The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 27, 1935, Image 1

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    Madame Lillian Evanti Speaks At Chamber Of Commerce
Threatens Church For Black And Tan Audience
Light Gasoline in Street
and Throw- Rocks
Through Church
Colorado Springs, Colo.—<CNA)—
A group of Father Divine’s followers
were threatened with mob violence
because Negro and white mixed in a
nwly opened church.
Led by leading citizens of Ivy-wild, a
suburban section, 250 white residents
massed in front of the church and de
clared their opposition to “black and
tan” gatherings.
The demonstrators poured gasoline
in the street and threw a match to it
Soon after the blaze was roaring, a
rock was thrown through a church
Immediately following the demon
station, the church turned lights out
and its members departed- Many were
forced to use the rear door, fearing
violence. According to eyewitnesses,
remark that they would come back
rmark that they would come back1
stronger next time.
- ■ -
Chicago American
Giants to Be in Omaha
The Chicago American Giants, champions of that Col
ored league, will open the League
games in Chicago on May 4th. On
May 28th they will play in Kan
sas City, Mo., and will be in Oma
ha on May 30th. They will play
the All-star club in Omaha, a
semi-professional team, under the
management of Elmer Phillips.
The Chicago American Giants
team was formerly owned by the
late Rube Foster, America’s
great- colored baseball player.
These players received their
training under Mr. Foster, who
was the ‘Babe’ Ruth of our raee.
It is said by baseball critics
that during the life time of Rube
Foster, this team could have won
the American or National World’s
series championship, if they had
been given the opportunity to
Arrest of Officials For
Torturing Negro Boys
Charlotte, N. C. — (CNA — Three
North Carolina prison camp officials
were arrested in connection with the
brutal torture of Negro prisoners. The
arrests are a direct result of the mass
protest organized by the International
Labor Defense
Those arrested are, Harry C- Little,
former superintendent of theMacklen
burg prison camp, and R. C- Rape
and T. M. Gordon, former guards. :
A fourth person, J. W. Rudy, former;
guard, was also ordered arrested, but
could not be found- All are whites■
The four men named above are
charged with “using such treatment
as a means of torture by tying and
chaining Woodrow Wilson Shropshire!
and James Bames to the bars of their
cells as to cause their feet to become
frozen, with the result that infection
set in, resulting in the double amputa
tion of these members”.
The three arrested men were im
mediately released on the low bail of
Sl,000 each.
An additional warrant charges R.
C. Rape with flogging and whipping
Ed Biggers and Oscar Cunningham.
A Mr- Damwrong is a leading
statesman in Siam. In fact, conditions
seem to be much the same all over.
Inter-racial Committee
Honors Coloratura
Mine. Lillian Evanti.
Madame Lillian Evanti. Inter
national coloratura opera singer,
guest of honor at a dinner spon
sored by the Omaha Inter-racial
Committee, Miss Rachel Taylor,
Chairman, on Monday, April 22
a, the Chamber of Commerce.
The entire group, composed of
Omaha’s outstanding musicians
and Inter-racial Committee mem
bers, sai as if charmed as Madame
Evanti recounted numerous inci
dents of interest which happened
during her ten year period of
study and performance in Eu
ropean eities. The determination
to succeed, a willingness to sacri
fice, along with ability and back
ground, are necessary for a
career, Madame Evanti told the
group. One can appreciate the
ability of the honored guest when
it is known that she invaded the
tradition- steeped opera centers
and presented not only an accept
able, but a fine performance of
well-known operas after only nine
months of study. Living in Italy,
France and Germany meant that
each of these languages must be
accentiesss to be understood and
appreciated in these respective
A bit oi Airne. Evanti s Ameri
can back-ground was revealed by
the Alisiress of ceremonies, the
inter-racial committee chairman,
before the artist was presented.
The daughter of a prominent
educator, Bruee Evans of Wash
ington, L>. C., she was graduated
from Howard University with a
Music B. degree. She taught in
the schools of Washington for a
year then the following year, she
sailed to study in Europe.
L’Afrieana, The Barber of
Seville, Carmen, Aida La Travita,
Eakme, are among the operas, the
leading roles of which Mme.
Evanti has sung in Europe. Re
cently, she sang for President and
Airs. Roosevelt at the White
Mrs. Helen Buckland, vice
chairman of the Inter-racial Com
mittee responded to Mme. Evan
ti ’s charming tali;. Airs. Irene
Alorton very graciously consent
ed to add a musical note to the
dinner party and she delightfully
rendered, The Rosary and Horn
ing, with Miss Catherine Williams
at the piano.
The speakers table was made
attractive with decorations loan
ed by the Sunday Musical Club.
A short reception period after the
dinner gave the guests an oppor
tunity to be presented to Mme.
Evanti. All guests left with *'a
nice dinner for a lovely lady”
echoing through the rooms.
The committee included Dr.
Herbert Wiggins, Attorney Mar
gare. Fisher. Mrs. Helen Buck
land, Miss Grayce Dorsey, and
Mrs. Eleanor Haynes.
Omaha is looking forward to
the appearance of Mme. Evanti in
concert which is scheduled for the
fall season. While here, she was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam G. Haynes.
Rumors of Lynching of
L. Price Unfounded
A few days ago the streets were
electrified with rumors that Lester
Price had been lynched in Omaha,
Texas The Omaha Guide has put
forth its greatest effort to reach the
facts of the case, by telegraphing
contacting as many friends of Price
as possible.
We are happy to announce to Mr. I
Price’s many friends that the rumor
is absolutely unfounded, as Mt. John
Barker, 2761 California Street, re
ceived a postal card, direct, from Les
ter Price, Omaha, Texas He is safe
and sound and the rumors are false.
As soon as possible, Mr. Price will re
turn to Omaha, Nebraska.
He is a fomer Central High School
graduate and track star and a recent
graduate of Omaha University. He
had returned to his home town, Om
aha, Texas, seeking a position as a
teacher to enable him to take up
^medicine at Fisk University.
So far as we have been able to learn
there was no foundation whatsoever
for the rumor
Mrs. Moots Arrives By
Mrs. Gonzella Moots, 4626
Michigan Avenue, Chicago, left
Chicago Tuesday at 5:4o Tuesday
a. m. and arrived in Omaha at
8:20 a. m. via airplane on the
United Air Limited Line. Mrs.
the nepew of the late Mr. Bob
Mrs. Ed. Patton, 2610 Patrick
She will return to Chicago Fri
day morning. Mrs. Moots is a
former resident of Omaha, and
her husband. Mr. Leo Moots, is
ha on May 30th. They will play
Moots, who was a prominent poli
tican and business man of Chi
Tate-Jones Nuptials
Miss Dorothy Jones became the
bride of Mr. Nathaniel Tate on April
18th at the home of the groom, 3028
Pinkney Street. The bride, formerly
of Dallas, Texas, has been residing in
Omaha for the past two years
Rev. Thomas, Acting Pastor of Pil
grim Baptist Church, officiating at
the ceremony.
The guests included Misses Mary
Heywood and Annie Lett, Mr. and
Mrs- J. Jenkins and Mr. Frank Hud
Mr. and Mrs • Tate will reside in
Omaha at 3028 Pinkney Street.
St. Philip’s to Present
Cornation Ball
Don’t forget the Fifth Annual Coro
naton Ball, which will be given under
the auspices of St. Phillip’s Church
on Thursday, May 25th. The music
will be furnished by the Synco Hi
Receives Appointment
Acting Editor of The Omaha
Mr. C. C. Galloway, acting'
Editor of The Omaha Guide Pub
lishing Co., received an appoint
ment to represent Nebraska at the
California Pacific International
Exposition in San Diego, Calif.,
on August 24th.
Mr. Galloway has lived in Ne
braska for the past thirty-two
years and has, at all times, taken
an active part in civic, fraternal
and religious projects for the
betterment of Nebraska citizenry.
Ilis is one of the founders of The
Omaha Guide and has acted in the
capacity of business manager
since its organization. He also
organized the Unemployed Mar
ried Men’s Council and was suc
cessful in getting a group of as
sociates, in that work, who later
re-organized as the Community
Center. Mr. Galloway is the or
ganizer of the Cooperative Lea
gue, which was sponsored by Mr.
George S. Schuyler, of New York
In 1917 Mr. Galloway was in
strumental in bringing Miss Mary
White Ovington to Omaha, and
helped to organize the first
branch of the N. A. A C. P. in
Omaha. He is the past president
of the Omaha branch of the N. A
A. C. P. and is now serving as
vice-president of the local branch.
He is one of the organizers of
the Inter-racial Committee and a
member of the Executive Board.
This committee was organized
shortly after a lecture by Dean
William Pickens, about four years
At one time Mr. Galloway
owned the Humboldt Hotel, 1419
Dodge Street, and operated, in
conjunction with Mr. Alfred
Jonse, two cafes, the Castle Hotel
Cafe and the Carlton Hotel Cafe.
Mr. Galloway also organized
the Mid-City Business Men’s As
sociation. an inter-racial business
group, and was, at one time or
ganizer and president of the Lin
coln Real Estate Company. He is
now the president of the Com
munity Center.
The appointment was made by
the Honorable Governor R. L.
Herndon Case Before U.
S. Supreme Court
Washington, D. C.—(CNA)—The
case of Angelo Herndon, leader of the
Georgia unemployed is scheduled for
a hearing before the TJ • S. Supreme
Court on Friday, April 12. Whitney
North Seymour, noted constitutional
lawyer retained by the International
Labor Defense, will argue the brief
for Herndon.
Herndon was arrested two years
ago for organizing a successful dem
onstration of unemployed which com
pelled the Atlanta, Georgia, autfaori
ties to grant immediate relief. He
was framed up for ‘inciting to insur
rection” under a slave insurrection law
dating back to before the Civil War.
The Georgia court sentenced him
to 18-20 years on the chain-gang. The
I.L.D. successfully secured his re
lease, pending appeal, on $15,000 bail
raised by popular subscription.
In a statement issued early this
week, the International Labor Defense
urged all its friends and sympathizers
to send letters, resolutions and tele
grams to the U. S. Supreme Court
demanding Herndon’s unconditional
release. ,
Building Rise on Fair’s
§1,500,000 Amusement
Special To The Omaha Guide—
; San Diego, April 25.—Work is being
speeded on buildings of the great
$1,500,000 amusement zone of the
California Pacific International Expo
| sition, which opens here May 29
Famous showmen are arriving daily
from all parts of the nation to take
personal charge of construction.
Lew Dufour and Joe Rogers, who
participated in the Chicago world’s
fair and who now are producing
shows at the Brussels, Belgium, expo
sit.on, have launched construction of
their four big shows for America’s
Work is underway on Midget Farm
and construction will begin in two
weeks on Midget City, the twin at
| tractions featuring 80 Lilliputians
which will be produced by Stanley R.
j Graham and Nate Eagle. Work is
| being started also on three other a
; musement buildings with more to go
! up shortly.
Construction has begun on the
j building of the Venetian Glass Blow
ers, and Raoul Raniori, the producer,
,announces that it will be ready in
three weeks
Steel framework is going up on the
rides and swings and the Days of
: Saladin extravaganza, featuring the
famous Kellogg Arabian horses, will
i be housed in a structure to be built
: at once- A giant relief map of
: Boulder Dam will be presented by WT.
L- Dana, who ordered construction
work to get underway today.
Booths and stands for scores of oth
er shows and concessions will be built
at once and it is expected that the en
tire midway will be ready about two
weeks before the Exposition opening
• day, May 29.
All Property Destroyed
Except Sedan Used
as Jitney
Mr. and Mrs. John White, 3521
Emmett Street, were burned to
death Monday at 5 a. m. when
their home was destroyed by fire.
The fire was discovered by Mr.
R. J. Robbins, 3610 N. 36th Street,
who was passing along the s reet.
Mr. White jumped out through
an east window in an effort to
reach water to extinguish the
fire. It seems that he just then
realized that he had left his wife
inside. He wheeled and started
into the house, saying. ‘ I’ve got
to get my wife.” Mr. Robbins
tried, in vain, to hold White, but
he had the strength of a madman
and easily shook Robbins off. He
dashed into the front door in an
attempt to rescue his wife. He
never came out again. He was
found about five feet from the
front door.
Everything was destroyed ex
cept the sedan, wrhich he had been
using as a jitney since the street
car strike.
How the fire started remains a
Mr. White w-as born and rear
ed in Council Bluffs, Iowa. He
has a mother and brother, Mrs
Emma White and Mr. James
White, who lives in Council
Bluffs., and one brother, Luther
White in Omaha. Mr. White had
lived here about ten years. He
was about thirty years old, per
The bodies were taken to the
J. D. Lewis Mortuary. The funer
al was held Wednesday after
Court Upheld Merchant
Against Job-Seekers
Baltimore, Md.—(CNA)—The Mary
land Court of Appeals ruled here that
white merchants need not hire Ne
groes even if their businesses depend
solely upon Negro trade.
It then granted an injunctoon pro
hibiting the picketing of stores of
whites who refused to employ Ne
It then granted an injunction pro
that the case did not involve an eco
nomic issue but was purely a “racial
and social dispute”. This, despite the
fact that the main demand of the
pickets was the employment of Ne
groes with the firing of white em
ployees .
Slanders the Scottsboro
Washington, D- C.—(CNA)—Rep
resentative Starr of Alabama referred
to the Scottsboro boys as “nigger
rapists” before a congressional com
mittee hearing, on the Dickstein Anti
Foreignbom bill.
A spokesman of the Committee for
Protection of Foreign Born, John
Spradling, had told the committee
such legislation could also be used
against those fighting for the freedom
of such prisoners as the Scottsboro
It was here that the Alabama rep
resentative interrupted with a slander
ous attack against the Scottsboro boys.
Dr. G. B. Lennox in New
Dr. G. B. Lennox, who has been
located in the Hawkins Building for
the past three or four years, is now
occupying his new location at 2314^
N- 24th Street.
He has a suite of three rooms, mod
ern, steam heat and redecorated
throughout. His office has been new
ly furnished with heavy upholstered
furniture -
Dr. Lennox has, also, purchased a
new Olds mobile.
His office hours are from 2 until 5
p. m. and from 7 until 10 p. m.
Birmingham, Ala.—Already known
to have killed six Negroes, Patrolman
P. L. Stapps, (white), was white
washed in the murder of John Henry
Hudgins was killed in connection
with a domestic quarrel with his wife •
He was shot in cold blood- The coun
ty investigator declared the murder
was “justifiable homicide”.
‘Scottsboro Case’ Before
Oklahoma Supreme
Washington, D. C-—(CNA)—The
Jess Hollins case, known as the
“Scottsboro case of Oklahoma” will be
heard by the United States Supreme
Court on April 29, it was announced.
Hollins was convicted December 28,
1931, at Sapulpa, Oklahoma, on
trumped-up charges of raping a white
woman. Having no lawyer, he wag
not advised as to his legal rights. He
was threatened with lynching if he did
not plead guilty.
Thus intimidated, he pleaded guilty
and in a trial that lasted less than
thirty minutes he was sentenced to die
in the electric chair a few days later.
A stay of execution was granted after
a campaign of protest by many organ
Edward King Dies
Mr. Edward King, 22nd and
Grace Streets, passed away at a
local hospital Sunday. His funer
al was held Thursday afternoon
from. J. D. Lewis Mortuary.