ANOTHER HAMPTON PROFESSOF CALLED TO FEDERfi. SERVICE mBT, ■ iu .u: .. — T AMPTON .INSTITUTE, Va— An •erth r S'.mpton Institute worker ha? bee i called into the service of th« fed« raT government- TJus time the •call comes to the director by pmetn »ioE . Prof- William IV^fiiiLpdrVj/! has been named a federal district «uj* rvisor of adult education for Ne groe'S “A 'V’lfgiftla* and ‘is to assist* fn iho •,AfduiUz ailljtf M.tWdL ubAJiftrtSM adult classes. . _H*SW '■Mliltetfa tiul-t vdl w -<| »> lrt. I'ityl lK iMP ifth grade; (2$ and (6) rural classes ’ -ail e»It*r> tM sedawa wan tu1 CJflrtHWW "d1 fe'tet' l if A*-- in»f )«r»n iaa^i :N'f"!V'jlWftLvi>'»Pf 14C& iarftfiis. r' sPIKW*A>to 9W*.ia«f*w»MnBe thanjj^ r¥TPtledia* t, city, and the problem oft sbteimnHf! rooin^ for ‘nstj^J^^SjJ^n^Atqr mediately pressing Mr.^Coope^^ iry ciudes the counties* of1 SouEKni ampton, I Surry,. Iale of Wight-, Nanseyond New Kent. Kir*J Wiliam, Kif^fcnd and Mathews u-iwittaiMK xm drafted for temporary fetie ra 1 service Mr- Cooper dyes Hot sarrenderhis work at th<* Institute, but wfil carry his new taslca in connecion with ^jtis regular jbetenaion services. Two dObtrlcta -supervisors froptt the "Virginia^ State College at Petershflrg, also have appointed for the same typo •of work; They are Prof. Doxey A Wilkersoh, and Miss WilhelminA E Hamlin. 1 Dr Cooper's years of expertcence in the conduct of extension work for Hamptdtl institute, are considered to have *dnm-ab!y fitted him fbr he tasks ^pnnecter with the giving of instruction to adults. A Hampton gra ■uaie DBKimga masters degree from Colnybja university, and a leadre in extensile coure#« as a part of the work "here, h^ig $x pec ted. to prove a strong worker .in .*Ld of government forces seeking, to spread edaeatiph tb the whole adtflt population. . ? w,.-, t-iut mkrti'ii ’I r.-rs i*«* dhniil rods an. S a<> '>'i;rao WHn^SCORES GOVERNOR’S Ainu m lynching press David would called case of near gro mob was for People •ernor Florid only €uch a pi tinned ment to oners to to refrain SOUTHERNERS URGE ROOSEVELT TO USE LINDBERGH LAV? NASHVILLE — Twenty . nn, I a telejyam to President Roosevelt ‘flinf/rt,i‘ lynching oi (<*y!i .VlWC.=»TOE;TJr*>, Rab^VVine Stcfta jflppja; ;Euv Goff*. B. Dress 1 ar, President,- Nashville ),•:. 'Yf--G-, A.; E. IJ. Rawlings, Editor, _ World Outlook ;J Estelle Has k 1 n, editorial sefcre.tary, Board of Missions, M. E. church, South; Mrs. -J. \v. Downs, Home Administrative Secretary, Board of Missions, M. E. South; Howard I. Kerr, Plasf'or, Hiflshoro Presby terian ^ church; Alice Woodruff, President, Tennessee Womens* fti-f J^mational League of Peace and I T-rT' y.‘ 9dt #«*' A WH>ER VIEW QF CHARITY BY r R. A; ADAMS The Literary Service Bureau) Hep. thy may practice uttermost self and all demands on which isEWS LETTER TO SALESMEN ■j The most favoiablt^ba^jce gtfrfr^dg j experienced by the Sfffts In iiawrgcri fjggnraa^'fe^tte Jrt | partment of Commerce in its first semi annual survey on the interna tional balance of payments. For the ■ first siy months of 1934 there was^n i inflow of $920 million In gold and |lh I million in paper currency while our exports exceeded our imports by $173 j milion : i ■ i- i i -'I ■ i iff, rndB'lry to blaze the trail toward economic re covery according^-tjfl 'Street which rejMtWMS ft&nuflff* . turjprs are facing the fufcura jvith un ^jriinished confidence as rt)ie|r proposed expenditres of more $20 million for expansion .and ITT- -MtilWyafeit&ifMta? suit xi&imto'e&m ‘rtcdibh1 . sSm* *»uhqfr»i ^Topttrt- y&rr&. ******* fffinjt t N* LjrtOwn i agy ^grrut Vwt* ' pHV’«M«*oVllloJfch*4gWKpei»M^te«os d 1 1% dHT^cff^dBt | ;V7r|^wqctf: jMLMwgsnifeff- j cat t -{hittGtm&i ■ projrfmhh '«km- fltittwfbdtdW W-M3 frtoz. '^TKe Til** WefeWy» Basm«& 75i fW*>th^w«« *e*&# ^tSbSfe^&^h’’©» fififc-^bWitcutf** iftiv'fchCir <(Uit»moba&;-''ipredu«tWH nhibvtea- t |ftr£e*p-gti i* * fafrfhg^to m^Fompiirdd1 #eef£:>EIbc-! Brie powet*-i«rt«tfctlbn’ frd%ht loading anA- COttb-h tfbtfc ?r6dtH;ti6tt 1 fir J [TU ", ‘ ”*»-* f j„ After - fotfr successive- Increases which cki'ried the Cotaf i week earlier albove that' of 1938 for the "fir** time this year business faHhres * for the week ended Ocapber 18th fell off sub stantially. rt The number lof ’ fkilurei , was reduced to 214 compared with 282 for the same Week last year. Burt’s Insolvency Index throughout 1934 has been unusually low. The average for the first 9 months of this year was 63 5 compared with -114.1 for the same period in 1933. A srvey of department store sales for the first half of October issued by the National - Retail Dry Goods Asso ciation-' indicates-' k rise of 8 per cent in dollar-'-tfdluef'and 6-75 per cent in unit safe^-^Rfbmpare'd -with this fort" night :dJ^ear ago The survey covei-s T5 representative citifes. Whereases ranged from 1 per cent :Ih; Springfield Il|, to 43 ‘frer cent in Miami With the greatest gains appearing ihtK&'Soutff SouthWei^t-arid Tacific Coast tefbns. ‘ The marked .ri^'e in farmer purcKas-i ing ; power is ‘ rejected in the muctj'] greater than seasonal.increase in sales' 44 peii; Kent ‘ o'ver August fop IeVePwhich whs 33 per cena high er fhan last year and almost 66‘per q?pi higher than in-1932 Contracts for alterations and addi tion* to all clasf3Tlo¥h?£ft:tdth? have dbifoled in volume this-year as cqm lf|^^dbgdWn/-'^-flkrF4'f An »**ma ’ tl&iftftg m} l& testf dfniial structures ^f$>uifi$!d°hg^ ^itr 9fM0O a^^^cffif'-ific^aV^oVet jt-earti *•* -J«trO -£«tA Cigarette output for September rtShed a five curettes. The ;Wj^Victioh aggregate for the first 9 imitiin* i&» tftA|l9J^p^idd"&r«^Mp#fteAf;highf: W1'* totim jtW3 *&Oj»1 sgMwf JfQAine Manufacturers AssoiSaSPcJft? * ^■4 prlriftSjgr s Try Hi the sae of wa machines and pn even sale of irjoners. According pletqd by furniture in gronfl in |hfc£ the inost^n has teen ’achlev&J totals in wik? figures with* beter. shoving stores and ' some sections of South Southwest . many* retailers ' mdef $50p06d I * “ j figures of August 1933 while increas es of '25 per cent to 50 per cent were general. Ine widening of the demanc . r jiM.rr prnraw gnliUwew mi * fa«r feqo,r>-otK .t)Jw> *it i f; ;pu »APP¥i BI8THi>AY oafs t| ", i rs foorf/n» toft h-i , ■'Mra,qi^yi®;:'Webch£r1c^l*)W4»d her; 87th birthday Oefc<>83rdr af rthtefj cdzyt;,hta^ :hanife $A2ft Hamilton St.: Hfeit hunhand had ©nrichaned, the lard-f er for this aped*! occasion-a*n & Isi much devoted to Ws wife and their 2. y^©M dafightefcl&afgdrit*:0 ^ on this oebansira: Jrtfrgarifce #ii*Hon her good'behaviour'and romped ahd played with Eteddie white Mother ^nt to the tldtcheh arid prepared a palatable birthday luncheon- > Thb lencheon consisted of fried thicken l :ream gravy and various vegetables putting on the finishing tioueh With plenty pf ice cream cake and fruit in. the abundance. At this cozy ’ little table sat Mr. and Mrs. Wol _£.-i,—U_J—L_ ; 1 > )i '•5 ~ / /• ’ L\'Ji b »<* , . , POSTAL ALLIANCE I*EWS ; • i tj- veti-i The imfftajlat^pn jeers qf, th#. Omaha Bxp^ch ^aijqa^ (Allianp*^ Postal Emp^-eea jvas ^.^pe Q>b%. munlty Center Saturday Novenjbftjy 3 1934 _b_ M The meetTftg wiis^hllbdt»^>rdlfP^y .^chairman M. A>Attit«*P«?presi (ffcKb 1‘ The regular 'of''bosi itttiar been tiiianSaStea..’ W*? rfeefcshi^ cfcHVe has'tnelT with1- sifet{'’1p¥<5* r gross '^SiiftiiWe hope to rh&ke the first of OdceftheV? ByireqtifeStibf %ejpresident WrKS&ffi ddl»om‘¥W^b» W'the'i’Otlzeh^ Cotrr rpijtfcee instaUfeh newly elected* of* ficers. l ne ocicers for the enstunc year are t-uJ tt. ™- ¥» 1 -rsTl _ t : I pos | i&r clerk who was prompted recently ftf /Special «0letkilOBilei»«laM^lyal^) . gfdtulaajpn*. rftih T#rjin-}*S •>£ J.*1f ext "*?e nrege-^eqvai wfth Jf flight dhtchuhuicki-by, auria#yaf iaWren t'arv Gift® fife sriB.VTo f^ifeediajs that; wp, etti>witofc attiy'feihW^-^uch" __ ! .hiv> tutnitWilM -rift fd^i -^i " ”—L* ’> Yiy quorg yyrsf Jlisa Kttfeh-; 5B viplmm ;> w&pf $tr the :|Mert b#ew>v3»eeic«rfthn3 ibfrfff tisiti^fMncgrehriwfoarhdj! fr* |togejeqai(lfcla'.X*hfc«AihM Q& •s94«£fe& , !«rar sitagbrar* cwinflV TtldtttboP b-2h. t > $#e Reports a nice trip and a -tSfly; - edjojrable time whhdt ^"aewisHi ^j)oyableaiMfcet!*t jrinfcfe hshe rwag » >dt rmyit ulibf ftj^hriJ b j fi» lifer'; vi-.b>. ifiT t jiit diriv t Brad© School Recognitidn Seriiok ^ThjefJGbffad&iScfeaol 'Rfeeagiutiob i s^fvijfgs iiSil .Ibo' n Sijle 1 ‘bY/dc Ft£bday»t Nois/eiabwi 9 : ytj 4 Oi dftsftxskLr Lnu ,pida >?jaTmo‘i tc WtML. 1 m .. *■, >_1r_*_ ft! i U JOBLESS MEN ■ — • ua MWW*1 '• lnw>"»i march" infuiiue dq*'T/f ■ f ATiftSl-^ip*1ra^e * U^rgres wWcti"the'po •| Hce are trying to pin on Ne| i this city. The police d»t red its force - tha«65«6rjid< . LVitlJR ^w^pna^t hf?r on horned'* or drag£ gTO I workers in off the srteets. L Fake -Rape” Story " "charge" is" so "calculous" * * X' Ndgro wrec&arA tmegmieiusodn^mA rafcxl a white tMirjok. iftKlSoad day | Iig^it in front- ef the-State; the big folate; pncstfthWa.fev^fty f “ASbitho Xntrt^ete iAid^ftitt^i ilni r Allra*y ,%OkrB>Sl&y^i TH*te*it#£?itrdRt> to PMstteii ckd^fc* [tenjipt was made to J iniff; i^ro-‘WoTamsr Afufa?3£atlW|: j/ -£»*I .arM ^rubrfTMi , oaten*! t % z -dmmmm nil JUUl bo^| JL JHipi Lu?r>baovf Turned Far in Stqte and Local _Qffis*als_lJft No t. •w«^^efrk(!n *«] imiACaSftDMAa ■^NBW YORK—(CNA->—The penal ty ;p«T^ons 'ihvoivtedJihi the Jrypqfen^^q^ Cflm4&]Nmlr 2»* Irani $ Mirifjyjq |w^*;V6n [the ■ quarters n ths ctv. , _ The L?N7t: and th»: ILD. are de manding the prosecutpn of $]’{ erp and of the offeala nvolved"^ jfclua ing Sheriff W. F. Shambliss of Jack son County Fla- and Sheriff G. S. Byrde jailer at Brewton Alabama who turned Neal over to the lynchers Warned 12 hours in advance that Neal would be lynched neither .the federal government nor the, state of ficials of, Florida lifted a finger to prevent this atrocious lynching. Although the fact that Neal was kidnapped and carried accross the state. Jin# from Alabama provides a tclear cse %,, & Me,rf®ntioj».’93 the basis of the federal kidnapping law it is already clear that terrifu? pressure Will have, ip,Sb©; brought to. bear..on the government tp bring,a?' ^jWb- fW' JWigS .pa? spatfd- . "I’fyere .is ,no basis fer ft ^pmea^la^r, that t^p.kdnappipg law teqtiop of> tbp jieb apd | Lynchers Go Frderocgs ff>w t Between Attorney General Cum ^ngS’- j“SPJ»err.M Jtfifll bafcls. tfkr JffWdfal a«*iDfy”.fi»v/fim9r d>ato*£ SphoItaWf‘It ’woul4Fjbav!e rbeemMiftae ttf. 4alNth© apd. Sheriff WuPl Shamfadfesl ;‘i ca^ taker any aefo norths lynch** »rl^ealfiaDe rraalkMg .«ti* * tft* e ta */to d ay frepj: jutew antf -wdmww><. Clapdaj N-toi.fujaj faifrestod *»rr tes framed. -*§ halgeLofc hav i ng.. i oknd and killed Lola Cannidy a white girl* at, Greaftwqad Jpihg lyn^sOTtft^wad-^tt»^«ITe«M th^s Sheriff W- ~F, Shamblias in a JjW secretary to Governor Scholtz ox 5 awia> be! safe from interference the lynchers pxoctpdp4{in>rfMtope6*4jrte)fthex fireww ^pn jaU.awMOTtfndpil/N’felfu ‘i officers igfgb^rgidi’nurijB mn.fetisrfcrmre whp te^qaf) £ apdrrNeaS> • j w«« kidn*p£edrl the Alabam Florida .burti&Tiu i&, ifQ&qwHi, vjraMiiyjraWobbcet f t.hftwwtfng. lynohJHgidBrfcieh gavd all officiate- ample notice-as to what tffcfeUfl A&MVWt 'U&tMymi £vconkmittee of six”- eimmted about tlid tawiuargjafennuriwHtwc ffelttb fyl Wrfce i»i(hi»Btthal lv*tthi/ig2->'kdiWjc^ M ’ha'r.rowfcl whiled--iiriW# th^Mne5 fcylgeri^’/te khrk* ihfr* itiiiX theugioifttd.'^fruovf * f>«4 ;1N^w^£|rfn/q(l*yed WGal^ifr> spre^diftgfhtWs pl#HP if 0*i|t afl8SfU irinfedn Id/WpstttHfaYdth#i Iksimhtl# Bwj; dated October 26—the day be'-1 GnfS: tko A: OwirigWiMtoliCe^TiOfl »rft ff£ ,SE *I‘:' iih Fffc*m*afi(trrroxl a*! itffceal was taken frdh!hjlr'Bj4^fir: Uab4ma tjW&qiSflfr ;ho tiolr.v:! ;stv*6htrfi > h* >it'MV hT voulii b6f‘l^ch*Sd-d*i tie 'SJjbk wler£M tfe is hlW^a tf> .fcavP kfted'Sliss* £> ivGahnidy 23 ast week - “Brought by ftjfxWs* t$& 9 ^bb. . 'nhanried to lynch the pffisbn at the »fioh !W*k*A >ll^r^'^eU> m* Smrnld^-^ imb lc*ml > tP: light. 7# lavt-'rl- .^*»*e "f the crime and burned at the^st*]* *nd quoted a deputy sheriff as Sffjnnl in his opinion the mob would n8lT d< bothered either before or after th( tofawg*. ■ ► ^ “1 ho Dothan Ala. Eagle said it hac -b in told th% mob w^..hflfdTng ffic •o four .--i/^fineftf attack -roffurAf i$e had b*6 ttuTfynching ^°^ld oc^ur ‘ Hark,’ JThjs mobi The ' | *Vlll- white'folks ^jnnKe.*£5tr_ ^ , lynched on the BnnksCj Riyer early, on dhe , He was knifed riddled- wi ms and finally” his body was draeeed 4 w»w '&id girl. There rTTd2Sn more shots wefr'dwp«n?^3hr«W«4hlfJTS^^i •# fmrima mh I r^g/ucMl agfitariB nahaH Sm'n la. i pai Nefero pol^HWfofP^'LS?^ fft&fidftFs did &P«iWii!^'|«angis!*MK jWatff pic ti#<* "wfampmitiky hpdlyjr^ fm»E;rr*vfnho^jU' Afitild k&f an^ Wi^Skl^'Nial“Mot»WfgT{(l anhi of Claudel BotW of tfie Wonieh* had bee^ inrjested on the Wdrdulbiis ciargb of »elhg accomplices to the atack and r.mutder. *’ AA.i.l JiUK * “■ A . 'GaWrftor" 'Scholtz' clearly expressed luftpself as much annoyed with the lynching' since thief cdurts could Hive been counted on to lynch the ' Negro legally-«'*There Ms nbsoutely no ex cuse" said Seholtz the friph law In' a Btate which deals ’ sb jlromjitt'y with criminals of this Character." 1 _f. L! X . I . .. 73* it I THE BIG DRIVE IS ON ‘.'ft ! it « , :;inr;4;; cJuULJi&fit dd.v.f f: » r; ‘ j FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH [ • Charles Darden1. Pastor ' : lj! Park 'Avedue and Hamer ' ' wf}uU- > -.i- -■! : . • i ■We* Are Pressing This Lettdr Oti/ To filelp Everybody To‘Get Itx Line For The BiglWKre. Yon And I Mtist fio ''Opt Part 1 ? aMtt ‘wW J >r< ' >'.rt i -qmofiT A -niff .ni hnw> \ Odam Bellow Padtor ah* PVleiids df Gbqd BeWdwshIjS<4I. ti'i!T -idi i»irt*o«T ■ A^airT'-art hhn-efeasbrfbf 'WiaiH&&{‘d%: 'thfei campaign Wf,«SH* 6n&yi''£<&^ ■Trtdifitchiest*id-nn. -'JHRs I I*-'-. kj uvii^Kca iiiuc^u witnoiu •}f; t«#dnirtd#MtKnfr^'-W!W% 'Ikpport1 Miji *>Hd» ni*.ri ,J‘ ™eral Retfdf^kyf'eaheH?' tlife |kAkite3)'ildeiht)in^a--«utrV^^'3fae? “o Jpce with over 1100 families out iiah; tiwet'«d,s^*ff^mMa teMre* ?or jtftdtrt-'B ■£** H/tl fti 9 ikIwwww r»ui CH5 r»OU : if§‘ infe^WaNS®1** M-)!f>j*J O jpttrd£ft »««■* hlgtt taw A j’^^rttKi Jit i **«* H*» J ma I j aiottniv e» bad •> H .rased H 'Hto ■ . r « • jiiraiM"" mM hum *.«*»:<{ irbfrA !-■ US I JPDHWHJB-r: »'> JH f**1**13* itL »avi9 -iinniie .‘■■-if* r‘th; ^Mhs-iW%}fH' ; Jolly‘bWH; 'ffllplFMmf rAj£ti#<%lH9* '£ft”^sdrftr£’e' ‘jroys,clubs namely: the Midgets; Dia m°n¥ anh a JPfylej themselves'^W W [/r Thp High Schoor tHub wilT have **r Heralh Editorial .9*8 >9 .«pak to them Monday.;, ••Hjwlffl* < .tT^hib, .ifl, dqtatWed i? .plannipg. er cittbr newspaper- • The* WlSi» r^Tf i ^vid m graplicaL,, sketches rref r-yfimaifa / Me reports. The first will be giv wavsll 1V4H 4&i’*lfn'to jHMWptlwie ip; ettt) v jfoiy/ChlpfcH ►gV®M:-bi4C sdt fa t2t Bir ddW*njf)*rwiy ofelgw® young terest ng thlrwpfe^.^aJtattsffttCtlfaifl agflfeti: d\fM Jdr>Jt£ej»i«fw*f eoviifl dt> i son*} ■ i*t«fei HttaruMj-sai d %md a*l®bM»..f ilttiflfe 'ftirtKl a^IinnW6itftgphifnabffl9id( witfBfc 93niF^ergghrirffau£) jflCnjmgutOi; ►hadwjr Fh& titoe^) hwrr mfovf «Uttb ati «J£A n eeti*g_ •mod no/lftTK{oo-j *>dt ■qirnfap. si a * 3 .to oi tasbxrts foods* dwxl rf-w •l/noiu assfla£» foods® 100 J 4Mbd toys fiadt tsflod b«j If aroWia^u— _f_K1 _LfftMT 1. J-MIM EDUCATE WES •h fo rtho past 14 aside for hte con 'ancement of oduca States has been an 'ice of Education jhe\ Interior. Commenting on the purpose and im I porfctnce, of the week United State*. (Tommiss ioner of Education L W. Stu ''debakor.^aid “schotlscjts^^Mjd teach f*if ach beiSruse Krents couiAedu catu* jiffifiopt Wcious gif^pwith wWfn trtt. cjh eri(low^t|MjgKfriildren. T Ail reeogniMprtesetniths. Yet •L1 JkJhcation 14 yeafc^ago sjton Tln annual week during which "WTtre-Rs teaSh^rs”aria^Tuiaren* wo’u]9 iwt: 4MJ4U i«siut>»oat)kNBi(%mhiiiM *rv rilr*j place in our lifo- ^THis celebration I is (toHtdrfiA&cgrsfatJ Bdutitiip«|4W< iEaabo tkw-c*w4tl .faKbpf-lw i«tuohBJ>.io4*>0 l*hsa ^»*«r»uitf ^“UaniMMtlM jdftraid'Mdfr Sptifraar^w •fcrjy schools to universiti#*’*Hr«*v*w*do' wm dfl»ciptdi*r»awiri i«bradp«ai attavttfet itiea't dfesw**-.Ry *vcb> il’j»o«fr*taltlttttt rtibtiahs «ftj»it*^»Haittoin#iiV«lub»serni *t* tvicp^abibaciiwtemdfiorganiaaAions a*i** •devoted to ibdoffliti ti»''t»‘Aca£*i:butto*^ •fii well asrits iprdbldnifl.'V aiul .»iM IX urge moreover . that association* visits t^.^ppl^ toiix Creative,^ ; nV{ . lT LookingJ^k 9m*W 'f«S takPj»Fl<%til)iS^f - r JWhjch our shared obligation has ho .< die^argod-t7, .$Ufw crossroad} ,qf pew paths , toward, ,thq , Apiq^eap ctrepojf Let JJ?.citizen*... 1# teachers a^ds pupfc»—consider during,, xl ^R^PWffWepk this, year, ,.,v what help we shall expect of edi#Uf tion „ln xnpidipg oujvNption U>« ? iraake of our American ideal*." ■ s? vToiniil «iiif*> ~ui jfoatf -till: «nV u « .;« jv qisIj i >i! i > vti * Mi (n uiw u/i NEGRO ANO, WRITE WORKERS BREAK UP FASCIST , MEETING, , ; dut-l *-• J U n V- W' THft lffVf TU i ST- LOUIS ,2^0, -1— (CNA-):-*rrEl8ts j flew chair*, Ivuililed Ahropgh the aUi . clothes wbj-b .rippod tor sfcxeds* whm»rf i-.« Faspfcjts. gad anti ,F**ciatsn engaged irtf a* uajh«f», on October, i26iu, ft at the; QerrnaJ* jRniJ6e*) • j [[,■„ •riaTia a'aU V, ' Wfoahers ngathere*hd: tot aotianbotVid •>i£T sLiintfi H'!Mrs. Eula Pearson N^gw»df‘Aodher* bf ‘five chilftrB»f'inrivAii- I ed $506naTha(eh8fi((h»R>'1tednisppaaiWdlI ^ flfrj spite of the fa^HthabEtherihoi®e -R Jamgstdoutbe tail ttfMthw'dTactetfrnthe ► ^(3-kers succeeded In breaking uW'the aUeh^o-wamf c4KM$r-.t was the cry shouted by’fcuftr ffWds-'JJif’cdoWtStasowi thar Na«te ‘*afc» A Belli] >ted to go through with thetV*^Rwdi >d l. '/Oh hiih itn*«» »« 1**J ftti Tint* pt. hurt ‘xfiot bun it m I ^vuil ;boot> mint to v.tuh mint biXtui* -«0 wiitffffiiiflfts xut?* and Irritate Bladcer « | 11 5?o3®gaaA" w w >• \ Hi! v >inO noli ' -nail he*(> i rAam •frm 1