The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 08, 1934, Image 4

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    * .. ..*4 '■ -•*! '■ l —■■■
The Friendly Church
The service at St. Johns last Sun
day was very g»od. Rr-v. Bryant
preached both nr.ming and evening
His text «t the morning irvivce w^s
taken from Ish. 53 chapter, 11 verse.
From h** subject Satisfied, he left
many thoughts that »hould be long
remembered- Some of which are as
follows: When one is not satisfied
with his work or position, he is net
usually very successful- Christ is sat
fied with the church. He be’icves it
will come out alught in the end
Christ Is not satisfied, however, with
all things people do here on earth, j
but will be pi fused with those that
get cn the other side by giving their
service to him- The man or the wo
man that is out in the world should
give church thrir fight and service
that he m"y be satisfied with them.
His subje-et for the evening service
was Today. From this he pointed
•ut how important -some days of our
life grow to be- 1 he day he put
moat stress on wss the day when one
puts dewn sin and taker* up religious
ness- The sick of the chifcch. we flre
sorry to report. M’s. W. White,
MJ -s. Gterge White. Mrs- Rose Lucky
and brother Hill. Rev- Bryant will
go to Bethel A. M ■ E. next Sunday !
to help Rev. Williams in his quarter
ly meeting and on the third Sunday.
Rev Willows’ < hoir will come to St
Johns to help Rev. Bry’nt in his quar
terly meeting- The visitors last Sun
day wore Rev- Cole, Nebraska- City,
and Messrs- Sheet and Johnson of
Omaha Visitors are always welcome
at St- Johns. Read your Omaha
Guide £:r Church and Social news
29th and T. Streets
Sunday school opened at the regu
lar time., 9:30 with the usual num.
present- The lessen w«s discussed
with much Interest and comment.
Worship services began at 11:00
o’clock with our acting Pastor Rev.
F. J. Goodlett in charge. He read a
beautiful scripture lesson. His mes
sage was one of interest and inspira
tion to all. “The Stream of Life, Its
^ Ladles
Tell your druggist to
give you a copy of this
Almanac, NOW, before p n p p
his supply runs out. f fslLb
When not obtainable from a drag store,
write for one to The Chattanooga Medi
cine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
Not Just Another
Bui a wonderful modern medi
cine which acts upon the conditions
which CAUSE the pain. Take them
regularly and you should suffer less
and less each month. PERSISTENT
LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores;
Small size 50 ft.
Avoid constipation! If you disre
gard its warning and neglect to treat
it promptly, look ®ut for sickness!
You cannot hope to have g®od
health', if you do nothing t® prevent
or to relieve constipation. Some of
its disturbing effects may be—
BUious attacks, poor appetite, bad taste
«n the mouth, dizziness, bad breath, coated
tongue, sick headache, spots before the
*yes, blotting ol the abdomen, belching up
gas, uasastness, physical and mental
gluggishaess, etc.
When you need a medicine for constipa
tion, you won’t find a better laxative than
A NATURAL medicine, like THEDPOBO’®
BLACX-DRAWGHT, made out of the leave*
And roots of certain highly approved me
dicinal plants. Blast-Draught costa less
dban most laxative medicines, so yon can
Alford to keep it and Aka it, when needed.
If you are feeling bad. Ilka you might
Ac m need of Thedford’s Bi^ok-Draught,
Sake a does tonight and feel better to
morrow- mid in 25-cent packagee. ink
currents and eddys”. Many beautiful
points were derived from this sermon.
B. Y- P- U. was opened at 6:30 p.
ny Many became enthused over the
ld>son about Mission. Its purpose
and helpfulness w-ere thoroughly dis
cussed. The evening period of de
votion was a congregational service
with c-ur acting pastor speaking on the
“Issues of Today”- Visitors and
friends are always welcome to worship
with us at the Bethel Baptist Church.
Rev. F- S. Goodlett, Pastor
Mrs- J. C. Collins. Reporter
The first quarterly meeting of the
Nebraska Conference of Woman’s
Mfte Missionary of Omaha District
No. 6, met at Mt- Zion Church in
Nebraska City, November 23, 1934,
Rev. D. M. Cole, Pastor- The meet
ing was very inspiring and well at
tended- We wish to thank all our
; good co-workers who tried to Co to
help caflry on the work of the master.
Someday we hope every Missionary
Sister will be able to attend. Then
wo will feel that our prayers have
been answered. We are trying to in
spire and infill In the hearts of
every n,other and child the need ®f
great missionary workers- The pas
tor's present w'ere. Rev. L. P. Bryant.
St. John. Omaha. Rev. W. S- Mefccalf,
Allen Chapel, S. Omaha, Rev. C. A
Long, Quinn Chapel. Lincoln. Re
ceipts of first quarterly—$58.#0.
Mrs. S. Bryant.
1st Vice President of Nebr. Corp
Mrs. Anna M- Kinney, Secretary
22nd “nd Seward Street
Sunday school opened at the usual
time with Rev. J. T. Reagan pre
siding . A wonderful review was
riven by Mrs. D- Turner, who stated
h-,t people should find their talents
and perform them, rather than get
angry at others who perform theirs.
At 11:00 O'Clock our pastor Rev E.
H. Hilson brought to us a powerful
gospel message. His subject was
“He Died”, 1 Cor. 15:45.
The B Y. P. U. opened »t 7:30
with a very good attendance. Group
number seven, Mrs- A. B- Matthew,
captain, gave a wondeful missionary
program. Mrs- Matthew is cur new
group committee. The chairman of
the 'program committee, Mrs. Bertha
Mae Patterson, has arranged a very
interesting program for next Sunday
You will miss a treat if you fail to
aftend. At eight O’Clock the pastor
brought another gospel message. A
Christmas program will be gven by
the Sunday School and B. Y. P. U
All visitors welcome
Rev. E. H. Hilson, Pastor
Minnie Harris, Reporter
26th and Burdette Streets
Sunday was a great day with us at
the Temple. The Sunday School was
better, if possible, than Usual, but it
is always good- It seems to grow
bdtter and better. At 11 o'clock the
pastor brought us a message from the
text, “Woe unto me if I preach not
the gospel”, 1st Cor.. 9-16. We need
not say we had a good time, for we
did. In the afternoon at 3 we were
the guests &t Clair Chapel, where Rev.
Conwell is pastor- Hero Chrst Tem
ple furnished the Choir music for
them, and Rev- W. S. Metcalf brought
the sacrament sermon. Again we had
a good time, and in the evening one
of our new licentiates brought us the
message, and indeed it was a mes
sage ths^t brought surprise to the
ipost sanguine .mind. This young
man will make a power in God's hands
if he keeps the all on the altar. The
Church, in a general way, is moving
on in good shape. Visitors »re al-,
ways welcome at our services.
The Rev. John S- Williams, pastor
of the Hillside ehurrh has started a
sends of sermons on the twelve sons
of Jacob. Next Sunday the subject
will be “Dan. the Deceitful Son”. The
public is cordially invited to hear these
sermons. On Sunday, November 11,
the choir, assisted by members of the
Bethel Baptist Church, gave a sacred
concert at the First Presbyterian
church. TekamaK, Nebraska, end on
November 18 another concert at the
Westminister Presbyterian church 35
and Woolworth- On Sunday Decem
ber 2, this chorus will sing at the
Grace Presbyterian church in Council
Bluffs. On Smnday, December 1, the
members of the Parish will celebrate
the 14th Anniversary of the Church,
together with the dedication of new
carpets and rugs which the women of
the church led by Mrs. Helen White
are preparing to offer. The entire
| pulpit and choir stand will be covered,
the entire floors painted and varnished
and a new runner thirty inches wide
will be laid down the main isle. In
the afternoon the choir from the First
Presbyterian Church of Tekamah, Ne
braska, together with the Presbyter
ians of Omaha, are expected to be our
guests. 0* December 30th: there
will be presented the beautiful Christ
mas Cantata “Glory to God” by Key-;
ser- - ..
The Sisters are in need of old cloth
ing for te poorly.clad children that
are in attendance at onr school- Anv
contribution along this line will b*
greatfully received- Call Webster
5223. and we will be glad to call for
anv thing that you care to send|
The executive Committee of the P
T- A., distributed candy to aJl the
children of St- Benedict's school, last
Wednesday afternoon, as a Thanks
giving treat.
Altar Somety is planning a large
Christmas Bazarre for the near fu. j
ture the (fate will he announced next J
we“k . A beautiful ouilt will be
raffled off at that time. Manv dainty j
Christmas gifts may be purchased at j
a low price, and valuable nrizes will
bo given away for the lucky “Tango”
game- Watch for the date.
A sewing class will be started soon
under the direction of Miss Lena Paul
an accomplished teacher of sewing
and needle-art. sponsored by the
board of education. All who are ip.
terested, will please give their names
to any member of the Altar Society.
Church and Sunday School ware
•■veil attended. The Sunday School
Finance Banner was taken by the
Adult Class. Rev. Conwell preached
from the text “My Soul Followeth
Hard After Thee. O Lord”. There
were quite a few visitor* present
whom we heartily welcome.
Sunday afternoon the Young Peo
ple’s Choir had the finishing up of
their "Wa-ste Raly” which was finite
cMircesafu] in RT>ito of the rain. Rev
Preston nreached from the text: "Big
Le«ons froih Little Followers”.
Sunday night services were also
well attended in spite of the rain and
cold weather.
STATEMENT of publication
Statement of the ownership, man
-sremcmti. eitWukytion. of*. regu^
v he Act of Congress of M&reh 8.
1933. of The Omaha Guide Publishing
Co Inc., published weeklv at Omaha.
Nehraska. for October 1934.
State of Nebraska
County of Douglas,
Before me. a Notary Public ln «nd
or the State and countv aforesaid.
TV'^onallv Poyd y rra„pway
who. having been dulv sworn accord.
7 t0 ,aw- denoses and says that ho
1« the Editor of the Omaha Guide, and
that the following is, to the best of
his knowledge and brief, a true state
ment of the ownership, management,
etc., of the aforesaid publication for
the date shown in the above caption,
renujred by the Act of August 24.
1912, embodied in section 411. Postal
Laws and Regulations, printed on the
revejrSo 0f this form, to wit.
1- That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing editor,
and business managers are;
Publisher, Omaha Guide Publishing
Co.. Inc., 2418-20 Grant St.
Editor. Boyd V. Galloway. 2418-20
Grant St.
Managing Editor, Bovd V. Gallo,
way, 2418.20 Grant St.
Business Managers, H. J. Ford and
C. C. Galloway, 2418.20 Grant St.
2. That the owner is:
Omaba Guide Publishing Co., Inc.,
2418.20 Grant St.
H. J. Ford. President. 2418.20
Grant St.
Fluena Cooper, Vice President,
2418.20 Grant St.
Boyd V. Galloway, Secy..Treas.,
2418.20 Grant St
3. That the known bondholders,
mortgagees, and other security holders
owning or holding 1 per cent or more
of total amount of bonds, mortgages,
or other securities are:
Duplex Press Co., Battle Creek,
Frank Stuart, 3015 Manderson St.
4. That the twlo paragraphs next
above, giving the names of the own
ers, stockholders, and security holders,
if any, contain not only the list of
stockholders and security holders as
they Appear upon the books of the
company but also, in cases where the
stockholder or security holder appear^
upon the books of the company as
trustee or in any other fiduciary re
lation. the n«me of the person or cor
poration for whom such trustee is act
ing. is given; also that the said two
paragraphs contain statements em
bracing affiant’s full knowledge and
belief as to the circumstances and con
ditions under which stockholders and
security holders who do not appear
upon the books of the company as
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a capacity other than that of a bona
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reason to believe that any other per
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as so stated by him
Boyd V. Galloway.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 7th dy of December, 1934.
(SEAL) Lucy Mae Stamps.
My commission expires Dec- 3, 1935.
- *
j — I; E W ^
chool Lesson
Al«mb?r of Faculty. Mo»dy B.blc
Institute mf Cbicay*.)
G, Wectcra Ncwspcocr Uulos.
Lessen fer December 9
_ i
LESSON TEXT—Matthew 7:24-29;)
Acts 18:24-29.
GOLDEN TEXT—Study to show thy
self approved unto God. a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed, right
ly dividing the word of truth.—II
Timothy 2:15.
PRIMARY TOPIC—Jesus Our Teach-'
JUNIOR TOPIC—Jesus the Great j
IC—Learning From the Master Teacher.
IC—The Teaching Church.
It seems that the lesson committeei
dec!tted upon a title anti then sought
texts to lit it. It is very difficult. If
not impossible, to make the texts fit j
the title. Regardless of the strained
effort required to make this adjust
ment, two vitally practical Scripture
passages are before us from which j
to set forth vital truths. The follow
ing practical lesson plan is suggested
I. Jesus the Master Teacher (Matt.
1. His method of teaching (vv. 24-'
27). In his application of the so-called
Sermon on the Mount Jesus used a
most striking; simile, namely, the tw<*
a. The house built on a rock (tt.
24-25). This house endured the
storms and flood became of Its secure
and abiding foundation. The > wise
builder will see to it that a safe foun
dation is provided before he proceeds
to erect his house.
b. The house built on the sand (tt.
26-27). This house collapsed with the
Impact of the storms and flood because
its foundation was Inaecnro. The fool
jish builder is the man who proceeds to.
(build his house without consideration
of the importance of the foundation.
By house In this figure is doubtless
meant human life and character. And
by rock la meant the teachings of
' Christ. Every man is building a house.
The fact of building is trus of every
human being. The supreme difference
is not In the men who build or the ma
terial used in the building, but In the
foundation upon which they build. The
foundation determines everything so
far as man's destiny is concerned. A
time of tooting will surely come t» ev
ery life. The matter ef Importance is
as to whether we are building upon
the foundation which will withstand the
coming storms and flood. The one who
i builds upon the words ofrJesua Christ
! is eternally secure.
, 2. The Impression made (tt. 28-29).
The people were astonished. The con
tent of Christ’s teaching as well as hla
manner of teaching was In contrast
with that of the scribes. The teach
j lng of the scribes consisted In the rep
etition of the words of others, while
Christ’s teaching was In his own words.
The Christian teacher should give forth
a positive and certain message because
he sets forth the inerrant and eternal
words of Christ the living God.
II. Apollos the Teacher Who Needed
to Be Taught (Arts 18:24-28).
Apollos Is a striking example of
many Christian leaders today. Many
are gifted, energetic, and highly
trained, and yet are Ignorant of the
real Christian message and Pcntecosta'
1. Who he was (v. 24). He was an
Alexandrian Jew, highly cultured,
carefully instructed in tfie Old Testa
ment Scriptures, energetic and elo
quent. He was a believer in Jesus
Christ, even familiar with his life an j
2. What he lacked (v. 25). He was
only a diseiple of John the Baptist.
He was therefore Ignorant of the
meaning ef Christ’s death, resurrec
tion, ascension, and the gift of the
Spirit as outpoured at Pentecost.
There are striking parallels to this to
day In the Christian church. We have
many good men eloquent asd highly
cultured who know only "the baptism
of John.” They insist upon the in
tegrity of men in public life, gocial
Justice, and even call upon men to re
pent of their sins, but they seem to
k-now nothing of the meaning ef the
death of Christ, the necessity of the
new birth by the Spirit, and the Pen
tecostal gift. They are pleading for
social justice and a higher standard
of ethics, seemingly not knowing that
these are by-products of the gospel and
are meaningless and impossible with
out the proclamation of the gospel of
Christ which centers in the person
and work of the divine Saviour.
3. Who instructed Apollos (v. 2G).
Priscilla and Aquila, humble Christian
tent-makers, were lastrumental in
showing the great preacher his ignor
ance and leading him Into the truth.
4. Result of his ministry (vv. 27-28).
He was provided with credentials and
had a fruitful ministry. He mightily
.convinced the Jews showing that Jesus
was the lies'-’ h.
Senr only 10c, one dime; date of
birth and stamped envelope and get
a Lucky Hindu Yogi Incense package.
Act Now! Amazing quality.
Dept. O. G. 59 East 51st Street
Chicago, 111.
The Omaha Guide B«
V Recommends jji
| The State |
j; Furniture Co. $
Ij Corner 14th and Dodge >,
I Streets. As One of the Most j*
Reliable and Accomodating B»
Firms to Buy from.
Prices the Lowest jf
and 2*
Terms the Easiest £
Atty. Ray L. Williams,
Room 200 Tuchman Block.
24th and Lake Streets
In the Oounty Court of Douglas
County. Nebrak3-.
In the Mattec of the Estate of
Samuel Houston, Deceased.
All persons Interested in said mat
ter are hereby notified that on th®
27th ray of November. 1934, Joseph
D. Lewis filed a petition in said Coun
ty Court, praying that his final ad.
ministration account filed herein be
settled and allowed, and that he b*>
discharged from his trust as adminis
trator and that a hearing will be h3d
on said petition before said Ccurt on ]
the 22nd day of December. 1934, and
that if you fail to jyooear before said
Court on the said 22nd day of Decem
ber, 1934 at 9 o’clock A. M., and con
test fcfiid petition., the Court may
grant he prayer of said petition, enter
a decree of heirship, and rrt’ke such
other and further orders, allowances
and decrees, as to this Court may
seem proper, to the end that all mat
tens pertaining to said estate may b® J
finally settled and determined.
Bryce Crawford, j
Oounty Judge
Beginning 12—8—34
Ending 12—22—34
Made Her QRQW
4 llluflkd STRJUSHTER
. Sensational New Discovery Brings
Actual Results in 7 Days or No Cost
Is now * beautiful,
popular woman. She
writes, "I have given Mr.
Johnson's Brilliantine
Hair Grower a final test
and 1 am perfectly satis
fied with it. I measured
my hair before using the
Bust test treatment and
sine* using only one box
my hair has grown 1
inches. I recommend it
to lot* of my friend*.’*
Signed. Mrs. Blanch*
Davis, Trenton, N. J.
At last hare is a sensa
tional new discovery that
actually will grow hair ia
7 days or it doesn’t cost
a penny. Different from
anything else you have
ever used. You just rub
a little of Mr. Johnson’s
Brilliantine Hair Grower
into your hair sad scalp
with your flatter tips each
day. Ugly, short, kinky,
hair turn into long
straight, glossy hair
that everyone envies and
admires. No Risk. No
chance. No doubt. Mr.
Johnson’s Brilliantine
Hair Grower must do the
work to your delight or
It costs nothing. Sena no money, ray roil
man $1 plus postage charges on arrival. Fins
for dandruff, itching scalp or falling hair.
■ Mr. Johnson Company, Dept. T- I
■ 4CTO W. Erie St., Chicago. 111. ■
1 Send at once one package Mr, Johnson's *
* Brilliantine Hair Grower. I will give post- ■
* man upon arrival only $1 plus postage and ■
* C. 0. D. charges, with the understanding J
■ that I can return the unused Hair Grower, *
* for any reason, in seven days and you will ■
J pay back my deposit, without question. J
J Nans.. J
2 Address (of P. 0. Box). .a .ramxiBm ■
■ ■
l City. Start. r,7» • *, i
Now Located
Just cpen and use reg
ularly and this beau
tiful hair is YOURS!
Yes, here it is! All the long, thick, silken
textute hair you want . . . right in this can.
Just dip in your fingers, apply this marvelous
Black and White Hair Grower, and watch the
amazing results ... see them with your own eyes.
Almost before you know it, your hair starts to
grow . . . rapidly . . . into long, luxuriant tresses.
For Black and White Hair Grower is scientific,
it feeds the tiny roots and glands with just the
right, nourishing food to promote quick, full, .
beautiful growth. Start using Black and Whitt
Hair Grower today. Only 25c for the Large can.
Use Klaclc and White
7-fiir Dressing ... the
iavcrite of s:^rs of the
screea and stage, the
favorite of lovely women
everywhere. It dresses
your hair in any style
'ou like end keeps it
that way. Two kinds:
Amber, 25c. White, 50c.
To be sure of never
burning and scorching
your hair with hot irons
and combs and turning
it "off color," use Black
and White Glossine.
Gives positive protection.
Adds lots of sparkling
lustre and sheen. The
large can is only 25c*
To get it down and
keep it down, use Black
and White Pomade
Dressing. All the good
looking men and boys,
all the bobbed hair girls
won’t use any other.
Contains castor oil and
other scientific ingredi
ents. Large can, 25c.
Tunc in "Lomhardo-Land.” Featuring Guv Lotrbardoy« Orchestra, Wednesday Night, INm,
Rev. J. S. McIntyre of Madison -
ville. Ky.. arrived in the city Thanks
giving day. In the party were his
wife, who is ®n accomplished musician
and three lovely children, Lois, Tem
ple, and S. J. McIntyre Jr. All of
the children a&e now In Long school.
Rev. McIntyre has a very sweet little
family that I am sure will adfl to the
spiritual interest of the church. We
need not say we welcome them to the
city. We welcome all new comees like
the McIntyre family to our churches,
hom^s and places of business
S. J. McIntyre, Pastor
J. W. Goodwin, Asst.
Mrs. Edna Pankey, Reporter
Whan you are just on edge < , ,
when you can’t stand the children’s
noise ... when everything you da
is a burden ... when you are irri
table and blue ... try Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out
of 100 women report benefit.
It will give you just the extra en
ergy you need. Life will seem worth
living again.
Don’t endure another day without
the help.-this medicine can give. Get
a bottle from your druggist today.
*^ctuk. £. OwthJZaAtfe
Burn Lucky Mo-Jo
Incense. Hbw it perfumes
the air. Fills your room
, .. with the
fragrance of flowers. Banish
es bad smells. Write for F R E
SAMPLE of Lneky Mo-Jo Incense
and Agents’ Money-Making Offer.
Famous Products CV», Dept. 802—
5249 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago
How to Get Rid of
Look Years Younger
When you can change yomr Bray,
faded, or streaked hair to its natural
youthful soft color in than half
an hour—
And do it at home without fear of
harm to the hair—why go on looking
years older than you should look.
Rap—I—Dol ia the *al. original
hair colorer—18 shades to ehooso from
it is so supremely good that the best
beauty shop* in all the large cities la
the world feature it. Rap—I—Dol
will not wah off or fade nor affect
macell or permanent waves.
Go to any Beaton Drug Store today
and choose the shade you need—you’ll
be a happy woman if you do—for a
long time to come.
/■ 1 ■ ' ■ —V
Omaha Poultry Market
1114 N. 24th St. We. 1100
Dressed Poultry While
You Wait
Savedfiby new V itamins of Cod Liver
Oil in tasteless tablets.
PottrMs of firm healthy flesh instead of
bare scraggy bones I New vigor, vim and
energy instead of tired listlessness I Steady,
quiet nerves I That ia what thousands of
peopleware getting through scientists' latent
discovery—the Vitamins of Cod Liver Oil
concentrated in little sugar coated tablets
without any of its horrid, fishy taste or smell.
Motley's Cod Liver Oil Tablets, they're
called I "Cod Liver Oil in Tablets", and they
■imply work wonders. A-little boy of 3, seri
ously sick, got well and gained 10>4 lbs. in
just one month. A girl of thirteen after the
same disease, gained 3 lbs. the first week end
2 lbs. each week after. A young mother whb
could not eat or sleep after baby came got
sillier health back and gained 10 lbs. in leas
than a month.
Yoa simply mast tjy McCoy’s at once.
Remember if you don't-gain at least 3 lbs. of
firm healthy flesh in a month get your money
baok. Demand and get McCoy's-the original
and genuine Ced Liver Oil Tablet!
NJRA —approved'by Good Housekeepiafi
Institute. Refuse all substitutes—,
fgi insist on the original McCoy’s-.
*r.,ZZ„ there are none better.
I 75c
Telephone — KEnwood 0061
| Lonely^ Nights^?
’ Love dies with the coming of gray,
streaked, iron-burnt hai£—because love
lives on beauty. Be beautiful, have fine,
luxuriant coal-black hair. Ose Godefroy's
Larieuse French Hair Coloring, nationally
known for • marvelous results. Be years
younger. Be loved. If your dealer hasn't
Godefroy's send $lt25 direct to
3506 Olive St. St. Loris, Me.
. Attract, Admirers-use
French HAIR Coloring