NRA HIGHLIGHTS Auto Code Kxtendad An amendment extending the Auto mobile Code until June 16, the expir ation date of the N. I. R. A., is one of four amendments just approved by President Roosevelt. The other three provide that time and a half shall be pajd all employees working more than ■48 hours in any one week; that the Automobile Labor Board be continued, and that the industry bring out new models in the Fall, when possible, and hold automobile shows preferably at that season of the year. Try To Get Restaurants and Bakeries Together The question as to just when a res taurant merges mto a bakery is pend ing between the Code Authorities of the industries and the Industrial Ap peals Board has asked the appoint ment of a joint committee to work out i a solution Under the Baking Code. ! restaurant employees would work fewer hours and get more pay. Bituminous Coal Prica Boards The Bituminous Coal Code’s present method of establishing minimum; pr.cas and setting up arbitration boards to handle disputes arising from price schedules has beea extended un-1 til April 30 by the N. I. R. B. This ; action was taken to m«et an emer- i gency in the industry. .Match Industry In order to give American match manufacturers relief from foreign competition, the N. I. R. B has issued an order, effective for the coming half year, relieving members from the code provison that none “shall guar antee pr.ces and floor stocks against decline in prices.” Under actual op eraton, the American firms found that this provision worked a hardship an them, because it left them at a dis advantage In competing with foreign firms not subject to the Match Code. Hollywood Complaints Settled The Studio Labor Board, establish ed to handle labor troubles arising in Hollywood studios under the Motion Picture Industry Code, settled 225 complaints m the first eight months of I its existence. The representatives of the producers, labor and the govern ment, comprising the Board, have worked together so efficiently that no appeal has been taken from any of its decisions Kmbroidery Design Registration Proposed The Schiffli embroidery field is con sidering a plan to follow the silk field into design registration. By reg istering designs, the silk firms have been able to reserve patterns for their originators, as no design may be am ployed until it has been compared with those on file to establish its orig inality. The embroidery firms have had much difficulty in reserving de signs- A public hearing to consider the proposal was held b>1 NRA on February 11, The Minimum Mark-ups on Cigarettes THe N. I. R. B. has extended the orders establishing minimum mark ups on sales of cigarettes under the Wholesale and Retail Tobacco Codes until March 30. The NRA recognized an emergency due to destructive price autting on July 12, last, and issued tlw; first orders for minimum mark ups. Mark-ups are minimum percen tages which musl be added to the cigarette manufacturer’s prices. They were designed to stop the use of cig arettes as “loss leaders." May Stop Use of Script for Wages The NRA Advisory Council has rec ommended to the N I. R. B. that the use of script in paying wages be pro hibited. Script has been widely used in the bituminous coal industry, but is now causing difficulties in the lum ber, steel and textile fields. One of j Sensational NewDiscovery GROWS HAIR In Three Quick Stages Or No Cost ; 2nd Stage ik At last, hare is e start- ! Ilag secret discovery that actually will -grow hair in seven days or it doesn't cost you a pennyt Mr. Johnson's Briillan tine Hair G row or, as this amaalng fast working secret ta called. 1s dif ferent than anything elso you hare ever heed. You , lust rah a little Into your hair and scalp with ycrar dugertlps'each day. Ugly, short, kinky hair turn* into long, straight,, glossy hair that every one envies and admires. No rl3k, bo chants and no doubt. Mr. Johnson's Hair Grower mqst do the work to your daligtG or it costs rathlng. St-od coupon below for quick action. Make This Convincing Test See-d no money. Just mail the coupon below right now. 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Michigan Ave., Chicago, El. ■ Send me at once one Mta« of Mr. ■ I Johnson's Briillantlne Hair Growi/r. I J I will give postman ape# arfleeil only “ I *1. plus portage and G. O. D. charge* ■ I with the understanding that I can 're- • ■ luu the unused Hair Grower, for any I . «im. m eeven days and you will etT» I , wk'w deposit, without queer ion. I I Name. J | • I Address (or P. O. Box). I « «lty. State_..... J > ~ the proposals is that “no employee shall be required as a condition of em ployment to trade at a store or to rent a home specified by his employ er.” Knitted Outerwear Situation The XRA has had a stabilizing in fluence on the knitted outerwear in dustry, accordng to the Code Author ity. At its request, the N. I. R. B. has extended for 90 days the regula tions for the contract system of pro ducing garments for infants and children. Under this system, employ ment has been fairly well maintained even in the off season and the average weekly earnings of workers have been held at constant levels much better than before the system was inaugu rated- At the same time, wholesale and retail prices have not been in creased. Dry Fruit Peaple Get Code The firms which pack dried prunes, raisins, peaches, apricots, apples, figs, and pears in the Pacific Coast States have been granted their own code of fair competition. The Pacific Coast Dried Fruit Council will act as code authority. The members of the in dustry will be grouped into five di visions, each with representatives on the Code Authority. N. I. R. B. Bans Use of “Shops” “Shops" set up in private apart ments or living quarters violate the code provisions abolishing homework. About JOO codes ban homework and hundreds of thousands of workers are affected. The administrative order permits persons to engage in home work if allowed the same rate of wages as is paid for similar work in the factories, provided that they have secured certificates from the Depart ment of Labor and are either physic ally incapacitated or are needed, at home to attend invalids. Auto Rebuilders and Refinishers Get Code The President has approved a code for the auto rebuilding and refinish ing trade, effective February 4. It will apply to about 8,000 establish ments. employing 70,000 workers and reporting an annual sales voluce of about $390,000,000. The code prohib its overtime work. TO ALL TOWNSEND CLUBS This is the subscription book for the Townsend Weekly men tioned in Bulletin No. 20. Your chib, with the help of your members, wifi be able to take subscriptions (in many in stances) for hundreds of Town send Weeklies, and thereby earn money to pay club expenses and help, where needed, to make up your congressional fund. Remember, each $2.00, one year subscription entitles you to fifty (50) cents; and each $1.00, six month subscription entitles you to twenty-five (25) cents. Deduct your commissions when remitting. Official Townsend Weekly. GAINS25% LBS. IN TWO MONTHS COD LIVER OIL—Once a Punishment—Now a Treat Stop trying toforce yourchadren to take nasty tasting. hsEy flavored cod liver oils. Give them Coco Cod—the cod liver oil with a delicious chocolate taste—and watch their bodies grow daly with worous, athletic strength I Mrs. Mefder of M^aukea says: oejore my cm us loot Coco Cod she only weighed 80 lbs. Sow, in two months’ time, she weighs lOS'yi tbs. and she has not been ill since.” Other cod liver oils have only Vitamins A and D. but Coco Cod is also rich in Vitamin B—the appetite and growth promoting vitamin. Start your children with Coco Cod today. At all drug stores. GOOD COD Hg is .nott . i — j I - ■ ■ ■ ** w—r -2 ' >’!** ' - — , __—; X | ftlMT WM IWBOUtH. 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