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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1935)
BUILD Your Own * _v ^ ___________ ___ VAVAV^V.WAVW.V.'rtW.Vrt ^g HE E^^k^HE H I «Hg I H HE ------- —-■ y ^ HI HI I wH EwH H I rwl H H W UWItiIvSU ni I I =======— by Patronizing „ Your Naborhood Stores - Introductory... THIS PAGE IS RESERVED FOR NORTH OMAHA MERCHANTS Build a bigger and better coopera tive Community spirit by trading with the businesses whose names will ap pear in thes blank spaces next week. Watch for The Merchants’ Ads On This Page Next Week North Omaha merchants, through the Omaha Guide Boost Business Page will bring to you the fommunitj’s greatest mark t of quality merchan dise at the lowest possible prices with service at your command. If you want your community paper to grow into a bigger and better paper, show "our appreciation by patronizing thes public-spirited merchants whose advertisement appear on this page and stand by and watch for results. For eight years we hav served you of this community faithfully in the publication of all of your civic, relig ious. fraternal, personal- national and local news releases free of charge A record achievement by Ne gro publications in the city of Omaha. Not one news it m sent in for publi cation before the dead-line ha* know ingly been lert out of the eurr nt issue. tt is j our turn now to show your appreciation by patronizing the mer chants who have voluntarily agreed to fill this p^ge with community adver tisement to assist us in the burd n of publishing expense*. Tell your mer chant that you are patronizing his store because he is a supporter ef your community paper. If he is not an advertiser, ask him why he is not Let us help you convince him th»t it paj^ to advertise in TOUR paper. Remember, charity begins at home. Give your community merchant a bigger sale day, and he might give j-our boys or girls additional jobs. More money, more jobs. Bigger stores and a better and more prosper ous community in which to live. Patronize the community merchant who adv rtises in your community paper. The Omaha Guide is one of Nebraska’s greatest weeklies. A pa per which serves 14,§00 colored Amer cans, who spend $22,857.00 daily; and many oth r civic minded citizens. The Community Merchants are your mer chants- It is strictly up to you what kind of service your merchants and your paper gives your community. They understand you and they have ft sense of appreciation. They appre ciate the fact that they prosper aa you prosper and therefore experience th3 same feeling of prosperity or de pression as conditions may bring about. In fact, your community newspaper and community merchant ars part of y%ur eveeryday life's activ ities- More business—better mer chants- More advertising—better newspapers. You need and must have a pl*ce to spend an average sum each day. Why not spend it with your neighborhood "merchant, who advertise* in your community paper such will help to make this publication the paper you would like it to b«. The merchants who will advertise on this page will show their appreciation for your full cooperation in spirit by counter co operation- If your favorite commun ity merchant has not advertised on this page, again we say, find out why for the Omaha Guide is your paper to day, we are just trusted with the stewardship- Tomorrow it must pass on to your sons and daughters. They must take your place in this world’s activities. Therefore, it becomes your indispensible duty, today, to do your part to help build your community paper and community merchants. If this is done; when your road gets rough and your ioad gets heavy, your community paper and community business men may be in position to lend you a hand of assistance, for we understand you, and you understand us. " • Rem mjber, it is your best bet to feed, the horse that pulls the. plow. It in your best bet to put gasoline in the car you may have the opportunity to operate. Remember, it is your best bet to cooperate with those whose problems are something similar to your own. Watch this page next week- The North Omaha Community merchants ■will extend to you a hand of welcome in the spirit of full cooperation through the columns of the Omaha Guide, Nebraska’s Greet Weekly. Let us all put our shoulders to the wheel, one far all and all for one, in full cooperative community spirit. - __ ■ * U ,, , U/_ nvt> We the undersigned do hereby voluntarily agree to spend $1.00 or more per week with one. nere YY C CLTC of the merchants who advertise on the Community page in THE OMAHA GUIDE . _ ■■■■■■■■■■ m a m m ■■■■■■■ ........... ... __ rrrrrrri Sol Porter, 2113 No. 25th St.,—2 in family. Mrs. D. Stroir.ile, 2504 Franklin St.—6 in family. J. R. Martin, 1918 No. 27th St.—6 ki family. James Hayden, 2624 Franklin. St.— Jack Whitman, 2416 Parker St.—5 in family. Geo. Conway, 2417 Burdette St-—3 in family. C. C. Williams, 1413 No. 25th St.—4 in family. H. Williams-, 1918 No. 24th St.—1 in family. Sterling Jones, 2520 Hamilton—2 in family. E. A. Williams, £503 Burdette St.—2 in family. Lee Bryant, 2534 Parker St-—3 in family. Rose Johnson, 2512 Decatur St.—6 in family. Joseph Henry, 2508 Decatur St,—8 in family. Mrs. Mary Smith, 2436 Decatur St.—4 in family. Helen Frampton, 2432 Deoatur St.—5 in family, Lois Thomas, 2428 Decatur St.—1 in family. Haael Brown, 2428 Decatur St—ljn family. * * ~2 l Mrs. L. DeSote, I; ■ 18?9 No. 28th St.—2 in family. I Edward Slaughter, 5j \ 1816 No. 28th St.—8 in family. / ’ Mrs. Walker, "■ • 1812 No. 28t.h St.—6 in family. HI I Mrs. Francer Redd, I 1806 No. 28th St.—We. 3256. ^ J Mrs. G. W. Kellogg, “■ • 1802 No. 28th St.—4 in family. % ■ Walter Johnson, “ 2811 Decatur St.—3 in famly. J* | Mrs. John Moore, HI ■ , 2816 Decatur St.— «£ I Mrs. James Mayberry, \ 2816 Decatur St.— ■ J Mrs. C. Cain, I 2913 Decatur St.—4 in family. I Mrs. Findley, \ 2902 Decatur St.—2 in family. • J. Edward Grooman, ! 2906 Deoatur St.—3 in family. I Mr*. Bertha Moore, J * 2922 Decatur St.—5 in family. ■ Mrs. M. B. Anthony, ■ 2929 Franklin St.—3 in family. I Mrs. EsteJia Butler, J 2909 Franklin St.—2 in family. • Mrs- Moore, ! 2908 Franklin S£.—11 in family. J Walter Barrow, J 9638 Franklin St—3 in family. | Mrs. Ella Reid, I 2835 Franklin St.—2 in family. ..■ ■ ■ ■■•ii.i . . . .v,V. . .V.V. VJ RESERVED FOR ♦ I HERMAN'S Market WE.5444 24th & LAKE Sts. ‘ » ‘ W.VMV/AW,,.VAV.’AV.\W.WA,,.W/^AV, Mrs. W. H. McGuira, 2428 Decatur St.—2 in family. Mrs. Bessie Williams, 2428 Decatur St.—2 in family. Mrs. J. S. Sloan, 2428 Decatur St.—2 in family. Robert Hawkins, 2410 Decatur St.—3 in family. Elzabeth Winn, 2408 Becatur St.—3 in family. Irene Jackson, 2410 Charles St.—4 in family. Elnora Hall, 2420 Charles St.—10 in family. Mrs. H. Jordan, 2522 Charles St.—T in family. Mrs. Frank Wesley, 21J.3 No. 25th St.—2 in family. Mrs. Roxcie Austin, 2618 Decatur St.—5 in family. Irene Booker, 2G06 Decatur St.—1 in family. Mrs. Mae Perkins, 2524 Decatur St.—7 in family. Ollie Bostic, 2630 Decatur St.—3 in family. Lizzie Carver, 2919 Seward St.—2 in family. Mrs. F. E. Gibson, 2604 Decatur St.—3 in family. Mrs. Luey Bell, 2604 Decatur St.—2 in family. W. R. Bstell, 2606 Deaatur St—2 in family. Main Street Get The A ~ i PATRONIZE THE MERCHANTS WHO SUPPORT YOUR PAPER iVAViAMVWbVViWMWAW%WAVAWAWMV»V RESERVED FOR EDHOLM& Sherman Laundry t ___ • # |%V.WS%VAVAViW\,AVA’.V.W/A'A\,^V^^W.V.V. Jessee Allen, ij 2608 Decatur St.—4 in family. Rutk Burleson, ■" £616 Decatur St.—4 in family. 5 Ida Brjlant, J| 2624 Decatur St.—2 in family. J Mrs. Charles Curry, ' jC 2624 Decatur St.—4 in family. 5 Tollie Stearns, 2622 Decatur St.—6 in family. V Mrs. Gray, £ 2618 Decatur St.—3 in family. 5 Mrs. Beatrice McRae, "■ 2623 Decatur St.—3 in family. "I Mrs. O. C- Beck, % 2628 Decatur St.—3 in family. «£ Mrs. R. C. paskin, " 2640 Decatur St.—2 in family. Mrs. Mildred Carter, 2540 Decatur St—2 in family. l Pearlie Baldwin, 2711 Decatur St—4 in family. Mrs- R. Littlejohn, 2710 Decatur St.—3 in family. Ella Bultjan, 2718 Decattfr St.—2 in family. Rev. P. J. Pric#* ' , 2718 Decatur St—1 in family. !■ Mrs. J. J. Long, " 1801 I^o. 28th St.—7 in family. Mrs. Sally Dill, 1805 No. 28t’n St.—2 in family. ^ Libby F. Harris, 1809 No. 28th St.—2 in family. £ .... ■ ■ a c ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ m ft ‘.WAV.’ .W^A'AVAYWWVVWAW.VW.W ,*AV (VWVVWA Mas(.r Hobbs, 2822 Franklin 3|t.—5 in family. Mrs. Viola Bek, 2811 Franklin St.—4 in family. Mrs. Laura Triplett, 2807 Franklin St.—11 in family. Rufus Campbell, 2812 Franklin St.—4 in family. ! Mrs. Norine Anderson, J 2720 Franklin St.—4 in family. ■ Mrs. Anna Pannell, l 2731 Franklin St.—3 in family. ’ Mrs. H. L. Preston, ■[ 2735 FVanklin St.—4 in family. ^ Mrs- Pearl Mitchell, ■ 271{5 Franklin St.—5 in family. I] Hallie Chesney, "■ 2712 Franklin St.—6 in family. ■! Arthur Smith, • 2637 Hamilton St.—1 in family. Arthur Smith, ■« 2637 Hamilton St.—1 in family. jjl Joe Henderson, «J 1605 No. 27th St.—1 in family. V Maggie Welch, i 2511 Decatur St.—2 in family. "I Bessie Anderson, «J 2517 Decatur St.—5 in family. Mrs. Jackson Davis, V 2528 Decatur St.—2 in family. Mrs. P. L. Love, 2523 Decatur St.—2 in family. J Earl M. Roberts, jl 2509 Decatur St.—2 in family. v ■ a B a a a ■' b .b b - ..■■aaaaaaa KaaaBaaaaaaaBBBBB bbbbbbbbb> |av'aviva,av»vsvvvv.w^ ; ■ ■ ■ ■ I V ■ __ ■ I 24th & LAKE Sts. !; ... . ..... Avumwwvwifl, s' ' RESERVED FOR RESERVED FOR i r COLTON I i harmacy boy gggs$ § 24th & LAKE Sts. 2503 North 24th St i .■AWJV.'.V.,,V.VAV.,,WA,.VAV.V.VW.V/.V.,.W.V.,.VAW.V.WAV.VAfAWVAV%,.V/A,A,AVA,.W,«AV.V^A'//AV^A,.VWWAV,VAV.SV//AW.V.V.,AWJWA«A..ji .