The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 10, 1934, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    SOCIAL Q _ • . i... CLUBS
- - ♦
Tb* Happy Hour Brdg* Club mat
wth Mrs. Dancls and Mr. Phllps on
•Hiursday nght October 25- The busi
ness meeting was conducted with all
members present.
Foot changes of bridge were play
ed with Mr- Stamp* and Mrs. Dorsey
winning the club prize. Guest prizes
were won by Mr. Phillips and Mr
Morris. An enjoyable evening wa*
Mrs. Viola McFall President
Mrs. Juia Welsh Reporter
Hello everybody! The Trojans met
Tuesday November 6 at 8:45 p. m.
with the usual proceed ure. The re
vised constitution was read to the
We are happy to say we have four
more new members added to our band
namely Misses Nathalie Brown Mable
Longmire Rosie Winston and Fern La
Velle. We welcome them with a warm
Listen Folks vtfe’re about to spon
sor an event that has never been giv
en (as far back as club history Is
concerned) by any other club. It is
to be an “tTnn-club Dinner ” We’re
asking evedy club to participate in
oar plan. Whether it is a large club
or one ‘merely existing’ we want your
patrenage. The affair will be inform
al held at Zion Baptist Church and
the price will be very reasonable at
thirty-five cents per plate- The date
of this affair will be January 17 1935
Each week we will tell you more
about it.
Tuesday November 13 we wil have
a “Book Review.” Visitors are al
ways welcome
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Lo
la Smith lost her father in law.
The club adjourned with our new
benediction composed by Mrs. Lola
Smith. The benediction for our clos
ing is os follows:
1. Dear Lord as we disband
2. Help us with your guiding hand.
3- To live like thee
4. And as we meet thiB coming
5. Guide us in our acts and speech.
• Amen
A club p#em w presented by Ro
berta Pharr
Let us search ourselves and safy
Have I caused some foot to stray
Or shirked from duty or from deed;
Or scattered about worthless »*ed ?
If I’m clear of all these i’ll say
“This has been a glorious day.”
Well we'll be aedn’ ya’
Roberta Pharr Reporter.
-- I
AnnfelUe McCree who haa been
living in Santa Barbara Calif- haa
come to live with her cousin Mrs- E
Levison and family at 2728 Burdette.
—with the weather
Tack this up for future re
Order now when you ean get
Old Ben Christopher, beat Fr
Co- Lamp. __.18.50
Dixiana Paris, Super A
Grade —--*.„ $11.00
Diana Semi, A Grade, fancy $10.75
Burr Oak Semi Coking ...,....$10.00
Primrose Lump Coke, Texas $12-00
Coke Blocks_ _, _$10.50
Imp Cherokee Nut $7-25 and 7-50
Crystal Lump, burns like semi
—. $7.50
Crystal Nut-- $7.00
Hi Heat Nat__.... _ $6.75
Relief orders given prompt at
tention; Filled with hot,
screened, low ash coal
Burr Oak Semi Mine Run $8-50
Barr Oak Semi, Nut Run $7-00
Hopper Bros. Co.
EE 6666 28th Ave A Taylor 8t.
1806 North 20th Street U
WEbster 3048 |
Utk tad Btaaey
Low Prices . Hicheet Quality
We Fill Gov't. Relief Order* at
Lowest Possible Price*. Alao
carry Gov't. Surplus.
PRHB delivery
_ _ — a mi m m m m m.m m mm.M •
mmm mm mm m m-m mmm —
Mr. Irving Gray formerly of Oma
ha who is now employed a* uperin
tondent of Service at Hotel Del Pro
do in Chicago is spending hie vaca
tion at Wert Baden Swings Indiana.
.This is Mr- Gray's first vacation since
the World Fair began in Chicago and
his wark has been very heavy.
Mr. Gray while in Omaha resided
at 2610 Seward- He was employed at
the Lyal Hotel a* Superintendent for
Brandeis Cafe and the Blackstone
14 years; wa* head waiter at the
Hotel for a number of years.
Mr- Gray yet holds Omaha close to
his heart and expects to make this
his home when he retires.
Dr. and Mrs- G. B Lennox accom
panied by Mrs. Lennox's brother; Mr.
Reed Richards returned to Omaha on
Monday November 5 after attending
; the funeral of their mother Mrs. Eli
zabeth Richards in Shelton S. C
;After the funeral they visited Mrs.
Richards’ brothers and her father who
is about 80 years old. He is active
in good health owns and manages a
large herd of cattle
On hording the southern train en
route to St. Louis Dr. Lennox and
party were asked by the conductor if
they wanted Pullman accommoda
tions- They accepted
During their stop over in St. Louie
they spent the time visiting friends.
They found that Dr- Wm, J. Thomp
kins was campaigning there. When
they boarded the train for Omaha the
next morning it was a plesnt sur
prise to find Dr Thompkins Iso on his
W£»y to Omaha- They met at break
fast and talked of old times present
conditions and especially the “New
Deal ” Dr- Thompkins stated that
hi» main dbject was to speak in be
half of Congressman Burke
They arrived in Omaha at 2:05 p.
Mr- Richards left Omaha Tuesday
evening November 6 in his car on his
way to his home Garden City N. Y
He had been driving here to see hi*
mother when his car overturned in
the mountains delaying him until af
ter her death- We hope his return
trip will be successful.
Mrs- N. Stevens of Lincoln Nebras
ka spent the past week here visiting
relative* and friends Dr. and Mrs.
Stevens 2012 Paul and Mrs- Mary
Lou Smith
Mrs. Viola Quarels left for New
York City last Thursday after spend
ing several weeks here visiting friends
Tho Ladie«T Friendship Club met
with Mrs- Minnie Burns 2920 Grant
St. A delicious lancheon was served
in courses. A veify tight game of
whiat was played; Mrs. Edith Hope
winning first prize and Mrs- Emma
Busch booby. We had as visitors
Mrs. Addie Dorsey and Mrs. Minnie
The club also helped ottr expres
dent Mrs. Minnie Burns in getting
her glasses through the aid of Mrs.
Florence Morris. Mrs- Burns express
her apprecation very much.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Emma Busch 3217 Em
| mett St
Ida Fountaine president
Minnie Burns reporter
M. C. 0. C.
The High School Counsel con
vened on November 2. The new
officers fcr the year 1934-35 are
as follows: William King, presi
dent, Elizabeth Black, vice presi
dent; Ceola Nelson, treasurer;
Ruth Williams^ secretary-repor
We, the members of the Coun*
8*1, are asking your support ir
helping the Max Yeargan Ili-Y
in putting over their dance, which
is to bo November 12, at the Mid
City Center. The admission is 10
•cents. Music will be furnished by
the Blue Rhythm orchestra.
We would like to see each high
school student bring his parents
and priends to our ‘Family Nite’
on November 30. On that evening
we will have a play presented by
“The Litt elTheatre” group and
various other forms of entertain
We are asking the cooperation
of each high school student to
make our high school dances big
ger and better than ever before.
!R»th William*. 5(8 v
American Legion Auxiliary
Post No. 30
The American Legion Auxili
ary, Post No. 30, held their an
nual meeting for election of of'
ficers Thursday, October 25, at
the home of Mrs. Lillian Wright,
5705 So. 33rd St.
{Mrs. Lillian Wright was re
[ elected president, Mrs. Brumeli,
elected vice president, Mrs. Bes'
sie Preston, secretary, Mrs. Bai
ley, treasurer, Mrs. Lillie Wil
liams, welfare chairman.
After business meeting, the
unit surprised the president with
a wonderful repast. A good time
was enjoyed by alL -
The Los Doce, a club made up
of twelve young men, gave an in
formal dancing party at Dream
land Hall on Wednesday, October
17. The hall was beautifully dec
and white, and the entire younger
orated in their club colors, blue
set of Omaha turned out for the
Many beautifu gowns were dis
Played by the feminine members
of the party and the men were
immaculately, groomed.
During intermisflon the club
members wrere introduced by Mr.
John Albert Smith. They were
Ernest Campbell, president; Mar
eellus Ransom, vice president;
William Wainwright, secretary;
Leonard Harrold, treasurer; Adol
ph Bolden, sergeani-at-nrms; Novo
Weaver, Guilford King. Booker
Michael, Jack Michael, Louis Ar
tison and Robert Gray. Music
was furnished by Lloyd Hunter’s
Ojc-hestra. Everyone enjoyed a
lovely evening and wish the Ix>s
Doce much success in the future.
After the dancing party, the
Los Doce, with a number of 'heir
friends, proceeded to the Midway
Cafe, where tables had been re
served for them. The after party
progressed intd the wee pours
and everyone declared the even
ing well spent.
The Fair Play Bridge Club met at
the home of Mr- and Mrs. 0- Smith.
After buKincs the club played four
changes of bridge with Mr. Whitmire
and Mrs. Wilson winning first prizes
for men and ladies respectively. Mr
Simms was awarded the booby prize
and Mrs. aWtson received the guest
The next meeting will be at Mrs.
Wilson’s residence.
Mr*. Charles Simms President
Mrs The aria Taylor Secretary
The Wc Moderns Sewing club
met at the beautiful home of Mrs.
Willie Crbeker at 261:1 Hamilton
Two new members, Mrs. Ruth
Faulkner and Mrs. Frances Al-j
len, were taken into the club.
The hostess served a very love
ly luncheon.
Mrs. Mildred Bryant, president.
Mrs. Ida Bryant, reporter.
The club met Thursday even-!
ins, November 1, at the home of
Miss Mary Gates, The hostess
served a lovely repast, and every
one had a wonderful time. The
prizes in whist were awarded as
follows: Miss Gladys Walker,
first prize, Miss LaVeme Wesley,
second and Mrs. Francos Allen,
The next meeting will be Nov
ember 15, at the home of Mrs.
Laura Love-Wngner. All members
be present, please.
Miss A. B. Lovely, president;
Mrs. Daisy Gater, secretary;
Mrs. L. Love-Wagner, reprsti
Mrs. L. Love-Wagner, reporter.
The Ace of Club met at the home
of Mrs- Carrie Macey Friday even
ing. Contract bridge was played and
a delicious luncheon served. First
prize won by Mr*. Cloma Scott con
solation by Mr*- Evelyn Singleton.
Mrs- Carrie Jewell who has been
oonfined to her home for the past
week with a cold is expected out tn a
few day*
Mi»a Rajdee Jones left the oty Mon
day as soloist with Brown Jubilaa
The oiab met Thursday evening at
the bona at Mrs. Flossie Mayberry
2802 N. 27th St Whist was played;
Mr- Theodore Redd winning Bret
prize end Mr. Isaiah Jones booby. We
had one new member-Mr. Jackoen;
and one visitor
Ik* next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs- Edith Hope 2426 Park
er. Oar club Is now open for sew
Leona Allen president
Advanced Night School Class
Opens At The North Side 7.
W. C. A.
Mrs. Lois Goode, a former
teacher in the Illinois and Mis
souri school Bystem, will teach an
advanced night school class at the
North Side R. W. C. A. on Tues
day and Fridays. This class will
open on Tuesday night, November
advanced subjects such as Eng
13 at 7:30. The class is free and
lish, Mathematics, History and
Grammar will be taught. Men
women and especially boys and
girls who have dropped out of up
per grades are urged tu attend.
Clas swill open at 7:30 and close
at 9:30. Phone Webster 1539 if
you deshire to enter. Mrs. Goode
will also conduct the cooking
class for grade scjwol girls at
Howard Kennedy school. Cooper
ating with the cooking school pro*
ject is Mrs. Elizabeth Riner, head
of the Adult Education Depart
ment Board of Education.
Third Hooking Class At North
Side “Y” Organized
A group of young housewives
have started a third Cooking
Class a tthe North Side Y. W. C.
A. These classes are arrtacting a
great deal of interest and atten
tion and are being taughi by Mrs.
! eHlen Mahamanitt.
Daily Prayer Service At The “Y”
Beginning on Monday, Novenr
: her 12, the Religious Education
i committee of the North Side “Y”
will hold a series of daily prayer
1 services in observance of the
! “World’s Week of Prayer,”
sponsored by the Y. W. and Y.
M. A. A.’s. Missionary groups of
the ei v will join with the com
mittee in these services. There
will be special music and a sneak
er each day. Th services will last
three quarters of an hour. The
! public is cordially invited to come
in and worship On Sun
day, November 18 at 3 o’clock
a sacred concert, trie place u u:
announced later, will close tire
wee’s activities. A fine program
is being arranged. The committee
in charge is: Mrs. C. B. Wilkes,
chairman, Mesdames Kin ley,
Haynes, Jackson, Logan
Rev. George B. £ht?r
Forum Sepak<
“Is the Negro Lo.,.^ i ... n in
the Church?” is the subject for
the Sunday afternoon forum at
the North Side ' . Sunday
afternoon at 4210. .Rev. George
B. Slater, an u..d»ng Metho
dist minister pasturing in Counci’
Bluffs will p.Voont the subje
Thf> E'.cnomic and Political
Plight of the Negeb
Attorney. H.. J. Pinkett will pre
-■ at the closing subject for discus
sion at the Sunday afternoon forum
"s,. Saturday afternoon November 18
at. 4:30 o’clock- This will be. one of
th<- most important discussions of the
erie« A large crowd Is expected
Girls Reserve Activities
The Semper Fidelis club enjoy
last meeting. An impromptu pro
gram including several musical
numbers, a ghost story and some
poems proved very interesting.
Games, followed fy refreshments
brought the activities t« an end.
Robins Hare Costume Party
A large group of “Robins,” the
pre-girl reserve group, dressed in
Halloween costumes cavorted and
cut capers at their party on Tues
day, October 30 at the “Y\. Miss
Ethel Cole, club sponsor, conduct
cd games.
Junior and Seniors Hike
Thirteen girls from the Athletic
Gym club met Tuesday night at
the “Y” and hiked to the open
field behind Howard Kennedy
school for a wiener roast. Eats,
songs around the fire, the radia
tion of comradeship, and the feel
ing o “All’s right with the world”
wore quickly forgotten when a
light started in the general dir
ection of the group. Scampering
girls, a stumbling sponsor, and
tragedy—a pair of broken glass
es—but, we had a grand evening.
Optimists Visit Beauty School
The Sophomore club visited the
North Side Beauty school on
Wednesday, Oetober 31.
The Ladies* Social Hour Bridge
Club met with Mrs. E. Levinson on
Thursday Oct- 26- All members were
present After an interesting programs
•lx changes of bridge were played
Mrs. Washington won .the first price
and Mrs. Nolia booby. * .
Mrs. Matti* Pafrtoa President
The Woman
The very rush and heltenskelter of
our daily living make# it almost im
possible to care properly for the skin.
Even if one is wealthy—unless one is
very lazy — there is little time for
really thorough attention to this most
conspicions factor of feminine charm
If one is to have even possible fair
skin something must be done every;
day in the way ofcaring for it. Alone1
it is not enough to keep the skin pret
ty—nit even enough to bring out ful
ly the charm of a really lovely com
plexion. Something more must be
done—if not every day then at eaBt
onco better still twice a week- Once
or twice a week certainly everyone
can find time for more thorough care
that sKin demand", u tne "Kin neeas
“repair work” it I" obvious that daily
attention i6 absolutely necessary.
■The owner of an automobie ha"
found in daiy use f the. car it must be
given oil and gasoline and certain
minor attention — like inflating the
tires cleaning the spark plugs and all
the other mechanical things by which
1 the machine keeps running. Periodi
cally the entire motor must be over
hauled thorughly. The motor is torn
-down completely and the worn parts
replaced—a general overhauling- The
same attenton most be given the skin.
Minor adjustments of irregularities
must be attended to daily. Once or
iwice a week more painstaking “re
pair wci*k” must be administered if
beautiful skin s to be mantaned
>* have sad before but I will repeat
■ —the most important of all things is
to keep your skin clean for this is
the foundation of all skin beaut/,’
And this must be done right away.—
| Without the use of harsh things that
dry deaden and coarsen the n.^st deli
cate of human tissues.
Given prettier skin—you have at
once a prettier fpco. And thatis a
big step towm-J cl! the other things
we seek in life- Many mentally qua
Ifiied worn n hove had their careers
i “pigeon holed" because of their la
of attention to their person.
Dro-> a line to Marguerita Ward.
( Your ’ ut" questions will be answer
1 ed by return mail if three, cents is
d. Address all in care of
the prper
! '
-- ■ ■
Mrs Inez Hudgins entertained the
club Wednesday Nov. 7 at 231814 N..
30th.. A very delightful luncheon for
eight was served; followed by four
changes of bridge.
Two geests and prospective mem
bers were present; Mrs. Eoma Rob
in son and Mrs. Fervvilda Artison.
The name of Mrs. Fannie Lee has
been added to our list
Mrs- Nellie Myers President
Mrs.. Amy Ously Acting Rep .
The PTA. of St- Benedict will gove
r. banquet Thursday November 15 at
8 p. m. The admission will be 25c.
Ticket* will be on sale from Thurs
day November 8 un«Il the 15th. The
public is cordially invited as the pro
ceeds wll be used for Chrstmas bas
ket* for the poor. After the banquet
the rest of the evening will be spent
in playing cards and other social
Ada Burton Publicity Chairman
*- ... • - - - - .
A nw club has been organised and
(pan named Los Caballeros- Out
first meeting was held November S aa
the home of Harold Biddiex. Wo
-lected our officer which are: Haroldj
Biddiex president? Jasper Cole vice
president; William Davis Secretary;
Hiram Pittman assistant necrctary:
Robera Myers treasurer; Schular
Barksdale reporter and Alfonso DaVj
is sergeant at arm®- Our constltu
tion was drawn up by the members
of the club.
Los Cabaldero" are to meet every
Thursday night at 7:30
- I
Mr- and Mrs- C- Kirley were the
hosts at a lovely dinner Sunday Oct-!
28 at their home 2622 N- 27th St- to
honor A. Phillip Randolph of New
York New York.
The aable was set for eight- Oth
er geests were: Mr- and Mrs. Taylor
Murrell; Dr- and Mrs- A. L- Haw
kins and S. W. Towles- The dinner
was very much enjoyed by all.
_ i
The Eureka Bridge Club met with
Mrs. Payton 2610 Blondo November
3- Five changes of bridge were play
ed; after which a delightful repast
was served and very much enjoyed
by all.
Visitors present were Mr. and Mrs.
McFall and Mr- and Mrs. Sullivan.
The srst prize for ladies was won by
. Mrs- Now-lingand; the booby by Mrs.
j Samuels. Mr- Roberts w-on the first
; prize for men and Mr Ford booby.
Mrs. McFall received the guest prize.
The Halowe’en party was a smash
! ing success. The prize for the tacki
est dressed went to Mirs.. Ricketts and
the second to Mr. Phillips.. Mr Phil
: lips also won the prize for pinning
| on the donkey’s tail. Other games
were played until 2 o’clock
J. Phillips President
(B.. Nowling Reporter
— ■ 1 ■ •-r- ' • * * 1 —
I Ross |
I Dtn4
I Store j
j§ Now Located!
1 ^ 1
I 2122N.24thSt|
I Je. 2770 I
At 9 p- m. the elab meeting xnm
called to order by htthe president
The club voted on giving a dance at
the last meeting and at this time
the plan* were completed.
We want all of you who can to
come out and meet our club at its
Armistice Ball at the Dreamland
Hall Monday November 12.
Our new member Mr- Charles Mc
Wbarter was out and had a word to
say. The elub gave him a big hand.
All members who did nt h«v« to wort
were present- The next mooting will
be November 14.
Virbil Ehobe Presdent
J. Jackson Reporter
You Can’t Wear
A Glass Bowl
Over Your Face
Every good-looking woman knows
that her complexion must be effectively
PROTECTED from the coarsening,
aging, roughening effects of cold win
ter winds and raw weather!
There’s no better or surer safeguard
to complexion charm than Black and
White Peroxide Cream. Just spread
some over your face before you go
out and you know you’re SAFE!
This fine cream not only protect*
your skin but also
holds on face pow
der for hoars. Also
gradually lightens
and refines your
skin. Large jar 25c.
Trial size, 10c.
To keep your
• kia free from
bumpa end blsm
iahea, clean ae it
• regularly with Black
ind WhiteCleaaaiag
Cream. Large can,
25 c. Trial aiaa, 10*
— -
Pre**nl wrinkle*,
•ageing muaclrs and
"age linaa” by
nouriabiag your
•kia with Black and ■
Whitt Cold Oearn.
Large jar 25*.
Trial aiie, 10c.
Tun« in MLMnbtrdo-UodM !'•*» curio* Gur
Lomb^rdo’p OithwtnS W+d. Night. NBC
Swiftest and Best
85 Cents
Pain—Agony Starta CD
Lnve In 24 Hour*
Just uk for Allanru—Within M
hours after you start to take this
safe yet powerful medicine excess
uric acid aad other circulating
poisons start to lsavs your body.
In 48 hours pain, agony and swell
ing are usually rone—The Alleoru
prescription is guaranteed—If oas
bottle doesn't do as stated—money
Beauty Starts ’
i With A
9 Clean Skin
Melba Cleansing Cream
goes to the depths of tiny
pores. It gently and thor
oughly removes cosmetics and
dust, never reached by soap. To
use this light, penetrating cream
\night and morning is the
indispensable first rule for
a skin of alluring satin
r \
' So |uc!c, it mib to acttm \
. th* tkim—h is m> light it cuaaot
Ji «*** *« tbim pom. U»
Ymt^tdU dm wmmttb* mm I
Cleansing Cream