Tex). WorV* fast—safe and sure. In 48 hours it must bring new vitality and is guaranteed to make you feel 10 years younger in on© wee!: rr money back on return of empty package. Cystex costs only 3c a do*e at druggists and the guarantee protects you. I Two Great Picture Sermons FRIDAY EVENING Who Made the Devil, Will God Destroy Him? SUNDAY EVENING “The Crucifixion" To Be Given By Evangelist Henry J. Miller at the DAWNING DAY TABERNACLE Twenty-fourth and Grant Streets