•--- „>>--- - 5cT _Per Copy HEW TO THE UNE\ ■ ' i t—AV.'.VA'.V.V.V/.W VOLUME IX OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, April 13, 1935 NUMBER FIVE Mary Wjf 'te Ovington Celebrates Her Seventieth Birthday _ r y; 5i vc x % x ... I WIN JUDGEMENT IN SMITH CARNEY SUIT WILLIAMS, CONNOLLY THE a ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF _. 4 ' * The jury in Judge James Fitz geralds ’s court awarded $1,750 judgement to Mrs. Mari ha Smith, 2211 Ohio Street) in a damage suit against C. A. Carney, retired police Captain. Mrs. Smiih was injured on August 2(>, 19)14, when two ears collided at 15th and Capitol Avenue. Olio ear was driven by Captain Carney and the * ear iu which Mr$. Smith was rid ing was driven by her daughter in-laW, Mrs. Louise Smith. Mrs. Smith suffered broken ribs, slight concussions, leg and other body injuries. Her attorneys were Cornelius Connolly of the firm of Crowfoo., Frasier, Connolly and Stryker, and Ray L. Williams. WHITE MINISTERS ENDORSE | COSTIGAN-WAGNER BILL New Orleans, La., April 5.—A reso lution endorsing the Costigan-Wagner Federal anti-lynching bill was adopt ed Monday, April 1, by members of the New Orleans Ministers Union. The resolution was adopted follow ing a talk on the bill by James E. Gayle, president of our New Orleans branch of the NAACP. As a result of this meeting, Mr. Gayle has been invited to address the young people of the Evangelical de nomination in New Orleans at the First Evangelical Church (white) on the subject of the work of the N. A. A. C P. and the anti-lynching bill. COMMITTEE HEARING BARES HARLEM TERROR New York, N. Y., (CNA)—A crowd ed courtroom listened to Russell Hobb, 15, tell how his brother Lloyd, 16, was shot by a policeman on the evening of March 19. According to Russell’s testimony, Lloyd, fearing a beating, ran when accosted by patrolman Mc Innerny, and was shot in the abdomen. Lloyd’s death was announced on the same day as the hearing. This brings the total deaths to 5 due to quick-on the-trigger policemen. The testimony was given at the first open hearing of the Mayor’s Committee, to investigate conditions in Harlem. James W. Ford, Communist leader, testified at the hearing, pointing out many cases of police brutality preced ing the March 19 events. The sharp j questions of Robert Minor and Inter-1 national Labor Defense attorneys, Kuntz and Tauber, brought forth a protest against “police baiting”. According to eyewitnesses testify ing at the Mayor’s Committee the Young Liberator leaflet was not dis tributed until the disturbance began. Under questioning police officials admitted that Jim Crow tactics were in vogue against Negroes. In his testimony, Ford pointed out that workers “need no police to safe guard them. The police are for guarding property. The workers are capable of forming their own defense corps”. He was promptly interrupted. Bill to Admit Negro Doctors to Hospital Dallas, Texas, (CNA)—A bill has been inrodueed in the state legislature here which provides for the admission of Negro physicians to tax-empt hos pitals. The present regulations permit only doctors who are members of the American Medical Association to at tend or operate on patients in Texas hospitals. Negro doctors are barred from the local American Medical As sociation affiliates, Dallas County So ciety and Southern Clinical Society. The bill now pending in the state legislature and known as House Bill 464, states that any physician licensed by the state of Texas shall be admit ted to any tax-exempt hospital, re gardless of whether or not he belongs to a medical association. Not only will Negro doctors be able to enter the hospitals but also many white doctors who are unable to pay the high membership dues of the medical societies. The Dallas County Medical Society and the Southern Clinical Society are waging a bitter fight against the bill. The passage of the bill will also mean an end to the exorbitant fees charged by the members of the medical organ izations. BRITISH CAPITAL FEARS OUTBREAK IN COLONIES London, England, (CNA)—Fearing “anti-white” (anti-imperialist) out breaks in her African colonies, British capital diplomatically moved last week to discourage fascist Italy’s robber war against the Ethiopian people. Italy’s attacks on Ethiopia have given rise to an intense revolutionary wave of national feeling among the natives. Excited Patient Hurls Dentist Through Window New- York, April 10.—Special to Omaha Guide—A Washington Heights dentist was thrown out of the win dow of his operating room this after noon by his patient while he w'as pre paring to extract a molar from the left side of the jaw and wras busy ad ministering gas. Fortunately, the window' w'as on the first floor and the dentist was not seriously hurt. F The patient threw the dentist out of the window with his right hand and threw the gas machine out of the win dow with his left hand, and then jumped through the window himself. When all three were outside the pa tient went after the dentist and to throttle him. He was subdued by several astonished citizens. A few minutes later the patient was back in the operating chair. A po liceman and an ambulance surgeon were holding him down, and the den tist, without the use of gas, removed the troublesome tooth. The patient then rested in the dentist’s chair, and as soon as he recovered sufficiently, he went home. The dentist was Dr. Alvin B. Lea vitt, 60. The patient was Albert Cal lahan, 30. WORKER FREED IN H ARLEM OUTBREAK CHARGES New York, (CNA) — Indictments against Joseph Moore were quashed in the General Sessions Court here when the International Labor Defense attorneys bared the frame-up nature of the case. Moore was arrested in connection with the spontaneous revolt of the Ne gro people in Harlem against starva tion conditions, misery and police bru tality. He was indicted on a charge of “robbery and looting”. Witnesses and I. L. D- lawyers pointed out that the charge of “rob bery and looting” was an attempt on the part of the city officials to dis tort the character of the revolt, and to pave the way for a monstrous white-wash of the city administration, upon whom the responsibility for the outbreak lies. The indisputable evidence presented by the defense attornys and witnesses, backed by the mass anger of the Ne gro and white workers against the frame-up, compelled the presiding jus tice, Judge Goenig, to direct a ver dict of acquittal. Six other framed-up workers, four of whom are whites, have asked the International Labor Defense to defend to defend them. Brooklyn, N. Y., (CNA)—In a courtroom packed with Negro and white sympathizers, Nathan Goldstein and Max Samuels (both white) were freed. They were arrested and charged with “unlawful assembly” for distrib uting leaflets on the recent Harlem outbreak. The leaflets characterized the Har lem uprising as the logical result of the city administration’s policy of jim-crowism. Convict Tells of Brutal Cruelties Charlotte, N. C., April 11— Woodrow Wilson Shropshire, 19 year old Negro convict, today told of 12 days of horror in a dark cell” at a prison camp near here as a judicial inquiry was begun into circumstances which caused him and Robert Barnes, 19, another Negro, to lose their feet. The Negro testified to being chained in a standing position in freezing weather last January in unheated punishment cells and said he and Barnes were given only a little bread to eat. “All they gave us was a piece of biscuit, trimmed down until it wasn’t no thicker than an orange peel, and some water,” he said. He testified R. C. Rape, a guard, beat Barnes for “spitting on, the floor.” Their feet froze, he said, and within a few days after their re moval from the cells their limbs were rotting and the flesh falling from the bones. Doctor’s Medicine Kills Many African Children Southern Tanganyika, Africa—(By Mail to CNA)—Twenty-five school children are dead and twenty-three others seriously ill here from the ef fects of a “medicine”. The white school physician administered the death potion. A chemical analysis of the medicine showed that it was a poisonous solu tion of soap containing arsenic. The coroner whitewashed the doctor’s re sponsibility for the deaths stating that “no one was guilty of criminal negli gence”. 3Birtbba\> Greetings Miss Mary White Ovington Treasurer of N. A. A. C. P. In 1909 THE NEW YORK WORLD sent a young man, Wil liam Walling, a reporter for the paper, to investigate the race riot in the home town of the Great Emancipator, Abraham Lincoln. On his return to New York he wrote his findings for the paper and closed with the following remarks, or words to this effect: “What group of people or or ganization will come forward and furnish the proper protection for the oppressed Negro race?” Miss Mary AVhite Ovington, who had finished college and was engaged in settlement work among Negroes, read this news item, and shortly afterwards a meeting was called. Although only three people, Miss Ovington, Mr. AValling and a Mr. Russell, attended, out of this conference was organized the National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People on February 12th, 1909. Miss Ovington has rendered a very great service to the colored people of America. She has de voted her life to our cause, and the deep gratitude that we feel can never be expressed in words. For years, Miss Ovington serv ed as Chairman of the Executive Board without pay; attended every National Convention at her own expense and contributed large sums to the upkeep of the organization, and is now treasur er of the N. A. A. C. P. On Thursday, April 11th. Miss Ovington. celebrated her seven tieth birthday. And as a mes-! senger of the race and of our com munity, especially, we wish Miss Ovington the very happiest birth day of her life, and hope that she may enjoy many more birthdays. THE OMAHA. GUIDE PUB LISHING CO. CHICAGO MINISTERS ENDORSE ANTI-LYNCHING BILL Chicago, 111., April 5.—In a tele gram to Senator William H. Dieterich, of Illinois, the Chicago Congressional Ministers Union, representing ninety churches and thirty-five thousand communicants, stated its endorsement of the Costigan-Wagner bill and ex pressed the hope that the penalty clause would not be eliminated. The Union Ministers Meeting of Chicago, representing eighteen de nominations and 850 churches, with approximately 300,000 communicants also telegraphed Senator Dieterich its endorsement of the bill and its belief that the penalty clause should be re tained. MINISTER MURDERED BY PLANTATION OWNERS Memphis, Tenn.,(CNA)—Rev. T. A Allan was lynched last week by wealthy plantation owners for organ izing share croppers into a union. The minister’s body was found in the shallow waters of the Coldwater River here by a group of fishermen. He had been shot through the heart. An unsuccessful attempt had been made to conceal the body in the river by weighting it down with chains. The pockets of the slain minister contained literature for the organiza tion of sharecroppers. Sheriff Sid Campbell (white) of Hernando, Miss., who is conducting an “investigation” of the slaying, frankly admitted that Rev. Allen was murdered ‘by planters' HALFBACK AND TRACK STAR TO BE PRESENT FIRST ANNUAL ATHLETIC BANQUET ON APRIL 19th. for his union activities. The shooting of Rev. Allan is the fourth reported lynching this year. Cuts Are Fatal to Mrs. Henry Walker. Mrsc. Henry Walker, 1017 S. 13th S reet, who it is alleged, was cut by Willie Griffin more than a weey ago, died in Lord Lister, Hospital Tuesday afternoon. The funeral was conducted from the Jones Funeral Parlors Thursday at 3. p. m. Mrs. Walk er, his wife, left with the body for the south Thursday night. MOTOR ACCIDENT Misses June Artison and Ethel Cole were slightly injured Sunday evening, April 7, when the car in which they were riding, driven by John Barquette, was struck by another car at 13th and Webster Streets. No trace has been found of the hit-and-run di-iver of the other car. No one was serious ly injured. A CORRECTION The Omaha Guide published a news item last week headed, “Guilty of Grand Larceny; Sentenced to Ten Years”. This week we wish to apol ogize to Mr. Thomas Coulter for such an error. However, it was not our error but the error of our informant. Thomas Coulter was found NOT GUILTY of Grand Larceny and ACQUITTED. We deeply regret the error, and are more than glad to make the correction. THE OMAHA GUIDE PUBLISHING CO., Inc. 3 Ozzie Simmons, flashy colored halfback of Iowa University will be a special guest at the First Annual Aihletic Award Banquet sponsored by the Urban League Community Center on April 19th. Eugtne Skinner, former Tech High track star, now attending Iowa University, also plans to be present for the occasion. Awards will be made to more than 30 players who have participated in various sports. Mr. J. Truitt Maxwell, executive Secretary of the Omaha Y. M. C. A. will deliver the principal ad dress. Special musical numbers will be given by the Community Center Quartette and Tom Jones. $10,000 Damage Suit Filed Mrs. Florence Terrell, 2502 N. 24th Street, who was injured by a Publix Cab at 16th and Douglas Streets at 1:45 p. m. on March 28th, filed suit Thursday, April 11th., in District Court against the Publix Cab Co., for injuries sustained. The attorneys for the plaintiff are Ray L. Williams, R. B. Hesselquist and Donald S. Krouse. RECOVERING AFTER SERIOUS OPERATION Mr. Paul Turner, 2704 Lake Street, was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital Saturday night to undergo an appen dectomy. The operation was per formed immediately, and he is re ported as recovering rapidly. Rev. Burckhardt, Colored Civic, Religious Leader Here Forty-five years Monday marked the 45th an-; niversary of the arrival of Rev. 0. J. Burckhardt in the city of; Lincoln. He came from Jefferson City, Mo., where he had been at tending Lincoln Institute, a Ne gro college organized by the col ored soldiers of Missouri at the close of the Civil war. His first 15 years in Lincoln were speni as a poiter for the Burlington. The next 13 years, Rev. Burck hardt was employed as a waiter at the Lincoln hotel. His profes sional number, “13,” is always one of good luck, he declared. For the past 35 years Rev. Burckhardt has been engaged in Christian work. During the years that he worked for the rail road and the hotel he also did missionary evangelistic work, and for the past 14 years he has held a pastorate at Omaha. He is con sidered a civic and religious lead er of his race in Nebraska. For nine years he was actively associated with the work of the Ministerial Alliance at Omaha and he has written many articles relative tp temperance, religion, and the civic welfare of his race. For five years he was associated with the Beulah mission in,Lin coin. “Unofficial Cabinet’’ Member. Rev. Burckhardt has been in the “unofficial cabinet’’ of every Nebraska governor from the time of Sheldon. During the years that Rev. Burckhardt held his Omaha pastorate at a prosperous interdenominational church he maintained his residence in Lin coln. He retired from his Omaha work January 1, and was recent ly appointed by Governor Coch ran as an assistant in the state health laboratory. Wife Talented His wife, Mrs. Anna Burck hardt, has conducted an art studio for, the past 30 years at their resi dence, 1236 Washington street. She is one of the best china painters in the middle west, and has had oil paintings and china in exhibitions from New York to the Pacific coast. She won .first prize on her china entries at the Jamestown exposition of 1908, and has won numerous other awards. One of the more prom inent pictures which she has painted is a portrait of Booker T. Washintgon which the colored citizens of the city presented to the Lincoln high school in 1916. WHITE PHYSICIAN POISONS MANY AFRICAN SCHOOL CHILDREN