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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1934)
SOCIAL C ^ ^ a. CLUBS AFFAIRS ''O-0-Cl-e-T-y> ORGANIZATIONS r -— ---- - * ■ ■ » The Joyeaux Bridge Club The Joyeaux Bridge Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Scott. 2611 Decatur. Wednesday ni&ht November 14, where the evening was spent in instrutcions in th® art of better Contract Bridge. The instruc tor aasU'.ment was filled by Mr. Worthington Li. Williams which as signment consumed better than two hours cf the ervening after which the members withdrew to the dining room, wh -re a beautiful table await ed them. Foliages of the fall season we ?dd<d to the thaW-. d-ocmatlons. A delightful r®pa«t. which had b®«n prepared by Mrs- Scott's skidful kit chen fc«lp- was served- Mrs. Scott is better known to her friends as Mrs. War Dcgrtrtment. %After this delight ful meal, the members wished the host and hostess a happy landing and good night Their next meeting will bo held November 28. at the hom® frf Mr. W' Iter Seals, 2808 Binney St- J I ^ and neither will the ft notes in your cheeks W&l bloom into beauty if W,$you expose your skin Is j to darkening, coarsen« r ing effects of blowing jf winds, raging weather. ?| Attractive women safe Wj guard complexion charm with M Black and White Peroxide Cream. Jf This fine, fragrant cream forms f an invisible protective covering over your skin that fully protects i it from damaging effects of Win ter winds and weather. Black and White Peroxide Cream also holds on face powder hours longer and also gradually lightens and refines its tex ture. Large jar Black and White Peroxide Cream, 25c. Trial size 10c. j CLEANSE AWAY PIMPLES —«a*d other skin blemishes by rid ding pores of dirt and other impurities. Use Black and White Cleansing Cream regularly to keep skin flawless. Large can 25c* Trial size, 10c. NOURISH 'j YOURSKIN —with the rich, nourishing oils in Black and White Cold Cream. Pre vents wrinkles and builds up 1 sagging muscles. Large jar Black ] and White Cold 1 Cream, 25c. Trial ) sire, only 10c. I ■ i ■ | \ j I J 11 L J J 8BBu. X JHLJIy L Tune in "Lombardo-Land7* Featuring Guy Lombardo’s Qrchestra, Wed. Night. NBC f Than&fll! ? I should say so / Every Telephone in the home has much to be thankful lor because iis d pleasure- to make others happy and thais our specialty. Slight now — do you hear that rin^ ? -thilj Henry calling home by long distance. He cant be with us for Thanksgiving so lie's telephoning to Another and all the rest. — Thats a £oo& idea for you too — Visit by Lon^ Distance with those missing from the family gioup. Rates are Sow / L_ Pick Up Club The Pick tip Club of Pleasant Green Baptist Church, held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Austin. 2518 Decatur Street, on Nov ember 13. After the opening song, by Mrs. Spencer, there w*s scripture reading from the eighth chapter of Acts, also by Mr- Spencer- Mi's. Mamie Mc Intosh, president, sang and M». Spen eer lead the prayer. A business Tweeting followed dur ing which the Thanksgiving dinner, which will be given at the Church, 22nd and Paul Streets, was planend Everyone on the sick list is report ed as doing nicely. Our pastor, Rev. Price, is doing nicely, but has not been released from the hospital- Rev. R. Cooper, with the aid of the young ministers, of fice's and the Church in general, is taking his place and doing aicely. Everyone is welcome to visit our church and club. At our last club meeting we had thirty-two present. Mrs Mamie McIntosh. President. Mrs Anna Green, Reporter. The Mitizi Club I The Mitzi Club held their regular nesting Wednesday, November 14, at the home of Mrs. Carrie Mac®y After a short business meeting the members were ushered into the din ng- room, where the table was decor ated with a beautiful Maderia Lun chr.n cloth and the Thanksgiving spirit was carried out In the center i iece- After the first course was served, Mrs. McPherson gave the club a surprise by announcing the matriage of Mrs- Blanche Buford to William Mc-ore. The hostess served a delicious luncheon. Contract Bridge was played. Mrs- Cloma Scott won first prize. Mrs. Maude Jones won second prize. Mrs. Bessie Peoples won the booby. The meeting adjourn ed to meet with Mrs. McPherson December 10. , Ethel Kirtley, President; Ruby Ree*e, Secretary. The Just We Club _._ %. The Just We Club met at the home of Mrs. Ida Artison. 2818 Hamilton Street, Thursday afternoon. Novem ber 15. from two to 6 o’clock with nine members present- A delicious luncheon was »crved after which Mrs. Victoria Turner presided in th© ab sence ef the president, Mr«. Scott, who has been ill for the past few’ weeks Mrs. Vassie Harrold was pre sented a lovely lavender »nd white bedspread by the club j members for her loyal service rendered as secne tary for thep past two years, j Mrs. Scott, President; Mrs. Vassi© Tarrold, Reporter. Moderne Bridge Club _ w Mrs. Olivia Shobe was hostess to the Moderne Bridge Club, which met Wednesday, November 14. Mr*. Zer m* Freeman was eleeted *©cretary to fill a vacancy. Mrs. Mollie Denni son was taken in as a new member, and we think she will try to help in any way she can to make it a suc cess. Two hours was spent playing bridge. Mrs. Dennison won first prize- Mrs- Freeman won consola tion prize. Salad and beed was serv ed which was quite refreshing. The feature of the afternoon was fortune telling by one of the members. This proved quit© interesting* THE LADIES OF THE CATHOLIC CIRCLE The Ladie* of tha Catholic Circle met with Mrs GHy Morris. 31848 Cast Street, Monday, November 19 Bans were made to give a charity 'ntertainment. The circle voted in three new members- The hostess served R delightful luncheon. The next meeting will be December 3 at th® home of Mrs. Emma Ward. This club is not connected with any dub in the city. Mable Field. President. Mamie Long, Reporter. MRS. LEWIS ENGAGED AS PHYSICAL INSTRUCTOR % Mrs- Dell Lewis. 2427 Maple Street, has been engaged as the physical instructor of girls and women at the Mid-Clby Center. Her program is as follows: Monday—^Reducing class, 2 t| 4 p. m Tuesday—St. Benedict, 11 to 12 a m.. 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Volley Ball for grade sohool girls, 4 to 6 p. m. Wednesday—St. Benedict. Vollej ball for high school girls. 4 to • p. m Reducing class, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m Thursday—High school boys and girls, Ballroom dancing, 7-30 to 9 p. m Friday—St. Benedict, 2 to 3 p. m. Volley ball for high school girls, 4 to 6 p. m. Saturday—Play school for children 3 to 8 years, 10 to 12 o’clock- Grade School recreation, 3 to S p- m. Basket ball for high school gisls, 5 to 7 p- m LOOKING BACK Fear of Scandal BY VIDETTA ISH (For Literary Service Bureau) Back in other days women were “mortally afraid of being talked about-” A man would not visit the home of aonther man, in his absence If one did, the wife would s«e to it that blinds were open, and shades raised. If it was summer time they would sit on the porch- But now, it is “all different.” In those days it wa» considered im proper for a woman to go to the of fice of a doctor, a dentist, or even of a photographer, without somo one a« companying her. But “them d^ys is gone forevor,” and women, married and single, go wherever they choose and remain as long as they choose. Those were the days of chaperon es. Often little brother or little sister “went along” with big sister and her beau, not for fear of what they might do. but so the people would not talk about them- Now. girls down In their teens go anywhere, go to parties and go to distant communities without chaperones. Beter the fear of scandal and the observance of conventions than the laxness of these times. Mr*. Alta Cousine *f Denver, Colo., is visiting her brother, Mr. Craig, 27th and Ersfeine Street. M'*'s. Alta Consine is the mother of Amanda Williams Miss Anne Belle Wheeler of Toledo. Ohio Is making her home with her aunt, Mrs. Davis, 26th and Grant. While here Miss Wheeler is attend ing the Central High school. Mr. Price Terrell, 2502 N- 24th Street is sick. , « Mrs. Charles Legthnic, 2020 Char les Street is one the sick list. Mrs. Legthnic has been sik for some time and is expecting to have an opera tion. COURT MARTIAL GIVES J. ROMAIN 2 YEARS IN JAIL PORT-AU-PRINCE. Haiti—(CNA) —Two years in jail w«s the sentence meted out on October 22 to Jacques Rocain, leader of the Haitian masses and world-famed novelist. RomaIn wa* ti*ied by court-martial. The “crime” of Romain, along with several others arrested with him, was circulating in Haiti an article print ed in the “Crides Negres” (Cry of the Negroes) published in Parie. Besides the two years in jail. Ro main was sentenced to pay a $1,000 fine. ! MRS. ANNA BRUCKSARDT SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Anna Burckhardt. well-known artist of Lincoln, Nsb.|, and the wife of Rev. O- J. Burckhardt, of Christ Temple in Omaha, was given an un usual surprise on h®" birthday. Nov ember 11. She wa« bom in Burling" ton. Iowa,, on Armistice Day ‘a few years ago,’ but of course. that was before there was an Armistice Day Mr and Mrs. Frank Jackson of St. Paul, Minn- and Mrs. Viola Lee of Ottumwa, Iowa, who are relatives of Mrs- _ Burckhardt, happened in Omaha at this particular time- and they, with Mesdames Mattie Hall, W. H- Middleton end Franklin Welseb. the occasion and Rev. O. J. Burck hardt, motored to Lincoln in Mrs Jacksoe’s car. On their arrival in Lincoln, they found Mrs. Burckhardt away from home, so with Mr*. Lee, acting as chef, the ladies prepared the dinner, assisted by Leona- Rev- Burckhardt b»d bought gome springers before leaving Omaha, and he and his nep hew, Frank, waited patiently until dinner was finished. Mrs. Burckhardt enjoyed herself emmensely, as did the other mem bers of the partly. It’s too bad she doesn’t have several birthdays every year. Althouse Beauty Salon Engages Miss Winston Mrs. Christine Althouse is pleased to announce her recent affiliation with Miss Versle. Winston as assis tant operator. Miss Winston, a recent graduate of the California School of Beauty is an expert in the art of fingerwav ing, manicuring, marcelling and mas saging. Both operators will be pleased to have their roany friend visit them and see the latest methods of hair dressing that are rapidly becoming popular among the Omahans, at the Modern Christine Althouse Beauty Salon, 2422 N. 22nd Street SOCIAL SINS A Summary BY DR. A. G. BEARER (For Literary Service Bureau) Text- Be not deceived; God it not mocked; whatsoever * man soweth, that *hall be also reap—Gal- 6:7. The series began with the thought expressed in the text, “No man liveth to himself and no man dieth unto himself.” It means no man can be independent of his fellows—that every •majui’s conduct dffucts 'other* This text means that ho may expect from others that which he metes out to others. 1. Physiologically It Is True- Everty where are human wrecks which are the result of 6ins against the bodies of these surerers. Suffering thus, they are reaping In keeping with their sow ing. 2. Heredity Considered- When a man sees the effects of his evil life upon his 0wa children, and grief tears and distresses him, he is in the midst of his reaping. 3- Rembrse WlU Come. When one has lived his life harmfully to others and when he finally realizes the evil wrought ond that it is too late to prevent consequences, the deep sor row and remorse are a .part of his reaping. 4. Retributive Justice Comes In. Justice in inexorable; it Is relentless It demands “the pounr of flesh.” The punishment may be deep sorrow, heart-rending disappointments, shame andd isgi-ace, scorn and «onte.mpt, ostracism by one’s fellows, penury in «ld age; but the reaping is inevitable. Yest, social sins affect others— many others; and they bring their own punishment. This is the force of the text used here. « , - Lynwood Hall, Jr-, three year old! son of Mr.. and Mrs • Lynwood Hall, has been seriously ill in the Univer-! sity hospital. Lynwood is slowly re covering after a serious operation. Mr. Murry, 2906 N. -26th Street ha3 returned home from the St. Jos eph hospital. While in the hospital Mr. Murry 'underwent an operation I for appendicitis. T NEWS Religions Education Committee Closes Successful Prayer Week I More than 200 attended the Daily Prayer Services held *t the North Side “Y” November 11 to 18. The fol lowing persons spoke: Rev. Sinclair, Elder M- M- Boodle. Father V. E. Holly and Rev. W. M- Conwell and the following Missionary societies were represented: St. John. New Hope Baptist church, Zion. Salem. Pilgrim Seventh Day Adventist. St. Philip's, Clair M. E., Hillside Presbyterian and* Mt. Nebo- The services closed on Sunday afternoon with an inspir ing program held at the Salem Bap tist church. A fine audience waa pre sent- Inspirational talks were given by the Mesdames Hazel Lewis, John A- Williams and T. H- Goodwin. The Women’s Trio of the Pilgrim Baptist church, the Woman’s Chorus of Zion Missionary ehociety and Mrs. Gerald ine Stewart rendered the musical sel ections- Mi* Cora Haynes presided. Quack Girls At World Herald Building Twenty-two Qu^ck girls enjoyed " specially conducted tour through the. printing department of tho World Herald building on Friday evening, j The girls were conducted to the Edi torial room where they saw and had explained ^intake wireles messages, from there thqy w'ent to the Press room where explicit information was given as to the set up of the daily newspaper. Other departments visit ed wei*e the printing press where they saw the machine in action and the circulation room. On Monday evening, November 26 the Quacks will hold their first Fall Social affair, a Formal Dinner Dance for club members and escorts only. Next week’s edition will have a more detailed account of the dinner. Miss Ida Rollins, junior at the Uni versity of Omaha has been added to the staff of the Y. W. C. A. as a part-time worker. Miss Rollin* will visit the school with children and work with the mothers’ club of the North Side Y. W. C. A. Tuesday Bridge Club The Tuesday Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. C- Jones oh Cooby Street. The usual number of mem bers were present. The evening was spent in playing cards. Fiwst priae was won by Mrs. Janie*. All had a very enjoyable evening. Th* next meeting will be held December 4. VISITS IN MINNESOTA, Mrs. Veida Shannon, 2221 N. 25th Street motored to Minneapolis. Minn-, for a few weeks visit with her friends. We Moderns Sewing Club ■The We Modem Sewing Club met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Faulkner, 2134 North 29th Street. A new mem ber, Mrs. Workman, was taken into the club. / Mrs. Faulkner served a most delicious luncheon. Last week the Club met at the home of Mrs. Sadie Fulwood- The club has decided to have a social meeting every fourth Monday. Mrs. Mildred Bryant, President; Mrs. Ida Bryant, Reporter. The Loving Five will entertain this week at the Bethel A. M. E. church. Rev. Slater of Bethel A. M- E. Church, Coun«il Bluffs, Iowa and congregation worshiped Sunday after noon with members of Cleve’s Temple C. M. E. Church. Rev. D. M. Cole, Is having the ladies of the Mite Missionary branch of the A. M. E- churcht to hold their first quarterly meeting at Nebraska City Friday, November 23. Mrs- Bryant, president; Rev.. D- M Cole, pastor. ) - ■ Mr. Dean of Lincoln is sick in the hospital in Lincoln. Mr- and Mrs. Owen Kimbough of St. Joseph. Mo., are the house guest of Mr. and Mb's. C. H. Hall, 2520, ■ Decatur Street. | LEAVES FOR KANSAS CITY. MO Mr. Harry Bradley of Lincoln. Mrs. Blanche Johnson and Mr- and Mrs. Hairy Leland are motoring to Kansas City, Mo., to spend Thanks giving. Mrs. Johnson will visit her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Dean. Mr and Mrs. Hany| Leland will visit their relatives and friends. CCC CAMP NEWS Company No. 1728 Oar first council meeting was held last Wednesday night- We accom plished the task of appointing var ious officers for oar government. After the meeting, there was a pro gram. Harry Swanson made wonder ful speech, the subject of which was “Keep Climbing.” After talking to a number of fellow members and co workers, I find that many of them don’t have faith in it. They seem to think that it is a good thing but don’t think it can be made a success. We now have a chance to make good. and also to make historp. This ohanca is one of the greatest ways to learn to be good citizens in the cities or states in which we live. We should have faith in our new government, and be willing to cooperate with it Faith must be good for you. Fear is a poison, and faith is the antidote Fear produces failure and misery; faith produces happiness and success. Faith not only should, but does, ac complish lots of things. I am not referring to any forms of religious faith- I am speaking of certain at titudes of ir,ind. It strengthens the mind and helps us to think clearly. It creates ambition, confidence, deter is the secret of efficiency, success. So if each and everyone of us would cease to doubt and would have faith in ourselves, we could mak« this go over big. And ahvays remember: “If the hill of success you would ascend. If the medal of honor you would win, You must not stop to pine and sigh Just because others are passing by. But keep climbing ” The road may be rugged, steep and long, And you might have to travel it alone In the heat and in the bitter cold. But keep your eyes on your goal, And keep elimbing. If your fe«t slip and let you fall down Don’t lie there on the rocks and frown Any cry like a helpless child, Get up and face life’s problems with a smile, And keep climbing. Others may quit and fall by the way “I can fiad success here,” they might say, But remember that there will always b« Better fruit ®t the top of the tree. So keep climbing. Tiny Grant has just returned from at our last meeting. Harry Sampson. Reporter Leon Smith was made Fire Chief a five day furlough to has home. BETTER NOT SAY BY R. A. ADAMS ,(For Literary Service Bureau) If you should ever feel inclined In haste, to utter words unkind, If you’d pursue the wiser way, Take this advice: “Better not say.” If you ar® tempted to resent Some cruel thrust, your wrath to vent, Remember, gross offense despite, “Two wrongs can never, make one right-” When angry words would utterance gain, Such as ’•would catfse another pain, Or heavy burden on Him lay, Remember this: “Better not say.” • If calmly should be one’s lot, Should proof of guilt be, or be not, Judgement suspend, and, lest you may ‘ Be thus condemned, “Better not say.” THE CRITICS Holding their weekly meeting at the Mid-City Community House th« club members pledged their support and aid to the winter eduoatlonal social program ef the Mid-City by inaugurating the season with a mum «*1 te® to be given on the first Sum day evening m December to a select group. Further business carried the stamp of approval to Mr. Level’s idea of pia, of Mr. Level’s origination. Mr. Davis advised and stressed the need of club spirit and determination a* aids t osuccesa ©f various elub pre. jects. , Mr. J. C. Williams, newfly appoint I ed member, aided the club’s various I departments with his eager enthus osm for duty. Adjournment was at 9t35 p. m< Roi Gordon. Reporter. RICHARDSONS RETURN FROM ST. PAUL i t Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson, | 2514 N- 31st Street, returned home ! night, November 14. They were caK> j ed suddenly to the bedside of Mrs. i Richardson’s brother, Mr. Earl Botts, j of St. Paul. Mr. Botts passed a^ay before they arrived- Funeral service a were held Tuesday, November 13. in St. Paul- Mr. Botts was a World War Veteran. Military funeral serv ices were held. - A BABY For YOU? baby all your own and yearn for a baby’s arms and a baby’s smile do not give up hope. Just write n confi* dence to Mrs. Mildred Owens, 2509— Coates House, Kansas City, Mo., and , she will tell you about a simple home method that helped her after being de nied 15 jts. Many others say this has helped bless their lives. Write now and try for this wonderful happiness. —Adv. Not Just Another PillToDeadenPain | Bat a wonderful modem medl- 1 cine which acts upon the conditions which CAUSE-the pain. Take them regularly and you should suffer less and less each montli. PERSISTENT USE BRINGS PERMANENT RE LIEF. Sold at all good drug storesj Small size 50 LYDIA L PINKHAM’S TABLETS FOR RELIEF AND PREVENTION OP PERIODIC PAINS A Koto to Women If you suffer from painful men struation every month, do this: 1 Get a bottle of CARDUI from the drug store. Take It regularly for a while. If it helps you as thousands of women have reported it helped them, then you will feel __ . stronger, healthier, and happier. CARDUI ' cagaoaaa Try Cardui for severe pains, cramps, nervous ness at monthly periods. Take it just as the di ; rections on each bottle i say. Sold at drug stores. j Of course, if Cardui does not bene- j j fit YOU, consult a physician,, meu j RiU i i JL,rr—-Yes, But Columbus Had Queen Isabella Back Of Him ^ IjLD FISHLK