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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1935)
BUILD M own COMMU M r V By Patronizing Your Naborhood Stores BEER Draught or Bottled RABE’S BUFFET, Refreshments and Lunch 2425 N. 24 St 24th & Lake St. Ja. 9195 Old Time Lager on Tap SCJHLITZ THE BtiF.R THAT MADE MILWAUKE FAMOUS ON TAP HOT DOGS, Steamed Finger Rolls wi.h hot Chili Sauce 5c OUR SPECIAL HAMBURGER SANDWICH 5c DENVER SANDWICH 15c Double Deck CLUB HOUSE SANDWICH, Breast of Chicken ,only 35c AMERICAN WEINER SHOP 2509 North 24th Street Duffy Pharmacy We. 0609 24th and LAKE STREETS DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS HARDINGS ICE CREAM Free Delivery Autry Ice and Coal Co. Basket Coal, Lump 35c, 3 for $1.00 Nut, 30c, 3 for 90c Prompt Delivery We. 2762 TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE AUTO PAINTING General Repairing THE IDEAL GARAGE 2419 Lake S'reet Open Sundays Fresh Meats—Vegetables FRANK MARK’S GROCERY 24th and Parker Streets RELIEF ORDERS FILLED January Clearance Sale Women’s silk dresses, $1.75 to $2.50 Other Garments at Sale Prices The KRAFT BARGAIN Store 2518 N. 24th 1701 N. 24th We Accept Relief Orders FINE WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING D. Schwartz, Prop. 1906 No. 24th Street SLAUGHTER BAR-B-Q HUT and RESTAURANT 2002 North 24h Street Sponsored and Supported by Public Spirited Northside Business Men for the Purpose of Creating a Better Understanding between Merchants and Consumers and for the Purpose of Bringing Directly to You the Latest Price Quotations on Quality Merchandise. - MYERS FUNERAL HOME Dignified, Efficient Supervision Nothing Over-Or Undone 2416 N. 22 St. WE 0248 s/ VALENTINE PASTRIES FOR YOUR PARTY Decorated Heart Shaped Cookies, Cakes and Sandwiches SATURDAY SPECIALS BREAD,_-_loaf, 10c, 3 for 25c Light Bread Biscuits, ___dc»3 12c Pecan Rolls,____6 for 15c Chop Suev Rolls,...doz 25c Syrup Cinnamon Rolls, _doz 20c * Butter Rolls, ___ doz 20c Jelly Rolls, ___ each 13c Date and Nut Bread, ____loaf 65c Banana Cake,__each 39c Yellow Butter Cake witfh Orange and Bnterscctch Icing,..each 25c and 44c Miracle Cake,..... each 25 and 39c PIES Cherry Apple, Lemon, Sweet Potatoe and Coccanut Cream.. each 25c Small Pies, .... each 10c Baked Beans Flavored wtih Ham and Boston Brown Bread Every Friday and Saturday \ ------ RITZ Theatre LOUISE BEAVERS and FREDI WASHINGTON with CLAUDETTE COLBERT, WARREN WILLI \M Supported by Part Colored Cast in "IMITATION OF LIFE" An old colored PANCAKE REGtPE, handed down through generation to generation, is the founding of a great business—the dreams of generations unfold—-mone: —sf.ecess, life among the better folks—with them—their tears, their sorrows, their heartaches, their joys of their ‘Imitation of Life as they struggle onward to find the real thing.—See It—Thrill to It and acclaim it—One of the Greatest Epics of the Colored Race ever yet Jtajd. witt, Lou« Beavers and Fredi Washington, Colored Stars, in the greatest roles of their careers, triumphantly portraying true, living Co!°[ed Race in their struggle with their Problems of the economic and social orders of life in the world today! P .. . lUCHMAN BROS ] Home Owned Stores 24th and Lake Street LOWEST PRICE ON QUALITY FOOD RICE, Blue Rose Per lb 5c NAVY BEANS, 5c GREEN BEANS, No. 2 Cans, 3 for 25c BROOMS. 4 Tie Parlor,_Each 39c POTATOES. Large Cooking Peck 25c EGGS Strichy Fresh,Doz. 29c COFFEE 7 O'clock Fresh Roasted lb 21c PUMPKIN, Dandy for Pies 3 ?a°ns2 25c v—-——-—-—y | Not Build Manhood < Mr. Carl Rabe, proprietor of Rabe’s Buffet, 24th and Lake & Streets, says he believes ithe government should help fathers and | mothers of today with the youth of our counry. The following j is a suggestion Mr. Rabe made to 'the Acting Editor of the Omaha < Guide. Mr. Rabe says if there were some way for the United l States to take full charge of our youth between the ages of 18 } and 21 "ears, and place them under proper discipline in a position * where they could be of some service to our government and ait j: the same time be taught discipline, obedience, politeness and the value of good health and how to build a muscular body, we would | dispose of the criminal inclinations in the youth of today. Mr. J Rabe says that every youth of the couiltry should be forced to $ accept this training at least eighteen months of his life. He £ makes the statement from experience. iMr. Rabe is a native of Germany, and when ne vn; eighteen years old, he voluntarily entered the army. He spent eighteen months in training and says that'the foundation of his future life was built dur ng that eighteen months. Fir^t he was taught dis cipline, next, physical endurance, then obedience, and on the whole, came cut physically and mentally fit to face the world as a citi S zen. Mr. Rabe says that not part of his life was spent to so g great an advantage in bulding his future as the eighteen months t he spent in the army. 2 The youth of our country at eighteen, as a rule, are turned f loose, due to the fact that at this age they1 become restless, men I' tall-.- disturbed and uncontrollable by their parents and neighbors, and their invironnient is not strong enough to hold them in check, and prevent their becoming dredges on society, either, by physical defects or criminal inclination of the mind. Mr. Rabe takes off his hat to President Roosevelt’s C. C. C. Camp, and says that his only regret is that it isn’t compulsory. He says that he thinksevery youth should be forced to sign an agreement for at least eighteen months, as this would be one large step in building manhood in our youths. COAL ] MISSOURI LUMP PLENTY HOT CAREY'S $6.75 Per Ton, Cash — Plenty Hot LEWIS SERVICE STATION CONOCO BRONZ HI TEST GASOLINE CONOCO OIL Now At Your Door You can laugh at cold waves if you have a tank of special winter blend In Your Car 24th and Grants Streets MASON & KNOX CAFE £307 N. 24 St. Prompt Delivery WE 4208 FREE! FREE! FREE! For A Few Days Onty Free, with your stein of beer the following sandwiches: Hamburger, Imported Swiss or Cream Cheese, Boneless Cold Ham, Tender Prime Roast Beef. Let us Club you with a club breakfast in a Mason and Knox way -FOR BREAKFAST HAM AND EGGS, German fried potatoes, Three hot Tea_ No, Man-sized biscuits with coffee_u.20c BACON AND EGGS, American fried potatoes, hot tea biscuits, coffee_■ •_ 20c HOME MADE SAUSAGE, Knox fried potatoes, hot tea biscuits, ooffee .... 20c AUNT DELILAH HOT CAKES with Sausage or Bacon, coffee 20c Storz Triumph Beer On Draught HOME OF THE BARBEQUE KING k--- > Market WE-5444 24th & LAKE Sts. The Best Quality Foods At The Very Lowest Prices WE DELIVER __—' N---- ^ MIKE COLTON 1 Dry Goods — Shoes — Furnishings 2503 North 24th Street Phone JA. 5757 QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT LOW PRICE *_/ /----\ Grant Street Pharmacy Successor’s To Owen Pharmacy PHONE WEbster 6100 , Registered Pharmacist Prompt Delivery PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED P. J. Robinson, MgT. 24th and Grant Streets Omaha, Nebr. V ___/ /----—■— -s The Honorable F. D. R. Is the Man Who Will End the Depression But—He Needs Everyone’s Support KNOCKERS—You Have Made a Mistake Fall in Line Give Your Support Put People to Work Public— Buy; It Will Create Jobs-WE ARE BUYING UJlUTrn 10,000 Batteries, 5,000 Aitto Radiators, 10,000 Lbs. of Cop, VI nil ILU Leaji Brass and Aluminum—5,000 Wrecked, Burned or Dilapidated Cars. All Kinds of Motors, Auto Glass, Batteries, Chassis and Accessories. Everything Is Priced to Sell. Gerber Consolidated Auto Parts Co “Home of Kangaroo Court” 2501 Cuming St., AT 5656 16th and Pierce, JA. 6300 Call AT. 5656 for Information on Kangaroo Court \_‘ ---—/