The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 27, 1934, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    SOCIAL Q _ _• _ 4. _ _ CLUBS
I y ■ " * „ > ..
The Eureka Bridge dub m« Sat
urday. October 20. with Mr. and Mr.-.
Wilbur Penn, 3111 Pinkney. Five
changed of bridge were payed, after
Which a delightful supper was served.
The repast we« so thoroughly enjoyable
that no one refused the second service.
Visitors present were, Mitts Samuel-,
who is an applicant for membership
Samuels will furnish some snappy earu
petition for the ladies of the club, un
less it was just luck that she won first
prize for iadies. Mrs. Payton won the
booty prize for women; Mr. J. Phillips,
first prize for men and Mr. Wilson,
booby for men.
The New Young Matron’s Progressive
club wiis organized tjctober IS. «t the
home of Mrs. Jean Harris. Th« club
elef ed tin officers in the }>.lowing
sinner: prsident, J«an Harris; secre
tary, Pearl McCant-s; chairman of com
mittees. i hernia Faulkner.
A delicious luncheon was served and
a Jolly time was h-d by aii. Annie
Tapp, reporter.
We Modems, a newly organized Sew
ing c-lut, met «t tile home of
Booker Sims, 2621 Jlrskine. Plans for
a gay Hallowe’en party to be given by
the flub members, were -discussed at
the meeting. Three previous meetings
were heldi at the homes of Mrs. Maude
Brook% Mrs. Ida Brywnt and Mrs.
Mildred Bryant.
Officers of the club are; Mrs. Mildred
Bryant, president; Mrs. Sadie Eul
wood, vice president; Mrs. Alice Moore,
secretary; Mrs. Lucille Irving, assistant
sj ret; t y; MYs. MUudo Brooks, treas
urer and Mrs. Ida Bryant, reporter.
The Cosmetology club met t the home
of Mrs. Lillian Jesse Cunnyningham,
of Missouri Ya-ley, Iowa, Sunday, Oct
ober 14. The meeting w«s the l>est of
the season. The dub was served dinner
by the hostess, after which tne/ c”
gaged in social activities. A very en
joyable time was had by all. Eau M«e
Smith, reporter.
The U •;)!).. Hour Bridge club met
at the home a.’ Mg', anil Mrs. Robert
Ba ,ks. Thursday, October 18.
held. After the meeting was adjourn
ed. four changes of bridge was played.
The prizes vve.e won by Mr. MeCut
cbeo i and Mrs. Stamps. Everyone
spent an enjoyable evening. Mrs. Viola
Mci i 1. president; Mrs. Julia Wilson,
Tiic .» >lly P.: id';ette» met at the home
of lxnotliy j> ry, October 8, for their
first, regal r mee. ing. The hostess
served .. » Ugh.iul luncheon, after
Which the afternoon was spent in play
ing bridge. Mary Calloway won first
j«izf, Mary Calloway, president* K.
Manley, reporter.
Hello Felks! The Trejans had a
remarkable initiation Service Tuesday
evening, Oct- 23, there were 26 girls
present. The service started with
“Carrying The Candidates Through
The Wet Wash,” giving them the
-•“Love Feast,” and branding them on
Hie hand with the Royal “T”. After
these proeeeduretf, the worship part
©f the service began
“Gracious Spent Dwell With Me”
waa sung at the opening by **11. The
president, Mrs. Pollard, told the can
didates the object of the club which
if “To iryalntain the standard of
ideal womanhood by being tru*twor
thy, reliable and focia-ble
After this, there were a few wtrds
from the membership chairman, Ola
MeCrandy and from the prgram chair
man, Ella iM31s, following which we
al meditated to God
The candidates then repeated “A
Girl’s Belief” after the president,
Dorothy Pollard. When the candi
dates afOQepted tkje challenge^ they
joined the older Trojans with lighted
candled and sang the Club Song.
.he service ended but the thought
still remained- After "fce service,
everyone joined in a big feast.
Dorothy Pollard, President
Roberta Pharr, Reporter
A number otf Catholic Ladies; met
at the residence of Mrs- Mamie Long,
2639 BiTmey, Monday Evening, and
organized The Catholic Ladies Chari
ty Circle.
The fallowing officers were duly
elected, Mrs. Mabel Fields, President,
Mrs- Mary Scott, Vice President, Mrs.
Mamie Long, Treasurer, rs. R. Meto
yer, Secretary, Mrs.. Grace Morse, As
sistant Secretary, Mrs* Maggie Owens
Chaplain, and Mrs. Mary Dave, Chair
man Activities Committee
Thenext meeting will be held at the
residence of Mrs. R. Metoyer, 2220 N
25th St.., Monday Evening, November
5th, 1934, at Eight o’clock
The Pick Up Club met Tuesday
evening at the home of M!rs. Bonner,
2217 Grant St. The hostess served
a lovely repast- The. members enjoy
ed it very much and hop© to meet
at Mrs Bonner’s again- The Club
will have it% Hallowe’en party on Hal
lowe’en night at the home of Mrs
Johnson. All members and friends
are invited
Mrs. May McIntosh, President
Mu,*. Bessie King, Reporter
The Mitzi Club has .started a series
of partie) 1, honoring the husbands of
the members. The first was held on
Monday night, October 15th, at the
home of Mrs. Ru^ell Reese, who was
hoste.'-s to a very pretty Hallowe’en
Parry. The evening was spent play
ing various gamtb and ended with a
ta^y pull-.
The Adist In Vidia Club ib| a newly
organized, bi-monthly social club, con
listing of a group of young misses
and matrons of Omaha
Mrs;. Daisy Gaiter was hostess to
the club -Thuit*day, October 18, serv
ing a lovely repast, followed by whist.
Prizes*-were awarded the following
members: Mrs. Gretchen Cash-Smith,
first prize; Miss Mary Gates, second
prize and iMss Gladys Sceidy, booby
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Mary Gates, 2210 N
22nd St
M*j Anna Lovely, President
|M»». Daisy Gaiter, Secretary
Miss Fannie Freeman, Treas.
Never before iiaHistcry has the marvelous
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Mr. Johnson’sBriliiactineHairGrower Is truly
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An Iron Clad Guarantee shall stand in bark of
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BY Dr. A- G. Bearer
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Text: Then there' »ro«e certain of
the synagogue, which is called the
synagogue of the Libertine", and Cy
renia.^-, and Alexandrianrk and of them
of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with
Stephens.—Acta 6:9.
libertinism Is defined a« surrender
| to unrftjtrained indulgence to carnal
1 appetite. It b almost exclusively
associated with Inst or sexual ex
cess- Thb degree of indulgence leads
i to declaration of places and things
' which were indicated to serve noble
1 purposes
j 1. THE MIND- Excessive indul
; genre of the pawsion* will weaken the
| mind, cau « softening of the brain
! and general mental debilities- Giving
I way in this respect the mind of the
! libertine is polluted and made a “«y
i nagogue of ahe”—and good
I is crowded out
human heart belongs to its Creator
Ho is entitled to it* homage and de
votion- He is it* righaful sovereign.
■Tt should be dedicated to Him. On its
altar should burn incense to Him- But
in thousand^ of instances the heart
i* surrendered to libidinoife domin
ance and is made a terr^ple of the
3. THE BODY.MiSO The body
is the temple of the Holy Ghofcfc, ac
cording to the apostle Paul. It is
relater to the mind ,and the heart,
that its pollution affect^ them and
vice versa- When the body is surrend
ered and degraded by the tyranny of
the libertine.
Libertinfc|m affects many- of others
than the one immediately responsible,
’t is responsible for venereal diseases
j and their destructive hereditary ef
fect’s- Some of its progeny are, sed
, action, illegitmancy, fornication, adul
tery, wreck of homes and wreck of
character. Became of fan-reach
ing ramifications, libertines is. a dang
j erou», depjOTable, dSl jistarous, social
Mrs- Russell E. Reeve was the re
cipient of a surprise shower Tuesday
night, October 16, given by the ladies
of the Ever Ready Club and Auxiliary
of the St- Johnte A. M - E Church, of
which Mrs.. Reese is a member
The Tuesday Night Bridge Club
, met at the home of Mrs. T. James,
2851 Wirt- After the usual business
meeting, during which two new mem
ber** were admitted, the evening was
devoted to bride. Asi usual, Mrs- T
James walked off with another prize
A lovely luncheon was served, and
every one enjoyed the evening
The Lndieta’ Friendship club met to
'day at the home of Mrs. Catherine
Woods, 2731 Blondo St. The usual
business meeting was carried on, after
which whlit was played, Mrs,, Sturde
j vant winning first prize and Mrs.
Stringer, booby.
We are pushing for our dance, which
will take place Oct- 27 at the Elk’s
Hall. Everybody welcome.
1 £da Fountaine, paresident; Minnie
Burns, reporter
I _
The Modern Priscilla club met at the
home of Mils- Gladys Clayter, 2214
Lake St., Ia6t Tuesday night. There
was quitewa number at this meeting.
Our Hallowe'en party will be Tues
day, Oct. 30, at 2214 Lake St- There
will be lots of fun for all and prizes
will be given away for the most comi
cal person. The public ite invited.
Mrs. Vera Graham, president; Mrs.
Gladys Clayter, reporter.
Mr- and Mrs. Albert Mitchell left
for their home, La-Junta, California,
Tuesday- They were, here attending
the funeral of their nephew, Ames
BY Dr- A. G- Bearer
| (For The Literary Service Bureau)
/TEXT: Thou shalt not committ adul
tery—Exodus 20:14.
1- DEFINITION- The married
person who cohabits with an outsider
commits adultery. In this it differs
j from the unlawful cohabitation of
| unmarried persona, which sin is, called
fornication but in nature and respon
! siblity, influence, culpability and it
| cinsequences, there is no difference
between forncation and adultery.
! tion of married relationship, corrup
I tion of a married partner or seduction
of an unmarried one, wrecking per
| manent injury of children, encourag
: ing prostitution with its damnable
conisequences and degradation of moral
standards, all by products of adultery.
And thetse make it an awful social sin.
fornication, adultery and concubinage
are openly practiced without evoking
condemnaton. Many openly, boldly
and defiantly advocate sex promisou
ousness and the junking of conventions
and safeguards. But these practices
are wrecking sociefly, and they anger
the destructon of our civilization
Orphan G*rl 16—Man 28 Wants T®
Marry Her—Says Ha'll Be Kind And
She Will Soon Leant To Lore Him—
Because of Circumstance* Girl Is
Advised To Marry Since She Cannot
Go To School
(For advice write to Maxit Miller,
car* of Literary Service Bureau, 516
Minnesota Avenue, Kart-as City, Ka.
For personal reply send self addressed
stamped envelope.)
M&xie Miller:—Z am an orphan girl
sixteen- I’d like to go to school but1
have no means- I’m living1 with my
aunt and she can’t send me to school
A man that is older than me wants
to marry me- He say* he knows I’m
too young to know what love >» but
he’ll bo kind to me and wn my love.
He is twenty-eight and has a good
job- I like Mm and think I could do
my part, but il guess he’bt right and I
don’t know much about love. Do you
think i ought to marry this man?
—Daisy Dean
Daisy Dean:—Thjf man hake* a
very sensible view and I am impressed
with his fine common «ense Because
of your circumstance^ and the strong
probabilifiy that you will love him. it
:ieems advisable that you take the
man who loves you and whose views
are so sensible. £ think there is a
chance for happiness—Maxie Miller
Single Woman Wants Baby But No
Husband—The Superlative In Bo
hemianism—Better Junk Such Fool
ishness and Follow Way of Safety.
MAXIE MILLER: These days much
is being said and written about un
married mothers. Some time go I read
whare a woman t*ld how she wanted j
a baby and did not want a husband.
She selected the father for her baby,
had sex relations with him, then dis
missed him ag soon as she knew she
was to have a baby, and never had
any more to do with him.
Now, I call this a “newdeal” for the
woman who wants to be a mother and
detes not want to be bothered with a
pestiferous husbnd. This thang appeals
to me. I am tempted to show my free
dom by doing what this woman did.
I do want a baby, and I don't want a
husband. What do y©u say? A Bo
A Bohemian: Toil have chosen a
good name if you mean what your
letter says. To do what you are
threatening to do will stamp you as
superlative in Bohemanism. More, it
would stamp you as just one of the
“57 Varieties” of fools. True, this is
an age of moral decadence; true, the
people of this generation have gone
fr from sanity and safety in things
of sex; but it will be a long time yet,
before the things you discuss will re
ceive general approval.
If you want the comfort of mother
hood then follow the Divine plan and 1
marry. If yu ‘‘dem’t. want to be bother-1
ed with a husband’’ you are not en
titled to have a child. Better dismiss
your foolish Bohemian notions and fol
low the way of sanity and safety.—
Aluxie Aliller.
. The Junior Auxiliary held its regu
lar meeting Tuesday, October 23, at
the home of Helen Bradley, 2865
Corby. Thdy had a wonderful meet-!
ing and took in three new member!?.
The Auxiliary is progressing won
derfully and is planning on a big
Hallowe’en Party, after which they
will sette down to business
Aline Gray, Pres
Frances Abbott, Sec.
Helen Bradley, Rep
Girl Reserve News
The following volunteer Girl Reserve
became recognized Girl Reserves Fri
day, Oct. 19, 1934 at a formal Recogni
tion Service: Hazel Jackson, Mildred
Dorsey, Lorrine Irving, Margaret Brown
| Mary Green, Mary Ellen Britt, Naomi
Back, Mary Morgn, Glenormala Cook,
Bernice Alls, Versie Mae Vaughn, Thel
m Walker and Anna Mae Mooney.
N'tionl V. W. C. A. President In Omaha
Mrs. Harrie R Chamberlain will be
the guest of the Omaha oung Women’s
Cliris.tian Assecition |\Vednesdy even
ing, YOet. 31. Mrs. Chamberlain will
speak at a dinner at which interested
friends re invited. Reservtions may be
made by phoning th North Side Y. W.
C. A. Mrs. Chmbedlain comes from
Toledo, Ohio, and is on a tour visiting
branches of the Ntion&l Y. W. C. A.
The Sunday “Y” Forum Postponed
..Due to the coming of A Phillip Raii
i dolpli to the city on Sunday afternoon,
1 October 28( the forum at the Nrth Side
I “Y” will not be held until tire follow
ing Sunday at the same time. The
i speaker at that time wil be eRv. M.
for the Negro in the New Deal Pro
I L. Rhone who will discuss ‘‘Tlie Pice
In the matter o fthe estate of Hou
ston Murdock, deceased.
..Notice is hereby given: That the
creditors of said deceased will meet the
administrator of said estte. before me,
County Judge County, Nebraska, in
County Court Room, in said County,
on the 10th day of December 1934 and
on the 11th day of February 1935, at
9 b’clock A. M., ech day, for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for ex
amination, adjustment nd ajlowence.
Three months are allowed for the cred
itors to present their claims, from the
10th day of November 1934.
Bryce Crawford
County Judge
Beg: 10-27 34 End: 11 10 34
BY Vldetta Lsh
(For The Literary Service Bureau)
Parents Used to exercise great care
in regard to god-parent*, people who
Hltood for the children” when they
were baptized. These sponsors were
required to take the same, obligations
taken by the parents, because they
were expected to meet the require
ments thereof, incase of death of the
The obligation* assumed were “to
teach him the nature and end of this
covenant; to teach him the Lordh>
Prayer, the Ten Commandment#, the
ApostlaH’ Creed, and such other thing*
as he should kaew, for his soul's
Realising that a person could aot
teach what he did not know and could
not train in what he did n»t prac
tice, parents of the other days would
not accept an god-parents any who
were not Christians. But now, think
of persons of means and influence;
those who can render material assis
tance; and often non-Christians and
even people of questionable character
are selected- But this is. a serious
departure from the original prinicplp
and purpose in such cases Better
go back to the old way.
“To open an avenue of escape for
white families from competition with
Negro labor,” stated the News Couri
er of this city recently in denouncing
the aid given the recent textile strike,
by Socialists such as Norman Thom,
as, “and the Negro standard of liv-,
ing was a commanding if not formu
lated motive in the building ai the
Southern mills. Be it righteous or
not, white southerners will not ac
sept socialism cr any other ’ism that*
includes the ‘crossing of racial lines.
They cannot imagine a ‘decent world’
in which racial sieparation shall be
colm Dodfon, national director of the
Omego P“si Phi Fraternity’s Negro
Achievement Project announces the
extension of the closing date of the
annual essay contest to November 3,;
1934- In 'selecting the subjects for the
current contest the fraternity took j
recognition of the signal achievements
of Negrods in the field of medicine.
The subjects being: “The Negro Phy
skian In America Today,” for the
college group; while the high school
group is wwriting on “Negroes In Th
Medical Profession In My Communi
ty.” Essays must reach the director
by midnight of November 3.
MEMPHIS, Tenn—(ANP)—Sheriff
W. C- Haynes of Lake county has been
exonerated in connection with the fat-I
al shooting of a colored prisoner in
July. The man slain was being brou
ght from Tipton and was handicuffed
but sheriff said that the handauffed
prisoner made such a strong effort
to take hll gun away from him, he
had to kill him- Others say the man
simply “sassed” the Sheriff.
Flush Kidneys of Waste Matter,
Poisons and Aeid and Stop
Getting l!p Nights
When your kidneys are clogged and
your bladder is irritated and passoge
scant and often smarts and burns you
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a fine harmless stimulant and > diuretic
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one good, safe way tp put healthy ac
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be sure and get GOLD MEDAL—right
from Haarlem in Holland—you are
assured of results.
Other symptoms of weak kidney and
irrated bladder are backache, puffy
eyes, leg cramp, moist palm, burning
or scanty passage.
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Black and White Hair
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watch the results. See how quick- Drew jwm hut in
If • • ‘ how amazingly it turns ,nd white Heir
short, stringy, scanty hair to A«b«r 25c.
long, silken, thick hair. **
That’sbecause Black and White bof *£££.*'JSS,* buS
Hair Grower is scientific . . *nd White Glessine.
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containing secret ingredients that
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Tune in MLomhardo-Land’* Featuring Guy LomSardo’a
Orchestra Every Wednesday Night, NBC Network
NEW YORK CITY The Committee
on Housing of the Women's City Club
had as their luncheon guest on Thurs
day, Oct- 18, Miss A. M- Samuels
who is a member of the group Eng
lish housing experts who have been
touring the United States under the
auspices of the National Association
of Public Housing Officials. She talk
ed of management problems in public
housing. Fortly women were invited
to hear her, among whom were Mrs.
Josepr M. Proskauer, wife of Judge
Proskauer, Miss Helen Hanning. Mrs.
Louise I. Dublin, Mrs. Herbert Mittler
and Mrs- Clara Burrill Bruce. Ass®t
ant Resident Manager of Paul Lau
rence Dunbar Apartments tine., Mrs
Bruce was the only member of the
community of color present.
In discussing management problems
in public housing, Miss Samuels stres
ed the point that houing management
i'f a genuine profession in which wo
men may go far- She was asked if
there were any women n these Unted
States who are making a profession
of housing management. Hex reply
was that fejhe knew two n Phldelphia
and one in the Mliddle West, but none
in New York City- Miss Gladys La
Forta, chairman of the Committee on
Housing replied, “We have here in
this group a woman who has made
housing administration her profession,
in the person of Mrs. Bruce of the
Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments
Inc-, a remarkable successful hous
ing project founded by John D. Rocke
feller, Jr. in Harlem.”
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Swiftest and Best
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Just ask for Allenru—Within 24
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In 48 hours pain, agony and swell
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Mr- and Mrs. Lovejoy Crawford en
• tertaine<i on (Sunday afternoon far
members of “The Sedate Social Club
and proved themselves very pleasing
host. Mr.!* Elaine McGee wan install
ed as President, Mrs- aMrtha Craw
ford, ecretary, and M«r. Aline Ruck
er, treasurer.
Members present were M- and Mr»
Alfem Geary, Mr., and Mtfa. Z.. B
McGee, Jr-, Mr and Mrs Sylvester
Waites, Mr- and rs. Robert Rueker
Mr and r»- Arthur McCaw and Mr.,
and Mrs*. Lovejdy Crawford.
Plans were laid for a club party to
be given on Hallowe’en night at the
home of the McGees
Tre Borekn. Bridge ciub washes to
thank the public in general for their
cooperation in helping to make out
bridge contest a grand success at St.
Benedict's hall, Thursday, October 12.
We will gladly show our appreciation
by returning the compliment".
Now Located^
lie. 2770 !
Beauty Starts
With A
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Melba Cleansing Cream
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night and morning is the
indispensable first rule for
a skin of alluring satin
So gentle, it seems to carers 'S
the skin—it is so light it cannot
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You will also want the new
Melba Cold Cream — 25c
Cleansing Cream
If your dealer cannot supply you,
send us bis name
smooth beauty,
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PARFUMERIE MELBA • 580 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.