The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 01, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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Mi's. Nora Gray was hostess to the
Eureka Art class at har home, 2427
Parker Street, Wednesday. November
21. After business and activities of
the dub were discussed. » program,
arranged by the chalnmn, M'rs. Adah
Bland, followed. Mrs. Anna Mae
Johnson, who was reunited with the
«lub, rendered an oration. By request
our new member. Mrs. Tnixon. sang
a sol0 and also gave a short talk,
which touched many point* ef intw
eet. After a delightful luncheeoa.
the club adjourned to meet with M*e
Maud May*. December 8, at 8:80 P.
M , at 2223 Seward Street. Mm
Maud Mays, Reporter.
Thews young men, who h*-T», for
the p®fit fiy# month#, strirsc to aid
tha causa of moral and mantel order
a« wr.'l ** a higher degree of social
order mong our younger group# and
in themeelves, now have to offer a
definite pregram of intention and a
desae for outside booster# end good
Tho program that will be preeented
shail have the talent# of such popular
young men M \±-. J«nn, Music. Mr
H. Thomas. Oratory, Mr. Lee. Phy.
loeophy, Mr. Levels. Debating, MK
J Williams, speaker, *e well a# Mr.
Dan Gordon. Hr. Murray. Mr. Davie
Spyke and other* drafted from the
outside W e promise you—you hold
u-i to our promise—talent and worth
R Gordon, Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kimbough of
St. Joseph. Mo., are the house guest
of Mr- end lfrs. C. H- Hall, 2520
Decatur Street.
^———— 1 ... ' 1 - - »- - - -.-_ - -. ... -
DO YOU KNOW WHY—They Ooght to &ny Out &d Nest Dess* h the New Hats? ^ ^ ^ mm>*>*mft Frasfc Leet
t%Ajv+r SmvLP «tMt A
F - .
jl unrnr Cwsrs t*»9T
Ml «Mt( au*y «8fc*~
v« at) AUUOS ShoouD HAM3
• I'm A OAWMT -—
The Oarer S«t Club met at the
home of Mrs- Minni* Biwm, 2920
Grant St Ten member* were pres
ent and two visito", Mrs. Redd and
Rise R. Harrold. The evening was
spent in playing whist Mr*. Redd
won first prize, and Rk» Edith Hope
won the booby.
At our last meeting. Ge<wre Led.
din, 2427 Ersklne Street, joined ow
elub. The hostess served a delight
ful repast. The meeting for Thanks
giving week wae postponed. The
next meeting will be at th«e home of
Mrs. Alien, 1822 N- 23rd Street, on
December <Jth.
Leona Allen, Pe*ident
Minni* Burn*, Reporter
Mrs. M-. E. Hill. 2638 Franklin
street, who has been ill. is able to be
out again.
The Am of Club* met at the homp
of Mrs. A. Randall, Friday, Novem.
b*r 23. The first prize waa won by
Mrs Cleota Reynolds, consolation by
Mrs. Evelyn Singleton. Mrs- Randall
pleasantly surprised her guests by
taking them to Bill’s Cafe, where a
lovely supper was served.
The Harlem Knights gave e party
November 28, at the home of Edward
Tate, 2535 Hamilton Street. This
club was recently organized. *nd the
members sire planning on and expect
to have a good time. This was the
club’s fi"*st party, and everyone had
a good time.
Leroy Watt, President
Alfred E- Jackson, Vice.Pres.
Douglas Wilson, Secretary
_If you get any service- out of this I H ....Before you buy your household
1 ■ M M A needs consult the pages of the €>ma
church directory write us a line or ■ III ■■■■ El %■ * .. .
■ ■Ill 1 E I I" U ha Gulde flret*-That will make your
two, we waut to serve- . ^11|| U||UU P»Per a bi»er and better paper....
Notice—Because I have been unable to reach a few of the pastors of some ehures,
I am asking that any church omitted, wiH please get in touch with me, or send in a
written statement, regarding your church activities^, and I wiH gladly enter the same
in this column Any error or ommision in the present arrangement, if brought to
my attention, will be cheerfully corrected The Editor.
We Mre net by brand alone Hie semi is like unto any other part of the body. It
mutt be fed and where is the food? The Church is the only place. Make your
choice of the following Churches and atte nd some church every Sunday.
. ■ . .
Church Scrvisaa Tueada? and Tfeuva
day, evening at 8:98 o'clock. Rev
Prayer Chiba Monday, 8J>0 p. at
conducted by Mrs. Payton.
Penny Club. Wednesday 8:80 p. m
by Mrs. Grffia.
Choir reheroal, Friday evening.
St. Fhillipe Episcopal Church—21st
and Paul St. Father B. E. Holly,
Sermon and Holy Communion First
and Third Sunday at 11 a. m.
Sermon and Holy Communion second
and third Sunday at 7:30 p- ra
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Dil
lard Crawford, Supt
Regular morning services every Swn
Vespers meet second Tuesday in each
month. W. M. Haynes, Senior hard
en and B. B. Cowans, jr. warden.
Women’s Auxiliary—Mrs. John A1
bert Williams—President.
Mrs. J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday afternooi..
Altar Guild—Mrs. Augustus Hicks
Mrs J. C. Donley—Secretary.
Meets Every Tuesday night.
Choir Guild—Mrs. Msrgaret Wil
Mrs- V-alaria McCaw—Secretary.
Meets every Thursday night.
Dorcas Society—Mrs. H. Wiggins—
Mrs. J. C- Donley—Secretary.
Meets every Friday afternoon.
Pleasant Green, 22nd and Paul Sts,
Rev. P J Price, Pastor
Mrs Lottie Keks, Reporter; Mrs
King, Clerk
Servces—Sunday School-9:30 a m ;
Supt Mr Vealand —Morning Ser
vices, 11 a. m every Sunday morning
B Y P U , 6 p- ra , President Mrs
Ida M McGuire-—Evening services
every Sunday night
Weekly Meetings
Mission. Thursday night—Prayer
meeting- Wednesday night, led by one
of the Deacons.„Aulun Cub, Monday
night .President Mrs. Estelle Waters
Pick Club, Tuesday night, President
Friday night, President, Mr. S. Mc
Mes- Turner. Choir rerearsals,
Paradise 23rd and Clark Sts., Rev.
N. C. Cannon, Pastor; Rev. P. M
Harris, Assistant, Pastor
Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., Mr. C.
H. Garner, superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 and 8:00 o’clock.
Prayer meeting wed. evening B. Y.
P. U. 7:00 p. m. Mr. J. Henderson,
Mission Art Club, Thursday afternoon
conducted by Mrs. A. M. Busche.
Allen Chappel— 26th and R Sts.
(South Omaha) Rev. W. B. Metcalf,
Services, S. S. 9 J9 a. m., Mr. John
Fellows Supt
Sermon, 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Player meeting Wednesday evening,
... J
fit. Benedict T£he Moose, 2423 Grant
St. Father J. C. Daly S. J., Pastor.
Sunday school, 9»30 a. m., Shi tor
Mary Daniel, Superintendent.
Low Mass, 9>06 A. M. High mass,
and Benediction, 16:15.
Altar society Tuesday afternoon, 2:06
p. m. Mrs. M. Sterling, President.
Peter Claver Guild Monday 8:00 p.
m. Mrs- Gna Glass, President.
Week Doy Mass every morning, 8:36.
Christ Temple—26th and Burdette
Sts. Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor
Services, 8. S. 9:30 a. m. Rev. J.
W. Gooden, supt.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m-, conducted
by Deacon Stafford, and Elder Hunt
Mission Band Meeting, Monday even
'.ng, 7:30 p. m. by Mrs. Willa Vann
Bible Class and Bible Institute, Tues
day evening, 7:30 p. m. conducted by
Brother J. C. Parker, and Rev.
St. Johns, 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev.
L. P. Bryant, Pastor.
S. S. 9:90 a. m. Mr. W. E. Webb,
supt., A. C. E. league, 6:00 p. m.
Mr. Rucker.
Sermon, 10:45 a. m- and 7:45 p. m.
Class Meeting, Tuesday evening, con
ducted by the Pastor, Rev. Bryant.
Bethel A. M. E. 2430 Franklin St.
Rev. J. W. Williams, Pastor.
S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mrs. Maggfe
Smith, Supt.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
A. C- E. League, 6:30, Mrs. Etta
Mae Woods, President.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening,
Choir Rehersal, Thursday evening,
Zion, 2215 Grant St., Rev. C. C
Harper, Pastor.
Services—Sunday school, 9:30 a. m
Mr. Harry Anderson, superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m- and 8:00 p. m
Prayer meeting, B. Y. P- U. 6:00
p. m. Mr- Murray Landrum, Presi
Salem, 22nd and Seward Sts., Rev.
E. H. Hilson, Pastor.
Services—Sunday school. 9:30 a.m.
Mr. F. L. Wesley Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6: p. m. W. M« Cooper
Prayer Meeting.
Mt. Moriah 24 and Ohio Sts. Rev.
F. P. Jones, Pastor.
Services, Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.
Mrs. A. B. Speese superintendent.
Sermon 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
B. Y. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr. M. Niks,
Mission society Meeting, every 1st
and 3rd Thursday afternoon, conduct
ed by Mrs. F. P. Jobss.
United gabath Day Adventist. 2320
N. 23th At*. Rev. M- M. Boodld?
Pastin’. Sabath day services (Satur
day), Sabath school 9:30 A- M. Mrs.
L. Smith. Supt- Sermon, 11.-00 o’clock
Jr. and Sr- Mission meeting, 3 jOO n
m., conducted by Mrs. A. B Wright,
and Mrs- Edith Boodle. Sunday,
Sermon and Song Service, 7:30 P. M
Seaenth-Day Adventist Church, 28th
and Lake Sts.
Brother George Anderson, Church
Elder, Acting Pastor.
Swn Down Vespers, Friday Evening
Saturday Services, Sabbath-school,
9:45 A- M-, Mrs. Ethel Anderson, Su
perintendent- Sermon, 11:00 o’clock,
Missionary Volunteer Society, 4:00 P
M-, conducted by Mrs. Anna Part
ridge. Prayer meeting. Wed. evening
8:00 P. M.
Clair Chapel, 22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. Alfred Clay, Pastor.
Services, S. S. 9:30 a. m., Mr. R. R.
Boone Superintendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Lucille Gray, President
Choir Practice, Friday at 8:00 p. m.
Board Meeting, Monday 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
Cleaves Temple, 25 and Decatur Sts.
Rev. 0. A. Calhoun, Pastor.
Services, S. S. 9:45 a. m. Mr.
Charles Stallworth, SUperntendent.
Sermon, 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
by the Pastor.
Prayer Meeting, Wednesday evening
Mission Society, Wednesday after
Forward Step Club, Tuesday evening,
by Rev. O. A. Calhoun
Stewardess Board Friday Afternoon;
Choir Rehersa, Friday evening.
Metropolitan Spiritual Church, Lake
St., near 24th. Rev. R. W. Johnson,
Services, S. S. 1:00 p. m., Mrs.
Ransome, Supt.
Church services, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. Sunday, Rev. Johnson.
Pilgrim—1320 N. 25th St. Rev. J.
A. Dotson, Pastor.
Sunday school, 9:30 A. M., Superin
tendent, Mr. Fred Dixon.
B 1. P. U. 6:00 p. m. Mr. J. W
Baker, President.
Tuesday evening, 8:00 o’clock, Gen
eral Group Meeting.
Men’s Laymen, Mr. George Lewis,
Heart to Heart Club, Mrs. Fannie
Porter President
Willing Workers Club, Mrs. Fannie
Porter, President.
Ever Loyal Club Miss Nicholson,
Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.
Senior Rad Circle, Thursday, 6:30 p.
m. Mrs. Fletcher, President.
Junior Sad Circle Wad. 4:36 p. m.
Miss Mildren Dotson. President.
Missionary meeting, Wed. 2KM) p. n.
Th« Happy Hour Bridge Gab held
ita Vast weakly meeting at the home of
Mi and Mr*. Gaud M«P»U. Hi*
club opened in it* u*ual form, after
which four round* of bridge were
played. Prize* for the evening w*r*
won by U v M^PaU and Mr. E»rf
MeCuteheon. Our pr«*id*nt whe waa
hoeteee, aerred a most delightful re.
paat The club and ita member* re.
g.wt the absence «f Mr. end Mr*
Welch, two of their member*. We
hope they will *oon iad it convenient
to return.
Mary Banks, Reporter
Mr. Dean of Lincoln i* »i«k is the
hoepital in Lincoln.
A Note to Women
Vf you Buffer bun painful men
struation every math, do this;
Oat a bettie ft? 600801 from the
drug store, lake It regularly far a
while. If it helps ye* as thownads
of women have aborted tt helped
them, then you wl& feel
stronger, healthier,
and happier.
Try Cardui for seven
pains, cramps, nervous
ness at monthly period-.
Take it just as the di
rections on each bettie
say. Sold at drug stores.
Of course, if Cardui does net beca
fit YOU, consult a ptyefrlwa., ««oai
Net Just Another
PiliTo Deaden Pail
But a wonderful modern medi
cine which acts upon the conditions
which CAUSE'the pain. Take them
regularly and you should suffer less
and less each month. PERSISTENT
LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores;
Small size 50£.
t ^
All the beauty treatments In tfcd
world will not being you a clear*
healthy sfcin M you are* absorbing
poisons from constipation. V
Take Thedford’s Blaek-DraughtS
to reiiere eenettpattan. Tea’ll ftel
better when It acta.; a
Tbedforcl's Black-Draught Is inf*
toted became it is sd
The Junior Auxiliary «f the Amer
ican Legion, met at the home of Mrs
Field, 2807 Wirt Street Fifteen
m®mb«ra were p resent. Four new
members were added to the list. The
Club will give • Tea December 9th
Ice cream and cake werb served- AU
had an enjoyable evening
Miee Helen Bradley, Reporter
Mice Louise Gray, President
Whee yea are jest os edge « > •
when yoa can't stand the chiidsen’s
anise . •. when everything you do
is s burden . < t when yoa are irri
table and blue . try Lydia X. Pink
barn’s Vegetable Compound. 98 eat
of 100 women report benefit.
k will give you just the extra en
ergy you need. Life will seem worth
living again.
Don’t endure another day without
the help»this medicine can give. Get
a bottle from your druggist today.
How to Get Rid of
Look Years Younger
When you can change y»*r Cray,
faded, or streaked hair ta ita natural
youthful soft color In lea* than half
an hour—
And do it at home without fear ef
harm to the hair—why go om looking
years older than you ehould look.
Rap—I—Dol i* the eal. original
hair colorer—18 shade* to chooce from
it i» so supremely good that the best
beauty shops in all the large cities ia
the world feature it. Rap—I—Dol
will not wah off or fade nor affect
macell or permanent wave*.
Go to any Beaton Drug Store today
and choose the shade you need—you’ll
be a happy woman if you 4°—for a
long time to come.
The dab met at the hem* of the
president, Mrs. Nellie Myerjo, 2400 P
Street, Wedneeday. November 21, M
1:30 O’clock. Mr*. Fervrilda Artison
was accepted a* a new m«mb*r.
Aft*' a delightful luneheon, served
by the hostess, four rune* of bridge
were played. The ftwt prise was won
by Mr*. Inez Hudgins, and the booby
I by Mrs- Artison. Thanks to Mrs.
Ogle Warren and Mrs. Nadyne Phil*
lipe for Subing for the club
Mrs. Nellie My«», President
Mr*. Amy Ousley, Report**
l l
Burn Lucky Ht-J*
Inc ana*. How it perAwee
the air. Fills yew room
with the
fragrance of flowers. lealak
ee bad smells. Write for FBI
■AMPLE of Lucky Mo Jo Incense
and Agents’ Money-Muting Bin
Famous Products Co-, Dept. KM—
5249 Cottage Grove Ave- Odsnge
Ifl. vn&.
y —-----_
Quick Relief, or You Onlj P«j When
If ftm suffer from High Blood pres.
»urr, dizziness. inging iu the earn,
'•n’t sleep, feel weak end shaky, bad
teete. nenroua. If your heart pouncki
and you fear a paralytic etroka te
demonstrate the prescription, knew*
as HYGO, I will harr sent to ysu
postpaid, a regular 91 treatment on
absolutely FREE TRIAL. While ft »
non-rpssific, m»ay eases report rw—
mapksdhly qui*h relief, eften eynp.
toms diminish *nd nsnnal sleep rr
turns within S days. Contains no
salts, pbysiss or dope. ft*f* with any
|1. If not your report aanssl* charge
Writs D. S. B. Hibbad, A06-B Coates,
Kansas City, Mo.
/'--- --- - 1
Omaha Poultry Market
1114 N. 24th Bt We. 1100
Draped Peultry While
Yo« Wait
Saved by new \ itamina of Cod Liver
Oil in tasteless tablets.
Pounds of firm healthy flesh instead of
bare scraggy bones I New vigor, vim and
energy instead of tired listlesanees! Steady,
Quiet nerves 1 That is what thousands at
people .are getting through scientists' latest
discovery—the Vitamisu of Cod Liver Oil
concentrated in little sugar coated tableta
without any of its horrid, fishy taste or smell.
MsCoy’s Cod Liver Oil Tableta, they’re
■•lied ■ "Cod Liver Oil in Tablets”, and they
simply work wonders. A little boy of S, serf
•ualy sick, got well and gained 10y2 lbs. in
juet ene month. A girl of thirteen after the
same disease, gained 3 lbs. the first week and
a las. each weak after. A young mother who
••“Id set eat or sleep after baby came got
sdl W health bash and gained 19 lbs. in lean
then n month.
_ T** **—?jv try McCoy’s at onec.
»—■»>” don’t gain at least 3 lbs. of
in a x&ecth get your meney
heeh. Demand and get MeCoy’s-dthe original
. and genmne Ced Liver Oil Tablet*
cIA ragP«vd by Seed Houeekeepind
W Institute. Refuse all substitutes—
Jw iasist on the original MeCoy’s—
"■*- there are sons better.
M N'$ SUITS ffi, I
| Telephone — KEnwood 0061
"1 am so miserable. I'm ashamed to look
at my face. My skin is covered with
bumps and dark patches and I am so Jgffl
\unhappy. Nobody ever asks me for \
dates. Please tell me what I can do to
help clear up my complexion."
I'm proud to look ot my face now. )
After I started to use Black and White / <*
Ointment and Skin Soap I began to/
see a difference. The dark patches
faded away, the bumps disappeared.
All my friends marvel at the change ^
in my complexion. A world of thanks \
; to you."
T—Wff 1
Thousands of people all over the country
praise Black and White Ointment and Skin
Soap. That’s why it’s the world’s most famous
combination treatment for skin trouble.
Start tonight to use according to directions.
Bumps and blemishes will quickly disappear,
itchy eczemic irritations will dry right up
and in their place you will have bright, clear,
smooth, healthy skin . . . the kind of com
plexion everyone admires and envies.
The 50c package of
Black and White Oint
ment contains three times
as much as the 25c size.
It’a real economy to buy
it. Large bar of Black
and White Skin Soap
only 25c. Get them to
day at your druggist.
Sensitive skin
is easily cleared
and lightened
with Black and
White Skin
Whitener. Works
in a safe, easy,
natural manner.
Large can, 23c.
Tuna in "Lombardo-Land” Featuring Guy
Lombardo’s Orchestra, Wed. Night, NBC
Faded Hair?
Don't be unhappy — don't bra wallflower —
your hair oaa be mad* banudful again, in a
jiffy! Gat Gedefroy^'i Lariecs* French Hair
Coldring now. Ke mass — ha more trouble
than a shampoo — results inalmrHy — gor
geous, gtoamiag, jet-black hair. Men will
rare — wanreo will envy. Don't wait — gat
GcJefrcy's today, at your debtors cr $125
direct from $
• 3506 Oliva St. St. Louis. Mo.
Don’t Despair-use
French HAI R Coloring
rot/r DtALlt MAS IT