I e“ MOORE'S,,,™ This is station B. M. C. broad coating. Hello folks- Boat wishes for health, happiness and success to all. A person must foresee the difficulty if he makes good- It is hard in the world to get along and disregard the other feUow. Marriage is the cold potatoe of love. There are 57 verities of love either one of them will get you in a pickle. Listen to the voice of silence for it is the voice of God. When a man battles the forces of nature it is like a lamb trying to battle a lion. THE BIGOT He has been with the world every since the. world began, often disguises himself 88 the champion of others. Beware of the Bigot. If you think you we too small to do big things do small things in the big way Small group* can m*ka more noise than the large where more are represented. Your life is just * sordid me* but you doubt it. A child wanted his mother to tell him a funny story. She told him jn»t to wait a couple of hour* until his daddy comes home and he’ll tell both one. i At an Armistice day celebration, a gala party all kinds of noise makers rattlers, blowing whistles and horns reminds me it a better to blow horns than “safes.” A fellow stopped by his old friends’ house, saw a lot of water on the floor after a rain, said to his friend, “Your house leaks,. I guesg you ar* going to fix it now ” He said. “Nope tain’t raining now it only leaks when it rains. I saw a street car on a auto track going South on 24th Street Wednes day, but there is a lady In a western city, lV3rs. Arnold of Colorado Springs who purcha»ed an old street car and is now raising wonderful mu^hFoon in it. They are used for many things. \m^=^..- '-- .rrzr-rramiL I THE CHANGE OF LIFE _ j ^ No medicine can prevent the change of : tllf®, during middle-age, but CARDUI does ♦ kelp women to overcome much suffering •' Muring that time. Many women have reported tha* ’ by; taking Cardul during the change of life their strength has been re [ flowed and general health Improved. Bybiflding jip their strength, .wom fi"T^ve overcome .ordinary nervous ness oil'd painful conditions due to — poor noii'rlshafttVA Cardul Is a pureljr vegetable, harmless media cine. When* you need, Cardul, buy • bottle and take it regularly. Several \ ' bottles may be ncci'd. Give it a fair trial and see if it .will help you a* It has t helped so many women. Of course, It Cardul does not benefit YOU, consult a physi cian. NICEt Bold at drug stores. Department O. G. BE A MOUSE LEARN AT HOME **I learned io be a nurze at bone. So can others." says Mrs. A. F.agtin o! Lot Angeles. Graduates oi C. S. N. earn a good tiring in thoir own ccm munities. Nursing oilers a happy, profitable, permanent career. The coue^e is endorsed by physi cians. .Established 36 yeans. .Simple lessons with foil explanations. ''Many pupils 2nd work beioie they complete the course. On* graduate sored 3400 while learning. Equipment, with goods for uniform, is inc.uc'ed in this home study course. Easy tuition payments. High School • education not required. Send postal today for free, iEes trated, fascinating beckltt, ‘‘Splec.iid Opportunities in Nursing," <-m«i 32 samp.e lessen pages. CHICAGO SCHOCZ. Oif NURSING ©ept. 3811/2g N Ashland Bt vi. Chicago, Hi. Pleate rand free beetlet end 32 sample I '.£?□ Hits Name......_ City....State...JUa.... THE AUTUMN LEAF CLUB The Autumn Leaf Club met at the home of Sister Winnie Scott, 1412 N- 26th Street. Devotion*! services were held. Luncheon was served. Everyone spent an enjoyable after noon. Sister Waters, Provident; Re ported by Dorothy CaJdweIl, Secra tary. _ MARRIED 22 YEARS Mr. and Mrs- Evorett King, 2209 Seward Street, celebrated their Twen ty second wedding anniversary Nov ember 1- A chicken dinner and a big cake with 22 lighted candles. The couple enjoyed themselves as be ginners. The evening was spent in pi*ying cards and dancing, music by the King’s Melody Boys- Shorty Glass, vocalist NATIONAL UNEMPLOYED The National Unemployed Council held Its meeting at 2101 N. 24th Street at the Tabernacle hall. Bar bacue and other refreshments were served. Mrs. Mary Simmons announc ed there would ba a business meet ing every Tt|C»da.y night- Dcrethy Caldwell, acting secretary * • RAIN BOW CLUB SOCIAL Friday. November 9, a large nura ber of young folk attended the party at 2209 Seward Street and were an tertaineed by Jes«ie Robinaon and Mabla Red. Tap dancing by Valera King. Eddie Horn vocilist; James Payton, pianist. Refreshment* were served and the remainder of the evening wa* spent in dancing. Susie Cants, president; Valei* King, sec retary- ■ . iBtiifc-; Old Friends are like old shoes I know. To old friends new friends will grow, May our acquaintance never be passed. Mary they be laid on the friendship last. May God be with you till we meet again. POLICE LO#N Cooperation, Courtesy and Caution BURGLARY AT SOUTH SIDE BEER TAVERN Jasper Price. 2701 Q Street who operates a beer tavern reports that someone gained entrance, by breaking j a loek «n the rear transient which let them in the hall than they broke a lock on the door and while in the pace gtole $19.60 in cash from the cash register about 5 o'clock in the j morning. It was reported by Detec tives Zaloudek and Neiisen. BURGALIZED HOME Mrs. Matilda Snipp of 3944 T Street reports her home was gained entrance bji forcing a ooal shute window open and then going upstairs stealing her purse containing $2 in cash and twe bank books and toilet articles. Mrs. Snipp said she heard the prowlers in the kitchen on their way out, and called to her father, Mr. H. Snipp but before the father could get to the kitchen the prowlers escaped and they could give no dis cription of him- Reported by Detec tiveg Zaloudeek and Neiisen. ' S’ BURGLARIZED BEER TATERN Mr. Steve Gerjevic of 5224 S. 28 th Street reports that some one gained ► INCENSE Just scud your name and address and we will send you free Magic Incense, a two-treatment package of Roreen, the five-in-one hair dressing, a sample of face powder, and the Great New Beauty Book. Write quick to Keystone Laboratories, Dept. 16—T; Memphis; Ten*. L, I BETHEL BAPTIST Sunday School was attended in moderate numbers- Mr. H- Garner, Superintendent- Our 1 lo’dock worship was one of note for all present. The acting Pastor. Rev. P. S- Goodlet used for his subject: “The Challenge of Religion,” which was very beau tifully discussed- Th® Senior Choir did some very sweet and harmonious singing- Our B. Y- P. U. period was used as a dedication worship to -the War Veterans, who served in the Spanish American War and World War. One of our old Soldiers, Mr. Wm. Davis reviewed some touching events during the Spanish American War- Miss Mary Jones was also one of the Guest speakers, who gave a very interesting reading- The B. Y. P- U. is showing marked improve ment under the leadership of Mr Jeshua Henderson. After spending the evening In the Union Service with the Pilgrim Baptist Church, a goodly number returned to evening service to witness the message brought by the acting pastor, “How the Prize Was Won,” Visitors and friends ar» always welcome to worship with us at the Bethel Baptist church. N. P. Co., Selects Orchestra From Omaha Musicians That "bigtime” r®dio programs c*n be successfully produced and proper ]y presented in eities of average po pulatloa baa been demonstrated by the public receptioa of the weakly program of the Nebraska Power com pany. in the opinion of Harold Fair, head of the radio department of Box | ell A Jacobs. Inc-, the poweer com pany’a advertising agency. “When the power company consid ered a radio progr&n^" Fair said, “our first task was that of finding the right acrt of t*l*nt in Omaha to stage the sort of entertainment de manded. The fine response of the people shows that we were success ful in obtaining the talent.” Fair said. “In this connection Is demon strates a more important fact and that is, that in cities of similar size throughout the country the sime fine talent is available. .It’s merely a queg I tion of looking for It and then as sembling the various individuals into a flexible organization “For instance, in the power com pany’s orchestra we have drawn musi cians from half a dozen Omaha ov public wactlon to the power com pany’s program “Properly handles and directed ‘big etiy’ program ■are possible in any city the size of Omaha-” Mrs. Ethel Murry of 29th and Parker is on the sick list 8. L. MASON ENTERTAINED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. R. L. Mason of Shenandoah, Iowa, was royally entertained on his birthday, November II, by Mrs. Eva Levison, of 2728 Bnrdeette Street. Mr- Mason is one of the best cat erer* In this part of the country, commoting between Omaha and Sehnandoah. Thirty guests were pre sent and they were served by Miss Mason and Mrs- Simon Levison. The home was beautifully decorated and large roses were spread about. Out standing among the serving sets, was the antique drinking set on a por table bar served by Governor Avant and Mr- Carey Mason. The party ended abouf^ 1 * o’clock The guegte we»e; Mrs. Dorothy Masoiir, Mrs. Lillie Levison, Miss Fannie Lou Levi son. Mrs. Beatrice Garren. Miss Mar jorie Bolden, Mrs. E- Clark, Jean Bryant, Mr- and Mas. C- Mason, Authur Spear, Simon Levison, Gov ernor Avant, Robert Washington, Mr. E- Clark, Ernest Bryant?, Albert Miley, Norman Love, Mr- J. Dudly, Willie Ware, Fred Me Cowan, Irene Harrolcfe Hallie Johnson, Mary Ellen Neal, Dorothy Springs, Mrs. Love. Haze Parketr, Lorraine Parker. entrance to his beer tavern by break ing a glass in the rear window and stole cigars, tobacce, chewing gum and hack saw- No money was in the place. Reported by officers Godex and Green —that’s -why Hack and White Bleaching Cream lightens and whitens your skin be fore ordinary bleaches get startedl t — * No guesswork about Black and Wbitg Bleaching Cream. It’s scientifically made "double strength” and it lightens and whitens yeur skin in half the time and at half the cost of weak, ordinary bleaches. It also fades out mole discoloration* and dark patches quicker than anything you ever used before. At all druggists. For best results, use Black and White Skin Soap (25c) before you apply Black end White Bleaching Cream. Try it. ___II ..I MIS MMIISI ■ A Tune in ”Lombardo-Land’ Featuring Guy Lombardo’s .■Orchestra W.d, N.ght, NBC ST. BENEDICTS PARISH NEWS The congregation at St. Benedict’s 1 enjoyed a very rare treat last Sunday ' morning, afforded by the young men and boys of the Creighton Prep Choir, who sang *t the 9 o’dock mass The choir was under the direction of Mr. Shehe and Mr. Strange. The largest congregation that has been present at one mass for a long time heard the singing cnd was deeply impressed with it’s beauty and vol ume. Many expressions of apprecia tion and gratitude were extended to the two young men and the choir. We sincerely hope they will pay an other visit to St- Benedict's soon A beautiful floral offering for the aitar was sent by Mr- Edders and another by Mr. and Mrg. Gillett. , Thank you The P. T. A. benest banquet will be held in the dining hall next Thurs day evening at 7 p- m- Miss Rachel Taylor, Mrs. D. N Crawford and others will speak- Father WUwerding will address the group in behalf of St. James Orphanage. The Crusaders Quarteet will offer several number^, induing old fashioned songs and spiritual*. ( ‘ j A class in catering and cooking for housewives and profession*! c*tere» tfi* will open at St. Benedict’s next Thuredap, November 15 at 1 p. m This *lata. condacted by Mr*. T. P. Mahammitt, is one of the mo*t popu la*- of the vocational classes under the *usplces at th* Bo*rd of Edu cation and the ability of Mr*. Maham mitt ia wel known by all. Father WUwerdlng preached one of tha most inspiring and interesting sermons that has been hoard recently by, th • congregation of St. B*n» diet's. He J^sedathe text of “The Wheat and the Coclcrel,” and in con nection with the Impressive singing of the high mas*, left a lasting and pleasant Impression on the minds of his audienee. i Father Daly is steadily improving, and is able to be up for a short time each day. , ^ “L” GARAGE OPEN NOW T he Walker Garage, a firm who now owns and operates several Garages throughout the city, has opened up a garage at 24th and Lake Street, where the “L” garage form erly operated. Owing to the large number of garages that Mr. Walker has operated and fcis experience of the several garages enables him to give service to North Omahans as a very few automobile owners have nevei' had the opportunity to appreai ate- The Walker garage firm invite* you to inspect the£r new location, and their expert mechanical service and all kinds of automobile accessor ios. They are offering a special rate for sturdy storage customers, for a limited time. i If you own an automobile and want a warm storage foT winter it will pay you to can the Walker Garage at once for the capacity is limited o* this special rate. RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. D- V. Gordon. 3212 Corby Street, returned to her home from the Covenant Hospital, Wednesday, November 14, where she has been confined sine* November 2. Mrs Gordon was injured in an autom*bile accident while aiding in the c«-r of Mr. and Mrs- Lesli* Shipman. The Shipman car was struck by a car driven by Mrs. Fra Waldron, 2423 Maple Street. CCC NEWS COMPANY NO. 1728 The world is a beautiful book open to all men. but of little use to him, who does not read. Reading is one of the simplest means of culture. You can, if you have the ability to read, not only iearn of the thoughts an ddf-^coveries of the past, but you can als0 keep in touch with the pro gress 0f he world at the present time. You also have an opportunity to take advantage of the late discoveries and inventions. It is not the intellectj alone that renders the modem world, but the intellect, plus the hertiage of two thousand years of thought and discovery handed down to us through books. ARMISTICE DAY EPITAPH No father seeks his merits to dis close, or draw his fra litres from their dead abode. There they alike in trembling hope repos©, the bosom ofj his father and his GOD. I once read a story of two youths coming to- j gethor in battle from two opposing sides and after fighting terrifically for awhile, wounded each other fat ally. They ay there bather in each' other’s blood, the two began to talk about their etrlly life. Early child hood memories were related to each other by these twe who had sudden brother whoa* name wa* Alfred, bat be ran *waj and never returned- Mo ther sent we after him and I should like to see him but there is no chance now.” But, behold, the other raised up and shouted. l“John, John, uty brother.” They claBp©d each other in a gilent enfoldment of death and eo they were found- Just a thought for ell of ue to remember all through life, and may it instill in your minds the cruelty and injutice of war, Armistice day was a little sad in camps. Ju»t to think of the unknown and what might be. To think the war is not over. Unfortunately, there are men fighting for a living for their families and a square deal- It is very depressing to think of, but we are looking forward to and praying for peace to all mankind. CYCLONES FOOTBALL TEAM Playing in top forml. the CCC Cy lones took the Richmond football team by a score of 20 to 0, last Sunday at Richmond, Mo.. There was also « game at Leavenworth, Kas., with the score 12 to 6. They are doing fine. Lee Smith of Omaha, is on the team. Bill Anthony, LaM«r. Jethry Taylor. Dave Buckner and Tiny Grant are very much interested in hunting, they have had good luck so far. Hinlsig Russell and Leroy Carter were over in Reading, Kas., last week and don’t want to go ®ny more. J wonder why? “Y” DRAMATIC TRY-OUTS The Dramatic Club will have try outs for the Spring production on Monday evening. November 19 at St Benedict Church. The club meets at 7:30 sharp and all persons interest ed win please be there on time SACRED CONCERT The following women will speak at the closing services of the “World’s Week of Prayer” on Sunday after noon at Salem Baptist Church at 3 o’clock: Mesdamea Z. E- McGee, T M. Goodwin. John A. Williams and Hazel Lewis. Music will be fnmlsh ed by the Women's Trio of Pilgrim Baptist Church and the Quintet of Cla-ir Chapel M. E- A song and prayer period will be held at the pening service with Mrs. Lula Bry ant in charge. o ' ----’-—-"'ll Boys^ Corduroy 77Hocl i i i i ■ i , i i , ! , , , a , , TTT v WHIN KIDNEY TROUBLE CAUSES YOU TO SET VP NIGHTS When Bladder is Irritated When Passage Is Difficult When Backache Bothers Flush Poisonous Waste and Acid From Kidneys If you aren’t feeling ju3t right— are nervous—have dizzy spells and occasional backache—study your kid neys and learn more about yourself Through the delicate filters of the kidneys, acid and poisonous waste are drawn from the blood and die— charged from the body thm the bladder—sometimes these filters b« come clogged with poisonous waste and kidneys do not function proper— ly—they need a good cleaning. One reliable medio Vs, liighiy ef— ficient and inexpensive is GOLD I MEDAL Haarlem. Oil Capsules— you lan’t go wrong on this grand medicin* for it has been helping people for 50 years—to correct their aches and pains and to banish uric acid conditions, the aggravation of sciatica, neuritis, neuaigia, ldmhago and rheumatism. So if you have such symptoms of Kidney trouble as backache, nervous ness, getting up two or three times during the night—scanty, burning or smarting passage—leg cramps — moist palms or puffy eyes get a 35 cent package of this grand and harmless diuretic at any modern drugstore—it starts the first day on its errand of helpfulness. But be sure it’s GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule^—the original —the genuine—right from Haarlem in Holland. T. J. BROWN LEAVES FOR CALIFORNIA Miss Marian Macklin gave a party Saturday evening In honor of T. J. Brown, who is leaving for California. Those present were Misses Pauline Cochran, Lottie Smith, Rosy Winston. Alice Hooper and Vivian Lewis Messrs. J. T. Brown, Joe Sharron Richard Taylor, Phillips Robinson anc Robert Coalson. A delightful repasl was served. MRS- CALDELL LEAVES FOR PHOENIX, ARIZ Mrs- Audrey Caldwell of 2861 Maple Street, wishes to th»nk hei many frinends who were so thought ful and kind to her during the time she w^g so very Ml- She is slowly recovering. M^s. Caldwell left Sun day night, November 4. accompanied by her sister, Mrs- E- D. Emerson of Phoenix, Anz- She will remain ii Arizona and OakIand. Cat, for the winter. Jania Hair Grower will posi tirely grow hair! Jania Pressing Oil win keep your faair wall groomed — and gloaoy. AgmU ranted to earn big money selling Jania. Send money order today Jania Hair Grower —---- .M Pressing Oil .. 80s -SI-JAHIS HUB GBOWEBHh 1180 14th 8t Dee Moira, la 1 Get Big P»T—make up to 925.00 — 940.00 a week full or epare time. Be our Agent for Sweet Georgia Brown Hair Dreeing Po made, Pace Powder, Bleach Cream, Hair Strength, 300 Product*. Write today for FREE samples and special offer to Agents. .Valmor Co., Dept. 624, 5249 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, UL fir- i » * '-\ Call Omaha Poultry Market 1M4 N. 24th St. We. 1100 FRESH EGGS— FRESH Dressed Poultry While You Wait V.__ I made my skin shades lighter! j m ■■—nrmfinr’” And now you, too, can have the joy of a lighter, dearer skin—free from freckles, pimples, blackheads, large pores, blotches. Tonight at bedtime ju6t smooth on Nadi nola Bleaching Cream—no massaging, no rubbing. While you sleep it actually dis solves dark pigment—for Nadinola is double-acting. That’s why it gets results where ordinary bleaches fail. TEST Get a jar of Nadinola today at 1 1 any toilet counter nr by mail AT OUR postpaid, 50c. If not delighted, RISK your money cheerfully re *'**'*. funded. Nadinola, Paris, Tenn. ' ■ I <^(bj5k\da,* Vgnette, Puree Si?*e > * ^v