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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1935)
RECEIVERS DISMISSED FROM VICTORY LIFE First Company Ever to Emerge' When Once Thrown Into Receivership CHICAGO.—(By Jacob Ander son for the AXP)—A new and really significant chapter in the history of Negro business was written here last FViday, when1 federal Judge Evan A. Evans signed an order dismissing the j receiver of the Victory Life In surance Company. The company foj- a period of more than a year, while direQ ed by its own offi cers. has been under the general supervision of the federal court and the receiver. Witht he dis charge of all of its obligations, the payment of every outstanding death claim and approval of the state insurance departmet, Judge Evans’ signature gave a clean bill of heath and a certificate of merit to an insitution whose rehabilia tion is the result of fine faith. coOpera ion, sacrifice and unre*; lenting work upon, the part of a group of men, white and colored. These men have worked together toward the common goal of serv ing a race and pu ting a business back upon a sound- foundation. “The receivership and reorgani zation of Victory Mutual have been, very- much a success and the company- ought to succeed,” said Judge Evans one of the noted jurists of the country, as he hand he decree to attorney for the re ceiver, David A. Watts. Leaders Help It is these two men, Judge Evans taking a personal interest and spending liberally of his own time; attorney David A. Watts, member of one of Chicago’s larg est law firms and a insurance expert who joined hands with Dr. P. M. H. Savory of New York, chairman of the board, president .L K. Williams, Dr. C. B. Powell and their associates, in ihe effort which for the first time in the history of Negro insurance organi zation, saw company which .mu been placed in the hands of re ceivers, emerge with new strength ad nsoidity, girded for business. The story of the redemption of Victory Life was related to an ANP representative by attorney David A. Watts, whose simple story of the hurdles leaped before success was gained, shielded for the most part the graphic strug TIRED, ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET Moone’g Emerald Oil Guaranteed to Stop AH Pain and Soreness and Banish Offensive Odors In just one minute.after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the surprise of your life. Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will literally jump for joy. No fuss, no trouble; you just ap ply a few drops of the oil over the surface of the foot night and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just a little and rub it in. It’s simply wonderful the way it ends all foot misery, while for feet that sweat and give off an offensive odor, there’s nothing better in the world. Moone’s Emerald Oil is guaranteed to end your fo#t m kom m troubles or money back. How to Get Rid of GRAY HAIR Look Years Younger When you can change your gray, faded, or streaked hair to its natural youthful soft color in le-ss than half an hour— And do it at home without fear of harm to the hair—why go on looking years older than you should look. Rap—I—Dol is the real, original hair coloror—18 shades to choose from it is so supremely good that the best beauty shops in all the large cities in ‘ the world feature it. Rap—I—Dol will not wash off or fade nor affect marcell or permanent waves. Go to any Beaton Drug Store today and choos« the shade you need—you’ll! be a happy woman if you do—for a j long time to come. gles neceessary before success was finally won. Might Have Gained The proceed ore used in mutual izing Victory Mutual has estab lished insurance precedent in Ul/.nois, said Mr. Watts. “The federa lcourt here permitted us. to do the precise thing which the District of Columbia court refus ed to allow the receivers of Nat ional Benefit to do, that is, mutu alize the company for the benefit of the policyholders. "We were limited in our possibilt'es. Only two companies offered to reinsure offer and the Missouri Life a com paratively small white concern of St. Louis. “Mkrch 25, 1933, Judge Evans ap proved of a new stock company pro posed by a committee headed by Rev. L. K. Williams, Dr. Savory, Dr. Haley Beil, John Hollman and A. L. William*. Finding they could not raise the monep necessary to meet the heavy demands for new capital, this group returned to court and asked that they be permitted to form for a mutual or ganization to be owned by the policy holders. The judge assented. The r.linois insurance department was fin ally sold on the idea of permitting the receiver to put the assets of the old as capital for the new mutual company. Jure 9. 1933 the state granted a license. June 21, the contract was anproved. White Texas Aids. “Immediately the fundamental faith of the public demontrated it self. Premium income which had fallen to $8,000 per month when difficulty had come, ran up to $10,000 per month. The Recon struction Finance Corporation, convinced of the soundness of the plan and with the cooperation of examiner. Rochelle, one of its of fieais who formerly was of the Texas Insurance Dept., loaned, $48,500. This loan has been repaid. The $103,000 in death claims which had accumulated at the time of reorganization, have all been paid in full. The receiver's fees have been met. The company has been licensed in the District of Columbia.. It confidently ex pects to be deadmitted into New York soon, a sufficient commen tary upon the soundness with which it has been rebuilt. Its pol icy will be to concentrate upon the large profitable fields which lie within its grasp. “In September 1934, the insur ance department made a repprais al of assets and slightly increased valuations. The results is a sur" plus of $102,000. The court sign ed an order after a study made by the receiver, the attorney and an independent actuary, the court signed an order through which all causes of action are transferred to the new company. This may result in the collection of large sums, claimed to be due, but the re ceviership is not held open pend ing their collection. Slash Overhead “I believe the company will make steady progress. I agree with receiver Gullett who says he will stack the home office force against any similar group in any white company he knows.” Mr. Watts made another signi ficant remark. He said that his study of the company showed that insofar as the insurance com pany was concerned it was as sound as a dollar and it was only the efforts made to save the Dou glass National Bank in which it had become a large stockholder which caused the difficulty of the insurance organization. The $07, 700 stock liability which the company was involved in as a re sult of its stock holdings in the bank were compromised for $2000. Dr. Savory and his associates seem well on their way to make a certainty, Judge Evans state ment in court in 1934 when he said: “We have overthrown a defective organization and estab lished what it seems to me will be the largest Negro insurance com pany in th United States.” The financial committee of man and Drs. Williams and Sav* "I wcrk all the time and jeel strong . . .** You Can Escape Periodic Upsets Women who must be on the job every day need Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets. TTiey not only relieve periodic pain and discomfort... they help to correct the CAUSE of your trouble. If you take thpm regularly ... and if yours is not a surgical cas® • • • you should be able to escape periodic upsets. Chocolate coated .;. convenient... de pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small size—50 cents. I am 27 and a textile winder in the miU. I had cramps so fed that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Tablets helped me wonder fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all tfie time now and Teel strong.—Mrs. Bennie Coates, 1963 Ter race St., Muskegon, Mich. . LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S TABLETS _0 ory are members, reduced over head 44.1 per cent from June 1933 to January 1935. Agency overhead during the same period was reduced from 31.5 to 9 per cent. Their avowed purpose is to make the company live within its which Dr. C. B. Powell is chair income at all times and to begin the payment of dividends upon policies ab the earliest possible moment. N. A. A. C. P. QUERIES CUMMINGS FURTHER ON FEDERAL ACTION New York, Jan. 25.—‘Are the De partment of Justice and the Attorney General of the United States afraid of the lynchers ? Or, is politics the reason you can be proficient when property is stolen and apathetic when only the body of a friendless and pen niless person who happens to be black is involved?’ With these two queries, Walter White, secretary of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People ended a letter to U. S. Attorney General Hom er S. Cummings this week. These were but two of a number of questions the peppery N. A. A. C. P. | official asked. He also inquired in the same letter as to what theory of law ‘permits the Bureau of Investiga tion of the Department of Justice to run down and arrest bank bandits . . and which permits your Department to remain inactive and, indeed, to re fuse to proceed under the clear pro visions of the Lindbergh Law against the kidnapers of Claude Neal.’ While expressing no objections to running down bandits, the N. A. A. C. P. secretary feigned astonishment ‘that you can show such efficiency and vgor against those who steal from banks but at the same time can manifest such complete indifference to those who steal the body of a hu man being for the purpose of putting it to death without authority of law’. Association officals point out that Attorney General Cummings has been the most difficult member of President Roosevelt’s cabinet to deal with, and has shown less interest than others in the affairs of Negroes. The associa tion’s letter was prompted by the ar rest of the leaders of the Mais gang in New York by federal agents on charges of murder, kidnaping and robbery. PICKENS FEATURED IN ENGLISH MAGAZINE New York, Jan. 25.—A biographical sketch of W ,'lliam Pickens, author, lecturer and field secretary of the National Association for the Advance ment of Colored People, appears in the December 1934, Special American ; Biographical Sect.on of the ‘Town and Country Revjewr’, published in London, England, featuring notable Americans. DISMISS FAKE CHARGES AGAINST WOMAN BRUTALLY SLUGGED BY POLICEMEN New York City, (CNA)—Last week the grand jury here dismissed framed charges of grand larceny aganst Mrs. Willis Hall, who vras arrested and held in jail for three weeks. Mrs. Hall and her friend Misa Marie Shelton were brutally beaten by po licemen who dragged them to jail up on the word of a drunken white man. Slag Sick Woman Miss Shelton was in bed ill when one uniformed policeman, two plain clothes men and a drunken white man broke into her apartment, cursed her, beat her unmercifully and kicked her down the steps. The drunken man clain^ed he had been to the house be fore and someone had stolen his over coat. The men called Miss Shelton a black monkey, a lousy bastard and other vile names. The four men then proceeded to the apartment of Mrs. Hall, and slugged her so brutally that she is still suffer- j ing from the effects of the assault. The policemen stated, ‘We ought to kill iyou\ Mrs. Hall screamed her innocence, claiming she knew nothing of the drunken white man nor his overcoat. Jailer Threatens Miss Shelton "When Miss Shelton carried Mrs. Hall sandwiches while she was in jail, the jailer took the sandwiches, threw j them away, and called her a ‘black bastard’. He threatened, ‘If you ever ! come back here, I’ll put jou in jail too’. Mrs. Hall lives at 119 West 118th Street in Harlem. NEW YORK HAMPTON CLUB AIDS FIGHT FOR ANTI-LYNCHING LAW New York, January 25.—G. James Fleming, secretar.' of the Founder’s Day Committee of the New York i Hampton Club, Inc., has announced that a offering lifted at its an nual Founder’s Day program and tea on January 27, is to be contributed to the Natioaal Association for the Ad vancement of Colored Beople to aid in its fight for the passage of the Costigan-Wagner anti-1.inching bill. NEWTON FOUND GUILTY; FINED; — Chicago, 111.—(CNA)—A lily-white jury here handed down a verdict of guilty in the case of Herbert Newton, charged with ‘disorderly conduct'. Judge Smith fined Newton ten dollars. Newton was arrested for resisting eviction of his famiiy from 615 Oak wood Boulevard. The eviction order , was issued by Municipal Court Judge G'een on the basis that Newton is a Negro. FEDERAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION Michigan Provides FERA Nursery Schools For Colored Children. By Edgar G. Brown Four FERA nursery schools exclus ively for oclored children have been approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Michigan. These nursery schools are part of the FERA emergency educational pro gram authorized by Harry L. Hop kins, Federal Emergency Relef Ad ministrator. Dr. Grace Langdon is the FERA specialist in charge of the nursery school program. The FERA nursery schools at Hig ginbotham and Russell schools in De troit are exclusively for colored children. This is true, also of the Christian Street Community House. Michigan has a number of mixed nursery schools. The Garfield and Bach nursery schools are located at Ann Arbor, the Franklin Settlement and the Dwyer school in Detroit, the Thomson and Willard schools in High land Park, the \ anderlaan school in Muskegon, Platt, Petosley, and the SSaginaw public schools have colored, white and Mexicans, as well, in at tendance. Dr. Lewis R. Alderman, of the United States Office of Education and Director of the FERA Emergency Educational Program in an article of the current issue, Opportunity, ex plains the philosophy, back of this educational advance on a new, cultural front. The following is Dr. Alderman's statement about the nursery school program: “Emergency nursery schools are designed for children primarily from two to four years of age from under privileged, dependent, and neglected families and homes. These nursery schools are in essence an extension downward of the public schools and /GET MONEY—LOVE I guaranty* to h«!p you get a aew file. No caaa DCTood hop*. Stop png I Write me today. Information K. WILLIAMS, 901 B*aa i'JERSEY CITY. M. X ~ ~ ~ } CALL OMAHA POULTRY MARKET 1114 N. 24th St. We. 1100 Fresh E>«rs — Fresh Dressed Poultry While Tou Wait an extension out^-v-d to include su b aspects of the child’s development health, physical growth, nutrition, play, social life, and mental hygiene. They provide an all-day program in cludng lunch and nap. They become centers for medical and dental care and for the education of parents in essentials of childr growth and guid ance. Approximately 12.2 per cent of the funds (for the Emergency Edu cational Program) expended last year were for emergency nursery schools.” The Urban League in Milwaukee houses the only strictly FERA nur sery school for colored children in Wisconsin. Arkansas has three FERA nurser schools, one in Helena, one in Little Rock located at the public schools, and another in Pine Bluff at the A. M. & N. College. There are six colored children out of thirty in regular attendance at Stowe nursery school in Duluth, Minnesota. There are several Negro children in the Pocatello public school in Jdaho. “Three units of the nursery schools in Butte, Montana, have an occasional black, red, or yellow child,” according to a recent report. In New Hampshire, the Ward House in Concord has a half dozen colored children in attendance at the FERA nursery school. The Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. in Denver, Colo., is another nursery school for colored children, while the Community Center at Pueblo, sup ported by the community chest, houses a mixed nursery school unit. Du rango has another in an elementary school. The FERA nursery school in New London, Conn, has five colored child ren in attendance. Two colored child ren attend the Cedar school, two the Lowell school, 15 the Windeter and . two the Fair school, 15 the Arsenal, and two the Bernard junior high, all located in New Haven, Conn. Recent reports show no Negro at tendance in FERA nursery schools located in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota and Wyoming. Help Kidneys • If poorly functioning Kidney* and Bladder make you Buffer from Getting Up Night*. Nervousness. Rheumatic • Pain*. Stiffness, Burning. Smarting. Itching, or Acidity trythe guaranteed Doctor's PrescriptionCrete*(Sias-tez) C)/8tCX tedtTbniritS attoinrSS 2852 Binney Street. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA TO: Jesse Turner,-Turner, wife of Jesse Turner, first and real name unknown, Kittie Meeker, - Meeker, husband of Kittie Meeker, first and real name unknown, Mary Welles.--Welles, husband of Mary Welles, first and real name un known, George Turner, -Tur ner, wife of George Turner, first and real name unknown, Abner Turner, -Turner, wife of Abner Tur ner, first and real name unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of Jesse Turuer. deceased, real nances unknown, the heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of-Tur ner, wife of Jesse Turaer, first and real name unknown, deceased, real names unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Kittie Meeker, deceased, real names unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of-Meeker, husband of Kittie Meeker, first and real name un known, deceased, real names unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Mary Welles, deceased, real names unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, persona! representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of - Welles, husband of Mary Welles, first and real name unknown, deceased, real names unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of George Turner, deceased, real names unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of -Turner, wife of George Turner, first and real name unknown, deceased, real names un known, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all per sons interested in the estate of Abner Turner, deceased, real names unknown, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all persons inter ested in the estate of-Turner, wife of Abner Turner, first and real name unknown, deceased, Teal names unknown, and all persons having or any interest in the East Vz of the west of the South 134.6 feet of Lot 63, Gise’s Addition, an addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded in Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska, real names unknown: You are hereby notified that on the 18th day of January, A. D. 1935, Frank L. Burbr.dge, Trustee, and Jacob C. Care , as plaintiffs filed a pe tition in the Distr.ct Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, against you and each of you shown in Appearance Docket 309 at Page 220, the object and prayer of said petition being to ob tain a decree of the Court quieting the title of said plaintJF, Frank L. Bur bridge, Trustee, in and to: East '/i of the West % of the South 134.6 feet of Lot 63, Gise’s Addition, an addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded in Douglas County, Nebraska. Said petition further prays that title to the above described property be. quieted in the plaintiff, Frank L. Bur bridge, Trustee, and that you and each ; of you be forever barred from having br claiming any right, title, interest or ' ownership in or to said real estate I or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as equity requires. T ou and each of you are hereby notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of March, 1935. Frank L. Burbridge, Trustee and Jacob C. Carey, Plaintiffs. By Charles F. Davis, Their Attorney. Begins 1-26-35 Ends 2-23-35 SINCLAIR WITHDRAWS PREACHER-ATTACK Los Angeles, Cal. — (ANP)—j Cpton Sinclair, candidate for the November election here, ad Governor on a EPIC platform in mitted that his charge that “even," Negro preacher in the city received fifty dollars to preach against him’ was false, in a letter addressed to the press last week. Rev. W. A. Johnson, pastor of Trinity Baptist church, who had entered a million-dollar libel suit against the author, withdrew his suit. Johnson alleged that he did not preach any sermon, against Sinclair and was out of the city during election time. Sinclair reiterated his charge that some preachers recived pay to preach against him “but it. is not true concerning preachers and I apologize to those preachers who are not involved in any way. JOHNSON ’S BOOK REVIEWED ON AIR BY RACE WOMAN Los Angeles, Cal.—(ANP—) “Negro Americans, What Now,” by James Weldon Johnson, were among the books by and about Negroes reviewed Monday, Jan uary 21, over radio station KECA by Miss Miriam Matthews, race librarian in charge of the \ emon library branch. EJVEALING', Lpur 1 ST, PRESENT HJlCflE •• ?ee'|>ouL^cE- - J. J. A.—Please tell me if I have been getting an even break on my job since Xmas ? Ans.—-You have—but the firm that employed you has not been able to give you a FULL DAY’S WORK since the holidays. They do not want I to let you go altogether and had rath er work you part time—so, stick to this job for ;<ou will be working reg ular before March. K. K. K.—Where was my boy friend on last Thursday night? Ans.—He was at the home of Mss 8. A. D.- You made a mistake in going to this girl’s home and calling for him for it only made him think that you were running after him. Ig nore him for a wdiile and before very long you will have him looking the j town over for jtou. i _______ D. D. B.—I have misplaced a very valuable article and I wonder if I will ever find it aga.n ? Ans.—It seems to me that a very j young child in your vicinity found the LIBERTY HEAD PENNY and has | passed it off for some candy. No, you : won’t get your penny back again. S. C.—Should my husband remain on his present job and what .s toe best thing for me to do? Ans.—Yes, he should stick to this job until he ands something better and this won’t be but a short time for he will get another job soon. You should not think of going to work as long as he can provide for you. Your place is at home with your small baby. If you care for more detailed infor mation you may send a quarter for my Astrology Reading. H. W.—What is wrong with me? ; Is it my ways that blocks my future and tell me what to do? Ans.—You should stop this travel ing from place to place and enter into a GIRL’S SCHOOL. Ever since your father’s death you have been going from place to place and nothing sat isfies you. If you would try to con centrate on gaining an education you would soon get over this feeling of lonliness. E. J. G.—Please tell me wThat is it that people can put on the door that is real sweet and wiien you go to it makes you spit all the time? Ans.—It seems to me that you are suffering from an inferior.ty complex and when lyou go visiting you become more nervous than ever and you form the opinion that you are not wanted. You should just forget yourself and I feel sure you won’t be bothered with this nervous condition. _ A. C. T.—Will you please tell me what is the trouble in my home? Ans.—Both your and your husband’s actions and the feeling that you have for your little baby. You are jealous and he is even more so—get over this nonsense and plan a bright future for * your youngster. E. B.—Will you please tell me where the man is who came to our home last year? Ans.—He no longer lives in your state but travels for a living. At the present time • contact the man you inqure about practicing his profess.on i ir. the sunny state of FLORIDA. This man who calls himself a Professor will be back in your neighborhood | next year. E. M. D.—Is it wise for me to fall in love? Ans.—Sure, why not? A little lov ing now and then is relished by the best of men-and your new boy friend will live up to his boasts. I Predict many good times for you both together. My crystal reveals a very unhappy disaster in tyour life this year. — A. S. B.—When will I get my di vorce? Ans.—This year. During 1935 you will be granted your decree and be free to love and be loved again. An other marr.age will take place in your life but this will not be for at least twenty-four months. G. O. B.—Will I be able to settle down in a house pretty soon? i Ans.—You bet. With the coming ' of spring you will have the satisfac tion of carrying thru these plans, it is revealed to me that you will be exceedingly' happy in your new loca tion. The year as a whole will prove most profitable for you. ABBE’ WALLACE, Box 11 Atlanta, Georgia Negro And White Workers In Harlem Demonstration NEW YORK.—(CNA)—Brav* ing near zero weather, 1,500 Ne gro and white workers marched through Harlem in a parade and demonstration demanding the freedom of the Scottsboro boys. The parade ended in lower liar lem, where Richard Moore,, field organizer of the International Labor Defense, James Ford, mem ber of the Central Committee of the Communist party, U. S. A., and many other prominent work ing class leaders addressed a street mass meeting. During the parade the march ers chanted. “The Scottsboro Boys Shatt Not Die,” ami ban ners demanding the freedom of (white) and other “class - war prisoners” could be seen. Recently the United States Supreme Court granted reviews of the cases of Heywood Batter son and Clarence Norris, two of the nine Scottsboro boys. It is expected that the appeals in these cases will be argued in February. The demonstration was organiz ed by the Nat ional Scott she nr Herndon Action Committee, the I. L. D. and supporting organiza tions. “Pin-it-Up” LAMPS (MY $1 35 COMPLETE Up With Bulb Pin-it-Up in Any Room It can be “pinned up” and plugged into any wall out let. It has an 8-foot cord. Ics appropriate for any room in the house. A small hole in the back of the bracket fits over the metal head of a "Pin-It-Up” push pin, supporting the lamp solidly. This pin can be pushed into any wood or piaster without marring the wall. Bracket is of hand-wrought iron . . . shade is parchment. Gives a perfect light for reading. Nebraska Power Co. Courtesy * Service - Low Rates