The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 06, 1935, Page TWO, Image 2

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and EUTPRE ••
L. B. C.—r have worried for some
time about my father’s business and I
want to know is it like I believe it to
Ans.—Yes—your father did lose
money in the last big investment that
he made and he wtuld like to keep it
away from your mother. It would
please your father if you would ask
him to let you become associated with
him for at his age h3 needs a younger
man in his business.
A. S. M.—Will my daughter’s con
dition be improved through the treat
ment that she is now aking?
Ans.—Her physical condition will
be much improved but I do not believe
that she will get permanent relief un
til she has her TONSILS removed.
Your family physician explained the
symptoms of her case and said that
her tonsils should be removed and
there is nothing left for him to do but
treat her locally until you make up
your mind
F. G.—Should I take my boy
friend’s advice or is he trying to pull
a gag on me?
Ans —Your boy friend is acting
. very manly in explaining to you that
he has found someone else that he
loves and is going to MARRY. He
is not trying to cause you any em
barassment, but on the contrary, he
knows that it has been rumored for
years that you loved him but he has
always been on the level wtth you and
considered you as his friend. Wish
him luck and try to forget him.
M. H. H.—What causes this con
fusion in my household from the
time my husband gets home unt l he
leaves ?
Ans.—Your husband and yourself
should get together about rearing
your DAUGHTER It is unfair to
this young lady to always have some
one to squabble over what she does
and when she is going to do it—for
after all she is old enough to take care
of herself and should be allowed some
privileges without having to slip
around. I agree with you that she
should be allowed to receive her
friends in her home.
W- N. F-—Should I depend on my
wifo returning to me?
Ans.—She will come back far the
man that she thought she would mar
ry changed his mind when she ar
rived in Detroit,. Michigan with her
FOUR CHILDREN. He himself, has
five and he could not possibly support
all these children on the salary he is
making. She will return home and
will be glad to get back.
K. D. X.—Will you please discuss
and explain the problem I have in
Ans—Jt seerqs to me that before
entering into the business proposition
that you are now interested in you
should consult your UNCLE- He
has financed you through school and
has plans for you already so now go
to him and lay the proposition before
him and get his opinion. I believe
that you will be able to make a good
D R,—Do you think that the folks
will ever send for me and when do
you think they will do so?
Ans.—'Ihe family that you worked
for during the Christmas Holidays
have not had their home opened this \
spring but they are going to the r j
northern home around the month of
May and v. ill get in touch with you ;
at that time. They have not forgotten
your services and will pay you a good
L. N. C.—Please tell me what
makes my wife so cranky?
Ans.—She only gets this way when
there is company around and she
tries to show them how well off she
is and what a wonderful provider you
have been. She does not mean any
harm by assuming a superior air as if
she were very SNOOTY when her
friends are around for they do the
B M F.—Will I be able to make
the trip that I am trying to make and
about what month will I be able to
Ans.—It seems to me that you
will make a trip to visit your PEOPLE
in the first week in July. The job
that you are going on next week will
pay you enough money for j ou to
save for a vacati on.
L K.—Please tell me if I will have
any success with my’ work and when
will I gain anything from it?
Ans.—Yes, I am happy to say that
you will be able to get one of the j
songs on the market that the Naional
Composers Association have in their
hands now. You should not wait un- j
til you receive word from them about
your work but should try to better
what you have already done.
, By R. A- Adams
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Because I am your friend, forsooth
Behooveth me to tell the truth,
Not say you’re right when you are
Nor when you’re weak, pronounce you
Because I am your friend, ’tis meet .
That I forbear to use deceit.
Praise when your actions merit blame.
And you should hang your head in
Because I am your friend, my eyes
Seeing your faults, deceitful lies
I should not tell, to flatter you,
While knowing such to be untrue.
Because you are my friend, also,
If you my weaknesses should know,
Behooveth you to deal with me,
Also in frank sincerity.
NOTE—Your question printed free
in this column- For Private reply send
25c and (self addressed stamped en
velope for my New Astrological Read
ing and receive by return mail my
advice on three questions free. Sign
1 your full name, birthdate, and correct
address. Address Abbe’ Wallace.,'
P- 0. Box—11, Atlanta, Georgia.
N. A. A. C. P. ASKS F. E. R. A.
Terrorizing Tenant Fanners to
Force Them to Break up
Interracial Union.
New York April 4.—Declaring
that it had been advised that only
federal intervention could pre
vent starvation and bloodshed
among the tenant farmers in Ar
kansas, the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People telegraphed the Federal
Relief Administration in Wash
ington this week asking it to send
administrators from Washington
into Arkansas to see that relief is
administered impartially to the
share croppers and tenant farmers
who are now in a bitter contest
with plantation owners over evic
tions and the formation of the in
terracial Southern Tenant Farm-;
ers Union.
The Southern Tenant Farmers
Union, according to the N. A. A.
C. P., has been terrorized by the
plantation owners and local of
ficers in Poinstett county largely
because it has admitted Negroes
and whites into its membership,
with several of the officers and
members of the executive commit
tee being colored men. The N. A.
A. C. P. claims it has received
information that local officials
have offered aid to the white ten
ant farmers if they would divorce
themselves from the Negroes.
Tension in Arkansas has been
heightened during the week by
threats against officers cf the
union coupled with threats and a
midnight visit to the home of the
white attorney for the union.
llDion members have been cut off
of all relief and are denied per
mission to hold meetings of pro
test. The X. A. A. C. P. telegram
to Washington read:
“National Association Ad
vancement ot' Colored People is
advised plight of evicted share
croppers and tenant farmers in
Arkansas desparate with likeli
hood of outbreak of violence im
minent. Contest of these people
with plantation owners being ag
gravated by local administrators
of relief in Arkansas. Thousands
are reported unable to secure ade
quate relief from local adminis
trators who are under influence
of big plantation owners. We!
urge strongly that FERA send
administrators into territory to
supersede local officials and ad
minister direct relief impartially.'
Unless this is done at once every
indication points to bloody out
bi'eak. All our information from
several sources in Arkansas in
sists that federal action alone can
prevent starvation and blood
New York—CXA — Although
the New York daily newspapers
claim that the outbreak in Har
lem last Tuesday night was a
race riot one of the leaders of the
delegation protesting the brutali
ty of the police against the Ne
groes in the crowd Avas Henry
Gordon, Avhite, \\’ho Avas arrested
by the police and charged with
“inciting to riot.’
Negroes Avere joined in protest
ing against the attacks of the
police by hundreds of sympathet
ic white people.
Many other white workers were
arrested for resisting the attacks
of the police against Negroes.
(Continued from Page 1)
finding themselves and rededicated
himself to the creation of a safe har-1
“There- is a difference between mer
cy' and justice,” he said. “Mercy is j
something, ; ou beg for; Justice is
something you fight for. We have
been begging too long. We must now
fight. There will never be any form
of equality for the Negro until there
is economic equality—until the Negro
has equal opportunity for the job at!
equal pay. Only then will the handi-1
caps of the Negro fade away to give
place to justice.
“Only through Union organizations
can this be accomplished,” he contin
ued. “Too long have we been looking
.'or happiness in heaven after death.
Let us have a lit.le happiness and
some of the good life now on Earth.
And if we cannot do it for ourselves
Set us get together shoulder to shoul
der so that our children may live in
a better world.”
Among others at the speakers table ■
wero the following: James Bambrick,
president Building Service Employees
international Union; Luigi Antonini,!
P.rst Vice President of the Interna
tional Ladies Garment Workers’ Un
ion. Ashley L. Totten, National Sec- S
retary Brotherhood of Sleeping Car
Por ers; James Oneal, Editor of the
New Leader; Herbert M. Merrill, Sec
retary New York State Committee
Socialist Party; Fannia Cohen, Secre
tary Educational Department I. L.
G W. U.; Mrs. A. Phillip Randolph,
wife of the president of the Brother
hood of SSleeping Car Porters; Har
court A. Tynes; Dr. and Mrs. Vernon
A. Aver. James E- Alien, President
NAACP; Charles S. Zimmerman, vice
president of the I. L. G. W. U. and
manager of Local 22 Dressmakers Un
ion; WilKam Collins, N Y. Represen
tative of the A. F. of L; Mr. and Mrs.
Collins made no bones of coming
out flatly for a strong policy on the
part of the Negro.
“The Negro today is facing the
same problems that other National
and racial groups have faced in the |
vast,” he said. “Those other groups
have accomplished their objects and
gone ahead in organization not byj
asking but by demanding, not by look- 1
ing for favors but by getting togeth- 1
er and fording the justified conces
sions. My office is ready to give
Brother Crosswaith help.”
Biographical Sketch of
Frank R. Crosswaith has one of the
■most brilliant and consistent records
to the working people of this country
of any person, white or Negro.
Born in Frederickstad, St. Croix,
Virgin Islands, he came to this coun
try in his teens. He started to work
as an elevator operator and attended
several schools. He is a graduate of
the Rand School of Social Science,
New York City, where he later was a
teacher for many years.
He is probably best known through
his work as special organizer for the
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
in its fight to rescue the Pullman Por
ters and Maids from slave conditions
and give them the status of men and
He also organized the Elevator Op
erators Union, Elevator Constructors,
the Union Mechanics, Barbers, Laun
dry Workers and Motion Picture Op
Ho founded the Trade Union Com
mittee for Organizing Negro Workers
in 1923 and has worked with most of
the unions that have Negroes in their
industries since that time. For the
past five years he has edited Negro
Labor News Service.
Frank Crosswaith is known as the
Socialist Party’s foremost orator. He
has run for various offices on the
Socialist ticket, including President
of the Board of Aldermen, Congress
21st District, Secretary of State and
Governor of New York.
In addition, Mr. Crosswaith is now
a general organizer of the Interna
tional Ladies Garment Workers Un
ion, which is the third largest union
within the American Federation of
Labor. It has a membership of more
than 300,000 and about 12,000 of
whom are Negroes. He is chairman
of the Harlem Labor Committee,
which has been carrying on extensive
and intensive work to bring Negro
workers within the bona fide organ
ized labor movement and fighting con
structively with the said movement
for complete equality of opportunity
for Negro labor.
The Testimonial Dinner in honor of
Mr. Crosswaith’s 20 years of devoted
service to the advancement of the |
economic and social welfare of all
workers regardless of color, race or
sex has been selected as the place
to fire the opening gun for the organ
Have money and love magic. Send youf
name tnd address and receive the mystic
sample free. Just write Keystone Lab.*
Dept. 00, Memphis, Tena.
ization of a United Negro Trades,
which has been the If e-long dream of
Mr. Crosswaith. He has always con
tended that any improvement in the
status of the Negro worker must
come within the framework of the
American Federation of Labor. To
accomplish this aim there will be
called a delegated conference of Negro
and white trade unionists in the near
future to lay the basis for the estab
lishment of a United Negro Trades to
serve the Negro worker as the United
Hebrew Trades serves the Jewish
workers, the Women’s Trade Union
League serves women workers, and
as the Italian Chamber of Labor
serves the interest of Workers of Ital
ian nationality.
Mr. Crosswaith also has as a lec
turer for the Socialist Party and the
League for Industrial Democracy
made many yearly nation-wide tours
from New York to California, at which
time he has spoken in practically ev
ery university and college.
Appointment of Frank R. Cross
waith as General Organizer by the
International Ladies Garment Work
ers Un.on was commemorated at a
testimonial dinner, Sunday evening,
March 3, at Park Palace, FiLh Ave
nue and 110th Street. The occasion
is worthy of celebration because this
is the first time one of the largest
uni s of American Labor has filled
such an important post from the ranks
of Negro labor.
•As a special tribute to Crosswaith
the occasion has been selected by the
Harlem Labor Committee of which he
is chairman to take the first steps in
the launching of the United Negro
Trades within the frame of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor.
A distinguished list of speakers rep
resenting a cross section of the Ameri
can labor movement attended the
function. They include William Col
lins, N. Y. representative of the
American Federation of Labor, David
Dubinsky, president International
Ladies Garment Workers Union; Jul
ius Hochman, Manager Joint Board
Dress and Waistmakers’ Union; James
Bambrick, president build ng Service
Emplo; e’s International Union; A.
Phillip Randolph, president brother
hood of Sleeping Car Porters, B. C.
Vladek, business manager For
ward. August Classens, labor secre
tary Socialist Party; and Mr. Cross
An ambition program of organiza
tion and education to bring the 6,000,
000 Negro workers of the country in
to Umons is planned by the Harlem
Labor Commit ee with the United Ne
gro Trades as the instrument.
Mr. Hochman, who will introduce
the speakers at the dinner, said today
that for many years he has regarded
some such movement as the United
Negro Trades as an essenliall; pro
gressive step.
“Race prejud'ce is absolutely absent
in the union of which I have the honor
to be general manager,” Mr. Hoch
man said, “We have long since ex
ploded the lies spread about Negro
workers. We have thousands of Ne
gro members and they are among the
most loyal and faithful in the Union.
Today he is forced in o ‘paper unions’
that are hardly more than ‘scab’ re
cruiting agencies. Or he is led astray
by ’.air brained movements that use
him as a catspaw for demonstrative
purposes. Our union has a simple pro
gram for the Negro: ‘Equal opportun
ity for the job at equal pay ar.d con
ditions’. Around some such program,
as I see it, the program of the United
Negro Trades will revolve.”
Mr. Crosswaith has had a distin
guished h.story in the labor movement
of the country. He has occupied many
important posts and is well known
not only as a practical organizer and
field wor ker but as a writer and lec
William C. Handy, author of the
Indigo Memphis, Beale Street and St.
Louis Blues, known on and off Tin Pan
Alley as the “father of the blues”, and
J. Rosamond Johnson, author of the
music to Paul Robeson’s cinema suc
cess “Emperor Jones”, internationally
famous exponents and interpreters of
Negro aspirations in music, have been
added to the program of the testimon
ial dinner to Frank R. Crosswaith,
Sunday, March 3, Park Palace Fifth
Avenue and 110th Street.
The dinner commemorates Cross
waith’s appointment as general organ
izer for the International Ladies Gar
ment Workers’ Union and two decades
of service in the labor movement. It
is the first time that a union like the
International, third largest in the
United States, has appointed a negro
to such a high post.
As a special tribute to Crosswaith
the occasion has been selected by the
Harlem Labor Committee of which
he is chairman to take the first steps
in the launching of the United Negro
Trades within the frame of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor. Julius
m * m mmmmmmrn-__
■ ■ ■■■■■■■-'■ '
■ ■■
.« The Omaha Guide
3» Recommends ■£
The State
i; Furniture Co. ij
■I Corner 14th and Dodge
I; Streets. As One of the Most ||
I* Reliable and Accomodating "■
> Firms to Buy from.
^ Prices the Lowest ■■
Land ;!
Terms the Easiest j*
Hochman, General Manager of the
Joint Board of the Dress and Waist
makers’ Union, introduced a distin
guished list of speakers.
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
Man Married—Five Girls and Never
a Boy—Just Dying for a Boy—
Tempted to Hunt a Boy on the Out
side—Wrong, all Wrong—Mfght Get
Just an Outside Girl—Would Any
Man Grant this to His Wife—I Bet
No.—Be'ter Swallow Disappoint
ment and Go On.
(For advice, write to Maxie Miller,
care cf Literary Service Bureau, 516
Minnesota Ave., Kansas C.ty, Kans.
For personal repl send self-address
ed, stamped envelope.)
1 axie Miller: I am a married man
forty years old. I been married to
my wife twenty years. We have five
girls and never a boy, and all my life
I’ve been just d ing for a boy. My
wiij laughs at me, shrugs her shoul
ders and says, “ Tain’t my fault,” and
thaL makes me so mad! Now, I’ve
heard t argued that under such cir
cumstances a man would have the
right to find him a boy on the outside.
I'm tempted to do this and I am
writ: |' to ‘ask yov|r opinion.—Sad
Sad Husband: You are just as
wrong as you can be. If all the
children were boys and you wife was
I “just d ing” for a girl, would you
justify her in going outside for a girl ?
I I b t not! Of course, it is not your
wife’s fault! How can you blame her ?
Then how do you know the outside
childr would nob be another g.rl?
Then, it would be a terrible sin to
have an illegitimate child born to you.
j What comfort could you get out of
such a condition? How could you
clear ; ourself in the eyes of such a
child? Better go on and swallow
your disappointment. Thousands have
just the same to endure.—Maxie Mil
Attorney Ray L. Williams, Room 200,
Tuchman Bldg.. 24.h and Lake St.
Netic* by Publication on Petition for
Settlement of Final Administration
In the County Court of Douglas
County. Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Houston Murdock, Deceased
All persons interested in said mat
ter are hereby notified that on the
1st day of April. 1935, W. L. Myers
filed a petition in said County Court,
praying that his final administration
account filed herein be settled and
allowed, and that he be discharged
from his trust as Administrator and
that a hearing will be had on said pe
tition before said Court on the 27th
day of April, 1935, and that if you
| fail to appear before said Court on
the said 27th day of April, 1935 at
9 o’clock A. M.. and contest said peti
; tion, the Court may grant the prayer
of said petition, enter a decree of heir
; ship, and make such other and further
orders, allowances and decrees, as
! to this Court may seem proper, to the
end that all matters pertaining to said
estate may be finally settled and de
Begins 4-6-35 Bryce Crawford
Ends 4-20-35 County Judge
•agent. Take oider.i for Sweet
Georgia Brown Hair Dressing
Pomade, Face Powder. 300 prod
ucts. Write today for FREE Sam
ples and steady job offer.
a fir**v® five., ChW‘RF'1, "I.
Help Kidneys
• If poorly functioning Kidneys and
Bladder make you suffer from Getting
Up Nights. Nervousness. Rheumatic
• Pains. Stmnesa, Burning. Smarting.
Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed
Doctor's PrescriptionCystex(Siss-tex>
—Must fix you up or money
(/JfalCA back. Only 76/ at druggists,
A Beautiful free gift to any
reader of this paper. Just send
us your name and address to
49 East Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
[—.■' -- .
WHtJN every
thing you at>
1 tempt is a burden
" —when you are
fp nervous and irri
| table—at your
j wit’s end—try
this medicine. It
may be iust what
v: -" you ueeu tor extra
energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of
Trenton, New Jersey, says, "After
doing just a little work I had to lie
down. My mother-in-law - recom
mended the Vegetable Compound.
I can see a wonderful change now.”
By R. A- Adams
(For the Literary Service Bureau)
I am not thinking of sen iment. I
have not reference to the adage,
“Speak only good of the dead.” used
in the sentimental wav. I have in
, m’nd the terrible crime of hindering
the influence of th* dead by disparag
ing them and their accomplishmertts
after they have gone to their reward.
In Rev. 13:14 a statement that
when properly translated reads: Hap
py are the dead that die in the Lord
.... they rest from their labors
and their works do go on after them
—after they have passed into eter
nity. This means that the influence
of one’s life does not end with death;
that individuals who have been inspir
ed and encouraged by others shall
cont'nue the work after these bene
factors have ceased to labor.
The great benefactors of humanity
did their work; they made their con
tribution to human betterment, the
world is better because they lived; and
the influence of their lives will go
on blessing men. To disparage the
lives and the work of these departed
benefactors means to hinder the in
fluences of their lives. Not only is
this uncharitable, considering it senti
mentally, but it is a distinct disservice
to others who have faith in the depart
ed ones and whose lives are being in- ■
fluenced by those loyal souls deceased.
Therefore, for the works’ sake and
for humanit •’s sake we should not
disparage the lives, character and
labors of the dead, especially those
who have made worthwhile accom
plishments and contribution to the
cause of human good.
Philadelphia, Pa., — CNA—-A
conspiracy by transient officials
o forcibly “deport” Absolom
Brown, unemployed laborer, to
Lake City. South Carolina, from
where he fled last year to escape
lyivhing, was uncovered here.
Brown was able to eke out a
living here until last Oe.ober. He
then was compelled to apply for
relief at the transient bureau
After correspondence with the
•South Carolina relief authorities,
the Philade phia officials decided
Moone’s Emerald Oil Guaranteed ta
Stop All Pain and Soreness and
Banish Offensive Odors
In just one minute after an appli
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No fuss, no trouble; you just ap
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ing, or when occasion requires. Just
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there’s nothing better in the
Moone’s Emerald Oil is
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to return Brown to his home
state. The Carolina authorities,
had promised to “take care” of
Relief authorities in South
Carolina “take care” of jobless
Negro laborers by farming them
out to rich landowners. They are
forced to work for a miserable
wage of 50 ceips a day, Jf they
refuse, they are beaten and even,
lynched, Brown declared.
How to Get Rid of
Look Years Younger
Whin you can change your Kray,
faded, or streaked hair to its natural
youthful soft color in less than half
an hour—
And do it at home without fear of
harm to the hair—why go on looking
years older than you should look.
Rap—I—Dol is the real, original
hair colorer—18 shades to choose from
it is so supremely good that the best
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Go to any Beaton Drug Store today
and choose the shade you need— you’ll
be a happy woman if you do—for a
long time to 'ome
Society Girl
Lightens Skin
Three Shades
Discovers magic
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She had thought her dark skin was.
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Just smooth a little Nadinola on at
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While you sleep it immediately begins to
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Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Get a jar of Nadinola Bleaching Cream
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NADINOLA, Box N-16 Paris. Tet:n.
cNadinola ‘Bleaching Cream
Lots of Hair!
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Yes . . . YOU can have it . . .
YOU can enjoy it . . . YOU can
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Because it scientifically nour
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gist for Black and White Hair
Grower today.
Of Course You Want
Sore yon do. Who wouldn't like
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Get a big ran of fragrantly
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Hair Dressing and natch yonr
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W hite 50c, Amber 25c.
to Preserve Its BEAUTY
What .-i pity to let hot irons
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Gives hair brilliant lustre,
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Minimum buRdle 48c
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