The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 09, 1935, Image 5

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“The Friendly Church.”
Rev. L. P. Bryant, Pastor.
— Last Sunday was a very fine
day at St. John’s. The spiritual
aspect of the service was very
Rood and the collection fair.
The Sunday school started with
a good attendance. Rev. Bryant
preached both morning and even
ing. The choir and Rev. Bryan*,
wife and a few friends went to
the F. E. R. A. shelter in the af
ternoon to have service. It prov
ed very fruitful.
There wore about five people
to join the church during the day
at St. John’s. The church is al
ways glad to have new member-*
come and cast their lot with those
who are trying to live for Christ.
It always seems fine to have peo
ple come to give service for the
Master while they are young and
in good health.
The captains of the rally groups
are still moving up their cars. See
your captain and play pour part
so your car can move that much
faster. Miss Amanda Offutt is
si ill in lead, with Mrs. Georgia
Borders running a close second.
The Lincoln group was very
pleased with the Historical Tea
during such busy times when
there are so many other things
going on.
On March 31 there will be one
of the biggest musical treats the
citizens of Omaha have ever had
the chance to see and hear. On
this date, Sunday, March 31, there
will be about 300 or 400 people
in a big spring musical at St
John’s A. M. E. church. You will
read more about this in later is
sues of The Guide.
Next Friday, March h, at St.
John’s A. M. E. Church the Jolly
28 is giving a tea sponsored by
the Omar Bakery, starting
promptly at 8:30 p. m. We know
you are interested in seeing how
the cars move on in this rally. So
come to .church each Sunday
night and see them move.
Read The Omaha Guide and you
will see more about this big free
musical on Sunday, March 31, at
3:30 p. m. This will be the musi
cal treat of the year.
25th and Decatur S‘s.
Rev. 0. A. Calhoun, pastor
Alice E. Hnter, reporter.
The bad weather seems to
have no terror for the members
of Cleaces Temple. They were
present in quite large numbers.
Rev. Calhoun preached from the
text, “Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth." His
sermon contained good logic and
practical views.
The Sunday School was largely
attended with Mr. Adams, the
superintendent ,at his post. They
held a party last Friday night
for the pupils and had a grand
time. Mrs. Adams is sponsoring
a tea at her home, 2601 Grant St.
for the Sunday school. The Sun
day school is collecting old maga
zines to sell for finance. Lillian
Allen and Norman Gray are the
representatives for the Alliance
next Sunday.
The social project for the Ep
worth League will be their attend
ance at the Soldier’s Shelter on
22nd and Hickory Sts. the fourth
Sunday evening. The Bible con
test is still being held, and it is
interesting. Come out and join
Members on the sick list are as
follows: Mrs. Martha Evans Mrs.
Florence Garland, Mrs. Amanda
Brooks, Mrs. P. Davis and Miss
Beatrice Gray.
At last—the wedding of the
century—Andrew H. Brown and
Madame Queen in all their re
glory. What? Thursday night,
March 28. at Cleaves Temple
Church. This is going to be one
of the best and most amusing af
fairs that we have had. And of
course, we are noted for our big
weddings, which are always large
ly attended. Don’t miss this one,
or you will be always sorry.
More about it next week.
22nd and Seward Sts.
Rev. E. H. Hilson, Pastor
The day at Salem started with
a very good Sunday school attend
ance. I wish to commend the nice
crowd present at all services.
A very seasoning message was
brought to us by the acting pas
tor, Rev. Fort. He took his text
from Luke, 10:20. His subject
was “Heaven.” Some outstanding
nourishing thoughts were as fol
lows: “One of the things over
which to rejoice is whether or not
our names are written in heaven
with the blood of our Savior.
Persons who profess to be dis
ciples of the Lord are worse than
the non-converts, and they mere
ly attend church as a habit. Al
though everyone’s name is writ
ten either on the book of Death
or of everlasting Life, there are a
number of names on the church
book that are not on the book
of Life.”
The twTo outstanding soloists of
the day were Mrs. Edna Single
ton and Mrs Elizabeth Martin,
respectively of the choir.
Visitors present were Misses
Ruth Burleson, Julia Williams,
Slaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pruett,
and Mrs Mayham, gospel singer
from Paradise Baptist Church.
The special contest ,under the
auspices, of the B. Y. P. U. finance
chairman, Mrs A. B. Matthews,
came to its conclusion Sunday.
Mr. Young presented the box of
candy to the winner with the high
est finances, Group No. 5.
The pie sale, conducted by Mrs
Matthews and Mrs. Alexander
was a huge success. Mr. M W.
Harrison purchased five pies. No
ting that it is pleasing to see such
fine demonstrations of coopera
tion throughout the church.
Group No. 7 rendered a devo
tional program. Those taking part
were Ruth Crane, Mrs. Smith and
Mrs. Mayham. The entertainment
was composed of a reading a quo
tation and a beautiful song. The
special feature was given by Miss
Ada Roach. The object and the
pledge were given by Mr. Sol
Sunday night Rev. Fort preach
ed a very understanding and mas
terful sermon, the subject of
which was ‘‘The Golden Test of
Rome,” Romans, 1:16.
Bertha Patterson, reporter.
Sunday school was opened at 9
a .m. with the superintendent,
Mrs A. J. Johnson, in charge. At
11 a. m. devotional service was
conducted by Deacon Wilson and
I urner. The pastor then preach
ed a wonderful sermon. At 6 p.
m. the B. Y. P. U. was opened by
the Junior president. A very in
teresting Bible drill was conduct
ed by Jay Lee McGee. Mr. Lloyd
Lee was awarded the champion
ship. The Junior B. Y. P. U. will
close their drive Sunday, March
10. The contest between Little
Artery Williams and Lorine Mor
ris will close Sunday. Come out
and see them kill their pigs. A
special program will be rendered.
The junior Tea that was given at
the home of Mrs. Stromile last
Sunday was a grand success. The
dining room was beautifully
decorated. Mesdames V. B. Lewis,
A. M. Jones and Mildred McGee,
presided at the table. Miss Ceola
Nelson, Miss Dolly Parker and
Miss Leona Davis also assisted in
the dining room.
The Willing Workers met at
at the home of the president, Mrs.
Mary Williams. A very splendid
service was held.
Ice cream and delicious cake
was served.
The Heart to Heart Club met
at the home of Deacon Wilson.
Mrs. t. B. Lewis is the president
A tasty sandwich and coffee lun
cheon was served.
The Mission Society met at the
home of Mrs. C. M. Wiley. The
lesson was taught by Mrs. Stro
mile. A lovely desert and tea w-ere
served. The mission is progres
sing rapidly under the leadership
of Mrs. Lee McGee.
Come to the Morning Star. You
are welcome.
Rev. Frank Banks, pastor.
Mrs. G. W. Stromile, reporter
Services at Pilgrim Sunday
were about as usual, although the
attendance wasn’t so large. Rev.
J. F. Thomas filled the pulpit
Sunday morning and preached an
excellent sermon from the sub
ject, “An Awful Thing to Fall
Into the Hands of the Lord ” He
brew, 10231. '
Covenant meeting was held in
the evening, and the Lord’s Sup
per was administered. There was
one addition to the church.
The funeral of Mr. Hollis Gor
don. the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Gordon, was held at the
church Saturday .
The Sunday school is doing fine
work, and the B. Y. P. U. is do
mg very well under the 'leader
ship of Mr. J. MT. Hacus
Yoti are invited to attend any
and all services.
ntage. J' P’ Th°maS’ pastor in
1. RLs official posiflon (v. 1). He
was a centnrian, a Roman officer
over a company of one hundred sol
2. Rls character (▼. 2). a. "A de
vout man.” b. A benevolent man.
e. A praying man. d. Highly re
apected by h!s family.
The Lord chose Cornelius as the
channel of the transition of the
gospel to the Gentiles because of
his character and position.
II. Supernatural Preparation for
the Transition of the Oospel t» tha
aeptilea (10:3-35).
In order to bring this about, ob
serve :
1. Two visions were given.
a. The vision of Cornelius (vv.
3-8). While engaged in prayer, an
angel of God instructed him to send
to Joppa for Peter, who would tell
him what to do. Cornelius sent at
onee for Peter.
b. The vision of Peter (vv. 9-1(5).
While Peter was praying (v. 9) he
saw a certain vessel containing
clean and unclean animals let down
from heaven, and heard the com
mand, "Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.”
Peter protested thtft he had never
eaten any unclean thing. God re
plied, “What God hath cleansed,
that call not thou common.” This
vessel, let down and taken back.
Indicated that both Jews and Gen
tiles were accepted on hi-rh.
2. A messenger sent from Cor
inelius (vv. 17-22). Peter was great
lly perplexed over what he had seen,
but not for long, for a messenger
from Cornelius made Inquiry at the
gate for him. The Spirit informed
Peter of the matter and bade him
go, nothing doubting.
8. The meeting of Cornelius and
Peter (w. 23-33).
a. Peter took six witnesses along
(v. 23 cf. 11:12). In a matter of
bo great importance he must have
b, Cornelius waiting for Peter (v.
24) called together his kinsmen and
near friends.
e. Cornelius, about to worship
Peter (tv. 25, 28), was told by Peter
that he himself was but a man,
d. The reciprocal explanation (vv.
27-33). Peter explained how God
had taken from him his Jewish
prejudices. Cornelius explained how
Ged had Instructed him to send for
III. Peter's Sermon (vv. 34-43).
1. The introduction (vv. 34. 35)
Showing that God is no respecter o'
persons (see Golden Text).
2. His discourse (vv. 36-43)
touches briefly upon the mission or
Jesus, showing that he was quali
fied for his work as a Madintor.
He then exhibited the work of
a. In his life (vv. 36-39). He wen:
about doing good, even casting out
demons, as a proof of the fact that
God was with him (v. 38).
b. In his death (v. 39). The Jns:
suffered for the unjust that he
might bring us to God (I Pet. 3:18)
c. In his resurrection (vv. 40. 41)
God raised him up the third day.
showing openly that Christ was his
Son (Rom. 1:4) and that his sac
rificial work was satisfactory (Rom.
1:25). In this discourse Peter sets
(1) The basis of salvation—the
sacrificial death of Christ (vv. 39.
10) (2) The scope of salvation—
•whosoever” (v. 43). (3) The moth
»d appropriating salvation—“be
lieveth on him” (v. 43).
IV. The New Penteceet (vv 44
A« the gospel was entering npon
its widest embrace the Holy Spirit
tame in new power.
V. Peter Vindicates His Ministry
te the Gentiles (11:1-18).
Being called to acconnt for risk
ing and eating with Gentiles Pc
ier’s defense took the form of
©gical argument, showing how God
lad set his seal on the work by the
ftlraculous gift of the Spirit
D. L. Jones, manager of the Lovin
Four Quartette, is inviting the citi
of Omaha to meet him and his quar
tette at Bethel A. M. E. Church, 2431
Franklin Street. Rev. J. W. Williams
^ ou witness a contest between all th<
quartettes in Omaha.
There will be several addresses de
li\ered by sons of the leading Negroe:
of Omaha. Dr. A. S. Mayfield wil
also deliver an address, the subject
‘The Negro’s Place in America”. We
rour committee, D. L. Jones and Grac<
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