The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 12, 1935, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    i .. m : ,7: ii-: ' _i, a m ■
23rd and (lark Streets
Sunday’s serveces were attended by
many at the Paradise Baptist •hurch
and enjoyed by all. • •
A very Inspiring and timely sermon
was preached bp the beloved pastor, the
Rev. J. T. Carter, who recently came
from Oklahoma. ?
The Sunday school and B. Y. P. IT.
whose presidents are Mr. Otha and
Rev. Campbell, respectively, had large
Visitors at Paradise Baptist Church
Were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Curry, Mr
Bishop Pearl, Mrs. Makin, well known
musie teacher of the city.
•Sunday night service was well attend
'"l- ! I/ord's Supper was adminis
tered after another stirring sermon.
Rev. Garter, pastor.
- I
Sunday morning was a high day at
Morning Star church. Snday school
was opened at 9 a. m. with Supt. Mr a
A. J. Johnson in charge. After the
classes reassembled to their respective
places, the Superintendent delivered
her annual address. Her sbject was.
“Backward We Hook, that Forward We
May See.” Mrs. Johnson’s address was
a masterpiece. It was closed by say
ing, ‘‘Our dob\s are traitors and make
us lose the good we oft might win by
fearing to attempt.” We are wishing
Mrs. Johnson even greater suceess in
1935 than she achieved in 1934. At 11
a. m. praise service was conducted by
Deacons Wilson. Turner. Rev. Bank'
ascended to the pulpit at 11:30 a. m. I
by singing "Guide Me, Oh, The Great i
Jehovah.” His New Year’s subject was
found in thel3th chapter of Loke 7 and
t verse which read, "Leave it alone
this year,” text, "Behold these three
years I came seeking fruit on this fig
tree and find none, why cumbereth It
the ground.” A lovely pictore was
was drawn In our minds as this stir
ring message was delivered. After hav
ing such lesson the doors of the
church were opened. Several new mem
bers were added to he fold. Three by
Christian experience, and one for bap
tism. Mr. Walter Smith, a former dea
con, who lteft the city sometime ago t*
reside In Kansas City was among the
He was restored to his former office.
Mrs. M. Hayden th? mother of Mrs.
G. W. Stromile, and her granddaugh
ter. were also added the church.
At 6 p. m. the B. Y. P. U. was open
ed by its newly elected president, Mr.
Raymond Johnson. Group No. 1 (the
men's group) was awarded the banner
the first Sunday in the year. Look
out sisters the war is' on.
At 8 p. m. covenant meeting was
held, and communion followed. The1
members of the Morning Star are much i
elated over hir work for 1034 and are I
planning a still greater success In 1935.
Mrs. Q. W. Stromile, reporter
22nd and Seward Streets
Our Sunday School opened at
its regular time, 9:30, with Rev.
J. L. Reagans, presiding. We are
happy to announce that Rev. E. II.
Ililson opened a series of sermons
at 11 o’clock worship. Hia most
touching message, “A Little Fur
ther,” Matthews 26:29, was pre
ceded by an appropriate hymn.
“0 Lord I Need Your Care,” ren
dered by the choir. In this beau
tiful sermon, Rev. Hilson said, We
must all go through the garden of
Gethesmane, and to the cross. ” He
also s'ressed that Jesus, by his
life and sacrificial death, has af
forded us the best example of his
own method revealing God to man
Tt was stated that proverty must
not s*on one from the worship of
God. For “knowledge, not weal
th, constitutes true riches. Ig
norance is the bitterest proverty
■this world knows.” The church
was attended by many. The ser
'”°’i was so inspiring that there
-..If you get any serrice out of this . .F.fore yea buy your household
needs consult the pages of the Oma
church directory write us a line or ,
ha Guide first-.... t hat will make your
*wo, we "aut to serve- . paper a bigger and better paper-...
Notice—Because I have boon unable to reach a few of the pastors of some chures,
I am asking that any church omitted, will please get in tone* with me, or send in a
written statement, regarding your church activities, and I will gladly enter the same
in this column Any error or ommision in the present arrangement, if brought to
my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor.
We live not by bread alone The soul is like unto any other part of the body. It
must be fed and where is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your
choice of the following Churches and atte nd some church every Sunday.
Church Services Tuesday and Thurs
day, evening at 8:00 o’clock. Rev
Prayer Clubs Monday, 8:00 p. m
conducted by Mrs. Payton.
Penny Clnb, Wednesday 8:00 p. m
by Mrs. Grffin.
Choir rehersal, Friday evening.
St Phillipe Episcopal Church—21st
and Paul St. Father B. E. Holly.
Sermon and Holy Communion First
and Third Sunday at 11 a. m.
Sermon and Holy Communion s»cond i
and third Sunday at 7:30 p. m. i
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Dil- ]
lard Crawford, Supt.
Regular morning services every Sun- !
Vespers meet second Tuesday in each i
month. W. M. Haynes, Senior hard
en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden.
Women’s Auxilliary—Mra. John- A!
bert Williams—President.
Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Thtartday at terms si..
Altar Guild—Mrs. Asgastm Hiefca
Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets Every Tuesday Bight.
Chair Guild—Mrs. Msnyaret Wil
Mrs- Valeria Mcghw Secretary.
Meets every Thursday night.
Dorcas Society—Mrs. X. Wlgghs—
• President
Mrs. 5. C- Danley Icsrrtary.
Meets every Friday afttssam.
Pleasant Green. 2M md Paari St*
Rev. P J Price, Paater
Mr*. * Lofctis Keys, *«#aad8»; Mr*.
King, Clerk
Servces—Sunday 9rbe»l-3 dt I ■ !
Snpt Mr Teel and --M waring Ser
vice*, 11 *• m every Midg unatai
B Y P U . « P* ■ . Pfeai^nt Mr*
Bddie CelUt—Brewing asrviea* every
Sunday night.
Weekly Meetings
Mission. Thursday sight—Prayer
meeting. Wednesday tegbt. ted fcy one
of the De* «*•*»-—AatOPP Chk
* Mvrutey night, President Map. Bstelle
Waters — PMc-Up Chib, Taeeday
nighft, President Mra. Minrie McIn
tosh. Choir rehearsals, Friday night,
President, Mrs- Id* M°Gnire.
Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev.
N. C. Cannon, Pastor; Rev. P. M
Harris, Assistant, Pastor,
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C.
H. Garner, superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 and 8/00 o’clock.
Prayer meeting wed. evening B. Y.
P. U. 7:00 p. m- Mr. J. Henderson,
Mission Art bHub, Thursday afternoon
conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche.
Allen Chappel— 25th and R'* Sts.
(South Omaha) Rev. W. 9. Metcalf,
Service*, S. S. 9:30 a. Mr. John
Fellows Supt.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening,
St. Benedict The Moore. 2423 Grant
St. Father J. C. Daly S. J., Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.. Sister
Mary Daniel, Superintendent.
Low Mass, 9:00 A. M. High mass,
and Benediction, 10:15.
Altar society Tuesdr.- afternoon, 2:00
p. m. Mrs. M. Sterling, President.
Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p.
m. Mrs* Qna Glass, President,
\\ eck Day Mass every morning, 8:30
Hirist Temple Church, 26th and Bur
lette its—Ke- 1726. S. J. McIntyre,
X D„ Pastor.
Sunday S rvic*"—Sunday school,
1:30 a. m.; Preaching, 11 a. m.; Young
People’s meeting, 6 p. m.; Evening
lervice, 7:30 p. m.
Week Day Services—Bible class,
rnesday p. m.; Choir rehearsal, Wed
nesday, p. »■; Prayer meeting, Friday
* Beard meeting ateathly. Yia
ter« Are Al-ray* Welcem*.
« —. .
St. Jekns, 2E)nd and WflKa Ave. *®v.
L. P. Bryant, Paster.
Servlet a
S. S. 9:M ai n». Mr. W. B. Webb,
aspt., A. «. B. leagae, C*$ y. m.
Mr. Banter.
Bimem, 13:« a. at. amd T:« p. m
CSeaa Meeting, Tuesday eacmhtg, an
tbwted hr the Paatar, Bar. Bryant.
Brtfcel A. M. X. MM PnHIl St.
Key. J. W. VIRm, Paular.
g. S. 9*44 a. a. Mn. Baggfc
Sermen, 11:99 a. a. and 7:94 f. a.
A C M- League, 9:99, ate BHa
Mae TfaeM, Praaideat.
Char Keluwd, Tfcntaitay anraung,
Hen, MtS Brant St-, Bee. C. C
Harper, Paster.
Serrioea—Send ay achacd, 9:29 a. m
Mr. Barry Andaman, snperfeteadeut
Saraien, 11 a. a- and 8:00 p. m
Prayer meeting, B. Y. P. W- 6:99
p. m. Mr. Murray Landrum, Preai
Salem, 22nd and Seward Sta., Rer.
B. H. Hllaon, Pastor.
Services—Sunday school, 9:39 a.m.
Mr. F. L. Wesley Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:09 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6: p. «. W. M. Cooper
Prayer Meeting.
Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohia Sts. Rev.
F. P. Jones, Pastor
'Services, Sunday school, 9:20 a- m.
Mrs. A. B. Speese superintendent.
Serai an 11:09 a. a. and 8:90 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. a. Mr. M. Nilea,
President. 4
Mission society Meeting, every 1st
and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct
, ed by Mrs. F. P. Jones. ,
United Sabath Day Adventist, 2320
N. 28th Ave- Rev. M- M. Boodle,
Pastor. Sabath day services (Satur
day). Sabath school, 9:30 A. M- Mrs.
L. Smith. Supt Sermon, 11:00 o’clock
Jr. and St. Mission meeting, 3:00
m.. conducted by Mrs. A- B Wrignt,
and Mrs- Edith Reodle. Sunday,
Sermon and Song Service, 7:30 P- M.
Senenth-Day Adventist Church, 28th
and Lake Sts. — - .
Rrother George Anderson, Church
Elder, Acting Pastor.
Srn Down Vespers, Friday Evening.
Saturday Services, Sabbath-school,
9:45 A. M., Mrs. Ethel Anderson, Su
perintendent- Sermon, 11:00 o’clock,
Missionary Volunteer Society, 4:00 P
M-, conducted by Mrs. Anna Part
ridge. Prayer meeting, Wod. evening
8:00 P. M.
Clair Chapel, 92nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. Ceawell, Paster.
Service*, S. S. 9:90 n. m-, Mr. R. R
Beene Paper Hit undent.
Semen, UM a. a. and p. a
LaetBe Gray, FiwMcnt
Choir Praetiee, Friday a* 9.*90 p. m.
Board Meeting. Man day T:90 p. m.
tm.' s ^ ' ...
Omtm Temple, M ami Deeater Sts. . •
Rev. B. A. Ca Items, Faster
Servians, 3. 9. 9:46 a. m. Mr.
tteh* Stall a ante, Bspuiiadasdcait.
Sermon, 11:99 a. a. ami 7:46 p. m.
hf the faster.
Pamper Heater*. Wrhiafep nooning
Fcrward Step 01 ah. Tatoday ersmiag.
bp Eoo. 9. A. Certhanm.
Stewardess Board Friday Aftosoam;
Chair Beherea, Friday memia*
M dnpiNhii Spfcritnel fbanh, hake
St., sear 24th. X*o. X. W. Mmaa,
Services, S. 8. 1:66 p. m., Mrs.
Ramoeme. Snpt*
Cterch service*, 11:94 a. m. ud 7:30
p. m. Baaday, Xev. Jehasea.
Pilgrim—1320 N. .25th St. Rev. J.
A* Dotson, Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.f Superin
tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon.
B Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m- Mr. J. W
Baker, President
Tuesday evening, 8:Q0 o’clock, Gen
eral Group Meeting.
Men’s Laymen, Mr. Geotvge Lewis,
"Heart to Heart Club, Mrs. Fannie
Porter President
Willing Workers Club, Mts. Fannie
Porter, President.
Ever Loyal Club Mias 4 Nicholson,
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.
Senior Red Circle, Thursday, 6:30 p.
m. Mrs. Fletcher, President.
Junior Red Ciscle Wed. 4:30 p. m.,
Miss Mildren Dotson, President.
Missionary meeting, Wed. 2:00 p. m.
was an addition of five to our
B. Y .P. U. was opened at 5:30
witk a short period of devotion.
A splendid program was rendered
by Group No. 5 of “ Enter, aining
the Elders.” At the 8 o’clock
service, “A Revival,”' impressed
all present. “The Lord’s Supper’
was administered.
29 and T Streets
— The Sunday School was open
ed at the usual hour, 9:30 a. m.,
with beautiful spring-like wea'
ther, a goodly number was in at
tendance. During our morning’s
worship time the spirit was keenlv
felt. Our acting pastor, Rev. F.
S. Goodlett, brought to us a won
derful message of life. The passag
of Scripture from which his sub
ject was chosen was Dent. 31
Chapter. 8th verse. “He Goeth
Before.” Many beautiful ideas'
were derived rfom this sermon.
The B. Y. P. TT. began-at 6:30
r>. m. The Union is continuing to
thrive and grow. Evening devo
tion services were brief but in
teresting. The subject discussed \
was “Jacob, the Wrestler,” Gen.
32 chapter 24 verse.
Rev. J. R. Young aws present
with ns and gave a brief nndn in
spiring talk to the congregation.
Visitors and friends are always
welcome to worship with us at
the Bethel Baptist Church.
Mrs. J. C. Collins, reporter
The Men’s Club, composed of
the Steward Board of Bethel A.
M. E. church, presented their first
of a series of programs, Sunday
night, January 6. The program
comprised wholly of men was very
ineresting and well carried out.
The following program was ren'
dered with Mr. Joe Lewis as Mas
ter of Ceremonies1 Opening song,
men’s chorus: Invocation, T?ev.
Kennedy; Scriptures, Lev. J. W.
Williams: talk - “The Duties of a
Steward,” Mr. Wade; soo, Mr.
F.ldridge Hudspeth; Selection, by
the Oatewav Quartett; Solo, Mr.
Tester Carter: Lecture, “Exper*
iepce in the Holv Land, hv Dr.
Weslev Jones; Solo, Mr. Joe Un
ion; selection. Gateway Quartet.
On the first Snpdav pioht of
each month the Men’s club will
render similar programs. Come
out and bring your friends.
Program Commttee-Mri. H.
D. Piggue, Mr. Lester Carter.
On the fourth Sunday of each
month beginning Jan. 27, the wo
men will give the first of a ser
ies of programs, composed of wo
men only in competition with the
men’s program. Come out and
see which is best. The women are
working in behalf of the Trustee
department of the church.
The Allen Christian Endeavor
League of Bethel had election of
officers Sunday January 6. Those
eected are as follows :Mr. H. D.
Piggue, president; Miss Joies
Woods, vice president1 Miss Flo
rentine Turner, secretary; Mr.
Doanld Brownlow, treaurer. Miss
Mary Laster. chairman of Flower
committee; Mr, Fred Sloan, chair
men of the visiting committee.
1818 North Mth Street
' ' ) .
’ Sunday school opened at its
usual hour with the Supt., Mrs.
Arnold, presiding. In spite of his
illness, Rev. Johnson preached a
wonderful sermon entitled, “I
Have Opened My Mouth Unto the
Tmrd and I Cannot Go Back.”
His text was from Judges 11th
chanter. 85th verse. The fire was
really burning.
Mrs. Georgia Peoples, rep.
30th and Miami Streets
Stop, look and listen. A love
ly Christmas pageant and drama
entitled, “Holy Night” was pre
sented at the Hillside Presbyter
ian church, Thursday, Dec. 27th.
Those who saw it, said it was some
thing new and different. Twenty
three children, ranging in ages
from 9 to 17. took part in this
great event, and each did his part
This program Was given for the
benefit of the United S.D. Ad
ventist church under the capable
Instruction cf Mrs John Wright.
Rider M. Boodle, pastor.
By Dr. A- G- Bearer
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Text: The Lord watch between me
and thee, when we are absent one
from another.—Genesis 31:49. '
Mizpah has to do with vows, obli
gations. loyalty, integrity. .It stresses
that Jehovah is watching, taking note
and knows whether the vows are kept
or not
1. Husbands and wives. Husbands
and wives have taken vows and made
coveaants- By these they become
husbands and wives. Often th y are
separated- The < nyiy be true to their
vows or they may be false. But the
Lord who heard thos.- vows is watch
ing. and He knows.
2. Ghildrcn and Parents. Obedience
to parents is enjoined by the com
mandment of God- ft is obligatory.
A specific r.ward is promised for
such. Often anxious parents exact
promises from children. It is not un
usual to hear. “Promise Mother you
will be good;” “Promise you will not
go wfth bad children.” Thesj prom
ises are made yet often broken. But
the Lord is watching.
3. Fraternal Vows- These vows in
lodges often include “In the pr.sence
of Gad.” “So help me. God and keep
me firm,” and “Binding myself under
no less penalty,” and often these vows
arc broken.
4- Business Obligations. There are
those whs consider business obliga
tions lightl; . They get what they
want and allow creditors to worry.
But, in all these things, the Lord is
in the tower, watching, and to Him all
must account for biok n vows.
We wish to thank our many friends
for the courtesy shown us during the
death of our mother, Mrs. Mariah
Buford, 2434 Patrick Ave.
Mary Parks, daughter.
Eddie Buford, son.
Frank Buford, son.
Oh how I miss you Lovera Mae
You have been gone three years,
thogh it seems but a day,
1 loved you dearly; so did the rest
But the angles, darling, loved yon best.
by her grandmother Mrs. Lucy Holmes
By Mildred Bronson
Dear Friends:
I am putting aside sev ral requests
to try and bring you this topic while
it is fresh in m;4 mind- I truly hope
that those who have a request now
in my hands will permit me to delrly
their request while this striking sub
ject iT will rty to explain it the way
I feel. Not long ago I told you that
the movies bring you some real les
sons and facts if you graSp it in the
right light. Last week I attended the
photoplay. “Imitation of Life”. And T
am asking every person, as well as
every mother and father, to see this
picture. I would like to extend this re
quest to every Pastor and I truly be
li ve that it will give them a great
subject to speak upon, and I am sure
it will help someone.
Friends: The picture shows you
plainly how we want to be anyone
else but our self &nd it is really true
90 p r cent. Why .1 do not know.
There are times when we can not get
a position because we are colored,
and tim.s and again we are refused
because we happen to be of the Race,
regardless if we can fill the require
ments. This is indeed embarrassing
This at times causes many hearts to
shed tears. Yet we should always re
member color is not all of it and that
the American people are the only ones
that consider it so strongly.
To pass for any race but our own
seem* to be the height of our ambi
tion. Some go so far as to disown
his own kin, and will pass, up his beat
pal to try and gain recognition from
the other race. Some of us, who hap
pen to be mixed with a great deal of
lighter blood will do any thing to try
and gain admission to the other races.
Please tell me why.
xno vuicr races nare Lnair Lrouoies
Mid excusing their chances and op
portunities seem to have their trou
bles and two-thirds of them will pay
to have their hair waved like ours and
ofttimes wish they had our happy go
lucky disposition. Several other
things they- always wish they had that
we have, and yet we want what they
have. I gometmes wonder If God In
one of his mysteries of life would turn
ug vice versa, would we all be satis
fied? I dhly wonder.
The pietkre shows that it begins
early and of aH the advise could not
change this child's mind and it is
really sad when you follow the picture
through. Have you noticed the cat?
He is always with the cat. The dog
is not always trying to play or be
with the cat but prefers his ovyn, the
cow always feeds with the cow, and
when we go to a circus you notice
as you pass along the cages the lions
are with the lions, Gat with cat, mon
key with monkey, in fact £ would like
to say here that the ape is just as
close to the monkey as any other ani
mal you can find, but he is not found
with the monkey but with the apes.
So you see ondown the line that every
on^i^nd everything seems to be satis
■fied'With his own, but the Negro.
Time and aga*n you hear the re
mark “If I had your color, I would
pass and get this job or that position.”
What good is anything if you are not
satisfied with it? If you got a job in
Washington or New York or anyplace,
there will be someone who knows you,
and not, knowing the condition that
W Your own druggist is authorized to
cheerfully refund your money on the spot
*f you are not relieved by Creomul$ion«
I caused you to get the job, wiil walk
up and speak to you, or cause every
one to know you are one of his,
wouldn’t that hurt you mpre than just
being what you are and getting a po
sition where all of your friends can
meet you and acclaim you.
There is plent;' to do in this coun
try where every race as well as your
own will feel proud of you, if you
only take advantage of it. tTt is true
that color plays a big part when it
comes to a job and higher position, yet
we must not go in there disguised,
but take what we can get and go in
on our own merits, and work hard
from this point to tear down this col
or line, which may be hard, but if we
keep hamimering away at it, we will
surely conquer it someday, and if not
we will not have to dodge or pull off
false faces, but will be what we are
and be proud of it. Lets not let the
dumb animals have more sense' than
we have- Ix we let this topic and
picture be true, we surely will have
to tsfce off our hats to them. It is
not whdt you are, but what you think
you are. And this goes 100 per cent
with the world. Be yourself and be
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