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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1935)
5c „«,«.«» . /JUSnCt/iQUAtllT p®' Copy WWAAW/MV.V. MWVMWMMW *"." ... . .. ii i'..—■*— „ i .. i . . i, i i ii,m i ■ .1. m i - mmmm-mmmmm _VOL. VIM.—_ OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, ltM HUMBER FORTY-SIX -0003gagg000 OOO— OOOSMB^OOO 000 - OOQ»5«M*gOOO OOP S&ZZSZ U. S. GRANTS SCOTTBORO CASE REVIEW UNKNOWN ASSAILANT STABS WGTIAN Assailant Escapes In Fog. Miss Jessie Hayes, 2409 Lake street, waitress at Ben’s Economy Lunch, 1820 N. 24th street, was attacked Monday at 8 a. iij. by an unknown man. Miss Hayes was on her way to work when a man appeared out of the fog and struck heT with something sharp. He started to strike her again, t but seemingly changed his mind and 1 searched her pockets instead. She screamed and her assailant escaped. Another man hearing her screams ran to her assistance and took her to Dr. Hawkins' office. It rs* necessary to take three stitches in h.r mouth, asd her face was badly bruisad and swol len. Miss Hayes says sho doaa not know the man’s name or address, hat it has seen him several times, and weald recognise him if shs saw hiss again. Jt is beieved that he plays in a local orchestra and lives in Sooth Omaha. So far the police havo haoa unable to locate him. b rT*-'VTn SAMUIL HUSTON CHOIB, AUSTIN, TEXAS “The beat Negro College Choir in Ameri caM—Eichard B. Harrison, (de bawd in | “Green Pastures”) is 'the tribute paid this aggregation of youthful singers. The Choir is a regular weekly feature oyer the Southwest s-sr-rsrrrt--— radio network, Thursday, 9 p. m. (CST) broad casting direct from the College chapel. The Samuel Huston Choir will appear on the University cf Texas Annuo 1 Cultural Cour' se on February 21st. Other events in ths ser ies include the Chicago Ldttle Symphony and the famed Manhattan String Quartette. /AV^WAVAV.W/A’WAV^VWAWSiWAWA’A'AVAV. Let's - - - Do A Little Tkieking Together! av.v.vav.v.vwv.vav.v.wayavwavwmv.w^.ya You need us and we need you, and we both need a high class neighborhood paper. Can we have it? WeH, th»it s strictly up to us and nobody else. Let’s do a little thinking together and see how easily it can be done without any additional expenses or burden upon either one of us. We, a committee of three, wbo have livod in the city of Omaha for a number of years and have operated retail business in this conpnuaity for over 15 years, feel It is our duty to give you the findings of this committee in a recent investigation made by our chair man. We find on investigation that the Omaha Guide, a neighborhood weekly publication, has been a servant of this oon|munity for bdtter than eight years, publishing all of the civic, religious, fraternal and personal news of varieua organizations, wlsich is very essential te the growth of any community, absolutely free of any cost whatever to the people it serves. Let us think a little further together. We, who are in the business world, know that it takes paid advertising to publish a hast class community paper The law of average, by report of the journalistic, economic expert*, claims that any* publication that canies less than 49 per cent of its columns in paid .advertisement, will sooner or later bo found on the rook piles of destruction. ► This committee find* tthe merchants in this community are willing to cooperate with your local newspaper in suppox-ting its advertising columns if you, Mr. Reader and home protestor, will use just a little corrfmon sense and agree to patronise the merchants who advertise in the pages of your paper, the Omaha Guide. Some of us on thi* committee have appreciated the value of a publication of this kind, and have not massed an issue since the first edition appeared on tjhe streets of Omaha. You as a home provider must buy merchandise. We are asking yo>u >t© operate with us in buying I your merchandise from the merchants that agree to purchase advertising space in the publication which is serving yeu. The law of average allows a merchant 5 per cent of his gross income for advertisement. We have in this community 8,600 Negro homes. We find upon investigation, this commun ity is spending for the necessities of life, approximately $7,200 daily with merchants out of this community. If this amount were spent in our own community, it would increase the neighborhood stores’ and places of busi ness’ income to $7,200 a day. 5 per cent of this would be $360. Six times $7,200 a day is a total sum of $43,200, and 5 por cent of this will make a total of $2,160 per week. We find upon investigation that the Omaha I Guide Publishing Company, when operating in full force, hais twelve em * pleyees. We find "the plant with all the necessary equipment therein to pub lish a complete twelve page newspaper without going out of the shop for one thing. We find they have not missed an edition since its organization began publishing a newspaper- We feel it is a part of your duty and a part of our duty to get together and support such a worthy enterprise, especially when it does not work any hardship on either one of us. If you will do your part and inci-ease the merchants of this communities’ business to the point where they will have this additional income you are spending in other neighborhoods which do not contribute one dime to the betterment of your community, and do not furnish any avenues of employment for the youth of this community, you will enable the merchants to fill the columns of the Omaha Guide with first class advertising of their high class merchandise and services. We earnestly request that you give this matter your serious consid eration and make up your minds to lend a haad and aid, without any ex pense to whatever to you, towards building a bigger and better service ren dering publication, the Omaha Guide. You will note in the issue of January 5th, there appeared a blank page. We, as a committee, have agreed to fill this page with local community merchants’ advei-tasement. We neeed your help, and you need a bigger and a better serviceable papeT. We are asking yeu to write a letter of encouragement and enlist your same as a supporter of this new undertaking by this committee. Please mail your l«tter t‘o the Omaha Guide Office, 2418-20 Graxit Streets. Address it to the chairman of the committee for a bigger and better community in which to live. Edhokn & Sherman Herman Market By E- W. Sherman By Herman Fxiedlander Tuchman Bros. By Mike Tuchnxan t • AN NOUNCEMENT The Omaha Guide Publishing Com pany lac. will organize a service club on its eighth anniversary, Tuesday, Febr. 12, 1936 at 3:30 p. m. at the Mid City Community Center. The object of this club will be to give service wherever we find we are needed and when we oan. The more members, the better service we will be able to give. With your full coopera tion we will give you and your fam ily all the service that is in our pow er to render in a time of trouble, sickness, death or any other way we may be able to halp. There is no fee charge in this club All that is requested of you to do is to come to the Omaha Guide office, 2418-20 Grant street and fill out an application blank, pledging your full cooperation in civic betterment in our community, and agree to cooperate with the Omaha Guide Service Club in helping to build a bigger and a better community in which to live. The Omaha Guide Service Club will maintain a bureau of information car rying a complete file of all interested projects and other miscellaneous in formation that its members may fall in need of in their everyday walks of life. Please fill out the following blank lines and mail to the Omaha Guide Service Club editor. in the event that you are desirou* of a more full ex planation of these newly organized efforts, please call We. 1750 and one of our representatives will call on you and more fully explain the details. Thanks for your time in reading this open publication for a bigger and better community in which to live. Name ___ Address _____ Phone __ Omaha Guide Service Club BRIDE HOOTS RACIAL BAR Sioux City, la., Girl Subs “4 Love Him” After AVedding Negro x _ Sioux City, la., Tan. 10 (AP).— Mrs. V. A. Chase, mother of 17-year old Doris Chase, who yesterday mar ried Hartwell C. Bonner, 22-year-old Negro, today sought to have the mar riage annulled and asked officials to commit her daughter to the girls’ school at Mitchellville. A charge of contributing to child delinquency was filed against Bonner and AVilliara B. Payne, Negro who witnessed the marrhage. It was performed by a Negro Bap tist minister. * Jn her cell at the city jail, the young bride, a slim, attractive girl, tearfully related how she m*t and fell in love with Bonner. She said she had gone to grade and high school with him and about two months ago became infatuated with him. About November 1 she said Bon ne? defended her after she had been insulted by a white man in a barbe cue. Since that time, the girl said, she had been "going around” with Bonner. Between sobs she kept murmuring, “I love him, I love him.” Unable to understand why her mother and friends protested at her marriage to the pool hall janitor, Doris added: "This is my own life, and I don’t see how it is anyone’s business whom I marry.” "He is a wonderful man. During the first few hours we were together, we were in heaven. No matter what they do ’to him or te me, 1 still love him- Race? That’s all bunk. When Jk»u low someone, you don’t pay any attention to that.” When Bonner applied for a license at the Woodbury county clerk’s office, the deputy did not realise he was a Negro. Bonner is light-skinned, and could pass readily for a white man. Mrs. Chase, however, was indignant. She vowed she would have the mar riage annulled if she had to take the issue through every court in the state. Bonner said he would fight an annul ment. (Reprint from the World-Herald, Jan. 10, 1935.) Dr. Warren Analyzes Lincoln’s Religious Contacts Fort Wayne, Ind. Jan. 9.—Although Abraham Lincoln never affiliated with any church, he might well be called a composite Christian, according to Dr. Louis A. Warren, director of The Lincoln National Life Foundation, who today announced the results of an analysis of Lincoln's religious con tacts. “The Christmas season with its re ligious atmosphere makes these find ings of especial interest at this time,” Dr. Warren declared. "Those who have lived under the direct influence of but one church, as most people do, will be interested in noting the many and varied types of religious teach ings with which Abraham Lincoln was more or less acquainted.” "Lincoln said that . his ancestors ware Quakers,” Dr- Warren observed in his analysis. “His parents were married by a Methodist preacher, but soon they became merribers of an anti-slavery Baptist Church. Lincoln’s first school teacher was of Catholic faith and in his old eCge entered a Trappist Monastery. The father of the President joined the Christian or Disciple Church after reaching Illinois and died a member of that body. At Sco’tsboro Boys Not To Die On February Eighth Washington, Jan. T.—The unflinch ing fight of the International Labor Defense to win the liberation of the Soottsboro boys today brought anoth er victory when the United States Su preme Court announced that it would grant a review of the death verdicts in the cases of Clarence Norris and Haywood PattenMn. The announcement of review auto matically stays the execution of the two innoceent Negro boys condemned to die in the electric chair an Feb. 8. Mr. Leibowitz, who deserted the case at its most crucial moment, had freely predicted that the Supreme Court would not agree to review the ease because of the "blundering” of the I. L. D. Attorneys. Today’s an nouncement by the Supreme Court refutes that statement. Just at the moment w'hen the 2. L. D. was straining all its energies to mobilise all possible support for the boys in the fight in the Supreme Ceart Leibovitz left the case to organize a vicious assault on the I. L. D. The victory today reveals the ut terly unscrupulus and vicious charac ter of t’«e Leibovitz attacks, and also shows how dangerous they are to the welfare of the Scottsboro boys. Funds Needed With the annuncement by the Su preme Court, the national office of the International Labor Defense rushed all preparations for the necessary, legal papers and briefs for the coming appeal before the court. It issued an urgent call for funds to carry the fight (Continued on Page 6) this time, Lincoln himself evidently came under the influence of Thomas Payne’s teaching. Lincoln and Mary Todd were married by an Episcopal rector, and she was a member of the Episcopal Church. The first child of the Lincoln’s was tutored by a Luth eran clergyman. After the death of their second child, Edward, the Lin oolns attended the Presbyterian Church, and up to the time of his death, Mr. Lincoln worshipped with this religious body.” "Yet Abraham Lincoln,” Dr. War ren concluded "with all these changing religious contacts, more truly inter preted the Christian philosophy of life than an>j other American states man of the past. Omahans Figure In Auto Crack Up New Year’s morning Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leland, 2824 N. 26th street, were returning from Florence where they had been visiting friends, when what may be termed as a three car accident occurred at 30th and Reddick avenue. A man by the name of Boyden was making a left hand turn off 30th street into Reddick Avenue when a car in the rear struck him, causing his car to hit Mr. Leland on the left hand side. The latter's car was turned completely around and over, causing a damage of approximately $150. Mrs. Leland was painfully injured, badly bruised and shaken up. She was in the hospital for a few days and is now home convalescng. Mr. Leland was bruised and shaken up. Industrial Survey Employs Thirty-one The White Collar and Industrial Survey Project, which began January 7, 1935, is well en its way under the capable management of Mrs. Robbie Turner-Davis. The list of employees, includes Alfred Abney, clerk, Anthpn Edward, investigator, Rchard Artison, clerk, Florence Anderson, clerk, Freda Baugh, investigator, Jessie Cain, filing clerk, Charles Davis, research work, Travis Dixcn, investigator, Beatrice Gray, investigator, Ruth Langford, Urbane-league Sec y Resigns to T ake K. C. Post % J. Harvey Kerns, executive secre tary of the Omaha "Urban League-Mid City Community Center, tendered his resignation to become effective, Feb ruary 15. Mr. Kerns came to Omaha in 1928 from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he headed the Milwaukee Urban League 5*4 years. He has held his present position with the Omaha Organization since July 1928. As the first secre tary of the Omaha Urban League, he developed an Organization which is rated by the National Urban League as among the foremost in the Coun try. On January 15, 1934, when the Ur ban League and Mid City Community Center nyerged, Mr Kerns was ap pointed executive secretary of the two Organizatons. He leave* Omaha to accept the po sition as executive secretary of the Urban League of Kansas City. 'WM in the Ony&ha Guide next week, January 17, Kern’s answer to the attack of John B. Horton, in the January 4th issue of the Chronicle. GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN (Nor Woman) ^WMWMA/AnMWMMAAMMMAMUUUUjyuuuLUjiu ■ ■ ■ In the style of Damon Runyon we give you the life and death of Bozo, a dog, but a friend of all. One zumnver day in "28 a man aad dog fell off a freight train in Omaha. The dog looked at his master as if to say, “so this is Omaha”, not knowing that this was the place he was bo lire and die. The dog’s name was Bozo. The man’s doesn’t matter, for this is Bozo’s tale. In the course of time he became Mrs. Lula Talbert’s dog. Her nephew also adopted him. Bozo and he car ried papers, or so Bozo thought he was, for a year. During this time Bozo and an airdale named Buster, owned by Flossie Clarke, decided be tween themselves that since gangsters were in vogue, that the dog folk should get in on some of it. So they ruled Hamilton street. But as old age crept upon both of them, they de cided that retirement was a fine thing, Buster going his way, and Bozo '' —. 1 l '■ kt& Bom deeided that friends, human friends were fine to hare, so friends are what ho rot. As Jimmy Durante would say, “Ho got millions of them”. Bode loved them all, those of the social world and those of the under* world, hut—but Bozo is gone. Death from an assassin's ground glass and meat When Bozo’s friends heard of his death, they all swallowed hard and said," That’s too bad.” but when they heard he had been poisoned, they swore vengeance on the assassin should his identity ever be revealed. But as the good book says, “The reap* er takes all sooner or later”. Bozo, who was 11 years old, barked welcome at two majtors of Omaha and a presidential candidate, F. D. Roose velt. Bezo is in dog heaven now, and all his friends say, “Farewell, Bozo”. stenographer, John Lewis, investiga tor, Helen McWharter, stenographer, Leis May, investigator, Lillian Mills, investigator, Mary Meore, stenogra pher, Margaret Newton, stenographer, Fannie Owsley, investigator, Marcel lus Richie, industrial investigator, Alma Robinson, clerk, William Ruc ker, research worker, J. Louis Scott, investigator, Floy Southard, time keeper, Nathaniel Tate, industrial in vestigator, Lena Mai Williams, clerk, Rosy Winston, stenographer, Jessica Wright, clerk, Edgar Williamson, Ne gro business investigator, Thaddeus Williams, industrial investigator, Chas. W. Johnson, Jr., industrial in vestigator, Adele Mitchell, industrial investigator, and Curtis Jackson, in dustrial investigator. The Industrial Survey Office is lo cated at 2039 N. 24th St. ' _ HI-LIGHTS A JOB Foil EVERY WILLING WORKER Donald R. Richberg, Executive of the NEC, in a recent speech before the Washington Board of Trade expressed his belief in the rights of property and of private enterprise, but with the qualification that those granted rights' must realize that they bear the moral responsibility of giving every willing worker a chance to support himself and his dependents. OPTJCAL WORKER GET BACK PAY With the assistance o fthe NRA Lit igation Division, 300 employees of a of a large firm will receive yage res titutions close to $12,000. The firm which controls several business names, among them International Optical (Continued on Page 6) iV.VAV.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.VA' FOE COEEECT TIME CALL JAckscxn 2756 AND LISTEN IN V A. A. Alexander To Open “Boy- Girl” Series ' **• * ■ ' ' ‘ » The Boy and Girl Forum Committee . of the North Side Y. W. C. A, was particularly fortunate in securing1 Archie Alexander of Des Moines, Jowa, as the key-note speaker for the opening foruw> meeting to be held Sunday afternoon, January 13, 1935 at Hillside Presbyterian Church at 4:00 o’clock. Mr. Alexander is a graduate of the College of Engineering at Iowa Uni versity where he made quite out standing scholastic and athletic rec ords. “Alexander the Great” was the title given him because of his playing as a varsity member of the foot ball teams of 1909, 1910, and 1911. After a year of graduate study at the Uni versity of London in Engand, the honorary degree of Civil Engineer was conferred upon Mr. Alexander by Iowa University and he was further hon ored with a contract for ajob on the campus. Mr. Alexander now heads the forcer “Alexander-Higbee” bridge building organization and has engi neered many well designed and made structures. Other honors conferred upon him include the “Laurel Wreath” given by the Kappa Alpha Psi frater nity (of which he is a member) to the member who has accomplished the most outstanding thing during the year; and a bronze medal and cash award from the Harmoa Foundation for the most outstanding Negro in the business world duripg 192C In his community life, Mr. Alexan der is known as an interested mem ber of the N. A. A. C. P. and a mem ber of the committee of Management of the Crocker Street Y. M. C. A. Branch. All High school girls, boys, their friends and parents are urged to at tend this meeting, . I— . JL