The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 13, 1935, Page FIVE, Image 5

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25th and Decatur St.
Rev, 0. A. Calhoun, pastor.
We had excellent service all
day at Cleaves Temple. Our au
dience was large and appreciative.
Rev. Calhoun, preached the four
th of his series of sermons oh the
Seven Last Words- of Christ.”
Ills texi was taken from Matt.:
‘27th chapter; 4fith verse, “My
God, my God, why hast thou for
saken me?” The choir rendered
a very good song service.
We had a special guest speaker
at the Epworth League hour. Miss
Gertrude Lucas spoke to us on
“Juvenile Delinquency.” One of j
the thoughts brought out by Miss
Lucas, is ihat, until the church;
sees the great need of the youth '
and prepares to meet that need, '
he slight hold that the church
has, will be loosened. We were
very happy to have Miss Lucas ;
with us. Next Sunday evening!
at 6:30 p. rn. attorney W. P. I
Bryant will address the League, j
Miss Lucy Mae Samps rendered^
a solo.
Negro Health Week observation
were closed in a mass meeting at
Cleaves Temple, With H. Millard
Langfield, supervisor of Public
Health of Omaha, was the princip
al speaker, introduced by Miss
Simmons, who is a newcomer to
Omaha, as on authority on health.
We are glad to have, and we wel
come all public welfare meetings
.hat will be beneficial and educa
tional to our race.
The Forward Step Club is plan
ning another big affair soon. But,
first on the program will be our
Spring time tea on the fourth
A new club, known as the
Loyal' Matrons club, organized
with Mrs. Bertha Bell, as Presi
dent and Mrs. McMurray as Sec
retary. You will hear more about
them soon.
The Easter pageant, “The Way
of the Cross” will be presented
Monday night April 22nd. You
don’t want 1o miss this, as it is
to be one of the most beautiful
ever witnessed.
The easter Can.ata, “Seven
Lasrt Words of Christ” will be
presented Easter Sunday at 3 :00
o’clock p. m. at Hillside Presby
terian chrueh. Don’t miss this
Those on our sick list are: Mr.
Edmonds, Mrs. R. D. Jackson,
who is at the county hospital.
Mrs. M. B. Evans, who has been
ill for a long time, was able to
be out Sunday for the first time.
You are welcome at all times
to a tend our services.
Sunday, April 7th. was a big
day at Christ Temple. Sunlay
school opened at the usual hour,
9:30 o’clock, with a splendid at
. endance. The 11:00 o’clock serv
ice was enjoyed by all present.
Elder MacIntyre brought a mes
sage from the 6th chapter of St.
Luke, 46th. 47th. 49th. verses. The
subject was: “The Great Ruin.’’
Following the service the Lord’s
supper was held.
The B. Y. P. U. began at 6:30
p. m. under the leadership of
Mr. and Mrs. Hogan. We wish
to thank them for their time and
patience, with the young people
and how the Union is gradually
increasing. Our pastor delivered
a most inspiring sermon at the
If you get any service out of this Al ■ Before you buy your household
church directory write us a line or I " fll “OH fiO "****' C0n8Ult ^ PaffeS °f the 0ma'
two we waut to serve. |j I If I ■ I I K N °Uide fir8t'’ Th>t wiU make
III U | | ^ paper a bigger and better paper..
Notice—Because I have been unable to reach the pastors of some churches
I am asking that any church omitted, will please get in touch with me, or send in a
written statement, regarding your church activities, and I will gladly enter the same
in this column Any error or ommision inthe present arrangement, if brought to
my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor. 8
We live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body. It
must be fed and where is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your
choice of the following Churches and attend some church every Sunday.
St Phillipe Episcopal Church—21st
and Paul St. Father B. E. Holly,
Sermon and Holy Communion First
and Third Sunday at 11 a. m.
Sermon and Holy Communion second
and third Sunday at 7:30 p- m.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Dil
lard Crawford, Supt
Regular morning services every Sun
Vespers meet second Tuesday in each
month. W. M. Haynes, Senior'hard
en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden.
Women’s Auxiliary—Mrs. John- Al
bert Williams—President.
Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday afternoon.
Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustus Hicks
Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets Every Tuesday night.
Choir Guild—Mrs. Msrgaret Wil
Mrs- Valaria McCaw—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday night.
Dorcas Society—Mrs. H. Wiggins—
Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Friday afternoon.
Pleasant Green, 22nd and Paul Sts.!
Rev. P J Price. Pastor
Mrs. Lottie Keys, Reporter; Mrs.
King, Clerk
Servces—Sunday School-9:30 am;
Supt Mr Vealand __Morning Ser
vices, 11 a- m every Sunday morning
B Y P U , 6 p- m , President Mrs
Eddie Collit—Evening services every
Sunday night
Weekly Meetings
Mission, Thursday night-__Prayer
meeting. Wednesday night, led by one
of the Deacons—Autumn Leaf Club,
Monday night. President Mrs. Estelle
Waters- — Pick-Up Club, Tuesday
night. President Mrs. Mamie McIn
tosh. Choir rehearsals, Friday night,
President. Mrs. Ida McGuire.
Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev.
F. P. Jones, Pastor.
Services, Sunday school, 9:30 a- m.
Mps. A. B. Speese superintendent.
Sermon 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr. M- Niles,
Mission society Meeting, every 1st
and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct
ed by Mrs. F. P. Jones.
Zion, 2215 Grant St-, Rev. C. C
Harper, Pastor.
Services—Sunday school, 9:30 a- m
Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent.
Sarmon, 11:00 a. m- and 8:00 p. in
Prayer meeting, B. Y. P- U. 6:00
p. m. Mr. Murray Landrum, Presi
Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev.
N. C. Cannon, Pastor; Rev. P. M*
Harris, Assistant, Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C.
H. Garner, superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 and 8:00 o’clock.
Prayer meeting wed. evening B, y.
P. U. 7:00 p- m- Mr. J. Henderson,
Mission Art Club, Thursday afternoon
conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche.
8t. Benedict The Moore. 2423 Grant
St. Father J. C. Daly S. J., Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Sister
Mary Daniel, Superintendent.
Low Mass. 9:80 A. M. High mass,
and Benediction, 10:15.
Altar society Tuesdiv afternoon, 2:00
p. m. Mrs- M. Sterling. President.
Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p.
m. Mrs. Ona Glass, President
Week Day Mass every morning, 8:30.
Christ Temple Church, 26th and Bur
dette Sts—Ke- 1726. S. J. McIntyre,
D. I)„ Pastor.
Sunday Sr vie®—Sunday school,
9:30 *. m.; Preaching, 11 a. m.; Young
People’s meeting, 6 p. m.; Evening
service, 7:30 p. m.
Week Day Services—BiWe class,
Tuesday p. m.; Choir rehearsal, Wed
nesday, p. m-; Prayer meeting, Friday
p. m.; Board meeting monthly. Vis
itors Are Always Welcome
St. Johns, 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev.
L. P. Bryant, Pastor.
S. S. 9:00 a. m. Mr. W. E. Webb,
supt., A. C. E. League, 6:00 p. m.
Mr. Rucker.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m- and 7:45 p. m.
Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con
ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Bryant.
Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts.
Rev. 0. A. Calhoun, Pastor
Services, S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr.
Charles Stallworth, Supernt.endent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
by the Pastor.
Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening
Mission Society, Wednesday after
Forward Step Club, Tuesday evening,
by Rev. O. A. Calhoun
Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon;
Choir Rehersa, Friday evening.
Allen Chappel— 25th and R Sts.
(South Omaha) Rev. W. S. Metcalf.
Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. John
Fellows Supt.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening.
Metropolitan Spiritual Church, Lake
St-, near 24th. Rev. R. W. Johnson.
Services. S. S. 1:00 p. m., Mrs.
Ransome, Supt.
Church services, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson.
Church Services Tuesday and Thurs
day, evening at 8:00 o’clock. i!?v.
Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p. r.i ,
conducted by Mrs. Payton.
Penny Club, Wednesday 8:00 p. m.
by Mrs. Grffin.
Choir rehersal, Friday evening.
Salem, 22nd and Seward Sts., Rev.
E. H. Hilson, Pastor.
Services—Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.
Mf- F- L- Wesley Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6:p. m. W. M« Cooper
Prayer Meeting.
United Sabath Day Adventist, 2320
N. 28th Ave. Rev. M. M. Boodle,
Pastor- Sabath day services (Satur
day), Sabath school, 9:30 A. M- Mrs.
L. Smith, Supt Sermon, 11:00 o’clock
Jr. and St. Mission meeting, 3:00 >
m., conducted by Mrs. A. B Wright,
and Mrs. Edith Boodle. Sunday,
Sermon and Song Service, 7:30 P. M.
Senenth-Day Adventist Church, 28th
and Lake Sts.
Brother George Anderson, Church
Elder, Acting Pastor.
Sun Down Vespers, Friday Evening.
Saturday Services, Sabbath-school,
9:45 A- M-, Mrs- Ethel Anderson, Su
perintendent. Sermon, 11:00 o’clock,
Missionary Volunteer Society, 4:00 P
M. , conducted by Mrs. Anna Part
ridge. Prayer meeting, Wed. evening
8:00 P. M.
Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. Con well. Pastor.
Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. R. R.
Boone Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m
Lucille Gray, President.
Choir Practice, Friday at 8:00 p. m.
Board Meeting. Monday 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St.
Rev. J. W. Williams, Pastor.
Services— •
S. S. 9:43 a. m. Mrs. Maggie
Smith, Supt.
Sermon. 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
A. C- E. League, S:30, Mrs. Etta
Mae Woods, President.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening,
Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening,
Hillside Presbyterian Church
30th and Ohio Sts.
John S. Williams, Minister, HA. 7024.
Sunday School, 9:45.
Mr. Alex Halton, S. S. Supt.
Morning Worship, 11 a. m.
Prayer Service, Wednesday 8 p. m.
Choir Rehearsal, Thursday 8 p. m.
Circle No. 1, Mrs. Zeda Eddens,
Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Helen
White, President.
Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J.
A. Dotson, Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 A. M., Superin
tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon.
B Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr. J. W
Baker, President
Tuesday evening, 8:00 o’clock, Gen
eral Group Meeting.
Men’» Laymen, Mr. George Lewis,
Heart to Heart Club, Mrs. Fannie
Porter President
Willing Workers Club, .Mrs. Fannie
Porter, President.
Ever Loyal Club Miss Nicholson,
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.
Senior Red Circle, Thursday, 6:30 p.
m. Mrs. Fletcher, President.
Junior Red Circle Wed. 4:30 p. m.,
Miss Mildren Dotson, President.
Missionary meeting, Wed. 2:00 p. m.
8:00 o’clock service from the
4th chapter of Timothy 1st. and
2nd verses. “The subject was:
“A Solomon Charge.” A wonder
ful ihought was brought out on
preaching the word. “Preach in
season, and preach out of sea
I think everyone that heard the
sermon will be a witness tha., it
was a wonderful message.
Mother Kinney one of the old
Saints of the church has been ill
for the last year, but.' we are glad
to report that she is somewhat
improved. We are sorry to hear
of ihe death of another of our
precious saints, Mother Tate, who
we all loved. We vcish to extend
the greatest sympa.hy to the be
reaved family.
Mrs. S. MacIntyre our pastor’s
wife will give her first musical
program with the choir on Wed
nesday night, April 17th at the
church. You will enjoy This pro
gram. Come and help her in this
drive. All visitors are given a
hearty welcome.
Edna Panky, reporter.
The Mt. Nebo Baptist Church
Rev. F. K. Union, paster.
had a very pleasing sermon
preached by the Rev. F. K. Union,
pastor. In the afternoon there
was a program under the auspices
of the Mission Circle.
We are inviting all of our
friends to come out and visit us
sometime. If you can’t come,
your prayers will help us.
We are located on 32nd and
Pinkney Street.
Emily Williams, reporter.
Rev. L. P. Bryant, pas+or.
The Sunday school started the
day full of enthusiasm and with
a good attendance. The teachers
are preparing the children for a
very interesting Easter Day Pro
gram that will take place at the
Sunday school hour under the di
rection of Mrs. Elise Turner, who
for a long time has worked hard
in the primary department.
At the evening hour the choir
will have a very fine Easter Pro
gram, under the direction of Mr.
H. L. Preston.
Rev. Bryant preached both
morning and evening to a fine
audience, last Sunday.
As this was Rally Day the
sermons were short. The outcome
of the Rally was not as much as
some had looked forward to see,
but good for condi,ions being as
they were financially. The group
under Miss Amanda Offutt won
out over Mr. L. L. McVay, who
had the groups all thinking he
would win. Miss Offutt came
through with $133.00; Mrs. Me
Vay with $120.00 and the third
was Mrs. Georgie Borders with
$90.00 and Mr. Robert Baily and
Mrs. Ma.tie Johnson tied for the
fourth place with $50.00 each. On
the whole the Rally was fine. We
feel that we should say some
thing about Mrs. Wilmomh Hous
ton, Mrs. Gertrude Rafferty, Mr.
II. L. Preston, who ended in the
forties. We do noi speak of the
others in the race, because of lack
of space, but we feel they all did
There was one to join the
chruch in the person of Mrs.
Mercedes Richey. Mrs. Richey
came from Oakland, Calif., and
was very well liked by those who
knew her out there.
Visitors are always welcome to
St. John’s and asked to make this
there Church home.
Rev. John F. Thomas, pastor.
Sunday was a busy day at Pil
grim. Rev. John Thomas preach
ed a splendid sermon at the morn
ing hour which was well received
by a large audience. Immediately
after the morning worship bap
tismal service was performed at
which service three young con
verts were baptised.
Formal installation of the of
ficers of the various auxiliaries
was held. The Rev. F. S. Good
lett, pastor of Bethel Baptist
church presided. After a short
sermon in the evening, the new
members were fellowshipped into
the chruch, and the Lord’s sup
per was administered.
Most of the captains of the
companies in the financial drive
are working hard and making
encouraging reports. Some others
made a late start, but are working
hard to overtake the leaders.
The Sunday school continues
its fine work under the leader
ship of Fred Dixon. All men are
urged to come in and take part
in the new Men’s Bible class just
1 he B. 1. P. U. is in a class by
itself. Last Sunday it sent a dele
gtaion to render a program for
the Mt. Zion B. Y. P. U. at Lin
coln. An interesting hour is as
sured whenever you attend any
service at Pilgrim.
You are welcome at all times.
By Dr. A. G. Bearer
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Text:—Nabal is his name and folly
is with him.—I Samuel 25:25.
By interpretation the name Nabal
means foolish. The text is the testi
mony of Abigail, wife of Nabal. It
contains her estimate of his character
and she had every opportunity to
make an honest appraisement and
form the proper estimate.
1. Arrogance Is Foolish. Nabal
was arrogant, and his tribe is not
dead. There are thousands who are
so. Arrogance is foolish, since no in
dividual is independent of others, and
sinee it manifests weakness and alien
ates sympathy.
2. Unfriendliness Is Foolish. Dav
id sent a deputation to Nabal to ten
der friendship and cooperation. Fool
ish as was his name, this man rebuffed
the tender of friendship. Today there
are many who feel their importance
and their independence and thrust
from them friendships which might be
of inestimable service to them.
3. Folly Brings Penalties. Nabal’s
folly in dealing with David’s emis
saries almost cost him his life. But
for the wisdom and the tact of Abigail,
his wise wife, David would have sent
his warriors to destroy Nabal and his
entire generation. So, even today,
the Nabal spirit will bring punishment
and severe losses. Finally, the folly
did cost him his life. And such folly
often costs a man his life. Better the
spirit of Abigail, humble, conciliatory,
submissive to circumstances than the
proud, arrogant spirit of Nabal—the
We wish to make the following
correction on the report of the
program given at St. John’s A.
M. E. Church, Sunday March 31,
by the leading choirs of the cny.
Through an unintentional over
sight in copying the report, The
Clair Chapel Choirs name was not
recopied. We are glad to say
that Clair’s Choir was one of the
first if not the first to agree to
take part on the program, and
made a splendid showing in every
We are very prond of Clair
Chapel and the wrork being done
there under the Strong leader
ship of the Rev. and Mrs. Con
Our lesson for next Thursday
is taken from the eighth chapter
of Revelations. First, the angel
sounded the warning of an ap
proaching temporal judgement,
which seemed to point back to the
plagues of Egypt to show the per
sistence of men in their inten
He also saw the prayers of the
saints ascend before Cod, and the
angel cast them back on the
Earth as a plague against the
wicked. You will remember that
in the sixth chapter of Revela
tions we had a general descrip
tion of the final judgement, but
these plagues are temporal and
are the beginning of sorrows such
as storms, earthquakes, etc.
* We meet each Thursday at
2012 N. 27th Street, at 7:30 p. m. j
Mrs. G. Gorum, reporter.
Elder W. 1. Irving, teacher and
By A. B. Mann
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Beggars and Choosers
The quotation runs: “Beggars are
not to be choosers,’' and it means
that when one is in need and seeks
relief, it ill becomes him to attempt
to choose the character and the
methods of the relief sought. But,
very often menticants undertake to
dictate in such matters. Especially
is this true of many blind persons. As
a class these blind people seem to be
distinctly unreasonable and exacting
in such particulars. But the old adage
is true, and those who are in need of
assistance ought to accept, and thank
fully, whatever might be tendered to
them in response to their solicitation
or such as may be prompted by a de
sire to serve one’s fellows. By arro-1
gance and an unreasonable attitude!
njany a person has alienated sympa
thy and lost benefits which were
practically certain.
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: Uniform
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©. Western Newspaper Union.
Lesson for April 14
LESSON TEXT—John S:14-17; Ro
mans 6:6-10; PhiHppians 2:6-11.
GOLDEN TEXT—For God so loved
the world, that re gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever ba
lieveth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life. John 3:16.
JUNIOR TOPIC—Jesus the Savlour.
TOPIC—What It Means to Be Saved
TOPIC—How Christ Saves Us.
It is not feasible to consider all
the texts proposed hy the lesson
committee, hnt it is desirable to se
lect the three suggested fo he print
ed and to introduce several others.
I. The Saviour Predictsd (Gen.
3:15; Lsa. S>:G. 7).
In connection with the fall of man
and consequent pronouncement of
judgment upon the woman, the man
and the seriient. and the announce
ment of the undying enmity which
v:i8 to exist l*ei ween the seed of
the woman and the seed of the ser
pent. ultimate victory was predict
ed of the woman's seed. On the
cross of Calvary the stroke was
made which Imposed the death sen
tence (John 1231; lleli 2:14). In
due time the unlawful ruler of the
world will hp displaced hy the conv
Ing of the k'ng and the establish
ment of a universal and everlasting
II. The Saviour Born (I.uke 2:11,
30. 32).
"'hat which had been predicted
was historically fulfilled In the
'•irth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.
When Jesus was brought to the tern
i '.e as a child the Holy Ghost re
vealed to Simeon that Jesus was
ihe Messiah.
III. The Saviour Described.
1. A seeker of the lost (I.uke-15:3
7). This seeking of the lost Is Illus
trated by the man leaving the nine
’.v and nine sheep and going after
•he one which was lost, and his re
joicing over his success in finding
t. Great, Indeed, Is the joy In heav
°n over the salvation of a lost soul.
2. He died for the lost (John 8:14
17). God gave Jesus Christ to die
!«» make an atonement for the sins
jf the world. As the brazen ser
;>ent w^ts lifted up In the wilderness
by Moses, so Jesus Christ was lift
ed up on the cross. As the Israelite#
.»nly needed to look at the uplifted
serpent, so the lost soul needs only
to look to the crucified Christ for
salvation. All who believe on him
aa their Saviour receive eternal life
and, therefore escape condemnation.
3. He knows his own (John 10: ,
14). The good Shepherd has a defi
nite knowledge of the lost ones. He
therefore seeks them out and gives
his life for them.
4. He keeps his own (John 10:27
29). Believers are Christ’s sheeps
and because they are his sheep,
they hear his voice and follow him.
He not only knows them personal
ly, but they, In turn, know him. He
not only gives unto them eternal
life, but holds them in his omnipo
tent hands.
IV. Some Blessings Received
Through the Saviour.
1. Justification (Rom. 5:1-11).
The one who receives Jesus Christ
is by the living God declared right
eous. His guilt Is removed and lie
Js given the same standing as Jesus
Christ himself. Because of this, the
very peace of God settles down upon
his soul. He has the assurance of
God’s love and is able, therefore, to
have Joy in God himself.
2. Freedom from the power of sin
(Rom. (5:1-7). It is not enough to
he freed from the guilt of sin, there
must he a dynamic which will en
able the believer'to live a life of
victory over sin. Being vitally unit
ed to Jesus Christ in ttie power of
):ls resurrection life, the dynamic
is provided which enables the be
liever to triumph over sin.
3. He is free from the law as a
means of sanctification (Rom. 7:1
0). Christ’s death nailed the law
to the tree. The one who has been
vitally united to Jesus Christ by
faith died with Christ. The law,
therefore, has no more dominion
over Idm.
4. Victory ovet the flesh through
t!ie indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom.
8:2-0). The introduction of the law
of the spirit of the life in Christ
Jesus enables the believer to free
himself from the dominion of the
f>. Christ is the supreme example
to (lie believer (Phil. 2:5-11). Be
cause the Saviour been me incor
porated with the race through the
incarnation he Is able to impart life
lo those with whom lie is identified.
Furthermore, because lie thus Im
parts life, tlie believer is able to
uiahe the Saviour Ids grand exem
j '>lnr
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Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi
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