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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1935)
SOCIAL CJ— CLUBS AFFAIRS ^O-O-C-l-e-t-y^ ORGANIZATIONS 11 t 1 ' • • • •• • .«* .♦■«..«. -—■ f--r—r t* r t r-r t -t » » t a »t a a » « « ■■■>!■ m -» < « » » -9 9 9 m-i—r—■ ■ ■ . , , , , . , t ...... PAGE FOUR THE OMAHA GUIDE, SATURDAY, March 9, 1935 - — * " ---^_ “QUACK CHATTER” More than twenty-five members of the Quack Club met at the Y. W. C. A. on last Friday night for the regular business me ting. Reports from the treasurer, Ida Sears, F.nance Commit tee, Bemiece Marshall, and Sick Com mittee chairman, Dorothy Fry, w re heard and accepted. Recommenda tions from the Executive Committee Group wero passed on to the g*rls for their rejection or approval by the president of the club. The girls were heartily in favor of recomm nding that the club be divided into various interest groups for the purpose of promoting education through con structive study. The inter st groups will include “Dr.lls in Parliamentary Usage”, ‘Negro History*, ‘Contract Bridge’ and the study of ‘Emily Post’, fore most authority on etiquette. The ex cutive committee felt that in offering this type of program ev ery girl could decide for herself the subject she would d rive most bene fit from. Instructions for these study courses will be secured from outside the club group, with the except.on of Est lle Robertson, who has kindly consented to teach Parliamentary Usage. Miisses Julia Williams, Faith Pat terson and Estelle Rob rtson will rep resent the Quack Club at the Annual Nation-Wide Banquet at the Central Y. W. C. A., Thursday night at 8:00 P. M. Lucy Mae Stamps, President Mildred Ousley, Reporter CLUB TRI VI RA"~ The club met last Thursday night at its club rooms, 2417 Erskine Street. Important issues werj disposed of pertaining to club business. The club entered a bridge team in the tournament, recently held at the Masonic Hall. The team was com posed of Mr. Carl Heidelberg and Mr. James Manley, who were 1 ading by a wide margin when they were auto matically disqualified when they were forced to be absent on the second night of play, a large part of the time. Mr. Manley and Mr. Heidelberg were awarded prizes for their high score, however, and they say their prizes ar3 useful and classy. The club rooms are being redecorat ed in preparation for the forthcom ing smoker, for which affair the invi tations are in the mails. Mr. C. Ralph Watson, as chairman of the social en tertainment committee is receiving much praise for his effort in making the specially designated Sunday even ing program a huge success. The next meeting will be held next Thursday night, March 7th. Mr. Carl Heidelberg, President Mr. C. Ralph Watson, Reporter THE WILLING WORKERS’ CLUB The Willing Workers’ Club of the Metropolitan Church gave a tacky party at the home of the president, Mrs. Gertrude Mayberry, Wednesday night, February 27, 1935. A large crowd attended. There were four judges, and four prizes were given away. Mrs. Timm Littlejohn won the prize for wearing the neatest dress; Mrs. Jenkins won the prize for wearing the most comical dress; Miss Pauline Washington won the prize for wearing the cutest dress; and Mrs. Willa Var ner won the prize for wearing the most ragged dress. Everybody had a good time. Ice cr am, cake and hot chili were served. You are welcome to attend the club. Mrs. Gertrude Mayberry, President Mrs. Willa Varner, Reporter THE LADIES’ FRIENDSHIP CLUB Mrs. Emma Busch entertained the club this week at her home, 2405 N. 28th Avenue. Our president was back with us this week. We had a very nice meeting, due fco the fact that all of the members were present. Mrs. Catherine Woods won first prize at bridge, and Mrs. Louise Hill won the booby. The hostess served a very delightful repast. Mrs. Minnie Burns is on the sick list this week. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ida Fountaine, 2115 Clark Street. Mrs. Ida Fountaine, President Mrs. Minnie Burns, Reporter THE WILLING WORKERS’ CLUB The Willing Workers’ Club of the Metropolitan Church held their meet ing at the home of the president, Mrs. Gertrude Mayberry, 2518 Lake Street. After the business of the meeting was over, Mrs. Sue Johnson, acting as hostess, served a delicious luncheon of shrimp and creamed peas on toast. Covers were laid for fourteen. Ev erybody had a good time. The club adjourned to meet next Wednesday night at the same ad dress. Ail members are asked to be present. Visitors are welcome. Mrs. Mayberry. President Mrs. Willa Varner, Reporter THE GOLDEN RULERS’ CLUB The club met Monday evening at 8:30 P. M. at the home of Miss Emily Williams, 2639 Parker Street. According to our schedule, we were to have a lesson on some subject deal ing with education. Owing to the fact that we were unable to take up the subject, we had a very short busi ness meeting, after which a few games were played. Everyone had a very enjoyable time. We always have a program that will be of interest to everyone who comes out. Visitors, as well as members, are always welcome. Miss Amelia Thomas, President Miss Versie M. Thomas, Reporter THE HAPPY HOUR BRIDGE CLUB The club met with Mr. and Mrs. James Dortch, 2615 Binney Stre t. After the usual routine of business, the club assembled to play four rounds of bridge. Those winning highest honors for the evening were Mr. Mc Fall, gent’s prize, and Mrs. Addie Dorsey, ladies’ prize. The highest monthly score went to Mr. R. A. Mills. The memjbers ling: red for a few rounds of dancing, after which the club adjourned to meet next week at 4718 S. 24th Street with Mr. and Mrs. Rob.rt Banks as host and hostess. Mr. J. E. Dorsey, President Mary Banks, Reporter LOS DOCE JUNIORS The Los Doce Juniors gave a social Saturday, March 2, at the home of Harold Biddiex, 2218 N. 27th Avenue. Among those present were the Misses Mable King, Olive Willis, Elizabeth Black, Lula Mae Powell, Edna Blair, Evelyn Lucky, Pearl Winston, Messrs. Harold Biddiex, Byron Winston, Jas per Cole, Hiram Pittman, John Tay lor, Shular Barksdale, James Donald son, George Sledd and Robert Myers. The guests were entertained by danc ing and card playing. Those present spent a very delightful evening. Harold Biddiex, President Robert Myers, Reporter FAIR PLAY CLUB The Fair Play Club met at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sims, 1839 N. 23rd Street, Saturday night. ^Everyone had a pleasant evening. Phr e games of bridge were played, with Mrs. Flora Smith winning ladies’ prize and Mr Archie Watts winning the gentlemen’s prize. Mrs. Bessie Wilson won the booby. Everyone enjoyed Mrs. Sims’ de lightful refreshments. The next meeting will be held with Mr. and Mrs. Orange Smith, 3870 Har ney Str?et. Mrs. Evelyn Sims, President Mrs. Alice Moore, Reporter SWEET SIXTEEN BRIDGE CLUB The club was entertained this week by Mrs. Catherine Woods. Business was over by 8:45 P. M. and cards and j dancing were the main attractions of the ev.ning. Mr. A. W. Williams had the highest score for the evening, Mr. Thomas Stringer, second, and Mr. Ray Mosby, lowest. A dainty little lunch j eon was served by the hostess. We have a surprise in store for the public St. Patrick’s Day. So watch the paper for further details. Miss Marguerite Harrold, President Mrs. Myrtle Stringer, Reporter HISTORICAL TEA A SUCCESS Those who did not attend the His torical Tea at the North Side YWCA, last Friday, March 1, missed a fine so cial evening. The tea tables were set in the styles of the times of Martha Washington. Gay Ninties, Today and Tomorrow. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Metcalfe, playing the parts of Martha and George Washington, and Mrs. Charles Solomon and Mrs. Louise Strawther playing the parts of Abraham Lincoln and wife, were very good. They were dressed in clothes that have been in the Emilies since the time they were in style. Mrs. Earl Wheeler and Mrs. H. S. Simmons, playing the parts of hostesses for Martha Washington, were just the ladies for the places. They, with suitable dresses for the occasion, and thc-ir pleasant smiles of dignity.^, were very outstanding for the evening. The hostesses for the Gay Nineties wer’ Mesdames Anna Burton, Ethel Hughes, and Brownlow-Knight. and they were truly good. Mrs. Knight was a typical ‘Mae West’ in her out fit. The hostesses for the table of to day were Miss Alice Hunter, Mes dames Euby Reese-Gibson, Venus St arms and Cloma Scott. The hostesses for the table of to morrow were Misses Ev.lyn Lucky,; Mable King, Dorothy Scott, Olive Willis, Edna Blair, Hazel Jackson and Irene Harrold. The Martha Washington table was set with an old fashioned white tabl cloth with a deep pink border and a nice big cake as a center piece. Other things on that tabic made it look as the tables did in Washington’s times. There were beautiful hatchet cookies, an antique tea set and candl s. The Gay nineties’ table was dressed in a gay red cloth, seventy years old furnish d by Mrs. Anna Burton. The service from this table was coffee and ribbon sandwiches, made of colored bread, sandwich spread and cream chees . The table of today was dressed in a lovely lace cloth with gorgeous flow ers as a center and eandles. That made it everthing that a table of to day should be. The service was only ice cream and cake. The table of tomorrow was dressed in a beautiful white cloth with lov;ly white flowers as a center piece and the very newest of silver and white candles. The service was candies and nuts. The Lincoln car group, who sponsor ed this tea, tak this method of thank ing all who helped to make this such a pleasant and successful evening for all. The exhibition of a beautiful YoYo quilt, piec d by Mrs. Maggie McGee, was another feature of interest. You will hear more of the Lincoln car group as it is sponsoring a spring musical at St. John’s A. M. E. Church on Sunday, March 31, at 3:30 P. M., in which there will be about 300 voices and musicians taking part. I ENTERTAINS FOR MR. BROWN On Tuesday nght. February1 26, Mr. Green Bradley was host at a lovely party at the home of Mrs. Sarah Bradley, 2863 Corby Street, in honor of Mr. Henry M. Brown, who left for a short visit to his home in Nash ville, T nnessee, on Wednesday morn ing. The guests present were Mes dames Eva Mae Hays, Cleo Hayes, Sarah Finner, Ard lia Burton, Flossie Mayberry, Sarah Bradley. Margetta Dawson and Miss Alice Hunter, Messrs. Charles Bratton, Dewitt Smart, Levi Jefferson, Georg’ Baker and H. M. Brown. All had a grand time and urged the speedy return of Mr. Brown. CELEBRATES SEVENTH BIRTHDAY Katie Marie Allen celebrated her seventh birthdav, Sunday afternoon at the home of h r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen, 1823 N. 23rd St. Lovely games were played. Among those present wer’ Evelyn Redd, Haz el Brown, Marie Marion, Gale John son. Margaret Faison, Paul Allen, Jr. Alfonso Marion, Dorothy Gene Faison, Altha Mae Faison, John L. Faison, Millie Bast and Ruby Wright. Sandwich;s, fruit salad, ice cream, cake, candy and nuts were served. Many beautiful gfits were received by Katie Marie. Mrs. Theodore Redd was assistant hostess. GIRL_RESERVE NOTES JUNIORS AND SENIORS SPONSOR HIGH SCHOOL “PEP DAY” The Athletic Gym club played hos tess to other High School Girl Re-! serves at a “Pep-Meeting” Tuesday, February 26, 1935. Games, Girl Re serve Songs, pep songs, and yells were included in the entertainment. The “Pep-Meeting” chairmen were Versie Vaughn, games; Emily Williams, orig inal songs and yells; Margaret Beck. , G;rl Reserve Songs; and Irene Har rold, refreshments. Mary Ellen Dickerson is president of the Athletic Gym Club. OPTIMISTS HAVE DISCUSSION ON THE IDEAL GIRL AND BOY The Optimists Club enjoyed a live ly discussion of “Ideals” at their last club meeting with both boys and girls taking part. Evelyn Lucky spoke on the “Ideal Boy”, and Leonard Turner the “Ideal Girl”. BLUE TRIANGLE CLUB HAS NEW CLUB ADVISER Mrs. Marcellus Richie, formerly of San Francisco, California, and Port land, Oregon, has consented to become club advisor of the Blue Triangle Club, a group of grade school girls. Mrs. Richie was identified with “Y” work and the Girl Reserve department par ticularly when she resided in Port land. Too ran now depend no oar nrv S P Parvxbc RdHwrf Compound Doubl* » Strength ftomvrUa Acts Quick*'- Often relieves hard wmprvwd trrerulari'-ir> iisciHjragin* wn« yrerOoe Aw dud delay* Generally relieved very «ok-fc*y SEND NO MONEY •end P 0 ;&•.**» GUARANTEED ZnsrXZrTXZTZZ ! % JiLXS MW. *> M Tnpto ... — .?* Vi7iup3 ■v1 ”jf °*~ ^SNYDER “PRODlfCTS CO., Dept. 70-B, 1434 N. Wells St., Chicago T NEWS REV. M. K. CURRY TO DISCUSS MORALITY “What is Responsible for Present Day Conceptions of Moralty?” is the subject for the forum on Sunday at the North Side YWCA. The speaker, Rev. Curry is the new pastor of the Zion Baptist Church and will present a scholarly and interesting talk. There will be special music and Mrs. Alton Goode will preside. The public is cor dially invited to attend. On the following Sunday, Rev. George B. Slater, Pastor, Bethel M. E. Church, Council Bluffs, Iowa, will dis cuss the subject: “WTiat Has Been the Effect of the Depression on Moral Standards?” Miss Gertdude Lucas will preside. The public is invited to all of these meetings. “Y" PLAYERS IN THEIR ANNUAL PRODUCTION -— i t By Henry R. Thomas The “Y” Players presented their third annual group of Negro plays to an appreciative audience at St. Benedict Church on February 25. The plays were giv n under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Ware. “Cruiter”, a prize winning play by John Matheus, headed the group. The setting was on a Georgia farm; the plot and charact rization portrayed well the feeling and sentiments which have long been associated with the southland. “Granny”, played with unusual dramatic ability by Mrs. Mad oline Stirling, was a lovable character in spite of her pessimism. She placed little confidence in what “Cruiter and the No’th” had to offer. We might have doubted the judgment of Granny but never her sincerity. Sonny, played by Mr. J. C. Harris, with a great degree of naturalness and feeling, was quite the opposite to Granny. He was eager to leave the farm, and to take a chance with Mr. Cruiter and the No’th. Hi felt that there was little to be lost by taking a chance for “Us ain’t got nothin’ no how.” Sissy, the nice little wife of Sonny, played bv< Miss Catherine Wiliams in her usual commendable manner, found herself in a dilemma. She wanted to go no’th with Sonny, but she was greatly troubl d over Granny’s refus al to leave the farm. 'Cruiter, the recruiting agent for a northern munition factory, was play ed by Mr. Lloyd Lee with a degree of feeling which recalled to one’s mind the early activities of the Und r ground Railroad and the northern abolitionist. Sonn < and Sissy go with Cruiter north. Granny refuses to I leave her dog, Kay. behind. She re mains on the farm, and Death takes her to a greater promise land. Another important character in th ; play who proved himself to be a nat ural pantomimist was Kay, the dog that Granny would not leave behind. Kay forgot no lines, and no language but his own. At the end of the act Kay took his bow by responding to the applause of the audience with a series of baritone barks. The second play, “Suppressed De sires,” was highly entertaining and presented a modern theme. Stephen Brewster, a young architect, played by Mr. Alvin Goodwin with appro priate interpretation, was constantly being annoyed by the significance which his wife Henrietta Brewster gave to his slightest act. Every act; being the manifestation of some sup pressed desire deeply rooted in the subconscious. Miss Margaret Dicker son handled the part well; arguing first as a psychoanalyst, and then suddenly as a woman, laying aside her theories of the subconscious, and hold ing fast to that which she possessed in consciousness. Mabel, the sister of Mrs. Brewster, was ably played by j Miss Fannie Lae Levison, who under the tutorship of Mrs. Brewster soon discovered that she no longer loved her husband, and further had a sup pressed desire for another man. Mrs. FREE - FREE 1 A Beautiful free gift to any reader of this paper. Just send us your name and address to day. ' HARRY ANDREWS 49 East Broadway, • New York, N. Y. — Brewster had both Stephen and Mabel gong Psychoanalytic; and things went along smoothly until Mrs. Brewster learned that Stephen and Mabel had very pronounced suppress ed desires for each other. Mrs. Brew ster finally agrees to give up her mania for psychoanalysis if Stephen w'ould give up his suppressed desire 'or Mab*l. Mable then asks “What am I to do with my Suppressed de sire?” Stephen replies embracing both: “Just keep on suppressing it.” The fantasy, “The Man Who Died at 12 o'clock” was a blend of love, hu mor, and tragedy. It was mostly tragedy for Ole January Evans, a cun ning, meddlesome, superstitious, old man a propensity for strong drinks. Mr. John Williams was Ole Evans, and depicted the inebriated old sinner with 9uch ease and reality that one found himself almost won dering if Mr. Williams was not really intoxicated. Of course, we knew better. Sally Evans, his granddaughter, characterized by Miss Lavina Scott in a very effective manner, was in love with Charlie McFarland, a farm hand. Mr. Eugene Murray was Char lie, and was a likable devil through out the play. Charlie was to marry Sally when old Evans came home as high as the Empire State Building. Sally planned to frighten him. He came home and Sally and Charlie took advantage of his superstitious nature. Sally convinces Ole Evans that he is to die at twelve o’clock. Shortly after the appointed hour, Charlie appears disguised as the devil. Evans asked for one more chance, and promises to reform. So convincing is the devil’s appearance, Evans almost dies of fright. Sally and Charlie equally frightened, revive the old man by dashing water in his face. He con fesses his evil deeds, tells where the money can be found, and promises not to interfere with the marriage. The curtain falls, and this time Kayo joins in the applause. CHICAGO GUEST ENTERTAINED Mr. Henry Bendford, of Portland. Oregon, who was in the city for a few days, entertained Mrs. Myra Bell, of Chicago, with a four course dinner Monday at 6 P. M. at the Mason and Knox Cafe. The party included Mrs. Myra Bell, Mrs. Peggy Saunders and Mr. Bendford. Mrs. Bell was spending the week end with Miss Stoney. Gray, 2308 N. 25th Street. ITFROIC YOUTH SMOTHERED TO DEATH IN HARLEM FIRE-TRAP New York—(CNA)—Ralph Gordon was burned to death early Sunday morning in a Harlem fire-trap, located at 39 W. 132nd Street. The 22-year old hero was desperately working to rescue the tenan's in the apartment when the roof collapsed upon him. Another tenant in the house, Oscar Warren, suffered a fractured skull, a broken leg. and series internal injur ies. Other tenants also suffered in juries. Flames Quickly Spread Thru House The tenants in the flaming house were also awakened by Mrs. Oventein, who ran up and down the halls screaming and banging on doors. The fire prevented her from going above the second floor, and she was forced to break into a stranger’s apartment to run for the fire-escape. There is only one fire-escape for both sides of the “railroad” flat, and that one is in the rear of the building. Upon opening their doors, the ten COULD NOT DO HER HOUSEWORK VV/HEN every, k^ thing you at B tempt is a burden gf —when you are f nervous and irri table—at your wit’s end—try V this medicine. It may be iust what v/"— yuu ucvu iui cMia energy. Mrs. Charles L. Cadmus of Trenton, New Jersey, says, "After doing just a little work 1 had to lie down. My mother-in-law recom mended the Vegetable Compound. I can see a wonderful change now." Special! MENS HATS CLEANED and BLOCKED EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324 North 24th Street WEbster 1029 ants found the hallwa s ablaze and the roof about to collapse. Fire Department Arrives Late Although the fire department was nromptly called, they d.d not arrive for a half-hour, after these who sur vived were already out. The nearest j fire department station is less than four blocks from the building. The house had been condemned by j fire authorities for over three months. The landlord did nothing to provide for the safety of his tenants, although he has been repeatedly informed of the dangerous condtions in the house. No investigation is being conducted by landlord or authorities to discover the source of the fire. Ralph Gordon was a member of the International Workers Order, and active in the left-wing movement for Negro Rights. A mass funeral in protest against the conditions making for such trage dies, was held this week in Harlem. 15 ORGANIZATIONS UNITE FOR ABYSSINIAN NDEPENDENCE I New York—(CNA)—At a confer ence held last week in the headquar ters of the New York division of the Universal Negro Improvement Asso ciation a committee was formed for the defense of the Abyssinian people, against Italian fascist attacks. 15 or ganizations, including the U. N. I. A., the Communist Party, the Ethiopian Enterprise Association and various other organizations interested in the fight against imperalsm were repre sented. One of the unanimous decisions of the conference was the issuance of a call for similar committees to be formed throughout the country. As a part of the activity of the committee a mass meeting in a large church will be held protestng Mussolini’s recent invasion of Abyssinia. A parade in support of Abyssinian independence is also planned by the c|nmittee. The following officers of the new committee were elected unanimously: A. L. King, U N I A, Chairman; A. W. Berry, League of Struggle for Negro Rights, Executive Secretary: Wm. Fitzgerald, Int’l Labor Defense, Publicity Director; Solomon Harper, The Vanguard, Treasurer; A. Reid, African Patriotic League, Field Rep resentative. N A A C P LAUNCHES DRIVE FOR MILLION SIGNATURES TO ANTI-LYNCHING PETITION New York, Mar. -.—The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People announced today the launching of a nationwide drive for million sio-natures to a petition to Congress urging passage of the Cos tgan-Wagner federal anti-lynching bill. Nearly 50.000 signatures have already been obtained, and offirials hope to secure the remainder in the next few weeks. Thousands of blank petitions have been printed for the use of churches, lodges, clubs, societies, college frater nities, YMCA’s, YWCA’s, Branches of the NAACP and other bodies interest signatures. Blank pe titions may be secured by writing im mediately by post card to the Nation al Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 69 Fifth Avenue, New York. Petitions are to be signed and then returned to the above office. Officials of the Association are seek ng contributions to a special onti-lynching fund to defray the heavy expense nvolved in the fight or the passage of the Costigan w.o-nnr bill. Thev ask that such contributions be mailed to Miss Mary Whi;e Ovington. treasurer of the NAACP. JAMAICAN WORKERS DEMONSTRATE AGAINST NEW BRITISH BILL Kingston. Jamaica, B W I—(CNA) The island of Jamaica has become the storm center of mighty mass demonstrations and struggles against British capital. The Jamaican work ers are preparing actions against the proposed Banana Insurance Bill. Bill Benefits British Interests The proposed b. 11 is designed to benefit the Jamaica Banana Producers’' Association, controlled by British in terests, at the expense of the small planters and laborers. At a meetng in St. Catherine, T. J. fmvley. one of the snonsors of the bill and a member of the Banana Pro ducers’ Association, was pulled from the platform by ind.gnant listeners. At Lawrence, Trelawnev, local police attacked an anti-bill demonstration and threatened to institute martial law. Similar demonstrations have oc curred in all parts of the island. N. Y. ASSEMBLY PASSES BILL BARRING JIM-CROW ON PUBLIC WORKS New York, Mar. 1.—The New York State Assembly has just- passed a bill introduced by Assemblyman James E. Stephens and sponsored by the Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People, prohibiting discr.mination on account of race or color in employment of citizens upon public works. Under the provisions of ths act amending the present labor Jaw, every contractor obtaining state or municipal work must agree not to discriminate against any qualified ami available workman, who is a citizen, because of race or color and not to discriminate against or intimidate any employee so hired, because of race or color. Five dollars will be deducted from amounts due a contractor for each calendar day for each person so discriminated against. A second vio lation may result n cancellation or ter mination of his contract, and the for feiture of all moneys due or about to decome due. Passage by the Senate and approval ay Governor Lehman is virtually as sured. ADVERTISE IT IN THE GUIDE As Long as Washing Must Be Done Why not do it the BEST way . . . the way that is easy, quick and pleasant. Just toss your clothes in the Thor electric washer and they're spotlessly clean in no time. You’ll be amazed at the speed and efficiency of this machine. Electric Washer Only I* For this unusually low fi down-payment you can have a Thor Washer in , li your home ... a genuine quality Thor with the tarr-ou* MJRhK AUIIAIOR which does not tangle or tear ******** . . . cloth#* Ltd 50% longer. See the 1935 Thor today. Nebraska Power Co. Courtesy - Service - ! ow Rotes