The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 15, 1934, Page 3, Image 3
Mrs. Helen Hicks, who h“s been confined to her home. 2616 Ohio "trod., for the past week, is some belter. Colonial Secretaries I This Gov. Winthrop style in walnut or mahogany with three drawers, bookcase, au tomatic drop leaf, pigeon holes and two secret draw | ers is one of the most ac- ; 1 ceptable desks we’ve ever ! seen, arid the price is only— 39.75 ■ Desks To Match 29.75 ORCHARD & WILHELM CO. < Seven Employees Re sponsible For FERA Mail Washington, D. C—The FERA ac cording to Administrator Harry L. Hopkins, sends out an average of 200.000 pieces of mail every month from the Washington office- There communications go to State Relief' Administrators, departmental chiefs, research and statistical heads, college presidents, work relief director?, reg ional field agent*, purchasers of Sur plus commodities. Iacal school authori ties, care supervt ors, investigators. and representative^ of numerous pub lications. Le.ters, illustrated booklets, work ing procedures, instructions, and prees releases go in packages by parcel post, in big and small envelopes by first, second, third a^d fourth eja^*, regis tered, and the more urgent messages i by air mail, telegraph and messenger, to every State in the country, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. i Chief Clerk Harry L. Kinnear ef j the Federal Emergency Relief Admin, I i tra.ion is the directing head of this j all important communications service. The responsibility to the 16 000,000 unemployed and needy families who are dependent upon the efficient, ex pedition!^ and one hundred percent dispatching at ai] times of this one Phone JA. 8040 Private Booths Tavern—Dine, Dance and Be Merry j Silver Slipper Nite Club Italian Spaghetti—Meat Balls Your Favorite Beer on Tap, 5c and 10c Only Italian Cafe in Town Open All' Nite LOUIE SALERNO, Mgr. 1123 South 6th St. N. E. Cor 6th and Pierce St ■ BROWN SKIN DOLLS Neisner Bros. | 5c to $1.00 Store MEM’S SUITS A, 75c SARATOGA LAUNDRY and ZORIC CLEANERS Telephone — KEnwoed 0061 > - ■ . hundred million dollar monthly finan. i cial and administrative service of hu man welfare fe a moat important one. The FERA ha® intrusted the success of this job for nearly a year to teven skilled and experienced colored em ployed; who are in complete charge of the ou: going mail division, day and night. “The mail must go!”, is the slogan of his crew, commented Frank Van Hook the Karisas colored ex-service nr>an. Van Hook, in charge of the night shift, is also active in the FERA employees union, having only recent ly been elected one of the two dele gate to tse Centra] Labor Union of the Amencan Federation of Govern ment Employees, affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. Joseph Johnson. Uie colored super visor in charge of the day force was formerly chauffeur of the FERA. The conscientious attendance to his duties and trustworthiness, thereby, came directly to the attention of Adminis trator Hopkins and Chief Clerk Kin near, resulting in promotion and as signment for the pa,st year to the present post. Thomas Norris, James Raynor. Truman Thomas, Lendall W. Chase, and Thomas Dixon are the other colored men employed in the mailing division. DEMOCRATS CELEBRATE AT VICTORY BALL Five .thousand celebrated the recent democratic party succe.s at a Victory Ball held in the City Auditorium Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Douglas County Central Com mittee. The merrymakers danced in the beautifully decorated surroundings to the strains of Randall’s Royal Or chestra. The grand march was led by Sen ator Elect Edward R. Burke, followed by Governor Roy, L. Cochran and Congressman Ele^t Charles F. Mc Laughlin. In attendance from the second ward were Mr- and Mrs. Harry Le land, Mr. C. C. Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. C. Picked.', Mrs. Lenora Gray, and Mr. Chas. Coleman. i -- Not Just Another PillToDeadenPain f But a wonderful modern medi cine which acts upon the conditions which CAUSE the pain. Take them regularly and you should suffer less and Ieflfcach month. PERSISTENT USE BRINGS PERM ANENTIRE LIE?. Sold at all good drug stores, Saudi size 50(i. LYDIA L PINKIIAM’S TABLETS FOR RELIEF AND PREVENTION OP PERIODIC PAINS Sholtz Urged to Halt Return of Neal Women to Mari iana New York. De«. 7—Governor David Sholtz of Florida was urged today by the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People to pre. vent the return to Marianna, Florida, of Mil-, Annie Smith, mdther and Mrs. Sallie Smithe aunt, of Claude Neal who was lynched there on Oc tober 26th, after being kidnaped from the Brewton. Alabama, jail. The telegram, which was sent upon receipt of news from Pensacola that the two women were to be returned to Marianna to be tried Eli accessories to the crime for which Neal wa-s lynched, stated: “InwestifTation lhas shown that nei.her Neal's mother nor aunt had even the remotest connection with the crime with which Neal waq charged. To return these helpless women* to M.’f-ianna which Ic. still in a state of excitement and hostility is practic ally to invite m|ob vengeance either ■>y physical violence or farcical trial upon the^e person^ The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People vigorously urges you to prevent such return and also urges that speedy action be taken to release them from custody.” Neal Women Not To Be Returned To Mariacma, Says Gov- Sholtz No Charges Against Them, Being Held Because Of Mob Fear New York, Dee. 8.—In response to a telegram from the National Asso ciation for the'Advancement of Color, ed People urging that the mother and aunt of Qlaude Neal be not returned to Marianna from Pensacola for trial in connection with the crime for which he was tortured and lynched on October 26, the following message was received yesterday from Gov ernor David Sholtz of Florida: “Regai-ding your telegram of the Fifth. States Attorney John H. Car. ter Jr., Marianna advises me that there are no charges against Annie Smith and Salbe Smith and according ly they have no intention of bring ing them back to Marianna. He ad vises also that to avoid any possible danger these women are being held in Pensacola temporarily, with their own consent having no means of support.” FREE COURSE IN HAIR CULTURE Including Diploma, by MaiL Write CUBAN COSMETIC CO. Box 81-C Winer Park, Fla. Classified Ads and Business DIRECTORY Helo us to Build Bigger and Better Business. The Omaha Guide in its Eighth Year and is offering a New and Greater Service to its Readers and Advertisers through this Weekly Clasified Directory of Community and City. ROOMS and APTS. Two Furnished Rooms For Rent 2893 Maple St. Lov«s Kitchenette apartment for rent at 2518 Patrick Ave. We.. 5553. Strictly Modem furnished rooms for rent- WE. 0718. Kitchenette for Rent—strictly moiffn 2914 North 25th Street. J: Two room apt. and use of kitcher. We. 4162. Apt., reasonable to quiet couple. WE. 0100. FOR RENT—Two or diree room front apartments with private bath.-. Heat. Kas. lights anad water furnished. 2430 Blondo S;. These apartments have private entrances.’ WEINSTEIN REAL ESTATE OFFICE 213 N. 26th St. JA. 0986 Closed Saturdays—Open Sundays Strictly modern furnished rooms for rent. WE. 0718 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT l Morder 7 room house newly decor ated with garage, rent $21.50. Call Lj. White, JAclcscn 2869. RESTAURANTS, CAFES~ Mississippi Way Bar B Q 1825 N. 24th ST. J. H. Parker, Prop. Fried’s Kosher Delicatessen 1309 N. 24th St. WE 2190 TULULA TEA ROOM 2422 Burdette We. 0689 RADIO SERVICE BETTER RADIO SERVICE A, E. and J- E. Bennett 2915 Cum mings St- Phone Ja- 0696 FURNITURE, CLOTHING You can buy more for y®ur money *t THE RECORD STORE Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, Second hand clothing for men, women and children W® also accept relief orders for your Merchandise 2H6 N. 24TH SWEET Dining Room Sets..$10 qq Kitchen Tables __ 1 00 Stoves—Assorted Prices Good New Finish Beds_ $ 1 CO 1333 N. 24TH ST. Bring this ad with your purchase for Free Gift. BEAUTY SHOPS —SPECIAL OFFER— You Can Secure ROGER’S SILVERWARE By Trading With WILLA’S BEAUTY SHOP AVE- 5699 2225 N. 24TH ST GROW GLOSS BEAUTYShoo Winter Cut Rate Press ...... 50 Shampoo, press, marcel ............ $1.00 Children’s work ..... .50 WE 2864 2512 N- 24TH ST FINGER WAVES Are Practical and they do “Stay Put” when done at THE CHRISTINE ALTHOUSE BEAUTY SALON First Reset Free 2422 N. 22nd St.WE. 0846 BRUG STORES DUFFY PHARMACY WE 0609 24th and Lake Sts. - p — —: --- Quality First OWEN PHARMACY < WE 6100 24th and Grant Sts. Prescriptions JOHNSON’S DRUG STORE Our Telephone Number WE 0998 1904 N. 24TH ST. Grocery Stores Spend Where Your Dollar Will Como Hawk To You In the Way of Employment. CAREYS NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Open All Day Sundays Spring Chickens, per lb. . 15c 27th St “t Grant W'e 6089 COAL COMPANIES ' Burn Coal That s Hotter Than Hades It Co«ts You Less ,, —$7 25 Per Ton— CAREYS NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY 27th St. at Grant W’e 6089 “LET GEORGE DO IT” for COAL. EXPRESS AND MOVING AT. 4076 _SHOE REPAIR SHOPS ~ North 24th Street Shoe Hospital 1807 N. 24th St. WE 4240 YOUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONF BETTER: 2407 Lake St. MISCELLANEOUS Up to $300 paid for Dime dated be. fore 1895; Liberty IIead Nickels $200; Colonial Coins $300. Send 15c com plete Catalog. N«tionalcoin (GG), Springfield. Massachusetts. Tremendous profits. Run own bargain store. Experience unnecessary. New and usrd clothing. Bankrupt and ac tion saIe merchandise. Everything supplied. Publix. 568—CN Roosevelt, Chicago. HAIR SHOP! Ladies’ Braids, Carls, Doll Wigs Best Massage and Cleansing Cream* Free .Demonstrations—Pressing Oil, Hair Grower. 2208 N. 24th St. At. 7359 FREEDMAN’S SHOE STORE' Shoe Repairing W'e Accept Relief Orders 0353 1510 N. 24th St. SAVE TIME, WORRY, CONFUSION AND MONEY BY CONSULTING THIS COMPLETE DIRECTORY OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CIT* BUSINESSES. N A A C P TO ELECT , OFFICERS t. ——— The Omaha Branch of N. A. A G. P- will hold the Annual Election of Officers on Sunday, Dec- 16, at the Community Center Building, 2213 I>ke at 3 P. It. Only members in good standing and j/Raising the Farnlly* Ma thought It was due tp Pa s auto accKierM__._ «* , ■» Fisher*1 \ tJON^eN«E. OlOEOfol ^ WWH VHoUJ) ANMSotH «S / J -----—■ 9 Lookin'.twoOCH T4* | _______ yoUO BETTEU vwiNOouj at you- irt a«a. ») r_Kw_hflllJU „ • s, s- IcSiSSKU ■ ^ , ,.1 ha’ mw* 1 gjlhCk'- * CimN1 * * // Toll HS't V LOOK1.', KXCltHO! _ j \ 'll. )6crr cooti j <--— ----—t — rj1 WHY--- nrH8W “Stop Hair" KM Cafse Tliis Agony?_tnB*m^ Rste; s - r^=si liSS?JOOOQHj % '] rfVrSs KE^> ' n-'LK.MT o»^s CJLV^o3 \ /C\ ih Hist- sPB*>=Towej WTCMeV . «OUN,he , j"*TrgL --J /A] * JMJ ,t OH.TEU ME ' 1 '■---■* J& \sP§r \9 ■• fewM 2T-:. ^ f'Sytrz-- International Cartoon Co., W. y. X/3 . V | MUTT AND JEFF—Jeff is Long On His Moon But Short On His Definition By BUD FISHER | \ ■ those who pay membership fees on or before date of els.ion will be eligible to vote. (---— R S. Simmona, Secretary R. C. Price, Presirent Damp Wash 31c Per Poind IVfaim m undle 48e Edhilm and Sherman LAUNDERER AND DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. We 6055 N Genuine Djer-Kiss Parftsm may also he had in a dainty purse-size vastest* for only 25* -4! ^PARFUM <S>olves elitist mas pzollems This famous French fragrance, beloved of every woman, makes possible most generous giving, yet so inexpensively. Endur* ingly popular, of matchless del icacy, long-lasting—you can give nothing more welcome. Individually Boxed Z $2°0 ■