Mr. John Thomas, of 2531 Charles Stsee.t, «r.d friends, Mr Bar go. Mr C. Montgomery, Mr. aiul Mrs. Tho mas, Misa Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Wright spent an enjoyable evening Saturday playing games and cards WALKER GARAGE 21th and Lake Sts. Jacksfcn 7-085 Wash or Grease Job .59 Storage _ per month 2-50 Kerosine - per galon .10 TOW . IN SERVICE Accssories Complete Line GUARANTEED MECHANICAL WORK . __/ ^.V.-.V.V.V.V.V.VV.ViVW-V. j i > 'Che Omaha Guide ■U Recommends ■■ i j! The State j: ■ ma i Furniture Co. £ um ■" Corner llth and Dodge ^ Streets. As One of the Most «* ■H Reliable and Accomodating "* ■" Firms to Buy from. *1 ■H Prices the Lowest % •: and S ”■ Terms tne Easiest ■■ ■: 5 ,.V.,.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.,.V.V.,.’1 __I BCZ Alto celled Tetter. Sslt Rheum, Pruritus, Milk Crust, Water Poison, Wec-plng Skin, Etc. Don’t Neulect It t* Don't Kive up- Jry a wcekf free test of a mild, south ing guaranteed treatment. \rhich for 30 vears has been eirinjr Eczema suf ferers their ‘/.First Real Night’* Rost.’* rit* today—a postal will do. Address DR. CANNADAY, Eczema 8r«liUst 802 Park Sq., Sedalia, Mo. Remarkable New Shampoo Tints Hair TO JET BLACK BEAUTY a» it »a>nes a— way Dirt and Dandruff This new Shampoo d’sc^vemy. teehed T:nt* Jet Black, is. ^ different from any thing you ever us— ed- It imparts new life and lustre as it tints taded, dull, lifeless, ugly hair to a natural,! smooth, full, even rich jet black color—all while you w!’sh your hair and cean out dirt, dandruff, greaseI and grime. You need nothing else>! only Tints Jet Bia<'k Shampoo. Tints’ li«ir and gives it a Smooth, Even Beautiful Lustre! Only 60c for a generous bottle. Don’t Wait- MAIL1 THIS COUPON FOR j -— — Guaranteed Test J Mr. Johnson Co-, Dept.. 500, | J400 \V. Erie St., Chicago, 111. jSend 60c bur Tints Jet Black Sham| Jpoo. ..(If C O D. Postage Extra).11 |Name .| jAddress .j |City. State.| jWe pay postage if remittance comes] J with order TIRED, ACHING, SWOLLEN FEET Jlcone’s Emerald Oil Guaranteed to £top All Pain and Soreness and Banish Offensive Odors !In just one minute after an appli cation of Emerald Oil you’ll get the surprise of your life. Your tired, tender, smarting, burning feet will literally jump for j ay. No fu5s, no trouble; you just ap ply a few drops of the oil over the surface of the foot night and morn ing, or when occasion requires. Just a little and rub it in. It’s simply Wonderful the way it ends all foot misery, while for feet that sweat and give pff an offensive odor, there’s nothing better in the World. j %foone*s Emerald Oil is » guaranteed to end your foot troubles or money back. Dr. Thompkins (Continued from page one) able to dine in a Cafe that wa* estab lished for the soul purpose and con vience of the representatives of Con •,t©ss and their secretaries. Dr Dr. Thompkins said that the Negro was more concerned of the treatment the rare as a whole received from the United States than they are about a Jim Crow Cafe. Dr. Thomp kins Faid as the result of Congress man Oscar DePriost misreur^euta tion of the Negro in Washington. D C-, he was going to be defeated for the reelection in November 6- H© thought Oscar DePriest was well aware of this fact for he had told an Omahan that he would not fee able to assist the Republican party in Omaha due to the fact that h© had his hand* full, taking care of his af fairs in Chicago. Dr- Thompkins spoke on the fine cooperation he had received from Congressman E- R Burk© in the interest and welfare of the Negro in Washington. D. C 'He said the Negro In Omaha coukl not afford to fall to give a full measure of support to Congressman Burke for U. S. Senator- For if he was elected to the United States* Senate the Negro of Nebraska would have a full share and equal represen tation in evstry avenue that is deserv | ing- Dr- Thompkins closed his re j marks requesting especially the Ne ! gro^s of the second ward, to roll up a large number of votes for the en tire democratic ticket especially send Johnny Ojven te the Housg of Repre sentatives in Lincoln. Neb. The stage was stormed by interested voters who were eager to shake his hand and compliment him for his wonder i»ul address in the interest of the dem ocratic party. At the close of Dr Thompkins address the Chairman of the committee, Mr. C- C. Galloway, introduced Congressman E. R. 'Burke- The congressman was receiv ed with great applaudes from the audience. Congressman Burke stated he w»s not going to make a political ( speech for it was not necessary for him to say any more as Dr- Thomp kins and the chair had said plenty far him. But he did feel that it was his duty to say something for the dorr-,ocratic ticket. Ha was glad to .say that the entire democratic party was anxious for the return of Representative Johnny Owen to the House of Representa , tive. Ho spoke on the fine qualities of which Mr. Johnny Owen possessed and the wonderful record he had made in the last session of iegislature- Congressman E. R. .Burke dosed by asking Negro voters to support men in this campaign that will be loyal to the President’s pro gram. Dr- Thompkins was well received by approximately 1.000 attentive listeners of Omaha voters. The house was packed to its fullest capacity. OLD FRIENDS MEET Mr. O- C. Wind, formerly of Omaha ®nd who now resides in Wich ita, Kas.. and is director of Clarence Love’s orchestra and Mr. Walter Jones another former Omahan. who resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, meet in Omaha for a visit with relatives and friends for a few days. Mr. Jones drove from Cincinnati in a lovely car. aecompanied by his wife. Mr. Jones has been married 18 months, he married a Cincinnati girl. Mr O. C. Wind will'be the guest of his aunt at 924 N. 28th Street. Mr. and IVSra. Jones will be the guest of their mother, 2684 Seward Street while they are in the city. CALL OMAHA POULTRY MARKET 1114 N. 24th St. We. 1100 Fresh E^s — Fresh Dressed Poultry While Yon Wait DAMP WASH 14 S 48' Emerson Laundry WE. 1029 2324 NORTH 24TH STREET J"] "I work all the time and feel strong . . You Can Escape Periodic Upsets Women who most be on the job every day need Lydia E; Pinkham’s Tablets; They not only relieve periodic pain and discomfort i:; they help to correct the CAUSE of your trouble. If you them regularly,!.» and if yours is not a surgical case • 4> • you should be able to escape periodic upsets. Chocolate coated ;:: convenient. r-. de pendable. Sold by all druggists. New small size—50 cents; "I am 27 and a textile winder in the mill. I had cramps so bad that I had to cry many times. I used to stay in bed two days a month. Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets helped me wonder fully. For the first time in my life I do not suffer. I can work all die time now and feel strong.—Mrs. Bennie Coates, 1963 Tor* taco St., Muskegon, -Micb. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TABLETS f A Uterine Tonic and Sedative for Women • Thanksgiving Day Football Doubieheader At Lincoln ■*?' . • - In the world of football double header« are in innovation but It is just such a treat that fans who attend the Nebraska and Missouri game at Memorial stadium, Lincoln, Neb., on November 24. have in store. Before the two university teams clash the fans will be regaled by two juvenile team—the Bluebloods of Lin coin and the homeless boys team of Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home. These two teams met for the first time a couple of weeks ago at Father Flana gan’a Boys’Hom e anc the homeless* boys won, 13 to 0 Such an outstanding virand of foot baU was displayed by the two squads that arrangements were made for them to play at Memorial stadium. Three quarters of the game, begin ning at 12-30 will be played before the big game starts, and the final quarter between halves. 'Father Flan a*ran’s Boys’ b3nd also will regale the thousands of fans chiring the game. The Lincoln Bluebloods are formal ly known as the Southside Juniors’ students of Irving High school. It is just one of the number of boys’ teams organized by Bert Faulkner, Lincoln insurance main, who^e hobby is development of sportsmanship in bo vs. It wil be the first time Father Flanagan’s homesless boys have ever played before such a tremendous crowd as is expected- for the Nab raska and Missouri gapie. WOODSON CENTER » The 1934-34 dob season has begun with a bang. The dubs are High School. Jolly Club. Highland Health. Golden Stars, Ever Ready and th® Alumni Club- There are also three boys clubs, namely, the Midgets, Diamonds and a group of old*r boys who styl ethemseJves as the Rhythm °iub. The High School Club will have Mr- George Grimes from The World Hearld Editorial Staff to speak to them at their meeting on Monday November 12. The club is interest ed in planning a club newspaper.. Tha president of the club. Mr. David Stewart has begun a series of short biographical sketches of famous Ne groes, calling on club members for th'ese reports. The first will be given by Cecil Walls on Booker T. Wash ington at the next meeting. This club is panning also to do something in the way of service work for Thanks giving The Jolly Club, a group of very youg girls, have been doing some interesting things. On Halloween their meeting dav, they were told some stories by Mrs. Barre and Mrs Duckworth, all about goblins anc witches The girls are planning tc have a Doll Contest- Vote* -for the piecee- Each girl will dress her owr doll at dub meeting. Jessie King is chairman of the ticket committee anc Viola Curtis and Gloria Morrow are helping her Miss Sarah Murdock is th»' Sponsor of this club "the Golden Star Club is sponsor ing a sale of fresh rolls to sell at 10 cents a dozen oa November 8 Loretta Agee is president of the Golden Stars. They also plan tc sponsor a short program «t the Old Folds Home in the mar future. The Highland Health C’ub enjoy od themselves at their Halloween Party so much so that they didn’t want to go home- These girls are in terested in sewing and have begun a sewing class, meeting cn a day other than their regular club meet ing time. This dub is planning tc entertain their parents and friend at a tea on November 25- Thev have also begun to plan a fair for Christ-* mas in conjunction with -the house activities- Eveelyn Alston is the pre sident and Miss Kizzalee Harris is the sponsor. . The Alundni Club had its mem bership r«lly in the forum of a Kid dio Party on Monday evening. Nov ember 5 at 8 p. m- Twenty three members of the club were presenl dressed in kiddie co:*tumds. Games were played and enjoyed by all. Taf iy appms were served tne group aru; a half hour of social dancing was enjoyed- This club is interested it dramatics- At the next meeting, Othc West, a member of the club will re late some of his experiences in the CCC at Readina. Kas. The remain der of the time -will be given ovei to the reading of plays brought ir by the committee: the. Misses Arielc Mitcheele, Loretta Riddles axd Louise Bryant. On November 17. the clut will nol’er skate at the Central Y W. C. A- Miss Helen Hodgeg is pre sident of the club- The. Alumni club meets every Monday at 8 p- m. The classes in Adult Education bn gan Sunday with the first forum The Youth and the Community was the subject for diseussion. Mrs. Mable Harris and Miss Dorothy Springs offered vocal solos. The classes to be offeree.d are Elemen tary and advanced school subjects. Public Speaking, Dramatic Art and Negro History. CHARGED WITH 38-CENT ROBBERY; GETS 10 TO 30 NEW YORK—Chargedf with tak ing three dimes, a nickel and three pennies from Edwin Eoek. a taker, three men «re sentenced to snend the next 10 to 30 years ef then lives in Sing Sing prison n • p rf ? M €£ 6» C® Cll E a I t# y L ii Liv Cl V « cs* , , // i nU «\ V- i £w 3fL Is ll/ I fci I %i L> 64^ \rV k4S«*r^^»*t (-•- | 2 Drain tubs included And what a Bargain! Think of getting this Thor washer, ironer and wringer for only $69.50. Besides a wonderful Thor washer and ironer you get 2 fine drain tubs , , . all included in this one price. Hurry * . . .they’re going fast. i Only $5 Down 'Bslanee Easy Terns Nebraska Power Co. c* v>--f V ^ Courtesy - Service - Low Rotes \ _ ~ \ ^===^-- ' YOU LL BUY HOME FURNISHINGS TO GREAT ** < ADVANTAGE AT “:T Orchard & Wilhelm Go. . AND YOU'LL FIND THEM VERY CONSIDERATE '! ; AN8 HELPFUL THINGS NORTH OMAHANS SHOULD KNOW , i _ North Omahans are very fortunate in having two of the largest modern laundries *nd cleaning establish m«nts in the city. They should show to these establishments. North Omahans should show their apprecia | tion of these large industries in our community by patronizing theso laun driea. Most of the employees in the Ed holm Sherman and in the Emerson Laundries live in our community. They are a part of us. We should j shew our gratitude for the confidence these fiirms have placed in us by locating in our community. There is no question as to the Equality of their among the finest laundry businesses in our city and their polite and courte ous treatment. They are absolutely j ingrossed with the people who live in this area. The Emerson Laundry has installed the Zorie Cleaning System and the Edholm Sherman Laundry owns one of the finest Vaporized Cleaning Sys terns in the city of Omaha, with all the latest modern equipment. North Omahans are invited to in spect these plants so they will become more interested in the community enterprises- Go any d’V* and the manager will be gladsto »ho\y you through. NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE EXECUTIVE,TO BE GUEST T- Arnold Hill of New York City, Acting 'Executive Secretary of the National Urban League, and director of its - department af industrial Rela tions. will be in Omaha on Novem ber 23, 24 *and 25. as guest of the, Omeha Urb»n cLavue. Whilen i ©iriaha, Mr. Hill will address a num ! ber of meeting and confer with sev eral groups on industrial matter^ as they effect Negroes, Father E. J. Flanagan of^Fnther Flanagan’s Boys’ Home, spoke to an audience of over two hundred at the Midcity Center, Sunday afternoon, on “Parental Duty ” A program by the Bays’ B'nd under the direction of Donald Simmons, proceeded the ad dress. * ^ Miss Lucy Mae Stamps and Mrs. Evelyn Singleton were hostesses at. Luncheon for Father Flanagan’s --<»■ —-v~>- ~ ' E«4 i 1.... A To SeJI C* 9w*tt i>T.-orgia | R'*own j£ M * j r «J ns t Why hare "*••««•* • »* or hard times 1 Be out tewt JJ*ke .,r W 25 00 a wwk. Men and w ri^o w .j_ r *”» tewTi to aell Sweet Georgia I \ «r,‘?'7* ' If--aain* F’rroade, Hair Strength. J , . *’>•;•»•.••* Ur-wn R wb Cram. Pac- Pam ; iT.-r i’.v ri,p *">*» tor job ii.l 1 ' " "t-r VALMof* CO.. , J D -1 e. . }. Grove flvo., ChK->so * DON’T GAMBLE 1j —with the weather ir^ck this up for future re ! fsrerce. Order now wlicn you can get service. Old Fcrt-Christopher, best Fr. Co. Lump...$8-50 FLiiana Paris, Super A ! Grado . $11.00 j Si'mi, A Grade, fancy $10.75 j Purr Oak Semi Coking .$10-00 j Lump Coke, Texas $12-09 ' Coke Blocks_ _ _$10 50 i Imp Cherokee Nut $7 23 and 7-50 i Crystal Lump, burns like semi .. __$7-50 Crystal Nut_ _ __$7-00 Hi Heat Nut_ _ $6-73 Relief orders given prompt at tention; Filled with hot, screened, low ash coal Burr Oak Semi Mine Run $8 50 Burr Oak Semi, Nut Run $7-00 Hopper Bros. Co. KE 6666 28th Ave & Taylor St. IDEAL BOTTLING OO. “IF IT’S IDEAL IT’S GOOD” 1806 North 20th Street WEbster 3Q43 $==="" Ji-L. .. V iVAV.V.’.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.Vi’ ANNOUNCING GRAND OPENING -OF— KIRKE MARKET 24th and Binney Low Prices - Highest Quality We Fill Gov’t. Relief Orders at Lowest Possible Prices. Also carry Gov’t. Surplus. FREE DELIVERY CALL JA. 6242 24th & BINNEY .V/W.V.W.VWWAWJW.' QUIVERING NERVES When you ate put on edge > • * when yon can’* stand the children’s noise :when everything yon do is a burden : : : when yon are irri table and blue : : ? try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound: 98 out of VOO women report benefit: h will give you just the extra en ergy you need. Life will seem worth living again: Don’t endure another day without the help this medicine can give: Get a bottlfe from your druggist todayi i ii V EES TAB IE COMP^^O VISITS IN KENTUCKY Mr. Myers and son. James Myer^. Jr., and Mr- and Mrs. Baown of South Omaha, have returned from a two weeks’ visit in Lousiville. K;a While in Kentucky, they visited re latives and friends. They were also tho guest of Prof- Bullington- They attended many grand affairs, one es pecially, the dance for the teachers (hiring the Teachers’ Convention- On their return trip they visited in Indianapolis, Ind., Kansas City. Has-, and St. Louis, Mo. Boy’s Band. Covers -tfrre laid fun twenty. Miss Edorse Willis and Mrs. Pell Lewis have been added to the Staff at the Midcity Center- Miss Willis, directing musical activities and Mrs Lewis, directing physical education. Friday. November 16, the Parents Council will hear 0s gue$t speakers Miss Rachael Taylor, of tho North Side Y. W. C A- and Judge Rhode of the Juvenile Court- The meotinp will be held in the Auditorium at the Midcity Center at 8 p. m-' Mill I llll ..I Will M|,|W—ilinifll ; ASK FOR I"forbes9| PULLMAN. [| Sliced White f.BREAD !’ And €et More fcr Your p Money Grocer P “help the en era ployed'’ ' ff 1 -F0BBE3 BAKERY— | 2711 X. 24th St. We. G400 | “ -—- -, j ' F f— ■ | MISS VIVIAN LEWIS LEAVES FOR KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Miss Rosy Winston of 2611 Cald well Street, gave a farewell party for Miss Vivian Lewis, who has been visiting in Omaha for the past few weeks and i*« returning to her home i in Kansas City. Kas. Those present were: Misses Vivian Lewis, Lottie Smith. Marian Micklin and Messrs. Richard Taylor. J. T. Br0wn, Joe Sharren and Clarence Davis. MRS. BLACKBURN TO UNDERGO OPERATION Mrs. Elizabeth Blackburn of Court cil Bluffs, Iowa went to the Jenny Edmondson hospital Saturday for an operation lor intern'd goiter. Mrs. Blackburn is the mother of Mrs. G. B. McRaven. 2203 Burdette. Street. .Airs. McRaven’s brother in Chicago has been in the hospital there for the past two weeks suffering fuom in juries he received when he made a misstep while on the train. Mr. Blackburn is a train porter. high blood pressure Quick Relief, 0r You Only Pay When Satisfied If you suffer from High Blood pressure, dizziness, ringing in the eare, can’t sleep, fed weak and shaky, bad taste, nervous- If your heart pounds and you fear a pn-aiy_ tic stroke, to demonstrate the pres— cription. known as HYGO. I will have sent to you postpaid a regular $1 treatment on absolutely FREE TRIAL. While it is nonspecific many cases report remarkavly quick relief; often symptoms diminish and normal sleep returns within 3 days. Contains no salts, physics or dope. Safe with any diet. PAY NOTHING UNLESS GREATLY .IMPROVED nibon send $1. If not your report cancels aharge. Write Dr. $. B Hibba'id, 405B Coates, Kansas City Mo. t*rur*» At«ort«a1 I ft.*, «.»■»» nni^ic* Hair iifMahig, Oiucmraf F are P»«- dm and Ecaiitf B«>ok FREE! ',[*** ier^l 10c cofri or m*mfi to cover shipping? Z No oi :-r At tractive A- ntn offer u •l**'* included. Write G»14«a tSa-o«v Client* Ca» Dept. Nr—40. I I Sensitive skin is easily cleared and lightened with Black and White Skin Whitener. Works in r, e safe, easy, natural manner, 2 Sc. a Tune in "Lombardo-Land,” F A 'IF^ ™DN’THAVE^ y BLACK AND WHITE f OINTMENT AND SKIN SOAP” —that’s what one enthusiastic user wrote sis about this world famous com bination treatment for skin troubles. — Yes, it would be a sad old world. Think of all the people suffering from skin trouble who would have missed the happiness, the blessed satisfaction of relief, that these two famous products have brought them. ► But it’s a happy old world after all . , » and if you’re worrying yourself over misera ble, tortuous skin trouble, here’s relief be yond your fondest expectations. Get yourself a package of Black and White Ointment ancf a bar of Black and White Skin Soap. Use regularly. Then see itching, eczemic irrita tions dry up; pimples disappear; mole dis colorations vanish and your skin become clear, healthy and attractive, free fr/stn the skin trouble that is making you miserable. The 50c package of Black and White Oint ment contains 3 times as much as the 25c size. Large bar Black and White Skin Soap, 2 5 c. »Biniii^GurJ^abtfj»^Oidii>w^W«jswd«r Night NBC^ I Enhances Every Skin A million women every day prove in* imitable Lov’me delicately emphasizes every natural beauty—conceals every de fect. It gives petal-smooth perfection to every type of skin. A finer, dinging powder whids stays on all day. m Flesh — White — Racbd Have yen tried the new Melba Cold Cream? It tell* at only 25c ^ I l IF! € LB A Lov’me Powder £ tj four dealer cannot sappy yon, f m tend us bit name PARFUMERJUE MELBA • 580 Fifth Aw.. Ntw Wuk, N V k . \