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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1935)
SOCIAL C ^ -1,. CLUBS AFFAIRS ^O-O-Cl-e-t-y ^ ORGANIZATIONS _PAGE FOUR_ THE OMAHA GUIDE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1935 ' ' ~ " : ' = ™ “ The Fair Flay Club The club rryet at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Orange Smith Saturday night. Brdge was the attraction of the evening until the Club’s little Noise Box, Mr. Charles Sims, arrived. We also had present a little bird, who is just beginning to fly, and she is furnishing the club members plenty competition. After the business meeting, four rounds of bridge were played, Mrs. Evelyn Sims winning first prize for women, Mir. Cheser Bennett, first prize for men, and Mr. Chares Sims, boob i. Mr. Shns enjoyed his prize so much that it had to be taken away from him to keep him from tearing it up. The club adjourned o meet with Mrs. Beulah Watts next Saturday evening. Mrs. Ifvelyn Sims, President Mrs. Alice Moore, Reporter The Sweet Sixteen Bridge Club Miss Marguerite Harrold entertain ed the club this week at 2920 Grant Street. We had a very successful business meeting, after which bridge was played. The hostess served a very delight ful luncheon. Our club is now open for new mem berships! ; so hurry before the rush. Mr. Ray Mosby will entertain next week at 2731 Blondo St. Miss Marguerite Harrol.d President Mrs. Myrtle Stringer, Reporter The Clever Set Club The club did not have a meeting this week, but had a chitterling supper, Thursday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. Leona Allen, 1823 N. 23rd St. Every one reported an en joyable time. We profited very nicely. Mrs. Leona Allen, President Mrs. Minnie Burns, Reporter The Ladies’ Friendship Club The club was entertained this week by Mrs. Beulah Watts, 1839 N. 23rd Street. We were glad to have our president with us this week. After the meeting whist was played. Mrs. Christine Sturdevant won first prize, and Mrs. Florence Morris, the booby. The hostess served a delicious lunch eon and presented each member with a comic valentine. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Joan Ram eriz, 3118 Burdette St. Mrs. «Tda Fountaine, President Mrs. Minnie Burns, Reporter The Critics The Critics would like very much for each of their many friends and boosters to consider this a personal invitation to attend their Mock Court Trial to be given at Mt. Moriah Bap tist Church, 24th Street at Ohio, Tuesday evening, February 5th. The Mrs. Pauline Walker and son re turned to St. Lous to make their home. Buddy Deloach Presents ALL STAR FLOOR SHOW Featuring Leonard Dixon, direct from the Cot ton Club in New York City, Marion Oglesby and Velma Paul Rivers, Va leria King, Tillie Thomas, Zep and many others. BEGINNING FEBRUARY 9th Everjt Sunday, Thursday and Saturday night at NEW ELKS’ HALL 2420 Lake St. Reservations ..Call JA. 8340 Admission 25c Critics promise you an evening of fine entertainment. The defendant in this trial is Mr. E. Z. Going, and the plaihtiff is the Church. The case is one of daily oc currence, and you will appreciate the theme to be discussed. Some of our very best public speak ers are in the roles of attorneys and witnesses. Every Church congrega tion has a Mr. E. Z. Going. Learn the triith of this very puzzling gentle man’s case and the solution. Thank you for your kind coopera tion and attendance. C. Davs, President R. Gordon, Reporter The Junior Beau Brummels The Junior Beau Brummels recentl; held a party dt the home of Theosar Stone. Among those present were Misses Doris Ware, Nellie Basset, Ellen Mae Walker, Lucille Breedlove, Effie Man uel, Hattie Northington, Mary Dun bar, Nadine Simmons, Mary Greene, Tnlletta Stone, Pearl Winston, Fred ricka Hall, Olive Williams, Juanita Lett, Winniifred Williams, Messrs. Harold Biddieux, Robert Ennis, Davis Stevens, John Woods, John Taylor, Hiram Pittman, Robert Myers, and James Donaldson. Sheuller Backsdal, Spencer James and Jasper Cole. The club members are Milton Moore, Russell Lewis, Marvin Kellog, Isaiah Carey, Eugent Rice, Theosar Stone, Herman Stevens and James McAllis ter. Each member did his share to ntake the party a success. James McAllister, Reporter The Joyeux Bridge Club The Joyeux Bridge Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. James, j Wednesday Evening, January 23rd, in their regular bi-monthly meeting. The president, Mr. Walter L. Seals, presided with the following members | present, Messrs. Archy Macey, J. T. i Scott, Louis Artison, Worthington Williams and M. C. James. Mr. John Dotson was absent due to sickness, and Mr. Charles Southard was unable j to attend due to the nature of his ’work. This club of men, who are eager students of this facinating game, are truly making an intelligent demon stration of their studies. And it is their hope to be rated as “Better Bridge Players” in these parts. The Club will have its tournament Feb ruary 27, 28 and March 1, 1935, at the Masonic Hall. The tickets are in the hands of the nvembers of this club, and any informaton concerning entre or play can be obtained by contact ing any member. Mrs. James was assisted by Mrs. Walter Seals in preparing a very pret fly two course dinner, which was high ly enjoyed after a very busy evening. The Club meeting for February 13th will be held with Mr. Louis Artison, 2816 Hamilton St. The Golden Ruler’s Club The Golden Rulers, composed of young people of Salem Church, have just re-organized. It has a very prom ising future. The purpose of this club is to further the education of youth. All officers for 1935 have been elected as follows: Mss Amelia Thomas, Pres ident, Mr. Sol Porter, vice-president, Miss Ivory Moore, secretary, Mrs. Bertha Patterson, assistant-secretary treasurer, Mr. Algie Lee Ridges, treasurer, and Mr. Lorenzo Rosen baugh, sargeant-at-arms. The var ous Committee Chairmen are as fol lows: Social, Miss Carrie M'oore, Mus I ic, Miss Versie Thomas, and Educa i Orchard & Wilhelm Go. SIXTEENTH & HOWARD STS. Our Great February Furniture Sale ^ presents the most Desirable and ■ by. far the largest selection of Styles and worthwhile qualities in this part of the country with prices that fit TODAY’S incomes. Get Your Share of the Bargains CALIF. NEWS MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA NEWS The Local Branch N. A. A- C. P. is doing fine under the presidency of Mr. Robinson. Mr. Gadbury and his three children, two daughters and one son, are model neighbors. Let’s hope they don’t move. Mr. E. Clease, Jr., and Mr. 0. W. Cooper were badly cut and bruised Saturday evening, when the cars in which they were riding collided at 312 E. Walnut Avenue. Mr. Clease’s car was completely wrecked, and Mr. 0. W. Cooper’s car was damaged badly when t was wedged into a tree. They were lucky to escape death. Many fine horses are arriving here for the races, bringing to Monrovia new and friendly faces. There is one born every sixty sec onds, so sa. s He. Mrs. C. Johnson, who has been con fined with a cold, is somewhat im proved. Do You Know That Monrovia is a fine place in which to live? We have lots of lovely people here? We have many nice parties? There are five places to serve your Maker? Monrovia boasts all kinds of talent? We have lodges and other movements of merit? We should not believe anything we hear, and hardly anything we see ? [ Things are not always what they seem? Smiles bSget smiles; harsh words be get harsh words; consideration begets consideration ? Our object is to please ? Bicycling is supposed to obtain and retain your girlish figure? Uncle Dave Ross, of Pasadena, vis ited in Monrovia last Sunday. Mr. W. Lockett, taxi-man, who has been in poor health, is much Improved. Mr. R. Anderson, who has been driving the taxi for Mr. Lockett, is doing fine. He and his family reside at 1208 Therman. The Beddneys, located at Walnut Avenue and Cannon, are a very hap ay family. We mustn’t forget the Partridges, who live ’just around the corner’. They are a very lovely family, too. Julian McPherson addresses STUDENTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD air. Julian w. McPherson, Omaha University Students, lead a discussion of the worthwhile doings of Negroes ' w ith a group of high school students and alumnae, Tuesday of last week j at the Woodson Center. >~n the course Oi his talk, Mr. McPherson comment ed on the value of such an institution in Community life and on the integr ity of its supervisors. Mr. Ralph Halloway, South High Student, and chairman of that pro gram committee, presided in a highly creditable manner. Mrs. Rhone and Miss Dorothy Tay lor added some very interesting and much appreciated contributions to the discussion. On the following Friday Mr. Mc Pherson presented a paper on the His tory of the African Methodibt Episco pal Church as the first speaker in a discussion of the church, before the Sunday School board members at St. John’s A. M. E. Church. Starting back in 1500, Mr. McPher son began with the international su premacy and Heirarchy of the Catho lic Church and reviewed the partial capitulation of the Catholic Church and the Protestant Revolution and touched the high points of Church de velopment up to and through the founding of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and its progress up to recent years. A very interesting discussion, over which Mrs. Mattie Johnson presided, followed. Mr. McPherson will present the pa per again before the Sunday School. A WORD OF THANKS TO MY MANY FRIENDS Mrs. G. W. Galloway, 3222 Charles, who has been ill for some time at her home, is glad to be up again. Mrs. Galloway says that it is due to the skilful care of her family physician and the tender care of her sister, Mrs. Cecelia Young, of Shreveport, La., that she has so nearly recovered. Mrs. Galloway wishes to thank her many friends for the kindness shown during her illness. She said she didn’t know that she had so many friends until she was confined to her home. tion, Mrs. Elma Porter. Many others were elected to different offices. Last Monday the club met at the home of the Misses Moore. After a brief business discussion, plans were made for the social to be given Jan uary 28 at the home of Miss Amelia Thomas. Two members were voted into the club. Visitors are always welcome. Just We Club The Just We Social and Charity Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Hattie Brown with Mrs. Dora Alexander, hostess. The regular time of meeting is the third Thursda;! of each month but due to the fact that the club took part in the Trojans’ Inter-Club Ban quet. the date was changed this month. After a delicious luncheon and an extrem*el>i interesting meeting, the club was entertained with an inter esting paper h|y! Mrs. Jessie Vann. Guests of the club were Mrs. W. L. Myers and Mrs. Christine Althouse. Mrs. J. E. Todd, President Mrs. Vassie Harrold, Reporter We Moderns Sewing Club Mrs. Mildred Bryant, 2134 N. 27th Stl, was hostess to the club Monday, January 21. Mrs. Willa Mae Jakes was made a member. The club met at the home of Mrs. Ida Bryant, 2518 Ohio Street, Monday January 14th. Mrs. Grace Washing ton joined the club. The tea given by the club Sunda- , January 20, was an interesting affair. The table was beautifully decorated with fresh cut flowers. All the members wore narrow ribbons of gold and orchid, which are the club colors, in their ha.r. Mrs. Lucille •■’Irving, in a lovely blue dress with slippers to match, made a charming hostess. Those present were Mrs. Zoneta Walker, Mrs. Grace Washington, Mrs. Dorothy Crocker, Miss Helen Lew.s, who was the guest of Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Booker Abrams, Mrs. Mattie Sims, guest of Mrs. Ida Bry ant, Mrs. Sadie Crocker, guest of Mrs. Lucille Irving, Mrs. Hosey, guest of Mrs. Frances Allen, Mrs. Mildred Bry ant and Mrs. Nora Graham. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT AT SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY On Saturday night, January 26, sev eral friends of Miss Claretta Bid deux and Mr. Fredrc Banks, gave : surprise birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Biddieux an Mr. Banks, whose birthdays were January 21st and 25th, respectively. Bridge and danc ng were the mail, attractions of the evening. A delightful buffet supper was served with Miss Ola MeCraney pre siding at the coffee table. While the guests were having sup per, Mrs. Biddieux surprised the ‘surprisers’ b;» announcing the en gagement of her daughter, Claretta, to Fredric Banks. The popular young couple was nearly crushed by their friends who rushed to congratulalte them. No date has been set for the wedding. The guests incuded Messrs, and Mesuames Huey Elmibrey, Millard F. Singleton, III, Harvey Carter, Mes dames Bailey, Margaret Metoyer, Josephne Bell, Misses Claretta Bid dieux, Helen Singleton, Ann Carter, Margaret Dallas, Celestine Smith, Ola MeCraney, Messrs. Fredr.c Banks, Wendell Willis, Homer MeCraney, Jesse Hutton, Lester Carter, Leonard Harrold, John Smith, Marcellus Ran som and Edward Biddieux. Mr. Singleton andf Mr. Banks were the bartenders for the evenng, and each saw to it, personally, that every one was kept in the best spirits. The surprise was successful both ways, and everyone had a very jolly time. UNEMPLOYED WORKER SLUGGED INTO UNCONSCIOUSNESS Birmingham, Ala.—(CNA) — Sol Carlyles, unemployed miner, was bru tally beaten into unconsciousness by a band of policemen and Klansmen who sought to evict him from his home. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Quick Relief, or You Only Pay When Satisfied •If you suffer from High Blood pres sure, dizziness, ringing in the ears, can’t sleep, feel weak and shaky, bad taste, nervous. If your heart pounds and you fear a paralytic stroke, to demonstrate the prescription, known as HYGO, I will have sent to you postpaid, a regular $1 treatment on absolutely FREE TRIAL. While it is non-specific, many cases report re markably quick relief, often symp toms diminish and normal sleep re turns within 3 days. Contains no salts, physics or dope. Safe with any diet. PAY NOTHING UNLESS GREATLY IMPROVED. Thenl send $1. If not your report cancels charge. Write D. S. B. Hibbad, 405-B Coates, Kansas City, Mo. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Grace Speese was given a pleasant surprise on her birthday, Fri day, January 25, at her home, 2864 Miami St. The guests were Rev. and Mrs. L. P. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McVay, Mr. and Mrs. Vemie John son, Mrs. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. I. Riv ers and daughter, Mrs. Roberta Bailey, Mr. Dan Strawthers, Mrs. J. Taylor, Jr., Mrs. Zelma LeFall, Miss Vera Leach, Mrs. Mafl.r Speese, Miss Flor ence Speese, Mrs. Rachel Woods, Mrs. Ruth McRaven, Miss Bertha Crigler, Miss Ruth Whitfield, of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Carrie Carter, Mrs. Willie Green, Mrs. Otis Jamieson, Misses Fidelia, Dellia and Gertrude Rucker, Mr. M. E. Webb and son, Hiram, and Wesley Taylor. The evening was spent playing games, after which refreshments were served. Miss Speese was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. The guests de parted at a late hour expressing them selves as having had a lovely time. ACTIVITIES OF OUR REPRESENTATIVE Attorney Jiohn Adams. Jr., Represen tative cf the Ninth District Legal Mind Is Active On Job In State House The following are a few of the re cent activities of our representative of the N.nth District. We put this in the paper hoping that politicians of the Ninth Distr.ct and Citizens of Nebraska will read and know the facts about our representative. Representative Adams is the author ! of the bill to take D.Strict Judges of fices out of politics. He says this idea ! came to him before he was elected, when he read an editor al in the Omaha Guide titled, “Take District Judgeship Out of Polit.Vs”. Legislature of Nebraska Fiftieth Session SENATE FILE NO. 75 A BILL FOR AN ACT to amend Section 79-2705, Compiled Statutes of Ne braska, 1929, relating to schools; to provide the meethod of election of members of the board of education of metropolitan cities; and to repeal sa d original section. Introduced by Senators Edward Jelen, George T. Sullivan and Chas. B. Crowley of Douglas. Introduced and read first Line Jan uary 21, 1935. Read second time Jan uary 22, 1935. Referred t oCommittee on Educa tion. Sent to the printer Januar - 22, 1935. Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That Section 79-2705, Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1929, be amended to read as follows: 79-2705. The board of education of metropolitan cities shall consist of ten members to be chosen as herein after provded. Each member of such board of education must be ataxpayer in the school district and a resident of the school election district from which he or she is elected. All persons elected as members of boards of education shall before the first Monday in January following their election take and subscribe to the usual oath of office. «In case any per | son selected shall fail so to do, his or , her election shall be void, and the i vacancy thereby occasioned shall be i filled by the board as hereinafter pro vided. Members of said board of edu cation shall be elected on a non-parti san ballot as provided in Section 32 1108, C. S. Supp., 1933. (Continued Next Week) MINER FIRED FOR REFUSING TO JOIN COMPANY UNION Bessemer, Ala.—(CNA)—.In a re newed drive of terror against organ ized labor here, nine militant em ployees of the Tennessee Coal and Iron mine have been discharged be cause they refused to join the com pany union. Workers who have organized into militant trade unions have been evicted from the company shacks. Company thugs and stool pigeons have raided the homes of workers in an effort to learn the whereabouts of workers’ meetings. * FREE FREE A Beautiful free gift to any reader of this paper. Just send us your name and address to day. HARRY ANDREWS 49 East Broadway, New York, N. Y. Can Omaha Poultry Market 1114 N. 24th St We. 1100 FRESH EGGS— FRESH Dressed Poultry While You Wait Personals A telegram, to Mr. Roy McAllister, 2228 Burdette Street, who is employed at the Fontenelle Hotel, stated that1 Wm. Chambers, Jeff Thomas and a Mr. King are conung here Thursday from Chicago to open up a new din ing room at Hote Fontenelle, with possibly more waiters to follow them. Mrs. Mldred Webb, proprietor of the Morris Beauty Shop, visited Mrs. S. D. Webb, of Kansas City, Missouri, last week end. Mrs. Marvel Blackburn spent the week-end in Des Moines, Iowa, visit ing friends. Rev. E. H. Hilson, pastor of Salem Baptist Church, has gone to Oklahoma on a business trip. He will be gone indefinitely. Mr. Woodrow Macklin, who has been visiting relatives here for the past week, left the city Tuesday night I for Chicago, where he has been living 1 for about three years. — Mr. John Beasley has just returned ' to Omaha from a trip to Seattle, I Washington, and Minneapolis, Minne sota. I TWO NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGES SUPPORT ANTI LYNCHING BILL New York, Jan. 25.—Shaw Univer sity and Barber-Scotia Junior College two North Carolina educational in stitutions for Negroes, are backing the Costigan-Wagner anti-lynching bill. President William Stuart Nelson of Shaw Unvieersifjy writes: ‘During the weeek of December 3, . . . the stu dents of Shaw University organized a committee to work in behalf of the Costigan-Wagner bill and this com-1 mittee has been instrumental iu the sending of over one hundred letters to Bresident Rooaevelt in connection . with the bill. Moreover, on January 5, I signed a resolution to President j Roosevelt on the same subject sent I me by the N. A. A. C. P. Added to ! these activities is the continuation of our effort at Shaw University to guar antee the sending of the maximum number of messages to Governmeat officials urging upon them favorable action upon the Costigan-Wagner bill.’ A statement from Dean L. S. Co zart of Barber-Scotia Junior College reads: ‘Immediately upon receipt of literature from the race relations de partment of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America a large number of the faculty aad students of Barber-Scotia College sent telegrams and letters to President Roosevelt, Honorable Joseph T. Robinson and Honorable Josiah W. Bailey, senior Senator from North Carolina, urging them to use their influence to see that the Costigan-Wagner anti-lynch bill came to vote and to do what they could to force its passage’. BENNIE MOTEN TO PLAY HERE Bennte Moten whose orchestra will be hfard at the Dreamland on Mon day. Feb. 11th, is one of Kansas City’s mo«t popular and successful orchestra leaders. He is a pianist composer and arranger of distinction. His Vic tor recordings are familiar to many of hrs Omaha admirers who will look forward to this opportunity to hear this famous swing band’ in person. Moten is bringing an array of fifteen musicians headed by Buss Moten, James Rushing, Hot Lips, Count Bas sie and Omaha’s own Little Joe Jones. Moten who recently completed a run of 70 weeks at the Harlem Night Club in Kansas City is planning on an Eastern tour early in the Spirng that will take him as far as New York C.ty. WHAT OTHERS THINK OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD INDUSTRIES Edholm and Sherman, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sirs: Although I realized, during all the lyears I sent mu things to you, that you were, without qualification, the best in the city . . . I’ve discovered since moving to Cleveland, that you’re probably the best in the country. The cleaning situation here is enough to make you tear your hair. The service is terrible • . . you never can get anything back under four da;«s (Mr. Sharp says they wear the things firstp . . . the pr.ces are aw ful . . . but worse than that, the cleaning itself is absolutely lousy. A new blue satin dinner dress that I had worn just once, came back from “the best place in town”, absolutely ruined, by ten thousand tiny pulled threads. i think they pressed it on the right side, all except the back of it, where they completely ignored the matter of pressing the button-holes at all. Oh, I could go on for hours, but what I’m getting at is, that I hope, in spite of my apparent indifference to the money I owe you, my credit can be reinstated . . . because I think l shall have to send my things home to you. Sincerely and appreciatively yours, Ann Pearsall Sharp, 2580 Overlook Road, Cleveland Heights Cleveland, Ohio. Poisiened Kidneys Stop Getting Up Nights To harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys and correct irri tation of bladder so that you can stop ‘getting up nights’ get a 35 cent package of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules and take as directed. Other symptoms of kidney and blad der weaknesses are scant, burning or cramps—puffy eyes. Just open and use reg ularly and this beau tiful hair is YOURS! Yes, here it is! All the long, thick, silken*: texture hair you want . . . right in this can.' Just dip in your fingers, apply this marvelous Black and White Hair Grower, and watch the amazing results . . . see them with your own eyes. Almost before you know it, your hair starts to grow . . . rapidly . . . into long, luxuriant tresses. For Black and White Hair Grower is scientific. It feeds the tiny roots and glands with just the right, nourishing food to promote quick, full, beautiful growth. Start using Black and Whin Hair Grower today. Only 25c for the Large can. Use Black and White Hair Dressing ... the | favorite of stars of the screen and stage, the favorite of lovely women everywhere. It dresses your hair in any style /ou like and keeps it that way. Two kinds: Amber, 25c. White, 50c. To be sure of never burning and scorching your hair with hot irons and combs and turning it "off color," use Black and White Gloasine. Gives positive protection. Adds lots of sparkling lustre and sheen. The large can is only 25c. To get it down end keep it down, use Bla<k end White Pomade Dreasing. All the good looking men and boys, ell the bobbed heir girls won’t use eny other. Contains castor oil and other scientific ingredi ents. Large can, 25 c. Tunc in "Lombardo-Land.” Featuring Guy Lombardo** Orchcatra. Wednesday Night, NBC Special! MENS HATS CLEANED and BLOCKED EMERSON LAUNDRY and ZORIC DRY CLEANERS 2324North 24th Street WEbster 1029