Compare Bruno Ladders With Mob Victims’ Burnt Flesh SUPREME COURT DISMISSES LIBEL CHARGES V V V ^ ^ y V'V'V' V'V'V’ •r + W ^ ^ 4 4 4 >'4>^4>r4 4 4 ^ 4 # * Dr. Reuter Makes Four Lectures In One Day LECTURES ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STRIFE SUPERIOR. RACE”—PRIMITIVE ATTITUDE Exploiting the theories of racial superiority due to color, shape of '.he head, size of the brain, etc.. Doctor E. B. Reuter, head of the Department of Sociology, la., University and past President, American Sociological So-® ciety and an inter-national authority on population problems said in the opening meeting of the “Conference on Race Relations” last Thursday evening at the First Methodist Church that “Any individual or gTOup who uses itself as a standard for evalua tion adopts the primitive and provin cial attitude of the unintelligent.” Continuing, Dr. Reuter said, “Relig ious dogmas encouraged race preju dice.” In tracing the growth of racial theories, Dr. Reuter mentioned the development as beginning first in the prehistoric days in the attitude of men towards giants and vice versa. In the early days of Christianity, it was Christian to enslave the Negro and to exploit the heathen. The Church of England accepted this doc trine. It was brought to America and slavery became a practical business proposition. “The only government in the world today practicing Chris tianity is Russia, said Dr. Reuter. The present-day trend concerning racial theories is being based on sociological facts. A study of the inter-relations of racial groups shows that race pre judices evolves around competition, economic changes and not in biological and physiological differences. During the sessions on Friday at the YWCA further important facts concerning race were brought out by Dr. Reuter. Namely, “Race is a geo graphical matter implying differences because of nationality groups. In the matter of race relatons, we deal too largely with symptoms and not causes. The trend towards a militant inter-racial program is becoming more evident as Negro people are edu cated and demand more decent treat ment.” Dr. Reuter mentioned partic ularly the courses of study which are now being girven in race throughout the leading universities of the coun try. Fpeakng on the subject, “Theories and Facts of Race Inter-mixture”, these points were emphasized. As a result of tests, no biological or physio logical disadvantages have come out of race intermixture. Intermarriage has helped in the disorganization of communities and the breaking down of old taboos and customs and has brought cultural and social progress into civilization. The success of mix ed marriages is evident by the low divorce rate. This success is due to the pressure of outside groups which cements marriage. Dr. Reuter says. “The effort of race relations groups should be the developing of apprecia tion of people as people and not as members of White or Negro, Jew or foreign groups. He emphasized the growing trend towards the acceptance of scientific facts on the race question and said that although progress in better race relations is slow, th‘ re is a decided moving towards a bevuer world condi tion. Hitler has found one way to deal with the “Race Question.” Rus sia is trying another. The economic factor is important. Speakng at the luncheon meeting of the conference, Miss Mary McDowell, Honorary Head Resident, Chicago University, Settlement House, stated that every important civic organiza tion among women in Chicago has a committee studying race relations. The conference on Race Relations was sponsored through the City Inter racial Committee. Miss Rachel Taylor, Chairman. Assisting on the Commit tee were: Miss Verna Snail, Vice Chairman; Mrs. Lucy C. Crawford, Secretary; Mr. Earl Saline, Treasurer. Other members of the committee as sisting were Miss Evelyn Palmquist, i Visiting Nurse Association, J. Harvey Kerns, Executive Secretary Omaha 1 Urban League; Mr. Jerry Hawke, Adult Educaton Department; Attor ; ney Sam Beber; H. W. Black; J. Dil j lard Crawford; Mrs. Helen Buckland; Mrs. M. L. Rhone, Head Resident, | Woodson Center; Miss Helen Gauss, Head Resident, Social Settlement. Mr. C. C. Galloway, Acting Editor, Omaha Guide, Mr. Lathrop Rogers and Mrs. Eleanor Haynes. The conference drafted a resolution favoring the passage of the Costigan Wagner Anti-Lynching Bill. It was drawn up and sent to the President of the United States, the speaker of the House, Lincoln, Nebraska and Sen | ator Norris. An unusually fine at tendance was noticed throughout the entire conference. Representatives from P. T. A. groups, Board of Edu cation, The Executive Committee of Women’s Board of the Congregational Church, Council of Social Agencies, YWCA, YMCA, League of Women Voters, Omaha Women’s College Club, and Council of Churches, were all rep J resented in attendance. • O. WASHINGTON IN CREIGHTON ANNUAL ORATORICAL CONTEST When the nine orators who were successful in the preliminaries of the Creighton Oratorical Contest, go to the finals Wednesday, March 13, among them will be Oscar D. Wash ington, one of flhe leading Negro orators of the city and a sen»r at Creighton. This is the second time in the history of the University that a Negro has competed in the Annual Contest, and both times it was Mr. Washington. He last competed in March, 1932. The audience is sure of a treat when the orators meet. The public is invited. There is no j admission. The contest will take Place at the Creighton auditorium Wednesday, March 13th at 8 p. m. i - TWO NEGRO CULTISTS SHOT IN RIOT Out of fifty Negro cultists. who staged a riot in the women’s court in Chicago, two were wounded. The Bailiff, Phillip Brankin, 29, was sent to the hospital with a bullet in his right lung. His condition is critical. A great number of cultists suffer ed cracked heads, at the hands of the officials, and in return, the officials weTe bitten, scratched,^ kicked and cuffed while they were attempting to get the rioters into c?lls. There were thirty-three wouien and seven teen men. The riot started when nine women, members of the “Moorish Order’., were brought into court for quarrel ling. During the melee a 73-year-old police official dropped dead. A phy sician said he had recently been treat ed for heart ailment. g-1 Local Matron Scores Hearst Writers Views of Lindbergh Horror | Mrs. W. Roderick Brown Declares Selling of Bruno Ladd r Souvenirs Is Nothing Compared to Sale of Burnt Flesh of Lynch Victims In South By Lillian Woodyard-Brown One late afternoon during the sum mation of the Lindbergh kidnap trial by the lawyers for the defense, a prominent newspaper with radio privi leges, asked various news commenta tors and feature to give high lights of the day. Among those who spoke was a wo man feature writer. This woman was horrified at the anxiousness of the peopl-a to possess miniature ladders symbolic of the one the heartless kid napper ascended to the window of Baby Lindbergh and descended with the tiny bundle only to have the lad der break under the excess weight causing the demon to drop the child to its death. The woman writer was horrified at the ghastliness of the symbols and the commercial greediness of the people. And of such she wras justified. She had considered the people gathered at the famous trial, although curious, at least Americans—-red blooded Ameri cans—but found instead a lot of filthy blow flies hovering around and gloat ing over the carrion. I wondered if the ladji ever thought of the terrible lynchings of this our fair land—lynchings of defenseless law abiding Negroes. Lynchings per petrated by mobs of loyal red blood ed citizens—Americans who outwardly at least respect home and society. These same loyal American citizens are not satisfied only with the lynch ing of women and men and the selling of pieces of the rope from which they dangled lifelessly, but mind you, sell ing the very fingers and toes and bits of hair along with pieces of the gar ments which they wore. Commercializing not a copy in wood or metal—but burnt flesh, human blood dried upon it. Loyal red blooded American citizens eagerly have bought and exhibited these bits of the human I body. As the woman feature writer has said, I want to say “gloating over these bits of human flesh as blow flies over carrion.” Kidnaping - Murdering - Lynching —which is more deplorable? Let us not sell facsimiles of either kidnapers ladders or lynched human flesh as souvenirs. MAN “FEELS FAINT,” SLIPS TO TO FLOOR DEAD “I feel faint,” said Charles John son, 58, Negro, to Rev. John Union Tuesday afternoon as he sat in DCRA headquarters at 4228 North Twentieth street waiting for a re lief order. Johnson slumped to the floor, dead. Heart disease was believed to be the cause. He lived at 1632 North Tw enty-first street. RESENTS WIFE’S METHOD OF AWAKENING HIM; ASKS DIVORCE Chcago, March 9—Mrs. Kulia An drego awakened her husband one morning at S o’clock by cracking him on the head with a piece of lead pipe. He resented this to such an extent that he wants a divorce, and it has been recommended that he should have one. MISS BROWN HAS SWEET RE MEMBRANCES Miss Alberta Brown, popular night wa.tress at the Mason and Knox cafe, who has fully recovered from a severe attack of double pneumonia, is not yet through thanking her many friends for their kindness during her illness. Everyone seems to thnk that Miss Brown is in need of more strength; so she was highly entertained at a fried chicken breakfast, which turn ed into a party and lasted until lunch time. One thing that Miss Brown con sidered a very outstanding act of kindness was a large box of Ameri can Beauty roses. No vase in her home was large enough to hold them. They had to be placed in a pail of water and set on a table by them selves. Enclosed in the box was a card with the following inscription: “Just a token of remembrance to you durng your illness and a hope f#r your speedy recovery. Publix Cab drivers.” The public Cab drivers have a sta tion at the cafe where Miss Brown is employed. The following day a representative of the cab company called on Miss Erown and expressed the regret of the drivers of her illness, and asked her to call on them for anything she reeded, even to hospital expenses, if necessary. Sunday evening, March 2, Miss Brown was the dinner guest of Mrs. White, 2226 Burdette. BEAN FEED TO CELEBRATE SINKING OF THE MAINE Captain Allensworth, Camp No. 25, and Auxiliary of United Spanish War Veterans held their annual bean feed at Elks’ Hall 2420 Lake St. Thurs day night to celebrate the thirty seventh anniversary of the sinking of he Maine. The program consist ed of patriotic speeches, music and snging by a quartette. About sev enty members and friends were pres ent and enjoyed a very nice even : ing. YOUNG NEGRO REPUBLICAN CLUB TO MEET SUNDAY MARCH 11 The Young Negro Republican Club of Omaha will meet Sunday, March 11, at the Community Center at 4 p. m. Attorney John Adams jr., State Representative from the ninth distric, will be the principal speaker. Attorney Wm. H. Thomas, president of the Young Republican Club, will also speak at this meetjng. The public is cordially invited. JACKSON GIVEN JOB IN NEW FEDERAL BUILDING Geo. H. Jackson, 2914 N. 28th Ave. has been appointed as elevator op erator at the New Federal Build ing eH took a civil service exami nation on December 11th. 1934, and was appointed on March 1, 1935. Mr. Jackson was formerly employ ed at the Athletic Club from Decemb er 29th 1919, until May 15, 1933. He is an ex-service man. NEW CLASSES TO BEGIN AT COMMUNITY CENTER. The Urban-League Community Center, 2213 Lake St. announces the opening of classes in designing, dress making and art of all kinds, under the supervision of John A. Smith. There will be classes mornings, af ternoons and evenings. Come in and register now or phone WE-5020. ----- ! Sits With Supreme Court Judges in Libel Case. .HON. JUDGE JOHN W. YEAGER. who sat on the bench with the asso ciated Supreme Court Judges during the hearing of the Galloway Libel suit, and who wrote the opinion of reverse and dismissal. THOMAS & THOMAS, ATTORNEYS 958 OMAHA NAT. BK. BLDG. OMAHA, NEBRASKA In the Supreme Court of Nebraska. Lincoln, February 21, 1935 Dear Sir: In the case of Galloway vs. Slate, No. 29160, the following orders have been made: Judgment Reversed and dismissed. Very truly, GEORGE H. TURNER, Clerk of Supreme Court. ASKS $1000 DAMAGES George Crumbly, 3029 Burdette Street, local musician, filed suit in District Court Wednesday against Melvin Levin, police officer, who struck Crumbley while they were rid ing the elevator in the city jail. Crumbley says that the cut lip that he surered at the hands of Melvin Levin will prevent his ever playing a trumpet again. As a result, he asks one thousand dollars damages. TO MOVE TO NEW LOCATION Dr. G. B. Lennox’s office and the Ross Drug Store, of 2122% and 2122 N. 24th Street, respectively, will be moved into the building now occupied by the Shokunbi Laboratory in the near future. Dr. Lennox will occupy the upstairs offices, which are modern and desir able. Dr. Ross’ Drug Store will be in the same building, downstairs, 2314 N. 24th Street. PROPOSE BILL TO BAR INTER RACIAL MARRIAGES Olympia, Wash.—(CNA)—A bill to illegalize marriages between colored people and whites was introduced in the Washington State Legislature here. It is part of the drive of the West Coast ship owners to divide the white workers from the Negro and Filipino workers. In the recent General Strike on the West Coast, the solidarity action of the Negro, Filipino and white marine workers was able to force the ship owners to grant higher wages. The measure, against marriages be tween colored people and whites, fol lows close upon the passage by the lower house of the Washington Leg islature of the Ott Bill which would bar the Communist Party, active in the General Strke, from the ballot. The League of Struggle for Negro ights has launched a mas campaign against the proposed bill pertaining to nterracial marriages. THOMAS WINS LIBEL SUIT FOR GALLOWAY The following is the opinion of the Supreme Court, written by the TIon. District Judge Yeager, who sat with the Supreme Court, wdiich includes C. J. Goss, Rose Good, Eberly, Day, J. J. Paine and Yeager. C. C. GALLOWAY, ’# Plais+iff in Error, : -Y- : THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, : Defenlant in Error. : No. 29160 : 1. An information which charges that a libel was published in a newspaper of “general circula tion" in a particular county, charges a misdemeanor and not a felony. 2. The full and complete text of an Information must be consider ed and taken in its ordinary sense to determine what, if any, crime has been charged. 3. The evidence examined and found not to support the charge contained in the Information. Heard before Goss, C. J., Rose, Good Eberly, Day and Paine, J. J., and Yeager, District Judge. YEAGER, District Judge. The above entitled action is one which was instituted by the Coun ty Attorney of Douglas County, Nebraska, charging the plaintiff in error, C. C. Galloway, who will be hereinafter referred to as the defendant, with libel. The defend and was convicted and sentenced to serve n term of three months in the County Jail of that coun ty. From the conviction the de fendant prosecutes error to this Court. In his brief the defendant sets forth five separate assignments of error. In his first assignment defendant claims that the Infor mation does ont charge a crime. An examination of the Informa tion discloses that it, to a certain point, in appropriaie language charges the crime of libel. The appropriate language is followed by the following language: “And has a general circulation in Doug las County, Nebraska. The evi dence does not indicate a circula tion outside Douglas County. The first point made by defendant is that the Information sought to charge a felony, whereas by the terms of the language above quot ed it did not charge a felony and was therefore defective; and fur ther ,that it was not a charge of a misdemeanor. The point of de termination between a libel which is a misdemeanor and one which is a felony is the question of gen eral circulation or no general cir culation. This Court has held that a newspaper circulated in a single county is not a newspaper of a general circultaion. Koen vs State, 35 Neba. 676. Of necessity it follows that the Infor mation does not charge a felony because it specifically limits its circulation to Douglas County.' Doe3, then, thbn, the word “gen eral” in the quoted language de stroy it as a misdemeanor charge ? We think not. The laguage is certain and specific to the degree that there can be no mistake as to the limit of the circulation of The Omaha Guide. The full and complete text of an Information must be considered and taken in ■ - its ordinary sense to determine what, if any, crime has been charged. We must therefore con clude that the Information charg es a misdeameanor. A determination of the first as signment of error disposes in part of the second and t'hird assign men. The second and third as signments deal, in part, with the failure of the Court to explain and differentiate between crimin al libel which is felonious and that which is not. Since the In formation charges only a misde meanor and since the instructions were so predicated ,it follows that there is no merit in this conten tion . In defendant’s third assignment of error he urges that the Court erred in refusing to give instruc tion Number Three requested by the defendant. From an examina tion of the Information, the Bill of Exceptions and the Instructions given by the Court, it is unneces sary to examine into the merits of this contention. The Informa tion alleges that the defendant is the proprietor and editor of The Omaha Guide. Instruction Number Five informs the jury that they must so find before they will be permitted to return a verdic of guilty. The evidence conclusively shows that the de fendant was neither the propriet or nor editor of The Omaha Guide. The nearest apporach is that’ he was acting editor when the editor was absent. There is no direct evidence that he knew about the article in question. The only di rect evidence is that he knew nothing about the article in ques tion. The only direct evidence is that he knew nothing about the publication until the paper was in circulation. We are constrained to conclude that the evidence of the State does not respond to the material allegations of the Infor mation and should therefore be reversed and since there is no in dication that any new evidence could be secured we feel that the conviction should be reversed and the case dismissed. REVERSED AND DISMISSED. TOWNSEND PLAN ENDORSED BY CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR San Francisco, Cali., March 9— The Townsend Old Age Revolving Pension, which is being discussed hroughout the country, has been in dorsed by Governor Frank F. Mer riam of California. Governor Merri man says, “I have seen no specific proposals for old age relief which, in their basic principles, are as work able as the Townsend Plan.” HOLD ENTERTAINMENT FOR AUTOMOBILE DRIVE A Heaven and Hell Entertainment will be given on March 15th at 2264 Binney St. for the benefit of the au tomobile drive, which is beng sponsor ed by; the Pleasant Green Baptst Sunday school. CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR ENDORSES TOWNSEND PENSION DILL , ----T