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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1934)
^Raising tho Family* on surei Let's an iaofl>f _• , . Fisher I II WHS,ITS SO FOhnV 1 )THfe Bierces >V .. ( ONE H*S WHfcM -TOOftlHto.' J { the m»».a*«tY xn TIT / ABoor FOCL o "W V.TVA6. uOweOTj t / Jvr lo«ceMt^ / /» • ^ _ __ *—a— ■—» „ > fftilSlHg thC t~ amliy« pa waitw a lot o* pnatt on the wrong person!___ PIsh4T - iTV f* TVW FCJ-UE.a iwhmt wrne j '• TO MOU «V< **>w Jwn exw-tiHE *U0 DOijf ^tOUT <T I vv^7?X. ■ * DO YOU KNOW WHY vile W Songs Are Hem Pllnked? .'J pnau : -! '5 Vthe fr'W/M ABOUT. , 9fr. HO**;«-'■•< '" ' ' S» [„/,;■ l YOVz-feVOO#' a lOUtiHT TO Oi/Ct'c- ' "" ‘ YfX/ VfUPn^’ \ VSfcQ TO s«^ t 7 • •SS^Sef *'->*«*'$? ^ «0lW OF wsf srsf- >x >"M *-wv ^tsr^ H^y -.sks*^ — '«*2s8r. WrbLJ.* /j-TSr--. ■ *y-v w ^ «•• • - ^ *.t r •.• ’* PfSEPEMNG DEJJT-SLAVERY 4.' • % Vn-‘ Thbe planter? thereupon either dis tributed the food, using it a» a wea pon ,tp forve obedience, o®’ charged the fshareerbopers for it on his priv ate hooks, (ipdudting theee charges from the moiley the Negro cropper was; supposed to get at the end of I. the season- Negroes who had been • « # . 1 • - In debt before found themselves in them by the Red Cross. “In 1930; the Mississippi was visit ed by another ‘act of God-w This time instead of flooding the lands* th«re wasn't a drop of Tain- Axain the Red Cross, with a great fanfare of publicity' and a public appeal by ■ "" ■ "4" “»r - . ■ - - —* . • • -mm ■■ - ■' ■ the President s of the United States, for funds to feed the distressed peo ple, rushed to the aid of the stricken. This time the planters protested that he Red Cross was feeding Re Ne groes too much (‘The Great Mother* was spending an average of three and one-half cents per person per Cross stop feeding them so well dest LONDON’S MARKET SA BIG 2 DAY SALE __ „ .. . WE. 0561 Sat. Nov. 24th Mon. Nov. 26th Free Delivcry "GROCERY DEPT." FANCY YAMS, 6 lbs .... 23c SOLID HEAD LETTUE per head.7c SOLID CABBAGE .... 2c lb ONIONS, 3 lbs.10c GREEN RIVER POTATOES (Will not cook ta pieces # # # 23c peck VALUE COFFEE ... 19c lb Happy Hollow Coffee .. 24c lb OMAHA FAMILY SOAP.10 bars 29c Palmolive, Camay, Protex or White King 1 Qc Soap, 4 bars.Ay KRAFT CHEESE Velveeta, XA lb pkg. ... 17c Swanky-Swig Glasses ... 17c VAN CAMP MACKEREL 9c or 3 for.25c PINK SALMON, 2 for ... 25c M. B. CORN (303) 3 ca*s . 25c KIDNEY BEANS . Qc Itasca PEAS, No. 2 s can BUTTERNUT COFFEE pound. 31c BUTTERNUT JELL 4 packages.. 19c Butternut Salad Dressing Pint... 19c Qt_29c —WE FEATURE-~ Muriel Cigars—Fallstaf f Beer M. VENEGER & SONS MOTHER’S BEST FLOUR 5 lb Bag.27c 10 lb Bag.49c 24 lb Bag.$1.09 ..MEAT DEPT. PURE LARD, 2 lbs.25c Meaty Neck Bones, 6 lbs. .18c BEEF ROAST, lb.9c LEAN RIB BOIL, lb.5c Fresh Ground Beef, lb-7c 2 lbs WEINIES and *1 Cc 1 lb BULK KRAUT ... -BUTTER Plain Wrap, lb.28c -STEAKS Round, Sirloin, Short Cuts, lb.12!4c OLEO, 2 lbs.27c Grocery Dept. Roberts Milk, 3 cans_17c Libby’s Pork-Beans ...... 5c -FLOUR Kamo or M. B. Pancake Flour, 3 lb Bag.14c Omega Cake Flour 5 lb Bag.38c* (1 Cake Pan—FREE!) Macaroni or Spaghetti 5 lb Box.33c Red Dot Peaches Sliced or Halves) Vh lb Cans . 15c M. R PEARS, 2'A lb Cans 15c WHITE CORN MEAL _5 lb Bag..15c WE FILL RELIEF ORDERS -r-.-r-r-—r— <. ;■-^ rrrr-" drought was over. The Red Cross promptly cut the dofe. “The New Orleans Tlrfie-Picayune of'February 17, 1931, carried this As sociated Press dispatch from Yazoo. City. Miss.; * • ' “In order to keep laborers from deserting farms in Yazoo-County, the County Red Cross chapter has cut down o» drought relief and bow is adcinisterins only to cases of extreme destitution. Planters requested dis continuance of the daily distributions, saying hundreds of laborers were leaving farms. “During the recent survey which I made throughout the United States, I gave particular attention to the dis tribution of relief not only by the Red Cross, but by other relief agen cies. Everywhere I went I heard com plaints of prejudice shown by Red Cross officials In the distribution of relief. In the South particularly, re lief was distributed to whites in pre ference to Negroes. “In Birmingham, one Negro told me of six colored families who were taken off the Red Cross relief roll because they refused to go to Miss issippi to work on white men’s plan tations. The Red Cross had told the Negroes that they would dear $500 by the end of the season and painted glowing pictures of the swell life they would lead there. But the Negroes had heard of the peonage on the Mississippi farms ever sin^e the 1927 flood and declined the offer. When they refused, the Red Cross told them that since they would not work when it was offered to them they did not need relief badly enorgh. and struck their names from the relief rolls. t REFRESHING RELIEF l OF CONSTIPATION 1 I Avoid constipation! If you disre^ gard its warning and neglect to It promptly, look out for sickness I, You cannot hope to have good health If you do nothing to prevent or to relieve constipation. Borne ot Its disturbing effects may be— BUlou* attacks, poor appetite, bad taste! “ the mouwh, dixrinesa, Bad braatti, coated tonfue. sick headache, spots IxJore the •jea. blasting cl the abdomen, be/thins up and mental eluggishaesi, eta. _When yen need a medicine tot ea&sUpe* **rn> rv won’t Had a better laxative than a NATURAL medicine. Ilka THXDroRD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT, made cat el the leaves and roots of certain highly epproved me dlelnal plant*. Blaek-Dlanght coat* tom thaa most laxative medlelnea. ae roe eaa efford to keep M aad lake it, vbta needed. It ran are Staling had. like you might *• to need at Thedterd’a Stock-Drangbh, toke a deee benight and tael wtht toj —... . - ■ - . - ——■■ --— - -y . .. ■ . “In Birmingham, an ejrea virtually subsidiaries of United Sttte* Steal, I heard of Will Morris, a young Ne gre who died of hunger and exposure in February of last year. “The Red Cross had forced him to work on the reads, under an armed guard, for two day* m the i*ln and cold. In return for a basket of food The young Negro had protested that he was weakened by longer hunger and that he did not think he oeuld stand it- Ho w&a nevertheless forced out on the road work’ at avhioh he died. “In Dallas County. Axk&usas. col ored people, before being given the 9 ! Ross | Drug i Store 3 3 ] Now Located i At ] 2122N.24thStJ | We.2770 | v *■* ■ I i free flour, were forced to work a day for the county. Similar report* of forced labor are in the files of ti» La boo Research Association from numerous towns and cities in Florida. Georgia. Mississippi and Louisiana “Ftp* flour sent to Palm Beseh County. Fla., for distribution, was given to Negroes only after they had worked for it at the rate of thirty cents a d»y i nthe town of Belle Glade and fiftiy cents a day in South Bay. The bags of flour they were given were plainly marked ‘not to be sold-’ “In ‘Clearwater, Fla., Negroe* were so discriminated against in the dis tribution of Government flour by the Red Cross In J.932 that they organis ed a Colored Welfare League and re ported the discrimination to the ‘Great Mother.* Four days after they made their compliant, on November 4. 1932. to be ®x«ct. W. D. Williams and M. Harvey who had headed the delegation to the ‘Great Mother* were taken out by ‘unidentified persons’ and flogged until they were uncon scious-” " • WOMAN FOUND GUILTY OF KILLING HUSBAND Mrs. Ruth Rogers, 2521 Ohio St-. fcvW was charged with the killing of Howard ((Baddy) .-Roger*. wa« found guilty by a jury in Judge eYager’s court for- murder in the second de I made 1 my skin I shades j lighter! t V i:-y' » \;.'M And now. you, too, can have the joy of a kghter, .clearer skin—free from freckles, -pimqles, blackheads, large pores,,blotches. Tonight at bedtime just smooth on Nadi* ■ note Bleaching Crea/ri—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis~ solves dark pigment—for- Nadinola is ddu<-dcting. That’s" why it gets results ,-where ordinary bfeari^hes fail/ ' Tccj Get a jaf.o£t*ad,inola. today at . ' any toilet cownter or by mail AT OUR postpaid, 50c. If not delighted,' Diev ’"your money cheerfully ■■re-" r funded. Nadinola, Paris, Term. oNhtJ&t\xAa^kac/ur^CTeam v ' . .__l _ _ ,» QUIVERING NERVES When you are fust on edge < ■ ■ when you can’t stand the children’s noise ... when everything you dry is s burden ... when you are irri table and blue ... try Lydia E. Pink* ham’s Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefit. It will give you just the extra en ’ ergy you need. Life will seem worth living again. Don’t endure anarhay day without the help this <nv^idnt can give. Get a horde from your druggist today. *>£*&*. 6.(7UL~* VEGETABLE COMPOUND ^ ... —. Call Omaha Poultry Market 1114 N. 24th St We. 1100 FRESH EGGS— FRESH Dressed Poultry While l . You Wait % WEAK AND SKINNY MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Vitamin# ofjCod Lrwm Oil in tuteleu tablets. Pounds of firm healthy flesh Instead mt bare scraggy bones ! New rigor. Vim and ' energy instead of tired listlsssneis 1 Steady quist nerves I That is whet thousands of people are getting through scientists' latest i discovery—the Vitamins of Cod' Liver Oil •SSW£"#HJ>! ‘tf11* tw costed tablets' without sny ofits Wnd fiihj tiafe pf smell. Cfcd Liver Oil Tablets, they're * - called I Cod Liver Oil la Tablets''-. and they * aimpiy work wonders. A little boy of 8. aeri- ' ously aick, got..welland gained 10W lbs: in just one month. A giTl of thirteen after the same disease, gained ? Iba. the first week and 2 *““• wf*k nfter. A young mother who could not. eat or sleep after baby came got all her health back and gained 10 lbs. in less than a month. You aimply rtua}; try. M?Ooy’s mf cnee. Remember if-you don’t gain ht least 8 lbs. o? firm healthy flesh in a month'get yqac money J back. Demand and get McCoy’s-the original and genuine Cod LieerTOil Tablets —approved by Good Housekeeping Institute. Refuse-tall substitutes-^ -insist on the crigjnsl JlcCoy’a-e —— thore are none better, *_ * . f * MEN’S SUITS .SI ■ :. 75c SARATOGA LAUNDRY and ZORIC CLEANERS j Phone KENwood 9061 , 1 DJER-KISS SACHET 7^ !p&wA,&ce£ <=7tayruutce t Here is an early Holiday Suggestion, Nothing you can possibly give any woman wiil be better appreciated than Djer-Kiss Sachet or Djer-Kiss Perfume. Djer-Kiss Sachet is the inimitable Djer-Kiss fragrance in powder form to give a delightful long-lasting fragrance to lingerie and wearing apparel — the Djer Kiss perfume is recognize d as one of the world’s great odeurs. j (2)/er?^&s **7 . Faded Hair? Don't be unhappy — don't be a wilff lower — your hair can be made beautiful again in a jiffy! 6et Godofroy's Lirieusu French Hair, Coloring now. No mess —no mSfe trouble than a shampoo — results instantly — gor geous. gloamieg, jet-black hair. Man will rare — women wiU enry. Don't wait — get Gode frog's today, at your dealers or $1.25 direct frees GODEFXOY MFG. CO. • 1506 Otire St. St. Louis. Me. Don’t Despair-use GODEFROY'S LARIEUSE French HAIR Colorinq YOUR DEALER HAS IT '