Classified Ads and Business DIRECTORY . Help us to Build Bigger and Batter Business. The Omaha Guide n its Eighth Year and is offering a New and Greater Service to its Readers and Advertisers through this Weekly Clasified Directory of Community and City. ROOMS and APTS. __j Be Lucky—Burn Lucky Rabbit In— «en»e 35® can—number in every can Agents wanted. Karade Co-, At!an— ta. G»- i H. ANDREASEN COAL CO. I 2520 LAKE ST- We 2019 3-Room Apt. Heat, Giu. Lights, private Bath. 2430 Blando. JA. 0086. FOR RENT—Back Parlor. 2 beds for single men. Well heated. A $450.00 Upright piano, $05.00, terms. 2220 Willis Ave. WE 1008. House for Rent. WE. 4415 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 1 Morder 7 room house newly decor ated with garage, rent $21.50. Call L,. White, JA eg son 2AjO. Loves Kitchenette appartment for rent at 2518 Patrick Are. We.. 5553. YOUR OWN—LAKE SHOE SERV ICE NONE BETTER; £107 Lake St j *— .. .. ■■ - j Room for one or two gentlemen ob Binhcv Street—JA. 5918 Big Rummage Sale on New Goods— 1321 N 21th St- Come and Be Con . vinced- p BETTER RADIO S£It*VTCE . A- E- and J. E- Bennett 2?15 Culm mings St. Phone Ja. 069S Th-ee Room Apt., Furnature, gas, light and water $4.50 week Ja. 0986 k -- Kitchenette for Kent—strictly modern j 2914 North 25th Street. Two room apt. and use of kitcher We. 4162. One room and Kitchenette. We 4285 Furnished Apt. for rent- We 2303 Large front room. Twin beds. Modem hom*. near carline- We 2134 BEAUTY SHOPS j WILLA’S BEAUTY SHOP WE. 5699 2225 N. 24TH ST GRGP GLOSS BEAUTY SHOP Winter Cut Raft Shampoo, press, ma-rcel . §1.00 Children's work ___ .50 WE 2864 2512 N- 24TH ST FURNiTURE7CL0THiNG~ Men's Over Co3fs, .... §5-00 to $10-00 Men’s Suits, .. $6-00 to $12.50 HARRY BELMONT LOAN CO. 1819 N- 24TH ST. Yew can buy nu>:e for your money at THE RECORD STORE Furniture. S'tove«, Rugs, Second hand clothing for men, women and children WE ALSO ACCEPT RELIEF OR DEES FOE YOUR MER CHANDISE 2116 N. 24TH STREET GOOD USED FURNITURE LIKE NEW Low Pri es—Come See Clothinp, Dry Goods. Shoes Used But Good—Cheap Come See at—’ 1S33 N. 247H ST. We Accept Relief Orders F, E STA UR A NTS.C A F ES Mississippi Way Ear B Q 1825 N. 24th ST. J. H. Parker. Prop. Fried's Kosher Delicatessen 1509 N. 21th St. WE 2190 DRUG STORES DUFFY PHARMACY WE 0689 24th and Lake Sts. Qualify First OWEN PHARMACY WE 6100 24th and Grant Sts. _ : PRESCRIPTIONS Johnson's Dryg Store Cur Telephone Number WE 0998 1904 N. 24TH ST. SHdh~REPA!R SHOPS North 24th Street Shoe Hospital 1807 N. 24th St. \TE 4240 Gem Shoe Renair Shop 25121/2 N. 24TH STREET SAVE TIME, WORRY, CONFUSION AND MONEY BY CONSULTING THIS COMPLETE DIRECTORY OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CITY BUSINESSES. THE MITZI CLUB j The Mitzi Club Rave a tea Mon day evening, November 12, at the table was beautifully decorated with lace cc-v. rs. inn'll*, end har vest cen ter piic- Th" tea w s one of the series of teas sponsored by the Omar Baking C< r.ipany. We wish to thank the many friends who contributed to our affair Eth-1 Kirtley. President; Ruby Reese, Secretary THE LADIES FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Ladies Friendship Club met this week with Mrs.. Burch, 8217 Emmett Str-eet- Ten members were present and three visitors. Mrs. Sadie Shaw, 2631 Fr»nklln. Miss Vivian Lewis. 2620 Decatur Street. and Mrg 4:15 o’clock in five courses. Previous to the serving of the luncheon whilst was played. Mrs Edith Hope winning first prize and Mrs. Tre«sa Ander son. booby. The noxt meeting will be st the home of the president. Mrs iTd* Fountaine, 2115 Clark Street We have two sick members this week. Mrs. Burch is indisposed with a very disagreeable cold and the nature of Mrs. Woods illness has not been de temined. We request that no visitors attend. Mrs- Ida Fountaine, President. Mrs- Minnie Bums, Reporter. Lynwood Hall, Jr-, three year old son of Mr- and Mrs. Lynwood Hall is now in the university hospital af ter a serious operation- His condition is reported to be fair. Beauty Starts \ With A , ^ Clean Skin . x, v \ zz r> 1 .;'*v Melba Cleansing Cream * '/ goes to-thl depths of tiny Jr pores. It gentiy and thor oughly removes cosmetics and dust, never reached by scap. To k use this light, penetrating cream \ night and morning is the \ indispensable first rule for \ a skin of alluring satin So gentle, it seems to caress Ny the skin—it is so light it cannot ; stretch even the tiniest pore. Use for face, throat and shoulders. a f # tfcp. You trill alto trout the note ; W: Melba Cold Cream — 2}c ; m€LBA ! Cleansing Cream smootn Deauty. If your dealer cannot supply you, send us bis name % PARFUMERU MELBA • 580 Fifth Aw*., New York, N. Y. PASTOR’S AID SOCIETY The Pastor’s Aid of the Metropoli , tan church, at 2410 Lake Street, sponsored en Imaginary dinner at the parsonage, 2431 Patrick Avenue, on November 12. The dinner was a great ! success. A large crowd attended. In the meeting the pastor made a won derful talk on the bunding of the club. The president sends her thanks to the members and visitors, who helped to make the. dinner a success. Ice cream and cake were served free. The 'receipts of the evening were, $20-73 The club meetg each Monday even ing at 8 o’clock at the said address. The president is asking a'd visitors to come out an see what we are do ing for the pastor. Rev. R. W. John, son, pastor; Mrs. Willa Voner, preai dent. SAVOY CL SB The Savoy Club held It’s weekly meeting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Swancy, 2206 Nicholas Street, November 10- A delightful dinner was served- Mrs- W. C- Turner, Mrs. Mab'-e Murry and Mr- and Mrs. Louis Anderson were guests of hon or- The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Currie Stuart, 2405 Charles Street, November 17- j Jihn Murry,'President; Luciel Swancy Secretary; Gertrude Johnson, repor ter. HAPPYR FOUR BRIDGE CLUB ' , The Happy Four Bndg® Club met last Thursday evening, Mrs. Edith Smith and Mr- Davis being hosts. The club opened with a brief period of busineess in which suggestions of interest t othe dub were offered by the President, Mrs- C- McFall, fol lowed by Mr. T- St^mpe and Mr. Davi®. Th» cl*b then assembled to pl»y four change® of bridga- Thoaa winning prizes were Mr®. Robert Banks and Mr-- MiHs- A loreeiy re past was served, and everyone had a delightful eveening. MONEY—LOVEj i i1 M- —a— Faded Hair? Don't be unhappy — don't be a wallflower — your hair can be made beautiful again in a jiffy! Get Godefroy's Larieuse French Hair Coloring now. No mess — no more trouble than a shampoo — results instantly — gor geous, gleaming, jet-black hair. Men will rave — women will envy. Don't wait — get Godefroy's today, at your dealers or $1.25 direct from GODEFROT MFG. CO. • 3506 Olive St. St. Louis, Mo. Don’t Despair-use GODEFROY'S LARIEUSE French HAIR Coloring YOUR DEALER HAS . ■ | —r- « FRAT OBSERVES NATIONAL NEGRO ACHIEVEMENT WEEK BROOKLYN, N. Y—S. Malcolm Dodson, National Director of Omega P*i Phi Negro Achievement project, announces the designation of November 11 to 18 inclusive for the cbesrvance of National Negro Achieve . ment week. This period marks the climax to the nation wide activities cf the fraternity ia its program to place before all race groups in the country information concerning the Negro's contribution to our national wed being. During the week local chapters of the fraternity -will emphasize Negro Achievement h(y having radio pro grams, open forums, speakers in schools and colleges and exhibitions of Negro art where convenient. Nov ember 3, saw* the close of one of the most widely participated in essay j contests ever conducted by the fra t^rnity. Local papers will carry announce ments of the varied educational pro grams and radio broadcasts. -. TROJAN CLUB NEWS— Howdy Folks: The Trojan’s on the* air again: The Trojans met Tuesday. Novem ber 13, at 8:45 p. p-j- After our usual business procedure, the meet iug began. Lola McCrcney. gave a splendid report on the club council meeting held Thursday, November 8 A report from the financial chair man, Louise Fletcher was given ver bally. This committee is working out a “Budgeting Plan” for the club. The membership drive will end December 31. If you would like. to., become a member of our Trojan club,! please secure your membership card from one of the members- We have. ran so £ar over oub “Club Quota.” until we are fcAced to close^ this drive at this limited time. I The revised constitution was read to the girls by the Program chairman, EUa Mills. Necessary amendments were made according to sections and articles. Do you remember on last week, we Announced our “Inner Club Dinner ? ” we’er still boosting it for January 17- We want patrons for our.pamph lets, end we are asking our business, professional and social friends to be our patrons- We are having a “C»un try Fair Party,” Tuesday, November 27. all girls are asked to wear ging ham aprons and boys wear overalls. All absent members bring money for tax November 20, for the party. Loa McCraney, gave a book report by Grace -S. Pdchie, which everyone enjoyed- Here’s a little reminder, if you want t0 rent a book, tny Owens Pkarmack rental bock shop. On the 23, 24 and 25th d ys of; November there will be an Industrial j Council meeting for working women sponsored by tbe Urban League. There will be many interesting speak ers at various sessions. Miss Lucy Stamps, who is playing an interest ing part in the council announced to the girls. Mi's. Lola Smith, motored to Oakland with her husband and family. We miss her very much. Wed we are. signing off for this week. Roberta Phamr, reporter. Dorothy Podard. president. SEDATES GIVE FIRST FARTY The Sedates SoeD-l Club celebrated Hallowe’en with a “Hallowe’en Round Up” in the basement of Mr. and Mrs. B- E- McGee, Jr- The McGee hospitality was the same as usual, O. K. Cards and dancing -were the chief attractions- Those present were Mr. and Mr*. Lovejoy Crawford, Mr. and Mrs Robert Rucker, Mr. and Mrs Alfern Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (Bill) Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Waites. Mr- and Mrs. E. Eugene Southard and Mr- and Mrs. Z. E. McGee . . w THE YOUNG MATRONS PROGRESSIVE CLUB The Young Matrons Progressive Club met at the home of Mrs. Hen rieetta Mickens, 2724 Caldwell Street Thursday afternoon. The dub discu* »ed their new and old business de ciding to have a chitterling *upper Saturday, November 17. at the home of Mrs- Cleta Patten McFall. The girl* enjoyed thmeselves by dancing, sewing and playing cards. Mrs Mickens served the Club a delightful luncheon. Mr*. Anni* Tapp, repor ter Mr- Edward Davis, a graduate of Technical High School and who has spent som« time at the CCC camp is in the city for a ten days visit with his mother, Mr*. Anna Davis. Net Just Another PillTo Deaden Pail Bat a woodcrfal modem at* doe which acta upoo the eoodtooaa which CAUSE.the pain. Take them regularly and you should suffer less and less each monthi PERSISTENT USE BRINGS PERMANENT RE LIEF. Sold at all good drug stores. Small size 50^. LYDIA L PINKHAM’S TABLETS FOR RELIEF AND PREVENTION OF PERIODIC PAINS it * , wi,,,a THE FRIENDLY 16 BRIDGE CLUB The Friendly 16 Bridge Cub was entertained by Mr- John Adams 1708 N 27th Street Mr. T R- Turner acted chairin'1 n during the election cf officers- Officers were eleeted as follows. Mr- Frank Adams, presi dent; Mr- M. Avant, vice president; Sam Weads, Secretary; A- J- L? fall. Treasurer; Mr. M Avant and Mr- Cornet won high sco’es- The dub will be entertained by Mr- M- Avant, at 2875 Elnney Street, November 18. T. R- Turner, reporter PASTOR S WIFE CLUB Mrs. J. H. Dotson will entertain the Pastor's Wife's club Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her home 2708 Oldwell. A Thanksgiving pro gram will be rendered by Mi's- Z. E McGhee. O. H- G'dhan. secretary THE CLEVER SET CLUB The Clever Set Club met at the home of Mrs. Edith Hope, 2425 Park er- The meeting was opened at 8:30 p. m. Business was discussed and the roll was called.. There were nine members and two visitors present The Visitors, Mr- Ledden and Mr. John Anderson- An interesting game of whist was played.. Mr.. Jsiah Jones won first prize and Mrs. Ina Bard.:', booby. A four course luncheon ■ was served. We think our progress j wonderful owing to the short time wo have been organized- Our next meeting will be held at Mrs.. Lillian Woods on North 23rd Street. Leona Allen, president; Minnie Burns, re-! porter. VISITORS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Ida Ifountaine ,Miss - June Hughes, Mrs. J- L- Cofflet of Chi eago, and Mrs. M- H- Williams of Avant- Okla.. had a 9:30 Breakfast Friday morning at the home of Mrs. John Anderson- After breakfast all motored to Fremont POSTAL ALLIANCE AUXILIARY Mrs. Aichie Buff was hostess to the Postal Alliance Auxiliary at 3810 Camaen Avenue. Tuesday, November 6- Members who enjoyed a roast turkey dinner were Mesdames Dacus. Wheelear, Wilks. Carey and' Lewis. The afternoon was spent working an the ilub quilt. FUNERAL RITES FOR MRS- ANNA B. DUNCAN The Funeral of Mrs. Anna Belle Duncan was held Tuesday, November 13. from the Pilgrim Baptist church. 2sSh and Hamilton. Interment was in Forest Lawn Cemetery- Myers Funeral Heme in charge. Mrs. Duncan was a long time resident of Omaha and vicinity, hav ing resided in Council Bluffs before coming to Omaha. For a year or so Mrs. Duncan and her husband had lived in Washington, D.C-, where death occurred following an opera tion. Mrs. Duncan is survived by her husband; Mrs. Belie Stout, mother; Will Weir and George Cornelius Weir, brothers; Mrs- Leonia Fisher, si-'ter and Mrs. George Dean, neice. Mr- and Mis. Pelham J- Robinson of 2424 Caldwell are now making their home at 2411 Lake Street. Carolyn Wilma Dotson, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Dotson, 2708 Cald well Street is very sick. 'V NEWS | Mrs- Emmagean Bell is sewing in stiuctor for the Freshman Club Girls. They will make d re sees, blouses and other garments The second »f a series of "Rela tions with Others"’ discussions in the Junior-Senior club was begun at the ’■a?t meeting club adviser of the Optimists Club She replace; M ^Margaret Dicker son whose employment made it im possible to continue Twenty grade school girls became reaogniz-td Girl Reserves Friday, Nov ember 9 at the North Side “Y”. QUACK CHATTER The Quack Club met on Friday j evening with 29 girls present- The 1 club’s purpose is to encourage edu- j cation, to promote self-expression fellowship- wholesome recreation and Christian life- the club desires to build «p their membership. and in an effort to do so is staging a mem bership drive "f which Corrine Mc Daniels is chairman- Applications of girls desiring to belong to the organi zation may be made through mem bers of the Quack Club- The Mem bership drive closes December 31 The time usually given for program was turned over to Mrs. John Albsrb Williams, who was sent to us from the Speaker’s Bureau of the Com munity Chest- The Quack Club had already set asidt their pledge- We were very glad to have Mrs. Wil liams with us Reports from the various commit tees were given by the Committee chairman- Some very interesting pro jects are being planntd by these groups. Watch for them in the near future. Mrs. Florence Branch gave a report from the Representative Geuncp. at the Ceentral Y W- C- A. The next meeting of the Quack Club will consist of a trip to the World Herald Building at 8:30 p- m- Friday evening. New members carolled in the club are Geraldine Martin. Lillian Lander. Clara Leonard and Doliy Roberts. Lucy Mae Stamps- President. Mildred HoIman.'Club Reporter „A six pound baby boy was born November 10 to Mr- and Mrs. ton, whose resider.-e is 1021 S. 13ih \ Street- f , j Atty. Ray L. Williams, Room 200 Tuchman Block, 24th and Lake Streets NOTICE of ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County. Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of Beard Battles, deceased. All persons interested in said es— tate are hereby notified that a pet— ition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leav ing no last will and praying for ad— ministration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be. had on said petition before said court on the 8th day of December 1934, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 8th daiy of December 1934 at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and g^ant administration of said estate to Elberta. Battles or some other suitable person and pro ceed to a settlement thereof. Bryce Crawford, County Judge Beginning 11—17—34 Ending 12—1—34 T | SKIN Now Made Lovely Shades! Lighter Over Night By Amazing Safe Treatment Or No Cost — Skin Becomes Clearer Brighter As Ugly V Pimp*e> And Similar Blemishes Go— J From Right until dawn—a tested beauty treatment now works a modem, aeientiftc miracle or no cost. If in this brief tfme. it does not mate skin look kreofy shades lighter—if it docs not make it naooihm, more youthful and beautiful, your money will be re ^turR#^rdieiitt2i^JJ^jd^^Jijhtfc|^igC