The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 23, 1935, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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    . . . EDITORIALS . . .
The Omaha Guide
Published every Saturday at 2418-20 Giant St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Phone WEbster 1750
Entered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927
at the Post Office at Omaha, Neb., under the Act
of Congress of March 3, 1879.
Terms of Subscription $2.00 per year.
Race prejudice must go. The Fatherhood of
God and the Brotherhood of Man must pre
vail. These are the only principles which will
stand the acid test of good citizenship in time
of peace, war and death.
.. .- -* :
Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, MARCH 23, 1935
managements want to wave the white flag and sur
render ,heir economic position, that is their busi
The death of former Supreme Court Justice
Oliver Wended Holmes, on the eve of his 94th
birthday, brought to a close one of the mos. distin
guished careers of the past century.
In Justice Holmes, the phrase “public service”
found its liighes. possible meaning. His entire life
was devoted to the welfare of the nation—every
deed, every thought, was actuated by .he most
lofty patriotic ideals. His was influence that went
far beyond .he law, to which his abilities of mind
and spirit were primarily dedicated, and found
its reflection in every walk of life, from Civil \\ ar
days to the present.
The friends and acquaintances of Justice Holm
es have often paid tribute, not only to his brilliance,
but to his generosity. Many a man who has risen
to a high posticn in public or private life owes his
start to encouragemeiu and teaching given him by
the great jurist, and his unflagging interest in
young men with the potentialities of achievement
is well konwn.
Men such as Justice Holmes are rare in any
time—and then seem to be particularly rare in these
days when expediency, greed, and the lust for power
die.ate the actions of so many of us. It is not too
much to say that Mr. Holmes will be remembered
as John Marshall, Franklin, Adams and others are
remembered—as a man who unselfishly served his
ccun'ry to the best of his vast abilities and at the
end of life could look back on great and difficult
tasks well done.
The transposition needs of the United States
are served by several distinct agencies. Each is
needed—each performs valuable service within its
Efforts to remedy discrepancies in our trans
portation ieguiaory policies should be designed o
aid all carriers—not the railroads alone. It is true
that action is essential to the preservation of the
present railroad structure—but it is likewise true
that all other important media of transport are in
a serious position.
Hus and truck systems, for example, are suf
fering from cut-throat practices, due indirectly to
inadequate regulation. These practices not only
tend to make the cooperation of bus and truck lines
profitless, but hamper logical development and so
jeopardize the interest of the shipping and traveling
Every form of private transportation faces the
problem of government competition. Such compe
tition already exists in the case of waterways which,
aided by federal and state subsidies, take much
business that would otherwise go to railroads and
trucks. More important yet, if threatened ex
cursion ot government into the field of rail trans
port is permitted ,everv ether carrier will feel the
adverse effects—no private business can compete
with government.
During the present session of Congress bills
will he considered which, if passed, will put all forma
of transportation under one regulatory body, and
will treat all alike. Federal Coordinator of Trans
portation Eastman is behind these bills. So, ac
cording to commentators, is President Roosevelt. So
are responsible railroad, truck and bus executives.
Adoption of legislation, suitably framed to
provide adequate regulation in the best possible in
terest of all types of carriers, is one of our greatest
present needs.
Acording to news reports from New York City,
firemen there recently attended a $75,000 tea party.
They responded to an early morning alarm
and found flames enguiting a five-story warehouse
stocked with tea. With characteristic skill, they
attacked the fire, using several hose streams. As
the water heated in the flames and filtered down
through the packages, a fine brew of tea ran out
into the gutter.
t ireman will tell yau, however, that there
never was a fire that could be considered a “tea
party." Fires bring hard work, danger—death.
I he National Board of Fire Underwriters re
ports that thousands of people lose their lives in
fires annually, while the property loss runs into
hundreds of millions of dollars.
This loss directly concerns everyone—fire may
strike anywhere without warning, unless proper
precautions are taken. Cheek over your property
today. Look for fire hazards in connection with
the chimney, the furnace or stove, the heating
pipes, hot ashes, rubbish and papers, paint or oif
soaked rags, and electric wiring and appliances.
Check up on careless habits that invite fire_esp
ecially in connection with matches and smoking
materials. Train children to be careful. Substitute
sate habits tor your old careless ones.
Remember—a frie is never a “tea party.”
Last year the automobile fatality record touch
ed an all time high, with a total of 36,000 killed.
Une of the worst aspects of the record was the
pedestrian toll.
Ihose who believe that accidents involving a
car and a pedestrian are alwys the fult of the motor
ist, are sadly mistaken. In five out of every eight
accidents in which a person on foot was killed by
a car, the pedestrian was entirely to blame.
Tkiriy-four per cent of the pedestrians who
were killed because of their own carelessness, were
struck while crossing in the middle of the block or
against traffic signals. Seventeen per cent were
killed while walking on the wrong side of the road.
Eleven per cent of the pedestrian fatalities involv
ed children playing in the streets. Nine per cent
of the fatalities resulted from walkers stepping
suddenly out from behind parked cars into the
stream of traffic. It is a significant fact that, in
1934, the rate of death per pedesrian accident was
-15 per cent worse crossing in the middle of the
block than at the intersection, and 74 percent worse
crossing against signals than with them.
The careless walker, like the careless driver,
constitutes a grave problem that must be definitely
solved if we are .o lower the automobile toll. The
cure for pedestrian recklessness is purely up to the
individual—all the traffic laws in the world cannot
•make a person walk properly on streets and high
ways if he is eongeni ally careless. Obey the signals,
never cross in the middle of a block—and keep
your eyes open and your mind busy with the
problem of safely reaching your destination. That
advice amounts to “life insurance” for the pedes
In a recent address, A. II. Lauterbach, chief of
the dairy section of the Agricultural Adjustment,
AdininLstra ion, pointed out that many attacks are
being made against the farm coopertive movemenat
on the grounds of “tnonopoly.”
If farm cooperatives are monopolistic, so are
a 1 the organizations which business and industrial
progress, through perfecting producing and selling
methods and cutting costs. Cooperation has been
an established principle in our indus.rial life for
generations—and many of the great strides taken
by industry may be laid to it.
It is a ma ter of fact that, when an organiztion
or a movement becomes successful ,its enemies re
double their efforts to destroy it. Cooperation
among farmers is succeeding, and those who wish
to drive the farmer back to the old way of indivi
dua or local selling, in order that they may prosper
at his expense, are worried. But farm authorities
and the public at large, which wishes to see ill?
farmer progress and earn a reasonable profit for
his work, are solidly behind the cooperative move
Washington, D. C. March 21.—New Momentum
gathered behind .he Costigan-Wagner Anti-Lynch
ing bill this week as soon as the favorable report of
the Senate Judiciary committee was made public.
The bill now goes on the Senate calendar where
it faces the difficulty of being called up for a vote.
This task of getting it called up for considera
! tion and vote on lie floor is the main job of the
supporters at present. The bill reached this same
point in 1934; it got through the committee favor
ably, but was blocked repeatedly when Senators
Costigan or Wagner called for it to be deba ed or
voted upon.
This year there is more support behind the bill
ihan before and it seems to be increasing each day.
The Na ional Association for the Advancement of
Colored People reports from New York that it re
ceived for more than 2,000 petition blanks in one
day. Six hundred petitions were requested and
dis.ributed by the Y. W. C. A.; 300 by the Women’s
International League for Peace and Freedom; 300
for students in southern colleges, both white and
colored; 250 to a special mailing list; 200 to the
Cleveland branch of the N. A. A. C. P.; 100 to
Danville, Va.; 100 to Indian Head, Md.; 80 to the
District of Columbia branch, N. A. A. C. P.; and
numerous shipments of 10, 25 and 50 to various
points. Requests for petitions are being received
1 in New York in every mail and indications are that
hundreds of thousands of names will soon be for
warded to Washington.
The bill has been endorsed by the New Jersey,
! California, Minnesota and Kansas state legislatures1
by the Massachusetts state senate, the Illinois house
I of representatives, the New York state assembly
' and the Indiana state assembly; also by the city
j councils of Cleveland, O., and Duluth, Minn. The
Akron, O., city council is expected to act upon a
resolution of endorsement shortly.
Although the support behind the bill is grow
ing in volume, it is not as well co-ordinated and ef
fective as it might be, observers here point out.
They declare if a little money could be spent in or
ganization, correspondence and personal contact
work, the bill would have better than an even
chance. This observation of veterans around the
nation’s capital bears out the contention of the N. A.
A. C. P. that funds are badly needed for the proper
kind of campaign.
New York, March 2-.—In his illustrated syn
dicated featrue “Let’s Explore your Mind,” which
appears in many daily newspapers, Dr. Albedt E.
Wiggam on March 12 mentioned the Costigan- Wag
ner federal anti-lynching law and stated that while
education has played a part in decreasing lynching,
an ami-lynching law with teeth such as a penalty
clause against the county “seems more effective
than education.” He used the' South Calrolina law’s
penalty clause as an example.
New York. March 21.—The N. A. A. C. P. has
joined with the Catholic magazine, “The Interracial
Review.” and has asked Father Charles E. Coughlin,
the radio priest, to devote at least a part of radio
address to support the Costiga-Wagner bill. The
N. A. A. C. P. message said: “We know you will
agree there can be no social or any other kind of
justice until lynching is abolished.”
Jamaeia, N. Y. March 21.—The editor of the
Long Island Daily Press has printed an apologv for
the appearance of the word “nigger” in a cross
word puzzle published in his paper recently. Pro
estr.M®S made by the iJfamaica branch of the N. A.
A. C. P..
Happenings That Affect the
Dinner Pail, Dividend Checks
and Tax Bills of Every
The Roosevelt Administrtaion’s
recovery program is based upon
the work of two major bureaus.
One, the NRA, was designed to
aid indus.ry and industrial work
ers. The other, the AAA, was
created to help solve the farmers
problems and pat agriculture on
a paying basis.
Both bureaus adopted plans for
raising and fixing prices. The
NRA aid this by means of execut
ive fiat. Tlie AAA, however,
which was dealing with products
largely dependent oil the whims of
nature, went further. There was
more meat being produced than
people couid buy—so it killed off
pigs. There was more cotton than
people were using—so it placed
heavy restrictions on cotton acre
age ,and paid bonuses to farmers
for not raising a crop. It follow
ed a similar procedure with other
basic farm products.
At .lie beginning, AAA execu
tives s.ud tneir purpose was to
bring the farm price index back
to pre-war level—this, they held,
would enable ihe farmer to make
a profit, and would not impose
an excessive burden on the buy
ing power of the pubiie. Prices
tame back, touched the pre-war
figure—and then continued to
soar. The other day the price
level was 25 per cent over its
1913 equivalent—and AAA found
itself with a first-class consumer’s
war on its hands. Rumblings of
dicontent are heard from millions
of homes, where incomes have not
risen anywhere near the extent
of the rise in the cost of living.
Terrific rises are taking place
in meat pricees. Butter is higher
than it has been for many years.
Even spring vegetables .usually
dirt cheap, will, according to fore
casts, lie relatively expensive. Of
the major edihlese, only fish,
which is not subject to AAA con
trol, is not advancing materially
in cost.
i The result of all this is that
AAA is now definitely on the re
treat. Crop curtailment will
probably be dropped, so that pro
duction may increase and automa
tically stop the present price
trend. Protest is coming in again
st this change, from agricultural
centers, which can see only the
boom of high prices, but the
changes are that consumer pres
sure will win out. It is probable
that all restrictions will be taken
off the farmer until prices return
to the pre-war level, when the
AAA may resume its crop control
Thus, one of the two basic re
covery bureaus has been forced
to draw in its horns. As for the
other, the NRA, there is plenty
of trouble in the offing. Even
its sponsor, Mr. Roosevelt, is be
lieved to be cooling off so far as
it is concerned—he wants Con
gress to continue it, but on a
somewhat different set up than in
! the past. Wage and hour pro
visions will be maintained, and
labor will be guaranteed the right
to bargain collectively if it choos
es—but many NRA powers over
business management will be
! dropped. A strong drive against
j NRA price-fixing is developing in
the Senate, led by that old-time
foe of monopoly. Senator Borah.
It is a safe prognostiean that the
NRA will have little or nothing
to say about prices in the future
—and there is an excellent chance
that the anti-trust laws, which the
NRA made inoperative, will be
brought back into play.
as a resuu, me Administra
tion's price-fixing program in
both the industrial and agricul
tural fields, can be fairly said to
have collapsed. Best opinion
holds that the Administrtaion is
shifting in its position, that it will
give industry and agriculture
more of a chance to work out
their own problems, will depend
less on legislative palliatives. It
hasn’t been heralded in headlines,
but a number of left wingers—
who are strong for collectivism
and regimentation—have recently
been eased out of important po
sitions in both the AAA and NRA.
The more conservative citizens
are pleased—they see a chance to
get the kind of governmental
policy they asked for and didn’t
get two years ago.
Late statistics indicate that the1
general industrial upturn is con-i
inuing with various industries1
coming close to the 1923-25 aver-'
age. The improvement in steel
has been due principally to orders
from the automobile industry.
Fear is expressed in some cir
cles that the recent rise has been
too rapid—that recession will set
Fifty Students at
Morehouse Named
On the Honor List
Atlanta, Georgia, Marcn 9—Special
—At the semi-annual honors day ex
ercises held this week in Sale Hall
Chapel, the nomes of fifty students
who made the scholarship honor roll
during the first semester were made
public. President John Hope of At
lanta University was the principal
speaker of the occasion.
Of the students whose work showed
an average of B or above, with no
grade below C, 20 members of the
freshman class, 12 are members of |
the junior class. 9 are seniors, and 8
are sophon^ores. One student is un
classified. Four of the honor men re-j
ceived the highest grade under the;
rating system—John Henry Calhoun,
Jr., of Atlanta, who is an unclassified
student, Drew Saunders Days, ’36, of
Gainesville, Florida, Benjamin Inger
soll, ’37, of Columbus, Georgia, and
Philip Copelain Williams, ’38, of
Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Others on the list are:
Harry Alfonso Alexander, ’36, of
New York City.
Edmund Asa Allen, ’38, of Atlanta,1
t Georgia.
William Spurgeon Banks, ’38, of Pitts
burgh, Pennsylvania.
George Cletus Birchette, ’35, of Ashe
ville, North Carolina.
Mark Goodrum Birchette, ’38, of Ashe
ville, North Carolina.
Colbert Jonathan, ’35, of Jack
sonville, Florida.
Winfred Octavus Bryson, Jr , ’36, of
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
John Leroy Carter, ’37, of Cleveland,
Darwin Creque, ’36, of St. Thomas,
Virgin Islands.
Julian Raymond Davis, ’38, of Atlanta,
Benjamin Linton Dent, ’35, of Augus
ta, Georgia
Ross Sidney Douthard, ’35, of Atlanta,
George Harrison Edwards, ’36, of Chi
cago, Illinois.
Frederic Lee Ellis, ’38, of Chicago,
John Jackson Epps, ’35, of Jersey
City', New Jersey.
John Thomas Gill, Jr., ’38, of Atlanta,
John Austell Hall, ’37, of Benham,
Keimit Hall, ’38, of Detroit, Michigan.
Felix Leroy Harris, ’38, of Gary,
Alvin Harrison, ’35, of Birmingham,
.LiUtner cranium mu, 38, ol cleave
land, Ohio.
Wonderful Counselor Hill, ’38, of Shef
field, Alabama.
Richard Grover Holmes, ’37, of Fort
Valley, Georgia.
Malachi Charles Darkins, ’35, of
Flushing, New York.
Hobart Calvin Jackson, ’36. of Chatta
nooga, Tennessee.
Lucius Thomas Jackson, ’38, of Atlan
ta, Georgia.
William Weaver Jackson, ’37, of Bir
mingham, Alabama.
Walter Fitz Bernell James, ’36, of At- i
lanta, Georgia.
Hamel C. Jocelyn, ’36, of Trinidad,
British West Indies.
John Clinton Long, ’38, of Atlanta,
Edward Carter Maddox, ’88, of At
lanta, Georgia.
Otis William McCree, ’36, of College
Park, Georgia .
David Timothy Mells, ’36, of Ocala,
Balamu Joberi Muskasa, ’35, of Haime, j
Uganda, East Africa.
James Edward Nix, ’38. of Pitts
burgh, Pennsylvania.
Julian Paris Rodgers, ’37, of Detroit,
James Joseph Sansom, ’38, of Atlan
ta, Georgia.
Thomas Moore Shadowen, ’38, of
Houston. Texas.
Carl Datcher Smith, Jr-, ’38, of At
lanta, Georgia.
Francis Key Smith, ’38, of Atlanta,
Robert Johnson Smith, ’38, of Chicago,
Alexander Romulus Stickney, ’35, of
Greensboro, Alabama.
V. Trenton Tubbs, Jr-, ’38, of Dallas,
Samuel Woodrow Williams, ’37, <*f i
Dermott, Arkansas.
William Henry Wilson, ’36, of Abbe
ville. South Carolina.
Asa Greenwood Yancey, ’37, of At
lanta, Georgia.
Mrs. Martha Smith, who lives at
2211 Ohio, left Sunday evening,
March 17th for Los Angeles,'
Calif,, to be with her sister, Mrs.
Palmer, who resides there. Mrs.;
Palmer is very sick, suffering
iwih a severe heart attack at her
age, 70 year old. Her physiean
says it is doubhful if she will
cover. Mrs. Palmer will be rem
embered as the Evangelist who
visited our city in 1927. While
here she held many stirring re
vival meetings. She is called,
America’s greatest woman Evan
Most gladly would I give the j
bloodstained laurel ofr the first
violet which March brings us, the
fragrant, pledge of the new fledg
ed year.—Schiller.
By Mildred J. Bronson.
Dear Readers:
1 am about to bring to you one
of my, or rather, Our Great Prob
lems of Life, and one ihat may
cause a great deal of criticisms
in my attempt to do so. Yet some
of us who have spent our time
in school studying this line of
work, should at least try to show
you what we accomplished and
how we feel. It seems to me that
most of our leading speakers try
to avoid such topics that I like
to write upon. So I guess it will
be up to the Younger SPEAKERS
and WRITERS, by some means or
other .to try and adjust some of
our GREAT injustices.
First, I want to thank my many
Readers and Friends for the in
terest they are taking in my
writings and especially my late
“Negro and America.” This one
like “Smiles” seems to hit just
right and up to date, l am still
receiving letters, cards and calls
upon them. “Smiles” stuck as a
Masterpiece, from the child to
the businessman, and I felt very
proud of it myself. Several of
the copies have been mailed to
my readers. Then through the
heart came my striking “Negro
and America.” I have been asked
to run it in one or both of our
White Papers. Thanks, I may do
it .
Now ure will go into the full
details of our topic, “THAT
GREAT UNJUST.” We will try
to bring to light all facts pertain
ing to it. Now I want you to be
fair to me, the topic and to your
self. To do so you must think
deeply and sincere. Keep up
with me, and let your mind run
back into the past and then to
the present and I can assure you
that this topic will be interesting
all along the way.
First: The Constitution of the
United tSates says, ‘A Man Born
in These United States arc
and has all the rights and Free
dom of this COUNTRY. It does
not say whether he be Yellow,
White, Brown or Black. If he is
born here, he is under the FLAG
and subjected to the laws and
requirements of this great “Land
of the Free.” Then whv are such
to exis,, my PEOPLE? We do
know that the other Nations tha
have, made this their home, yet
born in their own country receive
far be.ter treatment and are given
more priviliges than the Negro
who Fought and Died, so as to
enable others to enjoy the so-cal
led name, “The Land of The
Free.” Please tell me why and
how can a Naion like ours be so
UNJUST!? Oh, God. Must this
GREAT UNJUST go on through
the Ages?
HLsory tells us that Lincoln
freed us, so we could reinforce
the Union Army to save this great
Republic and in so doing that
fighting blood that seemed to rise
when we are called to defend,
saved the Flag, made us free our
selves and enable the Country to
wear the name, “Land of the
Free.” But they are misusing it
in amazing style. Fought and
died for it, and yet no: good
enough for it, is more than 1 can
So on and on they go. War
after War and the Negro is forc
ed to go and fight and die, and
it seems to me that it gets worse
after each War. Why. Can you
tell me ? Reading one of my books,
T learn that President Wilson
first stated that the las* World
War was a White Man’s War.
How many Colored Mo. her\s and
Friends would have liked to see
this come true, from the apore
citajon shown our people, our
War Mothers after their sons,
and husbands were forced, while
some enlisted went over there,
fought and died bravely. To ex
plain it would cause too many
tears. Yet they say that those
low', inhuman, sdfminded. low
class Southern, so-called Whites
went over there, where man after
man was dying while defending
our great Flag spreading prop
aganda and that made to order
Southern lie, to try and cause a
dislike for my People. It seems
to me unfair to the great majority
ol our Well Educated, highly
trained and Intelligent White
Race, to let this inhuman flesh
be called or even wear the name
of the White Man. Yet all races
must have its share of this Class
of Man in flesh only.
Did you read what Mrs. Pat
terson, Mother of one of those
mos. brutal, inhuman treaicd
Seottsboro ,Alabama boys siad in
last weeks’ Paper? Sad: She
visited him and it must have
caused the hear, to move faint
ly ,when she saw what her son had
to sleep on. Ilia suffering for these
many years was not great enough,
so the Authorities removed his
mattress so ho could be and suf
fer on the concrete floor. Oh,
God, how long will this Great
Republic let such people be ruler
of men ? lie is like the snake, and
should be relieved of his poison,
so when he strikes his deadly
weapon is gone.
Why can’t our great body who
took the great outlaws Diliinger,
Nelson, Floyd and others in hand
when the state in which they were
too powerful for the law and
named each until killed Public
Enemy No. 1., do something about
this gret Unjust. Don’t if ap
peal to them that this most
cd not only by our country but
every country on Ear.h is as dis
graceful and destroying as a
bank robber? Oh, tell me why
they can’t pass that Anti-Lynch
law W hy they stand by and al
low such to exist for the past 70
years. Everything on earth lias
advanced, yet they allow this old,
but damaging affairs to go on.
Those boys who have suffered
and still suffering for a crime
had they been guilty, would have
gone to death under the old
verdict “by unknown hands,” but
they knew they were innocent.
The State allowed the money
schemers to hate my people, and
let the boys suffer. Who seems
out of place hoboing a man or
woman? Both, but a woman is
really low when they stoop to
this method of transportation.
Yet good enough to be and cause
money upon money to be spent
besides the great Unjust and dis
i i . . i
±i Beilis lu me inai li some coi
orerl woman would organize a
Nation Wide Mother’s club for
the sould purpose of presenting
to the President a petition to en
force the AntiJLvneh Law and
prohibit any Mother’s son or hus
band being put to death without
a fair trial and by the laws of the
country would make herself a
great woman and a recognized
leader to the world, and 1 believe
through donations and from the
Pulpits this great work would be
more than financed. Besides she
would find two-thirds of the
Mothers of the other Nations, far
and near with her and helping
her. No mother will endorse a
lynching. Here is a great chance
for some woman to make herself
a leader and at the same time do
one of the greatest acts in the
American History. To conquer
ignorance is one thing man has
not overpowered, but it can be
Friends1 “I could go on and on
with this topic, but space and
time do not permit, yet I may
make this a continued story for
weeks if you like it, T'nitl we
can at least let the World know
how we feel about the subject.I
do hope that I haven’t been to
outspoken and plain along these
j lines, yet I feel that it takes such
j to explain our views upon such
disgraceful affairs. Thanking
j you again, and until next week,
think deeply about this topic.
Remember, I am always glad to
hear from my many Friends and
Readers and to get your views
upon my subjects. Just commu
nicate as follows: Miss Mildred J.
Bronson, 2514 Decatur St. Oma
ha, Nebr., or the The Omaha
Guide Publishing Co., in Care of
Talking It Over Editor.
Thanking you once again and
until next week. So Long, Dear
j-324North24th Street WEbster 1029